HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-22, Page 1WINGHAM 31 1PA1.1. PAIR Tuesday and Wednesday, September 27th and 28th. Single Copies - Four Cents BLUEVALE SCHOOL FAIR Tuesday afternoon the weather being favoUrable a splendid crowd turned out to the School Fair. Four schools, No 10, No. B, No. 4 and No. 9 took part in the t proceedings. first prize in the ,No. 10, Morris took "Parade, The District Representative S not being present Roy Turvey, Dr. Field, G. Cockburn of Guelph 0. A� C., W. Turnbull and T. R, Bennett acted as judges, A splendid supper was served.in the Methodist church and a good concert in the basement, of the Presbyterian church, Particulars will be published in next issue of, TnE ADVANCEL ­dl� - - I - Pretty Wedding in Teeswater A pretty marriage took place on Mon- day morning in St Anne's Church, Tees, water, when Agnes Marie, daughter of Albert Dietrich of Greenock, and the late Mrs. Dietrich(nee O'Hagan) became the bride of Peter A. Lambertus. Phm. B., of Walkerton. The bride looked well in wreath and veil and white satin gown with worked bodice of seed pearls, and carried a sheaf of full -bloom white roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid was Miss Millecent Lambertus, sister of the groom. The groom was attended by Mr. J. A. Dietrich, brother of the bride. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Father George Lambertus, brother of the groom, solemn 6 High Mass was sung, Rev. Father Lambertus being celebrant, Rev. Father Flahaven, deacon, and Rev. Father Maloney of Walkerton, sub, -deacon. After the signing of the register the wedding �arty motored to the hoi�e of the bride) where breakfast was senved to about fifty guests, relatives of the bride and groom. In the afternoon the: couple left for Toronto and through the Thousand Islands to Montreal. On their return Irom the honeymoon Mr. and Mrs, Lambertus will reside in Walk- erton Th� bride is a sister of Mrs. L, S, Ben. inger of Wingham, EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Register, colnX41eto; Ne6tiorial Cash FOR S&L`—Ca`b Carrier Sy'"In' 5 stations Ila 'Total A der good condition; I solid oai, Case, glass'doors, 16 feet . a barg"CIb. MD. HANNA 8, ne new erry a aohine and 15 rolls Of nal ad aPO ne opened up. lbesol forsI6.00. fw in Ines sent in I - a an rather t Ml rc U 11 11 gelibelow Cost- 0 VIE ADVANCE 'LL-Will,�."i.,op a, air IgILDM&Y CIDER I ida, i ation every Tuesday and Fr Apple Butter will be made. HERGOTT BROS- S,1.TAp-4W.00 cash buys a Gray Dort Ant m;blle in excellent condition- Strap' f, changing it Into cash, Inquireat. TnE ADVANCE- ILUCTION SALE -A clearing auction sa ,of the household Offeets. tools, etc., Ion �g`t­o of U�JC cnaunj�:H Armstrong of Loudon, la willbehold atthe Town Ha W ly October Ist at 1,30 Ingham, on saturdi Auctioneer m. T. R. AENNETT, IVITTING J!QNE;Zfirst class work, lea ' Orders at Miss GRAHAWS Grocery star E-Chevrolot 920 Model Afirst �lass shape, Will sell for $500. New tires in front, and Acre Cushion on rea Terms can be arranged `BILLIE BILIRKE pl,�;NOGRA.R11FO S &LE -Starr Cabin new, cost $16o will Bell for $00 and thro In 25 records, Part cash. BILLIE BURKE STRA,yBID-Information about4 of 86 brown houndowtTit'h1he breast will be thankfully received by J. F, NfCOALLUm. Belgra NUCTION S≤-Horse3, Buggies, Eft9in and -Cars at the t3kating Rink, Teeswat Saturday. September 21tb, at 2 -SO 0-010 sharp. 10 good horses, both heav 11 and 6 ranteed used ­" ' ---- - - raf.ut'490; & good lsj'gles, 2 with rubber tir 2 gasoline engines, & 9 horse Power, one ter'Zunted, one Brantford on skids; 0 Toronto 8 inch erinder etc. Absolutely reservation. EvOrytbin ,4 must go qs the d ers cannot carry the Btu over, j. H. BRoNv,, and Ttric ON 1IR Auctioneer Chevrolet ad Pord. I S R&YE -Came.to the premises the undersigae lot a 2, Kinlo'34, ,;8c A 15th. w it I , owner a 0 a,o,u,t ugeub'y pr n pro or and pay 41 for t s a vertisement. RAI It HENRY. ..... . ..... I ..... . ....... . — A quantity of mixed honcY FOR13'sconLY' per lb. JAS. H, VASENtol"El Wjilgham. WANTED -At Once competent Stenogr or, must be good at dictation. Appl WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., LT F ARNIS FOR S11IN -A number at snuq bovqes with ten to VLOWX acres 0 adjacent to the town of Wingham, except al homes for retired fariners. Also a nu of larger farms. F. McCOXNrLT Wingham. WAXTED-At once Girls and Women hand and rnaohinO HOW1119, HANOVER COTTON AND WOOT'VX MILLS HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.-Bgfth� auction on Saturday, SO 2 o'clock. This Is the house whicit, was p burned on Scott St,, this season, ALEX VAwATATYXIF," Prop MoCoxx=,t, AuW%ne WANTED Exgpolcnlotr'aF'lNhocurl'S'ODWOTGkl.rt'A'PPIY at- Tur ADvANc WARNING- Ill the part& who stol Chinese la terns from t e parsons, Whitachur011 rc rn game and save f trouble. Trin TntisTENS. Fol— tS&LE-0*11061101106ir and 11111TOr vRockera upholstered In leather, It talsle good com stoVe, sercon And several arti�jcci. Cheap f 1116k, Sale. ptivat( roorug in MeDons,1911100ki 11108 ­-­iiT AUCE41; 1:4 JUNRVSF,Itv otock,lm emenisandlious6holdle, Lot $Vestwawanogh, On At Tons Punvis, Anotlot JOUN RADVORM Prop 7------- ­­ ­ I Extra List of Specials. Acconio6ation for All z,ou per year WINGHAM, ONT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1921 Subscriptions: Motor�ng To Winnipea LOCAL ITEMS u�;3 3��r 3 0 M M7W BRUSSELS FALL FAIR Monday PERSONAIS S. Copeland left on VEGETABLES morning in his motor car on a business Taniac, the remarkable remedy that Mrs. Dinsley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Onions from seed, red Mrs. J. D. War. triptoWinnipeg. He will work the towns everybody is talking about, is sold by J. Nichol, London. J. 1,, 1 - 'on the road in the interest of - Gunns W. McKibbon. 1, ,,Big FREE, Deal Mr. and Mrs, R, E, Jackson motored 'wick; onions from seed, yellow, Secure your seats early for the Fall o London last. week, Knight & Sons, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; Sonola and Fry & Blackball Limited, Fair Concert. The plan opens at Me - Misses Delight and Allie Cloakey spent Onions from Dutch sets, J. M, Knight & Before leaving he had his car equipped Kibbon's, Thursday, at 0 a. in. Sons; Dutch Sets, John Bolger, J. M. Nvith Aero Cushion Inner Tires, Ermine on Jo-nteel unday with friends In London. Knight & Sons; potato onions, Knox is a booster for Wingham industries. Farmers and others -For highest prices Mr. W. A. Johns is spending his hold- Bros,, Tommy Miller; corn, yellow Can- bring us your live poultry. Farmer's ays with relatives in Montreal. ada, Everett Hoover, corn, yellow, dent Dates Of Fall Fairs Co-operative Co. Ltd., Wingham. Miss Estella Elliott and Mr. Cowan 0. Turnbull & Sons, J. M. Knight & Wingham . I ........ I ......... Sept. 27-28 No half ',oliday on Wednesday next "YOU BUY" iisited friends in Toronto last week. Sons; fcolder corn, W. J. Roberts, J. M. Bayfield.... .... Sept. 27-28 week, owing to the fair being held on that Miss Vera Fairfield of Wallaceburg, is Knight & Sons; table corn, Everett Blyth ....................... Sept. 22-23 date, Stores and places of business will Jonteel Rouge ..................................... -50 visiting her uncle. Mr. W. D. Pringle. Hoover, 0. Turnbull & Sons; collection Of Dungannon ................... I Oct. 6-7 be open all week. J()Ilteel Face Powder ........................ .75 Miss Shirley Donaldson is visiting her corn J. Burgess, D.'Davidson; winter Gorrie ......................... October I � at Bayfield. cabbage, W. Armstrong, Dan McKinnon; Lucknow .................... Sept. 29-30 Get rid of that nervous, fretful feeling, 1.25 grandparents at Goderich and heads cauliflower, Mrs, W. Alderson, W. Mitchell ..................... Sept, 20-21 Brace up, Take Tanlac and you will look "WE GIVE" Mr. and Mrs. Ab. $mall and children Armstrong; pumpkin, yellow field, Jaek Ripley ...................... Sept. 27-28 everybody in the face with a smile. Sold of Preston, are visiting with relatives in Oliver, Mae Ferguson; pumpkin, Main- Seaforth ........ I ......... — Oct. 22-23 at J. W. McKibbon's. A 60c iar ()f Jonteel. Col-ribination CreaM 171113H. town. moth, Cloyne Thuell, Mac Ferguson; Zurich ................... I .... Sept. 21-22 Mr. Robert Beattie has purchased the Messrs. W. J, Gallaher and Chester squash� 0. Turnbull, Tommy Miller; tom- Fire In I Howick house formerly owned by by Mr. A. ffy Higgins returaed home from the West on atoes, large, A. Lamont, J, Burgess; plum Musgrove from Mr. Beninger. Mr. $1.85 Value f or $1.25 Saturday. or cherry tomatoes, F. M. Samis, J, On Thursday morning, John Schaefer's Colegate has purchased Mr. C, P. Smith's mont, barn about three miles south of Ford- residence on Patrick St. Can you afford to miss this opportunity of laying in a stock of these Mr. William Murch and daughter, Miss Burgess; butter beans, black, A. La wich, was completely destroyed by fire. high grade Toilet Accessories? Florence of Preston, are renewing ac- Cloyne Thuell� white beans large, Mrs�' tied about 5.30 Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Congram, Wing- quaintances in town. W. Alderson, H. Spier; butter beans, -any Mr, Schaefer was awake ham, Ont., announce the engagement of N, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Adams of Tor- other variety, J. G. Spier, Tommy Miller; by the fire. After he had given the alarm bite beans, small, Grace Stewart, P. over the phone he hurried out and found their only daughter, Ida M., to Roy D. onto, are visiting with the latter's parents, w cave in, Most Risebrough of Newtonbroolt, the marriage J. Walton McKibbo:r Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker. Stewart; any other variety of beans, Mrs. the roof almost ready to at to take place September 21st. - Warwick, Mrs. D. Robb; citrons, of the stock were in the fields and all th Drugs and,' Stationery Mr. W. A. Mansfield of Detroit, is vis- J. D. 'pointed D. round striped, Mrs. J. Grant, J. S. Arm- were in the barn were rescued, except a W. T. Miller has been ap ointed D Edison Phonographs itin his sister, Mrs. Burwash, John St., s overlooked D. G. lvf. for the Loyal -True Blue As - .9 strong; water melons, Leslie Thuell; three -weeks -old calf that wa mirl 11 who is at present very poorly. muskmelons, 0. Turnbull, Mrs. J. D. in the excitement until it was too late- sociation for North Huron and West 5033m- t assist in Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elliott motored over Warwick; cucumbers Jas, Moses, Mrs. Two heavy farm wagons that were stand- Bruce and will be pleased to from Detroit and are visiting with Mrs, J. Grant; sunflower, F. M Samis, J. Bur- ing on the barn floor were destroyed. organizing and instructing lodges in the I The Select Ladies Ready -to -Wear are Creophos--An unequalled tonic and Elliott's mother, Mrs. Carson. 'gess; collection of garden produce, Mrs. Mr. Schaefer had just lately done his work. opening up a store in Lucknow. cough cu -e the best remedy for bronchitis "Oh what a tangled web we weave when and stubborn coughs. At Mitchell's Mr. and Mrs. Ross'Davis are spending F. Nicholl, L. Thuell. fall threshing, The whole year's crop of st we practice to deceive!" See Free -A Safety Razor free with every Corner Drug Store. a part of their honeymoon at the home judges, F. S. Scott and R. W. Living- grain and hay and about ien ton of last fir the f Rexall Shaving Cream at'McKib- of Mrs. Davis'father, Mr. A. J. Nicholl's. stone. years' hay were destroyed. The morning strange tricks that fate played on William tube o Special services will be held in the Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saint of Wallace- DAIRY PRODUCTS air wasvery misty sothat few could see, Faversham in 'The Man who Lost Him- bon's Drug Store. Methodist church on Sunday next, Sept. burg, attended the funeral of Mrs. Saint's Tub butter, home made, Win. McInnis; consequently few appeared at the fire to self' at the Lyceum Theatre, Thurs., Fri. Men's HeaStight overalls outwear twO'25th. The morning subject "The Church aunt, Mrs. Jas. Henderson in Kinloss table butter, Dan McKinnon, W. Mc- help, Those who did were able to save and Saturday this week, A TIULY ordinary pair. For sale by H. E. Isard &'in Training". In the afternoon a rally last week. Innis, P. Stewart; 10 lbs, butter, Dan the fine brick residence. It is reported GR.E!�,T PICTURE. Co. of all the Sunday School forces is being Mrs. Alexander has returned to her McKinnon, W. McInnis, Mrs. W. Alder- that the insurance was light, so that Mr, Mr. Anthony Meahan, of Wroxeter, Hanna & Co. Ltd. will sell you your planned, a splendid programme has been home in Calgary after visiting with her son, Schaefer is a very heavy loser. had the misfortune to lose part of the groceries for less and deliver t4em to your, prepared. In the evening the paostor wII[ five,,preach a special sermon to the young parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. -M, VanNor- Judge, W. G. Neal. The cause of the fire is unknown. Some index finger of his left hand by having', It boor. See this week's add on page man, Diagonal Road. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES surmise that it is the work of tramps. caught in the pulley of a block and tackle nd French Castile Soap the people, subject, ,Climbing the Height". Crochet quilt, Mrs. J. D, Warwick; when he was assisting Wm. Deramerling Shill Bra Two years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Cragg, took Miss Annie Currie, daughter of Reeve McMichael-%rnes NuptialsIA to move his threshing outfit. We are kind you bought before the war, 50c per . over the Rockies and climb - W. J. and Mrs. Currie, East 19awanosh, knitted quilt, H. Gilmour, I & 2; patch 2 lb. bar at Mitchell's Corner Drug Store. a motor trip has gone to Guelph where she will take work quilt, H. Gilmour; fancy quilt, Mrs. r5,St. Peters' Roman C c Church, glad tohear'heis getting along nicely. ied 'Alount Rainies America's famous A. Yuill, M. Livingstone; knotted and Parry Sound, was the scene of a very Tanlacisa splendid tonic and system It is fully expected that Rev. A - C.' National Park. The scene up this moun- a course in Macdonald Hall. tufted quilt, Win. Armstrong, Mrs. J. D. pretty but quiet wedding oti-W-Unecdai, urifier, now selling at the rate of almost Riley, B. A., B. Th., will preach next Sun- tain side is said to be one of the most uel Elliott and sons, Earle and ies; September 14th, at 9 o'clock, when Rev. P t Warwick; counterpane, Annie Menz Ten Million bottles a year. J. W. Me- day evening in the Baptist Church of spectacular in the world, while the road is Mr. Sam Clifford, also Mr. Cooper and Mr. Lin- hooked mat, W. McInnis, Mrs. D. Robb; Father Cone, united in marriage, Ursula Kibbon. which he was formerly pastoro one of the most wonderful in any engineer dorse of Hamilton motored up and spent woollen mitts, Mrs. W. Alderson, Annie Tereasa, only daughter of Mrs. Mary it was this climb that sug- The Ladies Guild of St. pauls Church regular monthly meeting of the ing skill, and h opic for the evening sermop., annual Harvest I - gested the t the week -end at Chas. Elliott's. Menzies; man's woeking pants, Mrs. A. Byrnes, and Robert McMichael, former y will again hold their Wingbam branch of the Women's -Insti I$ 0 Mrs. Porteous and Mrs. Skinner of Ifuill; man's working shirt, Mrs. W. H� Sergt. Major of the 50th Battalion, son of_ S pper in the basement of tute will be held in the council chamber on Climbing the HeighL Stratford and Mrs-,Ricbardson of Inger- pair of Mr. and Mrs. Will. McMichael, Bluevale, Thanksgiving u el Anderson, M. Livingston; man's the Church on Monday evening, Octob r ay afternoon Sept. 29th. Thursd soll spent a couple of days last week with socks, wool,fine, Annie Menzies, mail's Ont, The bride who was given away by to 8 0 irwin-Gibsion Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rae, Frances St. pair of socks, coarse, Mrs. G. Muldoon, her uncle, Mr. Julius Leronx, looked love- 3rd. Tea will be served from 6 Th, laichelon announce the opening lock, A good program in the Mills e e' 0' The Methodist Parsonage, Nile, wat'. Messrs. E Churchill and Roy Ct uik - A. L. McDonald; maple syrup, Leslie ly in a wedding gown of white satin, veil- c Tickets th dancing season with their Autumn the scene of an interesting wedding on shank, and the Misses N. and Kate Thuell, E. R. Knight; grape wine, Mrs. ed with panels of Georgette, Her veil of Memorial, Hall after the supper. Dano�e to be held in the Mills' .. Lemorial 0- ged with a wreath 50 cents. Everybody welcome. Hall on Fall Fair night, Sept. 28th. Wednesday, September Ith, when the 7 Crulkshank of Wingham, were guests of W. H. Anderson, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; bridal tulle was arran Two men, physical doubles, one broke'. Rev. Mr. Royle, united in marriage, In& Mr. and Mrs, Jamis Moorehead at Lis, rhubarb wine, Dan McKinnon, Mrs. J. of orange blossoms, she carried a shower Listowel Yarn 4 ply, Special Saturday, ughter of Mr. Jas. Gibson of West towel last week. D. Warwick; raspberry wine, Mrs. F. boquet of Ophelia roses, Miss Gladys the other 'Rich'. They exchanged places, 4 ounce skeins, reg. 75c for 45c, Sport M., da ordon Irwin, son of Mr. to ng a lovely Which Gained7 which Lost? See the Wawanosh, to G a. A welcome visitor in Wingbam' this Nichol. Mrs. D. Robb; elderberry wine; Bueler was bridesmaid wear! new screen story, 'The Man Floss, 2 balls for 25c Saturday only.-Hii- and Mrs. Wilson Irwin of Ashfield. The to -Dan McKinnon; gown of yellow crepe -de -chine and large startling t liard's stores, Winghara and Teeswater. ed in a tailoted suit of 11, week is Mr. Maitland MacDonald, an old Mrs. W. H. Anderson, was of roses. who Lost Himself, with the greates bride was gown -resident of Zetland, who is renewing ac- tomato catsup, Ruby Plum, Jas. Bur. black velvet hat, her boquet a hand- American actor, William Faversharn at The members of Mrs. Cragg's S. S- navy blue broadcloth with bead trimming, quaintances around her,. It is about gess; sweet cucumb�r pickles, Mrs. R. j, The groom's gift to the bride was e, Thurs., Fri., and Class met at the parsonage on Friday eve -'and hat to match, carrying a booluet oi ve nineteen years since he left the scenes of McLaucblin, F. M. Saris; mustard pick. some gold jewel case, to the bridesmaid a Ahe Lyceum Theatr r an election of officers. The fOl-! white asters, mauve sweet peas and maid - a. set with pearls, and to the Sat., A TRULY GREAT PICTURE. ning fo - his boyhood to take a position with the les, Mrs. W. Alderson, Mrs. A. Yuill; chili gold brooch and a tube of Rexall lowing were elected: -Pres. Mrs. Gregory' en bair fern, She was attended by her in L. Mc. best man, Mr. Roger Fox, a pearl set gold A Safety Razor - sister, Lotus, and the groom by his 00. C. P R. at Is-enora. He is now a resident sauce, Mrs. J. D, Warwick, A at McKib- Vice Pres, Alice Imlay, Secy. Annie David of British Columbia and a conductor. Donald; orange marmalade, Mrs. A tie pin. The altar was beautifully decor- Shaving Cream for 50 cents son, Tres. Mrs. Thomson, Con. Member- brother;, Spence. After the ceremony the Yuill, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; apple jelly, ated with flowers. bon's Drug Store. ship Committee Marjory Haines, Con.'young couple left by motor for a short Win. McGinnis,' D, Davidsorl; grape jelly, The wedding guests then returned to The E A. Strout, Farm Agency wishes Social Committee Madeline Walker, Con. honeymoon and upon their return will re. It, PurchasedStore House Programme Committee Hazel Brandon. side on the groom's fine farm, Oth con, of w Mrs. A. Yuill; raspberry jelly, Isabel the brides' home which was fragrant with to announce that their large catalogue is The Whyte Packing Company has pur- Strachan, Mrs. A Yuill; collection of sweet peas, asters and ferns, where all sat now ready for distribution and can be At the conclusion of the business Part Of West Wawanosh. Many townspeople chased the old brick building on Edward a dainty wedding breakfast. had free by writing to head office, 200 al even - canned fruits, Mrs. A Yuill, W. Mclnw down to the programme all enjoyed a soci will remember the bride and groom as re. Toronto. Anyone . Ito Street, (formerly the old town hall) from nis; hard soap, Leslie Thuell, Mrs. J. D. Later the happy couple left for Toronto, Manning Chambers, ing after which lunch was served. former residents of Wingham. Mr. L. C. Young, local manager of the Warwick; working marils supper, Mrs. A. Hamilton, and other eastern points. Mr. wishing to obtain a catalogue of Wing- Va. Win. Davies Co. They are moving their Yuill, Leslie Thuell, Mrs. F. Nichol. and Mrs. McMichae will roside in Kit- ham district should write our represent - es Judges, Mrs. Jas. Archibald and Mrs. chener where their many friends wish ative, W. T. Miller, Box 222, Wingbam er, store h use contents into this building., ck Paving on Diagonal Jas. Kerr. them a long and happy wedded life, Out The Anniversary Services of Knox BAKING of town guests were, Mrs. H. Sinnamon Presbyterian Church, Bluevale, will be as; At a special meeting of the town coun- Home-made bread white, D. David son, of Wingham, sister of the groom and Miss held next Sunday, Sept. 25th. The Rev. K X As- �v ne cil held on Mond�'y evening the petition n in. X 110 for the paving of Diagonal Road was Mrs. G. Muldoon; home-mad-� bread, Pearl Hoare of Kitchener. Dr. Harkness of Wroxeter, has bee Our eal- passed. The county engineer has been brown, W. McInnis, Mrs. N. McCaulay; n Fair vited to take charge and will preach at vi 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. All friends of 47Z E. At Londo 16 asked to take the levels of this road at hoine-made bread, currtint, Mrs. G tk parts who at- X, McCall, W. Innis; half dozen buns, Mrs. Among those from the the congregation are invited to come and once, and if work does not go ahead this If -dozen tea tended the Western Fair were: join in this, the 63rd anniversary of the of on fall it will likely be started early in the G . Muldoon, T. Pierce; ha biscuits, Mrs. G. E McCall, Mrs. J. D. Messrs. 0. Thompson, D. Rae, Lev' Bluevale Chur li. ice aly A lag spring. Warwick; dark fruit cake without icing, Holmes, Wm. Monk, Jas. Murray, Eldon Mr. Gordon Cruikshank who has been 138nations For The Hospital Win. Armstrong, Mrs. A. Yuill; white Peterman, Geo. Moir, Billie Burke, T. R. barbering with Mr. 0. J, Habkirk left on at It has been the custom for several years fruit cake without icing, Win. Armstrong; Bennett, J. M. Graham, J. W. Walters, Monday for Listowel where he has accept to hold a donation day for the Wingham layer cake, light, Dan McKinnon, W. R. Chas. Smith, Alvin Groves, Ed. Smith ' ed a position. Gordon -is a popular bcy General Hospital. This year again the Broadfoot; layer cake, dark, Mrs. A. Jas. Halliday, Roy McKerzie, John Pot - Ladies Auxiliary are asking for donations W. J. Boyce, and a valued member of Wingham's Yuill, Ruby Plum; oatmeal cakes, Mrs. ter, Gordon Cruikshanks, Champion ball team. His place with aph- ay be A. Yuill, A. Lamont; cookies, Knox Bros. Robt. Stapleton, Win. Naylor, H. J. Jobb, 1.) y of farm produce. The donations in Mr. Habkirk will be taken by Mr. Percy D. taken to the hospital any day next week, Ruby Plum; doughnuts, Mrs. W. Alder- Art Adams, John Graham, John Quirk, Harris who was a sargent in the 18th ��s ISO Ittle Sept. 26th, to Oct. istj inclusive, This is ' son, E. R. Knight; scores, A. Lamont, W. H. Green, W. A. McIvers, Floyd and battalion and was last week married to X land ion. a worthy (ause and we hope to have a lib- Mrs. J. D. Warwick; cookies, 3 varieties, Kenneth Catter, Henry Godkin, Chas. Miss Hilda Utting. iber eral response, � Ruby Plum. E. R Knight; graham gems, VanNorman Jr,, c. Pocock, Jos. Ruddy, The Township of CuIross has lost We4ded In Toronto J. G. Speir, Ruby Plum; short bread. Garnet Bak ' er, H. A. Hunter, Arthur another of its oldest and most highly es- rpHE woman loolts for style of course, but she 'is - I tie marriage' took place quietly at Ruby Plum, Mrs. A. Yuill; apple pie, J. Angw, Chas. Hawke, Scott Maxwell, for teemed citizens in the person of Mrs. tl1t -�,Villing that ShOe shoulLt craillp 110'17 ia - r7 High Park Manse, on Saturday, Sept. G. Spier, Mrs. Muldoon; pumpkin pie, Chas. Swanson and son Maurice, Mr. and James Henderson, in her 80th year, Mr. LTD, Mr,,,. 0. J. Habkirk, Mr. and Mrs, Jack There was 1161110 that she w0ul(I Pay foot d'scolll 17tb, at a. 30 P. m. of Mary Elizabeth, Mrs, Muldoon, Mrs. A. Yuill; lemon pie, idson, and Mrs. Henderson were among the first ublid second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dan McKinnon, Mrs. W. Alderson; taR Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day hospital- fO1,t as tile price of fashionable footCveay. To -day it . at Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Mr. and settlers in the township and the Na ce and we have s6rtlY Breen, Wingbam, to Benjamin H. Miller pie, Mrs. D. Robb, Dan McKinnon. ity of their home was known far and * ave the experiCil FLOWERS AND PLAN Mrs. Herbert Collar, Mr. A. J. Law, Mrs. 04 is unnecessary, Nve h, of Toronto. TS Copeland and children, Mr. and wide. Mr, Hendersor predeceased his 0 your IN or. The bride wore a navy blue broadcloth F M Samis, A C C. R *deo. Allen and son, Mr. and Mrs wife by 33 years. The funeral was one of X tile StOCk. Buy shoes here arld W&11 ll-ftv ch and corsage of e" Mrs. - b u Ta 'P -F or suit with hp.t to mat Baekeer-, haDnqd boquet, Isabel Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Si the largest ever held in the township, X good will. Ophelia row,,. The groorn's gift to the Grace Ste!vart; collection of cut flowers, H. 1. Thompson 0. irrel scarf. The Mrs. Warwick; pansies, Willians, and children, Mr. and Mrs. A. �. Two daughters and a son survive. bride was a grey squ Grace Stewart, x Walker and children, Mr. and Mrs A. G. The Young people's Society of Knox a the happy couple left on the 4 o'clock train Isabel Strachan, Mrs. W. Alderson; phlo tendered a banqueft go at and children, Mrs. Page and daugh. Church, Teeswater, xthet for Buffalo and other points and on their Drummondi, Mrs. Warwick; asters, Mrs. Smith return will reside at 1072 Bathurst St., Warwick, A C Baeker; stocks, Mrs. War. ter VIO, Mr- and Mrs, T. W. Henry and to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Becking on the - children, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson, eveofth�ir departure for South China, Toronto, wick; petunias, 0 Turnbull, Mrs. War Flo :04 oak , 0 Dr. Irwin and son Arthur, Wm. Robert. where Mr. Becking goeg to become prin- FAR OF MERIT rary wick; Dianthus, Mrs W Alderson with X & la other Clifford, Miss Francis Ben� cipal of a boy's school in connection PHONE Turnbull-, balsams, Mrs Warwick, Tommy son and son Miller, gladiolus spikes, Bervia Cardiff, nett, Miss Mary Maddigan, Miss Millie the Presbyterian church. Mr. Becldng IIARRIq-UTTIN(;-In London, on Sat- Cora Bell; verbenas, 0 Turnbull, Grace Nicholls. Miss Craig, Misses Nettie and was presented with a purge of $50 by the V V JIL J. 'M V�v A MR �A —A ---M� iD-Irl-n ox, Mrs. Warwicle; Jean Christle, Miss Madeline Walker, society and Mrs. Socking with a bouquet ""a tracts, urday, September 10th, by the Rev. Stewart-, perennial phl. Mr, and Mrs. Beck- Alk onday. Cockg6mbs, Mrs. Warwick; collection of MiGa Velma Johnston, Miss Bess�e Abell, of hydro tea roses. owl-, Hilda Mary Utting to Ing 9111 for Vaq racK, ear. Peter E. Nichol, 5.) Miss Mhy Dinsley. Couver, oil the 24th inst. ZXXXX XX 11%thr. Perey Harris, both of Wingham, Ont, . (Continwol on pago