HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-15, Page 7A� _k -1 f16 AIR _RT te ilth, down, to, Shachlotou's- own epic bY 11rc-thow, milar, t,'o f-111gowners, NS 1A "HYS 01AROW�N, otothe B nau-mace In the twentleth. who r-r'*rrv1 0,00r,01"l-loal 411,:eovery ITI GOOD. Contral Coro of the Advontvre. to 1111,111c'al gain, -and wito socuroa ex., Vvv #.-VA ONTARIO WOMAN I if naval 01,om of high attllam�-uts (-.3 0 1 ra na t -9 n1ft POUNDS part of the now L'N- alclopors for their ventures. I S Witte, will be referred tot YO I THE BRA A ASH NAVY COWNERS BECKON Here only, Ono wition, I John 1310000'3 Firnopo Trip. CAN BE b@0 LJ--:U`NMW*"1R GAINS iz ventum tho oxPloratiou, of tha Bader.' "Otte of these, J('11 I d "FLYING SHIPS11 VNIQUF, AI)VFNTURES LURt E'X and tbat"13 thece"t I . ro of ilto 'd- ul't e MUM WE &THERE IN NAV* CIR' ' by Quadrant of the Antarctic Area. Perhaps tile finest A*ntarotic vo",ge, If Your Blood Supply is Kept I I CLE$. PLOP*EkS. OF TO -DAY, The late Sir Clements 111arkhain hit of all li!�$tory In 1830-31, ciaceting a! Rich and lied, GIVES TANLAC CRWIT upou the happy expedient of dividing ccalPleto circulnuavig,.,tion to FOR FINE HEALTM tile. polar gap of the southern bemlB'm thO Antaret,(, circle - 1 1 An Alibi. Md. a great part It it; a wa�to of time and 1110120Y to Wer --"I am afraid Jolln- Sir Eroo$t $h4&letonpl, p,,,n� Dll()rQ t4tq the four quadrants doflA�d of t,l,.s way on the poleward Side -of it. Aght Me OIY tile signs of df8ease: In lly to ­_ 11 n 0"I'y iw Their HU110 DO ari r Anxious Mo tain's F19atino Aerodromes Reoernble Other Ve4sels. The queerest -looking, Quaintest, and apparontly most ungainly craft that ever rode the seas are tile so-called "flying -ships" that have been added to the British Navy, one Can And noth- lug ex"tly like 'them Ill 1111Y other navy in thet world. In order that Britain's fleets, may be Absolutely UP40-dats, they are now no, compailled on all their voyages by a squadron of airplanes. These are em- ployad In scouting aid- In 11spqttingi, for the guns. Firing Is carried out tit such enormously long ranges In these days that old-time methods of watch - Ing. the fall of shots, ars�ueojqsg , , , No matter how )men the eyes at the lanqUi6ad may be, they cannot gee a distall4o at twellt34flve mileof But an aerial observer can, so A"ful obser. vation has been adopted It Is also in. dispensliblo In reconnaisance The Mother of the Aeroplanev. But aircraft have � only a limited "radiusof action!' They are unable to �coiitinue moving for weeks on end aindor their ot-vit, pover, as warships, do Therefore, "llYing-ships" haia been built for the purpose of trans. porting them. Actually these curious Craft are sea� going uorodromes, as they fill precise. ly the same place in the organization of a fleet as the land aerodrame doca ill the equipment of ail army col-ps. In so far as their hull Is concerned, the I'llying-shilm" are ship -like. But there all resemblance to an DrdInary vessel en -ds. From bulwarks upward, they are huge, oblong � structures, top� ped by a broad sweep offiat deck that dills a.blt;,at th-0 after and, This deck Is the ­,ak!1lg_off,, ground front which the machines rise and up- on which they alight when descending, .4 that the m4chincil S may have a clear Wit When (,taking -off," the deck is treed front all obstructions, either by Inechanical devices or by constructive design In Due case—tUat of the Eagle, the tunnel - and navigattlig-bridge are placed jauntily on Ono side of the ves-1 sel. But In the Argus .tnd the recent- ly completed Hermes, the bridges and ,oliarthouses disappear. by mechanical means, so as to leave the whole derk open when required. - Very Ddd, too, Jt looks to. see bridges and charthouses dropping down Inside the slifp, and then popping up again, Jack,in-the box fa,�Lhlou And the flin. nels, 14stead-Of risIDg amidships in the usual way, discharge their Smoke as. tern. .471ifs poculMrIty I , n It , er build caused a:vo ic"ident when'th ,.Yyt hings I�4.� 11 e Ar. 9.p paid Ixer.,f , irot v�lsit to one of Eng. laaWs .1419. naval, parts.-,.,, " OAIaokSrS, ge,134114.-ToXilmes of.smake belching from her stern., thought the ship was air fire,. and raised an alarm —and it took some explanation to con- vince them that they wc Beneath tlio� broad tw­ roomy hangars Ili which a squadron of teroplanes call be stowed. As the machines ai� *antod for' uze, they are sent to t4o'deck by electric -lifts. Wide as the deck Is. alighting upon it proves a difficult Job In rough weatlier� Always Improving, Should a machine not be able to "land" there, it can drop Into the water'alongolde and be picked up,. The '%71119-shlPs" are also � fitted �wlth work-shors and all other requisites of a well-equipped norodrome. With every now one turnad out some fin - prevenient in dosign is iniade that In- creases officleacy. Like most Innovations in British. na- tional fighting forces# the "flyIng-slilp" began experimentally. The "mother" at the squadron waa, the Vurlous, Ono of the four mystery, ships introduced by the late Lord Fisher. . She was tU."ned, Into a floating aerodrome for the Grand Fleet. Then followed tho -'Eagle, acquiredi from Brazil and "converted" for a like I 'purpose. After that came spocially-! designed vp,.qqels, and those weird. looking Ievf,.1th,.ius now Collatitilte tL10 )atett sroolklist section added to the TeMng th& Tole. Clanadlan merchants might read wlth benefit tho-r4olliaTkS on Japanese 'advertisements'lli "Outward Bound." Japanese advert Isenlentso declares the, writer, are rich tit metaphor and quaint humor. Ilere are a few ex- ainDles: ,� Tokio. 81tatloner 4tillouncos that "ths paper I sell is as solid as the hide Of an 0leDhant." A fishmonger pro. miscl% to doliver all orders, at coo- tomers, houses "With tile rapidity Of it shot fired from a rille.1, ,my extra, 00dal villegar," a. grocer declaro% '�Ig as R0111'aZ tho tongue of the Most shrONVISh m0tbor-In-Jaw.". A large'lliultiple S-hol; begs tile pub - lie to "Come Into out storakf. You will Meet with an overwholming welcome. Out c-3118-tftnto 4r6 an. tunitti)IC, as. a faillOr WTIO Is endeavoring to marry Off 1119 daughtorl withaut,.gIvIng them Way bwrx You will Always he g"Int- td ll.$ jotdlally as, h spell of sut,shina coir-Ifig toward# the close of a pouring W4L 414.16 Mood Vpyw.t of Piaccivery 4.0* morldall at Graonwiclt and Itil 001111.111110104 ot 180 deg.. croosed by Along U10 w0AU11 half of Ube Eaderby thO f0119 run you are Probably worse' Quadrant Ili', track still marks tile Off than when You started. What Is I FuthOr—"MY goodnes3! What does 110 SaYs She OWY Weighed 98 Attr4as Keellt Intereit, tile merfdans of 20 aeg. R, 0,nd W. To complain of?" 11011110ary between tho kliowil and ill,) far more Important is that you ; should AnziDus MOthff—"R& Pounda When $he Bova Dr. 11. a. Mill, writing in the f on those,lie Kaye, appropriate names, and tile most appropriate Is that of the unknown, lit hl,4 br1g, the Tula, of un., Intelligenty (_�xalnllle tlle limn't begun various to Complain yet, but I forgot to look der 200 tons, Aceorapaulml by thp and trace tile cause. When, Udng it. 4ond Times, On Shackl . etou,s adventure,. . run4erlly Q44dillut, between the meri- �eut_ I'SYMPtumts the Am clipboard yesterday and there ter Lively, of about 50 tons, he f6ught Yc:u rf"llOve th e Vlusa, health will be Isn't a bit missing." "I only welghed 98 'pounde vdwk it eve than Of Greenwich and go Ile& p, . .1 , for months against the furlowi bliz. Yours. For example, unaelwo people started on Taulao, bu I 140W W614* t "That thallgh forelgii purts to Prof or. to Call it zards, in the eUcrt tot penetrate the Otto" endure months of suffgring Valle 130 and am feeling like a different po#4 the rouiance at exploration to the African Qaadr4ct,,a , g it liel to the -- treating It,3 sympt' Mending Slowly. heavy Ice to the Southward, and at the am$, such as flidl. Son," said Mrs. Frieda BrydgoE4 M not dead 11% perhaps the most delight- South of-thatcontillent, It so happens, end of the season, when itavigation, gestlon, shortness of breath, palpita- Dorrls—'An4 hom Is your bachelor $011a St., North Hamilton, Oct ful Of Sir Ernest Shacldebolil!15 dlo- that the two romaining quadrants are i friend?" i was possible and with halt his crew tian 'at the heart and exh' austion after Walter ..... When 1 underwent an opor,410A fow coveries, and the, very Prograr'Rale of Wall kaowv: 1n, the Victoria (or Aus- trnliall.) disabled, he sig-lited black cliffs, and any small effort. gaw jil.al last 110 hills through The apparent was mending slowiv.,, Year$ ago and ever since then I bavo been JA B Very weal; and hio now expedition In the Quest Is aglow With ther true fire whi ell drovp Quadrant, to the east Aninua- son and Sctlt�xeacbod tile FD19 its' elf —the latter following In the footsteps. projecting the snow in stomach and heart 66 -deg. 80 min. S. and 50 deg, E.; but, troubles are generally nothing more "Indeed. I didn't know lie had been JVAt 0 S 4e felt conadpilt pf making, a'tllaa the result of an Insufficient gap. rundown m ditic"l- MY stomach was. 1jo upset tko 1 Could hardly eat a nioraVl ot I tile explorers 'aid. of Old without the Of Shft'Okle'ton, who, had come within � landing a terrifle storm PlY Of pare blood. -Tills ana . I "He hasn't been: De v..*as sewing fweDt down emic state, .4vA food And I got so thin people tDI4 w^ . of Steam IrtO the furthest and coldest 100 miles of the goal Some years ear- from the land and drove him helpless may have followed -some previous Ill. Some buttons on his olothes.11 I I I looked like I was starving, I wax recesses Of tile ocean To any 0'40 Whor ,or,, while In the Weddell (or Ameri- can) '4uadrant, on tile West, Bruce, to the northward for 150 .11., before,cess, or ail attack of Influeuzaq, or it I he could regain control of his ship. way have arisen frDul overwork, war. Authorities. very weak and my nerves were so Ug. strung that I could'get but very Iltas kno,Ws the (11111CURY -of sighting D Spla.11 FlIchnor Pruid ShackletoA had traced 'In 1833 Kemp, with another of En. ry or too little fresh air. To obtain Little Nellie told little Anita what I sleep at night. oceanic Island, not to spea k, of tbo now ja'�A,to awly 78 deg, S. derby's little ships, coming from the good health the simple a � she terma only a fib, nd proper "That was MY couditlo'll ikUen 11; risks of landing upon it, the program alight Zoom extravagant.,I Sir Ernest 'Between th . e , se two.t.nowa quad- that�OtEaderby eastward, made the, most sontlierly course Is to build up the blood, but to I Anita- -A fib ii the same as a story passage yet alDag the do this YOU Must select a reliable I and a story is tile s,'jule as a Ile.11 hold of T4nIae, but five bottles at th* medicine have simply transformed me. Slia Okleton has"I'DwOveVe OPOnt twen- ty Years irk tile rants interposes. a see- tar Of unpu0bed possibilities, for no 'accomplished Western half of the Endo remedy with a r Nellic--"No, rby Quad. oputation such as Dr. It Is not." Williams, Allita—"Yes, Why, I have actually gained 32 poulad* In wel.9lit and am feeling performance of almost impossJbe Programs, and those Who vessel has yet succeeded In gettingas far as the. sevealty�second of Pink Pills. These pills ea. it In, because aly father rant, and JIL 60 deg. X reported land on the Antarctic circle. No one has rich the blood which carries nourish. 18 a protewor at the universit simply Ace. have a splendid appetite and ma know h -lin believe that heoan occomp- Halt this too. parallel latitudowithin, it. The great expedl- tions Seen these lands since. The Challenger ment to all the Organs of the body and Nellie—"I don't care it hoyis, My enables them to do the work nature father is an editor and he knows more i In 1874, like the �Pagoda, ia 1845, eat' whatever I want and never sufrar a Particle from Indigestion. My nerves, 'An Oceanographical cruise of 80,- bilive for the most part passed It by, Cook,, in Ills hunt for the tem- made a 9411ant Push into tile unknown. but expects of them. Thousands of men about IY1119 thaxt your father." I are steady, I sleep well at night ana con miles' Ill a .2004 -On' craft cannot I fall to be as full Of OxcltOmellt as, Of porate,�southern continent that liattlit. ntired in a Sorely battered condition. 11,111 women have proved this for them. selves. One Of these Is Mrs. T. Flynn, Nicely Worded. "The Quest is a tough little I am so Much stronger that I can do my housework With ease. (113coulfort, for every Island.. to be touched at is a focus, of historl c Ia- ed the minds of the theorists of his century, prot crossed the circle at one Beiangshansoix I vessel, and a n.R. No. 1, Erinsville, Ont., who says- Mrs. NOwillother nce among the lee her small size wa�i very much ; and great strength will give her spe. " L,ist spring I got Into a badly ru� afraid at her baby catching ' "It is nothing less than marvelouS how Taulao has built me up and I t43m terest to British cailors aud mer� Of science, froax the voyage, of tile para. Point, and succeeded In crosidni it at three points nearly fifty germs 1 cial advantages In working h down condition. I had no energy; from indiscriminate People kis-ing t er way, so he that She may be work left me exhausted, and the least little darling. She pleasure in making this statement f6r the benefit Of Others." mour Pink with the astronoliter H41. IGY lit the Seventeenth Years later, but the great British, Anierloan and French expeditions of confIden Y expected t, was careful in to push furtlier within the veil than exertion would make my heart palpl. OvOrY way that baby should riot catch any her tate violently, I had any Of those Tanlac Is sold by leading draggisft everywhere. AdT. Century, through that of the ReSIDIAltiOn With Cook In 1940 all kept far to the north. It was a field of fame for the small sealing Of predecessors. She will often read at Dr, germs, Any article that have tills vast advantage of modem Williams' Pink Fills, and decided to might Contain 9LITnis Was bailed be. all the beach, are merely e emn+, the 01911t(lenth, the Beagle with Dar. Vensels sent out In -the P30s of the last Sounding gear so that she call feel Out give them a trial and got a half dozen fore It came near baby, $ad. Will and the Challenger in the nine. century by the London firm of Eader- boxes. r had not been taking the pills Put it becrane harder when relations, the coutour of the ocean floor and so 'firshtfl.ay Little Julian had completed thg get evidence of the Poximity of land long when I felt a decided Improve. wanted to kiss the baby. You could n 'a' s t chool. and had elimbed up - Surnames Origin which was, not vailnbl, to Discoe on(I ment in My condition and by the time fil I ve*rY well tell a cooing visitor to boll I had used the six boxes I could do my her face first. I Kemp. Her Wireless equipment on ,a ther's lap to give dad his Im. pressions thereof. and I heir should housework "Well," dad, "how With ease. I can strongly Ono day the rich aunt—Chorabella, I enable her chronometers to be rated said do you thh* ..i I while at Sea, and so her longitudes recommend Dr. Williams, Pink pills by naMe—,called to see the baby, and you will like school?" , i. 9EZCK ought to be far more Precise than to all weak people." the first thing Mrs. Newinother knew "Whercupon the countenance of Variations -01H )gain, MacHiggin, Hig- Varl, ations — Beckett, Becker, Beck- You can get these pills through any was that the aunt was aiming to those of earlier expeditions, She Wqll kiss I Julian took on a most serious expres. glnson, Huggins, MeHiggan, Me. Gulgan. man. , be the first to, carry a staff of Scion. dealer in medicine, or by mail post. the baby. Paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Mrs. Nowmather did not want to of- tific specialists into the wide zlon. "To tell you the honest truth, dad� Racial Origin—Irish, Racial Ortgin—Anglo-Sa man, Xon, also Ger. stretch of unexplored waters between the $2.50 front The Dr, Williams' Afedlelne fend the relative, who, probably, was tracks i CO.- Brockville, Ont. gain., to keep 110 allswOred, "I believe I've start^;a s0ructhlng I can't finish.,, Source—A given name. Source — Geographical, also occupa. of the Challenger and Soot!,% a good supply of silver- While the family ilames.Rigglas and Higginson "Hiclel tional. and South Of that of the Valdivia, it Spoons in the youngster',% mouth, but. Neap and Sprino Tides. she bldpPed back Out of reach with 18 not likely that the 11311derbY Minard's Liniment Lumbermanve Friend often come from or "Iliccou," old English nicknames, far While the family names of Beck, Beckett, Becker au& Beekman have Quad- rant or any other partot the AutarQtie The tides are caused tb'y the attrac- the baby In her arms. "Oh, Aunt Clarabolia," she Cried. will be Worth exploring from tion which the moon exercises the Forestry and Paper Making. Richard, it is. sate'to say that in the majority of cases in tills country Stich becclue contused through changes In spel'ing, so, that the tracing of one In, a utill- on , tartan, Point Of view, but the human oceans. You must not do that! Germs will be germs, know!" I I (this sheet of Paper) was made out of a green tree, If that tree had been nallie,%, Pre Celtic. So tar -as O'Higgin alid MacHiggin or McHiggin volv'es the tracing of the other, there race has The time of high water on any day you face of tb 'a right to unvell the whole e earth, and the world -will Is roughly fifty minutes later than it What's that?" flared up aunt. "Do: burned, I would be Jost a cinder. it l are con- cerned there Is no reasonable doubt are really two stources, at the name, different in racial origin and in mean. be morally richer it Rowett and was oil tile day before. You mean to insinuate that I have any i germs?" am more useful than a cinder, please help to keep my beautiful that they are Irish. I The Irish Mg. -Ins, like the English, Ing. Shackletan complete what Enderby Possibly, too, You have observed that and Bislooe began." on some days the tide comes in much "Oh, Aunt Clarabella," answered! green brothers front being turned into ashes - comes froin a given name, but not the *ants 0110. 'often I It Is Safe, to assert, however, that it you spell your name, Beck, or Beckett, It probably comes from E ngland, and farther and recedes to a far greater Mrs. Newinother, as sweet as ever.' distance than on others. , You ought to take what I have just I to said as a compliment, Germs SUMMER HEAT Sunlight will penetrate clear water a depth of 1,500 feet. The mistake Is made Of Call- If 'it is Becll:0 or Beckman, it origin- As a matter of fact, these big and and flies, , small tides occur at gulfa re -1- ;_ You know—they both Like sweet i 1:11slug this name with the name of Keegan, that Is, in assuming that it ated In Germany. Beck was simply a very, English HARD ON BABY tar" als. Big tides are called 0 spri ngs, comes from the same given name, . old -w9rd ,for,broqk. , It­,has- peconto a and small tides- neaps, and they de - Pend upon the changes of the moon. it is not the wise student who bums E oglian., through the use of the prefix nao." The argument being that there family name In. the gain,& mannorthat Brooks h as, It probably made. its, first No season of the year is so danger- One night we see In the sky a thin , e nuidnight *11 and sleeps away the "' . morning sun. IS, little x9al difference between Mae. Kegan 1 app ,paratipe , Ig some such form. as "TiWmaih One to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws allvery crescent, which we call the new moon. On the following two or end M4cHigglm �Tws 4' r9u. I Ate, Beck," or 'Thomas at '4 the little stomach out of three days we shall have spring tides. It is wise to.strive for perfection ment, however, loses sight of, the fact that both of these forms are but Snip., I the Beck." It.js easy to. see how such dei s' 0Wye early became order so quickly that u nless prompt aid is at Seven days, from the time when it YOUTSelf, bUt f0lly to expect it of others. lish corruptions of tile Irish surnames, family nqmeg� ior the a at al. ., y were a n ur hand the baby may be beyond all human 11efP before the Ill- now the Moon appears- as. a halt. This Is the season at neap tides. A What which are traceable definitely to dif- ly applicable to father, Son and.grand- mother realizes he to Ill. Summer is, the seasou week later the full moon 'makes night One of the Best Known ferent sources both by means, of spell. Ing historical-garealogleal son, through succeeding generations When diarrhoea, cholera Infanturn, dysentery almost like clay, and brings- the second - Travellers in Canada Says. and the re. cords, in the Irish language, while the family continued to live In lthe_same. place. Beck is also an. Anglo- and colic are most prevalent. Any lot of'spring tides. Neap tides occur again the "Now I am going to give You an un -i sollei ed testimonial a they say In the; The Irish form of the surname to "Olh-Ulgin," "MacUigan," Ili,, Saxon word; all of which points to a one of these troubles may prove dedd- ly If not properly treated. During the as full moon changes Jilto the dying ha if Pateatt medicine adverstising. lier-toforA I have had a Profound contempt for Pa -1 or the being a neoessary Insertloa after "0" very early use of it as a family name, even If unconsciously. -summer the mother's best friend Is moon. Thus there is a fortnight's lit- tent medicines, particularly so�ealled liniments, Perhaps this is due to thg, to make It pronounceable. The family Beckett means a little brook, or a Baby's. Own Tablets, They, regulate the- bowels, sweeten the terval between spring tide and spring tide and between neap and neap, reason that I have been blesserl With a sturdy constitution, and have never been! Ill day in life. One or clau, name comes from the �glven name of "Ilight," which means "know- brooklet. Becker, however, 19 of German orig- am St ach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are Gold Seeldng in Austmlia. a my day last fail after a h4rd day's tramp In the slush of Montreal, I developed a severe palix ini edge.'$ in, being the word for baker, though sold by medicine dealers or by -mail at my lets and of course like a man who The form Higglilson would appear this is, betrayed by the vowel 1101, 24 cents a box from The Dr. Williams, Prospecting for gold Is one of the has never had anything wrong with him physically, I complained rather bolster - to be Enklish, -but there are many it is rather than. tho,,ending "or" which was Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -------- most alluring charms of life in Aus- I tralla, says. a Melbourne despatch. It ously. The good little wife says: 11 lit rub them With some lint w 'Go X 'I"': ca0es on -record where simply an almost as commall-a method of donot- Can Sea-She)ls Walk? may be enjoyed only a few miles be. &head,' I said, Just l! -_-1-1u .-Ili he,, Well, in she comes Anglicized version of the Irish family name. Ili Irelandthis, family name Is Ing Occupation In old England as Ili Germany. The same hold's true Sea -shells cannot move about, of Yond the boundarleSof the larger cities, with a 0 t e of .t, � Xtuard90 Wulment and gets busy. Be - lieve the disappeared'a most common lit Westmeath and Gat- of Bookman, which, of course, is a short, form course, unless the shell -fish are inside. The shells which You generally find and there are still mamy eager edition. turers on the trail for surface gol d. me pain few minutes after, and You can tell the world.1 I said sW' Way. oned of Beckmann. all the beach, are merely e emn+, This 1.9 attested by their frequent sluc- (Sgd.) FRANK B. JOHNS, Montreal, - halves" of their old homes, but even Thirty miles from this ell It you place two of the "halvesil to. �y two pros- gether and Imagine the Ash Inside, It pectors in June Smelted approximately Is difficult to see how the occa ants $1,200 worth of gold obtained from tile P quartz, and during their sojourn on 4 -we were ever able to move train one spot the one Site realized $5,600 worth of Unedil_n Mit 74 to another They have neither win Thi� Fo Ily Of 9 gs' the precious metal. fins', nOr-111 the ordinary sense— feet. Precious stones are also available. 11 Manv veoi)le eet the tunitv vou desterve, in 11 "4- During June larrA ile ­t+,g f OF INIE"RE'ST IRV a ves are for e Most part, bur- V U 8.P - rowers. The� have a Strong ,foot,, phires were disCoVered In the basalt I U V9 URIEN by Means of which they can excavate. Country Of New South Wales. Two COARSE SALT passages for themselves through sand, Syndicates -are Prospecting the field This is a Short Letter, But ft and have. obtained some exceptionally LAND SALT mud, and even Wood alid reek The line gems. SPInCY Cockle, or Red Nose, can bur. Bulk Carlots, Proves the Reliability of row Very rapidly It can also spring a One, at the finest Pearls, In the world � I considerable distance. The Saddle found In Australian pearling waters I TORONTO SALT WOFIX8 IYdia E. Pinhbarn'sVege. Oyster (not the edible Oyster), Poo. was a gem larger than a sparrow,s egg' table Compound. SoSse0 a hole In the, under shell. it recently exhibited by James Clark, a i� i Queensland farmer and liparl inagriate. i Sticks Its muscular "foot" through this othwell, Ont. -111 Was Wcuk WA hole 'when it wants to sitick to a rook. MONEY ORDERS. AVIRIN n down, had no -ThO Common mussel, once It has PPotite end was nor# found Its, home, Solid a Dominion Express Money vous. The nurse who never -troubles' to OMer. Five Dollars costs thro cents, took care of we tdd move- again. It Spins a bundle of ayer" is Genuine " , I I a I threads, called "bypsuslIf and binds. it. Only ino,to try LIdia R Pinkliam o ege. self firmly for evermore to the spot it Have You? f I table Corapoun4 has made its own. When the day Is running true, and now I am get. fi& tingstrong. Irecom. Who?$ on guard and taking care? A-a '7 It Mu�t Be. Who has done his part, have you? mend your medicine Young Husband -1 -It soems to me, to my friends Any day and anywhere? W.my deal,, that thero Is something When the moments am It,!— wrong with this cake,,) Who his helped to so,, YO, &1., 8. NV. J. 13ra P.. it. The Bride (smiling triumphantly)— Have YOA1 "That shows what 'You know about It, The reason y�hy *. The cookery book says Jes perfectly Keep Forests Alive. Lydia ....... Aill W.armng! Tall a no ohancoq With i Pound S so Buccessful in *W114902lams delicious.' Living forests provide us with Wood substitutts for g" Woman 8 HIS ja hecallse�jt 0-ontains ellulne "Bayor Tab. � material of all kinils for our bonies of A%Pfrin." Unless you o* tile 'tonic, strengtheningpfetp6ititin ow , of Sweden's Population. and Industries, but burned forests pro- naitle "Dayer" on package or on tab. 'old-f"hiOnOd roots and hetba, w7tich SwOden',& total, Population ,it the end V10 no lumber for tile Saw-111ill, no 1, I is YfIll are not gettilig At;pIrIn at nit 'ftt On tile female org4nbm.� Wozft Of INO amounted to more than 5.904,. work for the workingin.til, y10 businc�s i Ili evory Bayer directions I frora ail parts Of thd Wuhtrvar-e eon. 000,, according to the Central Statisti. for tho nierchallt, and no freight to,, for Ccld�,, Ith4PU-'f"illlAlIY"-OstifYIng tolto etreiWiening Cal 3311VO1111's- preliminary figures, just the railw4y or zteaniship. Tll� moraj! ifilluence, aild as Ib COMM" T'al-ae,10, Tootbarhe. I'll , 'n, C and for 11P '00tits Or harmful dta&q it b it published. This. is ail Increase dur. is that everyone shouiti he careful I t, , no nn' '111fly thl 111ves mfo luddicino for Women. Ing 1920 of Moro than 57,000 and a re. with flyc lit the Woods. of t irolve tablk,,ts crst ft,��r If 7,qu yvant izpeelai pdvico *At# cord Increase since 1861, U-r��r p,1(1;, nge�. �%Ta IV T,Ydia I"L VinkhAm Medicine 0o. (ooA 11owevor high a bird njm.. soar, it in eamad.,I. .1,op'irin Is ,!,e :r2ential), Lynn, ldmk. YkAr leuw The man who is brilliant t, pal -t Go SOAS its food oil earth. (rcglAerod lit 111avor I ivill be opened, itoad, *Ad ahft*T6d by the time is gollorally lawrious -111 wordell 'I f A�ok for M inar rn, OMY . . .... the time, -nd ted(o no othet. d's