HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-15, Page 3-W
The St(-�,iwra of Britrikes Cleverest Men ust 04;CW0. 1
How tall 1.1 King Gearro, 'ty
? than fivo fPcit "SiC." The captain of the
Do Valera has rejected the terms
nine Persulls out of a Imildred kvuld 11olverophou In
easured his famous cap., 11 TORM:l by Englarl, a 0 rklily If
Savoy Hotel, Londen Commons, Lord Milner as Se 'not tellyc nd th
cretary i 1u, juqt nn they are us,,ible to tive, tuid ropurted tnat he V,,
Aug. 4, 1921. A as five Llo�d George, comes with 41ramut�lo
give the correct height of most of our feet Seven,
of state for the coivilics, have stated
qulvlcliTp,9% Whothof this will be tjl#
Umou- do Valera, rmq.,
XMISIOR their views, and they coincide with the greatest men,
Rouse, Dublin: bighezt claims which Dominion states- i.
The majority of People are unaware belu Tno view i last woril of Hngland tie e do up
ortest men are orion tue,
MY DQ0 Do Valera: Lana duly re . . i
men have ever put Forward on behalf Of the exiliten0a of the science of all. braillest, and by wayot domOn,,ztTatlllg Wnn Vets,
ported to me the substancia of hie can. at their free natior
throlionictry, as the stud
Y of human this belief be nearly ply7ays solee 1,rhe%,c is little of ilil) in UrA
'it Is called, or of the part this ted ulti at
handed me 'What is, good eliough for these ua- 1!�!'i sluall men for his biggest t.1ska. r.bout the, Lloyd
versatiom, w ' ith you and lit,
your letter of the Mt July, tiops ought Barely to be go�)d onou George relAy, Ut It
Science Plays in detormbillig facts ro. Hing George Is fivo fact peve.,l and a stnnds tj
tor Ireland, too. ; i # �,.; %, one of tile stron t en
- " � 7 1-1 . "T
For Irishmen to Say Jating to moula evolution. i; ska 0111 to
I should like to, add v
7ord In reter. to the world ' that they hillf 1134chos 11" height' In w1lich res-P6et! in the eXchan Is hetwcp
will not be Yet SO, Important li authropometry lie ropresento the average height of Crown an4
once to the situation as I have dome SAtisfied with the, status of the great! to stiidonta of man and the various Ills OubJects. The shortest Sinn Foi;l. It rolterjtes the E nglish
rUlOr Is etalid'that. Ireland Cannot be permitted
to View % I have discussed It very British Dominions would be to alien- races to which be belgilga that a, Spe. the King ot Italy, who Is five feet two, to withdraw froni the W_-pire, It
fVIIY with you and your Colleagues. I ate all that sympathy which has sQ dal Section of the British Association, while the tallest I
I$ the King at the i moetq the IriEh claim for indepo-,i4ence,
have 41SO brobed its deeply as I could far been the main support of the Irish op'c lcncwu V6 the AuthroDometrical Com. Belglails, who is six feet two, head-on. Lloyd George reiterates the
Into the Vlater position. My canvic. caus . e, mittoo, haD been formed to deal ex. Who Is Brl
tioa is that for the Present no solution The 13ritish Pri elusively and exhaustively with the Lord Onrzou tf"Ws tallest stat7c;'�Malyy EM1711311 CROW, hlsigts, that it doe,3 lavet
me Minister alters van probably claim this Irish demands I Warns that the truce,
distinction, being 61K feet one in may L
based on Ulster coming Into the Irish complete Dominion status to the
State will succeed, Ulster will not tWelity-six counties., subject to certain G�. It Is a curious fact that biographies height, Mr. Balfour is, rft feet and he nd a d
rIenlind alor4 that
agree, she cannot be forced, and any strategic safeguards, which you are and autoblagl�aphfes rarely give the half an inch � while Mr. Aust �s rejecting the final Peace offer
solution on these lines 13 at present asked to agree to voluntarily as, a free height of those, On Chain- that no English QoVernment dare ex,
with whose careers berlalu is flv0 feet eleven and a halt ceed in Ii r I ty
uth Afri- they are.,doncerneil. A man's tastes In luchee. The Prowler is five feet alz The Very quickness of the English
foredoomed tG failure. - Dominion, and which we So he a j, .
Believes Time Will Decide. cans agreed to as a free nation An th, drPse And wines will be recorded, and P. half; while Mr. Asquith is five reply argues that England has adis
I lielleve that it is In the Interest of Union of South Africa. To my mind while It he has a Passion for Pinks as feet eight. m
UISter to come In, and that the force such all offer by a British Prime Minis- 0 buttonholes tills Is also noted. her Anal conewdion. No time was
Ills Thei Bishop Of London. Is five feet taken in conferences and corsidera-
Of COYOUTUnIlY of Interests will Over a I ter, who, unlike his predecessors Is In "eight however, 19 seldom , If ever, re- ton, and thO Rev. J. R. Campbell one Cons. Sinn Fein and Do Valera cair
period of Years prove So great and 0, Position to deliver the goods to an ferred to. When It is, 1118, biograiibora Inch shorter.
UsurnIly dlEagrce. hardly fail to note that faTet,
Compelling that Ulster will herself de. event of unique importance, Earl Ileatty is live feet seven, and Do Valera has made his restatement
cide to join the Irish State. But at I You are no longer offered -a home Take the case of Napoleon. Bourien. E - 1 -re inches taller. The I
ne says that the Emporar was five feet shortest av*%or Is probably Sir J. At 'tion
prcaent an Irish settlement is only pos. rule scheme of the, Gladstone or As. I of the stand for complete Irish eepara.
A two
Bible If the hard facts are calmly faced quith type, with its limited powers and Inches In height. Another writer The reply of Lloyd George is a
Not only will reserlations, of a fundamental aarac Of the period states that I 113arrie, who to only live feet five, the restatement of the higher lights of
and Ulster is left alone. le was five i
tallest Of famous writers being Sir A., the English stand and something
she not consent to come in, but even ter. Full Dominion status, with all It feet One and a half, while all Ergllsh Conan Doyle, a fine figure of a man at more.
t. WATCH YOVR STEP biographer declares that he was 'less six feet one.
'11, 1 fear, take I It is far more than was of- Valera and Sinn Fein, but at all Ire -
If she does, the Irish Stato W Is and Implies, Is Youm If youTwill but It is aimed not ody at Do
start under such a handicap of inter. landy and at all the empire, at world
ll -al friction and discordance that the fered the Transvaal -and Free State, guided, and that peaqe may now be An Interesting HUlletin. opinion, and particularly at American
result may well be-failare ance more, who fought for freedom one of the I I d d before tempers again Mother. "Iron, Cold Iron." opinion.
Cone""' C '
MY strong advice to you ha to leave greatest wars, in the history of Great change and Perhaps another genera. Mother I am here a-thinkin'; Bulletin No, I Of the series to be That reminder of his that Ireland
all trif
Ulster aloner for the - Present, as the Britain and one which reduced their 0 8 r e ensueo. Sest a-feelin, sorj� a? blue, issued by the Provincial University War. never amounted to much in the under the dominion status will be
only line along W'Alch- a solution Is OV11. countries to as -lies and their little Ever Yours sincerely, Halt discouraged-, heart's a-sinkful, during, theacademic year 1921-22 has Stone Age. It never came into its freer than the States of the America -q
Pl'acticablek to concentrate on a free people to ruins. J. C. Smuts, Like a heart will Sometimes do, just come from the press. In this own until men learned to take certain Unionwill be impressive in fae United
Luck has sort o' been agin me booklet there is outlined in this brief. rocks, melt them and make iron of states, Ills quotation from the first
d011stitution for the remaining twenty. Boers Accepted Less Generous Terms 7
six counties, and flirough a successful, They accepted the far less generous I Though I've bravely hit the lia% est possible fashion the various ser- inaugural address of Abraham Lin -
running of the Iriall State and the pull offer that was made to them. Choosing 1 Career. To revive the hope that,,% in me, vices that the -Department of Uni� i them. Iran and its derivative, steel, coln, bearing upon the physical near -
war -maker's metals.
to master, I'm forgettin', mother mine. versity Extension has to offer to the' have been the ness and indivisibility Of the American
aceful forces, that foGthold they then proceeded "when I ask you a question, you must One of the arguments advanced to North and South, and applying the
Of economic and other Pe From "Now, boys," said the school
People Of Ontario. For teachers there show �hE
eventually to bring TJ!,3ter Into that improve their position until to -day not be afraid to speak out and answer I have put my woes behind me, Is a summer session in arts and in 1 kt Japan never could be a, Lincoln argument to the geographical
State. I know how repugnant such a South Africa Is a happy, contented, I An' I'm back there In Your arms, fundamentally strong war -making na- situation of England and Ireland, a
solution must be to all Irish batriots, United and Completely free country. me. When you look round and see I)Gdagogy, correspondence course& and
all the fine houses, farms, and cattle, snugglin' where the world can't fin teachers' classes during the wint tion has been that she had not iron!Peals to Arniricans who know any -
qua 11011 of any Irish settlenrent. me, for farvaers there I
Who look upon Irish unity as a sine What they have finalli achieVed after do you evef stop and think who owns d , p -
Fr; and must import 'her ores and steel, I thing Of the Civil War problems and
But Years of warfare' and political evolu- them all new? a -a compreheitsive i Yet it long has been known that the! dangers.
the wise man, while figliting for his tion is. now offered to you—not in Your fathers own With its war les an' -alarms; two weeks' course; for industrial lab -
ideal to tile uttermosi, learns al -30 to doles or instalments, but at once and thein, do they not?" You're a-sayinl: "There now, sonny! orers in the large cities there are Japanese Archipelago is of volcanic The refezences to the demands and
It's all right, f
inally overcoming them. Years Ir ers be In It's no more a. tough old grind. course. Then, there are extension lec- magnetic Sand. its of lers must have weight in an' Ireland
only way of f you wl I become a sioter dominion In a thirty many heaps pf iron oxide depos
b acceptaiica of -the facts is Often the completely, If, as 1hope, you accept, "Well, Where will your fath Life's as sweet agin as honey, season; for journalists a,,one Week's a
ow to the Inevitable. And a humble I "'tes, Sir!" shouted the boys., dear, n;lv;r miudly" evening classes throughout the winter Origin and that these islands are soil views a the Older school of Ir'sh le d -
great circle of equal States,, who will. tbacher. Oln new?" asked the that Is Persaaded to peace. As only
It proved SO Ill -South Africas where stand beside tures available t6 any locality in the The sad thing about this for the I the Sinn Fein, the Anglorhobe and the
Ultimate , un - Ity was. only realized . you and shield you and "Dead!" sho%ted the boys. Mother, I must (lUit my dreaulln' province; a course on "foods -and diet!" gunbuilders and steel plate makers oil German elements regard England as
through sey I protect your new rights as, if these "And -did You ever see In the streets An' get busy, after while, for wamen; a tow-iammTplanning course; Japan. has been that this "iron sand"I a "militarist" nation of the Prussian
oral stages and a process wers their own rights: who will view lazy men lo But this little bit of'seemill, rural is a stubborn thing, too stubborii for sort, the English Premier does well
of years and where the Republican unging about 'Taiting for and urban evening tutorial!
.an Invasion of your rights or a viola- Someone to give them momey, Well That Iaeo Your lovill, smil% classes during the win -ter; and, -moat the usual method of ore -smelting. Thei to ignore the Do Valera insi U, tio S
ideal for which we have made unheard tion of your status as If it were an III- where will they be in thirty years?"' Will bring back the punch You gave rhilical of all departures, an arran 1 Japanese$ however, are a tenaciously of "militarispill n 'L 11
Of Sacaftes- had Ultimately to give vasion, and a violation of their own, "Dead! J, me, go- and the 'niplication
Way to another form of freedom. I and who will thus give you the most ment by which a grOuPOf twenty pso- stubborn race, given to studious pot- that England would deal with Ireland
Ireland Like 14US!" tering over retorts, -and test tubes. On
And who wil be the loungers, theu?lp In life's game I'll kick a goal; PIC, in any part of Ontario may studyt as Germany would deal vi ith Belgium.
South Africa. effective guaranty possible against -any You, In Mem'ry dear, can save. me, under Competent instruction in even- October 18, 1920, the Japanese War Ireland knows better and the world
MY beffef Is that Ireland is travel-' poss-ible arbitary interfe-reiPce by the I'll be master of my soul. ing Classes, and proceed to a B.A, de- Office had this to say:
British Government with your rights knows better.
ling the same painful road as South nd position. gree. The Concluding paragraph of I Iron sand is so general throughouJ On the surface the exchange of
Africa, ulid that with wisdom and a All Scotch. Iletin states that the University
i In fact, the Britis�h Government will She Was Embarrassed. this bu the length and breadth of the empire! notes leaves the situation deadlocked
modoration in her leadership, She Is have no further basis of interference A lecturer. says that Gaelic was. t1ie M�. Peet, a very shy young Man, was of Toronto will endeavor, in the mat- that it has long been plain that if Some i as it was a week ago, But so, long as
destined to achieve no less, lang ter of higher education, to meet the method were discovered of emelting'the truce holds, so long as there is a
success. uage of the Garden of Eden, and Introduced to a
As I 'said to You before, I do not can- with your affairs, as your relations that Adam and Eve were Scots. faSclnat1ngTYOUU9 WOTT needs of any part of the province so iron from it Japan never -would suffer'Suggestion that the last rcij has ot
Mau, 'who, misunderstanding his name, f I ii
elder one single clean out solution of with, Great Britain will be a concern And, to be sure, Adam Is a good old addressed him constantly as Mr. Iff 11 itl fi,,n,ls and the size of from want of steel. On the str n h
t S staff , ill P e gTt been said, the hope Of peace will live
he Irish question Possible, at present, not at. the British Government but at Scottish name. ermit. All of this means of the above, the necessary invesbiga-� in ST)lta of the Unbending attit-,ldo of
the Imperial Conference, at which Peters, much tO his distrew-. FinaNy I I
You will IlavG to paes through several But, they'll be calling it tits Garden summoning up I tll�t the provincial university is rend_ tions were started as early as Sep- and the the
stages of which a free Constitution Great Britain will be onlyone of seven of EdenborOugh next. cOurago, he remon. Engi, hardly %veal-ened
(or Southern Ireland is the first, and mem�ers. Any questions in Issue be, Th strated: ering real service tO its constituency tember, 1919, by a special committee. stand of 81nil regi.
tween you and the British Govern. eY say, moreaver, that kilts orig- "Oh, don't call me Peters --call me and So is performing the true fnc- The experiments of a year But rejectmil anl rc.-,)1y,
the Inclusion of Ulater and -the, full re. inated on M unt Ararat, at
C Peet." tion of a modern university. To de_ have been crowned with tolerable sue-, and argument an har�'Iy go on ;n-
eognition of Irish unity will be the inent will be. for this, Imperial Con, 011 ay! That's verm Possible. Yon vel -op properly this type of sk%--Vice cess, and the process has �ocn exporl-� dtfinitely. I- e
We ?nmiot rl7,.
last, Only the first stage will render ter -once to decide. You will be a free kilts' "Ali, but I don't knG YOU a I Ig , a
member of a Mat league, of which itmt me look like ralnY-day sort a, gur- enough, Mr. Peters" w well a more adequate revenue will be re mented with on a practical scale rt! more exchan.,ze Cf n- ' tea7,*' is Lloyd
the last Possible, as camse generates nt, Ye ken. said the girl, quired. the Penchichu Iran Works, 'George's rem,nder.
. of the other members will be In the blushing as she withdrew behind her under the'
effect. To reverse the process and to But havers! If Ye grant that, the fan. control of the Okura firm, with very I Sinn Fain 'niust meke its dle�ision.
- the first step conference . as Yourself, and , the daft r�911GS will be. tellin, yo next that Mt. EVerest Climbers Still satisfactory res�ult$. It has been t ' !d over and Over again
begin with Irish unity as same position
IS, to Imperil the whole settlement. III be the forum for 'twos a Gael who Put Yon ark on Mount The matter dropped from sight or
Irish 'unity thrash.ing. out any questions which Ararat in the first place, A new tank, recently demonstrated I that Ireland Can h-;ve free(!011l, but
Should be the ideal to may ar Seeking Route. I within the Co'c
which the - whole process sh ISeTlietween meifibers. This is in FrauCe, will cross trenches, hearing. It was guarded as a military mmOnwQath. Shin Fein
ould be the nature And belike, after a,, the flood was Oil In all the talk roads. It must
OR"In The British expedition which is secret and still is. has corne to the cross '
directed. and the constitutional prac. only a Scotch mist! the sur:raee 'of wate'-1 and' then aiming at the conquest of Mount arms and armaments nothing mo make its decision for urar or for peace.
I do not ask you to give Up your 11 tice of dominion freedom. dive and --rawl along the bottom. Everest In the Himalayas, the world's was heard un -til A few days ago. Then
Idea), but only to realize it in the only I An Unprecedented Opportunity. highest peak, has completed Its. ex. the Cables announced that Dr. Naito Red Razh.
way which seems to me- at present I The difficulty In Ireland Is no longer plorations to the north and west of the and Gore Matsuka had discovered a
practicable. F reedom will lead inevit. a constitutional dIfficulty. I am satis- mountain without discovering a practi. new process for the making of steel
ably to unity; therefore begin with 'fled that from. the Constitutional point Cal route to the summit, Some Years writer on wars
free constitution for of view a fair settlement of the Irish -go a
it IS, an. from "iron sand" that will revolution- and war causesa aid in substance that
freedom—with MoPplin �hqmos nounoed in a. Reuter despatch from ize the World steel industry, make Ja- in 4,000 years Sof recorded history
the 26 cOutties--as the Brat and most question Ids new possible and practle- Oe IA/ --L Simla to London. pan one of the great iron -producing there had been no, more than 4,000
Important $'top In the whole settle- able. It Is- the human difficulty which vy%wlt Mwon Some hope is, stell entertained, how. natdons Of the earth and make the
ment. remains. The Irish question to no ever, that a route may be gained 0 Mikado's emp, re independent of Great �ays when Peace had beei unbToken
As to the form Of that freedom; here, 1 1 n i
longer a constitutional but mostly a the northeast Bank of the great moun. Britain and the United States so far in all parts Of the world, The old
too, You are Called upon tO Choose be -'human problem, THE NEW DRIVER tainiand when them Monsoon abates an- as iron Imports are conceened. globe is rarely free of the Red Rash'.
tWeen two alternatives, To you, jig A history such so yours must breed other effort will be made. meanwhile On the eve of the Disarmament Can -
You say, the Republic Is, the true ex.,1 I said to James Augustus Barr, wh�n. first he bought himself Vickers, Ltd., the great French and ferelice we are enjoying 4 period of
it temper, an outlook, passions, Sue. the headquarters� of the expedition has American shipyards and fabricating comparative
pression at national Self deternillia..: picions, which it Is most 4ifficult to a car, "Shun streets where CrOwdis are thick; hunt up some been moved toward Kharta, upon Plants Will miss the Japanese as one- world peace, but it is
ticu- But It Is not the -only exprP4.1 deal Vith. On both sides sympathy is thoroughfare remote, and there Propel Your PZuting boat until which Point the further offort will be tomers and feel them as competitors. Only COMParative. We are dreading
SlOn, and it JG an ex#Missloa which,, called for; gonisroalty, and tL real large- U based. the "next war," while a dozen wars,
I You've learned the trick. The half-baked. driver Is. a frost, a d If "Iron, cold iron, is master of men little and big, are running their
means your final and IffieTifo-cabI4 94,0er- 'ness of soul. I am sure that b;Ah the m&*nY lives ore lost for his besotted sake; emergencies, arlsoi The Present expedition, has survey- all," Zapan is about to take herplace course.
once from the British L�dgfie, - And to English and Irish peoples tire rips for alas and then he steps down on the gas when lie should use the G4 about 10,000 square miles, of terri- near thohead Of the table. Norshould There is fighting in China bet,%,een,
this, as you know, the - Parliament, and � a � fresh start The tragic horror of brake- I beg You, J� Augustus Barr, to keep off Main Street with torY on and adjacent to Mount Ever. it be forgotten that iron and steel are the North and South, nor are these
agree. . .,;I. I re, est. the metals of war.
the, people of this country *111 not'recent events, followed Ba, Odddenly your carT until You've learned tO drive.; because, of drive brash Wimie battles. Spail and Riffian,
by it truce and frateriiltfng - all along and now t0n. thousand sleep boneath, ths, dow who 8 Here is something to think over on
The, Britith prifde: %is thei-lint'. hfts,�sdt, flo.*Inj de6p, foun. till should tribesmen are looked in death grips
linade you an offer jai the. Other, - :16rm 0-ifthl * of emOdOn"In 'both' Dedples and. be alivis." But James Augustus, is a bore who knows, It all, and Careful Lumbering. the eve of the Disarmament Confer- along the Moroccan seacoast. British
Of freedow---of Ddnifd6n; then some, 3110re, and balks at couns once that will deal with the dron forces and tribesmen are battling in
16-tatud-m- ereawd A, liew,volitical Situation, el wise; aAd So he tooled his The' operators (under timber per- panopl7 and
ttl ts -steel machinery of wars. Mahsud
working with 'IdbiiiDlet* 'It -Would be the"kfeates 1� it# on , Oil Do" Ion forest res along the northwest Indian
which to boat along, among the Main Street shipping throng, and crippled erves) are It was the Japanese War Offite that frontier,
Coss in all Parts of t 't seven guys. And of the seven live all conducting the timber
114-1�ktiishl 1`1096a. on, our -- et'itesininshlo, �f this anspl. will Bus to get the money they operations created the Committee that ha
Important British M1111801% 1 d6W *bmeiilt IA,'AIIbWedt6 04M. Yon' !�oro caroifull!. Stumps, a 9 faund. In Asia Minor, Greek and Turk aro
cribed Doinlillion B.tatils . in 11 - feel duo for sundry broken limbs; and two In righteous wrath til re' cut 'low, the way to make steel, of the "Iran continuing the
'terms and Your thends h0ifis'now a trrilque haV6 said that they will punch the driver's head, and blacken. I 'eg' ar9 i zed as fully as Possible, sand.11 immemorial battles
Which must ;Batlefy all you Drusli, I's disposed of and the tracts that have always raged between East
and West In this cockpit of the Near
U Parnell Andl;hlg both IIIS, glims. And It Is Certainly a shame that boobs, before Olierated are being left In good con.
9ttimately wish for. Mr. Lloyd d6orge i
r .. predecessors and stiedi6soors noverhad they" learned the game., May drive throug4 Crowded marts; dition for Protection against fire and London University, with a total of East. Here is a war of first.class
In his his -torte reply to Gen. I-Je tzog 1—to secure an honorable and lasting the copis, should pinch Buell )ads at eight, and stralght-,v&Y jail for reproduction of the f dimensions and ever first-rate issues.
at Paris, Mr. Bollar Law in a We-; peace for Your People, them over night, and Confiscate their -carts. nual Report, Director of F orest.—An. 20,000 students, iff the largest in the There is a truce in Ireland now; -but
brat0d declaration In the Hous: of I I pray God that You May be wisely orestry, Ot- w0cldi' it includes 65 insdtutions seat- a few weeks R90 Erin 'was a place of
.......... tered over the metropolitan area.
....... -bloody ambushes and gurfire in xt.ar-
FEUILKS—Bv itanA 11— row gtv,�+- lr#.
Q �1
may ue So again.
TnnAll ICU 1. .1 . .
- MSOTIAbly quiet now;
no man knows for how long.
There is continual fighting in EAst-
ern Siberia, where old boundary lines
have dissolved and a half a continent
18 drearily fighting under the banner
Of fint one 11alf-bandit and then an-
other. In 4 9core of places In w1iAt
Used to be gustia little wave are :flar-
ing up, d7ing down and lighting up
The NOW World is 'cCmp.&rstIVdlV'r
quiet, 008% Itica and Panama h4vo,
Settled their little, diffietzltz but thera
.Is A "state Of wak" in parts of Xleav,.,
The, world is not freo frem, tho It6a
Rttsh- It MaY nevev be Inimuno oh.
t1r0ly; but the D1M9rW4%1l6bt rAnf,&�
01100 Mar 1101P in buildinu -up a blg'hl
degree of immunization agalftat tile
OPOrt Sent bY Radio.
Opera performed In 13orlin twAin,
Vwsmitted by wireless teloph4Dfto 1�40
listilletlY heard POO miles awa3r,
JoSft- 4A,1qV
1. , :
ok t
Q �1
may ue So again.
TnnAll ICU 1. .1 . .
- MSOTIAbly quiet now;
no man knows for how long.
There is continual fighting in EAst-
ern Siberia, where old boundary lines
have dissolved and a half a continent
18 drearily fighting under the banner
Of fint one 11alf-bandit and then an-
other. In 4 9core of places In w1iAt
Used to be gustia little wave are :flar-
ing up, d7ing down and lighting up
The NOW World is 'cCmp.&rstIVdlV'r
quiet, 008% Itica and Panama h4vo,
Settled their little, diffietzltz but thera
.Is A "state Of wak" in parts of Xleav,.,
The, world is not freo frem, tho It6a
Rttsh- It MaY nevev be Inimuno oh.
t1r0ly; but the D1M9rW4%1l6bt rAnf,&�
01100 Mar 1101P in buildinu -up a blg'hl
degree of immunization agalftat tile
OPOrt Sent bY Radio.
Opera performed In 13orlin twAin,
Vwsmitted by wireless teloph4Dfto 1�40
listilletlY heard POO miles awa3r,
V,U"s Aa�T -MNT-
mp- N
1. , :
ok t
Q �1
may ue So again.
TnnAll ICU 1. .1 . .
- MSOTIAbly quiet now;
no man knows for how long.
There is continual fighting in EAst-
ern Siberia, where old boundary lines
have dissolved and a half a continent
18 drearily fighting under the banner
Of fint one 11alf-bandit and then an-
other. In 4 9core of places In w1iAt
Used to be gustia little wave are :flar-
ing up, d7ing down and lighting up
The NOW World is 'cCmp.&rstIVdlV'r
quiet, 008% Itica and Panama h4vo,
Settled their little, diffietzltz but thera
.Is A "state Of wak" in parts of Xleav,.,
The, world is not freo frem, tho It6a
Rttsh- It MaY nevev be Inimuno oh.
t1r0ly; but the D1M9rW4%1l6bt rAnf,&�
01100 Mar 1101P in buildinu -up a blg'hl
degree of immunization agalftat tile
OPOrt Sent bY Radio.
Opera performed In 13orlin twAin,
Vwsmitted by wireless teloph4Dfto 1�40
listilletlY heard POO miles awa3r,
*TWo M I Lets
1. , :
ok t
Q �1
may ue So again.
TnnAll ICU 1. .1 . .
- MSOTIAbly quiet now;
no man knows for how long.
There is continual fighting in EAst-
ern Siberia, where old boundary lines
have dissolved and a half a continent
18 drearily fighting under the banner
Of fint one 11alf-bandit and then an-
other. In 4 9core of places In w1iAt
Used to be gustia little wave are :flar-
ing up, d7ing down and lighting up
The NOW World is 'cCmp.&rstIVdlV'r
quiet, 008% Itica and Panama h4vo,
Settled their little, diffietzltz but thera
.Is A "state Of wak" in parts of Xleav,.,
The, world is not freo frem, tho It6a
Rttsh- It MaY nevev be Inimuno oh.
t1r0ly; but the D1M9rW4%1l6bt rAnf,&�
01100 Mar 1101P in buildinu -up a blg'hl
degree of immunization agalftat tile
OPOrt Sent bY Radio.
Opera performed In 13orlin twAin,
Vwsmitted by wireless teloph4Dfto 1�40
listilletlY heard POO miles awa3r,