HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-15, Page 21-1.. __ I 11.1 ­­....­ -__11--- ... ____ 11-1 . ... -11 11 ----.1, -11".. ­ I—— - ". - __ _ ____.____.__. - I -1 �, ­­ ­ --- - , 1. I � I 11 , - . ., 1� I I . I . ­­­­­ ­ I .1 � � - I ­ -_ -.111 � I ­ .___-__1_______...__.___ I _ ;��".__�. ­ --- ­ . - ___ _­ - � .- - - ­ _. ­_­ . . � — "" r 1 14 X=. —, ,�� ­ �; � = I -A "4­n:p:1:2!2!�!� � ,- - _____ ""-�%_ . ,. � I 'a" MONSTER LINW-- ===— ======= X__- = 1111:1;.'', , , I Haverton had during the, day main- w9p: �,__ S F_�_­ I I � . _____ _ ------- - _. ___ ___ — I I talned 46 sullen laulawr of .1w night I I ..%." .� 9 . M I L xi I ft% before. Ile s,pelm but rtirelly. ard, 0- I - - wr " - Vtp. W V" I -1 � 0 , , �. i�,zetl, ns lie tho-:tght. of th,,� iiiCoraxatl n . fl� 'A WOM , X%W a ,� the klur".q ovMeniNI, .4% It weve-Olarl A , lglw%� A , X: OF THE AIR ROUM I I .The 11sed car dealer wlio:thows You resen.tment at Ma troatnv,ak. I . 4 , " , �� The Secretof t he 1w had given 0 his ca'p,tor,,, he 91 -it :. .0 A. a dull �Flawwi 16 bow they . � run Instead of talkina about I I It �Qe,eiued ta hint that lie was doan-v It �� 1. - 1. ,W'4at they are 11ke. . CROSSING THE ATLAN, to come oft very badly in the atrairt I I USED AUTOS TIC IN TWO DAYS. ! Old Chateau alto, -ether. Caring for the Com plexion. . affectO, elther,the mitralor the aortic 100 Actually In atook I � . Of the myot,�ry that evidently snr- S;l, * valve I #-O--_--N­_­�� rouiWed,tho Chateall ClianvMe an -i its I .ki a girl to ale quee, ollow. I wi,,gl -or both r.re crippled, The wi- - ­-, _ , - -- 4Q2 YONU ST, . I . . ehar,el be kncw nothing, �,.xjd oariA I -could be Just *a beautiful in the tral ist. tile valve between the. two Perry HVe4key T0110NIp . , - .-M-M.A­� By DAVID NVRITELXW� . QW11 ba the tdIling of 11r,hert. BaNen-lcold, pitilless sulilight, as I can in a cavities on the left side, and the aortic I Alention this -paper. Progress �ejng Matl,e in Bri..'� , - _ ter lo� had, had no hand; why, then, xsoftl� lighted, room at night.11 i is the valve .that guards -the ,apening .; , , _-_r ".. -11. ;;;;;; tAin by the Transatlantic I , " ­,,;,­-:- -9 was, be, tramping dusty roads with two We ,.ill wlah wmeould! And wo icnow'intQ the .aorta, the .large artery that .1 I (1QoPy4*IAW) men who prActleally held him, prison- ' leads from , the heart, The mitr4l is J34ttleo of the Eye's RoYs. Airplane Co. Synopsis of Later Chapters� � Berwick ,­ized a bottle containing er? I we could but for our complexions IV ine shows up - crippled,more often than the aortic. When yon loolc straight at someone Le%,ving Baxenter boand in the eel-ibrandy that stood oil the er.tz,,y little He ished with 0,11 his siul 'Chati which the ruthless svilsh, I London to Now YMU In two dayol ton at most cruelly. Soma of us just call- ! Aortic valvular disease is usually. qlse%.. ojes. axid then find it necessary lar of Adderbury Towei,a, Dartin aud�tablel =4 Pouring Soule illt!) a 9la,-,s,'-%yhen lie had locate Zen' to blink or turn. away you are being The thing -'"MO 11106110011`01Q to,duy, , d Vivian IZ Riworton make thcIr eseape. Tw,1 held it to the lips of the man on tile Adderbury Towers he had let the � not have the marvelous, fresh, pink- i more serious than mitral. es yet it could be -ii,acomplishod ta.duy, days later Baxenter starts for Paris bed. Its effect 'was imine4ate, and sleeping dog lie. Ile shouldhave. taken paitl-white sl,in of others. But %e can In ,children valvular disease of the attacked-, according to says, a London newspaper, ` with a detective, Silas Berwick. They', slowly they extracted the story front ,,warnini 'a i heart, is usually not serious.. until the R,u4% by a force, or ray that emerges �r by his last asso44ation with keep ourcomplexious free fr in blem-, The Tratioatlantio Aeroplarto CO. Will . - . track Haverton to the Hotel d'Ec1aW.Plh11- I that gentleman. It seemed to him islics- we can _tep the 'as In. 1925 probably offer you a firpt-class 1; ,111 clear, a,11 child begins vigorous growth; then the from the UUMAII OY0. __ . i Ae liml becu. hurried off the morTi-,very unfair that lie should be etern- Naturle, and right living will let us;lparent inust take great care to keep I-le,claims to have, ahown by expert. saloon passage, by air to Now York MAMM XXI. illig before W Blois, aita froill. there ally e.dled uRoll to ,pay e Piper to d as for freckles and ,healthy tand e, The nients that this force Is actually Cap, for the sum of , . th ' 1 the child from. being too 40tiv i1326. Haverton at Bay. 1had walked -out to an inn called tile Viviall's dancing, lit fact, Mr. Eddie 'all hief danger is that the heart Will not able ,of setting an instrument In =a- There will be no time in which to, on remembered Haverton was filled with a very real well, we must reconcile ourselvej to I o . , At their knock a. voice on the Other � tile nainq of the inn'. although they 1xid llity for himself. that li:� thinking of the favors Nature' be able to staxxd� the added strain of tiou. , be bored to,death.-by the Journey, as side ol the door suddenly ceaW, then - � - lie, -has bestowed upon tis. ordinary fevers. The gravest form of "The fact," be explains'lix the %au- ' PrO3011t. the' case .not stopped there. They had passed it, He sat with his ad lewiing back. 10 at � When one - was resumod in Ali eskited whisper.1 , I ild. lLa that in cet,, othat the direct ga%o or vision of i and entered an avenue of tree.; -it the. oil the old "acked plixEter of the wall., To have a clear sl0n,wo must be,!,, heart disease in a ch travels by Bitcam.,or. There -was a delay of a few minutes, ", I , I -which, the ,heart muscle is diseased; ore VArson soon becomes Intolerable . end of which. and across a moat. stood %tuaking a cigar and gazing out I at the very root of thingsi namely, 1 ' Nor Will the Aiglitularo of amea.slck. and tho,4*or w4scautiously inilatched � a,chateaxi. Vartin bad sworn when be thrQu- that seriously Interfares with tile to aAother person suggosted to, me neen frighten the Intouding an looked out. I ch!Ws nutrition, and he wastes away. that there in , Ight be a ray Issuing from and, BrIeux's m, - ay 11100dilY, proper living and diet, TheZirlwhe* - traveller, 'JiL the open doariv, ,ksavr that the whidows, were lit lipjand, seeing nothing,of the beauties of t1lie �Atuffa, herself with candy and rich, , . for the much -talked -of aIr-sickness is At sight a Robert and Berwick ho,'bad cursed his luck. Eventually they, sun -kissed countryside. His thoughts � drew the door wide open, and they � had left the ,avenue, and ekirting the were of a cozy t greasy foods, who is lazy and inert,. The child in the acittestage of heart the I'llulan e7G." Vogey. � stopped. into tile dlm'�y lighted oafo.,, 113 overlooking Hyde I a it may pro, a mout. had reached a little wood of P=k. and at Dil the c cannot hope for the clear, healthyl disease must rest in bed; after that "If4h0re Is such ray The caulibs Ot All sickness are ex. - Madame Renier, the picture of autici-' I stage I$. past he must have judie-.cus duce, an uncomfortable offect on tile � pixies, in 'which stood a ebtipel which uries of -a v, r0a-to-do man in London,, skin of the -girl who eats fruit, veg-e-I cessIve belght and low speed. Flying ' patiou, nodding brightly as the police tber had entered through a win,low, ; gioxies which ha t,.,ld himself were no tables, drinks , lots of water, sleeps'exercise, ITO 'must never take part in Other person's retilla or by collision at u great height ID, Ileocazary for war officer Shut the door. 1, The listexters attended breathlessly � more to be � his. ' [with her windows open every night,lfstich vigorous .sports as football Or with tile other person's ray," i purpeaes, and low speed lays the nia. ' - , "Ali, messieurs, y.zu have come at, to tile tale 01 how Rental, had Tem,ovec, One by one tht, viRagets, sath,4-ed'bathes oftcn and gets in Plenty of'baseb'11- surf bathing, swimming, In order to give his theory the sup- c ne open to the buffetings of the the good hour -he is but newly at- a foinb in the thapeU with news, de-a-Irtki to* convey 4-1heir ! . . e I wind. the slab front . Vigorous exerelse. And as we need iruniti-nag, Or rowing races. He Should port of some experimental evidene - rived xd has gone to bed, Only One0floar and descended bv ine:xxis of a'Anwwledge to, anri shine with a 'rt-lnot lack for the -whole-s-olne exercise, be warmly clad and kept in tile house he decided to try to evolve some In- Three Hundred Passengers. xxiei,ksleurs, the edier is not-" and�rope they had broxxght'�vith them. ae' flected glory among. their waiting let 'us coneenh on cold and especially on�windy days. strunint wlilch should be got ili'MC- ' kiladame illade an c,xpresslvo gosture. had insiructed Mwertau to replqce,familles. As old Hewri, his oevulpa- -ate ,oil diet. He must avoid -all indigestible food. tion by nothing morer than the Impact I The commerclal AY1119 machine will "NVe 11110w, inadaule, -Ave have' w' atell-' tile slab ,ind -wait patiently in the tion gone, prepa"A t -.i f,�:'Inv Oh-lanj lit their seasons there is nothing not require to be 113wn at a great ei far Ins light to go out. We may ' Be Letter to eat than lettuce, Spinach, ., of human vision. I .91in,dow of the pews for two hours, or, , rwick- tauchel lihil. on the shaulder . *� The Pleasanto9t Room in the House. I "Within a metal box," lie we�tes. "I t height, and an average r,pe,-.,l cf. eighty go upV1 querioi Ribert. I until he heard A tapping, when he I 11A inoraent, monsleur. I il,,lyt� beon . earrolks,. tomatoes, radishes, beets I i "But certainly, messieurs; M. I suspended a delicate solenoid (that is, , miles an hour will make for stead4. X&)uara a,PA I Nvid ac,zonipany y�,,,x.­ wAs to reopen the t6riab and let Vi_,listvning to �,.our graphic deter.ption. turnips, asparagus, greens. Prunes I "I must have a large, sunny kit, magnetized wire), made of fine wp-'ness. . llcrwiek thmight for a moulint, and viall out. i I think I -would like to bear a little - every morning for breakfastand bmix. i chert," said a worrian. "I do my own per wire. his solonold was wound up-; Although the war depleted the ln�r� Ilaverlon told them how he had 'am 10 11 ,niore. A bottle of wine, now I 'bread Instead of white, wril help the . ,,housewoTk- and Spend most of my time rmid, a few words to Rolbort in. Eng. , wai, util the dn'wil. had entered the � . llsb. Th,on he turnel to -,lit% womari_.' - ell. , e,,,l u ,a. journalist from Paris; your story � sluggish bowels which cause dull and there- ' an a cylindoeo' celluloid and suspend.! fection, of cclivevieneca, neceasary fcr ,lrell 1,efo_ 1, ed by a silk fibre (unspun, silk) 14 in. ,,L h r . t t P_ - I .! passeuger work, it achloved for tis t,,, .e ea, a -1 fain a would read well, I think, and would be , sallow complexions. She spent most of her days wash hig . 11_#� -If � oil will Permit us, we would ring, brit Ile liad been unable to work well paid for.' ­ long. I I most important Part of aemplai;o can. , ' preffim'to go alone� It is not a ease th, me,+mnies that moved the great, Nothitig loth, tile old man sett, ,j Are there any harmless artificial dishes, cooking, preserving fruit, or, ,, 4s. 3 ft. by 8% In. byl,strucUoti-Ae., the perfectia,ri of all arr.,st. nnd," hiol,ing toward .M.,,,,�cn . washing and ironing. Her meals -were , The box w and iita, ,,�. Then he bad hearil the sound again into his chair. It -%".a not izZe , lids for the -complexion? Yes, there 7 in,, and lined with shoat aluminium, i bilttY,of the engine. Rlouar,l; -It. is nor ,in offwlal affair." ,�f a fa',l and there had -been nii more ii med him The fax end of the box was closed by. What will the Passerg-ir 'plane Incit They rezeMN-1 the pass -Rey ir, ,monetary aspect which itift e - are. I have a little list of things I the boast of the family. %in tappiug- af ttr that. and ,at- last Haver- , so much as the thought of seeing .his think -we could keep with profit a, But the'Zhildren were in the way, a sheet of window glas,�, and the near.'liko? Experts have already mad3 1 left his companion to Ilis fate,'stor,-, and .,perchance his name, in ,our private shelf I a the medicine ,cab- even in the large kitchen. "Don't dis- ed with' all prchu- Xid-,��i6 Renier. Ani softly al:e1l"Ied toii lia, I or observer's end was furnish . pra-,tical de.,!gns, anq in 'the %tairs. On. the se�ond-fl-,,ar lau& ani had sluill, back- to Paris. print. A few of the Parisian journals inat and the next time you go to turb mother when she's cooking," was iu�- they Stopped and listexx�d Qt HaV-1 To Robert and Berwick the Story! I I a thin glass or celluloid window which'bility the machine will be In the form e ' ,filtered through, from tIMo tO, t4lae, town, you might buy these things it a frequent injunction. When the e li _ w as .... exled by a sheet of aluminum! of a, huge flying -boat, The number ct rton's door. From �behxxxd it came the t would have sounded like ,% fairy t,ale, � to Massey, to be read and ro-read by you do not possess t4exii. The Q I urim;,-takable sounds (if a Sleeper. ,S1 is dren had gone tobed, the lather and with a slot 3 in. long and I In. wide. I planes will, of course, be inciew-ed in , but for, the fact that. the n' tktoe - the inhabitants, and Henri, in Imagtn- trifling. the mother sat in the "den," cosy Eith��r Mr, Eddie Haverton was re- � voice carried NN,th it an arr- S ' ­ conviztiom After all, what had Hav- of the flaring �headlines. silk fibre with the aluminum of the: will alto be twenty or tWrty prop-., markably conszIence free 10r reinark I 1211mistaklIble,ation, already saw the personal 'glory % ounce medicated alcohol, I come- enough in the evening with its drawn "A conducting wire connected the, proportion to the wej;ht, and t�,-,--3 awly tire4. I � erton to by lying? If, as he said, �, The wine was brought and, under done extractor, I roll -absorbent cotton, curtains and lighted fire. � 11�,rivtck turned the key saftly itt, 1, ciiltl I ice "I must have a sawing room that box, which was earthed. The solenoid lers. Then there will be aCcommodil. �, ,had ed ii;Afl all hQP0 Of To- -', its niellow illRut.lice, the old man open- 45 ounce pure almond oil, '/_, OUT th,- loolt, ,md the men entered w.th- � leas i was held steady by the magnet whieh' tion for about 100 passens ' o gers as v,e:l _iu,cr Reutall was. past, they could'." od out- if the story was to appear in tincture benzoin, 1 jar ,of good ma- . out disturbing the slumbers of the � ke is Iargeand sunny," said another wo- as for luggage and maills. Thetize cf . 11,�,4iy blame -him for stiving his oww print lb��n it should be a good one cold eream, mall, "because I do all my Own & . �nuturally came to rest in the magnetic mar on the bed, aml it -was nzt until skill, The n,ul see e indeed to el- and lack no gruesome detail. It and, I spend most of -my time there., I l n m a W " ewlng,; meridian." i these 'Planes of the future will vary a mal"It was struck on't the Calldle L come the telling of the tale --perhaps I First about washing our faces. brot ' seluttcre.l '�'to' light tha�t Ile St,'irted, there- Nvns yet a. way to save the in, 1 (Tobe continued,) . � The ,children can play in the corner,"I The human eye was than I igbt'accerdli-9 to the journey.% tbey ur1,1,e­. �, in one is not engaged in work that leaves to bear through the slot In the obscicv-, take. The particulav� givell abc.ve Nvt:l a . . much genuille dirt On the face, one i Ing window oil the sus,pplided solenoid, � aprly Oilelly t3 leng-ai,tailee -%vo;,,c, V. death would be thorough scrubbing a day will do, . I and it was found that if a steady gaze . . such 116 the servi,Mi bi_ltwceu Frigiand lit, haJ left in the cellars, at Ad-, tile crime of Hulber r The Latest Inventions. u.x­to fin the stea4y hand of re,­bezow h I Her ,children were well dressed, and' =LT. ' . the mending was promptly done, If d4rhury T-,,-,Yk,-,-. !�,---*�N,Z �-k rlNvolver a'bmught lionie to Dartin, and not tol. For cooking small amounts of food preferably at night, First, rub the' the sawing room was the centre of tile! Were maintained on one end of the j and A"ietica. rvor ­Mhcz from his head. . mi. household, no one offered complainti ujc.�' 'it' ' � 4h' a coal stove has been Invented that cold tream in thoroughly; wipe off or cri I solenoid it was seen to start into mo- i Whether regular paz;�ir..,err sorvl.�03 k .- t.,vm,-r._-, N11r. Hay.mtoxx. Lessi, The to);Mtor spoke. is just large enough to Stand in a hole Vitil soft cloth; then with a P11're, I tion, usually away from the observing, will bf., "Rtzrted in tl1.-V­.-,e;l xl�'gdw-.�, tban a -�,:.Ak , " 1 I y, 1, I I Micism. � - � . I . .. .. s"I" r.�` �)ar,'0-­xze4ve`ns!A '"Mr. iE�ertonv` he %a d qu ed of a regular stove. bland soap, and scf 1. water, I it sc-onns, a vear-41-6* t1l"se har&-,� lilisten carefully to what I zay� WC I wash the, "We have a living room that is tho'eye. a axlt�erred'CxQept betwec,,% v�!ry (!:�'.axxt pcbnt:�, �,q t Hawaiian planters have found that. -face. CJose -the -pores with cold water, largest, sunniest room in the house,", to the. true centre of the solnold it dcubtful. The noro ane wf,u*d h -,so away fr"m N lur 1,-M,ww--�­th0re---DVX the in your power to right a wMixg-not. care tops, formerly p! - ' ar � STI -Ir regarded as and rub over ,�rith a piece of ice if - Id : stopped, and wken the vision w T cvpr the f-x_yrez4 tra"i ee the -m -so!" your wrong. I have � zai still another woman, "so we all' *its 2c � ., no, partictih as ap. ,Irnntage Vten. -�is Rzwb�zt &evr a DerrInger'. u. I have Rentou-S �: waste material, make good , - -where plied to tile opposite end of the ,ocle. it the 1_'--,rrpIm,- placc�3 Nvele �ess vu�,,., quarrol with ,V0 possible. A few drops of benzoin, love to be there. It is the place � 4 fr;%t '-;moatl-, tb? PMaw- "I ki, ly dried, 1welive. I want the pleturea aM lmol<s n' ,L'ln�t, ou n word for it thAt he alons killed', when proper ladded to the cold water will improve aid it moved In a reverse direction. I IN th i Ef tY 'or �­-vc,-AY m -"ss ai)arf. ThEr.) Alnrk wri w,rild t%-� muzil wit,h this-, Ulv eousixx7- e face a Havertou. i Improvements in the 'United StAtes an oily skin. Complexion brushes are and flowers tobe the background that i t is grel't dl,elaY ;a coltihn -, to eart'i f, e. yon, luiven% the plazk. but it might go the children -will remember, I _,�­_ � �. 4eared at thls----�'l want you to tale, navy's radlo, station at Cavite enable -not necessary. That! I ' I,q I quently, and in any cme huge laadlr',� *ff-tbev ,&, soxLtl=,��.*' , L" as Soon as We� C= -get o, tr"lin, to I .�the transmission at messages to San . room is the heart of the 1�3mo." I HcAva eald Gardens on the ' The =-n ca tl,e bkNi ma4e no nr*- :this cliateiu. you speak of. Reuton" Francisco without relay.. -Blackheads trouble many of us, To I It was. The kitchen, the sewing! � stages would have to be ecnstrix�., i Wer. 1"It wa`41'el w.'*Ih su'Hea ew�s'mustn% ,k,e like a rat in a trap, even �� banish thent we have purchased the Prairies. - , for Places inland. Theze Trould ',:.3 vMle R�rwi,Az 4eut the elird from the � it we -save him for �auother kind of! Of Euro'Peau Invol't'" am glass comedone extractor (44contedone' ,,'room, the bliziband's den, all were ac�l 11 higher than the W!wt buildings, an(,, beads so formed that they fit closely 'tessoriesanatclitributed,fix. a measure' Because I have seen on the prairies,- ' wit&w-bl. 3 4-M t-eol th�,- 'hands ot"er . another name -for blacli-bod) towns W,mld n , 4. Good night� Mr. Havertoil; we" " the ii-, ! and especially around Winnipeg and if constructed away train the ,evveri' irstfl, together to insulate wire no matter in mond 4, cabol d b to, the health and happiness of the et deftly tt.gether� ,',will call for you in time for the I il I 4a arl enzoirk.. Theyl i prove an eyesore and rain the L,eauty This &-m;. -Ro&-rt Put up his re- traii for Maid. And, by- the way, what form it may be bent I cannot be ro:poved all at once; . 11 houseliolld, but they were not ends in at such places as Indian I -lead, some ,', of -the tountry. (At ports oa the coast " '7 th6rilselves. r i of the finest gardens that could pos- volvcr, ,nnl togethcr the two met. be- there is a gentleman downstairs who I I F'Of"housekold use fatilored 918-s"s ta�ke weel,-s but it we persist Iaith- . I i mch stages would be un of the night N&Y sibly be ,seen anywhere In Canada, I ( I ), a.s - a I . - be Placed 'Over oltettle lalikba, ta, nose aha'parts of Taicq afrgelteti-then rquill," t4e mot4er reason I say the . time will come when these I d ro fight � you, R31 keep you from. feeling lone I. be rewarded. Vash'the gat th.. examme t1e 1;Igga,ge. Their will siptua the rest covei� b�hve been luilfitted that can jupy, WO A�il We shall be sure to gather in the - 40 1*qw-st for 1.1-e kzvs; rafsze' �Pje.xxtost ocean"gaing aeroplanes will be fitted �t:�.)r - It" . , I � I -'Prairies will be hedged and dotted'w"h floats and land on the. ,water. In, Have q _. r�;13e,4 in the ,direo- - ly, after your vigil in the 4hapel. Be- chatigia the. lighting edects of . ro,am_�. ,rub in'-sorat. 6t I wttlk gl,p�qqq.-of blooming flowers, of 1 1 "I � timi of lilz trat.sera, and. in the pac'kots;�� sides, IV& sAfer.11 . ,the iftiOnd oil ' od "and. the home that keeps the best , I - - - � I .1 I . Am electric street car in fftlffilx�: 'pleee of __ with a I baince, 14ya oilly enough stress on .1 �p . they found, them. -1 ASO�&AtAii�tt()11. It 49 bet- I ripenixig tfalts, and of delicious vege-, ' At first snght .the bags contait*& MATTER XXII. longland, bus been fitted' up 84 a tra`ftor to, 46 -this three dliv,4, -at � TeAzt,bo_ the kitchen to, pr9vIde'vvholesQme food,, Why the, Prairies Are ' nathixl�z but Nmv.rmg appzlreil tmt b--' I V411IT19 Itlit4hett, selling Alet's ,to p4r� � 16e. 1beg1hnWe,th,9 war;t�h­rj� p ' only �nough outbabathrdont tb ,,t,,xx,1abIos,­Tk6Y existto-day. Imaymen-, I � � , I cleanllness,, oul . J.,tiovespecially the Dominion Forestry Treeless. neAth ihis fk�- ise�krchers xinezAhed a, The tluy� village �of Massey ;� ' ­ sons who live along its iout% � - to soften the sidn, Mlieh when yo , I Y enough on �he so�vlvr- was . , u �aa 'Ing room to furnish the things ,thit � Branch Warsery Station 81 Indian, 'mr ay what the . 4=nt*­y of ji?we.ry ari a ezns;lkierra*Me� lit' . Mtor Years 'N�t experinionAnk, a devote pltxxt�r e process, inust be I Head, because that does not come un- It Is I ,ossible to st amormt ,,�f gol,t �oln. Between the�'si` -ecl to Its v4,.r.vr deptils, Xe�� Frenchman has Ixx*�xited carding ma- wasb7mg your, of Ume to th made,at lionle.' But Ae living I exact causes. are which, operating to: , ithin th 10 Y of tA a hands so the we im- �' ­ gar,L,�nts. t,i6. repo- . -I f,,r� f� Nv 1 _o1dost"An- clilue 'With which ka,ptik Abres'ean be !y Toolu,'viith its flteplate,-its liwks, its A;r my - own Idepartment; n0thing conturie,q, have predil-ced this result ,_i ,1 ,%,,� , a men r ..,I tone in notes. Ill vras b-='FAF to be" habitauts bad -it been -singled �Qut as 1� maculately clean, take a ntitror andi could bd "more exq a stage *r the worl&g Itapp prepared for wowdris Into textUes. Nights, and its easy -chairs, . ulsite, more perfect i (lack i6f tree's on the prairie), but ft ' NMI,_,ore d, at tt!-at they WhIted to avoid � . emugs. , sit in a good lighL With the 4coxxxo� holds the than Is that magnificent garden. 13 , Small -wonder, therk, that what. little The bladb ,of a new safety, razor is done extractOr best of the home life." ut f Is generally 'thought by those who tho inauisitive-ess of the, Customs (a, small inexpensivel � have given game attention to the sub- ",tl wx%,4�unt id work' was usually done a. circular disk,which. Is revolved 'by a - before the prairies can have gardens oVzers� as nsuzi-, as -,;:�sstb�z. Rob, instrument which every drug store jt� .*,_%,,1 t_hat the n.. *, �'e` on this sunny', spring Inside the handle, controlled keeps) `� press -the black- head with the Make, the M"t of ovsrselves. they must have hedges for tlteir wind- Ject,, that 'a largo part of what is now ._;.,j,ri,.,v ;g the rshovld - .set "Ida I it -V,-*",;, vas engravei vik� the arw,4-afteraoon, and that twos and threeslbr a thumb- piece onotio side. break$. Sat your hedge and you may I prair16 was not oftinally so;.. in fact of th" liz Dlrt�,V,v fam".y. � ,, should congregate in the scented little Porcelain money is being mado in end with the small uoie, the largei -one Children are prono to forgot the took for your garden. The hedges are I there is ffirect gvidenco to show that ',A -.,I ubat ure yma go,=� to do, cottago gardens, and that xxxa�y an ! Salany. for Xuatemala, -Which plans being for pimples- A whitish, worm- little daily household ,duties assigned � coming. The Dominion Forperimexital I at least some, districts which are row with r.-zet, 61il man should fovvgo, his after-dinner., to. experlmeut with it in place of- the like s'Gbst=ce -Willi merge, Do Only to, them, A good reminder ,would be I F arms have far more thail Paid for I treeless wre orl.-It-a-uy well timberc.,1. ' T,1,,.0 v,�, .,,t- fr,��n - Iwo br ibree at a t1ine or 3*nr face a slate ,hung , the N_e,a W;�g. t s ., , -emu- slestita that he inight take bis place, iu"hard rubber cmTeuoy tow in use - in the. kitchen for each I themselve& by the wide distriDution 'Undoubtedly the chief agency which . jous. .,I-, of the Three I saffi have a bruised appearance. Rub child. On these slates I .j it ,_een�itj ,,%s if Haverl .0,,$ the low -roofed, p lor �, ar Tia'there. eon be written which has been given to the earagana little by little, has cause -1 the praft,_,13A IiVkv hai f L-rm, oi a qtiest!o!-� the aar.zwer.. Mie,%, there to discuss the facts ­a 11 4vw- Vith almoud oU ,again; then rub hedge which the Department of Agri. I to vx�h�zlh N, drea.'C.i to hear. 4.wheu they foei, the fictions --of the�: Mectrie beat drawn tr-,*= 2' ught. ithe taslrs each is expected to perform, I to encroach on the timbered area, is , " On R little Of the inedimted alcohol tWAs each task is finished culture at Ottawa, Introduced from the frequghtly recurring prairie fre. W��,-,rt iurn"i �r,­l his ,-=nii-,._qt1',x, Strange happey.,ings up at the chattaxx.� sock-p-il pt*sses tmusers after ULU axe it is wiped of t2,,e trensmv Znd sezted himself Fzrcu flinri there had te"m dawn- 1� clamped In a new devite- t1ase the pore -s Witch haul is Justas fxam the slate, and when tlie slate is Rvasla.-Prot, W. T. Macoun, Doullixi, i I L ed sui�h a day. The p4de he, had 81- i, A zev te34er ct the crank-opezated elective. un& is even better as an,cleall it is understood that playtinte.1 It Is well kn.own to those famillar with 0'_'� the ed,sze k�! 11te �kel. I on Horticulturist, Ottawa. the countrr that, '� fires are kept cut ,Mhat. n�v 4var Ravtrl�,=, de�,tis, V'Uys felt at' showing the, glorl 16 a.---kgen&- xever touch or pic,kr at' es of type c= beet a sltgZe M La -a cap or hea arrived. %I.-- of a district for " mber of years, -_�Qal ��n the c4t -, =-'e you talke the lnanz-wt lo visritiors was nothing to' ��p ,L,_e,sTn L., t�, So -S-Pots 'With Sourflngerz, teforal The secret of success and happiness �_ small bluffs of poPlaur spring, up all VL Great mt _e tattp in wMch it the rip'-wha: V, --n tej, Us. " t1us. Fior the time �being the old mat" or aflu_­ tre3tmeilt, Ilies in learning to like what we havel Fish Aid Forest Protection. I . ­�.�st j� ihni. _Mr. �3_,e, , it =s, th , 0 - , sa-, Is alaid. Freckles are a problem, but wo must, if we call not got what we like - in I The policy of restricting ti d f around the silughs and low places, _ �Iter� r C e ge a . trr--ri-ments�% ,with =ctorstow Vmvs in 10 S a which It not disturbed gradually ex- _ te�, te ventr I th villn po i Itm vvhat.y,:�--� Zl"e. lohn't �V,,n see I'= tion ef W11'eh lx,� was careful to� make' that once -we remove them!2 accepting things and turning then'l to� fishing on V��-%c V� , ,� the 11,Q,8,t t:bmve beeA so _-ucc,tssfn1 ita Xor*-Ay to'ln`nber � I Dominion Forest Reserves tend till,evelitually a formerly treelmis '.4 ­.,�­ .. nt. e sur.'20�t ,picr,�edl t1he little fou. �, because to thc-300f Rug1lug and trolling U Pto� district becomes well timbered. Froni ­W","L-V"-��rl.`-, *,'�t� 10','.,�hl�r ,-;,-.%: . jJttat s-eveval rturicip,dittles expect to "-' e'ven �bl"Ith themj, 'We are foto_ver�tqar good, instead of fretting 1 -Tho. e,':�er zn,,�­ age -frame -i P=46� of the windovr and use theM W latep the re -16s; or,en ixeXt, after a slave to this prxe-sz, :for they�, they aris not to our lilting. Atostpeo_ ducing res 1, W-111 recur -with every steason, nor cm . , ults� In tile Improved fishing, this It would 'seem that had fires nt,,t I.i:ilz�-V.%-.art--,�j�,-�**,z,.,e. wr�-Z�!evcr_ '.:t inp tko, ezger fac-es, of the vM-ageiz , wizter. a aer lives if, wholl I to ber found Inthe lakes in the yle t I 0 � get rid of them- R ero'�' they were ,childien, thei had been e ;, . as tht-Y leant forword ond, Usteted, to', Its Iaverztor bas patented a com.. " of the summer resorts, Th re, Is no! berea areas w, culd be, much itiore ex- FeZ2 *"�ke t , ,ca:� �=;.­ ever finally tat T � been s prevalent In tile past, the thu- pz�, a =,�,-�r.cnt a *,��,,� (.�_f terr�,r t1e zs*=W� � bizatloa engagement and weddItS 1L`r`­ -'anne _--�mp!e Vtre"Mth'e'lraeasures- � taught to make the beat of them, I doubt that good fisliillg doublOS the texisive than they are ,at present. Th -3 , '_;`es faze ur.3 1,11-e �h_-=,A ., I c,v,:r E,- � ino ,vau yz=eS heari ea gro=- , ,Ing, th,, latter p3xt beft adde�j at the 21w%q.-- `01d-cre=- To= face tdtOr ",'Mves; if they had notgood looks they 'IttraetionS, of any summer resort, and � faet still remaluv, however, that theco . � - . lit .; S tr"!-.-'�-,,�-,i ,_Nn tho 0,-.vCr'.e_ ver U=L ­= a sines ylees et � ,cominng in from exposure to the b0t,'oauld at least have good manners iliti the fact -that tho development of ro. I tLre InAlnewe tnets of land absn', W E;44�1'-_` �,, pr, - to fets ecaa, ,�-Zlzi�v,, ke's ,!e;=", -,N_- t­U,,*t Z* 1'. wtis the sm"'th, *1.0� had 10it 11:9 , � G,t,�'* I T*_ZZ�'- ut'l:zel 1.) , 1-1 r'�Z'*�:,j_*Z,_f,7r, forge ta tzAt, Cam 01 !tse4f -10t. an"IerleffT. is=, 1�efore was-bing it; before gaingt�4,maj,e themselves Agreeable, interest. creaticual 14-0 of the forest reserves Is! treeless wh1ch Can =ly be � vd—,-: vv.,�,- t,_,7-.:�,-:,% Ztsten.,=g. tlhun,,�_ h�nr. wha ,=t the quesoj, -_ *=C"An C - .. out in the s=, =b 40n -% litt!e Oold'ing axii, obliging. ,�, I n, ani. 4.e�li The B. I xOTtrnmemt Is er t- Parelits can help a means of securing V11bile -Vulpa.thy � their fullest advant'ago. zfter a cer!M­ I C�,! i� - ,Jng an experfr-ent SWIM fer �Iclle= =4 dug over ligbtly w.41i POW41 Vie fat ss- �.7­zi C�,, rzght-T-11 ,--t it w,W1 CM raveTence. tz=, - tire of their,children by inalting and support for forest protection is � measure of proteetion is afjorde, by - '! t;isubies ,--a, =lZe z'reir-els atA ,KM --er to 1 - , " _fie,nri tzek Cce pipe lfrora his lim, L)'e ,eZ-v &A awa.v', And, the home. nit. inviting place for their 'lot , rl I the adininistratlon '. the presence of belts or Plantations 4 B--w-ticr t'==e,1 ;:,n N= s7 -_a --,'y. " ; Oxe ooke'd 'I 1-P,!,r'% ,�n�ve, rl.:;e tl�at. mnn: wz,a" "Have I CZ1. to'2 y0a the. I dZES, tXte=_-,1ve,3- test cz-a p=dU0e-_ sa that t 11 we nl_`_� try '%O b'-'eaeh Out th`60ulig friends. They *-.%,a it to the Ot tile$() m8ort,';-Alialial Report, M.;. trees._..N*erMan ,�t,, p.ass, t)amIV-.,V., 6- - t1_t"-t*,s !-'arr,�netill NV"' -e. -e 1!--w &'-'11'1� I en)v lh,pi� yza will rever ifteekles, try freah 1tattetmilk everyl,chi.x1ren to attract suitable coulp,l stry, taws. � C=1111*r. . ll� reetor at ti\ire Ot r, orest 'Nursery 1.� " "-, U ;_N�Z = !:t �- ti�s t tv. ,% ,2.,Iv -- . " h*ar -,��e Eko, SLn=it terve8 ame zc-,-;; lr�g'ht. I'. iA w�,.='erflzi.Uy stofteting."ions for Oeir future life, nild. to ar. ., tatiam. Inalaa lical, . , ,�,�. - I �, .,,, — arv, ­V-Va . and F.e=_hIng. - ,� , gz_rn� v,ts� th range that they $hall meet Such Odd at'd Interesting. .0 C'­,Itiv�.­,�-!,_�� tn,"1, me ­ iarienab:e prmve�', � 0-.- I Scak. 4.nH 1 1:��­:_4, t,e*n �=-_-!. 'i'.1 r�_,-,i.-j. _�-r ;inz, v:rnel ta the ok-Zns-,1vn:* � I - _---­"%._ . ltr Rapid Tree Growth in friends in ,,i natural way and under NVhISt, played as 10 I as 1690, '4R VW,%,1T I �.a�tc-_�,-:.�, � Henvv_ ",��16�-ql hi=&' to h:zs g 4 I Ag agt I It! . ­...­­ . I -I-,.A !,�r the hfth tirre P*=rgi�,_A ie,.:� tha�l So-athernoutario. the wisegaidince, of their elders, a i ,!,2ot.�!*s ef Ins etorr�. In tte& rapt at_4 A tte .. ef t�: - - L Cf �� Heart DIs*as# in c1didret. waO 009111 11Y Called "TrIumpli.ot The Eatirig Test. I'll � ... 11,11,11� 1, t Meetng 0 C-,,=-�, ,,, 12- I -----%I.— It4nutag upstairs Instead of walking I T atiDpose --and venture, to herp-z. ��,­ ... 1� ... 1:, ��!:�� 4 lj­"�h 1; 1, I" , i =_Von t!�ey- hal harc.,,*Iy t-, 1---44 tbe , xe-"s1k clzatts� 0__tarfz!� it Wb*.Cb ft!; ezuv� ,r-- Eea.,*, .. . , I ;: e�, , , I - - _. it, -' 'htc NVIII'lacre"t 010- Work of tho heart b;r I that one day Vraticee aiad Oermany I"ll "I'll 1 tT7 ef t_lh-,­ ,_,tM=,z_­., *.V:",-,. Lai:.Vnis; dte�!E,l to rn?,V!:�-e a X�*k CV, * ,aitense in eliairoxi,t L.-, 4,to4.,lc,�o tjna� I-A,1telloa Urt one-tturtil. I for et their dlgei�ea;�4es, but at the 1'1�3- � I "I . loW, . A.^- 5 - LZ'1� -"-"'-tS P.10 �Mzmt rc, r Mtt-re$UU�z . � zrze�-,� uino� ;%a tZ�t ,- � ,=�Fmc:==y b"- r-te tht,abiatista in"ospeeinlly destviletIve in the forests, . Til,� 9 * � I I � . __ - I _� V. M110al roboa 1901% by an Rug.! .1 ,,, !� I.' =._,%r tl-e 0-tm-. 11 C�_. - �,- ,� e ,L,l t, -e ; i��ir;:� i -ten ,-a diz-gulsel or ist1 Liva 1�;est,q inean oulployluelit, dead Melt not a groat deal of love 1,; h'A I't'n I . __4:ez�l gaT.6 an kls:aret e. a Zs- I Its -11 Jullgo, Invindlur, a full -dross Stat(� � between taimi. ,and Lord Uoutagu or Efi� ,AAK- 11 .kt tize first V,,--,4& 0! ez ell =x -'I, 1, .11,�-Z, WAIKE " �� 't:r,Z_&;_=,t i -t ta� wi:d 4L tom t11- '. � � .To., nere at jp­�;"�4'� ,t!_,_ -g P_-_.,Qd* VZS An nttce,,�;,� 'h V"�'-%I�S'�� t'-Nw-- �1 h-ne. ft dat-naW 1,0,ora *.,, Parent ZM,T-41xks�ble for 14 dt�'Jd for,est. lit upwards Of � Mullett r'llrates. an laelleat wliivh 1.1 'I' - . " , �� ­_ I "" '-'�O_­ "A' tho"'forS ta 'c""Ploy nol'�ody- DO xl0t 1") ROM of,eriattle, o'(1,st Ill lf%z.,l a_ I 'I I Vr. g1__VAF_t,�t4!% at��-,'A_-Llt­,;t-',��;t�hlv owte I tr -a =Xt� wl-* Hres tve I I-,-I , , , , "' I 10 I R=eMtk, . . 3. , t t�Hld is M. ___­ -_ . 1. I . I . I . $1.600, ege to have liken pl,^cLN at t is , n - J It % ho WZL,4. tie PL*C�S V -.84t, t�:e ta:arat;_Z�-z i rzr-es alwmv- 1-14svett lr,ears ag,ylt was a -,-- - ­­ ,­ __... "0,4."**A-.44 I I I 1,1 - " , , V -e firtt A's=Pteta -Of 4teart jjzso 1i � , ! I I I I ­­ � I � ... 1. .. � t L�! --"-*,* —_,, __!-�T.-_- I llt,,r-tab�% t)f *,in hotiL,l in $,witzertatid­ I H 'ast, ­___ � 4M I i " ; snnttr. ,,�--n h!� k -M!=4 nA-e, ttm etzt:gb,� S=d P:iilti, dec6mr3�te;l ctl;y V1111 thep .�d _. ­'.. I -.4111 !�7..w- - I hat inez was I I *­ : it kv- :4 .elx to twe etn&'trtess ia .. . �� t'. - tIng-plues of the nat -. . �:-� 11 .9 I k .r . . I ; ", 4.% � t,� .1,;:,.Yv,-� et, rAvzt ,was ne "ffto dry, it=vs ,ot a pr!=eval lexo i'veit , ,A 11% I . 14� ... .1 ­ ��,, - : ": - I . I 1, ,4,*,1, " I tl"th %--A -Whezt Aft-watimm is the I 1. . ." A prea-0141'an and �1 German -sat 4,49- K ,%! �=. I . I " % . .,x,,,,,,., � t�X!4-� 7. tit. i tr,nWht n.eta 6 chaav;N. 1� To4&,r It ft t"_t1rC,r rtferte-ed ft tatake is aey to ,,,.e tot,ceab!o, in the Ak 4t,t'll d I . I PINSIto each other. � .. ;, T. --i fho- t,*_-=0p�'E!aLt �S�.,:a& tzVreVa';--Z� �, , % . t, .. SMWths =g:=t rrtm rodeteen fett;l . ­_ . 1 V44 * - I &,*Atly Z"apt tmf th,t� diml%e. lot fl�xt 0 � I . � TAE�1, W4 kik IwAt,*- in- the' 1!,)**W&.-L it Aru r.t*t forl" . - � , ._1. " llym art a Prenelaman, I suppot"),"', 1i � 1� oq tZ N '16 . � LV ­ ft*�Aft ef ee rxrtatqve� i* Je-,e:*' ftt.11 ,re&t 1� riveenk *ft, vlantt " lermim, I I �i 4 !I rv-�*ctt ee eh!m -lifftZ4 from ti.."* , - �. ) I "I I , 13ald tho (A , i4,* to 1� * 'Al I ; ; I 11 I A , �Zta t.-� I -at tmxvan�o% Havert,ml ­ I Ada%, VB6 is td6ro_ likCr to ),.%vo 4 1 ­ " I.. -1 I'Ves?, ropliea thek vrq�xxelimftu- ­Ilow I , � I . .! ag 4 I .'TtStMt:g cl�Lv In tl.�b 6.,ert �.q " I .. . & ftt_,�'a rZt-wi freft 0 111W e=e. T*_-eV_w:4JrZWZ%b1bt_t�b*r_0V- :I trourt irl , V0 1. I.. A ��il* . V11 diki ,�,o firid tbut out?" I -Ou tt�i V ts'l " . .4 .4"", . I W =-lerstart.-te r.0 rr 3k*f1t�0_0_*11J Its A. iQ M.* stroth'. " Might tit *=a I c. - A ,U=41_g ttb 'Oet itt I L ite * -e r I - oCaUtkf r.glt tat so rzueh breal," ... t-.fttl tn vhat *As, V,:vW -o.. - Ly ag" V, lku.d ut# Tl� . , 11 � �, I'll. � ; ctte" " - 'Ito 0:0zor the fav eMV1 *� , I 11 - .. , I .V. J A I.. 7be tl�-," tf�ft had Idw. 1��.X at r4v. 76 t4u* V.-.* b tbrivjnx, tad tjkt 11:1 'ch-14r*u AlejmatL*� -Ewumzyi� ,� .,�;7 " -1 I I ... ,'I - " - ttlk ,� �� � I sma the, A�wwau. e-%,. -% 1� *'i I 1 I �'( " I ) " �J I t-'* 4Wtjj%A tta!_-, *t tht Arst Tf3es k_"*Z4-:r4 Is z1W lwlgh,�- 11 * . , . After a silenea tha 1�re .�� k t, . !� . &MM'ge4 &6 te*rt 1=1�k as Wei as'! . I , I I achillid ,,,�V., , - . . I .1� 1�11% 'I*. 'Irtertim in sa!ext it &.,� . , 1. a(wrVed- , ,- It rft�w I -"& at B:-11* W vc* tug to vtaLsmo Mati!dx *tkt. t1b lib; 'I, I . '_� � I I 1 I.. 't I'll I T" I I "I 11* , , ­�­ '7 ji I ­ 1h#4*%%tt6-MAXM:r. ThottOwttop- ___14__ 113r 416144 thO UtErt. So� Zort alliw6l � V "Yea iAratt Qer4an, I VresunleV ILre ati the *1y 4UA4.r ,bra %!:# Mtox "I . 7 t tvw 0"itzle RAW Is rot dam2x 11 ,.i `�, i, rtro LIft!MCM vstd �by phyaltikat. ,-4 brt'An.. I .11 . � t yott thl, .1k � I 1. . � I I tZet tz, 64 Tht*6 Mes iwbwk ov- -_ ­ ­� - . . . . . ��� Itt remain -i t*A,r. 40MPW1"---------MMM 1 sor-� patbl" Issue No. 37-2L If the Membrize 4zts tk,& 1war'L h � � i ".. .., I I I i __ . 1, ­ ­ . I V0144 allsw0ed tht Preacllma% orottiMt4oullichotov,or�Chingl" _ . 11 , ­­­­­­­­, --1-11-1- ---1--.,,-.-- - ­--__.__­___._,____. _. - ZMMM_-___ � . I � , . 1.1-1 ­ ­­__,_.__. I