HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-15, Page 14
Single Copies - Four Cents
Second Growth of Peas
On Tuesday of this week 'Mr, and Mrs.
Thos. Forbes enjoyed a mess of green
peas which grew in their garden, This
is the second, crop ol! peas which their
vines grew this season and the last ones
are just as large and good a crop as the
Pretty Church Wedding
A pretty church wedding took place at
St. Paul's church, Wingham, on Satur.
day morning when Mr. Arthur W. Shrop-
shall was married to Miss Ethel Mary
Sykes of Hamilton. Rev, H. W. Snell,
B. A. officiated. The bridesmaids were
Misses Mther Chettleburg and Evelyn
Shropshall. The bride was given away
by Mr. Leonard Shropshall. The happy
young couple will reside in Wingliam,
Dates Of Fall Fairs
Wingbarn .................... SepL 27-�S
Bayfield ................... .Sept, 27-28,
Blyth ....................... Sept. 22-2.3
Brussels ...................... Sept. 15-16
Dungannon .................... Oct., 6-7
Exeter, ..................... Sept. 19-20
Garde ..... .................. October I
.Lucknow .................... Sept. 29-30
Mitchell ..................... Sept. 20-21
Ripley ................... I I . Sept. 27-28
Seaforth ..................... Oct. 22-23
Zurich ....... .............. Sept. 21-22
Forcing Teeswater to Build School
)For some years schoolhouse accom-
inodation at Teeswater has been in-
adequate, and the Department of Educa-
tion bas been bringing pressure to bear in
order to force the village to enlarge the
Up to the present time the school Board
And village council have done nothing.
The result is that this year the provincial
grant has been with -held.
The Department ' recommends a four -
room addition to the present schoolhouse
or.else the erection of a new four -room
school, The cost of an addition would
be about twelve thousand dollars, and in
view of present high taxes and rather dull
times the village ratepayers are in no
mood to spend this amount. Howeve7r-
the municipality would be directly res-
ponsible for only 20 per cent. of this.
The school board finds itself in a rather
difficult position. Teachers bave been
engaged, and all arrangements made to
go on with the continuation school work,
but the same time the Board feels sure
that a by-law authorizing the raising of
money for the erection of a new building
would be defeated.
Considering the high cost of building the
past few years, (and there is little im-
provement up to the present time) there
is no wonder that ratepayers would be re-
luctant to go on with the erection of a
new school --Mildmay Gazette.
C&sBmoF.E—In Morris townshio on Sun-
day, Sept. 4th., to Mr. and Mrs. And-
rew Casemore, a daughter.
S66TT—ln Morris, on Sunday, Sept. 11tb,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, a daugh-
JOHNSIVONE—In Lucknow, on Wednes-
day, Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rug.
Johnstone, a son.—Donald Maclean.
VA'NNVSS—ln Wingham, on Monday,
Sept. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul E
Var,Ness, a son.—Alvin Edgar.
McDowELL—In Peterborough, on Sun-
day Sept. Ilth. to Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
bourne McDowell (nee Miss Josephine
Campbell); a daughter.
GALBRAIM—At Wroxeter, on August
18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith,
a daughter,- (Margaret Aileen).
GP.irPv;—At Penticton, B.C., on Aug-
ust 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Grif.
fin, a daughter.
SPE,;cu—In Listowel, on August 23rd,
1921, to Dr. and Mrs. G. E, Spence, a
FOR SALE—Tent N7,0 oiled, perfect cOn-
dition, complete, bargain, Apply to
FOR S&LU-50 Choice Barred Rook, early
hatched pallets of good 1%yinct strain. it
you want then! apply at once to,
Phone 204.
FOR SAL9—aasb carrier System, 6 stations
coin I National Cash Rep,
62,10tol, later,
Total A degood condition,, I Solid oalc Hat
40aSq,4glaSS oors,lafeoh?�,targaln,
t L% 00 rrn
FOR SALE—One now Perry Sales Co. seating
Machine and 15 rolls of Gummed Tape,
noveropenodup. Will be sold for $10,00. Vvvo
mI Seat In mistake and rather than ro-
urn will sell below cost.
Tam ADvAxom
MILDM A.Y 010111t MILL—Will be In o
stion, ev Tuesday and Friday P.0.rg
Apple Batter 11 be made.
L _$W.00 cash buys P. Gras7;0,b Anto.
Mobile In ftcollohb condition. Simply
changing It Into cash, Zinquire at.
Tam AbV.&Nok,
ISEWING. WANTE1)_DrbqI And plain
sewlbg Apply, to,
MPA. MANtimr,"Tohn St.
WANTEO—Ooba general Servant. _060I
Wages. Apply bN
decided to hold a nominating convention 1st Class, Roland Finley, Ada Phippen,
in Wingbarn on Friday afternoon, Sept. Harold Vincent; Cradle Song, Clark John-
30tb., to put a candidate in the field to ston, Mary Munro, Marian Munro, Beryl
contest the election in the interest of the Munro, Hazel McGregor; Indian Summer
Meighen administration. Mary Wightman, Zora Bolt, Olive Cor -
Send Us The News bett, Annie McDowell, Ddrothy Kerr;
Leaves, Robena Young, Myrtle Leigh-
T_uE ADVANCE wants to give all the man, Cark Johnston, Blair Gibbons,
news to all the people all the time, and Angela Gibbons, Annie Coultes; Woods,
we'll appreciate information of interesting Lorne Scott, Edgar Wightman, Robbie,
happenings from any reliable source. We McMurray, Robbie Procter; Map of
have a number of good correspondents Huron, Annie McDowell, Harvey Cook,
and would like a few more in places not Beatrice Beecroft, Willie Black, May
alrepoly represented. We'll be pleased to Wightman; Map of Ontario, Ruth Cole.
have anY rLrader send us the new9, but the Lillian Hopper, Walter Scott, Winnie
signature of the writer will be necessary Munro, Robt. Munro. James Owens.
to insure insertion. POULTRY
Sold Listowel Restaurant. White Wyandottes, Arnold Vint, Rob
Messrs. J. D Miller & Son, proprietors Murray, Robt Yuill, Rhode Island Reds,
of the restaurant on Main St. next to The Win. Grasby, Gwen McDowell, Robt Me -
Banner office, disposed of their business Murray, Bob Procter; Black Minorcas,
this week to Mr. John Gower of London, James Owens. Ilene McCallum, Ruth
who is now in possession, and whose son- Procter, James McCrae; Ducks, (C. W.
in-law, Mr. G.S. Reid, also of the Forest Scot -'a Special) Albert Coultes, Walter
city is in charge as manager. Scott, Blanche Cunningham, John Me -
It is hardly two years since Mr. Miller Crae. Robt Coultes, Myrtle Bruce; Cock -
disposed of his farm near Bluevale and erel, Margaret Pullen, Jas, Henry, Leo
purchased the restaurant in Listowel from Michie, Veina Irwin, Agnes Corbett;
Mr. A. B. George, which he has conduct- Pulletts, James Henry, Leo Michie, Alex
ed with a goodly measure of success His Robertson, Agnes Corbett, Verna Irwin,
decision to give up the business is the re- Pen of two B. R,, Jas. Henry, Jack Clark,
sult of ili health. Jim Deacon, Roberia Young, Bob Proc-
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family have ter, Verna Irwin; White Leghorns, Annie
niade many friends since coming to Lis- McDonald, Won. Black, Ruth Cole,
towel and it will please-, these it the Robena Young, Albert McMurray, Hazel
change, probably including a trip to Cali- McGregor.
fornia, results in improved health for Mr. DOMESTIC SCIENCE
Miller, who is ailing with heart trouble . Ginger Cookies, Agatha Coulter, Annie
and,anemia. Clark, Hazel McGregor, Evelyn Corbett,
Before coming to Listowel Mr. Miller Blanche Cunningham; Tarts, Jessie
was.troubled Somewhat with his heart Menzies, Vera Finley, Blanche Cunning -
and it wag the advice of his physician ham, May Wightman, Agnes Coulter,
that he attempt nothing strenuous. $ev- Robena Young, Rome made Candy,
e at weeks ago, when water came into the Velma Wheeler, Eileen McCallum, Rob -
restaurant cellar, he unwisely taxed him. bie McMurray, may Wightman, Harold
self by removing some bags of gait, which Vincent, Blanche Cunningham; jar Can-
Wriously affected hia heart and started ned Peas, Lauretta McBurney, Bruce
him on the decline. Chamney, Lenora Taylor; Butter, Rob
Mr, Miller is at present with hN daugh. Procter; Homemade bread, Marjorie Me-
ter in the c6uritty, but the family, includo Cau�loy, May Wightman, Annie Clark,
ing Mr. Andrew Miller, who hag been Jessie Menzies, Hazel McGregor, Alba
pretty much in charge, will make their Carter; Apple Pie, Rob Procter, Robena
home in Listowel, probably until the end Young, Blanche Cunningham., Annie
Dfthe Yeat.—Listowel. Banner. Blair, Agnes Coulteg, Alberta McMurray;
4oPTEMBER 15th, ig2i
Fruit Cake, Jessie Menzies, Annie Blair,
sold by J. W. McKlbbon-
Evelyn Corbett, Agnes M. Corbett,
Mrs. Ed, Hawkins is visiting in Clinton
Another very successful school fair was
Agatha Coulteg, Annie Clark; School
Luneb, Robena Young, Alberta McMur-
With Mrs, Leppington.
held at Belgrave on Friday, September
ray, Jessie Menzies,
Mr. G. W. Buchanan was a visitor at
Otb, The schools taking part wore: S.
S. No. 11, TurAerry; S. S, No. 8,
the Toronto Exhibition last week.
East Wawanosb; S. S. No, 11, East
Quilt Patch, Agnes Mason, May Wight -
Miss Elsie Blac4hall has returned honie
Wawunosh, S. S. No. �, Morris; S. S
man, -Agatha Gibbons, Bella Campbell,
after spending her holidays in To ron"'.
No. 3, Morris; S. S, No. 9, East Wawan-
Agatha Coulter; Handkerchief hemstitch,
Mr. Fred Deacon, Detroit, is visitin
osh and S. S. No. 13, East Wawanosh.
ed, Agatha Coulter, May Wigbtman,
Jessie Menzies, Annie Clark; Dolls' Kim -
with his brother, Sam, in East Wawanosh.
The competition in all the classes was'
keen and, there was a large crowd of
ona, May Wightman, Janisa Homuth,
Mrs. Charlie Aitken and son, Albert,
spectators and parents of the children.
Dorothy � Vincent, Jessie Campbell,
are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Roy Cal-
Mr. Richard Procter is the president and
Agatha Coultice, Crochet Lace, Angela
laway, Elora,
Mr. jag Wightman the secretary and with
Gibbons, Sarah Cole, Jessie Menzies,
Mrs. A. Gregory, Port Huron, Mich.,
such a team and a hustling board of
Blair Gibbons, Myrtle Bruce, Leona
Taylor;Zlnen Centrepiece, Angela Gib.
is visiting her brother, Mr. Win. Chan-
success must visit this lair.
The ladies served lunch in the Orange
bons May Wightman, Blanche Cunning -
dler, Turnberry.
Hall, and the sandwiches and pie were
ham, Loretta MeBurney, Agatha Coultice,
Mr. G, E. Buchanan of Toronto, spent
certainly not in the class you get in city
Agnes Corbett; Pair Knitted Socks
the week -end with his mother, Mrs. F.
restaurants, they were far ahead of that
Verna Irwin, Knitted Woolen Scarf
Buchanan, Carling Terr ' ace.
class of cooking. The prizes awarded
Myrtle Halloway; Best Dressed Doll,
Miss Mae McGee of London, is visiting
Alberta McMurray, Agnes Coultice,
with her mother and sister in town, and
Public Speaking—Agnes Corbett, Jas.
�essje Campbell, Hand -made Apron,
with other friends in this vicinity. /
Loretta MeBurney, Annie Clark, Agatha
Mayor Brandon, wife and family of St.
School Parade —Lower Wingham, S. S.
Coulter, Hazel Irwin, Jessie Campbell,
Marys, spent a day with the former's
No 8, East Wawanosh; S. S. No. 11 E
Darned Woollen Socks, Agatha Coulter,
mother, Mrs. T. S. Brandon, Francis St.
Wawanosh; S. S. No. 5 Morris; S, S. No.
Mary Hunter, Jessie Campbell, Hazel
Dr. Taylor of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs.
3, Morris; S, S. No. 9 East Wawanosh
Irwin, Sarah Cole; Hernatitclied Hand -
B. C, Brandon of Hanover visited at the
and S. S. No. 13 East Wawanosh.
kerchief, Mary Wightman, Verda Procter,
home of Mrs. T. S. Brandon, Francis St.
Agatha Coulter, Gwen McDowell, Annie
McDowell; Patch on Grain )3ag, Robt,
Among those from Wingharn who took
Dairy Calf, Geo, Robertson; Pail Fed
Coultes, Cecil Coultes, Clayton Me-
in the Exhibition -in Toronto last week
Calf, Cecil Chamney, Robert Coultes;
Gregor, Walter Scott, Alex McBurney,
were: Mr. Will Fry, Misses M. E. Fisher
Agricultural Colt, Walter Scott, Clayton
Willie Irwin.
and Lillie Nicholls.
Robinson; Spring Colt Walter Scott; Baby
Mrs. T. S, Blackhall has returned from
Beef special by John Joynt, Clayton Me - I
Harmer Handle, Rich Procter, Rob,
visiting with her daughter in Toronto, and
Gregor, Cecil Chamney, Robert Coultes; I
Couites, Robbie McMurray, Lorne Scott,
was accompanied by little Misses Muriel
Bacon Hoge, Norman Coulter, Cecil *
Rob Procker; Handmade Box, Robt
and Lottle Riley. /
Chamney, Jim Deacon; Pair'Lambs,
Coultes, Robert Munro, Robert Proc-
Mr. and Mrs. I S Dobbie left for
short wool, Eileen McCallum, Calvin
ter; Woodwork model, Albert Coultes,
Walkerton last week, where they will re-
Robinson; Pair Lambs, long wool, Rich-,
Waste Paper Basket, Alex McBurney;
side in future. We are sorry to loose
ard Proctor, Robert Coultes; Pet Coon,
Bird House, Robt Coultes. Bob Procter,
them as residents of Wingbam.
Gordon McBurney; Canary, Arnold Viht,
'Rob McMurray; Milking Stool, Rich
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tighi and Miss Janet
John Stewart; Pair Pigeons, Arnold Den-
nis, John Clarke, John Brydges; Cat,
Procter, Jas. Clark, Albert Coultes,
Duncan of Grafton and Co. Owen Sound,
Bruce Chaniney, Joe McGill, Bob Procter,
Apples Fall, Rob Procter, Verda Proc.
and Messrs. Hart, Sr. and Jr. also of Owen
Sound, motored to Wingbarn on Wed. last
ter, Edgar Wightman, Bruce Chamney.
for the ball game and were the guests of
Asters, Rich. Procter, Verna Procter,
Calvin Robinson, Eileen McCallumt
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Copeland. Needless
Bella Campbell, Annie Clark, Mary
Winter Apples, H S. Clark, Verda Proc.
,'to say they were rather dissapointed at
Wightmau; Sweet Peas, Jessie Campbell,
ter, Calvin Robinson, Eileen McCallum,
seeing their team defeated by the ' ing-
Catherine Peters; Phlox, Agnes Mason,
Robena Young, Rich. Procter.
ham Champions*
Doris Holloway, Verna Irwin, Verna
Rath; Home Garden, Robbie Yuill, Willie
Pumpkins, Mervyn McCauley, Verna
Mr, and Mrs Andrew Gray, their
Grasby, Robena Young, John Clarke,
Keith, Blair Gihbons, Robbie McMurray,
daughter Miss Betty Gray. Mrs.' Mark
Clark Johnston,
Mary Robertson, Alex McBurney; Beets,
Gray, Mrs. J, W. Duncan and Mrs. Jas.
Hazel McGregor, Ellen Stonehouse, Lizzie
Wilson, all of Owen Sound, motored to
Crayon Drawing of Flower, Alberta
Coulter, Luella McBurney, Elina Jack -
Gingham on Saturday and spent the week
McMurray, Eileen McCallum, Bruce
son, Ruth Cole; Carrots, Joe Kerr, Mar -
end with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Copeland.
Mrs. Mark Gray; though seventy-eight
Chamney, Mary Scott, Vernon Chamney;
ion McCauley, Verda Procter, Dorothy
vears old enjoyed the long motor trip and
A Farewell, Angela Gibbons, Robert Hop-
Stapleton, Jessie Menzies, Annie Blair-,
visit to her old home towon immensely.
per, Winnie Munro, Agatha Coultes,
Onions, Zora Bolt, Olive Corbett, Mary
She will be remembered by many of our
Lauretta MeBurney; Mercy, Verna Rath,
Scott, Robena Young, Geo. Robinson,
older citizens as a former resident of Pat,
Gwen McDowell, Agnes Corbett, Jessie
Parsnips, Robena Young, Edith Salter,
rick St.
Menzies, Annie Blair; Drawing of Animal,
Francis Jackson, Verna Rath; Sweet Corn
Robert Proctor, Jean Smith, Cleland
Walter Scott, Alex McBurney, Alberta
Bone, Agnes Mason, Lloyd Montgomery;
McMurray, Willie Irwin, Geo. Robinson;
Nominating Convention Called
Scene in Water Colors, Lenoire Taylor,
Potatoes, Green MountalnI, Margaret
At a meeting of the ex4cutive committee
Ruth Cole, Janisa Homuth, Vera Irwin,
Irwin, Jim Brodges, Agnes Coulteg, Ro-
of the National Liberal and Conservative
Robert Munro; Map of British Isles,
bena Young, Sproat Whaley, Alvin Rut -
Association of North Huron, which was
Sarah Cole, Robt. McKenzie, Annie Put.
ledge; Potatoes, Dooley, Myrtle Bruce,
h.1,1 ;� W;�&hn_ — 1-1- 1- _
f— A,hX_.__ V-- n -IL. "
1,- 1 tl-U 111_
decided to hold a nominating convention 1st Class, Roland Finley, Ada Phippen,
in Wingbarn on Friday afternoon, Sept. Harold Vincent; Cradle Song, Clark John-
30tb., to put a candidate in the field to ston, Mary Munro, Marian Munro, Beryl
contest the election in the interest of the Munro, Hazel McGregor; Indian Summer
Meighen administration. Mary Wightman, Zora Bolt, Olive Cor -
Send Us The News bett, Annie McDowell, Ddrothy Kerr;
Leaves, Robena Young, Myrtle Leigh-
T_uE ADVANCE wants to give all the man, Cark Johnston, Blair Gibbons,
news to all the people all the time, and Angela Gibbons, Annie Coultes; Woods,
we'll appreciate information of interesting Lorne Scott, Edgar Wightman, Robbie,
happenings from any reliable source. We McMurray, Robbie Procter; Map of
have a number of good correspondents Huron, Annie McDowell, Harvey Cook,
and would like a few more in places not Beatrice Beecroft, Willie Black, May
alrepoly represented. We'll be pleased to Wightman; Map of Ontario, Ruth Cole.
have anY rLrader send us the new9, but the Lillian Hopper, Walter Scott, Winnie
signature of the writer will be necessary Munro, Robt. Munro. James Owens.
to insure insertion. POULTRY
Sold Listowel Restaurant. White Wyandottes, Arnold Vint, Rob
Messrs. J. D Miller & Son, proprietors Murray, Robt Yuill, Rhode Island Reds,
of the restaurant on Main St. next to The Win. Grasby, Gwen McDowell, Robt Me -
Banner office, disposed of their business Murray, Bob Procter; Black Minorcas,
this week to Mr. John Gower of London, James Owens. Ilene McCallum, Ruth
who is now in possession, and whose son- Procter, James McCrae; Ducks, (C. W.
in-law, Mr. G.S. Reid, also of the Forest Scot -'a Special) Albert Coultes, Walter
city is in charge as manager. Scott, Blanche Cunningham, John Me -
It is hardly two years since Mr. Miller Crae. Robt Coultes, Myrtle Bruce; Cock -
disposed of his farm near Bluevale and erel, Margaret Pullen, Jas, Henry, Leo
purchased the restaurant in Listowel from Michie, Veina Irwin, Agnes Corbett;
Mr. A. B. George, which he has conduct- Pulletts, James Henry, Leo Michie, Alex
ed with a goodly measure of success His Robertson, Agnes Corbett, Verna Irwin,
decision to give up the business is the re- Pen of two B. R,, Jas. Henry, Jack Clark,
sult of ili health. Jim Deacon, Roberia Young, Bob Proc-
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family have ter, Verna Irwin; White Leghorns, Annie
niade many friends since coming to Lis- McDonald, Won. Black, Ruth Cole,
towel and it will please-, these it the Robena Young, Albert McMurray, Hazel
change, probably including a trip to Cali- McGregor.
fornia, results in improved health for Mr. DOMESTIC SCIENCE
Miller, who is ailing with heart trouble . Ginger Cookies, Agatha Coulter, Annie
and,anemia. Clark, Hazel McGregor, Evelyn Corbett,
Before coming to Listowel Mr. Miller Blanche Cunningham; Tarts, Jessie
was.troubled Somewhat with his heart Menzies, Vera Finley, Blanche Cunning -
and it wag the advice of his physician ham, May Wightman, Agnes Coulter,
that he attempt nothing strenuous. $ev- Robena Young, Rome made Candy,
e at weeks ago, when water came into the Velma Wheeler, Eileen McCallum, Rob -
restaurant cellar, he unwisely taxed him. bie McMurray, may Wightman, Harold
self by removing some bags of gait, which Vincent, Blanche Cunningham; jar Can-
Wriously affected hia heart and started ned Peas, Lauretta McBurney, Bruce
him on the decline. Chamney, Lenora Taylor; Butter, Rob
Mr, Miller is at present with hN daugh. Procter; Homemade bread, Marjorie Me-
ter in the c6uritty, but the family, includo Cau�loy, May Wightman, Annie Clark,
ing Mr. Andrew Miller, who hag been Jessie Menzies, Hazel McGregor, Alba
pretty much in charge, will make their Carter; Apple Pie, Rob Procter, Robena
home in Listowel, probably until the end Young, Blanche Cunningham., Annie
Dfthe Yeat.—Listowel. Banner. Blair, Agnes Coulteg, Alberta McMurray;
4oPTEMBER 15th, ig2i
Subscriptions.- $2.00 per year
zn* ii7 �Mr
Tanlac, the c�lebratWmeollclne, is now
sold by J. W. McKlbbon-
Mr. 11, Wheeler has Purchased H. A.
Hunter's house on Catherine St.
Buy a pipe at Billie Burke's reg. Coe
Jonteel Combination Cream
pipe for 35c. See them in our Window.
Because of civic holiday on Wednesday.
Sept, 24th.. we are issuingTHP AvvA.m%
A full 4zed 00c jar of the famous "Jonteel Combination Cream" Fam,
a few hours earlier this week.
to each purchaser of one box of IIJ,)nteel Complexion Powder" and one box
"Lydia" and "Daniel in the Lions Den"
of "Jonteel Rouge".
are the mornint and evening subjects at
Joageel Complexion Powder 75
the Baptist Church next Sunday,
. . .
Who remembers when the girls sat on
Flesh, White, Brunette,
the grass and covered their ankles with
Jont,,,�el Rouge . . . . . . . . 50
their skirts? Ask dad, He knows,
Light, Medium, Dark.
Col. Harry Cockshutt has been ap'
pointed Lieut. Governor of the Provisce
Jonteel ComWnafioa Cream Free
of Ontario to succeed the late Lionel
Large 60c Jar,
Tanlac, that celebrated medicine,
The 3 "41.25.
makes you eat better, feel better, sleep
or 4P
better and work better. Sold by J. W.
This is a wonderful money saving opportunity to puechase these high
grade Toilet Articles and the offer expires on September 30th.
Snow plows are working on the city
streets of Moose Jaw and 14 inches of
snow is reported, while in 'Ontario the
J. Walton
temperature is at summer heat.
The regular meeting of the Ladies Aux-
Drugs and."Stationery
iliary of the Wingharn General Hospital
will be held in the council chamber on
Edison Phonographs
Monday, Sept. 19th., at 3.45 p. in.
A Missouri woman is offering to sell
her husband for $5,000. If she thinks
Died in Morris Property Changes
she is ridiculing men by offering her
husband so cheap, the retort is that brides
An old and highly respected resident of Mr C P. Smith ha-, purchased Mrs.
are given away,
Morris tewnsbip, passed to her reward on T. Coriyn's beautiful resi ' clence, Jo -
Friday, Sept. 9th, in the person of Ann sephine St. north. Mr. H. Wheeler ha%
Misses Mary Beckman. Mary Den-
Kaine, widow of late James Fraser, aged' sold his dwelling, Josephine St. north, to
holm, Ethel Chandler and Mr. Stuart
86 years and 7 months, The funeral was Mr. Fitzpatrick of Wawanos�. Miss
Boyce, Toronto, motored to Wingharn
held to Bluevale cemetery on Sunday Taylor, Patrick St., has sold her residence
and spent the holiday at Miss Chandler's
afternoon and was largely attended to Mr. W. VanWyck. Mr. J. F. Lennox
home, Turnberry.
Mrs. Richard Johnston, Mrs. Arthur has purchased Mrs. Tiffin's residence am
Anniversary Services will be held in
Shaw and Mr. W, H. Fraser ex M. P. p. Catherine St.
Donnybrook Methodist Church on Sun-
are children of t1w deceased. Assaulted Inspector Pellow
day Sept. 18th, at 2 p in. and 7.30 p. m.
Rev. Mr. Moyer of Goderich, will be the
Wedded In Toronto John Kay, a resident of Goderich, was
preacher on this occasion,
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemn arrested in Detroit, on Sept. 8tb., on a
Tanlac has the largest sale of any med.
ized by Rev. Mr. McTaggert in Toronto, 'fugitive warrant. He is wanted on a
icine in the world. Over Twenty Million I
on Thursday, Sept, Sth when Miss Nellie charge of assaulting License Inspectoc
bottles have been sold in six years. No I
Nicholls, daughter of Mr A. J. Nicholls of i W. T. Pellow, the affair happening during
other meqicine has ever approached it as
Wingham, was united in marriage to Mr. Old Home Week. Kay tried to escape
a seller. —J. W. McIr-ibbon.
Ross Davis of Stouff ville. After a short through a rear wind )w, but the house
honeymoon on the St. Lawrence the was surrounded and he was caught, He
A full line cf Williards' Chocolates re-
happy young couple will reside in Stouff - was brought back to Goderich,
gula: 50c per lb. on sale every Saturday
ville, where both are highly esteeme I, the Talking About Cucumbers
at 39c per IN We have also installed a
full line of Confectionery. Come in and
bride having 'aught in the Stouffville 1 This surely must be the year for large
see for yourself, at Billie Burke's, Queens
Cafe Ice Cream Parlor.
school for the past couple of years. j large cucumbers, last, Iveek we thought
Many Wingliamites wish them a loing Mr. 0 Car4
, pbjell'e cucumber one foct in
arind happy married lif@,
legrigti, was a monster, but ql4s we havo
Mr. Geo, Thompson has sold his 100
Win from Owen Sound
one this week that weighs 4 lbs, measure$"
I acre farm in Turnberry to Mr. Wendell
Roth, who will take possession on the Ist
On Wednesday afternoon last Wingbam
14 inches in length and a little better than,
of March next, The price paid was
defeatedtheowen Sound baseball team
13 inche5 arI it was grown on Mr.
J. A. Menzies' farm on the 10th., con. of
$7.500. Mr. Roth has had Mr. John
in Wingliam by a score of 7 to 2. _
game was one of the most exciting that
Rast Wawanosh. It is on exhibition at
Weiler's farm rented for sometime.
has been played here, The Wingham
The Advance, Office,
The Toronto Star asserted lately that,
boys scored six runs in the eighth in-
Where is the "Kan"?
notwithstanding the motor cars, the
nings, but apart from that the game was
Not every weekly paper can afford to
ton Robinson, E ileen McCallum, Vernon and is increasing. What for? And where v . ...... v' n". ZA�ULU Uy 1111ILL16Z VVj2b� — - — ---1 11—
Owen Sou d 0 0 1. 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 (Manitoba) Register is an exception.
Chamney; Potatoes, any, Gen. Martin, are they kept? Every turn one takes the Wingharn 1 0 0 o 0 0 0 (3 —7 Listen to this —
Bruce Chamney, Cecil Chamney, Rich. automobile is met, and almost the Auto. Battries for Owen Sound were Manders 0 blest is he who does not fuss
Procter, Hazel McGregor, Alvin Potter-, mobile only. and MeReavy and for Winghana Morden When he receives a bill from us;
Mangolds,-Robt. Yuill. Blair Gibbons, There's no muckle pleasure in smok;n', and Anderson. ( But promptly sends us the amount
Angela Gibbons, Cleland Bone; Turnips, Sandy," said Donald, "Hoo do You The Owen Sound boys probably lost 1 Wherewith to straighten his account.
Rich. Procter, Norman Coultes, Mary mak' that oot?" questioned Sandy. the ganae because of the continual fault- And doubly blest is that good friend
Robertson, Willie Black, Harold Vincent; ,Well,, said Donald, "ye see, if ye're finding of their third base man. He ap- Who waits not till a bill we send,
Marigolds home garden, Annie McDowell, smokin" ye ain bacca ye're thinking o' the peared to be so excited that he mi Sed But knowing his subscription's due
Gordon McBurney, Willie Irwin, a
Hazel expense, and if ye're smokin' some other everything near him. Sends in the money to renew.
McGregor, Harvey Cook, Robena Young; body's ye're pipe is rammed sae full it
Turnips, home garden, Rich Proctor, winna draw.
Beryl Cunningham, Blanche Cunningham, Special sale of Polo cloth coats, seal
Dorothy Vincent, Bob Proctor, Robena collars and cuffs, also all wool velours
Young; Barley Sheaf, Harry Jackson, with large cape effect coliars, stitching
coats with brocaded satin linings from
Norman Coultes, Harvey Cook, Early $18.50 to $22.50 Many other similar
C Britain Peas, V. Chamney; Field Corn, savings on suits and dresses, just opened SCHOOL SHO 8
layton McGuire; Barley, quart, Harry buttons and pleats and all wool Silvertone
Jackson, Clayton McGuire; Field Peas,
R. Munro, John Clarke, Gordon Stone- out. Select Ladies Ready to Wear.
house, L!oyd Montgomery, Jas. McCrae.
Cleland Bone. Major and Mrs Byers of Stratford, a
NATURE STUDY Staff Captain and Mrs. Lewis after 20
Weeds, Annie McDowell, Ruth, Cole, years in India, will conduct special services We have evc�v thina there i,; to be had in
in the Salvation Army Hall, Edward St.,
Blair Gibbons, Angela Gibbons, Willie In
Grasby, Robt Coultes; Webd Seeds, Gen. on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17th. and
Martin, Edgar Wightman, Gwen Mc- 18th. On Sunday at 3 p. in, Staff Capt the line of good School Shoes. 7110.
Dowell, Jessie Menzies, Clark Johnston, and Mrs. Lewis will lecture on Missionary 9
work, A cordial invitation is extended to NA.
Albert Coultes. Insects, Annie Blair, Bring the boys and girls here. We are
a- obt
Angela Gibbons, Cl rk Johnston, R all.
Coultes, John Clark; Wild Flowers, Flor- Rev. Duncan McTavish of Salem, w/i ,;tire to fit the'm; sure to give them solid
ence Scott, Robt. Coult,,s, H. L. Clark, occupy the pulpit of the Wingharn Meth- X X
Florence Scott, Annie Blair. * odist Church on Sunday morning. Rev. X comfovt and lasting service; -,tire to -,ave
Juding Colts, Joe Kerr and Robt. J. K. Beaton, who has been a missionary the pocket book,
Coultes in China for the past few Years and who
Public Speaking, jag Henry, Agnes is now home on furlough will preach in
Corbett. the evening. He is a former Whitechurch Our $2.50, 3.00 or 4.00 School Shoes
Hitching Competition, Cecil Chamney, boy and was for a time President f ON
-ague. Be.
Clayton Robinson, Jim Currie, Robt Wingharn District Epworth L, can't beII)eat.
Hopper, Jas. Henry, Joe Kerr. fore going to China he was assistant
White Eggs, Jack McKenzie, Bruce Pastor Of Broadway Tabernacle, New
Charriney, Annie Baker, Gwen McDonald, York.
Brown Eggs, Robt Yuill, Marion Mc- The Annual Picnic of the Huron Old TRY OUR SCHOO L SHOES
Cauley. Boys' Association of Toronto will be held
Pair Rabbits, John Stewart, D. Finley, at High Park, near Bloor St. Entrance,
Robt Yuill. on Saturday) Sept. l7th, at 2.30 o. m.
Dog, Ed. Wightman, Harper Robin- A good programme of games and sports
son. willberunoff, for which substantial _1 I X
prizes will be awarded to the successful WW FIVLAR OF MIRATTfIR
SchoolFairs competitors. Every lady is requested to PHONE 2'
September 15—Dashwood, bring a well-filled basket. A cordial in� MON 1W I 1 4"
September 20—Bluevale. vitation is extended to every Huronite in GH A N -4"
September 16—Zurich, Toronto to be present. Take Civic can 0
September 19—smith's Hill, froni Bleor an6Dundas Sts. *11 9