HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-08, Page 8q1
ThtirsLlay, September Sth, 1921
Destroying Flax?
erton, August 16th—About t e n
o'clock last night a fire broke out on the
An linigrants Reply property of Wm. Appel, proprietor of the FEW REMARKS
Editor Wingharri Advance ix ON—
Milverton Flax Co., and consumed j
large stocks of unthresbed flax containing BOYS' SHOES
The flax was worth
anna & Co., tdo ?,0 about $100 per ton. The loss is partly
I have been a resident in N�lngham for about 150 tons.
a little over a month. I find the Wing- covetedbyinsuran�e. How the fire start-
il,,Ilxl people very inquisitive, not mAllY
inquisitive, but -just inquisitive. The N1 is a mystery Its several parties passed It, our shoe experience of many
first question that each new acquaintance before that without noticing anything un
W1119 on and after MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd, take ov- Xv hurls at me invariably is, "What do you usual, About 50 acres of flax has been year, we have never solct a bet -
think of Wingliam? This question is spread, and the mill was runniny daily es than
ei� the Bustiness hitherto carried on by Hanna & Co., reallyso propounded that one feels his fort.W.past two weeks threshing. The ter line of Boys' Sho
ill and warehouses were saved. what are. lmown as the INRIG
reply is, to a certain extent anticipated, m
in fact it would be hard to make
'IM, Wifighaun, andtvill operate the store entirely on a
and that it is expected to be unequivoc- Cornrnents On The Roads a better shoe.
ably favorable. After about a score of
ing amites had addressed this question The editor of the Collingwood Bulletin
oar IV took a motor trip through this part of the'
EL—A P0, to me, I began to entertain fears that it untry a few weeks ago and we reproduce The tippevs are made of high graLte genuine calf
Xhad been discovered and noised abroad eO
that I was a person of importance whose some of his comments regarding the roads:
I kin and the soles ,we made of goocl harct s.ole leather,
"Taking the old Huron road as an ex.
S N W* "I
CA S' B A V opinionon this subject might really be
worth while, and provided 1t was favor- attiplo the idea occurs, after travelling anct I'Llbbev heels.—Fov school or any other kind Of
ableused for advertising purposes. My overitthat itmight well beleft forthe
opinion has indeed baen canvassed so Presentand theattention it is receiving' wear they are absolutely Unbeatable.
9 ?,,6 vehemently that I may be compelled to giventoother highways that requireim-
Wingham s Largest Cash Store, proving. Without a shovel being used We invite every n-lother or father who has school
discard a little of that modesty which I this highway is in good sharp, a thousand
have always considered tile chief adorn-
ment of my character, That dearly be- times better than many of the roads that s-hoesto buy to come in anti loolt at these excellent
X loved mDdesty 'which I have kept from are for the time at least being passed by shoes.
wHR he7eafteT sela goods at a narrower margin of until a more opportune time, And what
my youth up", and which I was thought. is said here of the Huron Roa-1 applies
ful enough to bring over here with me clirls has
toFes doing a Qediil business can at- I elsewhere, in'the westernpartof thepro- A splendiLl variety of School Shoes for It?
pyoffl Umim S VAP i from the old country, must I disband it be -
4V I APO � ii vince. It is not argued for a moment been placeLl in stOCIZ.
Rord �o eell mt, and the saving goes into the custom- cause a few score Wingbarliftish fo ts that the main artries should be neglected, just
'!have discovered my opinions to be worth
while? simply that where they are in good con. are NEW and at the new LOW prices.
er59 Pockets me say, Sir, that until a copy dition, it would be more to the advantage Our shoes
4A Now, let of the pr6vince were the feeders built up,
,4 of last weeks' issue of the Wingham Ad put into a shape whereby the steadily in-
vance overtook me, I thought Wingharn crea'sing traffic would be provided with
roadways that would lighten the troubles
be paid at was a very fine town, and its people
All acCOUnts owing to the old firal must t I pleasant a n d progressive, but after
t "plea fcr the of the agriculturalists in reaching their
the Store without delay to enable the Executors to reading "Horse Lovers" markets. All the farmers do not live on W W L L I S
Horse" I have come to the conclusion that the sides of the so -termed main highways
your'acity Councillors must be a set SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
enlose the Estate of the late Mrs. Hanna. of There are many others whose way out has
been and is yet more or less difficult. It
dummies and that the inhabitants who
may have votes certainly don't have
b W I or hearts, if the word is preferred is.these who are in mind when these lines
owe's' i are written. The Briggs policy is not be -
Dry Dr nking Fountains for Horses.
ing condemned, though there is
what a miserable joke on the poor horses. critism in the.western part of the. pro- AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
Fancy a sweating, thirsty, jaded.horse, vince. Good roads are an asset tothe I
Ail OUR'COUNTRY CUSTOMERS Will please NOTE we eagerly, perhaps joyously appr6'aching
1 1 X one of these only to discover, as it bends public. It is merely suggested that in
I Y19 buy 01111 ki* s of Produce for CASH only and sell 71 some instances at least the cart is 'being
nd its noble neck to drink that the contrap- put before the horse.
�or Cash. 0 tion is a dry kiln.
A certain abs of old, tis said, had on rALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER dth
one occasion gift of speech. If the horses
that our infamous Dry Fountains deceive
Xcould but speak one thinks our ears C. P. R., Tickets
would tingle with their reproaches.
Now, in' conclusion, Mr. Editor, would
x you like me to say what I think of a town Telegraph I
Cox n n a Co. c*Ltd X with dry horse fountains? Perhaps I had 0
'lie better not. Wingham., Onf-r Phone 166.
Thanking you for y5ur space, I am, Dom-. Express�
Yours very truly, This is the, school which gives. thorough courses. This is the- 3chool'
. . . ...... I'-- Get our free catalogue.
JAS, Cr—WEESTER which assists its graduates to posi
dren spent Sanday with Mrs. Purdon's Farms For Sale It
3luevale r, and Mrs. Archie Anderson, G. L. Baker,. Agent D. A. McLachl4n, Pres.- Thos. R. Foster, Princfpal.,
parents, N1 200 Acres, Morrig twp., Huron county, Wing- Dates Of Fall Fairs
very succes4111 Picnic was llel�l oil St Helens. ham 5miles, Belgrave21 miles, 17 acres bugh, Wingham .............. -1 ... Sept. 27-28
abor Dav, andl Miss Mary Xelly of St. Augustine, 2 acres ore hard, 38 acres in motLdow, lz acres
,lit school ground'; oil 1, with tier grandparents, fresliseeding, clay loam soil, level, I drilled Bayfield .................... — Sept. 27-28
.11 1 " presenthada good time. Visit- spent ttio holiday iitechurcb. well, principally wire fencing, brick house 12 Sept. - 22-23 W, XX"AM, X.40AWAXV.-MOXXXXX XXXX
.t1iss Belle llurgess is at present Mr. and Mrs. Jal�;. Cornelius, Wl� rooms, water inside, collar. cistern, bank barn Blyth ...................
ing friends at Toronto. Kr. and Mrs. Frank Henry made a i 78 x Go. tie up 7 horse�l and 31 cattle, opon yard. Brussels ..................... Sept. 15-16
,� 11 went toToronto, trip to Walkerton by motor iasi week. I water in stable, driving hou;Ae, hog pen and
Mr. Richard Johnsto hen house, sheep house, concrete silo, wind- Dungannon .... I ....... I ....... Oct. 6-7
11 'V AT-. on the mill school n miles, church 21 miles, rural In on
-arith, two car,)ad of cattle oil 2410ruaT I Surry to repon rs. m I
JUr. Oswaia Sillip oil received a aar- Sick list. a " 11, stone road I mile, railway depot 2J miles. Exeter ......... I ............... QePL. -
,ses,lou arranged, Price $1%�013. Terms Goderic� ...... I ................ Sept. 6-&
is for sale by'arranged
1A).id of Western oats this week. The Parsonage properly 12til. 1,51) Acres, Turtiborry twil., Huron county Gorrie .................... :... ..October I
WILIghaut 21 miles, 120 acres workable. 10 29'-30
311r. and ��Trs. Gordon (' allaher and; Anctiou On NlOudav September Lucknow .................... Sept.
air. Win. Gallaher are taking in tile Tor-! Rev. Irwin will be away on Anniver. ,
1. acres 9= and 20 acres hardwood bush. 1
ay and Mrs. Willis; acre or 50 acres fall plowed, 35 acres In Mitchell ..................... Sept. 20-21
ato Bxhibition t'lil; week sary work next Suud,
:will take the work in Whitechu, ch. I metdow, 10 acres fresh seeding, clal loam
1-fiss Luella Slii%v has gone to'Mil dmay, soil. I well anda creek. brick house 7 roomo., Ripley ....................... Sept- 27:-29
Miss Bernice to Clinton, and Miss Wilma � T, Inglis and jag. Ross start corn cut- b%nk barn 70 x 50, tie up 7 horses and 3D caLtle. Seaforth ..................... Oct. 22-23
-here they have seciared, ting on Tuesday at Joseph Tiffin's. open yard, drivinR hoube, hog pen, silo. school
to Cherrywoodv� i mue,1cli,,urch if milu. railway depot 21 mile;, Toronto.. (Can. Nat.) Aug. 27 to Sept. 10
-1- 8 +1,. c.111in ear rural a nd telephone. P,ssesslon arritag- t� -, 21-22
3020 or i ed Price $7,700. Terms arranged. Z uric .......................
.mr. and Mrs R. Durnin and Mr and,; 200 Acres, Morrie cwp, Huron nounty, Wing- He Couldn't Wait Forever -
Mrs. Henry AlcAllister of Wingliam, Wroxeter ham 6 miles Belgrave 2.1 mile;, 170 &ore; work -
spent Labor Day with Mrs Geo. How- able, balance pasture and bu,h, 4 a c r e s A young fellow who Was the crack run-
rehard, 14 acres 1411 wheat 40 acres fal low
Mr. and Mrs. David Walker of Niagara 01 1 fev ' ner of his town - somewhere in, the south
od. 85 aer,s In meadow, olLy loam soil, el.
,1fr. Jas. Elliott, Sr., is visiting relatives Falls, returned to their home Wednesday 2u wells and a spring. brick house 9 rooms. -was unfortunate enough, to,haVea Very
,at Fergus this week. of last week, alteL spending the vacation; water lnslde� collar and ctbtern, bank barn
r. and Mrs. Jas. Masters visited' at the home of the latter's mother. Mrs. oox6o, tie up 6 horses and 46 cattle. open -yard. dilatory jaundress. One evening when 11�
Jno. Gibson. driving house, hog pen, hen house and she* 0
il-z out fo, a practice run in his rather airy rA
friends at Gorrie oil Labor Day. house, school 11 2 mile, church 2 112
Mr. amd Mrs. Jos. Robb of Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Higgins of Detroit.. Who railway depot 2 t 12 miles, telephone, stone and abbreviated track costume. he chan-
road 11 miies. P.) -session anyrinie. Price
qpent a few days wiVh old friends here. spent last week visiting the to' Iter skster. $i5,o00. Termsarranged. cedtodash pist thedustylady who a,
�:;(-hool re-ope,,-.e,l oil Tuesday with a Mrs. Neil While wf� for Lheir home on 200.A. -res, Clarrick, twp., 11Aco flnuntv, on the time was a couple of weeks in arrears c,
Monday. i Provincial Highway. Gufrow 3 miles, 162.
91"�l attendance. wires workable,33 acres bu i4. I tore orchard, with his washing. He had scarcely reach- 40
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Haney and daugh- 'Mrs. F. Richie and J. R. Gibon motor- fo tY arris in meadow, thirty acre4 froili hen the beAl rang furious- I
s -eding, clav 103m soil, leVel, I well and a e again w
e' ho'n
'ter,,�peut Labor Day with friends here. ed to Niagara Fails oil Monday. where cra,k, stone house, 10 rloat-;, wa,er in-ide, ly and ,cited voice was wafted in from
and I they intend ,pending a few day,�. collar. chtern and furnace, bAnk bArn 711x50,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sitinamon I tie up 7 horaei and 40 caUlo, open yard, water the orch
I Rev. Mr. Holmes of Wroxeter, will ex- in stablei. driving house, hog pet), Len house, P d's sake, won't you all tell
fautily from the J unefion spent Sunday 'Voh de Law
:tj the home of Will. NicMichael. change pulpits with the minister on the sheep house, silo, school I mile, church 3 miles, 11
ral mail and telephone, railway del, b 3 moh
Rev. and Mrs. W ilsou have returned 1 Nile Circuit next Stinday, it being anniver. ru 81(�M Marse Bob please not to go out no 9
miles. Possession arranged, Price till I kin git his clo'es round to him?" I
Uame after a pleasant vacation with their sary at Nile. Terms arranged.
I Tiros, CASSFLs, Wi-ccham representative. 11
5oti up north. I Mr. and Mrs. F. Kitchen returned home Head office 43 Victoria St., Device For a Balky Mule.
Mrs. Mills of Blyth, spent a few (lays. one daylast week after visiting friends: Toronto.
-xith Mrs. Grace Snell. � in Detroit, Windsor, Toronto and Hamil-; Nbrth of Clinton is a little place called
111r, Alex McGee spent a few days this( ton, I Berimiller, on R. R. No. 2, out from Clin-
,czveek with his daughter, Mrs. J. Anger one of H owicks most respected vesid- Lucknow ton, The mail driver is a girl. She drives
I ohn Button are spending a mule. The mule often balks, or often
at�, Gorrie. I ants in the person of Nlrs. f�ut.,,_,,,,;.Harriy, Mr. and Mrs. J
Very successful anniversary services pats , � ,d. - did balk till the lady pilot contrived a
,,s.ed away at tier horn I a few days at Toronto exhibition
Were. held at 4benezer Church, Sunday _ b ., after all illness of several months in Miss Bessie Murdie is attending Wing. scheme that, up to the present, has not
-Lad Monday. Rev. clyesdale of Vora-, her 5S year, She leaves to mourn her ham High School.
lass a husband, four daughters and three i Miss failed to cause a change of heart in the
wicin gave two very fine sermons, and oil .4ong. The turierat which was held on Laverne Greer has returned to her equo-asinine beast.
-tlanday evening a good supper and pro- duties as teacher at Jamestown.
Tuesday to tile Wroxeter cemetery was Following the eKample of the manu-
,gcjl_�t were given. Proceeds amounted to lbe esweat in 1 Miss Maly Ruthwell is teaching the rer of a certain lyp-, of heap but
ST2(j.00. which ,,he waq held. Kindergarten room in the Wingbarn Pub- factu c a
",,,Ir. Harold Holines of Brussels, was lic School. efficient autom)b1le, the lady rigged up
rw rza� for Labor DAy. 0�he Labour Day Celebration at Click- storage battery and induction coil, and
Thos, Stewart received a telegran, n w was well attended, although the wired the shafts with contact points on
an Vuesday, that his son, John, E, 'e" Glenannan sports were not as good as were intended,
and the under side of the batness in various
_0w at Shelbrook. Saqk. We hope he I Mr. Andrew Wallace left on Friday for but Whigham. team could not come ground wire was attached to a
v � neither could the Orients of London who places, A
r-rin soon recover. Oshawa, where he intends to teach this ,
coming �ear. , were to take their place. There was metal part of the wagon, and a switch
I therefore only three ball tearas and each was placed on tile coil at the driver's
Mrs, Brown is visiting with Mrs. Jobb team played twice. In the morning Tees
Whitechurch and other friends on th� Oth. I water and Lucknow played, and in the right hand. ule stopped in the old days
label Stokes spent the week -end I afternoon Goderich won both games, one When the m
Cook of 11,�.tcrborougb, has been Miss N
�.VL,nding the past month with tier daugh. at Mr. Fred Johann's, Belmore. from Teeswater and one from Lucknow- before the new Livention it meant that
11er, �vfrs. Robert McClenaghan, I Miss Mary Aitken who has spent the An accident which marred the day's fe�- the mail female would be late in atriving
Odlurn oi Toronto, is visiting at i holidays at tier home has returned to tivities was deeply regretted. Mr. Mill- at her destination, for neither clubbing,
�!Ihc aome of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fox. Harniiton. 1, son while motoring with a couple of other axing nor cooking had any effect in
'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ross of Canning, The Glenannan school tre-op0ned on men was thrown from the auto and it is CO is muleship to move forward.
Visited with their brothar, NIrs, Tuegday with Miss Myr e Bennett ot feared that his back bone is broken. Let causing H
Wingliam as teacher. us hope it will not prove so seriously. He would start when he felt like it. Now
,_�' corge Ross on Sunday. who however. with the lady handling the
M -:ss Lilian l,ongman returned to tier Niesqrs. George and Peter Muir,
4;016,.�j at Windsor on Nlonday. have Spent the holidays at their home Salem switch (electric not hirsute) there is no
Sc,2col rg-opciiq here on Tuesday rvith horo have returned to I oronto. difficulty in getting speed when it is want -
Mr. L Gowans of Witighatil, aq principal Mr. Marstiall Breckenridge of N --%v Miss oral Kitchen of Toronto.. visited ed. One application of the galvanic cut.
Ontario, spent a couple of days with his her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mts A. E, his tail
brother, Win. 13reckenridge, Gallaher, for a few days recently. rent results in the mute flinging
avid Njartin and daugh- over his back and careering down the
Mr. and 'N rs, D larmlon, and Mr. and Nlisses Hannah and Nary Stokes havO A number from here attend th(* Fair in in O'Shanictr's mare. Cold
t"Ot. E,'lizabathot I returned hotno from their visit with Toronto this week. road like Ta
charles Nfartia of Wingliam June.
;isited with their brother, Nfv. Win, Petrolia frieud% The hay pressers are busy in this weather does not seem to mar the ef-
_VJ t� fla on Sunday. Hiss lean and Laura Reid hava return- locality at present. fectiverkesgof this starter. Theonly fear
Lettle Pox returned lion, cy last ed to tlioir home at Paisley. Mr, Robert Uitchell haq sold his fard, entertained by the skipper is that the
�wv(,Ct, after spoliding a wonth in Toronto Ne an(I Mrs. Fred Jobana an i childran to Mr. Jacob Willitq of London, formerly peculiar sensation Vill bwome familiar fto
Scob*ze returkied 11ast week: spW Thunday evcn�flg, at' Reubon of tlii,; vicinity. purchaged a the maleand that then there will be no
a.fi,�r ;pending his 1131:11yq at U'acitern Stokes. Mr. Goarga Bennett haq -Farmers'
"Miso Ruby B.11rd of Lonflon, 9pout tho Baby Grand ear froat Ur. George Walker hell) available (roalt any source
%Ir 15-1,& it. 1� -f Gorria Sun.
Mr. �Iua qr�& Rob2o P�irdoa and cau. vm_,k;.-euA ai, r. . J � 1.y . I
for Fulum
Children's aind Kiddies Clothes
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
From now U i
seh�Ol op�ning,
r*_ . I I"
0 L: CL V - — ---
clothes and dress ac-
cessories for boys -a -ad
School Suits,
Odd Knicket—s,
Pull Overs
laterials Reduced
who make the children's
are offering special re-
I in materials of wool,
)rices in Boy's and Girl's
f cotton, lisle and cash -
Price 39c to 75e
I Goods, Hats, Caps, Shirts,
,s, UnderWeaP, Socks, etc.
Phone 71.