The Wingham Advance, 1921-09-08, Page 6!,
tlittle or no damage -all for the K)a- Good Ho " Saves Cattle -__ �_, " .
sible 2 vinr, of a � few dollars on the - using I i. , Z7. 1
The'-wingham Advance' Do Yon Pay Your Manfor His Time, a , fq�eo- ,� I , V ?.,)c ", -AM � A
i , V �
� 11�_ '. rt , ,,,, piltire crav,�",,,a,,�emn , I , IL
�,,Iltle, th.q lare
go ex,p 6 ano , I I CZ U� -
. t� . ..
. I
W - . only afford to. inalke )iis "ain Pafa k a . J*
n More ,especially when feed 10 scarce
, 9k ,� - X� -'- 0
Published at �% k ' ork HeNis . ' I uler"a . , .. ., .1p e is it Important that form animals I I �Op'
wirigh4m, (,�,r f or I I __ 7 . .from" the ordinary weather. Ile Will I make tile bestuse, of what they con- 9R . 0, T.".1 I
I . Up twice as . sunie, Cattle or othor Stock -stabled -
Every exrect eacil mal, ic, Set - , * 5,4
, Thurcday MON1119 By H. Z. Francia �ivany Lheave3 in tiv day as, the em I all in 'quarters that are too .oGid, or on "' I I Q"6TIOA9
A. G. SMITI-1,pUbIh3her I the otherfiand, where pro -per ventila- 0 ;11, V .. W �
. . 11
Sulbscription rates: - 0110 Year, I Dc3pite our !mProved: maichillery,t, balf *or three -f ourtbs -cf a mile cac�h fa�mq.,r doe". I 1� 1. � .
I 4A- non can,.lot'tion cannot be .rovid,ed, w -W not only � .. I
- , day, just bezgu2e behad never . . - :e.
1, $1.0o in ad are tome operations oil ll�early ste�pped Hou er, to e�a this the i CONDUCTED BY PROF. HONRY 0, SELL.- "
k.".00; six mouthp , v3ace. I th4re I ; little follow around V,o field after the A 0-, fail to �,put on flooh, but also to give � �, _,;.,. ,.,;"
. , , .�.,
Advertlaing rates, fm applicatloll. every firm, whiach ;ire still done en- Ito think lzbout'tbo details of this Tho object of this 4opartnisht Xltv P.1400 4i tho sor, ,
I or andhave all the grain set up within I ill"lk to their full opli4eity. While IV I
without specille 411- tirely b--1 hand, and AOillh will be done � or, C.41tfon. vice of our farm r�pdera ilia adyl.coof an. , , , 6 00# . �
Advertisements Y I -hour of ilia time it �i�$ cut. T,gley,l cattle can A`rQurtj)m �, � td, , I �.
rectious ,will be Inserted Until forbid ,me. ,lire you d4ing JVbell shQckLlgt wheat or Ott �04001"P .
t!j it m,ny an i ,� to"lin' 4uthofIt,`to4,1xII'q0bJd to Pdrtalrilp '. ;11 're .
V i;t I ,.1t � P,!,
for years io 'et -f - .o A dr 5
- low a definite sYst -wor% down the bundle . - 40CW05f, aluripeox aps to , , ,
� inust rows at a favorable -4t4bl# f, Pro 0 0 j " 10�1 i
dingly. those hand,, o#errations as cheaply a114 be li�A%;Jor to ioll am - , ,on it.lons, A * tft� , , 1 1) ... �� A" s� 0 "', :
� tho ter to Pirol - cangil CA(Alos %8,i W�Jlsph P4hI;qI)1r �
and charged accor it : ind 4 " , A0n4,.A4,noq pev,- , I F
-a cutting corn. The binder considem.ble . distan4l belil, �� . I � , .1 %
Changes for con - - � Y�Cpmp , �
tract I advertlse- quickly as tau? I than y�lle d blil,W, and Eome of the grain must fe,pt 40 is ,iirOti�avo. .04ptle, .11vilig �V, 49FI Ift 1"Nurs will.'apl)eq Ali C t o'b or W.`��*:
. ,
ti be In 010 oflice W 31 .it,, vmrlt required to ellock uilist I; -o dolnl:,�. - exceptionally goo ay, or so Pl. 4 cold �Vlnpei�4j.uro ,'WJ.JV" t n - I "I " � I
Ilion noon, , .oil- , Think of I' , ,*kq, * In which they,are' r0r[94' p, i writin I I Priq "I , ��,,,�.::.,
3k) on the ground for a d ' ls'lt " i f -L � - "
ley every work, and the binder operator must .. . -papp_p�` Aiisoiktqp'�'ls'lt I ., k _AW I
day, , ., 4k 0 &;.!; 1,..'��;
. - �
� your w1heat and oats and bar . after it is cut. ,.ch Leav bair-luin't1los'a ." I Slat.- a a sta _ - I "I to .::::.. 11, i
!!!""M summer, of .tile men who s,pend a pay very cloo attention to droppinfl, I tar i0 NZW414 0 roPly Is necess r a d ad. ' . I �.
"&______"_!E_.____ tall lraskia�, con., tile I the bundles If the work, on every Shock � hockers cannot which are "r'm"Iyte�f1soiL This Oil- dressed onvalope be enclose Ith the qpe I whon
. ...
month every 9 I C -itY, to adjust themselves explain$ in rec . ..
13V I; in plclking arid sorting and is to be �xactly the same. Bui tile spend so much time with each sboel , thek. a0awgr N�Jll �o lylglied I t.
I SWESS CARDS timo Spew , . 11
- 4 PACkinx yviir apples'. , butting corn shocker who �ize's up his Work, loolts but must be corittont'with bi�lldiug some Measure the Success, that attends . Copyright by Wilson It Illillshing Co., Limited
Wellington Mutu�l Fire by hand, Picking UP 116tatoes; 'hand-- at the bundles on the grour.dp_ and- do - them so they will wlthst4ndl the ordi- feeding cattle for beef in open sheft. L F : Will you.plea," give the best got it off during May or early June.
ather ,betwe-.n cutting and Xo*successful farmer, however, wpqld it
-mUI1Y, cides before'lle Starts the shocu.just nary we MeN& Of �rgdlCating the CQ%M04 If YOU Wish to lot it TipOA the graill
Insurance Co. work on sugarbeets each take h e in think Of keerArig dairy tows in open ,
ri�stabllshed IS40 many days of libctr each year. No Aviiere he will build it t6 UA down the stacking or iliTesbilir. Of vours , . large milkweed, and also the best will probably -be cut from the, nilddle�
c 'the ,damage done bky the Sheds In the winter -time, nor of keep -
Head bfti-� Gutttph satisfactory machines have ever been amount of carrying,how manybuildles some years method to destroy sapdburrs, this fair to the end of,Tuno, Cloverixud. grAs%-
16SUS takenlon all clasups of Insur- invented for some of these jolke. Ile will put in it, how many caps, lie weather to a, crop handled in this iiig their in.4 stable in which the air 1144 that are In crops every year. mixture willd,come, along rapidly and'
, luin As a rule, I find there is more time' will use, and wli-� has a fixed order far manner -may anlount to more t,lar the temperature 14 not to some extent con- Answer: Theve are several m4thods i muka, a gqod, ,stand before fall. The
able pyoperty on the cash or prom ! the shock, will 50 per cent. saving in the cos,t of , trallable. , , � I
I It Is -co to,ek, autbol;-� To I follow
note system. and energy wasted on handwork, starting and building With the shbekint, biit not Often the Same prin- niceded by live. st �c6lntmonaed' for trqating ppennial I . ,ing spring it will be suitable as,
whether done by the farmer or ill,, accomplish considerably more A& ,6�ds, all of 'v�fiieh ire based- on th6, 4 048tllre crop or will pr�vlde alie.
ADNEIR, COSZNS, Agent, iti 11 * 'To , 4 n crop for
on. work done eame effort than the man who, gives cilile holds true for nearly all hand- es that AID w0ith WhI16 to P of 'i d
for a -proper -ventilation of 4 ,speral principle of preventing the! cutting hay U a 00 d
NVIngbara hired man, than there is I work on -the farm. All 4t4ock, �
by implements and machinery. At. these matters no thought� barns, A nocessary factor in stable Weeds from 'flowering and attacking i pasturage. Tx),make sure of ilia otan(L
least, many of us could save some oft How Three Men Woirked. s- - - ventilation is to so construct the their rOt "stems at a time when the' and to give both' the grain -and the,
our own time and, money by planning' a fielde Is, ba4L, I grass Increase& vigor -and growth,
DUDLEY HOUIES I The other day I -was in a 50 -acre 'walls as to practically exclude the air, Plant is exhausted- If th
such work more carefUlly and stick- Marketing Hop iSe YOU to lose! an increased yield. in
oat field, where two binders had i6ut ., Products. and to have the *ip4ows and doors, ly infOcted I 'Would adv which will me
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. lug to the plan.. a cvbpl lug season, plowing the field, grain and, hay, I would advise you to
Victory and other Bonds Bought and I nearly the whole of the field before The year before ilia war,. or in the so fitted, as to avoid draughts of air P
The fact that corn,husking is Usu-, the shockers started to work. There fiscal year 1913-14, Canada ,.exported, blowing on the animals. The ventila- as soon� as 'possible .and wo.rlcjng it at fertilize your ground With about. 250,
Sold. ally paid for by the bushel is largely i were three men shocking, and each of mainly to Great BritAin, 23,859,754 lba. 1 tion system Should be independent of least on,ce -a month. this fall until to 300 l4s, per acre of a fertili2er
office -Mayor Block, Wingham responsible for this being, one of the i them was going down a buridle row of ,hacop, 1,890,182'lbs. Of 'ham, and other avenues of a -IT. , winter sets in.. In'the spring take up analyzing M-8. This caA be worlted
� most efficient hand Operations in the by himself. There were 15 or 20 1,811,204 lbs. of pork. For the- last Experimental Farms Bulletin No, t'he wOrldn-9 Of the field, again with in at .the time the grain -and clover
I Oth cllltivatol, alltd, 004� seed is sovra if you have agrain drill
entire country. I venture to say that, shocks to each hundle row, and I could fiscal year, 1920-21, she exported 98,- 78, available at Ottawa, points out a SPring-tO , -th a fertillzer�sowhig attachment,
� i on the whole less time is lost and tinus this at periods of three weeks Wi
ra. V A N brl TO N E I
i see no idifference in the amount of 233,800 Ibs. of bacon and ham and J that the ah% in a Stable where the
BAR!'ZiSTER AND SOLICITOR energy wasted in husking corn from I work requiied on the different rows. 3,125,700 lbs. of pork, a total of, 101,- I therroometer shows several degrees Of or ta mon-th until mid -summer when If not, scatter the fertilizer evenly on
tvicim�y +-, Loan at Lowest Rates. the standing stalks than in any other However, one of the men always fin- 359,500 lbs. against 27,561,140. lbs. in; frost may easily be very Impure. tile weeds �vhoqldibe pretty thorough- the plowed grolandand work'it in with
WINIGHAM hand operation on the farm. The men %hed his row first, and helped the 1913-14, This increase was below that Matters should be so arranged, it is ly killed out, If you are so located harrowing and, disking, working down
� put in full days, keep busy all the. others Set up their last three or four of the abnormal year of 1919-20, When pointed out, that there shall be about that youcan. grow fall gftin. this field the seed, bed�
111L7 time, and do not often stop even to shocks. btcause of exhausted stocks abroad the Tight number of animals in the can be safely sown with fall wheat R B.: I have a field of clay that I
P JT- 71 flUR J IRV, iq talk to each other, This man was nearly 70 years old., 2301824,900 lbs. of hog products were. I stable, allow6g, say, from 600 to 806 next, autumn, have had into earri for two Years and.
al - a � , I intended to sow rye and vetch this
MD.6., L.D. S. Furnishing each man. with a team had stooped Shoulders, and a shuffling exported. These figures . are taken cuble feet of air space for each cow If you m4st crop the ground I suramer, but other work came on and
and wagon, so that he works by -him- walk, and it did- not -Seem possible that from the third and revised edition of two years old and over. With a well Would offer the same advice as above
Dcctor ot Dental Surgery of the self, also helps to get more corn in he was exerting more energy than tile "Swine lFlusbandry in C��nada," a bul- built stable -thus filled with -cattle, it for I -all w,orking -with a little move I was not able to keep it clean enough
Pennaylvania College and Licentiate the crib, On any job� there is rearly others, who were considerably young- letin. treating of the hog in .all its is'poiated out that the capacity of the careful and*1quent spring operation for that. I am wondering, if I could
ot Dental Surgery of Ontario. always a certain, amount of loss when er and apparently more able. A half- aspects reAntly issued- by the Domin- Outlet should be about 15' square until'the time that yout-spring or . ops plow it this f all and seed to rye and
Office In Macdonald Block. two or more men work together. They hour spent with 'each- one showed me'ion Department Of Agriculture. It is inches for ,each animal,. while the con- have to be seeded. I would- Still fUT- vetch after the corn is cut. Clover
get in each other's Way, the i8st that the old man was actually making interesting to note that domestic can- trolled inlet should be about 8 square ther ad!viie building up the fertility does not do w ell'on this Piece and I.
workers have to wait for or help out fewer motionsf and that ea,ch, ind-i- sumption,lips increased to auchan ex- inches for each animal. A stable 36 -of the Soil, so that, the general crop wanted to lime it this spring, but
DR. G. H. ROSS could not. Sorrel does well. W0*6uld
. the slower *nee, and there is often a vidual motion was slower than those tent that less and less ,can be spared feet by 80 feet by 10 feet ,high, ae- -growth will be advanced to such a it pay to plant the vetch without lim-
Graduate Royal College of Dental ' general lack of co-ordination ,all of either of the others.. He was using f or export, and- the danger is great coinmodat�ng 18 or 29 thead,.-ohould Aegree, -that -much of the weeds, will I
I Ing?" My farm is small and I waniea.
Surgeons ax*und, his head in an effort to conserve his that we'may lose our lboting on the have an outlet about 18 inches square be smothered, out. As a general rule to cut; out ther ard,itU graino and'raigi,
Grzduate University of Toronto Put Pay on Piece Work. muscular energy, and as a result he British market in consequence. With or 20 inches in diameter if round, mally� weeds -thrive where soil fertility corn and hay,, so want to seed in the
Faculty cf Dentistry It is a mistake to think that effi- accomplished 20 to 30 per cent, more ,a maintenance of the supply, however, while, the inlets should be at least 6 is 4*61ining. Manure and fertilizers corn. . The land is good and strong.
OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARDIS STORE clent work always means bard work. than his fellow workers. Canadian hogaraisers may look for- inches by 12 inches, and, two in num- will do a great deal to ,build up your ATi.�Swor: Fall rye and wintdr vetch,
11 9f course, if one expects todo a full That same day I found on. a neigh- ward to the futu've with confidence. her. field. , . . sown during ,the autumn should be -
I in 6 S
clay's work he ,cannot rest too often boring .farm an even more striking One thing of great importance is that , -The Experimental Farms have- at 1). R.: I intqnd to seed fifteen acres co e 'w 11 e tablished and come up
W.. R. HARLY or too long, but in the actual doing example of diffoiences in efficiency. if the market is to be maifitained, liogs , their sbveTal farms -and stationi;'in- with rye this fall and cut Same next the following year in quantities Sid-
B.8c., M.D, C.M. of the work the hest way is really the On -this farm, also, were three men must be properly finished. According. italled what is kn ' own as, the Uuther- year, and want to use this land for fleieut to inake good pasturage, For
Special attention pald to diseases of easiest way, provided the quality 0:1 shocking oats, all-day.likilds receiving to reports fro,m the leading -packing ford -157steln Of ventilation, which ls pasture the following year. I would seeding .use about a bushel or live
Women And Children, having taken the Work is kept up to standard. The the same wages, but there were no c0h'Pauies the Pkoportion 'Of Unfinish- fully explained in the bulletin already like to Imow Whether it will come up pocks of rye with twenty-five pounds
Surgery, Bac- great trouble in inducing hired help, great differences in age or. physical ed hogR is much too large, running as I namieA, and which may be obtainied the following year, how in ch to sow of eaTly vetch to the ,acre. In order
teriology and Scientific Medicine. to use efficient methods is that they ability. However, one -of them Set OP high as 15 per cent., in -central and from the, Publications Brarleb, Queen to the acre, and when is the best time to make as blare ", possible Of a good ,
Office lu the Kerr Residence, between often do not realize this fact. If you nearly as much gTain -as thO other two westerh Ontario and 20 per 6eut, In Stree�, Ottawa, to, sow. The land is clay and gravelly stand- I ,would advise you to drill in
the Q.ueen's Hotel and the Baptist ask a man to use a method which will together, -and ,the quality of his work eastern Ontario and- Quebet. In the _____--_-.4�_ . .Iqqm, vory uneven, and has a great also abo,ut 200 Ibp. per, acre of a fer-
� Church. increase -his output in any way, even was noticeably 'better. western provinces proportionately :,Harvesting Potatoes. many stones on it. tilizer -analyzing 4-10, IS you ,do not
All business given careful attention. though it Is not accompanied by any The two inieffic,lent ones worked as fewer light hogs are markoted, the 1. Answer: Rye Will not come up after have fertilizer drilling machinery,
Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 increased oxponditure of energy, he a -pair, but made no attempt to get in tendency being to run. to -the' other Thepoor yield of.potatoes expected being cut. lif you -want pasture for scatter -the fertilizer'on evenly bo-
. . I gendrally 'thinks you ,are trying to any teamwork. The size at theIT extreme. Hogs that-olceeed 220 lbs. over considerable areas ot'Canada ill! � s next ,summer I would advise you to fore the last,harrowing andt work into,
him work harder. shocks valded from 8 to 16 bundlee, live weight -are not, suitable for th Year; suggesta. .the importarier.,. -.,of -Seed, the, rye -with about 8 I,bs, of com- -the Soil when you are ,harrowing 'in
production of bacon. I I I . 1. ; f,
. It kou'hlre A man by the day orbout, they generally used both hands to . ; ;making the very beat o whatever
D . Robt. C.- Redmond make d n man Ted clover, 4 -lbs. �f mveet,elover, the seed. This additional fertility
M.R.C.S. (Eng). I and he kno-%�s that he will be dise.barg- pie� lup.g buhdlo�- - 2 ]bst. of alsike,alvdl. 2 libs. of timothy.. ,Will. give both the rye and tl�� -Vetch
.. it ,can be dolie -with, � The broods of -swine most'favore crop is barvegt4 Notbing .ig gof ed
I . � band , in CanaA�are the. registra-i by. leaving potatoes ,in the Zround Willeome -along 4ui�kly .a vigorous start
I � �, ed! asi Soon ai the job is Arupheid,,'tho less, effort.and time with olle r- � which will help them
L.R.C.P. (Land). � .. L tion of 4pedigrees, �wi.fjh I .. died." - W-Rether Fall -sown rye
- I . � �Iio in the� ipring,". If you -wish to cut it � atAnd the Winter -at -ve them added
' w by 1�� he can �9' i - aii& they never. tried.. to -carry . rr�qre . ,. tl�e�, DomitAIPA after,the tops -have ,
PHYSICIAN AND 6URGEON s �lil Ia�b� ,am 'any , I ' - , d. gi
a ill
, �
(Dr� Oh'-fillialrWo oid'at�ud) ihl,yk a g the work -last as *tbaA, one. at a t Swillb Bi6e,d�rs' Mgi�iatlqiij- :�pT Jp7; .),Uling, of tho� tops Is 1'&Ue, to "dry"hot ll�Iitobably- be able tt) growth and strength.
. !mie, A -s neaxly-as. 1. a h lee ' 1616; � . for hay,you. WI �
, �
11oftle 4S p4s,4161,e. , Then,* too, it. I& hard could judge, � fb4i ''of-hei mail ZA rliitl� '. in -�b " lij' ' ' ' " weaft i . . . .
- . . � ; . I , "I �j , t o. nUN§erA Ter .,e ,or to d1sease,.-Potatoes will I I&II61M*1 im", . I . - -_
I . � . .. . should � 11. -n more- eii�rgy 4i�iinj 't)I4 were I *Ii�g' , 8,�22 o- further gr L, .
firr 1oi'i'lif.rei4'rn,a,n to -see why'b,e* i,�78 *"V&kA . . �gt7 t�l' _ owth w�cl,h#d,lbe 7 ; � - I �
Y, , brot &66yp"I,b� � , . I
, ,
I Use up 'a i ' ' � iiiies-'9 8�5 'b "" ly' ' .' 7 'liftovzza-06;ied iwill &Atm- out in 1,oaftet - No. A, Digging ina -
I ,trf,.to do, a. full .day's,work, provided I day'thafi`6ach of thesi�; but,'ho d.14 �iot .1 , I . . ) 'I 0,691 Nlw�66991, I � able tempem UT -- . .. I
DR. R. -L mEWAART � _ - -all ,day 1 '&o .any- I "' "I'lear - 4�; ii�deh' qrlu''iegs.- Ch -6 . 11 In � tu L no fiy I
. 6_� ibe',litays in the field .. I , W eve . . , I 'I � tuye,. ,or,- immediately 'A . IfUg i&Po todi,'tht t t o I *ill
, � fchlred belp, are s �' � I I d. . : ,.-.,. i 127; "'259"Hamp the potatodimpr raise the crop more ( ,
Graduate -a,�'buiveW6 sjf�Ybf litbi '�`Shc� Vj6ulbl�j Wit, , pry � -;4al,kilig an icarryine; no�V ,Iisei . #*aIId-,- shires. m a, A - "t ed. I . .. I . ,
- ' ' * .
Facult]t of Medicine; Ucentiate o! the ,1doriipjiVajW1t1j1w&n I'my is- placed v� as-mueh effbitt. in Pick- -The .characteristics of each of these ' PXto vinei that have been k-i-Iled econam"lly than a fork or plow, but &,*It #
Ontario College of Phyoiclan.o ,aud ,9n a pliq�'_work hasis. %3(y tobseiva- ing'up,the bundles and placing them broed.s' are described- in thie bulletin by late' blight will uqually rot as soon , with, it the grower is, nioTe likely to ,W_ X1 I .
Surgeons, , r.eforred to, together with, in&mation as conditions are fXL4 Tobtq, Th,e,Aoon- get .his crop duL-and gathered[ while 01 VIMC5 'i ,
.tions � have been that work, paid for in the ,diocks. . . - . . . ;,
� I es, - . as & bmeding, rearing, leeding and er, therefore, su&'i4wtos e dug the weathA-r is fine, which is -a nrLau - . I
Office Entrance: W thei "piece is nearV a1wiyW mo�e ' Some,men just naturally seem to ' Or h.
Second Door North of Zurbrigg's! , efficient, wid `gconoWieall:� 161i6 than get more done than others, but it you,1011sing, OUPPlonle:nte4d -by illustra- and- used the betier 'Will'be the re- consideration. The Slumber Coac
Photo Studio. that paid for on a time basis. will wqich their work carefully for a tiont, Pork production on the Prairies suits from -z the erpp. Pot4toevj will �_ - - � I—
� � . When we are safely tucked in bed,
JOSEPHINE STREET PH.ONE 29 d end ' Oji the amount of little while you can -alway 'receives particular attention. .The ;keip, bett�r If dug In dry weather, or Warbles in Cattle. Baby, and Jean, and 1, I
. - When pay ep s s find the
,I actually done, the hired man has reason for it. Are -you .sure that you Vete"i'liary Directcir General '"contri. even wil,4 the soil Is compsTatively Investigations were started in 1911 And thegmat, soft dark looms over -
an lncentb�e to dd As much ae ,he can, do not lose a lot of time just because bute,, a -paper an hog cholera, with dry. I� faken up "-der such condi- by officers of the Health of Animals . head '
Dr. Margaret C. Calder and you .are relieved. of the -necessity you do not -size up your own w�ik or quetAtions from the 14W in roiard. tions, the.tubers are Toady to go into Branch, Ottawa, to discover exped- And the coals, in the fireplace die,
General Practitioner S. work. it that -of your help- as .carefully as you thereto, and Me Chief Meat Inspector storage or to be shipped inprese4table ients that would, reduce the plague Of We hear the -wagons far down the
9f closely superviaiiig ki I r
Gradudte� Viiiiierolty of 'Tor6lito, e,.ables ,good Workers to draw better might? Handwork in the field, the one on tubercilUsis, its, causes and shape. warble flies which worry cattle and -street
Faculty of Mefteine. , chores, and all the odd jobs on Symptoms- . The DGlininion Horticulturist,, W. T. to ascertain the damage they' inflict *A, they rumble slowly by,
pay, and autornotievAly weeds out the dAI1Y . I - .
. .
Office --Josephine St., two doors, south lazy, elow-moving ones, or at least the farm still take a surprisingly large - I Macoun, recommends tfio� use of the and how: While it is impossible to And we love the song,of their turning
of Brurawlick Hotel, materially reduee&,,their wages. The amount of time. And time means When Aicking eapft, handle them mechanical potato digger where the ascertain with any exactitude the am- wheels, .
Telephones -Office 281, Residence 151 only i5ossible, objectiiarl, from the 14rni- money. I by the stem and avoid injuring the ,acreage is,considerable; that is, to say, ount of 14us they cause and, the e, Baby, and Joan and 1.
� er's standpoint to this methoA of pay- now Well Should Work Be Done? bloom on the -berries. The bloom adds'l where the work of digging -cannot be tent of the injury these pests inflict, First it's a . farmer man and, his'wife
I SELL ment is that the worker In his desire When work is done by machine it to their looks and sellffig ,qualities. I done within -a few days. He points an idea of the immensity of the -dam-
Town and Farm Properties. Call and to accomplish the maximum may not takes just a1aut as long to do. it ; , t==!�=.. — - __ . —1 age they cause tau beimagined when Who've been in the town all day;
see my list and get my prices. I have do -as high-class work as -he otherwise � it is stated that particulars obtained The great gray horse that drags them
some excellent values. would. But which is the greater e poorly as it does to make -a first-class Proper Housing of the Farm Flock r"a vs from the principal tann-ers show that on
job of it. If you 3lave a gpod corn J 27.6 per cent. of the hides are injured Dreams of his 010very blay.
ork be done as plan -ter or grain ftill, ,arid handle it .by these flies every year. Inaddition, The larmer's, wife will light the lump
I G. .811111 W. ART effiwei'eynt,l'ya"atea'cllor'na-nhduswking? in cut- right, you should do a good Job of Thousands of farm flocks are being lbeen discouraged in her ambition to the lossof milk from dairy cattle af. When she reaches her night -black
. WINGHAM . ting down corrrby hand, a great deal planting, If you have .4poor machinei culled, land the non4ayers weeded- out; raise good pou.Rry -on the farm by lack feated and the injury to beef cattle door,
Phone 184 Office In Town Hall ol, labor could be seme4`anil more and do tot adjust if arj4& handle it '
. ,new arid modern Voultry houses are of proper houks4ng. Damp, 'poorly has to be token into ,account. These AnAshe)II toarryber little child to bed,
groun&.co�ered in a diy; if. ev6yobd pTaporly, you will likely do a Poor being erected, ,and the witire Project velltilattd:'"d overcro*ded poultry investigations, which are being con- Creakily, over the floor,
� wouldadopt a definite method of pii- job. But in either ease you v#ill cover is showing a decided tendency to -ward houses do not tend to produce ,healthy tinued, are set forth in a bulletin pro-. The . s a postin , a n s
I imirls PUU . n it, an nd, the it'. a
I It in cutting and building a about the same amount of ground in hetterment. . I fowls. .
DRUG1011) n i SICIAN "dum pared by the Chief Animal Pathologist squire,
shock. If you are mot sure that you a day. A farmer known to the writersov- Many an aspiring fancier has, found and published by the Donunian Dc- And then it's a gypsy train;
CHIROPRACTIC 'have learned by -past experience just Ill nearly all handwork, however, oral years ago conceived',the idea thit ,to his sorrow that any old houia� -will partment of Agriculture. T -here are And still we listen -and still wehear,
si Ile two classes ,of the pest, one known, as Moonlight or -wind or rain;
it Is easier to keep well than to re. what will be the best method under after a certain point is reached, added if 'good, ban ng and better treatment not do for poultry housing, And will
cover lost health, Chiropractic, Ad- the conditions, you can aft,04 to try quality can ,only be secured at a toll- far cattle and hogS-' resulted in in- it is true that the ,housing is not the Hypodorma linea;tlimand the otheras And last of all and A -very night,
lustments ts� the Key to Better Health, several diffortut 3llethods�-keopjng sidemble, sacrifice in quantity, and it cre"ed revenue for him, the Same -whole solution of the problem of bet- Hypoderme, bovis. The former makeb Sure as the day is through,
They remove the Cause o! Disease, account of such things as thO time may pay to figure a little on how -well principle toiuld bt applied to his poul, ter poultry and more egg production, the earlier appearance of the two and The Slumber Coach like a gray ship
'red anc one. yet it is one -6f the most i .
' requi I the tumber ol steps a piece of work ,Should. be id try_ He went -ahead on this assump- Portent Is the less irTltant. At Agagslz the comes,
DR. J. ALVIN FOX taken for each thoek-bd6re de- If you are doing it Yourself, have things to eonti(ler in onteoming the first flies were taken in 1915 on, April Wet with a alt of d w.
Phone 191, Hour& --P-5 arld 7-8 p.m. ciding just What eystem, to use. The plenty of -time, and -are not neglecting tiou, and the first move he maide, Wag business. 16. Their activity 1�ptsfor eighteen , we h S
I to remodel his old poultry house,
'System which, YOU finally adopt May other gainful work, You can afford to hiLh Was by far Many a loss of poultry in the spring d, or s bee, Vis the Gray Sandman that hold the
W the worst -looking ay%,Tfiey.s,ettleund the4owl .
DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN not be absolutei,y the best one, -but it do work of extra high quality, While ,building of big farm ,group. He en_ can be,direetlytrswod, to poorbouting Amd their eggs to the coronet Telus
will cortainly be better then, the lap- if you were hiring the Work done the I,, I I the house to twice i 9 Ormer during the wintet.menth's. Cases ba16 Or in the region of the fetlocks and on Ali,& drives from the End tf Day.
OSTEOPATHY hazard way. reduction in aniount'veWting from 6izo, appilied every principle 01 car. been, known where lentire' flock$ 'havP ,the knees and,. books. gypoderina There are two little elves, at the
The work of a young farmer I visit. doing it better might mote than, oftset reet construction and called ,out orle- been wiped out -oving to the owntrae- bovis appears i� the early pawt of horses' ears -
DR. P. A. PARKER 6d whilebe was cutting corn last fall any possible gain. , half of his flock, becauso the fitnal tion of Wine tlis�age in a poor poultry 'Jund and continues busy until .the be- To whisper them ,over tho way.
Ostoopatille physician,, on-ly qualified offers a good example of the ,way in Thko shocking wheat or oats house ,durliig th4 �4xlter sea . The gray coach door is oVm wi6,
as an jailed to thow the proper character- 4 ' Son, lVe,din of August, While H. linosturn, And we 'Climb it with, .
,orninglyunimportent,detail ohmple: The man ,v, ,h ly a fe J%ticS 40fgoad egg'productioll . .Therofore, It, .tJ ig work in whilo.tha.,anlmals are
Osteopath In Xorth Huron, which a ,so I it on w AS �Sulfttiol that the, 0 a Sigh
AdJustrdont. at tho spine to ,more May out down a manla -output. He acres who ear use norno unpaid family His euoeoss WAS. -assured ��m,, the house be given -careful ,and painstak- ,:testing, H. bOVIS Usually. attaeks ftt- And are driven away to, Gleepy'Stteet,
, -
quickly teeured�&nd 'with fia-wor treat. Was following a faffly, definite System I labor, or can exebango labor with a start, aft,d. his1eno Wd. for the entire ini attori"tion. A,bouso which 4ft,bo& tleon the, outside of thethindt quarters Baby, and Zean lind 1.
melita thkii by any other mothod In cutting 2iiid building the shocii;but I neighbor without ally outi4y of ca*, *ork of remodeling -his poultry housp'llies the tollowlng�wildplea I* tile, kind and on the .1ege aliovt the fetlocks -Miriam, Clark Potter,
Blood presiui6 and'other ox-a'milia. evidently had given no thought to can afford to take motv pains arid to build,-. PrbWtioil, fraftit Atdis, wInd, when they are ort the,move. Twanetm 0 .
4 .
le. -, I tying them. Th& wind was ratherl Spend considerably morer Elie per acre Alth, dA*qto6o,'- lo'rmln, an`4 Oth'Or agree ihat -tough, Idlig-hadved, 111 -kept In.cutting the win '
tolls mq,� I In the fitat ftir Vd�Atfil�,, th,6 110t *114-
oPFjc4' ovF_k c"Awriest 6TOgE high, arid he -bad to tie each shock ial than can t&o farmer with a 14T#� ter. The pa6t'trtat, i�4eovdfiig tb- his torls, 'Aupply of
I causes whl�h- iriq 1"4. �0 the idovoliall* OZIM&Iff 1124y the, Inbst w4rWeyend that Wood ftrie �,Shauld be tilker, tho,t Only
- 21 11 i 0 , *W* I WW""*00.WM �1 h �Wl "oil as it WAS cuf. acreage who ,has to :run two or three VAOT41 he -gold; ;75,0 worth of eggs, to w6fit of 0�4"'iiiid low vdWlty In the welI.fed,,.,Pftp'8Tly and eleanl�r hOused de*d troos or th6'610 'that are .hinder.
The Write wts in a badly tangled binders t4) get Ilis crop liarvegted be. lt4y Inothirig ,of t%e poultry sold. "t Aodko 010)All� , t0llilte freA Air, ahimalo-ore for loso frequently afiftt. .
Just thJ0, do6qttlinea, "hat a Py'et- bunch uhiell was always !Iropped. oni fare It geto too r1por to handle, and '%mid. birn to' h,11,84D' hio poultry I 1�en,W 01 r,6iOm. � Z,lftlalight -hynoss and, od. ThetUrinots are Also a0eed,thftt Ing the growth of tAhers wore, valu-
ty adve4ineillent YOU could VvItc, for �t-he , I who has to -pay -a go:0 price for offilpro"fly. able Should be tAkon. -out.
grtond wne-where near the lasti platy Of' ftioXiWer, b.VWe"JiA19,wArb1od'hfdSo Are d4ar itt ally pritie.
your 1v§t oockeidb� hn!shod shock. When relady to tie the the labor used in, Shocking. Cmen 'Are ftaftofftft 'whOT01 bettele should -be 061da Thd houid ahould Buye 1
1 I "' The first man .ottil httvd Andugh bol,P, h,ouoJtg and ft" of the farm flock �e jtbrp arlough. . to Are tft#dquently cautious and
I next Chook the weiker had, to walk . (0 Uuob tht en,�Irle 'Pay, it .lowdt price WIltre thd peet !a in Currants and gooneborries may be
Adequitte roo-ordo are netessalt� to back -and search among the Stubble, In the floN to follow elosebehind the h,AYQr r6tuZ114 the OwnOr A 4`601410�4 larm Xxk; �06wtry 04"Id U - fr4t'W OVI(Jelfteo.. I pruiled as soon ,Aef th-o letives fall; or
tho, offielent managelilent of any busi. and weeds f4r this, little Uuncli of Wider, pick up the bundles alvlo,$t an Increased TOV011116, " tug uoit'on tho tf4rill. ; . -.,---- - , the work may I)o loft until early
neso. The farmer, to be successful, twine, illid then untangla a atrIng, My goont 08 they are dro?Ped, and tot, It hAs Otani on, ZM4 that 1,00o at- 'ftlto to tto DWmiulon Poultvy Oat out old wil�ie$7 of "Amborry And spring. Cub buk ofte-thitd of this
lAust be'a hughlow man as well as a Watch Shoved that this generally took theni up In solidly but t tillocks, wl tention has ton Vi%:14, Wfter4y Hulibalbdwani P. 0. MtOV4 Ottovft, Mitclaberry Wohes. The cuttings should year? growthi, and thin out surplus,
growr of,eraps and producer 4f liva utarly -a hilmite, Tfo, Ava!4 cutting from two woll,4broken, precisely Placed ,ea,p spea'kIng, to tho poultry ov, the favm for 4 ftee, cooy of BabAin go, 67, ieoyi- 66 burned promptly in or,der to Aes., ,diseld or, imthrifty roots. Old busb-
,stock. Air a builow man he Should 16 to, 100 ffhoeks per � 01leaves, on each, so that, ,ovan tholthan to o taiWilit AetA1166 V -10s of tho: booti troy inmet ,and- fimeowt, pottN which 4§ nldr 1avo two-thirds 61 the pres.
1mve suitable ,tualness records, tit le"t air houes time and ____ -1 r4t wind and rain ototing ,can do tjitdoubt6ft Trittlay a IUM 'WMAOU 1144,1 tyM of pofiltiy 11441" , 'may be on them. - I out yeA,w10 growth romoved.
I I , -
. 11 .., 1. . . - 11 11 - ... . A.,_ tL",A.��'�.!�k�'-,i.�-.A.t�,�,---�liA ., z�� Lz�O. , �1.
I Aft,
t ,