HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-08, Page 4THE WINGRANI ADVAN�X' J1iursd,,iy, September 8th 1921 01- light hours. A CARELESS SMOKER CULLED FROM THE PRESS Landing at Laggart station, a little I F RE S' H electric car takes the traveller up a wind- (Apologle6 to Kipling) Cornwall Freeholder—Ankspaper man _J 'ingroad and-,% steep one to the tipper A fool there was and his pipe he lit (Even doesn't know everything, but his work is W_ level, where the little tarn liea. Who as you and 1) such that he hears a lot that common Teeto be good—must be fresh will ever forget the first glimpse of its On a forest trail where the leaves were fit. sense, common decency, and common shimmering surface, faced by towering To become ablaze from the smallest bit. prudence keeps out of the paper. giants of the Rockies and bordered 5n the Of spark —and the fool he finished It, Renfrew Mercury —A visitor at Atlantic T1, All j west by the glacier and mountain ridge The day was windy and dry, City has written to the Mayor protesting of Victoria, 4 is a noble setting for an The forest was burned to Its very roots, against young women bathers disrobing incomparable Aiature picture. And the Even beneath the ground. In their autos, and yet in Renfrew we let beauty of it is that the Lake takes ,it as IMS -1.1 With the flowers, the birds and the poor men change a tire on the outside of an ,a many aspects as there are changes in dumb brutes. auto. sky or cloud, Every passing wind oi, Rose shrieking gate alters its face, Moreover, Old hoary oaks, and the tender shoots British Whig—As a rule the man wbo, it takes on all gradations of shade, deep- Which might have been logo but for such turns the other cheek is just killing time Bosses that unique flamour galocits Is t!3ta2, rash and-pos � ening as the twilight comes and darken- Allowed to wander around, until he can get his knife open. of lgoo4fiessl thft-t."has justly m-ade it faifious-* ing a, the night spreads its sable mantle The lumber jack has now passed on Saskatoon Star—Not all the motor over an alpine world, bandits run at large; a few of them that.1 World travellers join in the opinion His payday comes no more; have met run a garage. And the screech-owle - haunt the camp at Toronto Telegram — The up-to-date that Louise is the most exquisite moun- dawn farmer does not beat his plowshare into a tain tarn in the world. That is a big Where the cooks tin pan woke the men of sword. Re beats it into a city. 77 claim but not an extravagant one. The 7-IN7 brawn, —Feathered chick - Manitoba Free Press eye takes in a sweep of scenery that in- But the, mill is silent, the trees are gone, cludes an infinite variety of the Creator's The Boil and the forest floor. But Ws different with the other kind. i.,. N ITT R-,' RM ens all gather round the old coop at night FP.AMI'4 W, G handiwork, from the wild flowers that A deadly sight are those hills of rocks border the traits to the eternal hills that Which once were beds of green. Saskatoon Star—The sight of a woman, between two men used to be called "a rose No. r)—LA9, E LOV ISI` -ILNl) ITS SU R- this Little, Lake tucked away in the heart life their r rests up toward the heavens. No hope for the human, no food for the between two thorns." Nowadays its ROUNDINGS of the big 'mountains, this Little Lake Other trails there are that guide the flocks, called a tongue sandwich. X_ that is the queen of Lakes in the Rock- pilgrims who wish to worshili at natpre's The floods must be held by expensive Toronto Telegram — Edison predicts Ofall tlip1akes in a world of lakes,'ies of the Canadian West. It surely lives shrine to loftier levels, to Mirror Lake, locks that motor cars will be in a few years dis- t$ without and visible Outlet, and upward to And the harbor is silted to tb-. docks. Louiqeis probably ibe best lowwri and'up to its advertisement in every particul- tilling their own fuel. Interested ones -fill. Painters have Howdovoureachit?you ask. Via Lake Agnes, where vou'll hear the whistle The ships no more are seen. ask if there will be any surplus of distilled orie of the most beauti ar. tried to transfer its beauty to cartyas and an Imperial Limited Express of the JCan- of the marmot and see in the distance the But the fool smokes on in the forest still, product available or will the car require it poets to verse. but both have failed to adian Pacific P allway, or it may soon be tracks of bruin or of the mountain Zoat Leaves campfires burning, too. all. ,capture all its elusive charni, f0r it i's , via aeroplane as well,. foroalready a flying and big horn sheep, while the lazy por, While the patient public pays the bill Kingston British Whig—When a hurry- ra.rely the same for long. , man has made his bird -like passage over cupine waddles out of your way. From And the nation's wealth is destroyed by ing man looks at a pretty girl and gives Thousand,,, yearly make a Little. Trip tO'the 600 miles of mountains in a few day- the shores of Agnes, a stupendous canvas nil, a Violent stapt, it doesn't mean that he is is unfolded. One seems to be standing on If the law doesn't get him, Old Satin will charmed. It means that he has just re - the roof of the world, with other ranges When his smoking days are through. membered to t that paint for the porch stratehing to the most distant horizon, EPIC RE DnIGHT the says It was back three or four hun- nations on the disarmament iss�e, the British Admiralty head. 4ife—Tbe telephone company always furniture. JAMES TAYLOR. But this is not all. Magnek, roads lure ox—----------- dred pages of history ago when gets I your number right when it addresses Manitoba Fress Press—We note that the visitors to yet other delectable regions. mountain due from the skies, and laying the Ch i n e s e discovered that the roast pork was so delicious that hot water was served free at the Scots' There iE both road and trail to Paradise up a rich store of memories and health for the coming days. JiAppy , for those benighted lands which arc , picnic yesterday. But what's hot water' River and Valley, with Sheol guarding take the folks of this town long having to discover that this is the shop foisted I r well assorted'stock on hand and by leay. to a Scot? the entrance, Mt. T emple hemming in the Boston 'Commercial—We hate to keep ing your order for these neat folders You, Phone NortbHuron 15-623, BrnEsels 15-1 Kitchener Telegraph — T h e answer vale on one side, and the Bishop's Mitre , � i,.-. ­ ­. -A — �pproprlate to the question. "Why did Arthur Hawkes across the way. Leaping mountain for 1. and M. Elson take so much interest in rents sings their song through the forestst opposin g Hydro -Radials before the in - cold and still rivers of ice cover tbelower slopes of H�ngabee and Pinnacle Moun- vestigatink statement commission is out? The of the cost of the investigation tain, and snowcovered passes lead to -mill shows that Mr. Hawkes received $4,000 neighboring valleys, such as the vallg of the Ten Peaks, where nearly a score. of RK and Mr. Elson ;1,750, as well as $801 Cordillerean giants are lined up like travelling expznses between them. Border Cities Star—All dressed up and soldiers on parade, telling of gigantic up- -1 WILL IN& AN don't know where to go, That describes heavals when me world was ma e. On this Little Trip, too you maY get even closer to nature by camping outi EPIC RE DnIGHT the says It was back three or four hun- nations on the disarmament iss�e, the British Admiralty head. 4ife—Tbe telephone company always ............... k -- JAMES TAYLOR. Wait For These living under a tented home, sleeping on a bed of balsam boughs, drinking the real dred pages of history ago when gets I your number right when it addresses THim ADVANex has secured the sole mountain due from the skies, and laying the Ch i n e s e discovered that the roast pork was so delicious that montblv bill. Hamilton' Spectator—Spare an atom of agency for one of tbe� finest lines of Christ- Cards it has been our " AUCTIONEER up a rich store of memories and health for the coming days. they broke their food treaties with Confucious. It did not pity , for those benighted lands which arc , mas that privilege to see before We will carry a large and Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at The Advance, Wingbam, will receivo- - (Copyright by British & Colonial take the folks of this town long having to discover that this is the shop foisted I 40,000 cases of "Hiram Walker' on them. well assorted'stock on hand and by leay. prompt iattention. Press Limited.) to buy a loin of pork. Boston 'Commercial—We hate to keep ing your order for these neat folders You, Phone NortbHuron 15-623, BrnEsels 15-1 , � i,.-. ­ ­. -A — �pproprlate Watch for Mr. Happy Party on talking about such a little thing—and it seems to keep on growing less as each. greeting printed on them. No delays. new season rolls around—but the fello*' A better class of Christmas Greetings has LVER & BENINGER who said that the shorter they make the never before been on sale in this vicinity. Op. Moppet G. Caldep CENTRAL MEAT girl. dresses the longer men look, certain- The prices are most reasonable. The General Practitioner same cards sell in the city for more money. Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty MARKET ly said something P —Success hi tifa is of Medicine. �S HONE 126 Manitoba Free Press Clifford Gas Plant Exploded W1 GHAM achieved by picking yourself' up and go Last Saturday evening at 9.30, the I uffice:—Josephine St.. two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. ing around to the f,ont door aft.r have been kicked out at the back door, Clifford acetylene gas plant blew up, and I Telephones — Office 281, Residence 151. "IR, the village is now groping in darkness i 4e scole. Judge—A business organization is v,,,y Mr. Henry Stroh, the caretaker of the: is M Ic aehct .0, lit C,0V muchlike an orchestra. The flitle man plant, noticed the lights growing dim, and ea ___ ot� who bangs the big drum makes tile most hurried to the plant to ascertain the IMRS-T. FELLS, A ne-m---arkable I ,tio, ali noise, but the big man who waggles the _1 �%, On entering the building he de- Patrick St., Phone 231. "Ovwt ile cause. lsl�- V:ip J-0 1.00 little stick earns the most moncy. tected a strong smell of escaping gas,an& Qualified to give Chiropractic and� $31, 't csx� vat'. ivw vsv- Kitchener Telegrapb—Even with pro' tried to stop the leak by tightening up the; massage, ajustments. Spinal examination, IS26 vo, 0 .00,111 "'ve 11, 0*- oxu! Oczt so'e, T00A -jeo vl:�c -CLIO aeu iiibition abolished in Soviet Russis it is t-qe eve 4LT% tj Holiday Ti valve with a wrench. Not succeeding, he free. eo �A *e ime- ,00'0 t,.,aetl tt�e_ Vz;.,V0 C)"W#.,ttlo I t ccord I doubtful if many will desire to transfer threw the wrench into the window, and L 0 A T%:VL% to. s'ov' is "elo Freedom f rom all, aches and . Z;j0,0 e cit toe their place of residence. Ni'OT4 . -jeo 4 ­ ..0 d by left he building, and was hardly outside ce V 10 A.TVC�,e painz zasura .Le- � alas' t'D% ns t S�rev, or�f,. rred, which %S toe in that Alabama incident, where a gun in threw him across the street. His leg was i CID , &a- to ,a, Toronto Star—There was rough justice when a terrible explosion occu FATHER! 0 IOV 0 W. , c; ,pe - Templeton's ,$ st a valise, which war, being tossed about in ba8ly hurt, and -lie also received some' Statistics show that seventy per cent. of sj� 010 a, Rheumatic Capsules I the leaders of the Nation in Commerce 0 Keep them in your home, a railway station, went off and killed thd burns, but is Ocovering nicely, The Take them on your vacation baggage smasher. Generally the gun I building, which was built of concrete was and Politics are college trained men. and the 9 Al Reason's for For Pheumatiorris Neuralgia, doesn't go off, but only the bottle is completely, demolished, and the shocki Do you wish your boy to be a Headaches Train Sickness% Etce broken. was felt some miles around. At Jacob, LEADER? 3 61,00 at your druggist'i3. Binkley's farm house near by, consider able damage was done by the explosion.! A ten or fifteen year Endowment with Sold by J. W. McKibbon Fell Down Stairs The plant itself, we understand, was mat- I Mutual Life o I Canada On Thursday morning, Mr. J. C. Link- erially damaged. It is ihoug t t h a t ED IRRITATED AND ANNOY g. Gananoque ,public 1 when Mr. Stroh dropped the wrench on To mature when your boy is ready for later, principal of Are you irritated and annoyed by school, and formerly one of the teachers the window sill, some matches which were , college will aid materially in his training. Studebalcer BIG -SIX Ta-i.aw Stuaebakcr S"ECIAL-SIX Touens Studebaker UGHT-SIX Tourina trifles ?—Just one or two doses of DR. in Clinton public school, was seriously in. left there became ignited, causing the; A. Cosens, W. T. Booib, Representatives $2325 $1885 MILES' NtRVINE—$1.20 will soothe s "'2785 the irritated and over-Btrained nerves, jured by falling down stairs at hi home. explosion. Witigham, Ont. Guaranteed Safe and Sure. His nt ck was at first thought to be broken, Z14 5 Sold in Wingham by but examination showed his injuries not 10 tobeso severe. Thefall wasthe result J. WALTON McKIBBON + 11 4.1 +t, . tl__,__� StudeLaher SPECIAL -SIX Coupe $352.5 7 (74 9 V4 y Studebaker SPrC!AL-S!X Secian $3625 �M -A Studebaker SPECIAL -SIX 2 -Pam Roadster $2275 Studebaker SPECIAL -SIX 4-Pom Ron -late �.?325 AVL Studebaker LIGHT -SIX CoupetRoadster $2385 Studebaker UGHT-SIX Sedan $9885 Above Prices are F o. b. Walkerville, 0War10—F,-.-cfaaivc of Sales Tav ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE FQUIPk-ZD WITH CORD TIRES An increasing nutrtlber of people are buyizig Studebaker automo- biles because the buying pu6lic is quick to recognize a product ossessing the maximum of value. Let us demonstrate Stud&, Eaker quath , performance'econoiny and value for you. Ity t L. Kennedy, Dealer, Wingham This is a Studcbaher Year 4 6 8 S I D EnS_ Just now we the ost attractive ladiest Diam- ond R i n g s , though round, are made to ap- pear 4 sided, 6 sided and 8 sides. This effect it, obtained in the mountings which are beautifully pierced and ornamented. Prices $25.00 to $ 00, 00 W. R. Hamilton jeweler and Optician of " s Lan ng a n . — , vp � stairway. Mr. Linklater's relatives re; side in East Wawanosh. New CustomsRuling That traders dealing both wholesale and retail can keep separate accounts, so that their business can come under different categories of the sales tax in�olving dif- ferent rates of taxation, is set forth in a ruling issued by the deputy minister of customs to collectors thfoughout the Dominion. The circular points out that ,,In the case of a firm selling exclusively by retail, and making goods to the order of a customer exclusively, the sales tax is not applicable. "If a firm is selling exclusively by retail and manufacturers goods to the order of each individual costomer, and also manu- facturers goods for stock. It is held that the sales tax is applicable in respect of goods manufactured for stock only. , If a fim is selling particable by retail, but doing a business also with the trade, the sales tax is applicable in respect of their entire business, providing, however, that the accounts of the wholesale or manufacturing branch may be segregated from the retail branch. "The department will hold retailers re- sponsible for the payment of the sales tax under the conditions above defined as re. spects all sales made on and after May loth, 1021. To Every Father and Mother " What mean Ve fellow citizens of Athens that ve tdrn every stone to scrape wealth together, and take so little care of your children, to whom one dag Ve musf relinquish all.'�—Socrates. Thoughtful parents of today are faced with the same grave problem that troubled the Athenian philoso, pher over 400 years before Christ. This is the era of progress. The call for trained men and women to carry forward in Medicine, Science, Engineering and Fine Arts is stronger than ever before. If you would help your children make the most Pf their lives you should give them the best education you can afford. A university education s the first essential for our future leaders. A college stands at your door %vith open gates ready to give them commlete courses in Medicine, Arts and Public H"Ith, Admission is by Junior Matriculatign except for special or nurses courses, and the fees are to low that any one may mtend� Western University degrees are universally recognized, For information, apply to DR. K I P. P. NEVILLE, R*strar. Lon&n 4M 'A I