HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-01, Page 8THE WINGUAM.'' ADVANLCE Thursday, September fiat, 1921 AN OPEN LETTER AN OPEN LETTER I was very much surprised to learn the August 23rd, 1921 - Aft contents of an open letter of Mr. George On July 12th. the writer met Mr D. A. FEW REMARKS 70 ISpottc n which appeared in your paper of Macl.acblaia, proprietorof Central- Business last week. As Mr. Spotton stated I C Ilege, arranged for the amalgamation of -ON- H a "Al n a & Ca. Ltd* V. said letter he met me in the Office of T111101 tio�l two Colleges in Wingham. This BOYS' SHOES Centr4 Business College of Stratford. on arrangement of a "United Businew August 12th. and an amalgamation of the College" was for one year only, and if a', two Wingbarn schools was agre d upon "Union School" did not work out satis, Ill out, Shoe experience of many Will, on and after MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd, take ov- for one. year. Before le.ving my office factory. then we would restime the two, INX� Mr. SPotton stated hn would write tip for schools again," years we have nevor solda bet- er the Business hitherto carried on by Hanna & Co., r% press publicaton a notice of fhe amalgama- 6wing to a misunderst-anaing about t6 ter jili@ of boys,.' Shoes than Winghum, and will operate the store entirely on a Lion. advertising of the Proposed amalgamation whaiaro. lmo�,vn Its the INRIG tt Incompliance with the fautual agree- anddelayin theexecotion of the agree- meilt.reterredto wQ informed 4 number ment, the Spqtton Business College feels iti fact it would be hard to make of Mr. Spotton's students that they wcre It has been placed in a false light with the �a better Shoe. at liberty to take out the balance of their people whom it has senied for the past terill in the Central Business College but sixteen years, therefore, the Seventeenth in view of the fact that Mr. SPOttOn has /Annual opening of the Spotton Business The uppet,.q are made of high grade getfuine calf CASH B A ichj- is X through the press notified the public that college, Wingham, will take place I on shin and the sole-, are made of good hard sole leather, be does not purp:)se observing the arrang- Tuesday, Sept. 6th, in !U.ofd prelaises ed amalgamation we do not feel under with Mrs. Walter VanWy and rubber heels—For school or any other kind of' ck, (nee Miss obligation to teach free any students who Mable MacDonald) in charge, until the wear they are absolutely unbeatable. have time to t, eir credit in his school� new Principal arrives. Wingham's L a r g e s t Cash tore Thanking the public for the confideace V V they have placed in us in the past and Nine out of every Jen stenographers We invite every mother of, father who has school and bookkeepers look to Toronto for ZPromising to do what we can to advance tile interests of those who fa situations. consequently, parents should shoes to buy to come in and took at these e=ellent " Ah will hereafter sell goods at a narrower margin of their patronage. I remain. vor us with patronize only the Spotton Business shoes. T"j� MI. Yours faithfully, College, Wingham, and thus, have the profit than stores doing a Credit business can at D. A. McLAcHLA Canada Business College, Toronto, place I i I I . N. and keep their childrerrin positions. A splendid variety of School Shoes for girls has School will re -open on Tuesday, Sept. ford to sell at, and the saving goes into the custom. Morris Council 6th. just been placed in stock. ers' pockets Minutes of the Council meeting held in Thanking all your readers for past pat� X the Township Hail, Morf is on Monday. ronage, and. assuring them still better and Our shoes, are NEW and at the new LOW prices. �;NWN X. August 15th, 1021 Mern'bers of t he more efficient service in the future, and, I % Council were present, Minutes OF fast requesting all interested to write the X All accounts owing to the old firm Must be paid at meeting were read and approved. Spotton Business College, Wingham, or Contracts for construction of drain, Canada Business College, College and were let as follows, —Coultes Dr. to IX the Store without delay to enable the Executors to W � V Henry Armstrong for $2859 00, Cardiff Spadina, Toronto, for full particulars, and IN Dr. to Cardiff and Sellers for 719.00, list of our' approved schools throughout 8 Hs WILLIS close the Estate of the late Mrs. Hanna. Hoppek Dr. to John Hopper for 180U.00. Ontario, I remairi V6 Brewer Dr. to Peter Rutledge for 1426 00. Faithfully, SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES' Mason Dr. to Tlios. Bo. ftr. 817.00. Blyth Creek Ext. to H, Kirkby at 50c per Gy -.,o. SPOTTO-N. cubicyard Mrs, Annie McMillan, Lots 111 4 and 5, Con. 0. was allowed $75.00 on the drain scheme for damage.i caused by Kinloss, delay in completing contract, I W11 The Township ratle foi- the present year AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN OUR COUNTRY CUSTOMERS will please NOTE we - was fixed at 13 milfq on the dallar. Mr. Harry Chamney- and sister, Mr. �X and Mrs. Bert Samson ei the,9th? took in Following accounts were paid,.—R . the anniversary services in Whi echurch buy all kinds of ProdUce for CASH only and sell Young, gravel 3 76, L. Hopper, gravel Sunday, also Mrs. Sam ThOmsor and son 10i. 10.95; Margaret Campbell, gravel Me; J. of Donnybrook and Mra. Cuyler and for Cash. Noble, inqpecting 10.(10; Garrett Wilson, daughter, Mrs, J, Ramage of"St. Helens. X X. gravel 11.25; J. Gibson, gravel 13.50; L. XWhitfield, gravel 90c; J. Lawson, gravel Mrs. 1, Moore went to Phl�nerston on FALL, TERM FROM SEPTEMBER Qh 1.81). Win. Wilkinson, gravel'&.40; J. H. Monday to spend a few days. with her 1, 4.60; son, Wesley. 'Sellers, gravel 10.35; A. Campbel J. Peacock, gravel 6.00; A. Pollock, gravel The anniversary services in; the Meth- a 8,25; C. -Pollard, gravel 6.00; Wm. Gray, odist Ourch or Sunday were, a. success, la gravel 6.00; Win Gibson, gravel 13,.(, 1; Rev. Agnew preached two fine- sermons N. Nicholson,, gravel 7.05; N. Nicholson, his subject in the afternoon was- "Train. C on Hulleft Boundary 4&.35, IC, Taylor, H a I*Iftl n a 009 Ltd. 1f to be a Christian" and fn the shovelling 0.00, Win. Turvey, gravel SL10; =9 "Our, Trials", which everyone C. Azar, gravel 8.70; Jon. Grasby, work euJoyed. John was glad to be back in 60c Robt. Messer, work 75c; Wm,. Gray. Whitechurch to see all the old' friends Wingham, Ont., 'Yhone 166., ..L,brushing 0.00; Gen. Edgar, work or� and enjoy a baud shake and telT them road 800; Annie McMillan, dantagea the old old story. The,music by the Thisisthe achool which gives thorough- courses. This,is, thv school 75.00-, Blyth Standard advt. 1.00-,. Geo, choir was much. enjoyed, Thankoff6ring which assists its graduates to, positions. Get ourfiree catalog -me. �Belgrave N_ are soiry to report that Mr. Geo. 'Whitechurch Mason, supplies 3.37; H. Mathers. tile- on $107-00. I n.",";is in very poor health. drain 60.00, Robt. Wightman, gravel 3,90; Sorry to report Wendal Taylor on, the D. A. McLachlan,,. Ptes. Thow-R. Fostel-.;, PrifiVdpal. Rev. J. R. Peters, who has been awaV Rev, J. R. Peters, B. A., has returned Nurse Greta Fox of Wingham General Lorne Turvey. gravelling 5.190; H. Kir�by, sick list. on a vacation for two weeks returned la;t I after spending a couple of weeks in Lon- Hospital spent tue week -end at her home freight onstile, Evans drain, 68.70. -aree1c, and preached at all appointments, don, Sarnia and Detroit. 'here. -Next meeting Monday. Sept. 12th,.1921. I I Miss Marian Casemore of Turnberry, A. MAcEwHN, Clerk,- XX.MIXXZXXXZXZXKHN Sunday Aug. 28tfi., at the regular service I The funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. Lim , , s ent -Sunda with friends here XXXX X Z X X X Z X X X Z X Z X Z X X X Z. X Z who passed away at Estavan, Sask., I r J - which was held on Sunday from, the Mr. and Mrs. O'Callaghan and family Selgrave sent a good sized delegation, home of her unclt-, J. A. Brandon, was are visiting their daughter in Toronto. I,- the base ball game in Wingliam on one of the largest held in this vicinity' Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hanna and Miss Wednesday afternoon. for some time. Those attending the fun- MargaretJacksdn of Toronto; and Mr. I A fine time was enjoyed at the meeting: eral from a distance were Dr. and Mrs. ! James Jackson of Auburn, visited 'over Gvf the Women's ln,iitule held last Tues- Geddes, Lticknow; Mr. and Mrs. D. Sunday with their aunt, Miss Tens Laid - day afternoon at. the hospitable home of, Geddes. Londesboro; Mrs Howard Of. law, PlLrs. VanCamp, 5th ine, Morris. Pro-, Toronto; Mdyor and Mrs. N. L. Brandon, � Mrs. Walkom of the Soo, visited at the -grarn was under the dir ction of the girls St. Marys Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jackson �p -and Pvtr and NIrs. B. Brandon of Dray- ; home of Mr: and Mrs Geo. Cottle last ,rad consisted O� instrualcutals, fid Mr.; week; irt-Adings recitations The t.)los' ton; Mr. and Airs. Mcpuarrie s( .al-gd Miss Bina Henry and Mr. Will Henry, rhree Musicians" was given by Miss and Mrs. J. Bewley of Grey; Mrs. Me. i lt,ilazel Taylor. A tasty lunch was alsa, Cutcheon and three sbus; Mrs. Win land Mr. and Mrs. Ma(; Ross visited with --erved by the girls. I Robb and Mrs S Walker of Brussels' Bayfield friends on SUnday. t The meeting re. ileoted credit on the girls. Mr. Lind and Mr. Forsythe accomVauiea Miss Bannerman of -,Culross, is visiting the remains from the West. Interment this week with her sister. Mrs. Dave Ur. and Mrs. Shands of Toronto, are took place in Brandon cemetery, The Kennedy. viiiting their daughter, �'Ylrs,, (Rev.) Jones pallbearers were Messrs, W. Geddes, lffis. Marjorie Lyon and Mr. Kirk i -it the manse. John Geddes, Dr. Geddes and 1. A. Lynn of Londesboro, spent the week -end 21r. and Mrs. Sellers of Toronto, are Brandon, four uncles of the deceased also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J D. Bee. spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. two cousins, Mayor Brandon Of St. I croft. Milton Lake, 3rd line. Marys and B Brandon of Drayton. Miss Bella Sco- t of Teeqwater, is visit. Mrs. Rands and daughter of Seaforth, 4 iug with her friend, Mips Lilian Pater -on. .=lled Oil friends in tht! viliage this week. i Mr, and Mrs. John Gil,esp;e motored :Mrs. Jas. Menzies spent a day with'Dates Of Fall Fairs to Seaforth last week and spent a few R. S. Munro, I Wingharn .................... Sept. 27-28'days with their relatives there, .1firs. Coultson, her son and daughter, Bayfield .................... Sept. 27-281 Rev. and Mrs. John Henderson and -<Sc gnrgessville, are spending a few days Blyth ....................... Sept. 22-23 family moved last Saturday to their new rvifh 11r. and Mrs. 1. L. Stewart. . home in London. Tnis estimable ! Brussels ..................... Sept. 15-16 '11isses MeLelvand of Myth, spent family will be much missed in our little aday wltk Mr. and I Mrs. Yule, Dungannon ..................... Oct. 64 village. _v�i L Exeter' ...................... Sept. 19-20 Miss Edythe I Peddle leaves on Wed- E_:14r. rmd Mrs. Robt. Stonehouse Mrs. 55-75irry Hopper and son, Lyle, motored to Goderich ...................... Sept. 6-8 nesday to open her school at Muncey on ,a'yoming on Saturday to attend the fun- Gorrie ........................ October I Thursday. $ ,�_-ral of a. relative. Lucknow ............ Sept. 29-30 Misses Fanny, Lillian andlHelen Pater- son visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walti�r Rose of Brussels, W as,, 0�� L. Hamilton and daughter, 11 f Vindsor, when on their way home from Bruce Beach visited for a few dayg with Mr. and Mrs. Mi Jacques. Cbarlie, Chaplin 'Little Gordon Leggatt met with a bad accident one day last week, when he through crept up the stairs and cra*1ed the banisters and fell to the floor below. 07Hr The little fellow was unconscious for sometime and had his face severely cut. T he Methodist anniversary services last Sunday were very successful, Many old friends were pleased to welcome Rev. John Agnew of London, back again. Threshing is the order of the day, in these parts. Mr. and Mrs. Young and. Mr. and Mrs Charleston and baby, who visited last week with relatives in these parts return- ed to their home in London on Saturday. ,o; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finlay and lagil.y and Mrs. Hudson and son, motored '0 Wingham and spent a day with Mrs. Corneliuq* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steele and little daugbt8r, Ida, of Exeter, motored up and spent the week -end with the former's sister, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, Another Weekly Gone Another casualty among.the newspapers is reported. The Chatsworth News, ten miles from Owen Sound announced that it will discontinue publication after to. day's issue, and will be incorporated with The Owen Sound Sun -Times, The News was established 36 years ago by the late Ge& l3lyth. The heavy cost of publish. ing is given as the reason for 66'%paper k. being digontintied. Brussel's There will -be a lArge turnout from thi4 ocality at the Liberal meeting at Sea - forth to be addressed by Hon. Mackenzie, King. Dr, Beland and Mr. Kennedy.. M. P. The date is Wirdnesday of this week.. A flax -pulling machine has been dem- A onstrating what it can accomplish in, a, very tiresome hand job. The crop, is, about an average one. Directors of the fall raie have engaged, he Kincardine Concert Band and the - Hawaiian Concert Company of London for the fall exhibition. Robert Laing, an old resident of Ethel. s dead. at the age of 61 years H,i wife and a daughter, who lives in ror- 0 onto, survive. The funeral took place I'burbday afternoon to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel. Mrs (Rev.) NILLeod ww; summoned to A Belleville, owing to the serious condition I of her mother. A successful operation was performed A on Mibs Christina Dickson, school teadt- I er, for appendicitis. Her home is in Gr4 Township and tier school near by. A quiet wadding took place Wedmes- 4 day, August 3rd. at 2 30 o clock, in St. John's K�ectory, Brussels, when Margaret Emily, daughter of Thos. and Mr& Clark, Morris (ownship, was united in marriage 41 to John Henry Alcock, of Grey township. 4 Ceremony was performed by Rev. J. I Johnson. The charming young bride 11 was eowned in white hand embroidered A satin� , and carried a bridal borluet of sweet peas and maiden hair fern. Bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. W. L. Mc- I Cutcheon, who wore grey flowered georgetteover orchid satin and carried white Phlox and pink Gladiolias. The i groom was assisted by Dr W. L. Me. Cutcheon. After the ceremony the young couple had so r at the hoWe of the bride's parents�"They will reside on the groom's flne farm 14th Con. of Grey. May their joys be many is the wish of a wide circle of friends. Jamestown Arthur Auttan, Gotrie, is visiting his grandparents, 8 * A. and Mrs. Snell. Miss Vera Sellers has been visiting the Misses Eckmier during the past week, Miss Margaret Stracban, Brussels, is visiting her cousin. Dunelda McDonald. Miss V. V. Eckmier has returned from a pleasant outing at Goderich and Owen Sound. Miss McNaughton and Miss Greer, former teachers in S. S. No. 4, Grey, have been visiting with Trustee A. Jack - lin and family. A number from this locality attended the funeral of the late A. McDonald at Mussels on Nforiday. The bereaved have the sincere sympathy of many friends here. East Wawanosh Mr. Thos. Robinson had the mls- fortune of having one of the rear wheels of his pord car toll off into the ditch at Mr. Cochrane's gate, on Saturday night. Vortunately, no one was hurt, lvtisg Marian. Cuomota of Turtiberry, visited. last week with Mrs. Wilfred Reid. W Prepare for SchOol -0 VC Youths', Children's and Kiddies' Clothes, at Greatly Reduced Prices. Girls' Middies, Cotton and flannel Middies with de- tachable Collars in latest styles for all ages* Prices, $1.19 to $3.50. Girls' Dresses Gingham,Print and White Dresses, made in neat styles, for ages 6 to 16 years. Prices $1.49 to $4.50. Young Men's Suits For the older boys in flrst long and and knicker stfits, of good Wearing materials in latest styles, Reduced 20%. KING Terms, Cash. ZXf#tXXX Fron,h ftow u n t i school opening, we offer speraial,values in clothes,and dress ac- cessodes for boys and girls. Boy6` School Suits Boys!'Odd Knick6rs Boyss" Shirts, Boys� Jerseys Boys' Pull Overs Boys' Stockings Boys' Underwear Boys' Caps Dress Materials Reduced 24 Forthosewhomake the childrer's clothes, we are offering special re- dulced prices in materials of wool, cotton and silk. Hosiery Special prices in Boy's and Girl"s ribbed Hose' of cotton, lisle and cash- mere. Price 39 e to 75c Furnishings New Pall Goods, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, Socks, etc, 4� B RO S Phone 71. ('3