HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-01, Page 50
Thursday, September Ist, 1.9,21 THE WINGHAM 4DV4NCE
Better Qualities at Lower Prices
of Monarch Knit S�veater Coats and
Pullovers. New styles in a variety of
,colors to select from, $3.25 to $9.50.
MONARCH YARNS—A host of new
shades in Monarch Down for knitting
13LACK TAFFETA—B a n n e t t!s
1_4r— 4T 44 Ill. 4V D
DRESS GOODS—New Dress Goods,
Coatings, and Suitings in Serges,
Tweeds, Broadcloths, Satin Cloths, a
full range to choose from at very
moderate prices.
SILKS—Black Duchess Satin, a
beautiful pure silk of rich appearance
and extra rood weitilit Our special
a V, "J, " Fur%-, ZAA 0 ne
even weave, fast dye and soft finish guaranteed quality, 36 inches wide at asE
36 inches:wide, special $3.00 yd. $3.75,
Venus Silk Hose Frillings and Vestind—s Gloves and Collars
Organdles Corsets and Brassieres Ribbons
Hous� F, urnishings Rugs Linoleums and OlIcloths,
-0 Our Goods are the Best—Our PricesRight. Terms, Cash. Produce Wanted.
51RI) Is
e me Ir- I
ATr- "Tov^.Y_ I
MR. Happy Patty's,mighty
fond of chicken. He says he
doesn't care in what particular
style it's served so long ;is he
4 knows it's purchased at this
Watch for Mr. Happy Party
Holiday Timeaw
Freedom from all achom and
Paine aosured by ,
Rheumatic Capsides I
gasp them In your home,
Take them on your va.cation I
nor Mheumatiam. Neurallial
eadache, Train Sicknel.'s, Zt46
#1 -W at your drulaist's.
$old by 1. W. McKibbon
United Farmers
Combine your selling power, press and
ship Your lay through your own company
On Commission. We will be in a position
to Press and handle any quantity after
Oct. 15th. Belgrave Farthers Club.
ROBT. J. ScoTT, Agent.
Phone 621-13.
SAINBBUny—At Wellesley Hospital,
Toronto, on Svnday, August 28tb, to
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sainsbury, (nee
Miss Jean VanNorman,) a son.
LEx—In Wlngham, on August 25th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wee Lee, a son.
McGxR—In Township' of Morris, on
August 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. James
'H. McGee, a son.
INGHAM—In Wingham. on August 27th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. Ingham, a
Eon, stillborn.
ADAms—At the City Hospital, Hamilton,
on August 30th., to Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Adams, (nee Miss Gwen. Jackson)
a son.
HARnis—In Howick, on Saturday,
August 20th, 1021, Rachel Jacques,
belovedwife of Russel Harris, in her
57fh year.
Romwis—In Gcrrie, on Sunday, Aug.
ust 21st, 1921, Elizabeth Quance be-
loved wife of Harry Roberts, in her
65th year.
BRICKER—In Howick, on Tuesday,
August 22nd, 1021, Hannah Unger, re-
lict of the late Jacob Bricker, aged 78
years, 9 months and 17 days.
BA,YLE,v—ln Hullet, on Saturday, Aug -
20th. Richard R. Bayley, aged 68 years
and 5 months.
BLAOICHALL—In Blyth, on Aug. 24th.
Christena Kennedy, beloved wife of Dr
J, E. Blackball, aged 69 years, 5 month;
and 21 days.
Campers' Association
Bruce Beach, August 25.—The annual
meeting of the Bruce Beach Campers'
Association was held yesterday afternoon.
The follo.ving ofificers were elected for
the ensuing year: President, Rev W J
West, Dunnville; vice -preside ev:
Dr. R. Martin, Sbratford; secretary.
treasurer, Rev. F. C. Overend, Kincar-
dine; assistant treasurer, John S. Rob-
ertson, Ripley; councillor for division 1,
Rey. F. J. Maxwell, Pembroke; for divi-
sion 2, Rev. W. A. Bemner, Cobourg, for
division 3. Rev. J. W. 'Baird, Hamilton.
The association is approaching the in'
spector of post offices with a view to
having a special mail delivery during the
months of June, July and August of oac
WINGHAM BItANCH—C. P, Smith, Manager
Mr. Editor,
Dear Sir ---
May I through the columns of THN
ADvANcR call the attention of. some of
the Humans, Liberal minded citizens of
our town, to an act, (which I would ter . m)
both cruel and negligent.
I have reference to the fact, that our
fountaini, which were replaced, that
horses, (the most noble creatures ruled by
man) might drink and be refreshed, are
allowed to remain, the evirimer through,
dry as a burnt cinder.
Do we not all know, that when tired,
hot and weary, a beautiful. drink will
revive, sustain and strengthen us? As 'it
revives man, so likewise it revive's the
patient, bard working horse.
Its life is short, and a weary life withal.
Will we not try to assuage its thirst, and
in every way we can eliminate its many
ills? The Golden Rule not only applys to
man but also to the dumb creatures. I
have a pet theory Sir, that horses are
immortal, this may be unorthodex, but it
appeals to me as very possible,
1I know of horses who have lad good
19tables and good masters for a number
of years, and when getting old have been
sold for a song into slavery and misery,
after two . or three vears of whary toll,
they pass to the Fertilizer slaughter
house. But me'thinks, 'the butchers axe
does not kill that noble animal. there are
green pastures ahead where' they will not
grow weary, nor languish for a drink.
In closing I would like to remark, t
a few years ago we had water tanks galore
in Wingham, one at the lower hotel, one
at the Queen's and one at the Park
House. We vetoed the beer but we did
not Veto the water, we can do very well
41thout the former, but water is the very
elixer of life to both man and boeast.
Thanking you Mr. Editor, for space in
your very intexesting columns.
I would just remain,
A Lover of the Horse
Howick Magistrate Passes Away
The death of Mr. Frank Dixon 'of
Howick, took place on Sunday morning
pf this week very unexpectedly, He had
helped to thresh on the farm of Mr.
AndrewMclntosb, Elora mad, Carrick,
on'Satutday, and attended to his Work as
usual, although he complained of a head.
ac e On Sunday morning, while still in
ed, he suddenly expired, death being
ascribed to heart disease. Deceased was
about 55 years of age, and had been a
justice of the peace for Huron for about
ten years. He, is survived by a widow
and one daughter.
A Far Cry From 1821
Froth figures taken from old tecords
secured by the Ohio Experimental Station
it is found that prices as paid by on
early farmers' co-operative organigtion
in Licking County in 11121 were, W )*at
25 cents a bushel; oa*, Ift corn 12,
potatoes, 12,14; flour, U Per hundred,
chickens, 37 cents a dozen; egga 8J ;W4
and maple syrup, 6 cents a gallon. How.
ever these value& were only allowed whft
articles were taken in exchage for Pro-
In these "good old daye' too, people
spun their ownr clothet� built thoir- own
houses and hirniture and there were few
products other than thoSe of. the farm.
Lifews§9 good deal simpler And those
who filled the wil were Mighty independ.
ent, although there Wks little chance of
gainitV *ftltb.
: All Next Week
The comedy that took a year to make!
Written and Directed by Charles Chaplin.
The, comedy that's worth every dollar and
every- minute that went into It I
Enough lauUhs for a year I
Peformances—Every evening at 7.30and 9.00. Mat- Priois—Evening, Adults 50c, Children 25c; Matinees,
inees, Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. at 4.15. Adults 25c, Childr,!n 10c. These prices
Saturday at 3 30. include War Tax.
RuTmxRronp—MCPHuR8oN—A t S t.
Helens, on Wednesday, August 17th,
William Rutherford to Miss Ethel Mc-
Pherson, both of -Wawanosh. Rev.
Mr. Cummings offivated.
BALVwiN—A,,NDnnaoN—On Wednesday
evening, August l7th, by the Rev. D. ermt, ko kht Sqk& za&ws"
McEachern. B. D. at 85 Simpson Ave.,
Toronto, Annie Grace. youngest
daughter of Mrs. Isabella Anderson,
formerly of Wroxeter, to Sherman Ed-
ward Baldwin, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles E. Baldwin, Little Falls,
New �ersey. After the ceremony a
very pretty reception was held at the
home of the bride, 45 Wheeler Ave. Most thercbants will urge the public to come to tbttt glo!"re beibii fgolnig elsewhere. Their fear of losing
a sale is rceponsible for thcir avitude in this regard, Quite contrary to this position we urge you to try them all
A summons has arrived calling upon and then come to the Select Ladies' Ready-tD-Wtar Co., because we want you to becoint thoroughly familiar with
Alex P. McWhinney,. M. P. P., to appear the values offered by otbers, as the more thbrougli your investigation the more certain are we to secure your busi-
before a magistrate at Listowel and an- ness, diat is the confidence we have in our values. You be the judge and we will gladly abide by your decision,
swer a charge of speeding on the highway We believe that you will decide with us that we are right in our statement.
in that Iccality. Mr. McWhiphey resides
on the 6tb. concassion�- BrixceTownsbip. Exhibition of on; Fall and Winter Safriples now
He represents West Bruce. in the Legislat- All wool Silvertone Coals lined thiroughout with
we. ready fOr your inspection. Buy of no buy you are brocaded eatin lining .................. $22.0
Malt Clerks Take Notiat welcome to come in and we will be glad to show you Silvertene Coats, halt lined, Opposum Collars.. $24.SD
out -beautiful range of Pall and Winter Novelties,
There is something sadly wrong with Suits, Come, Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Hosiery. Stilts, beautiful range su4s. prices are r
the mail servire between Bluevisle and I allging
from .......................... 110,00 to 43.110
W,inghihn and if this carelessness con- A sper.1al'offtring in Winter Coatti. Polo Clotb,
tinUes there Will be some of the mail I Sleeveless Dresses, all wool berge Piped witb
clerks on tb e G. T, R. loose their jobs. Seal Collars and Cuft for opening sale ..$18.50 braid and trimmed with beads, liathem.
For two weeks now our Bluevale coffee- belts, Opening "t .......................
pondent lips mailed onvelopts to us at the All wool VeloyArl tAmMed With silk twist stitch-
Bluevale station on Tuesday noon. One ing button# and Pleats and cape effect Dresses from $11.50 UP, and many other specials
we have in our show room ibat art worth while for
letter has not yet arrived at itp dest�nition collars. opening aille ........... I ........ $19.50 You to look tbrdlbgh,
and the otheme received on Friday. It
evidently hAstiten riding about ofi. the
G. T. R. for three days coMing a distance
of *bout four milft If this Wyl" Con.
kinues there surely will be trouble and Selelcl Ladies' Ready as toeWleai Co
rnn ADVANCE Will stir it lop too. The
delay in this mail service is not the fault Head Offices 440 Queen West, Toronto. tranches,iringbiina and Gedttith, ont.
�f either Wibgb�M pr Iftevisle pmt
—has taken a partner in the fun4business. It's
Jackie Coogan, the Kid. They're the greatest
combination of mirth -makers who ever got to-
gether; and the laughs that Charlie maybe
overlook,,; come fresh and snappy from the kid.
And would you believe us, if we told you that
here and there, tbrough-the six great reels of
the biggesc comedy the world has ever seen,
there's a sob? It's a fact—and that's what
makes the laughter bigger still. -
Follow the crowds to
W14AT are you going to do with
the $5.00 in your pocket?
Are you looking for a Place to
spend it, or a Place to save it? There
are hundreds pf places to spend ift.
A, &nk of Hiinufton savings account
is a gooa place to put it if you want
t.0 use it later on when you have a
real need (or that $5 00 and many
others, which you can add to it it You
willpoly do so..
WINGHAM BItANCH—C. P, Smith, Manager
Mr. Editor,
Dear Sir ---
May I through the columns of THN
ADvANcR call the attention of. some of
the Humans, Liberal minded citizens of
our town, to an act, (which I would ter . m)
both cruel and negligent.
I have reference to the fact, that our
fountaini, which were replaced, that
horses, (the most noble creatures ruled by
man) might drink and be refreshed, are
allowed to remain, the evirimer through,
dry as a burnt cinder.
Do we not all know, that when tired,
hot and weary, a beautiful. drink will
revive, sustain and strengthen us? As 'it
revives man, so likewise it revive's the
patient, bard working horse.
Its life is short, and a weary life withal.
Will we not try to assuage its thirst, and
in every way we can eliminate its many
ills? The Golden Rule not only applys to
man but also to the dumb creatures. I
have a pet theory Sir, that horses are
immortal, this may be unorthodex, but it
appeals to me as very possible,
1I know of horses who have lad good
19tables and good masters for a number
of years, and when getting old have been
sold for a song into slavery and misery,
after two . or three vears of whary toll,
they pass to the Fertilizer slaughter
house. But me'thinks, 'the butchers axe
does not kill that noble animal. there are
green pastures ahead where' they will not
grow weary, nor languish for a drink.
In closing I would like to remark, t
a few years ago we had water tanks galore
in Wingham, one at the lower hotel, one
at the Queen's and one at the Park
House. We vetoed the beer but we did
not Veto the water, we can do very well
41thout the former, but water is the very
elixer of life to both man and boeast.
Thanking you Mr. Editor, for space in
your very intexesting columns.
I would just remain,
A Lover of the Horse
Howick Magistrate Passes Away
The death of Mr. Frank Dixon 'of
Howick, took place on Sunday morning
pf this week very unexpectedly, He had
helped to thresh on the farm of Mr.
AndrewMclntosb, Elora mad, Carrick,
on'Satutday, and attended to his Work as
usual, although he complained of a head.
ac e On Sunday morning, while still in
ed, he suddenly expired, death being
ascribed to heart disease. Deceased was
about 55 years of age, and had been a
justice of the peace for Huron for about
ten years. He, is survived by a widow
and one daughter.
A Far Cry From 1821
Froth figures taken from old tecords
secured by the Ohio Experimental Station
it is found that prices as paid by on
early farmers' co-operative organigtion
in Licking County in 11121 were, W )*at
25 cents a bushel; oa*, Ift corn 12,
potatoes, 12,14; flour, U Per hundred,
chickens, 37 cents a dozen; egga 8J ;W4
and maple syrup, 6 cents a gallon. How.
ever these value& were only allowed whft
articles were taken in exchage for Pro-
In these "good old daye' too, people
spun their ownr clothet� built thoir- own
houses and hirniture and there were few
products other than thoSe of. the farm.
Lifews§9 good deal simpler And those
who filled the wil were Mighty independ.
ent, although there Wks little chance of
gainitV *ftltb.
: All Next Week
The comedy that took a year to make!
Written and Directed by Charles Chaplin.
The, comedy that's worth every dollar and
every- minute that went into It I
Enough lauUhs for a year I
Peformances—Every evening at 7.30and 9.00. Mat- Priois—Evening, Adults 50c, Children 25c; Matinees,
inees, Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. at 4.15. Adults 25c, Childr,!n 10c. These prices
Saturday at 3 30. include War Tax.
RuTmxRronp—MCPHuR8oN—A t S t.
Helens, on Wednesday, August 17th,
William Rutherford to Miss Ethel Mc-
Pherson, both of -Wawanosh. Rev.
Mr. Cummings offivated.
BALVwiN—A,,NDnnaoN—On Wednesday
evening, August l7th, by the Rev. D. ermt, ko kht Sqk& za&ws"
McEachern. B. D. at 85 Simpson Ave.,
Toronto, Annie Grace. youngest
daughter of Mrs. Isabella Anderson,
formerly of Wroxeter, to Sherman Ed-
ward Baldwin, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles E. Baldwin, Little Falls,
New �ersey. After the ceremony a
very pretty reception was held at the
home of the bride, 45 Wheeler Ave. Most thercbants will urge the public to come to tbttt glo!"re beibii fgolnig elsewhere. Their fear of losing
a sale is rceponsible for thcir avitude in this regard, Quite contrary to this position we urge you to try them all
A summons has arrived calling upon and then come to the Select Ladies' Ready-tD-Wtar Co., because we want you to becoint thoroughly familiar with
Alex P. McWhinney,. M. P. P., to appear the values offered by otbers, as the more thbrougli your investigation the more certain are we to secure your busi-
before a magistrate at Listowel and an- ness, diat is the confidence we have in our values. You be the judge and we will gladly abide by your decision,
swer a charge of speeding on the highway We believe that you will decide with us that we are right in our statement.
in that Iccality. Mr. McWhiphey resides
on the 6tb. concassion�- BrixceTownsbip. Exhibition of on; Fall and Winter Safriples now
He represents West Bruce. in the Legislat- All wool Silvertone Coals lined thiroughout with
we. ready fOr your inspection. Buy of no buy you are brocaded eatin lining .................. $22.0
Malt Clerks Take Notiat welcome to come in and we will be glad to show you Silvertene Coats, halt lined, Opposum Collars.. $24.SD
out -beautiful range of Pall and Winter Novelties,
There is something sadly wrong with Suits, Come, Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Hosiery. Stilts, beautiful range su4s. prices are r
the mail servire between Bluevisle and I allging
from .......................... 110,00 to 43.110
W,inghihn and if this carelessness con- A sper.1al'offtring in Winter Coatti. Polo Clotb,
tinUes there Will be some of the mail I Sleeveless Dresses, all wool berge Piped witb
clerks on tb e G. T, R. loose their jobs. Seal Collars and Cuft for opening sale ..$18.50 braid and trimmed with beads, liathem.
For two weeks now our Bluevale coffee- belts, Opening "t .......................
pondent lips mailed onvelopts to us at the All wool VeloyArl tAmMed With silk twist stitch-
Bluevale station on Tuesday noon. One ing button# and Pleats and cape effect Dresses from $11.50 UP, and many other specials
we have in our show room ibat art worth while for
letter has not yet arrived at itp dest�nition collars. opening aille ........... I ........ $19.50 You to look tbrdlbgh,
and the otheme received on Friday. It
evidently hAstiten riding about ofi. the
G. T. R. for three days coMing a distance
of *bout four milft If this Wyl" Con.
kinues there surely will be trouble and Selelcl Ladies' Ready as toeWleai Co
rnn ADVANCE Will stir it lop too. The
delay in this mail service is not the fault Head Offices 440 Queen West, Toronto. tranches,iringbiina and Gedttith, ont.
�f either Wibgb�M pr Iftevisle pmt
—has taken a partner in the fun4business. It's
Jackie Coogan, the Kid. They're the greatest
combination of mirth -makers who ever got to-
gether; and the laughs that Charlie maybe
overlook,,; come fresh and snappy from the kid.
And would you believe us, if we told you that
here and there, tbrough-the six great reels of
the biggesc comedy the world has ever seen,
there's a sob? It's a fact—and that's what
makes the laughter bigger still. -
Follow the crowds to