HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-01, Page 3(I
, Z7_
out 64cokors and Juno was -well I.0- A 00AVTIFUL AND 6ACRF,0 spo-r
FARM C01O.. NaUeed befou� they reacbeil c Lhorps Q46%
After Beptember 26 the Rhin,
oard ()f t1w nwny Dtorjes that .1telict
eoonowic birricr is to be tnL'iin down wopk ' The door tq� peac* hi; TreUpd wA#
ors toil cf tha won4orfiA Epirit
-by the Allits. The cuaoms V Ubwokcif by xing,oeq
malty 14 *high ArraeulAw face PiA31MUt <'Ou- e B �gf d�
fl it,
will be no m -ire After thi-3 d -at -Q, I at Uo�a G�6rea, 1)
Germany continuco her vepi d4lsns, nooe is more, t nrAcal of ibeir I - in hi* 4pPeAl"-- for w, � .. ,
rations imbern and invincible falth than this:1 r me.
payments Cnd lifts the present boycott "Our Father." it 'wide -ty 44n, smau'.
Vrcmler of .'Rotith Afrign,
againot Fren2h goods. TAbOre was a little buy. whose fatlair
This w4i be a eortof mixed, hiess- And brothej.a were kill,_ in lie
That door is boing cloft44y Egimnj
ing for the Teutons. The French wilf �Saeres in One of the interior places, fie volera 41XI thO Sinn FeinN'wriies
Profit, 98 thU-Y 410 nOt'aVerse to doing 403-ving only -his mrflier, Who took the the editarof the Philadelphi* Ledorr
abit of trade With theirold onemies boy- and Started out on the �-oiLd, tut There, is 4 lingering hope -'j�A London
"I in i abort time tho mather 41ed,lieotv.
and- the boycott has hurt. Noverthe. and Dublhii tuat (4 wAy lirill bo
les.1" It is a good, and hopeful sign. ing, the boy. to ';VWW9X 0a,'fboWarlea-S lound to. avoid, tha return t4'r' idle
It Germany continues to keep her and IrlendlesiN and tts� may to, auk, mllfdera, Alubushes by d4j and by
The Alliesare gc nir.h 1 -
-Ing even popled, he was In .4' vor)? vj4j�b;4 I t�apd.thle sordid
further. The cities of Ituhrort, Duis. tondition, lacking fiecd, and elothin Ti 14 * ,
. %. C- `W t t
burg and DuEsOdorf nmy. be freed *f nmIly he wAo pjck�j.. up 7, , , "i
i� t� � Old I I I , ": vl i � I
the occupying allied forces after the Arab Chief, who was. very kind tQ 'w04k',t)4f-Iirjt14 Goverilment
'next meeting of tho Supreme CQuA- him,,allowmv him to help in his house 'to
ell. Great Britain favors it, but and. treating him like a son. dozamentg, 'jihe� tIrst was iha British!
France is not -do oprtain. that this will prisentiy the Arab said,. (We are offer of d6r - Alujon atwtuo I to Treland-
be a gooa Illing.. How�-vvr, 1�irls is 00iu$ to adopt You, an'd you will be MOTO self-irovornmen4 compjet�fl
likely to yield.. . my zook" This was when the boy was autonomy# everything ibut political in.!
It deponids kipon GeriV4,nyls going 12 years V�jld (or 11 4a we count years), dePlIdell", The second was Do'
,straight. Thus far Berlin, the Wirth A cand-16" of this adoption, however, Velora#§ Toply, domarAng eomplet*�
GOVOmmeut and, the Germans genez- w4is. that, .4 the Ponst of Circumcision, and Abavlute Irish independence. ThQ b, X
anr have gIV4�,n no =se for criticism the� lioy must do as 414 the Mothaw- third was the British rejoindvr to As,
or censure since signing. German7 Medan% declare that "there is but. one Irish claim of Irish right to 0ecedo
put her signatare -to the agreement C,0,4� and Mohammed is Its Prorsbot.$1 from the empire. "No such right clan
and has kept it. On hearing this, the boy was mue
All this tends to make Fren h ever be acknowledged by us,,, says
5h $us- d1stresse&_-* Hqw 4mu-14 an Armeoian Lloyd George, who points out:
Vid"Ous A41culons end to weekeii the boy bew4o a Mohammedan? FinalIly, isour PrOPursals proopnt to the Irish
lFreliqh.party that is anxious to 00- after a Sleepless night, the boy = People all opportunit�r Such as he$
cupy more of GermanV. It is creat- awaY. He Gvelled by night and- olep I t never dawned in their history before.,
Ing a nov respect for the -Germans by, day, eating berbs And grass that We h4rve niade them in a since 4
and ia o re e
penbg, the - w,%y for German he found by tht way"- . At least, sire to achieve Peace, -but beyond them
rea(Inlil'asion into international circles. he arrived at Aleppo in a most wretch- We cannot go."
More important than anything elee, ed condition, hungry and. sick. . In his reply dealing with these -some
it is making for quiet, for stability The child was found by me of the proposals, De Valera has faid� in re.
=d for. peace in Europe. relief workers Vire on a dung be4p JcctjTW them: I
Outside of the cit:7. He -told her hir. "O'bVIOU617 we are unable to urge
-A Uni-versity Course for otory�.After being clad in ,lean clo;thes accePtanceof such proposals -apnn our
Housewives. and put to bedhe looked, dOwn at the People-"
rug, AA4 up At the relief worker, and Great Britain has gone as far as.
In its -desire to'serve all said, in Armenian, "May I my our she dares to co- Lloyd Ge,orge ex-
ot the province !n every w�tbe peopl� Fatberl?" lie mid "Our Fatherit in Plaim the dangers to England, of p -
Y possible 3�4gjjsh: Ing any further, reazous that every,
and to. spread the advantages of-um�,
As he +-iv -A Engli man knows
de Ang0a, whot'sectired f �'Uurer$[, Uway' Otation,-Without roads -.7
mlaloni,'Go fiie 1741A.Ahe D13- -,and with only two, t�4m% CQ vr�ansport Th - IS ik one of the most Sacred Spots I Ile died victorious, to marked, by a
of boautiful Massawald loake and
asked., "Hove you 0mys said Our
Pitched their camp on Ita shores. Sig-
arranged an extension eon'
rse in
Fathe? even W)wn in the house of
Arab 01def ?" He "Yes.
nor de Angelis de.3eribes In bli own
..-Men The Government park which "cu-
north hi June, 1914. Implements, they ofefted ilioir blave 1812-1814, Ainerficda troops crossed thg
As no rallwag
Household Science. This course Vill
picturesque lauguago this occaelon.
seems to be
"Wo e4.,,t out tent% on the shores of
did You run away from
This is the suln end the pith of the
Picturesque Lake Massaw4ki framed
or4ait)ovri. peli";d
lab each 'week. It is
bY a tall and thick population of trees
plain that Is scarcely' aur-
ing oxi;what the wcqdi� provided, ftll that 46t -October, 13, 1812—the BrItsh Passed In any -part of the world, The
which point their goal y Aj'8tant of courake, h0lrever, they began their
not a course in fit ycooking but will
deal v s a no
th food lid. diets, food values.
undt9turbil by man and olyllizatio4, no
with stipu�
be Ia`t1On,9 end with guarantees, -but the
Pure, and silent as the agos of pre -bis -
hungry I and cold, and might die
e 'ro
th ed'"' He looked
V enice in. Canixd% Show,$ a Re.
toric life. It was, dusk when the camp
nutrition. 11, later,"there to it - n-
oral 4emand'i-or a course in house'heold
-001114 of Italian Progress ;jn4j
W44 laid and T --r the first time, tlto
echoes of the surrounding sorest were
not Set Ontario I& one that has delighted visit.
too far fr3m%rallimd communication Persistent Effort Brings Success. army In.battle array and stormed the O-rs' from every clime. To see the
me nagement, this will
ranged, also be ar-
awakened -by the beautiful and melan,
be- nanie, the Irish
would 'have that Or TL-ject all.
of the future - and large �enough o The development of the Colony since Heights.' The ongagem6nt cost-blin Niagara country when it Is aflame with
which to, ldeat his, life
a se�bral , hundred Itall. Its Inoeption has'taken hard, persist- �nd a grateful country erected peach bloszoms and white with apple
Q Q1Y Italian folk sungs----thosa songs
$60'per year, $5 a month, will pro
v our
id* food foi one orphan. Sena
,kniong many unceosatul foreign
which In foreign couutrles are like
ranged ed. many of these exteusion
courses that most People h"e come
'farm 0010121ft In Western Canada to
the texrs of love tor Lhe home beyond
dark. Waterway Railway way up the hlll—*here d4se.
ness foliAufl,jh6m; ff6lil: Which P, reached th.e,.C'OlonY site the following
ollit, In
that of the Italian colony Venice on
the veas.11
neither arrogance nor anger in the
but there Is a. note
tIAO ShOT8$- at historic Lake L% Blebe
On tUo following 4ayj Mecca for
mme, King Street West, Toronto,
In Northern Alberta,.
them was In sight. Not a mile beyond.
Toronto to see what It lx -4s to - offer,
An enquiry directed to the Extension
ltulls,nR are mostly thought of In
the camp the Arstatretches of promis.
lvith tents and supplies appeiLrance, through- birth rate It 20. A sohool house, fol- their f ellow countrymen to oinulato
while trallspPrt Was limited ta what WPOAS�;,�bringlXlg lowed by a church, has re4red itself their stielidid, aimple.
this country as laborers Wb"e' to
Ing lands appeared,', The long wished
gortiationt; is before, it again,' The
world will n*te has
a large extent, this. I.S. tru`,n`d
, there ar�
for vItO of the future settlement was
Bent on fishing, heiIt the woods trail,
But the youth woUla not learn,
nevertheless, Partiqularly In Lombarily
reached and the dTeAm of a wandering
the PeoPrIe,of Ontario wish it to be
developed,, the
and Northern Italy, & hardy clao$ of
community and strong-willed men was
11-i_ . .. ill, � . 1. � I , Must 'of them ret"Vned-ii UIOW� gun to Smile, XIPOIX- the Plogeers� - Von- and judging from what has already
most excellent husbandmen. The his.
materializing, It was the birth of tl)e
Arst Can;adlar.-It.ailgn
expected; further that
�.Kjhe world ex -
pected. Sinn Fein cil'ings to the
tory of the Pioneering, endurance and
Colony, conae-
In Mannajig-agamq. 1�11.
Perseverance of this colvInY In Qslab-
crated by, Its historical association In
the Universi of Tbronto have,
as a rule, more than twice
Nothing -itself lit Northern Alberta,
the establishment of an Indian religi,
who can adequately describe the feea--
Ing of happinees,
Agricu''Itural' Commodities the,
most emphatically beara this out,
ovis centre thetoabout 1862 by lFather
by the Dell Ejre�rnn is sl�ado%ved- by
word that it Will reiterate the demand
The Idea of establishing nn' Italian.
LaeulnW. Here "the Black Robed
mother caught her up in terror, ex-
Ag,Tlcultur-M Colony in Western Cans-
Voyageur," like his Italian successors,
Sleeping sickness has destroyed 66
4-4 had long beem cherished by a small
had experienced both hardship and
of wIt- condition. While. prices of food com- to note that renewal has. recently own home, he can rest his, eyes, on the
nessed severe Atollnes, in the prices -of 1110dides have, been the first to serl- taken pjac'e,'4fter a virtual laud, -On his 'Cattle lielsurely grazing
group' of Italians locafed In the Pro-�
Privation, lived without broad, milk,
The world hai been wa�cljjjjg, sit.
vince,cf-Alberta. WjtlL & view to 10.
Pugar, Salt or tea, of which, writing in
his -diary, Ule said - "Conquered
cating on'homesteAd lands In the,
- by Run -
North, thesi rheo, born with, an In.
ger, I learned to consume those vitualo
stlucttY4 10VO for the land, fotegathor�
(the food -of the Indians)' without
ed by iwos, and threes, from Eastern
much repugnance, for under the em.
Canada and the United Statea, taking
pire of,thla cruel stv-1pinother,' 4 world
up sUcli Work as, they could find, until
the propitious mcmoV.t1'Atrjyed for
The land bhosen, being already sur�
Moir vd.ature. They' "�ad dreams of
VeYed, each member of -the party pro-
irdepen-gonce, and happine 4 vial n
ceeded to'choose. h1vown and friends.'
before,thom of creating in the Ad ut
Quartersactions, And two weeks later
their adpptlon 4 bit,o.f that Qfar mother
they $OYfAIIY set out for Zdmqnton,
,t#�__ cOuiltry'Which they had left In search
bi-17129ink the, good news to their wait -
of wcTir,14 d welfare.
Ing dQmradios.. Four *eoks. Inter, the
Zneo4'rajed and Ueg didd %t�t the jtpjj�:
advanipe, party of thirty-five returned
. I I
to -t1jechmD.
an Cons'111 at Edmonton.; sfgob� toute
Seventy taile's f ro in the
After Beptember 26 the Rhin,
oard ()f t1w nwny Dtorjes that .1telict
eoonowic birricr is to be tnL'iin down wopk ' The door tq� peac* hi; TreUpd wA#
ors toil cf tha won4orfiA Epirit
-by the Allits. The cuaoms V Ubwokcif by xing,oeq
malty 14 *high ArraeulAw face PiA31MUt <'Ou- e B �gf d�
fl it,
will be no m -ire After thi-3 d -at -Q, I at Uo�a G�6rea, 1)
Germany continuco her vepi d4lsns, nooe is more, t nrAcal of ibeir I - in hi* 4pPeAl"-- for w, � .. ,
rations imbern and invincible falth than this:1 r me.
payments Cnd lifts the present boycott "Our Father." it 'wide -ty 44n, smau'.
Vrcmler of .'Rotith Afrign,
againot Fren2h goods. TAbOre was a little buy. whose fatlair
This w4i be a eortof mixed, hiess- And brothej.a were kill,_ in lie
That door is boing cloft44y Egimnj
ing for the Teutons. The French wilf �Saeres in One of the interior places, fie volera 41XI thO Sinn FeinN'wriies
Profit, 98 thU-Y 410 nOt'aVerse to doing 403-ving only -his mrflier, Who took the the editarof the Philadelphi* Ledorr
abit of trade With theirold onemies boy- and Started out on the �-oiLd, tut There, is 4 lingering hope -'j�A London
"I in i abort time tho mather 41ed,lieotv.
and- the boycott has hurt. Noverthe. and Dublhii tuat (4 wAy lirill bo
les.1" It is a good, and hopeful sign. ing, the boy. to ';VWW9X 0a,'fboWarlea-S lound to. avoid, tha return t4'r' idle
It Germany continues to keep her and IrlendlesiN and tts� may to, auk, mllfdera, Alubushes by d4j and by
The Alliesare gc nir.h 1 -
-Ing even popled, he was In .4' vor)? vj4j�b;4 I t�apd.thle sordid
further. The cities of Ituhrort, Duis. tondition, lacking fiecd, and elothin Ti 14 * ,
. %. C- `W t t
burg and DuEsOdorf nmy. be freed *f nmIly he wAo pjck�j.. up 7, , , "i
i� t� � Old I I I , ": vl i � I
the occupying allied forces after the Arab Chief, who was. very kind tQ 'w04k',t)4f-Iirjt14 Goverilment
'next meeting of tho Supreme CQuA- him,,allowmv him to help in his house 'to
ell. Great Britain favors it, but and. treating him like a son. dozamentg, 'jihe� tIrst was iha British!
France is not -do oprtain. that this will prisentiy the Arab said,. (We are offer of d6r - Alujon atwtuo I to Treland-
be a gooa Illing.. How�-vvr, 1�irls is 00iu$ to adopt You, an'd you will be MOTO self-irovornmen4 compjet�fl
likely to yield.. . my zook" This was when the boy was autonomy# everything ibut political in.!
It deponids kipon GeriV4,nyls going 12 years V�jld (or 11 4a we count years), dePlIdell", The second was Do'
,straight. Thus far Berlin, the Wirth A cand-16" of this adoption, however, Velora#§ Toply, domarAng eomplet*�
GOVOmmeut and, the Germans genez- w4is. that, .4 the Ponst of Circumcision, and Abavlute Irish independence. ThQ b, X
anr have gIV4�,n no =se for criticism the� lioy must do as 414 the Mothaw- third was the British rejoindvr to As,
or censure since signing. German7 Medan% declare that "there is but. one Irish claim of Irish right to 0ecedo
put her signatare -to the agreement C,0,4� and Mohammed is Its Prorsbot.$1 from the empire. "No such right clan
and has kept it. On hearing this, the boy was mue
All this tends to make Fren h ever be acknowledged by us,,, says
5h $us- d1stresse&_-* Hqw 4mu-14 an Armeoian Lloyd George, who points out:
Vid"Ous A41culons end to weekeii the boy bew4o a Mohammedan? FinalIly, isour PrOPursals proopnt to the Irish
lFreliqh.party that is anxious to 00- after a Sleepless night, the boy = People all opportunit�r Such as he$
cupy more of GermanV. It is creat- awaY. He Gvelled by night and- olep I t never dawned in their history before.,
Ing a nov respect for the -Germans by, day, eating berbs And grass that We h4rve niade them in a since 4
and ia o re e
penbg, the - w,%y for German he found by tht way"- . At least, sire to achieve Peace, -but beyond them
rea(Inlil'asion into international circles. he arrived at Aleppo in a most wretch- We cannot go."
More important than anything elee, ed condition, hungry and. sick. . In his reply dealing with these -some
it is making for quiet, for stability The child was found by me of the proposals, De Valera has faid� in re.
=d for. peace in Europe. relief workers Vire on a dung be4p JcctjTW them: I
Outside of the cit:7. He -told her hir. "O'bVIOU617 we are unable to urge
-A Uni-versity Course for otory�.After being clad in ,lean clo;thes accePtanceof such proposals -apnn our
Housewives. and put to bedhe looked, dOwn at the People-"
rug, AA4 up At the relief worker, and Great Britain has gone as far as.
In its -desire to'serve all said, in Armenian, "May I my our she dares to co- Lloyd Ge,orge ex-
ot the province !n every w�tbe peopl� Fatberl?" lie mid "Our Fatherit in Plaim the dangers to England, of p -
Y possible 3�4gjjsh: Ing any further, reazous that every,
and to. spread the advantages of-um�,
As he +-iv -A Engli man knows
de Ang0a, whot'sectired f �'Uurer$[, Uway' Otation,-Without roads -.7
mlaloni,'Go fiie 1741A.Ahe D13- -,and with only two, t�4m% CQ vr�ansport Th - IS ik one of the most Sacred Spots I Ile died victorious, to marked, by a
versIty edumt'Lor, broadcal4t over ()r_
tario, the University of T orpnto bits
asked., "Hove you 0mys said Our
a e we
has n0tod and' recognized. This is by
vorn ntilte supilles,
lands iote p with little�,rneans and few �P Canadian: history. In the wai, of cenotaph and flagstaff.
rred. tO.."twehtY pushed
arranged an extension eon'
rse in
Fathe? even W)wn in the house of
Arab 01def ?" He "Yes.
the no means as far as Sinn Fein de -
My MfWds- The deadlock
..-Men The Government park which "cu-
north hi June, 1914. Implements, they ofefted ilioir blave 1812-1814, Ainerficda troops crossed thg
As no rallwag
Household Science. This course Vill
Mother taught me to sa-Y 'Oar Path-
seems to be
g4jns� tbe�wjldo., often cut off :.river fro pies the Holights is one of the most
tben ran into the Lake La� lildhe Dl�: m Ukiotou, landed 0"n Cana, beautiful Spots In Ont� ju� It com_
trict, com1punicatlun by rain r
extend ten w
0 eeka, beginning
ctobex 40, wirb two lectures
did You run away from
This is the suln end the pith of the
the" Party Proceeded by voll to storlil'. h 4�i , . and -dian p lj,'and took poSsessi lower river
on' Of 'tie manas a view of the '
Colintda-un the Athabasca. if u lig for their fobd and I . and'
iv- Heights. Rarly the same morning— the Niagara
ne, from
or4ait)ovri. peli";d
lab each 'week. It is
Your benefactor? He fed you, and was
Ichid to he
sit"U011, The negotiators -dealt with
Other things, wi Ulster,
plain that Is scarcely' aur-
ing oxi;what the wcqdi� provided, ftll that 46t -October, 13, 1812—the BrItsh Passed In any -part of the world, The
which point their goal y Aj'8tant of courake, h0lrever, they began their
not a course in fit ycooking but will
deal v s a no
th food lid. diets, food values.
you, .was notT. Did you
not know that Possibly You would
with stipu�
be Ia`t1On,9 end with guarantees, -but the
GOv6r1iOr, 'Sit, Isaac Brock, left Fort panoriamo, of river and orchard and
61011le s-OventY miles over an alwbq Im- first homesi and. before ttae snuws!
possible, semi-obliteratedtrail. Of George, J�iagara-on-the�lake, and has- vineyard
The' tilled fields'
and thecaiise and prevention of inal-
hungry I and cold, and might die
e 'ro
th ed'"' He looked
on rock that war, struck vms the -rock of
Irish determination to be independent.
winter cax�o, tea bi and
task of'finding a go0a f&tj whick
le, stretch to the' ir'unfl`aggIng' 9 g-jhuts, testified toned t�; the scene on horseback. Rld- spreads am4y to the shores of Lake
of land not too difficult to clear, Ing up t4o river road, he his. little
nutrition. 11, later,"there to it - n-
oral 4emand'i-or a course in house'heold
up at*her, and
a , : -"Oh, You cannot und,ratand-I
Oftered independence in practioally
ovirything but the
not Set Ontario I& one that has delighted visit.
too far fr3m%rallimd communication Persistent Effort Brings Success. army In.battle array and stormed the O-rs' from every clime. To see the
me nagement, this will
ranged, also be ar-
am a Christian boy, I cannot
conle a
be- nanie, the Irish
would 'have that Or TL-ject all.
of the future - and large �enough o The development of the Colony since Heights.' The ongagem6nt cost-blin Niagara country when it Is aflame with
which to, ldeat his, life
a se�bral , hundred Itall. Its Inoeption has'taken hard, persist- �nd a grateful country erected peach bloszoms and white with apple
The Provincial university has ar-
$60'per year, $5 a month, will pro
v our
id* food foi one orphan. Sena
London an -d Dublin profess to find
hope in the conciliatory tone of the
an fxtmeraj�-'� was- nat �-an. bat -Y, one. ent struggle. The long expected Al- a splendfd monument in his memory. blossoms Is to have, a foretaste of Para-
Camp wao W, ddt 1d9ht,Whdrev4r berta and Great The spot�part
ranged ed. many of these exteusion
courses that most People h"e come
contributions to tU�Tfi�� , Mr.
rres It is t -rue that there
D. co Pundence,
dark. Waterway Railway way up the hlll—*here d4se.
ness foliAufl,jh6m; ff6lil: Which P, reached th.e,.C'OlonY site the following
ollit, In
to Tealiz e that when one wants some-
A. Cameron, Manager, Toronto
s�nch, Tj)l, �09 Com,�
neither arrogance nor anger in the
but there Is a. note
the earIy'iAoj%j`ng.4,, the-jettliers'- witli Year, and for the first time,!.writes Me ever, bringing wives andthildrell with leve.in Canada will some, day,- attain a
but W 'A 0,
in 'Co-uaul�-I!thd� tr In bumping
thing iii the way of education'
should firat consult the.Universitv of
mme, King Street West, Toronto,
Of finaldty On both sides.
The Irish
Sic, utqd I and roll: Allom, so that the Population has now bigger record 6f Italian progress, and
Ali dlie,cuons,"' T'loy wsje. Insuffteignt-, ilig Alce a -b6at On, the rolling sea �reaohed the 200 mark, with an annual success—an -example and Inoentive. to
ly equIPP0 made its, ii��
Toronto to see what It lx -4s to - offer,
An enquiry directed to the Extension
A Force as r a
t 0 t OY r% Fat
problem that was with -
drawn 1�,ont the World during t -hie ne-.
lvith tents and supplies appeiLrance, through- birth rate It 20. A sohool house, fol- their f ellow countrymen to oinulato
while trallspPrt Was limited ta what WPOAS�;,�bringlXlg lowed by a church, has re4red itself their stielidid, aimple.
Office always brings a -prompt and
here, was, a Young sW,r "'of Klusal'e,
gortiationt; is before, it again,' The
world will n*te has
each. Men could,= -s tion"! Man�' difjft�ultles beset � t
,a, back hom.. overnight. much land.,, I& under culti_ Writes tbe,,Coasul in coaol�sion:
the Italian Government during 'the vation, While herds
EKperIpnrtq, "ardship and H 'The
corolal answer.
To'develop its exti�naion work as
Bent on fishing, heiIt the woods trail,
But the youth woUla not learn,
majae the onc .jj '
c teland
J61 ons; that I
has made none. Great' Britain his
upgor, uf cattle pasture Italian colony may be said to be
great� war,
F or two weeks: �th4'� Wandered with- called M4* of'them ta.ihe ibdut. Crops, and prosperity have, be- yet In the first stages of Istence,
the PeoPrIe,of Ontario wish it to be
developed,, the
And,he let his, flri� bum
gone further than the British public',
11-i_ . .. ill, � . 1. � I , Must 'of them ret"Vned-ii UIOW� gun to Smile, XIPOIX- the Plogeers� - Von- and judging from what has already
provincial un-1vorAty
ill r�
wa quire a much larger revowe
Up the forest; to now he's In 101.
expected; further that
�.Kjhe world ex -
pected. Sinn Fein cil'ings to the
been accomplished there is little doubt
that in the near future it will attaln''
,Can 0 1 the highest degree
ro.,,`W"der. Markets for'
than it receives at piresedit. United
States uniVeTSities of Smaller oize
In Mannajig-agamq. 1�11.
idea, independeace or war.
What now? Such little haiie " re -
of prosperity and
wolfare. And there Is no psychologist
the Universi of Tbronto have,
as a rule, more than twice
How fshe Fell.
mained. of possible conciliatory action
who can adequately describe the feea--
Ing of happinees,
Agricu''Itural' Commodities the,
as much
money for extension work as has the
A little girl *hobad been attending
8, kindergarten fel-I from a ladder' Her
by the Dell Ejre�rnn is sl�ado%ved- by
word that it Will reiterate the demand
of good Itallak
farmer when sit dusk, 'Smoking his
provincial university of Ont axio.
mother caught her up in terror, ex-
for independene.:% The Only reply that.
pipe, sitting on the doorstep & his
The first six months 1921
Sleeping sickness has destroyed 66
claiming, "Oh, dartliM how did you
England can make to this has been:
made by Lloyd George.
of wIt- condition. While. prices of food com- to note that renewal has. recently own home, he can rest his, eyes, on the
nessed severe Atollnes, in the prices -of 1110dides have, been the first to serl- taken pjac'e,'4fter a virtual laud, -On his 'Cattle lielsurely grazing
Per cent. of - the . inhabitants, in some
districts of Africa.
"Vertical," Was- the Instant reply.
The world hai been wa�cljjjjg, sit.
farm pr6ducts, cougenue"t I'duslY decline, it Is probable that th- 2w -.4 suspejasion nearby. ' Inki— of the
ting Jn. Judgment on Crown and Sinn'
I . car.
tallment of exports�. - During the war
will likewise be among the first to. re-
- j—ars, Suipments Of Canadian
e stuck to the United Zingdom. The
v �
Put In next season Or how he can Im-
and for some time subsequent thereto
cover. The deflation In prices will not
end with food, but naust exie to.
re -opening of that market at the pre
prove, his, -stoo
all classes Of food s PPlies were cag&r-'
ly gathered up, at competitive in
n C ad all
commodities a d seTvI. e;' and me-
blilnery —clothing
sent t1lue is a matter of prime Import -
ance to Canadian cattlemen. . It is,,
It Should.
order to� z,.%tisfy the insistent ,
tilat then
0 and othtr neces,
mies, which are still hovering ll�ar
however, a market for -cattle on the
hoof, Which we must share an
Inkpen, the Journalist, had Just come
to live In the little: suburb, and, of
existed. The situation is,
now rilversed. 'A world 6hort age may
maximum Priveis, Wust la the end ad-
Just themselves to thasituation.
a com.
Pe-titive basis I o' Un
with th ited States.
cour , I
SO as all newcomers to any-dls.
still exts1t, as Is claimed, in moat,
whest and dairy Produce, but because,
The question -of 'market prospects is
The Canadian Live' Stock Commission-
eT tQS Supplied the following figures
trict alw4yis, are, lie was the cause of
9 reat Interest to all his neighbors,
0f the decreased purchasing power of
the outstanding One Presenting Itself
to, the Canadian farmer.
which are instructive at the present
Wimple Called Upon him one even.
Huro,pean currencies, with the- couse.
quent In -ability of countries overseas
To the live-
stock men in particular, the question
time as indicating the course 4D.1, Cana�
dalst export trade In live cattle . over a,
'119' .
"SnOoks tolls me," lie Started ON,
to pay for tho products of' this con-
tinent, the
is vital. They are confronted with, a
duty 02 SO Per unt. 'ad valorem oil all
period -of years. Prevl a to 1011,
Great Britain took 90
"that you push a Penall for a living."
"That's so., I do," replied Inkpon,
demalld has fallen off, and
With its relaxation Increasing quanti
Cattle entering the. United States,
expo.rts -O.f live e r cent. of our
_attl 0 and the United
"I think It'0 very foolish. of youpt
of food prodnctsi' have been re-
other thoso Intended foil breed-
Ing -
Stateo Only ten, pe r cent. During the
frankly remarked Wimple,
lea.-i.ed for home cousumptjo�,
P431)03es, Whether tills, means
exclusion :or lict remains, to be soon.
period 1890-1906 'the business With
I Great Britain Increased In
asked lnlcpen4
'PeCAUS0 ft pencil should be lead,"
Government ;,of the United volume
, Our cattle, are In request In the moat-. from 07,000 head to, 184,000 liesd. From
Statc."�, in all attempt to afford relief Packing lfdu,sttY Of that country, and'that
explained Wimple,
Inkpon had not then learnt
for theiAmer1c4if fA�mer, will seek to
,exclude by me4l's -of ft,tarift barrier
year It declined until In loll It
may continiLre, to. be in demand, as 1, had dropped to 113,795.. In 3.01j, o-Wy
Wimple -was the "Wag of the Village,"
the BaTDIus produ&s, - & Canadian
Canada is the reidle8t source from'! 48iOOO were exported W Great Britain,
Whlea to supplement th*i deoreas-Ing
famls. Canada Is, therefore, brought
do'ifitstic SUPPIY'Of that country,
and since -then the, trade -has been
The Least of His Troubles,
face to face with the necessity of Im-
me"llately readilastlug itself to, a new,
Present 61611ts liave once again em- I
Merely liuminal. .
In 1914, shipments to the . United
Last year, writes a contributor,
When I returned to the. country town
S-lillutien, This ft'h" had to, do be- I
phasized the -fact th.at to rely, unduly; States Increased.greatly In volume,,
on the market to the South Is to
where . I spend my suniniers I s�
was a
foro.wben the channe!is of trade on
ourselves in a vulnerable position. We
alljounting to, 206,446. This was main-
talned -when '
tonished to 4ild Uncle Ezra, a jolly
which it had accustomed to
depand were blocked, ' The backing-
cannot afford to be caught with the
short end Of the stick whei ,
never the
until 1919, 4n I
took place of nearly 50 per c ncreaSe
ont. In
old nati-Pol failing rapldj;r after a shock
he had suffered the winter before,
up PrOCOS'S, and.tl,43 loeal Overflow
which May ensue Is adding to, the feel-
United States Congr WS dooms it ex.
the fiscal year 1919-20 SXpbrts of live
Cattlo to the United Mateo reached
When. I asked him jli)W he Wal, f eel
Ing he repliedl "Well, yo ties I ain!t
ing of dopros�slcn,and. uncertainty pro-
Pedient to, deny admittance to our pro.
duce, We must seek alternative oljt-
their maximum,' or 602,588 -head out
'of a total 0 xportation 618,s52.
so smart 00 1 Was Ones, Can�t 8
u a My
Vaililis, in thn fal'taing Industry. This
MaY.wil doubtle.ss will be a temporary
lets ancl, it pcss'Ible, more stable ones.
of Since
that time the decline has. been rapid,
right arm or Ieg, ajV they S -ay my mind
Is 'gone But'?' ho, added with char.
In this connection It Is Instructive and is still continuing,
acteris�;Q optimism, "I don't miss It I,,
Fein for months. Its verdict is not�
Yet ready, But tloyd George hat; !aid!
his case before the world, mid, it has,'
sLrengthenc-d the English position 1*111,0,
measurably. L will have a profound
effect upon public opinion in Eng-:
land, Ireland, the Unitel Stateg*
and the world.
A World tha t is w2aTY of sLrjfe.nnd� :
the soun-is of will note it -vvaq,
E,��-,aud .il, cpencd the de., -,r aa)d-
111a4a the Conims-slons. In 01w IT121tcd
States, where the Irish mow;nient lins.
4rawn mueh of iLs s-ron-flo. a
ment 6s bc.Qn ,�xpeetced
oalz-c the Out-,
lines of the Beltish terms were niade'
The door is elosing. The n-%", N1111
maybe the last, ilinve,
weary time wa6 *'"
1, u M-�
I ra and'
Shin Fein. It is th%r, to choose be-' '
tweeA g�ffig the
r, that Can
S6uth Afriat awl Ans.ralin bnve
�hosen, ani founi grood,ior �Ivjt pjjj,.,r�
road tbat leadig to vnir.
ganti Job..
The,ye have been faminE,.; t.hlt jjtve
menaced more millions of peopj(, tj%jjj:
.are, now threatened in'r-lussia. fit;
faullne-s"ticken distrkt_� in lirl-U, tjjc�
British have dealt. with 7, 0,000,0011 peo.!
ple endangered b,. lack of flood '
The t.ronble in Rtjs,�ja is that eivil—
9, �6n have �roken.down. A further dif,�'
ene Byrnei
Aculty is that the 'whoic PaPuletioib,L,
P1 many %listricts lias be
jilinger cli (in thai,
for Years. Them im":
6 reserve strength in the nation
R(S-rop-,( -mv- W PKo 4K hv=oA out, wasted, used"u'p,
I'M -rAr- r
OOV 1�
A 4,
wxx� M,
is seriously Ill.