HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-01, Page 19
Subscriptions: $2.0,Per YeOr
single Copies— Four Cents
rothy Piper visited friends in
Wingham Baseball Team Now Letter From Cne Who Has Passed His Miss Do
Lyceum Theatre The price of'bread has come down at in Semi-Fnals .92nd. Milestone Ripley last week,
Wingham. Althoughinhis 93rd. year, Rev. Ed. Miss Brown of Fordwich. is visiting her
Thursday. rday Mason's for School Books, friend, Miss Mulvey. SCHOOL
Friday and Satu on Wednesday last one of the largest rd Cragg, father of Rev, C. E Cragg,
School Re -opens on Tuesday morning, crowds of the season witnessed the Tees- we
NORMA TALMADGE Sept. Oth. water-Wingham game in the Wingbam pa!tor of the Wingharn Methodist Church, Mr. Geo, McGill of Toronto, is visiting
Suits sq.76-Hilliard's park, Mie game was keenly contested writes a wonderful hand andbis memory his sister, Mrs. Dr. Hambly.
in Boys' Norfolk Bootyand BrawlQy were is excellent. He 'penned the following CouncillorS. Bennett and family are
stores, Wingham and Teeswater. on both. sides. letter to us and we pass it on to our read- spending a week in Toronto, SUPPLIES
r. the battery for Teeswater and Telfer and
66The Way of a Miss Mary Coultes is visiting ip To �p he score by ers many of who will be interested to bear
onto. Anderson 'for Vingham. . T from this grand old man, who is now, re- Rev, H. W. Snell and family have re -
Woman Mr. Lloyd of Detroit, is. visiting his innings Was: 1 0 2 0 0 0-5 siding in Calgary. turned home from their vacation.
and a Mermaid Comedy. sister, Mrs. Hingston. Teeswater-2 0 0 To the Editor of Advance;. Misses Nettle and Jean Christie spent
PIP Mr. Stuart Kerr, Goderich, made a call Wingbam -0 2 0 0 1 0 a 2 w 0 1-6 Dear Sir:- last week with feends in Toronto.
"A Fresh Start Henry Aitcbeson played onderful
to friends in town this week. In the Advance of August Ilth, I re- odslee, is vlsit� em,
Matinee Saturday at 3.30 game for Wingham. both at bat and in ceived a n account of my son's reception by . Mrs. John Wilcox of Wo We have
Mr, and Mrs. D. Hamilton are taking the field. In fact none of the players the officials and members of the Meth- ing with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Mills,
------------ in the Toronto Exhibition. were off color in any way. odist church of your town, I have also Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Shuter St,, is vie -
Miss Evelyn Edgar of Toronto, i. s The Wingham team and the Teeswater had a letter from him in which he gives iting with friends in Paris and London, Our prices are right*
All Next Week visiting at her home on Victoria St. team have met eight times during this gives his impressions of Wingham, and Mr. John Coiling and sister of Olivet,
it 7V DNsses Maria and Myrtle Bennett spent season and several snappy games have the people therein, and I must say it is spent the week -end with friends in town.
THEKID the week -end with relatives in Brussels. been played. The Wingbam boys won one of which they would not be ashamed Mr. Bell of the Bell Manufacturing Co.,
6 reels of joy with Mrs. Emerson of Paris, is visiting with six of the games. some of them were a were it printed broad cast. For many Southampton, visited with friends in town.
her sister, Mrs, W. J. Boyce, Minnib St. toss up who would be winner until the years, Wingham, as a station in the Miss Gertie Groves left on Saturday
Charles,Chaplin and . last minute, just as the Wednesday game Methodist connection.has had an excel- for Kitchener, where she has secured a
Board of Trade meeting in. the council was. lent reputation. I 'have heard this off
q P�# er on Wednesday evening, August The winning of Wednesday's game gave position.
Jackie Coogan. chamb and on from various sources, The people'
Blet. Everyone interested should attend. Wingham the district and they are now little I know how t�eir att�tudd towards 0 Miss Bird of Paisley, is visiting with her J. Walton McKibbon
Contractor. W. H. Rintoul has just com- battling in the semi-finals. On Saturday . ministers is weighed in the balances graudparents,.Provincial Officer and Mrs.
pleled putting hardwood floors and shel v- they went over to Walkerton and easily their ght to an ounce is Phippen. Drugs and�Stationery
1@WaWWMMM6WWi"'WMM Vfil"ll' ing in the big windows in Kings' Store. defeated them in a one-sided game 15 to and the exact Wei Dhn, of Ed- Edison'Phonographs Phone 53
known from Dan to Bersheba. Itinerant Mrs. Glanville and son, J
"A �triking Transformation" will be 3. Wilson and I McDonald of system of the Methodist Church lends it* monton, are visiting her sister, Mrs. T. mcmw
the subject ta the Baptist church on next Umpires e very good umpires'' self to this diffusion of eKact information. J, McLean.
OPS Sunday morning. The evening topic will Owen Sound mad The ministers interchange and talk freely Mr. Robert Virtue of Detroit, is visit -
To Ado Own be "David Vanquishing Goliath." , especially Wilson on the balls and.strikes. to each other. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Breen, Mr. Garnet Chapman of Seaforth, is I Miss Mary Wilson of Smith Falls, ant
If you Want Your StUt-0 Mr. Jas. H. Lind of Estavan, Seek., on Wednesday afternoon of this week It was in the fall of 1867 that I was in- Turnberry. visiting with his sister, Mrs, A. J. Walk the Misses Wilson of Pertb, spent a weet
simply paintc( wishes to publicly express his thanks to all the Walkerton boys will be at Wingham. vited to take one of the services at the Miss Mary Chandler has returned from er. the guests of their cousin, Mrs. V. R.
(not old friends and neighbors for kind express- Two other teams that Wingham will have dedication of the first Methodist Church Toronto, after spending her vacation with Miss Helen Musgrove of giagara Falls, VanNorman, Minnie St.
but ions of sympathy shown during his recent U play are'Owen Sound and Zurich and erpcted in that town. 'It, was a frame
these games Vill be snappy. I%e latter her sister, Ethel. is visiting her cousin, Miss Edna Mus' The little daughter of Mrs. Donaghy
ook building with a seating capacity for about
Refinished to b ereavement. teath defeated Milverton in a group play 200 people. On the appointed day for the , Mrs. J. A. Cummings has returned from grove. of Grand Valley, who have been visiting
, like xiew Wm. Irwin proprietor of the Commer r off on Thursday, by a score of 40 to 0. opening services we were favored with visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker and Miss'with her mother at the home of W. R.
You *ill do well to let cial Hotel, Ripley, was fined $1000 fo ghtful weather and overflowing con. ton at Osbawa. Madeline, are visiting in Toronto this' Hamilton, John St., was operated on foir
deli I Wingliam General
He runs a eek. appen ici
having gin on his property. at Mr. Murray McLeish of the Central di itis at the
us do it for -you first-class hotel, so all the travellers say. Inspector Appointed gregations. Mrs, Jackso,' presided was Business College has accepted a position W Toronto, has Hospital.
Call and see either Mason's foi School Supplies. At a special meeting of'the town council the cabinet organ and the singing cher at Bright, Mr. Geo. McGill B. A of Mrs. W, R.
held on Friday evening, the applicatiQn of remarkadly good," Wingham though then as tea been visiting his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and family.
Thos.Garrett, John St. The letter boxes on the street corners re than about 250 inhabit- Pr. W. R. Roe, who has been vititing Harnbly. 1 Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Groves and son,
Mr. V. R. VanNorman for inspector of having no mo
ices, and friends here, 'returned this week to his
Alb. Bell, Park �Jotise. have received a coat of red paint and the work on the new concrete streets was ants could furnish several fine vo Mrs. Joynt and two daughters, Misses! Alvin, and Mr. Hiram Smith, also Mr.
Good workmanship and Satisfac- have each been moved out � facing, the accepted. Mr. J. F. Groves and Mr. Chas. in addition' three or four from Teeswater home in Philadel�hia. Verna and Beatrice, have returned from and Mrs. Mort. Smith, and son, Courneyp.
Only ery beat treet. Wingham's street letter box Barber also applied for the position. where I was then stationed, and oth r8 Mr. Henry Pearen a former resident of i iting in Detroit. and daughter, Pearl of Couttland, N. Y-�
tion guaranteed. service is very good ard Mr. Beatty col- from the surrounding country gave fine Wingham, arrived in town and will make visited with old friondo at Pt. Clark and
of Varnishes used. lects the mail very proiriptly. Wedded at Bruce Beach At 10.30 a. in. the Rev. W. his home here for a time. Mrs. Samuel Sherwood of Ashfield, QJivet, last Weelf.
assistance. pent the week -end with her daughter,
A quiet wedding was solemnized at and
4DWMWWMVMWW A full stock of school supplies scribblers, H. Poole, Goderich, was the preacher, Mrs. J. W. McKibbon and family, are 8
readers and etc.-Hilliard's.,store, Wing- Bruce Beach on Wednesday. August 17th n Mr. Poole was at hi� best he had home after spending a pleasant holiday in Mrs. Jas. Barbour. Mr. Alex, McIntyre, who has been
ham and Teeswater, when Miss Minnie Hilliday was united whe Mr. Hugh Devit of Philadelphia and superintendent of the Wingbam Knitting
great power in the pulpit, and he certain,
in marriage to Mr. Harry McGee. orable Sun- theircottage at Kincardine. Miss Adeline Spence of Fordwich visited factory since his return, irom oienea
Mr. Geo. H. Mooney, editor of, the Dr. Perrie officiated. After a short ly was at his best on that mem om the Miss Fanny Patterson of 'foronto, at the home of Mr. ThP5, Scott, &agonal, has resigned and has accepted a respon.
SCHOOL BOOKS Ripey E xpress, represented the Lochalsh honeymoon they will take up their dwell- day Morning. He preached fr the week -end at the home of her Road, sible position in London. Heleftfor the
team at the Wingham-Teeswater game on . words, "The Sword or the Lord and of spent
Wednesday. He says if they hadn't had Ing on Frances St., Wingham, where they Gideon". In the afternoon at 2.30 P. in. uncle, Mr. Walter Patterson, Mrs. J. Nickersoft and two daughters, Forest City on Monday. Alex will be
. . . and . - - the best wishes of a The Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herd of London, have returned to their home in Niagara greatly missed by his many friends herf.,;
bard luck and lost too man, mes they will be followed by I had to face a dense assembly.
g' host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. P, Jarhiesorl and
might have won the championship too. people came in large numbers from the�. spent a few days with the latter's mother, Falls after visiting with her sister, Mrs.
The railway men living in Wingham re- Blyth Stable Burns surrounding county. I remember there Mrs. Fryflogle, Frances St. W. Joe, Henderson, Bluevale Road. ),daughters, also Mrs. John McLean of
School SUPP 8 ived their first pay recently which on Citizens were alarmed when they were were not more than two or three buggys, Mr. and Mrs, W. Wellings spent a Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove has returned Gait, motored over and spent a week at
ce % eek ago Sunday with the latter's brother, to Buffalo where she will resume her the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jos. Hend-
the average shows a decreice of 12 per arouged out of their beds on Friday at but a host of wagons with ponderous hic Hot.
E have an exceptionally -loads. Some drawn by horses, and others Mr. John Haines, near Salemn. duties in the Buffalo Homeopat home erson. Mrs. McLean is in her 86th. year
cent. dating from July 16th. ; to Aug. let, midnight by the sound of the fire alarm. ital after spending a month at the former residideat of Wingham.
W large stock this year It is estimate -4 that the total reduction of The blaze was discovered to. be in the by oxen. A number could not get inside Mrs. Conover and Miss Charlotte pi parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mus- and was a
and no.one will be disap- all employees will amount to over a Million stable of Mr. Max Walsh, and before it the building, At 7 p. m., Mr. Poole once Martin of Windsor, are visiting the form- of her Her husband owned the. first planing mill
pointed. , dollars on every pay on Canadian lines. was discovered it had gained such head- more occupied the pulpit preaching from er's daughter, Mrs. A. M. Crawford - grove. r. and Mrs. T. C. at Wingham and sold it to Mr. Watt al
One of the peculiarities of the news. way that althpugh the firierneb responded the words found -in the book of Revelat- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robinson have Mrs. R. Match, M most fifty years ago,
o daughters of Goderich,
'Shop this week"if possible yery smartly they could only keep it from ions, "And I saw the New Jerusalem ved from Orangeville. and have leased Mutch and tw
paper business". remarks the Ridgetown 1110 Miss put of Thedford and Mr. Lorne. Mr. T. A. Breen, Mrs. W. J. Breen and
spreading. The origin of the flire", is un- coming down from God out of Heaven." Mr. Waldo J. Breen of Grand Rapid%
ane aVoid the rush. Dominion, "is the fact that delinquent of the Mr. McKinnon's house op Shuter St. Aitcheson of Blair, visited at the home
subscribers appear to'�egard the sending known in fact It is thought to bd rather Mr. Poole was a warm advocate Mr. W. G. Breen of , Cameron Falls, of Mrs. E. Aitcheson, Shuter St. this Mich., motored to town and speat a few
mysterious. The loss will be $600, cover- Angel's Israel theory. days with relatives here, returning on
IG -Mason . ODE n out of subscription accounts as simply ed by -insurance. In looking back to that period of long is spending his vacation with his parents, week. mpanied home
a mild[ form of recreation in which the, ago I call to mind many who were among Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Breen, Turnberry. Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Stanley of Wednesday and were acco
printer indulges when he has nothing else Band Concert Program announce by the former's mother, Mrs. R: Breen,
Band, will the excellent of the earth but who years Mrs. W. F. Burgman and son, Jack, Glamis, Kincardine Township, visit with her sons in Michigan,
to do." The Winghanr Citizen's h park, agohave reached the haven, and have spent last week at her home in Parkhill. the engagement of their daughter, Ida I who wi
Listowel Heather mixed Wool, all play the following program, at t e are now forever where she attended a sister's vVedding. Hazel to Mr. William James Shoebottom, also the former's children, Miss Esther
EVEPY-BODY'S COLUMN I's stores, on Friday evening, Geo. J. Wright, crossed the Jordan and, iing a of East Wawanosh, marriage to 'take and Master Harold Breen, who ha ve
colors on sale at 69c. -Hilliard Director. with the Loid. The grandfathers and Mrs. Miller of Toronto, is spend spent the summer with friends Ifue.
Wingham and Teeswater. I er grandmothers of the present genera- couple of weeles vacation at the home of place in September.
CEMENT TTOR SILE-Var o ment to ar- 1. March, Knights of the Road ... Huff
rive in afew days. Order Thedeath of William H. Crowder of 2.� Overture, The North Pole. H. Fillmore tion were on the whole a fine race. They Mrs, Archie Campbell, ist line of Morris.
Taos. STEWART 28 Elmwood aventie,'London, took place re the pioneers of the country, they
Bluevale 3. Waltz, Bliss Eternal ........ Bennett we Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Patterson and
residenceearly Saturday morning' 4. March, Atheletic League.. Schumman toiledatthe roots of things. they wpre
at hi industrious, frugal, hospitable and law children of Clifton. Kansas, are visi ing
a. Ovetture, La Pettie Brunnett'..�Beyer with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Diagonal
ExPERIENCED GIRL WANTED-F,r inhis23rd. year. Heissurvived by his ,
general housework. A a high degree. Another and in
MRS. W W11;11.0LLWOOD. mother, one brother and three sistets, all 6. Serinada. The Victory Angelus abiding in ifferent generation Road.
at home. The young man was a son of ....... I ....... -1 ..... ... I ..... Myers many respects quite d Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson at
Ott SALE -Good adjustabie dross form. in- 41 7. Waltz, Discovered Love ...... Marsh has taken their place and seeing that we
F quire at TAE ADvAxcn. the late R. H. Crowder, a former we f our own dren of Auburn, spent Sunday at the
he atmosphere o id chil- SHO 3
r of Gro*ery known resident of Wingham. 8. Humoreske .................. Dvorak have to live in t - home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
FORSAL,H-Frame barn. at res. Mrs. Pelen Fallis, 11th. of Turnberry, 9. Grand Selection, Songs from the age, the wise man will adapt himself ac Stewart. ��__7
store, Josephine St. Apply to cordingly. We must never forget how- ter,
T. 0. ]KING. received a very neat bronze memorial old folks ...................... Lake� Mrs. Dr. Loundsbury and daught
nixed Eloney at plaque in memory of the death of her son, God Save the King. ever that the great fundamentals never W
SALE-QuantitY Of I change, Human nature is the same, sin Elizabeth, who have been visiting friends
FO R13o. per lb. Robert John Fallis, who was killed in Women's Institute in
H. CASEMORE, ation on the 19tb. of July 1917. The is the same, redemption is the same, here leave this week for their home i X
Winghaul. c The Teeswater ladies of the Women's
pl titute p& on the program at the Wing.
aque bears the words "He died for free. Ins forgiveness is the same, -sorrow and death Philadelphia. We have every thing there is to be had in
uses domandhonor". It was accompanied by ham Institute meeting on Thursday are the same as thev ever were. It is the Mr. and Mrs, John Mundell, Mr. and X
inghN, Ith an circurnstantials that change not the es- Mrs. Hugh Gilmcur motored to Mitchell" X the line of good School Shoes.
ithout land. also
od far pro orties ranging from 200 acres to a note of sympathy from King George. afternoon last and a very pleasant time and Stratford and spent a few days wilb X
aoree. p to ANIC OCONNEILL 5000 Balls Yarn, all colors for sweaters was spent by upwards of one hundred sentials.
otioneer an oai Mato Dealer ort sale at . 15c.-Hilliard's stores, Wing. ladies. The program was as -follows: Firm as a rock Thy truth hall stand relatives. X Bring the boys and girls here- We ar,
ingham. ham and Teeswater. Instrumental Trio, Misses Donaldson, When rolling years shall cease to move. Mrs. Cunnyworth and her son, return. V1
SALE -One new Perry Sales Co. Seallilig Rome, McTavish; Hydro Electrical EDWARD CRAGG, ed to their home in Toronto after visit- sure to fit them; sure to give them solid
F03R Calgary. ing with her father, fdr. 4. L. Little for
Uchine and 15 rolls of Gummed Tape, Developmem in Ont., Mrs. Brill; Duet,
=20pened up. WIA be sold for $16-00. fwo ODDFELLOW'S DECORATION Miss Hyslop; Paper, the past mofith. Comfort and lasting set'ViCe; sure to save
essleabin mistake and rather than re� Mrs. Ballagh, WX
turn will sell below cost. Trin ADViNCE On Sunday afternoon about thirty-five ,Sirnple meals, well cooked, and nicely Anniversary Services Mr. Thos. Netterfield and son Cecil, of pocket book.
- 0, F. headed by the' served" Mrs, Babb; Current Events, led Anniversary services will be held at Melborne, visited relatives in town last tile
ST -Man's brown suit coal somewhere be. members of the 1. 0 Week. Mr. Netterfield is a road master %X
LO 18t Wawanosh. McKenzie; Piano solo, Miss Ebenezer Church on the Bluevale circuit,
tween 6th.,and 10th. of Wingham Citizens Band marched to the by Mrs r Moore. Rev, E. F. on the C. P. R. 3.00 o r 4.00 School Shoes
Irindet kindly leave same MT., ADVANOX. Wingham cemetery to decorate the graves Gordon-, Paper, I 'Heroes" M a. on Sunday, September 4th, Out, $2.50,
rdwich will preach at Mrs, W. J. Smith has returned to hot
of their deceased brethren Bro. J. F. Bareball Tournament Labor Day Clyesdale of Fo X
ROOMERS OR GIRL 90ARDERS WANT. Groves acted as Noble Grand and Bro. On Labor bay, Lucknow is PtAting On 10,45 a. m and 7 p. M. Special music' home in Winnipeg after visiting with her
ed. Apply to - I by the choir, A monster Tea Meeting mother, Mrs. Deacon in East Wawanosh X can't be beat.
Tan ADVANOF. A. L. Poeliff as Chaplain. The following a baseball tournament which promises to Iven on Monday, September 5th, for the past month.
,SEWING WANUD.-Ladies 8 . u Its and dross' graves were decorated, draw the fans from far and near. At ten will ba g- 8 p. m., after which
bs. Appil to Peter A. Miller, Wm� H, MacDonald, o'clock in the morning, Teeswater will Tea sp.rved from 6 to Miss Olive Cruickshank of Guelph TRY OUR SCHOOL SHOES
MISS BZVMWT Thomas Rutherford, Simon Merrifield, play the Lucknow-Lothalsh team. In an excel!ent program will be given con- Ontario Agricultural College, is spending A% JL
Crawford Blook, W. 1. Fairfield, Wm. P. Hiscox, David the afternoon there will be three games, sisting of addr"qes by Rev. C. E. Cragg, tier vacation with her parents, Mr. and
,ham, Rev. E. F. Clysdale
TOMATOES -Order rur TotnatOes now, Brown, Samuel S. Webb, Win, Vanstone the first at half past one o'clock between B. D., of Wing Geo. Cruickshank, B. lire.
from A J, HILL. ties right. of Fordwich, Rev. C. Tate of Bluevale
Win. A. Haslem, Oliver Gilchrist, Chas- Goderich and Wingham, the second game and Mrs. Torrance, Mr. Torrance X AA r
ing and the chairman, Rev. R. L. Wilson. Mr I
VIMY RIDGE DTIROO VARM-Pgrebrod a. H. Manuel, Michael will then be played by the two losi Jr. and Miss Torrance of Goderich Z
Durso Jorso I e. fe les Gillespie, Tho Of. MERIT
ma for s a W
C riship and Miss Stirling, Bayfield,
choice pir for Be 0 Of either 86K Sire, Pioneer Robertson, Win. S. Roberston, J. J. teams to decide third and fourth money, Solos and duets by Messrs. Henry and
IMatorle rinolval 14950; Grandairo Much Colo. of Westfieki-, '�Vbistling selections tow
Prim, 2nd I Imp. and champion at the C. M. Elliott, Goo. C. Hanna. Th6l, J. Mliottr the final game will follow, to be played by Thorpe on of Belgrave; Violin gel. Visited with Mr. J. L. Little last week. PHONE 23'
N. and western 191air 1919 and 1020. Also & John Hardie, Samuel Gracey, John Elder, the two winning teams to decide first and by Miss Deac Mrs. J, G- Hibbert, accompanied by
I it(mr by Fannie's Joe Orion. Jr. 16399 Lmp, - second money. In the evening a good ections by Messrs Ruttan and Warwick; 9. Win. Baptist of Wingliam, who has 0
V Idbon, of the famous JOO Orion. CIIAMPiOn John Putland, E. Nicholson, F. G, Spar
ail, of tile 11nited States. Those are fired Readings by Miss Duff of l3luevale and Mr
to lina, J. A. Cummings, Md. Sadler, concert will be given followed by a dance.
rom some of the bost blooded Duroes In t' for a Miss Johnston of Grey. Come and en- been visiting her, left on Tuesday on a
United States at the;prment time. Registered David t4ughted, Peter H. Deans, John ome to Lucknow on Labor Day a excellent program. Admission 35 few Weeks' Visit to relatives in Sault Ste
Vod* Will b6 turnisb6d in the uatne8 of all His. (east of fast keen ball. All teams are out joy a _5 "MMexx
K'Vj=rV0, Dqro4jeneysl"d Othet8fO1lO*, L. Jacques, Frank Buonanan, 1. H. F& 1% ---
VUT� GAART I - WIMON, to win. and 20 cents. Marie.-Teeswater News.
It. It. No. 6, Bra4doll. cocks,Y- I. Sheffield.