HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-25, Page 8THE WINGRAM ADVANCE I The above picture appeared in the London Advertiser a couple of days ago. It is �� reproduction from a snap shot taken of, Mr. J. A. McLean's borses while harvest - Bluevale ing one of those hot days this summer The teamster, Mr. Hugh Sinnamon! is! just esting the horses. S% John's 0114r%11. R","* w Q1 I The Women's Institute will hold their L;O* Ltdo *fr. Rvlmrts and atughtor, Wi,-abstb alvilliti regular munthly meeting on September S. at the ot home Mrs. Id, Johnston. the progr�mme calls for the meqtIng at. Mrs. lti"IlDortant "Va'i , IlendUsion's, but owing to sickness in the R%Vl 01, PNI"s chulch. home she wished to be relieved, tile pro- X is gramme consists of "Cana(linn Women of t ViNitov with Ml-%. W. J. Fm Note" by Mrs. H. Diment, I How to Will oil and after Monday, Atigust 22nd-, Vr. J. and 11, V. Arfll�V­15 VIM.". Utilize Leisure Hours" by Mrs. A. Camp. relatives at 1;1% tit viirlv Ili t he %% V'Llk b0l, Mosic and question drawer. take over the busines-, hitherto Carried �)Il What I'llighi lla% e proved a 'erious aeoi, Many were pleased io se�- and hear dtmt befoll %fr. 11. Cat hvr%, not tit ot (los riv, their former pastor. Mr. 11ring of Trow- liy Hanna Ct�., Wingliani, and Nvill 01V11- I,i%a week. In unloading gi-ain thesliijgs I)ridkt,,, at the Johnston anniversary oil grlwsonle tvoulliv mid in pulling t1w ropt- Sund3y. The church was crowed both �Ite fliQ Store entirely on a Cash Basis. it gv,ty%� %vaN iot, ting van faii 6avitwat tl% . morning and evening, X uuto the Kim flool lie 0soatiod witil a MissAddie Dreckcrirldge spent a few �Jothes and dress ac- tt�lvv atna�ions a%l ruisys and internal I cllys with M is Iren Me inn y. Wing hams" Largest Cash StOYC Will klePe- .1017elik-1.1 fol"t few days, Ebenezer anntiivursiAn, on Sunday, K A lat go number from 0 attended %orriv , Sept. 4th.. Rev. Clydsdate will preach i a e lie? SeIR goods at a Narrojivek Margin oi , ow tinvoiling of t1w soldiers' Milmorial at morning and evenl9g. Ton and concert I Boys' Schoot, Suits Wvoxeter voinetery on -Sunthiv, and t— on Mo liday evening following. Every Ofit than Stores doRng a creclUt Business, less thvwwh ;,i much pleased With It'll. one come. I -It Boys' Shirts attractivoliess itild appropriateness of Sorry to say Mr. John . %pence is not T11 Ille movullielit a., Well as the %ervict N in Witt' tho unveiling, enjoying very good health may he soon And the savill.-I go.'s, into tile custoillev's colllwoLion be better. Mrs, Henry Roberts of this villAge pit%%- Mrs. Win. Thuell of Blytli, spent last poek�:t. All aceounts owing to the Old :-I ed away on.Smiday last aftera ii,gering illness tit Some years, She had oully beell week at her old home. 'irni, niut be paid �it the Store without confined to tile house for a couple of wt-eks. Intel ment will �e here oil Tiles - Jim Breckenridge has been quite ill, but is improving under Dr. Colder's care. day afternoon. Sho leaves liesides hot The Misses Cathers of Howick, spent delay. to eaai-lle the E'Xe�:UtOVA to 1210 -Sc the a hu�loaiid. a fanii"-v of two sons and five Sunday With their sist9r, Mrs. A. Thorn- IM4 Here is ton. of tll-�- 1,Itk: 'M t,,;. H.tnna. Mrs. D. Fells of Seafoith, spent a few Blyth days last week at tile home of John Fells. Our cou;ltry CLIsti),"Iel's will plelse note we btly all J Rov.and Mrs Viv4da!e -if Fordwich, is Tile W. M. S. held their regular month - 0 Church ly niecting i the Methodist able MacDonald) in charge, until the Principal vi%itin,,y the latwr�s mollwl. Nlr,. John '. basement and enjoyed a visit from Mrs. inds of produce for CaAl onk, .tnd sell for cash. Mffls. E. B,,)smaa and -Mrs. R. McGuire of -- ---- Oil Thursday tit, - irnir-;; Nlr.,, Vv Black- Wingliam, also three Miss Campbell$ of h:01 was stricken will. paralysis and is Winnipeg - for wOmell xvas sold a Still in a precarious comfitoii. About a 01% Ltd 11*0ar ago Mrs Blackball received a slight troke from which 'it, tio eov0l- s wer fuliv re Hay Fever ed patronize only the Spotton Business Dr. Annie Ross of tile. McDonald In - SUMMER COLDS, ASTHMA, John i na. President. hthute Guelph acoompanied liv Nil%, Carrie Sinis are leaving this woe' for a trip through Thousamdjslandst: spoil many a holiday. J, the Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Babb and ohi?.dren, 'AZ,- MAT4 t,-, spent Liver Sunday with 51r!�, Me(. Quarrie, Positively stops these troubles I Bluevale I Gleiiatfinan Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKellar of Stralli- rLly. are visiting friend -i ill tou'll. Sneexing, weezing, coughing, weeping eyes aren't necessary— Tuesday� Sept ! Mr. and Nlr�. David Breen aud s0rl Airs. W, J. SboffiAd and Mrs. John unless you like beino that, WAY. druggist's, �ichool.wm re-opan on A G -don. spoil,. Sundav w�tti Mr. and N R.S. Haines of Kincarditie.vistited their sister, #1,00 at your or writs It. J. Breen. Mks A. Gillespie, during the, week. Templetons, Toronto, for a free triul. LiEr. jas, Waits of Che�:Aey, spent Sun-! 5fr and Mrs. Sam Wo3ds, and family, Rev. C A� and Airs, Tiffin are visiting friend4at Drumbo. Sold by, J. W. McKibbon 4 __Uy at the home of Mr. Thos. Stewart. molored It, anj spent S,,dar: J %01 VOTERS' LIST, 1921 i;tev. R. Thynne and his sister, Miss with, friend, there. ; -3,arbara Thynne of Pairri-erston are via- Misses. jean and Laura Reid 6f paisley, dov with relatives here. . -ire visitingfriends around Glenannaii. Belgrave Jc Mur -ipality Of The Town Of'Wing- 1� 'ste.:% and Lyle H.,th-aington spent :2 Mis-. Addic Breckenridge is visiting sualrf Vith friends in Teeswater. with Blo%'Avalo- friond.i. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart spent a ham County Of Huron \ otle iq hereby g, ven that III %va transwit- 'lelivered ,, guest 'N! -'as McKee of Fordwich is ill Mr. and Mrs. Cnarlic Cathers. and few days will-. friends in Wondstock. ted or to the ponzonq nwit Uored fit SectIO11191oftboont-ttio Voters' List, Act the L­.�r brother, Mr George McDonald b,IdlV0, slit -tit Sundty afternoon at Mr. Mr. and Mri,. Harry Hopper spent Sunday in Exeter. les ri,quired by 4aid section lo be tran..inift. et.09 A--.-dversary Serv�ces a, Johnston', last Xadle'S. was well attended. The rirocetds Walter Ifiggin, of limmentoll, Mr. and Mrs. C. B Wilkinson and Mr. or del,vered of tho list. made pursuant to, said act. -Of all persons aupeariny br the last Roll of theN Lin .. alz.ted to ,Xo 1. 5!). Rev Mr. Pring Of Aili,ria, is vi�itinMr ivab her si%ter, Nil,, rrLr.vbr1dge occupi,,d the pulpit. Win. Morshall. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson and Miss Wilkinson motored to Toronto, where cipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at electlomi for members of the Sanderson and Mrs. S Young NIr* and Mrs. Montgomery . and children, they visited friends last week. Le colslative Asaembly and at municipal me. ons; -iid that the said INt was fir-sti posted it�t�.f.-ned to Toronto after spetAing the llu'Li Mr. Kirliton 6f Tivorton, spent Suit. at their surnmer Mr. and Mrs. C. Girvin of Goderich, t e 15't ay of ugu. 1. 1,1121, a it remains there "131A_ couple of months day at Oliver Stokes spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. forins ection, �2ojre Tiere. Miss Ida Stanley of Wawatiosh, vi%ited liq,ss Bessie Nich ol also Mr. and Mrs a f J A. Brandon. Mrs Carson of Wingbam, is spending nd I nere call upon all voters to take imme i�te roceedbgs lainaveany errorsor Om's"O" ('Orrected a ii'd g to law. �zf,ni. Nichol of Toronto, spent a few days their parents nere Mr. �Icil McNeil spent Sunday with a few doys with Mrs. D. S. Scott. W. A. GALBRulfir, (Ierli, Town of Wbighiial �Tjitll hi, parents at lielillore. Mr. arid Mrs. Finnel of Manistique, Mr. and Mrs, John Anderson of Toledo, Dated I h14 lat h day Of AILL ;list,, 1921. There are a number of teams haullng'wbo are at present summering at Gode- t�Ajch.,are visiting at the home of Mrs. flax these days to the Pax mitt, at Wing- TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY VOT- ?eter King. ham. rich, are spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finley ERS LIST FOR 1921 Anderson. Notice lki hereby given thac I have tra - B, intL—_ Of Fall Fairs Gorrie We are glad to see Miss Hattie proct. iiiittedor(lelivei-edLotliePei,8oni3 mentioned'11sn section 9 of Lbe (�utarlo Voters' Lists Act, the Wz grb-am .................... Sept. 27-28! .n Mr. Berry is iii chartre of the C. P. R., er home after spending several weeks in the Wingbam Hospital. o, pies required by said flecuous, to be so trans. inittedor delivered ot the listimade, Pursuant tosald Act, ofall appear b& the 2' 28' siayfield ..................... Sept 4- - Mr.and? Weare sorry*to report the death Persons lasrrav6edAs!iessiu&nt; Ito) ofth naid unl- L�I�yth ............. . ....... Sept. 22-23' Mrs Brawley na'atored It") Detroit last ozu$Sels Sept 15-16: week and are exrc!ciod to return early I of Mrs. Jas. Lind at Estava , Bask., an August lclttlit.Y, to be eiititied to vote in ihe said Municipality .. E elections for Mem bers of the Legislative A,,,�enibly, gledL. ..................... 22nd. The remains are being 1�3uugarmon .................... Oct. 6-7 this woek acconipaniod by their son and brought home for burial. Anno uncemcrit - ana atMonicipal ad that tile omd IIA was tirst, posted a M. /Atter .... Sept. 19-20 b:s wife. of the funeral, later Deceased's maiden tit Turnu rry, on tne Ifth day O� Ailgll�t. 19JI, and rewalits therc tor iusp citoll. ................. Fver,.nd Carson and Alex, Taylor ac- name was Miss Aggie Brandon, daughter CtrAerich Sept. 6-8 11 , And I call upou tile electo s t6 examitie i lie ...................... k companied bv their bisters, motored to! of the late ]as H. Brandon, fortrior (Gcirde ........................ October I Chatham on Friday last, where they will respected residen Is of :he 2nd line of Ispend said nsts atid it any errors or omlsR-ork- re perceived therein, to have blie,aid urrors. or onimissions corrected according to law. Mucknow ............ *: ....... Sept. 39,30 a week or so visiting relatives. Morris. Dated tills-i6th, day of Augv., 19A. Pown C�erk of TownsbiP uf Ttirnberry. ."We'll. knock Ahose Wingharn people off their seats" with laughter, won't we K`d? "Betcha Life, vvve %vill Charlie" LINK -m - JACK COOGAN Thursday August 25th, 1921 AN OPEN LETTER The above picture appeared in the London Advertiser a couple of days ago. It is �� reproduction from a snap shot taken of, Mr. J. A. McLean's borses while harvest - August 23rd, 1921. i P"� ing one of those hot days this summer The teamster, Mr. Hugh Sinnamon! is! just esting the horses. XX WX XX XX WX XXXXXXXX xv, NIX %101 X VIV, WAX :0110, X XXI XXV.X14 X?A On July 12th, the writer met Mr D. A. I F-Yepart; lti"IlDortant X X Youths', Children's and Kidd"I'' 7 %`Ilathes; X t4.1 vlacLachl an, proprietor of Central Ilusineesi,44, ,ollege, arranged for the amalgamation of 04. he two Colleges in Wingliam. This Firo-ai now III m t i I Ann X Ouncefflent X eAers Pee ial values in X rrangement of a 11TJ n i t e d BuslnesF, IV �Jothes and dress ac- x cessories for boys and X K 9&_ �;ollegell was for one year only. ana if i 'Union School" did not work out Qatis ' CA Stock Boys' Schoot, Suits actory. then we would resume the two _1104 ompfimte New chools again. Owing to a misunderstanding about tile I -It Boys' Shirts BOOTS AND SHOES QY11-1 advertising of the proposed am algamation Boys' Pull Overs ind delay in the execution of the agree- 1*14 ment, the Spotton Business College feels t has been placed ina false light with the We have made an almost complete Clean tip people whom it has served for the past of lines bought befove 1921 and added new lilies sixteen years, therefore. the Seventeenth Annual opening of the Spotton Business 'N Vl� " which �ve are Offering at the llew prices. AIR 4; 6 144 0* College, Wingham. will take place on IM4 Here is VVI Tuesday, Sept. 6th, in its old premises with Mrs, Walter VanWyck, (nee Misr 'IV An 111-astration able MacDonald) in charge, until the Principal Q110o new arrives. Nine out This very sttperior boot of every ten stenographers and bookkeepers look io, Toronto for for wOmell xvas sold a situations, consequently, parents should short tit -lie ago for ap� patronize only the Spotton Business proximately 1,s8,50 and AID College, Wingham, and thus, have the our lim price is Canada Business College, Toronto, place and keep their children in positions. IVA $5.50 per pair A few of our slogans—Twelve colleges in leading cities and towns. Largest train� 4FF and anothei, line of better ersin Canada. Individual instructions. quality- -in fact a really Enter any day. Healthful, safety -first premise�,, no attim Mail Courses Two Afj* splendid boot for thousand atudents per year. %01 $6.60 per pair Any young people, who have be n can- ! The above are lcno�vn as the H N, i e Janis Shoe vassed on the strength of a United School," should feel free to disregard any AV44 for women and are good fitters, good wearers and promise made on the strengtb of that ar- 411110 ilfk- of etassy Ippearance. $3-6 gument. 4,V1 7r Thanking all your: readers for past pat- ronage, and, assuring them stilf better and �k.?, 4Fr]** W. H. WILLIS 0119- 411114 more efficient service h7 the future, and, requesting all interested to write the Spotton Business College, Wingham., or 7111-.* 4% 4,% Canada Business Colle e C -le :;,A b " b, i Spadina, Toronto, for full particulara, and ist of our approved schools throughout Mliaria, I remain Faithfully, GFo, Siiorvox.. Eas� W a wariosh M19EF Cora, Gilkinson of Glenannan.. 1v visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win Robinson. Mrsi Aitken and chilJren of Teeswater, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John T. Currie. MISS"Myrtle Walters of Culross, spent t the week2 end with her friend, Miss May I McBurney� Master Gordon McBurney of Tees— 4 _4 ;#, .4t, 1- 4. Ito Lucknow The death oecurred on Friday last of Mr. Wesley Moist. He has been in very poor health for acme yehra, being confined to his home The funeral was held to Greenhill cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. MaBain, an aged lady, passed away on Friday at the home of Mr. B. J. Chestnut, 6th Con. Kinloss Her remains were laid to rest in the family plot in Ivan cemett ry, n ar Londorl, on Monday morning. Miss Dorothy Cooke has accepted a position in McKim's Drug Store. Mr end Mrs. Watson of Chicago, are visiting at Mr. David Huston's. Miss Norma Thompson has been en- gaged on the staff of the Lucknow Public School. 0. G. Martin and wife were visitors in the village for a couple of days O� G. wasstation agent hLre for a few years, but is now living in New York. Mr. John Hildred is renewing acquain- tances in town. Mrs. Ewen McKenzie and daughters, Muriel and Helen, have retuL'ned ti their home in Windsor. Miss Gladys Spindler of Toronto, is visiting with friends here. Master Irving and Alvin Smith are spending a few weeks holidays with their grandparents, Mr.'and Mrs. Jas. Irving, Rev. 1). T, L. McKerroll of Victoria Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Occupied tit,- pulpit of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. Nil-. and Mrs. McCletiagaii of Belgrave, visited relatives in Luoknow last week Whitechureh Rev. Henderson and family intend moving to London in'tho ricav future. ' Mr. and Airs. Geo. McClanaghan had a narrow escape an Saturday night, while coming from Wingham were run into �by a tar and the buggie badly' damaged but no one hurt. Mr. A. Moore and daughter Annie, h spending a few days at Mrs. Moorele parents at Zdano Milfir. The baseball boys are having quite o time of It, two games last week. The on( at Langside was a tit 10-19 ttnd the oni at'Whitechurch 22-13 in favor of Lang aide. Will Henry intends taking in the ex hibition. Mr. and Mrs, T. Hill visited at Mt H. Pethplece an *Sunday. Miss Wood of Lucknow, Is spending few days at Edwin Guanes. Miss Musgrove of Wingham� 19 visitin at Itte. P. Henrly's. Anniversary aervices In the Metifodic thureh at 2.30 and 7 30, Ray. Joh Agnew of London, a former Whiltechure boy will, preloh. , WaME. w a "'15 V S aUt, , IS; John McGee,. The Misses. Jamies visited one day last The above picture appeared in the London Advertiser a couple of days ago. It is �� reproduction from a snap shot taken of, Mr. J. A. McLean's borses while harvest - week. a;. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Currie. ing one of those hot days this summer The teamster, Mr. Hugh Sinnamon! is! just esting the horses. XX WX XX XX WX XXXXXXXX xv, NIX %101 X VIV, WAX :0110, X XXI XXV.X14 X?A 14 F-Yepart; for School X X Youths', Children's and Kidd"I'' 7 %`Ilathes; X X at Greatly Reduced Prices - X Firo-ai now III m t i I X X 1 SCA11001 openli1g., we ' X eAers Pee ial values in X �Jothes and dress ac- x cessories for boys and X K girls. X 4 Boys' Schoot, Suits Ic Boys' Odd Knickers I -It Boys' Shirts Boys' Jerseys Boys' Pull Overs .N 410 61 . Girls' Middies, -- Cotton and flannel Middies with de- tachable collays in latest styles for all agese Prices $1.19 to $3.50. Girls' Dresses Gingliami- Print and White Dresses, made in neat styles, for ages 6 to 16' years. Prices $1.49 to $1.50. Young Men's Suits For the older boys in first long and and knicker suits, of good wearing materials in latest styles. Reduced 20%* Boys' Stockings Boys' Underwear Boys' Caps Dress Materials Reduced For those who make the children's clothes, we are offering special re- duced prices. in materials of -,,vool, cotton and silk. Hosiery Special prices in Boy's and Girl's ribbed Hose of cotton, lisle and cash - Price 39c to 75c Furnishings New Fall Goods, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, Socks, etc. KING -BROSO Terricis, Cash. Phone 71. X e- Jil. I