HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-25, Page 6.... � ---7—= 1____.__.1_- _ -
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Mm �-- ,� _�. 11_,W "i_, , I I Gadening ip Late Summer . , , - "rhe Sunday School Lesson,
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The Wiligbar'R All"ance 1 r-a�7��_-_77-77R..'.'� ."' ' � '
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IiV"� JIV.N , - � ,��. . . �t �ccau a August is not May is If you cultivate beans when t
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I � "Z�_Z4' I tale
Every Thurrsd,:t� Morning t, I _ I I "I . I �,�X_W#W*. the garden. In nios,t so��tion% 0 . -unit or at From Asia to Europe, Acts 15: 36-16; 18, Golden Text ---4
�IAZW cl� I .I...., - moisture v
A. 0. SMITH, Pub!'.''l-c . __ I I ,ets out of the gro Acts 1 6; 31.
pN country the srlug, rak,3 nnio n May least another way in which it gets
" ,
� .. 1, I
Giubticriptiou ratei: � 011-3 �iv�lr ! � and June when they arv� most nved, il away froin your vegetables, aild that
. I . I Coapecting Links--Patermon Smyth to tbeal
� through weeds, Mo,3t weeds have . � the promise -which lie had
i F K 11 " ) I (in the �Story of St. Paul's Life and made O'Lo I am with you, alway."
42.00; six months, $1.00 7a ailvillIVE'. ' I L � 1, ,and will (to the most good but unfor- is
Advertising rate!i 4,,-.i alipli"Int"311. I I I I magnificent roof system
I , L : FAR . .. ., tunate:y thcy are very oftAn followed, a alid: the Letters), writing of the beginning of CQ,m�are Xcts 22, 17.
lie ill I ought in')Mter which they use the other plants this
Advertlsenient4 witho"t SV'c' " . ' with a rather prolonged dr second ,, great missionay' Troas, or'AlexandTia TrQaa, situated
Tectiona will be 111serte(l n11-.il fl)"bid Iliph Yle'ds of Good Quality RYO. I of $, only two lose- Of course there should nrot ,be * a
. I .r;ve Itch, R10 4 'J'e.';q ""'le e'ctr_�' '�be July and August. There are 3ourney, flays, I think Paul was on, the coast southwest of the aileient
2nd charged aci.,artbngly. I Mr. 11-�'e-Grower, is ycur crop a ou'Lflt r,)presentcd about $2,0oo when . , any weeds in A garden at any. time but ready feeling the stir of that ambi- Txoy, was a Romaii *Qlony, an.4` wAr;, -
) I We paid back ways 111 which tho garden can he suc- e-ciAlly 'one impulso, vilileb afterwards tooh the chief seaport in the n0r4h4mostern
(, largei for c(�r.teittt advei�Vs(,* � guq�cessful cllj�,? Do you lialve;ta goofl, it nent into the field. cessfully brought through these per-' in times of 4routh, they are �0
marts be In the office by "GO11, Z On' - �ipld of high iIiiality grain or are yota'more than half the principal the first iods; by harmful. Woeding is a job which vill ever weqtwgrol, westward; took p .i ot V th
. I irrigation or by cultivation. i I _art of Ailia. Minor f . 'trade N I
day. tine of the fif4,,c.,i-�iiif�lie,'-pex..�iare light'year, after the lab,or and latere �* lip -religiously through i1m, to Rome, even to Spain, to thelBurope; While there, irl'a dream or
st was I No prep, I , to plant, there night visioni, Paul
aration hai been made for. must be kept )oulloI,t4 of tbe,Emplre
- - ----- --mmon I ' i was done when we . . . , the summer, both to ,cons
__ _ �. _ � I------- grain gro-wcr�'? It th,'latter, then we paid. Our Work * irrigation in most se(o'ons of tile' orve the ' �
-,I needed it, and, except for a few minor. I a-vailable maisture fwt- �b6'binnior of the beloved Lord,, Soon Ian'call, and taking it in t1io simPlIcIfY'
are in doubt con"riiing your manage country ird the Watering of the thi� utl,Oul.he saw clear signs that Ga was guid- and directness of, his faith to be a
BUSINESS CARDS I gar-' plants and to prevent the weeds fro,, Ing him. They, 'started by itind- UP call . ro i God-, Immediately in d
_ ment of the rye crop. There are tho4-! breaks, we got along better than Wei den in any other way is out of the I I f n fie a 0
sands of Ontario farmers who may had expected. question unleis the area is very small,; seeding lip the ground for Another, through the northern highl,nnols, out I ready to cress: the sea north -ward into
Wellington Mutual Fhye be termed "good rye-nien," A study I But the next season we began to .'I.3, Where it beccires a in"atter of life . ceason. A small wheeled cultivator throvigh the, dark defiles of the Cill- Europe. His decision was indeed a
I I J � will treble your ability for both cul- I clan gates, -that great. frowning pars, momentous one, and marks an epoch
Insurance Co. l of their practio, es brhr� -, , o cur atten� that we had m,i,de a mistake, 'Most �
Xstabitshed IS40 tion the necessity of strictly adhering I of the men in uar ring grew a small and death with the plants and they tivation and weeding. This cultivator'eighty miles Ion -g, Then westward for In the history of humanity. POT it,
begin, to Wilt, the small garden should,
I list season, and in ad- i be watered and it may be possible -to has attachments -for almost every, job days along the. mountain Toad, till he Was in Europe that the gospel was
Head Office, Guelph i to a few fundamental rules if one is acreage of rye
I dition a considerable acreage Of oats and with the help of one ,a garden can I touched the region of his first nilssion� destined to Win its greatest triumphs.
RI%Rs taken oil all �Ia.,,Iscq of Insur- to win in fho 4-rye-,wrowhig game." I water certain of the mw3t seriously ary journey. One evening, from the Europe was to become the Christian
� an' We all and wheat. We had trouble with the be kept in very good s-hupe -without
able property on 'he cash or premium I Is rye a poor -1 ol crop? ulted afaffected plants in the large garden. much necessity for hand pulling. .belgbt.� he looked down on Derbe and continent.
note system, I 1(now th,tt rye may be grown oil rather, iye from the first. We cons uch ad- There is a right and a wrong way I rejoiced that he was to meet the old The writer of this history, Luke,
ABNER COSEN8, Alrent, light and thin land, but this does not factory expert i I Watch your celery now and keep lt'friends again, Next day along the,uses in vv. 10-16, the pron,duris we
I , and received m I
threshermen; but to do this nece3sary watering. To go 4,
Wingliain I nican that it is necessarily a poer-. vice from old-time I over the plants lightly with a sprink- Weil cultivated and well banked if y6u mountain road to Lystra, where Barn- and us. It seems that Luke joined the
land crop. In fact, the best and most. to no avail. The simple fact Wai that , want it to be white and tender. Hold abas and -he had been Jupiter and company of Paul at Troas, and went
- the leaves together when you bank Mercury, and where Barriabas had � with 'him as far as Philippi where he
our separator was too small to handle ling can and spatter a little water on
I -
profitable crops are not raised on poor: I ant is almost worse I up the dirt around the plant or you lifted him up fot dead after the mob remained. It has been, conjectured
IDUDLE, Y HOLMES land. The best rve growers endeavor i this long, woolly crop, except in a I the leaves of the pl
,y c.�%us surf ace
to build up their light land by ,the very slow rianner. This del, sed than useless. To dampen the 1 will get sand and grit into the heart had stoned him, I see him come i1itO � that Paul may have previously met
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, itidicial use of manure, clover'�`and, i some complaint, especially front the I of the ground ig not much better. If of the bunch and spoil its appearance. Lystra, and the converts crowd around , him in Pisidian Antioch, or one of the
Victory and Other Bonds Bouglit and very often, commercial fertilizer.] men who had no rye'. Wecouldthresh yoi� are going to Water, water, do not Sometimes the success of a gar -den, him delighted to ,see him, and, I am , otber Galatlaii cities, on his first mis�
Said. I a,tur, sprinkle, Be sure 0at the ground is sure the first question Is, Where is sionary journey. When Paul returned
C.1;lice-Mayor BIcck, Wincharn They have discovered that rye returns i rye, but had to go plowly, and, n ed for an inch or more in depth. especially a small garden, will depend 1 Barnabas? And the next is, Have to Philippi, some years later, on his
excellent profits for such treatment ally attempts to crowd things usaally soak on the time which can be bestowed you recolered from the effects of the thrid journey, he found Luke still
__ for although it grows on poor landiprovled disastrous. Scratch into the ground a little and upon it in the formof a few odd rain- stoning? And so they talk: together'there, and took him With him On his
,� it will do far better if the fertility of I Then, When we got to oats or wheat see hcf%v deep the water.is going, You utes now and then, in .affectionate intercourse, and Silas way back to Palestine, and then to
R. VANSTONE . will be surprised to see how much . ntroduced, and at night the pros- Rome (see the same pronouns resum.-
the soil be brought up. khat threshed well, the tendency was It may seem a little early to begbaf is 11
CARRISTER AND SOLICITOW Agricultural College experts have!tO crowd things too much, We had ,water it actually takes to wet the soil to think of The Garden of 1922, but byteTS (olders) bring their difficulties ed in Acts 20: 5 to the end of the
. t to any depth when it has been very to be solved, and ,are taught still fur- book). . ,
t4cney to Loan at Lowest Rates. proved the value of a commercial fer- 1 power to spare, so the natural resul dry. This is the only kind of water- it really is not if you are going to ther of the gospel a Christ; for they Passing the island of Samothrace-
WINGHAM tilizer carrying nitrogen and phos- I was -just as it is when any grain Ing that counts. It penetrates to the buy any imported bulbs in the fall. do not know very much, these pres-trialf way, they- came to the port Of
phorus for such lands. Wheat growers I separator is crowded beyond its capa- roots Of the plant and is used. Itt The supply is very often limited- and I byters, and there are no written gos- Neapolls, and proceeded thence inland
I W grain. unless you are Johnny -on -the -spot Pels. as yet to teach them." to Philippi, chief city of eastern Mace -
fertilize the Wheat crop, but few rye, does not have to be done every night. I
ARTHUR I IRIVIN . Some of the men who came last began o is introduced to us I doni
growers fertilize their crop. It is' If followed up by proper cultivation, with your order you may not get any. Timothy, wh a, and "a Roman colony." Paul
time to feed the rye crop and give it1to get worried about their crops, for Then again there is the chance of get- here, is � one of the most interesting I and his -companions sought and. found
D.D.S., L.D. S. the plants will get the benefit of it i and engaging pe sonalities of the New, work, for they had to, support them-
Docter of Dental Surgery of th the food with which to produce not'it looked like we were in for some ting thorn planted too late, which. rmingled Jewish and ,
for a *week. I : Testament.: Of selves by the labor of their hands (2
11 ith e I
it,enij.-�yivanla College anil Lleentiat: only Mill yields, but also high-test wet weather; but they stayed wi tjb means that they -will not get their 1 Greek -parentage he had the advantage, Th-ess. 8: 8). On the sabbath they
Surgery of Ontario. I grain. The best seed ,cannot be ex- jab rather than use an outside ulft- But watering should seldom be ne-c- roots started in the fall and conse- I of instruction, both in the Jewish re- I joined the company of Jews, who had
of Dental I essary in a well -kept garden, The quently will have a' weak and possibly
pected to do this unless it has the chine. . ligion and the Greek learning. Noja meeting place outside the city by
Office In Macdonald Block. plant food to draw on, Last year we finished, a long week rains which fall in the spring are usu- a late showing in the spring. This is I doubt he -read and spoke ibo-tib lan- I the river. They were, apparently, too
T1 Too many rye growers delay their behind every other ring in our neigh- 'ally" -suf ficient to take care of the also true Of -bulbs for winter flowering , guages perfectly. 'Paul became strong- few in numlber to, have a synagogue.
W' planting, t.lieving that Tye may "go borhood. Even with a smaller number plants for several weeks if -and. this in the house. If they- are' to bloom I ly attached to him and- Timothy was. Under such circurastances it seems to
. G. H. ROSS is . a vital "if" -41; is properly con- early they must be started early. I his companion ,on many long and soil 'have been ws
. in most any time that it is convenient Of stockholders, we are sure that a .
. Graduate Royal College of Dental - served for the use of the plants and I August is none too soon to se,lect and I some Journeys, - I meet by the sea, or river, or lake,
Surgeons to yet around to it." This is a fallacy cylinder at least four inches longer is not permitted to be evaporated by order yourbulbs for the coming year. 16; 6-18. Phrygia and Galatia are where they could obtain water for,
in judgment as proved by the experl- ours is 20 inches-wouId have been a the -sun before the plants can use it. . It I, the older names of certain VartS of their ceremonial washings.
Gradunte University of Toronto The small size is also time to commence to .
. ment farm and many times demon- good investment. I I Asia Minor. The Romans, however, I Lydia, a seller of purple, is distin-
Faculty cf DentLtry strated by farmers. High-test grain excellent when -grain threshes well, That is exactly what happens to most harden off any fall flowers Which are'. duded, for administration purposes,! guisbed as the first European convert
OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD)S STORE produced by late when the straw is short, and condi- of the moisture *hen the soil is -not It, be .taken into the house. They imc
I In proper i aeonsideTable part of Lycaonia and of to Christianity, at least the first 6-f
I planting. The late planting is costly tions are generally favorab e. ly cultivated. The top soil dries must be held back and their develop- Phrygia, lying to the south and West whom we have any definite knowledge.
- and bakes Into a hard crust whichl
the yield and fact, it will thresh under any circum draws the water up out of the ground i ment delayed. It can very easily be ,i of Galatia, with that province and She was probably a Greek woman who
W. R. PEBBLY tiotality of the grain are decreased. stances if it is handled right, but the I doneby reducing the amount of ,Water under its name of Galatia. The bad become a convert to the Jewish
13.6c., M.D., C.M. Occaeionally* we bear a farmer, a trouble is that even Where only a few like a lamp wick -until the soil is 1 they get. Give them just enough to churches of Derbe, *Lystra, Iconium, I -religion. Her home 'had been in
Special attention paid to diseases of miller or an elevator manager say, men are 1xitdrested there is a tendency dry at least as far d6vAi as the plants I keep them :from wiltin-e. They should and Pisidian Antio-ch are called, there- ThyatiTa. a city in Asia famous for its
an ach. The only way to prevent fore, by Paul the Galatian churches,'dYes. She was now a merchant in
Vicinen and Children, having taken I "Registered Rosen is no good after to crowd- it, in spite of the fact that e ro not actually wilt but they should bel and it is to them that one of his great Philippi and in her house the com-
postgraduate Work in Surgery, Bac- I two years." Recently a few elevator it is their own grain they ar this is to break up this hard crust kept rather*elose to the wilting point. epiS06 is -Written. 1pani oi missionaries found a hospi-
e wasting' by shallow cultivation and keep tile This will prevent them frum. develop- The apostles appear to have intend,- table welcome, .
terlology and Scientific Aledichie. I managers have advised their farmers Furthermore, crowding is so hard on I
Offilice iti the Kerr Residence, between against the use of Rosen in that the the separator that overhead expense ground covered with a dust blanket Ing too fast and, tben when they are ed, going on into the Roman province I Not only to. the prosperous and cap -
the QueerVs Hotel r.nd the Baptist quality of the grain is inferior. We for repairs, labor, and depreciation be- or mulch. The moisture does not pass brought into the house and given a I of Asia, which lay along the Zgean'able Lydia did the saving grace of the
I question this judgment and feel that comes a"considerable item. readily through this dust blanket and full quota of water. once more they Sea. and oc d about a tb,rd of gospel come, but al6o to the poor half -
. cupip-
Church. , Iremains-in the lower strata of the Will show their appreciation and res- what wec�all Asia Minor. It contained Witted maid, whose abnormal condi-
All business given careful attention. such advice is not for the best inter- After visiting several other co -
Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 ests of the farmers. operative threshing rings that own soil where the roots can get at it. pond to kind treatment. This temper- the well-known cities of Ephesus, Per- tion of mind was being e-.-ploited for
their own outfits, I have decided that As long as this blanket is kept intact, ary starvation also has a tendency to . and ,Smyrna, knot was the'gaiTi by certain unscrupulous traffick-
To be sure, Registered Rosen dete- + about the only moisture which gets � = part of Asia Minor. Pal,11 ors in the superstition-� of the people.
. ,i,rates if allowed to mix with infe- the extremely small separator is raos. -out of the ground is that taken o-ut put them in better shape .LOT trars-iwltose Interest was alway� in thel Application.
Dr. Robt. C. Readmendt rior varieties, but even then it usually useful where three -or four faTMerS planting. It will not give them as cities, must have looked with eager 1 When Paul decided to go west in
produces better yields than the old want to utilize the tractor already by the plant. This is as it should be much cif a set -back as though they had! desire upon this western province as. obedience to this vision, it was one of
M.R.C.S. (Eng). common Tye. owned in doing their own work. and as long as the moisture already been taken up in the midst of vigorous a great open field forbis gospel. Just the really great moments in human
L.R.C.P. (Lond). Do -not expect any seed to play up The larger machines give much bet- in the ground is conserved in this growth. how he and, his companions were for- history. We do not mean to say that
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON to forin if you believe in planting at ter satisfaction where a number of way, there Will be very little necessity ave frulted,� bidden by the Holy Spirit to preach. if Paul had not done this the gospel
(Dr. Chisholm's Old tstand) any old time and on any soil that is farmers expect to co-operate 1, it, for watering. now is the. time to trim thein up. I there we do not know. In some way I would not have travelled. west; but it
it was made clear to them that the, would have been delayed perhaps for
available. Registered Rosen has the use. Even then., for maximum effi- This is the reason why the garden They will be better if storing up re+ time was not opportune, or that their; centuries. Thus it is illatour actions
ability to produce, but a fair chance cdency, no more than ten or twelve sholild always be cultivated shortly serve strength now for the next croPlwork lay elsewiliere. From Mysia, in'bave i far-reaching significance that
DR. R. L. STEWART should be given it. If you believe in men should be interested in it. This after a rain, as soon, in fact, as the than if wasting their strength 01' tbP, the northern part of this province of we very seldom realize. Sometimes
Graduate of University of Toronto, MarAtring, turning under clover, and allows all to thresh out in good time, soil will not stick. to the hoe. It keeps old'wood which will produce nothing. Asia, they next sought to go, into Bith-, we are conscious of the importance of
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o! the other facts concerning soil fertility, where the usual acreage is grown (15 the water from getting away from the Make them use their vigor where *t Yin the northern province which what we are doing, but more often we
Ontario College of Physicians and yoa will be successful with Registered to 50 acres on -general farms). The Plants- But watch out for the beans. 1 will show and produce results bolred on the Black. Sea, 'hut again are not. Before the great naval battle
Surgeons. " . Rosen; but if you are a non-4believer investment is not too beavy for any I . - - this mysterious power intervened. The I between the Russians and the Jap -
re of them to carry; they are better sat- � Slirit of Jesus suffered them not. anese,,Admiral Togo sent word to his
Office Entrance: then you can not expect to measu Poultry Pointers. . by the birds and assimilated. aul and his companions did not men: 'The future of our empire de -
Second Door North of Zurbriggle up! This is no argument for common isfied, and, still have help -which in 'When fowls are, kept in 'not too Chaycoal does not In itself supply -re always con- pends upon, your conduct here to -day."
u travel alone. They we
Photo Studio. rye, for the Registered Rosen mis- the larger rings sometimes becomes nutrimealt but Is known to have avalu- scions of that invisible 1)resence. Their There is a sense in Which our own fu -
JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE 29 handled is a better producer than the expensive ana burdensome --to keep large flocks and have a large run they able corrective influence in the di- Master walked with theni and His ture depends upon decisions which
common; in fact, there is no argument things running smoothly. Then, if will easily secure enough mineral gestive functions. Indeed, humans spirit guided them. He was, fulfilling .have to be speedily made. .
I SELL for the common. Farmers so located there is spare time and menibers of matter to supply their needs, but if sometimes find charcoal usetul and __.__� --------- _ ______ �
Town and Farin Properties. Call and that a high purity standardean not be the company are willing, they can confined or kept In large flocks It Is take it In tablet form. If given ac- Proper Care of Raspberries. Having completed the burning of
see my list, and get my prices. I have maintained with Registered Rosen pick up Outside jobs, and apply the well to supply this in suitable form cess to charcoal, fowls will consume the Old wood and the Infested canes
isome, excellent values. should obtain new seed stock about net profits upon the purchase price for their consumption, Mineral mat- considerable quantities of It. Thda There. is a tremendous difference be- a thorough spraying with bordeaux:
every two or three years in -stead of of the rig, or declare a dividend in ter is as necessary as food because a alone indicates a lack in the food not tween the crops obtained in a proper- mixture should be given. This should
J. G. STEWART using the impure and deteriorated case the rig is paid for. I considerable percentage of the dry otherwise supplied. As in the case ly kept and a poorly kept raspberry be either the ready mixod commercial
- - seed. An increase in ydeld of a bushel - matter in both eggs and fowls Is cGin- of crushed shell, charcoal should not patch. one may plant the be. -t var- sort, or the 4-4-40 mixture made from.
WINGHAM and a half to the acre will pay the Farm Fire Losses and posed of mineral elements. When be mixed wjth ,other f ood, but supplied leties but unless the plantation is I four pounds of copper sulpliste, 4
1 Phone 184 Office in Town Hall extra cost of seed and the higher Insur=ce. fowls are fed liberally of such feeds in a hopper In granulated size, and properly looked after at the different I pounds of unslaked lime, and forty
T in quality of grain brings two to four ri arm fire losses from lightning have as alfalfa, clovers, bran, and other kept before the birds at all times in seasons of the year the patch soon I gallons of water. Circular No. 9
DRUGa 119 cents more oil the market. Registered been unusually heavy recently. The commercial feeds, they obtain some order. that they may help themselves becomes overcrowded, ,diseased, and i "Common Garden insects and Tbisir
IAlu 0 PHYSICIAN Rosen, on an average, yields five and thunder showers which have given the mineral constituents but not sufficient as they feel the -need. .. practically useless. Raspberry cul- I Control," by tile Dominion Entomolo-
six bushels per acre higher than the needed moisture ever a large, seetion, for their well-being. The mineral foods r.. - ture Is not a difficult sort Of garden-; g.st, thus describes the preparation of
CHIROPRACTIC mixed Rosen or common, and at that I of the province have added greatly to now recognized by authorities as best � ,L Ing, but like many other farm duties, , bordeaux.
rate is a very profitable investment. the prospective crop. yield, and have to use are bone, shell, grit, and char- Ilk Good Picldng Receptacle. the right thing has to be done at the I "Dissolve the copper sulphate (by
IT" value to the coal. Cut green bone is. one of the A half -bushel basket Is. a very good right time. it is a too common prac- � suspending it in a wooden or earthen
J. A. FOX9 D. C..9 J. op If Rosen is falling down in your thus been of great -
Chiropractic locates and removes the I community don't blame the variety, farmers as a whole. But the electri- best forms, Bones obtained from a receptacle for picking the fruit In to tice of tb,e average grower, after re- I vessel (!ontaining 4 or 5 or more gal.
cauz,o of disease; nature heals. � but meet the facts squarely, and cor-f Gal bolts which accompanied them butcher and put through a bone. grind. avoid badly bruising the fruit. Such moving the crop, to allow the plants- I tons of water). It will dissolve more
Chiropractic ir. the only and original I rect errors. Bring up the fertility Of have Inflicted heavy losses on many er will furnish, a, supply. Lacking bone a basket should have a hook attached tion to take Care of itself. This Is I quickly in warin water than in cold.
raystoin of spinal adjustment. Eff active I the soil, prepare a suitable seedbed,. Individual farmers in the same area. meal, granulated bone, as, it Is some. to the handle for hanging on the lad- not a good practice be�ause it gives i Slake the lime in another vessel. If
in 95 per cent. of all cases. The only I plant at the right time and use the In the majority of such cases there times called, aus-wers the purpose. der or tree, limb, Great care should be encouragement -to b�th disease and the lime, when slaked, is lumpy or
fully qualified graduate of both Chiro- best seed that is available. is an Insufficient coverage of Insur- The granulated form may be fed In taken in emptying the fruit into the Insect enemies, and allows Weeds to I granular, It should be strained through
practle and Osteopathy In North Huron. ance, and in a few cases none at all, hoppers, enabling the birds vo take barrel as bruised fruit will not bring grow and thrive and infest the soil I coarse sacking or a fine sieve. Pour
Phone 191. Hours -2-5 and 7-8 p.m. I Our Threshing Ring Made Two Thunder storms are certain to occur. their supply at will. In the meal form to top market price. Carefully picked by scattering their seeds. I the copper sulphato solution into a
. I Mistakes. They are a fixed element of fire risk it Is. usually mixed with the mash, and handled fruit will bring the top As.early as possible after the crop barrel, or it may be dissolved In this
S1 Two years ago, when our threshing, to every farmer. They aure most pre. Hens, as. well as all other animals, market price provided all other trou- has been harvested the plantation I In the first place; half fill the barrel
DRUGLE% PHYSICIA11 ring bought a small separator with valent at the season of the year -when require a certain amount of lime for bles are kept under control during the should be carefully gone tlirough with I with water: dilute the slaked lime to
which to do our own threshing, we! normal health, and growth, but on ac- grc-willg season. Often a fruit grower a strong pruning knife and all the I half a barrel of water, and pour into
I the barns are filled with the season'$
made one mistake which is more or: harvest. Yet they are but one factor count of the lime needed for shell- will use great care In growing fruit wood that has borne this year cut the diluted. copper sulphate solution,
less common in communities that have I of every farmer's, fire risk, which is making, an additional supply is neces- but will lose the full benefits of his out close to the ground. Thif pruned- then stir thoroughly. it Is. then ready
DR. F. A. PARKER tried -this plan. Probably we :made two I aGnstant, rather than seasonal. sary. . Oyster shell N perhaps the work by allowing careless picking, out material should not be allowed to f or use. (Never mix concentrated
Osteopathic Physician, only qualified mistakes-flrst, that of buying too I Farm fire losses are generally total Most convenient source of lime for 0 . lie around to spread insects and olls, milk of lime and copper solution.)
Osteopath in North Huron. small a machine, and, second, we in- losses, due to the inflammable nature poultry feeding. This product which ease, but It should be carefully gath- A stock solution of COPPOr SUIP1106
Adjustment of the spine is more eluded too many men in the company. of the risks and the general lack of is purchasable at feed stores, is- made Home -Mixed Putty. ered and burned, It Is well also at and intlk of lime may be prepared and
quickly secured and with fewer treat- Our experience has shown. that the fire protection. At the same time. farm by crushing tile shells, the particles The following formula will make, 100 thIfs tlme to take out any suckers that kept in separate covered barrels
ments than by any other method. I being separated into the varlous sizes pounds of good putty, and smaller are found coming up between tho thvdughout the spraying season. The
extremely small separator should- ibe i fire Insurance premiums are reason.
Blood pressure and other examina. avoided, because it is very apt to be able because of the Isolation of the according to the purpose -for vvbich amounts can be made by cutting the rows, These, ho-wever, will be prop- quantities of copper salphate, lime and
E03213 made. overworked, even where but few men I risks. Consequently It Is the part of they are intended. Fowls that are lay- materials In halves or In quarters: erly taken care of If the plantation Is water should be carefully noted. Bor,
_'S STORE are interested in it, The hurry to get, wisdom for every farmer to carry Ing heavily, ac:iord'ing to Bulletin No. 18.75 pints. of raw linseed -oil, sixteen gone through from time to time with deaux,mixture deteriorates with age
OFFICE OVER CHRISTI - F _. a job done, a sudden rain cloud, or I enough Insurance to cover his peak 91 of the Dominion Experimental pounds of white lead, seventy-five, a cultivator or hoe as it should be. and should be used as soon as made.
- - , the attemp f a. risk, The additional premium is not Farms, should have a supply of crosb- pounds Of Whiting. one of the most troublesome in- To test boTdeaux mixture, lot a dror,
Modem Forest Fire Fi--'-- . bitof nice weather when the season is large. It il a Small Item co pared
ghfing in ed -shell before them constantly. Toiroughly mix the white lead and sects that will be destroyed by the of forrocyatilde of potassium solution
Great so has been the advance In bad all cause crowding. Besides, there with the possible loss In case of fire. Powls running at large, unless on oil In a pail, and stir Into this mixture cutting out of the old canes,, Is the fall into the mixture when ready. If
11rd fighting methods and equipment in I are'some men who always hurry -when When these losses Occur in one's 0106y soil, will usually pick up suffl- enough whiting to inake a stiff olough, -raspborry eane borrer. These, how- the mixture turns reddish -brown, add
td,wits and cities In C-anada In the last; feeding a thre�hor, no matter how, neighborhood, it should prompt us to clent fine gravel to supply grit, Should Pour out on a board Or large pane eveir, are not always . confined to the more milk of lime' until no change
Ave years, the advance in lighting � slow they alle ft, there be any doubt as to the birds got- of glass whiclif has been sprinkled with old canes but ard apt to Work In the takes place.
t other times. I figure up the replacement cost of the
-! The first �_t.,ar we operated our ma -1 bnlldln�o, content!,, and equipment and
fortst, firea has been even greater. Do I ting sufficient grit from this source, a good layer of whiting to, prevent the Young shoots as well. Their presence .e. -
minion, provincial, and private forest 1 chine everything was in our *favor: cempare the suni of these items with it Is prudent to provide commercial soft putty from sticking to the bottrd, Is indicated by wilting at .the Ups of It Is expected that at least 200,000
organizationa are now itaing airplanes,. tbe ,,.ear,on was (try, the straw retsori- our Insurance coverage. in most cases grit In a suitable hopper. This product Then knead, gradually adding ,the the canes, This. Insect Is very com- children will visit the Canadian Na.
ower launches, railway speeders, ably short, and grain threshed outi the result will be a surprise. And is made by crushing Took into sizes whiting to give tbe-desired consIston- mon In wild raspborriefi which are tional Exhibition on Young Canada's
automobile trucks, and portable gaso.. Well. Seventeen men had been in our It is, far better to make this comparl- suitable for the different classes of cy. This putty can be kept lndeflnita� often notteed to liave their tips N,Ilted Day. They will get free admission.
und pumps., bosides, the old reliable old threshing ring, and. -they all be. soil before than after a fire loss, from fowl. Grit, as, Is usually well under, y It covered with water. I during the summer, Cultivated tanes
, holders in the now outfit. which none are Immune.
htwage, spadft, hoea, and wet sacks, auto stock stood, supplies the teeth Of the fowl, thtis affected should be topped well Parm, dairy equipment, demonatra.
� bolow the wilted part In order to be tions and milk tee -is will take the
— . the On.
- -
In their imtectIve w6rX and are Oall- Our separator cost $1,868 delivered, . inasmuch as the birds need it to work A baby olitito oLduct4d by sure of getthig the grub ,which often place of the buttor-mo.king compott-
log m6n wit to d=960 points by Inealis, and we bought a second -band steatil Canadian music will be a feature at up the food as It passes through, the tarlo Government will be one of the I
of telephones# hellograplifi, and Other engine for $500, which was a real bar. the Canadian National E xhibition gizzard. It Is believed aloo that some features In the Goverrment Building lienetrtLtes well down Into tile 4001116. I tiong at the Canadian National Exhi.
titiVialling apparatus. gain. Counting our oil, water tank,I this year. of the mineral elements are extracted at . the 0. N. N. this. yow. I The cuttings ninfit be burned. I bition this Year.
- . I