HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-25, Page 5Thur,sd,rt,�,,, August 25th, 1921 'riili. %VINGHAA1 ADVANCE'
K +
-"A I N�
11 The Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Coinpany
Dou. +
a- + willire-open theirWingharn store, which has undergone
considerable alteration and improvements
+ +
Better Qualities at Lower Prices
on Saturday, August, the 27th 1+
+ +
SWEATER COATS -A new range DRESS GOODS -New Dress Goods,
+ We beg to announce that +
of Slonarch Knit Sweater Coat,, and Coatings, and Suitings in Serges,
Pullovers. New styles in a variety of .4A
Tweeds, Broadcloths, Satin Cloths, a +
colors to select from, $3.25 to $9.50. Our Fall Line of Novelty Suits, Coats, Dresses,
full range to choose from at very 441
MONARCH VARNS-A host of new moderate prices.- + Silk Waists, Etc. will be on Display.
shades in Monarch Down for knitting
sweaters. a +
SILKS -Black Duchess Satin, mull We will be pleased to show you our Latest Fall and Winter Models.
beautiful pure silk of rich +
BLACK TAFFETA -B o n n e t t's
Chiffon Taffetta, a pure silk of flne and extra good weight, Our special
+ You are cordially invited to see the Smartest, Most Stylish and Most Up -to -the- Minute Range of
-0 even weave, fast dye and soft finish guaranteed quality, 36 inches Aide at
36 inches wide, special $3.00 yd. $3.75. + Fall and Winter Wear. Any of the articles listed above express the best that money can buy and
brains produce. You know the pleasant feeling you experience after having achieved something
Venus Silk Hose Frillings and Vestings Gloves' and Collars
truly worth while. We have that feeling in being able to offer the women of WL'Igham and the +
Organdies Corsets and Brassieres Ribbons
+ surrounding country such wonderful values as these -f or surely this event belongs in that cate-
House Furnishings Rugs Linoleums and 011eloths
gory. A large variety of samples, 150 in all, as wide and varied a selection as ever shown in Wing- +
+ ham. Take advantage of our beautiful range, and it is advisable to place your order now, while +
Je A. MILLS + our tailors are not in a great rush.
()ur Goods are the Best -Our Prices Right. Terms, Cash. Produce Wanted.
+ +
a small deposit
Should you not be in a position to take immediate delivery of your purchase,
Will* + places any garment in our store and the balance can be arranged to suit your convenience. +
+ +
Howick Council on voters list. -Carried. Lot Vermie, spreading g r a v el 15.00;
Frank Wright, cutting hilt and making fill
Moved by Inglis and Hubbard that the Lot 10, Con. 17, 29.35; Garnett Wright, Low price levels have to -day been reached in the ready -to wear apparel +
following accounts be paid: -Charles dumping gravel and raking stones 8.25; +
Gorrie, July 20th, 1921. Kreller, gravelling $14. 10; Win, Pyke, Geo. Inglis, gravelling Lot I I and 12, H. +
Council met in the township Hall gravel 7 So; Gen. Topham, moving grader I and C. Boundary 106.00; Geo. Inglis, y and therefore lower production costs are now in force here. +
pursuant to adjournment. All membe s 2 75; R. Bennett, gravel lo.65- C Max. gravelling Lot 13 and 14. H. and C. 8oun- + industr
Pesent the reeve in the chair. Minutes well, gravel 9.75; D. W. Rae, gravel 4.20; 1 dary 63.65; C. McElwain, dumping gravel
rast meeting were read, on motion Qf Rd. Jaques, gravel 4.30; Wrn Hutb,, 2.3.75; Fred Mahood, gravel and damages +
If I teani nn grader 4 oo; John Warrell, work 32 50. John Darroch, gravel 9.75; Fred
Spotton and BryansV�erxeeadopted,
Mr Vanvelsors ro ter, waited on on road with team also extra men 6.00; Mahocd, gravel 12.30; D. Armstrong,
the council presenting a bill for $36.00 William IT n d e r w o o d , gravel, 4.50; tesm on grader 32.00; Wm. Stewart, team + h L d
T. Douglas, for gravel, 14.70; A.!
fordamagesto hiscar onthe highway. Harris, gravel 9,00; A, Keil, work on on grader 30.00; Victor Foster, team on + +
Moved by Hubbard and Bryaris that the road 5.00; H. Edgar, work on road 17.50; grader 30.00; Wm. Leonard, shov�lling d to -Wear Co.
council pay SiS.00 as a settlement in full. R. Black, shovelling 17 50; R. Cathers, gravel and raking stones 6.25; John Arm, ect a ies a y
-Carried. work strong, raking stones 2.60; R. Armstrong, +
work on road io.00; John Sparling, I_1. shovelling gravel and raking stones 12 50; It
Moved by Bryans and Spotton that the with team and shovelling r6.25; +
Hydro Electric Power Commission be re- Spatting, work on road io.00; J. Hastie, R. F. Edgar, operating road machine
quested to su , bmit rates and estimates, for I work on road T.ou; J. Hyndman, gravel 2UO; R. F. Edgat, gravel 10 50; Wm. &1� 4&+ + 4& + + 41+ + + + + + + +
power to farmers in the township of BDvd, team and work 18.00; Jas. L. Nick-
H.,vic 17-35; J. Weltz, gravel 16.5o: C. Maxwell,. le,,gravel 8.40; W, H. Webber, rep. to
k based on the attached petition- gravel 2.25; R. Harding. gravel 15.00; R. -
Carried. grader 3 75; Thos. Inglis, gra,6el 7.20;
i Habtie, gravel 2.25; F. Wright, gravel Win. Edwards, operating road machine
Moved by Spotton and Bryaus that a, 7.65; John Hyndmati, part pay Day, Muni- d Bruce And Bell Separate
11.00; John Dane, removing stumps at,
grati� of one hundred dollars be given to'cipal Drain IN 20; Kenneth Ashton, filling hole 7.00; James Barton, double. Owners of the Bruce Telephone Com-
Howickf Agricultural Society.- Carried. dragging road 5 50; Sturton Abhtoo, re- tree for grade 1.25; Dan Jenssen, plowing pany, in session at Underw6od, voted by
Moved by Hubbard and Inglis that the ac ing gravel on road 1,00; Robert on H. and IN1. Boundary 3.00; Joe Tbomp-
clerk be paid the snm Of $15.00 for extras Vandle, gravelling Lot 15. Con 15, 188.30; son, tractor and grader 42.00; C. Hub- 125 to 113 to reject the proposition of th e
bard, operating road machine 7.50, Henry Bell Telephone Company for ainalgam-
Hoff, work on road 900; C, Hubbard, ation. The meeting,.whichwasthe final 41M q= 11MR11h
spreading gravel 19.50; Hy. Reidt gravel- 4. A- --.r +__ IMF
I E my$]
Candy Coated
Chewing Gum
flenes Joyful news
WR(GLETS Nips have arrived
4 new, delicious. long-lasting Pepper-
mint flavoured candy coated gum.
Relieve smoker"s throat, whiten
teeth, sweeten breath.
A treat that IS a treat!
The Havour Laot'Ls A-io5
ling Lot 26th, Con. 12 28.50- Geo I Reidt one ol negOUM ons ex en 5
gravel 18,45; Norman Mc�eod,' gravel years, decided defin�tely not to undertake A M-111- - Z17.1 R
13.35; Win, Reis, operating grader and the co-operative arrangements for which OR V qu "a, I I
dumping gravel 27 75; Ed. Henry, gravel the Bell Company had mapped out plans.
15.00; Frank Douglas gravel 4.80; David If the agreement had gone through and 4.
2.95; Peter Reddon. gravel 1.80-. amalgamation hadbeen decicledupon it! � y
, rz�
Datie, digging ditch, making bridge and
tile 3
would have meant that the J�euple of,
Edgar Jacques, gravvl 83.60; Jc fin Mont-
gomery team on grader and work on Paisley, Port Elgin and Kincardine would; i iP
N "M
toad 900; Melvin Hubbard, st;ievelling have had free connec; ion with both Bruce 'Y', Y J l:
Geticke. shovelling gravel and grading
gravel,f00;F. Shaefer,gravel 2550; A. and Bell subscribers without having to
rcad Con. 2 12.50; Ed. Bolton, shovel- maintain two telephones at very high
liug gravel 6.00; Ed. Heory, grave� and
gta%elling 171.811; Win, Roberts tdv. t
Hydro meetiug 8.85; C�ailes Schaefer,
part pay an two culverts Ccn. 10, W0.00.
Ben Hyslop, gravel 4.80; R. Hardiiig,
gravel 11.25; J. A. Taylor, shovelling 4,00;
--The only Fal-vat,_,)n for
L'ht is Waack. gravel (3.45; 1). Calupbell, CITIZENS of Ontario
g:avel 90c; Win. Abram, gravel 5.55; Dq
Ontario's revenue-producing forosts is tt! treven-
Vogan, gravel 9,00; Bert Sage, gravel 90c.
R flastie, gravel 4.80; H. Kaufman'
tion of f orest fires. Your support and co-o-pera-
gravel 9.00; S Ashton, raking stones 1.00;
AN, tion is absolutely essential.
r W, G. SLinson, shovelling 76c, S. Finlay,
work on road II.(10; M. Pinlay, work on
r ad 5.00; G inishing our
o, co. XN'% lie, work on road 6,01); Forest fires are r, -ly dfir
W. E. Vativekor, damages to car 15.00; -Alef
J. flyndnian. gravel 12:3.65; John Schuat r, sources of timber and pulliwood. �'),,-er 90 per cent.,
gra.rel :3.00; Wm. Anger, Putting in Cut -
of Ontario?s forest fires arp caum.l. by hurrun
vert and digging ditch, Baker a%&ard r FACE'
3.00; R. flarrison drawing tile 10,05;
1 Walter King, culvert 7 30; R. Ben LO -57i: TVtAT
nt�tt, k If everybody was careful to prevent the start,
gravel 31.50; T It o Vittie, dumping STEM< L%K E TH I S W I LL
g avel 10.150; Cleve Vittie, shovelling 3 5 of fire, Ontario's Forest would be safle.
J, A. Patterson, gravel 26.10, R, Bennett,
gravelling and ditch 88.25; Win. Brears,
gravel 15,75; Ontario Bridge 'Co, rein- A SQUARE meal of the kind
forcing bars for tvvo culverts 105.06; F. of meat -foods we sell will bring
I Edgar, engineer fees on Litt. award 76,65;
a round smile to -your visage
E. Donaghy. gravel 31.20; Jas. Downev,
gravel 23,10; R. Harding, gravel 2.70; M. that will reach all the way Aure
around your table, Mr. Long -h Yours,
Dinsmore, gravel 5.00; N. Armstrong, I
drawing gravel 6 00; V. Faster, drawing face. And it won't put much of
gravel 5.00; J. Armstrong, drawing a pucker in your pocketbook
gravel 5.00; Win. Stewart, drawing gravel i
�5.00;Nl. Leonard, drawing gravel 5.00- either. BUSINESS MEN Of feel their responsibility even though out cf
11. King. shovelling 5.00; James Durrant: Watch for Mr, Happy Party Ontario - Lend us a sight of the policeman,
'shovelling 10 00; Geo. Wakeford, shovel- hand. The various busi-
ling 3,75; Win. McGee, dumping gravLl 61%1 %1 nM association.-, SETTLERS can co-operate by exercising,
3.75; 0co. Hargrave, du tuping 2.50; Alex. ire on their own #ro-
, Gibson, operating grader 1.50; W. J. ULVER & BENINGER of bankers, boards of inore care in setting out f
trade, manufacturers, perty.
�Mee, dumping 2.50; Wesley Sanderson, CENTRAL MEAT merchants, lumbenuen;
making fill opp, Lot 26, Con,4; A M eahin, LUMBER FIRMS can belp by impressing on
digging ditch and filling, hole in road on MARKET engineers, odueationalists, tourists, and sports -
B. Line 49.00; Alf I'aylor, gravelling op- -1. 1 � I men, and all other bodies of vvei-ht and influ- ull foremen the need for carefulness. R`ver-
PHONE IZ6 drivers in dry seasons shwild be spee'lally
I'll, fo I " . once, can do a great work for thi�provffiee and
posite Lot 13, Can. 14 and 15, 182.55; C. WINGHAM warnied. Gangs of men going in and Out' to
E. for their own interests as, well by m-tively pro -
Walker, extra work on voter's list moting educational propaganda to reduce forest, the camps, need spocial attorttion, bevause of
15.00; S, Finlay, dumping gravel 35 00: C.
E, Wallc0r, Clerk, part salary 100.00; Bert fires. the danger along the slash -lined trails frow
Cooper, gravel and shovOling gravel the inevital�k cigarette.
PZAILWAY OFFICIALS can bolp. Railways
1116,20; Thos. Nash, notices re tagging
10 0 T)u��
0; John Flyndman, pa cause 40% of Ontario'-, Fore.4 fireq. The THE PRESS cou](1 (10 n
Forestry Branch is bein'- well supported by c0�6strUCtivP work to reduce forest fir(% I-1"
;f019;sM`u1.icipal drain 130 60 laa
Moved by Spotton and Bryans that the improved co-operatibn on the part vf railway ally other single ageney. This is a ion -poli -
council adjourn to meet in the Township officials and by the Dominion Railway Board. ti(.al eampaign in whieh the -,vilole press could
Hall, Gorric, on the thiid Wednesday in Fartners To Rule Let us -educe tbe nunil)(,r of railway fires one- join.
August when the rate will be struck.- With the Federal elections coming in' half �"iis sumnwr. (Tho train in
Carried. the near folf +h- f--- -1-1,1 1�orthern Ontario who noneballantly throws hig LEADERS ()J�l pTj]BL1r, OpINIOX in everx'r
United Farmers
Combine your selling power, press and
ship your bay through your own company
on Commisgion, We. will be in a position
to press and handle any quantity after
Oct, 15tb. Belgrave Farmers Club.
RoBT. J. Svorr, Agent.
Phone 621-13.
I I -
cise the greatest possible care in the sel.
ection of candidates, The best men are
none too good, A farmers' government
will almost certainly be in power at Ot tawa
after the next election, and they must
deal with the tariff, with the revision of
the Bank Act, railroad matters and many
other problow, Select good men. -
Farmers Sun.
cil-arettv or eigar out of the window during the
fores-t fire season is dos.vrving of a in -1 sun-
CA'.%TMRS, tourists, fishernion, pi(Imichors,
berry pickorv, prospectors and linnters should
community sliould I)v tlix, first to L,%tc11(j
helphip ])and. TOI tb,, 1,,Ingor or N,,rjt(�
the Tkad offlee ally tiln(,, �,Ou 11 -ave information
Or out"t"estions to finpart, or qjjc,�,�ticnls to
Ontario Forestry Branch Parhainent Buildingo, Toronto