HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-25, Page 30 A Look to the North (The Ottawa Electric Railway Company publ'ah" ii-ld dl3t,,,ibUtcf,, to It-, 0 41tronti a periodical called the "Ottawa, Electric Railway Nevis, " which gives crisp and timely warnings on the topic of safety first, The recent prevalenco ot forest f1res- north of Ottawa led the editor to publlbll the. fol!,G.wll* exce,_ lOnt P08111 which, alas, Is all too closely applicable to praeticaliy every pro - Vince of Canada, Particularly the northern p4rts..) Look to the North, ye people! Ye need not strain your eyes, Nor climb some lofty steeple, to see the smoke clouds rise, More Swift than deer or bison whei z 7 a starts a wild stamp -do Along the whole horizon the flaming billows speed. Like vandals loosed for pillage, they sack the countrysida, And level farm and village, before their lustful pride. Their =4 will never falters, as on their way they pass, Still raising heathen altars to gods of Camlessness. Some match which heedless finmrs have dropped where idlers wait, Sorne fag in which there lingers the smouldering spark of fate— Th-ese are the silent traitors who unto ravage Yield The work of cultivators, the wealth of many a field, Not all in distant counties, but here at home we find, Amid the city's bounties, the careless and the blind, Who tqmile at SaXety sayings and scoff at Safety rules, Convinced they are the brayings. of some conceited fools. Look to the North, ye scoffers! The rolling tide of flame To you and all men offers a truth ye caWt disclaim. One little careless movement may in a moment spoil, Past hope of all improvement, whole centuries of toil. R. 13� Maxwell Dominion president of the GAVX.A., Was chosen by that Association to pre. rent Lord Byng with a gold badge and it scroll of honorary membership on ,]its arrival at Ottawa. Tiger of the Seas. Many POOPle have felt tempted tc ask about sharks what the little gif, asked about wasps—why (lid Gcd make them? Recent enterprise. In the Pacific shows that shark -catching may be coiliniercialiy Profitable. Sbark-liver oil contains all the best propertie3 Of Oil extracted from the liver of the cod. Am a fertilizer, shark meat is superior to dogfis,11. The head of the shark contains glue of a valu- able quality, Its fins are a delicacy much prized by the Chinese. Shark's teeth are sold for good prices In many parts of the world for, the manufacture of ornaments. Lastly, there is the skin, which Is an Inch In thickness in the adult fish. E'xperiments are now Proceeding with a vieW to the utilization of shark skin for boots and sh-ces. It ls� declared that when the process of nianufdeturo IS fully developed, shark hide will pro, vide the finest waterproof bo-ot so -les in the wo-rid. It"Isherman's hip -boots are frequently made of shark skin, So promising is the market for sbark products, that shark -catching on a large -scale has been Undertaken by a 13ritish-Canadian Company, at Park. er Is -land, off British Columbia. Identified. All old farmer could not believe that People who were Miles apart were able to coliverse over a telephone wire. One day Ills wife went to a distant friend Who had a telephone in her house. In the course 4of the afternoon the farmer sought shelter from a thunderstorm In the house of a neigh. bo,r who also Possessed a telephone and who persuaded the farmer to call up his wife as a little surprise, POI)OW1119 instructions, the farmer Put the receiver toL his ear, and after the usual preliminaries shouted, "Eel - 10, Sarah!" Just then a flesh. of lightning strucl� the wire and he fell to the flocr under i the force of the Shock. Rising to his feet and shaking his head Wisely, be said, "It's wonderful! That was Sarall right onougll!,) T H_ 1,,', G X, 0 1" F 1" A C E C" John BU'I: ,I thinklimr- ­11MIUN" OF PEACE en come the smell of flow- P- — 0 0 L em. ill WeIr study. and exploration widely conducted ers, and the tread Of soft StePS, and These young People realize that edu- survoys are by no means thoroUgh ol t's comJng, Pat; I felt a few Spots on my 'hand." the cruilebing Of Whaels, out in front, cation will fit them to do their work accurate. From what, however, Pat: "That's right, John, an, sure, how welcome it 'Would be.") i Make the ceremony short and the pi_, better and also to employ their leisure amount", to a virtual monopoly in eel% tvph siniPle--4-10re liese. man.' more profitably. In Peel County, as RA44.L UT- tala lighly prized minerals, Canada Parrots as Detectives. The Need and Vrilue of Work. It is entitled a "Buoine-- -, Maillb University Tutorial Classes. CANADAS MIN14RAL produces VO per cent of the world,$ Prayer," but in tbeoo (fayo When On the invit �it_iori_ of the Junior The largest watercress farm in the 8 t t World I ha at Enghlen, near Paris. or city Pavements, unless We toil Pursuit of knowledge. And, whell'in and sweat. farmer,3 are businc.,8 lun, ' much ;is those liv fully al Farmiera' Institute -nd the Junior Womens InstItute FROMM G ON R It Covers forty-five acres, of ground, who 0 and work in of the Bramlnoa hours of the morning, and as Polly vof;pels bearing the name of R�Dyal Per- citic'S, jt is appropriate for town and distriet, the I)irector of University exploitation, d the an greater availability of the deposits of seldom spo-Re except when , there was someone around to listen to her, M. countryman ali1w: "Toach me that sixty minute.-* make I"Wonsion, University of Toronto V;Cnt to DrAmPton to confer with' RICHLY ENDOWED WIT11 Giber countries, have hampered the an hour, sixteen ounces one pound, 100 theEo two organizat!ous regarding, tliv, PRECIOUS STORE. work! and to love its work, that time I., ceived several requcst� for the_�e rural aml ecnt;' one dollar, Relp me t.1 liva so that ;1�,can lie down it night f0r;nutlon 6f a rural tutorial class. At the mcating there was a delegation In.-. S03110 Of the most terrible disasters grass path$ 3 ft. wide. with aclear conadence, without a gan under my fr0n' the two Junior I-astituten 8treetsville gt In Pitc of Ecommic Depres� ever known In connection With our Pillow, and unhaunted by Who reported on the stic- Is maintaining a substa-lati.0 output with usually proportionate an - West End of London was. vjsitod by burglars, but a parrot on the premises the face's of thorie to whom I iraye �0814 of the rural tutorial cl.4 9s held 0ion Of 197.0 Mineral Prod"Ic. nual increases. The. time will assure& IY come when allof Canada's, bro'light Pain. "Grant that I may earn my meal in that district during ;offt wirtcr. The report given w,,,s n highly ol- tion Value Reached Zenith. There are men who are brave in should the Report of the Royal Cc enough and strong enough to lie &wn'rnission on University Financps be ticket on the Square, AlIdthat in earn� thusla6tic One; the attend4rMce had Canada Jv ono of coun), Young cress appears, cuttings are taken and planted in the in; it I'may not stick the galf where it dbow not beliung. 4VO�ag(;d tWenlY-six for the whole season, the subject studied Was Enir- trfef;, in the world In her Intent mini I other ship so named was, actually car- "Deafen me to -the jingle of tainted lish Literature; the professor sent out eral wealth, nature having withl bountiful Itaxid mado thoaa.gifts of jk� by a policeman who had heard what money and the ruotle 0fun,holy,2klrts. by the provincial University had been wide diverety, comprising almost all oped accordingly, Blind. me to the faults of the other SO thorough, ED Pain�taking, and iso linovu minerals and mect of the orq in absolutely under the pin-pTicks of rural tutorial classes to the immense everyday life. benefit of the young men and Women fellow, but reveal to we my own, "Guide me so that elth -night pecesoful that the class insist on hav� ing him again next winter, valua-41e. D, stimates of her mineral Process known as "sehnelling," Pe- culler to watercress cultivation, when I book across the dinner tab:le at my Having heard this -report the two Wealth must all be necessarily rougil for some of the least 0,xplorod regions Then there, is, the for -ever-menior- I Wife, Who has been a blessing to me, I will have nothing to conceal. Keep Brampton clubs voted unanimouslY f,or a similar class there, to commence of Canada are known to be the most Increased is evident on a survey of PrOduction for figureq covering the me Young enough to la7ugh with the in. October, and, requested the Univer- Potentially prolific in mineral pm duct% whilot in there regions. where last thirtY-flve yesrs,. ris. isgG the min - children, 11A -A SAY of Toronto to furnish them with 4 1� I - 11 11 mineral% have be .en hnorlu, for yoar� John BU'I: ,I thinklimr- ­11MIUN" OF PEACE en come the smell of flow- P- — 0 0 L em. ill WeIr study. and exploration widely conducted ers, and the tread Of soft StePS, and These young People realize that edu- survoys are by no means thoroUgh ol t's comJng, Pat; I felt a few Spots on my 'hand." the cruilebing Of Whaels, out in front, cation will fit them to do their work accurate. From what, however, Pat: "That's right, John, an, sure, how welcome it 'Would be.") i Make the ceremony short and the pi_, better and also to employ their leisure amount", to a virtual monopoly in eel% tvph siniPle--4-10re liese. man.' more profitably. In Peel County, as RA44.L UT- tala lighly prized minerals, Canada Parrots as Detectives. vY oupershbons. One Of the watercress Farm, I .1,11 0 is no royal road to wealth, . n the province generally, the pur�-uit elther along country lanes of pleasure is being superreded by !he produces VO per cent of the world,$ "Stop thief! Stop thief!" shrieked very strongest and most Ineffaceable of all Sup rstitions in the The largest watercress farm in the 8 t t World I ha at Enghlen, near Paris. or city Pavements, unless We toil Pursuit of knowledge. And, whell'in and sweat. eubalt, 88 per ceaLof It9 asbestos, and 85 per cent, of its nickel, Ineccessa, X Polrey's parrot, who lives, In a fine house In Paris. It Was in the mnall Royal NavY—u Superstition almost as strong to -day as ever it was—is thAt It Covers forty-five acres, of ground, In an orgy of extravagance, -a great search of means for obtaining knOwl- many People 'have forgotten or ignor- edge, the people of Ontario turn na- bility of location, lack et the ec n 08 sary capital for hours of the morning, and as Polly vof;pels bearing the name of R�Dyal Per- and c6noists of a series of ditch cross -beds, running parallel. e's, or ed this fact. They are beginning to turally, end rightly, to their own pro- exploitation, d the an greater availability of the deposits of seldom spo-Re except when , there was someone around to listen to her, M. sonages are doomed to ill -luck; and, strange aa It May seem, there is The ditches are about 226 ft. long, 4 Pay the piper now. If ever there were, vineial university. a time when the worldneeded to The University of Toronto has re- Giber countries, have hampered the Pofrey� rose to Investfgate, and caught an Undeniable historic basis for this feel- ft. wide and 18 in. deep. They are separai�d from each other by work! and to love its work, that time I., ceived several requcst� for the_�e rural great -or development of Canada's other minerals, though a roviorw of the leg of a burglar who was,soramb- ling out of a window. In.-. S03110 Of the most terrible disasters grass path$ 3 ft. wide. now. tutorial classes and is endeavoring to supply the demand as fully as its fin- production rec-ords I W 11 show that Canada Recently a famous mansion In the ever known In connection With our The cultivation of the Plant is both, curious and Picturesque, The ances will permit. In this respect, as Strong Enough to Endure I Is maintaining a substa-lati.0 output with usually proportionate an - West End of London was. vjsitod by burglars, but a parrot on the premises Navy have concerned war vessels with R0YUl namee. Two vessels. called the cress Is grown from seeds, planted in April, Before they e be in many others, the university is Pin Pricks. hampered for lack of funds; but, � nual increases. The. time will assure& IY come when allof Canada's, raised such nolay objection to having her beauty sleep disturbed, that the Royal James came to disastrous ends. One of them exploded., and some 800 an so n e e S w t -h b d have to be drained, tilled, and man- ured. When the There are men who are brave in should the Report of the Royal Cc enough and strong enough to lie &wn'rnission on University Financps be - deposita will be sorely needed—exemplifled to - i day In the extensive. drilling burglars made -a hasty exit without officers and seamen, perished; the Young cress appears, cuttings are taken and planted in the On the operating table and undergo al adopted at the next session of the oil In the Canadian Aretic—and then th6y will any loot, and were met a minute later other ship so named was, actually car- various ditches In about foot major operation without a word of Legislature, the Provincial university I be adequately appreciated and devel- by a policeman who had heard what ried out the mouth, o ,f the Thames by a of water. Complain but who lose themselves will be able to dot the prov! t, nce with oped accordingly, be thought to be human shrieks. The, best parrot story of this kind the Dutch under circumstances die, graceful to those In charge of the When the Shoots begin to..strlke, a absolutely under the pin-pTicks of rural tutorial classes to the immense everyday life. benefit of the young men and Women Ontario, First Minerai Province. has to do with the arreat'of a notorl- craft. I I Process known as "sehnelling," Pe- culler to watercress cultivation, There is no greater sign of weak. on the farms of Ontario. The value Of Canada's nilneral pro, -on ous, criminal, named Victor Chevalier. Then there, is, the for -ever-menior- I Is car- ried out B -- _# ness than to li I.— e down vanquished duct In 1920 was, $217,775,080, as Tls-e Police had long sought this slip- pery Individual In vain, until a clever detective one day entered unexpected- ly the rooms of a well-known receiver of stolen gooas, and heard a parrot cry Out- "Good old Victor! There you are! This was quite sufficient for the de tcetive, who satisfied himself that the bird was Chevalier's pro] Searching the premises, fv.-- f ter from Victor saying he Was. at Ali- gers,. To that town the, detective. went, taking the parrot with him, and, in eel- hision with the authorities, hung the parrot In the Post office, whilst he oc- cupied a Post of observation in e same building. The very first Y there entered an individual, old d decrepid-loo-king, not the least I e the dapper Chevalier, and InStan ly the parrot shrieked out: "Good old Victor! There You are! 'I and In - 4 able disaster to the ROY41 George, that turned over, sank in eight Of ,crowds at Spithead, over 1,000 Souls, amongst whom were 30io Women, be - Ing sacrificed. And second only to this hideous, disaster Is that which afterwards befell the Royal Charlatte, which waa consumed by fire off Leg- hoTu, over Boo of the very flower of the Navy Perishing with her. When, In 1893, the Victoria, a new vessel, and the very triumph of mod. ern invention, was rammed, a -ad sank in sight Of the Whole fleet, there was not a sailor, who did not remember the dire fate of a ROYaItY-named craft. A Matter of Looks. A homely Young English chap, hay. 1119 his view obstructed by the head. gear of the girl in front of him, ven- lured to protest. "See here m,'-. , 1� . J .116 a flat piece of board, attached to a handle, -and called the "schnel," the farm- lightly strikes, the cress as he walks, along the banks of the ditches, The object of this Is to prevent the plant sending shoots. above the water. By pressing It down in this, way it grows Very bushy, and a greater quantity of cress is thus ob- tained,_ Burnt Forests Don't Pay. Burnt forests provide no freight traffic, neither do they Pay wages to the Workman., profit to the merchant or revenue to the Government. Fire is thegreat enemy, taking eight times. as much toll as, the axe. It Is? to the interest of every citizen to reduce the loss. A Remedy for Timber Destruction. Is- there a remedy for this needless destruction of timber -,lid other natur- When tlungs on the farm. do not go just as we would like to have thenil go; and there is no more sure indi- cation of real strength of manhood� than to 'be able to stand up against these Petty slings and arrows of for - tulle. . And yet, many a man misses wear-� ing a crown Of silocess just because he knuckles under to the constant jab- bing of the pin of annoyance, over lit- tl,e things, all Ullimportant in them- selves, but part and parcel of the day's work. Muny a man will lift like a hero all day out In the field and come -in atl night to find fault with the hired man, because he has not done this or that, and to, say the Sharp, bitter thing Which sends his wife and little ones away with a quivering lip. This ought not to be. PaTming in the -best sense of the Word does not consist al- -,,I- : against $176,68G,390 in the previous year, Or an Increase of 23.3 per cent. All miDerals, with the exception of i lead and quartz, showed all increase in the value Of Production ever 1DI9, though ill the actual tini-ount Produced there were deOrGasios also in pyrites, petroleum, and natural gas, Ontario accounted for the highest mineral re. venue with $78,749,178, followed by British Columbia with $38,044,916, Al. berta jumped from the previous year to the third place in value, With $33,. s21,898; Nova Scotia was cl�me behind with $30,187.533, whilst Quebec pro� duced to the extent of $27,722,502. Manitoba's inireral revenue was nPar. ly four mill'Ons: New Brunswick's two, and a quarter nifflcivz; Saiikatch� ew',In's over one and a quarter mil. lions, and the Yul­�-Ills about the, fame. With the productir,71 vallaf� cf more than $81,000.000 eoPPer was C�Iuad',L'S most valuable iulncral in 19�,j Niel—i n — stant the handcuffs were on and the said, I 1 e leaning over, "I want tG look as al resources.? 'Yes, and a Very simple 6 n the ousnels Nellie L. McClung wheat or corn we grow, or the The . I I was next with more than sGi.c.,0,000, false wig and beard off! well as yGu.,, "Oh, One. It may all be summed up In the pertinent phrase, ,Re�lp number famous author, yv-ho was elected of tons of h4y we cut. Deeper then to the Legislative Assembly Albey- I and zinc third with $4,1i,00o,e,(jo. Lead forfeit his sceptre. do yer?" She replied, in a rich Cockney accent, "Then you,d better protect The FOrosts—Be Careful -With. Fire.,' This, done, of n I any of these things, and ever to is. A new novel from her Den will up in f kOned igures, Is the heart] soon be Was worth $33,000,000; ec),l $16,000,� 000; silver $1*,000,000; lime $0,000,� run You Will Never Regret -----z ',ome. and change Yer fice -.11 seventy-five per cent. of our forestry problems will be published, c th, I iife"'f e armer. Character counts;. i — 000; slate r,')00-000; and cement 6,500,000. KePPill-9 Your temper under insult or LOOKING AHEAD solved. --- ====u= and this is -graven deep in the 7, 1A Soul You Vnny+ V.1 V_ T21 A Ontario accounted for 36.16 per cent of the Domin—, - SeriOUS1 provocation. Telling the truth when a lie woul( have helped you out of dffflculty. Turning away from Pleasures, thai Would injure Your health or your man. hood. Holding steadfastly to Your purpose Arlien everyone insisted you were on the wrong track. Forming the habit of always trying to better your best, to improve. some. thing somewhere every day of your life. Refusing to Its -ten to. malicious gos- SIP, or stories that are "off color. - Having the courage to wear shabby clothes rather than FO Ill debt for what you could not afford. Daring to- say "No" when "Yes would have made You a "good fellow" and won the, applause of Your compaillona. Not Posting that cutting, surcastic leter, -or uttering the angi7 words that sprang to your lips when suitirting un- der a Sense of injury or injustice. Not resigning when smarting under rolentnient or fancied Injury. Gettin�- up every time You fall and Pushing right On, towards your goal, no. matter how dark the way. Keeping faith with Yourself at any igh Id., holding fast to the h 'I. 'hot beckoned Ill Youth. Always and worywhere Acting the gentleman or .he lady. U 1., sub- stantlal Increment had been added by 1896, when the Produeticn for the Year was Valued at $22,474,266, and the Increase In the next half decade was remarkable, bringing the total for the year 1901 UP to $66,797,911, There. after the Progress was commensurate with the giant Strides, the 30orainjon wa.s taking in other lines, of activity, By 1906 the yearly output was Valued at more than �79,000,000: by 1911 at M3,000,000; and in the following five, year period the value nearly doubled, ac0ounting for $177,201,584 in Iola. A war -time, spurt brought it up to $19Sj_ 000,000 In 1017, an4 thlip mffement reached ltg Zenith with t211,000,000 1,A 1919. There was naturally a doprox. Mon In the firist war year, but 4s has been ee6n, a r000very wav n1g4e, jagt. Year In such 4 tashton, as to eireAte a record for Dominion minoral pr*dueA nfvov 'huAts #Uybody if he keeps working Tight behin(I th4 dream to mailee us r4ueh of it connA "ol 45 lie Can. Y a we — and SaY and think. �A 00 . Su'Wical Operation or I Wherever you live, and whatever pin -prick, all s otal pro- duction; British Columbia 17.47 per W41vos have their bearffig. Wearing overalls' You do., your blood remains almost at like a man will bring a *man a crown' the same heat, though the temperature cent; Alberta 14.49 per cent; Nova Scotia 13-86 per cent; and Quebec fte . ... A W / wait maso n 07 just 'as surely as wearing the purple Of the surface of the body will vary like a knave Will cause the Icing to considerably. 12.73 per cent. The combined mineral Productiou 'value forfeit his sceptre. Experiments were made with a man of Canada during 1920 was the Who remained in a hot-air even at a highest the Dominion livis ever reach - Fishing by Telephone. temperature of 270 degrees without. ed, and one attained in conditions Of economic depreSS1022, LOOKING AHEAD Fish when they swim make 0, noise, any difference being apparent in the heat of his blood. falling prices, and a considerable cessation of opera, A mail can't see an hour ahead; ir one *brief hour he may be RrLdtb1S, It I& said, can be, detected by Then his arm was put in ice-cold tic -118 at Points which inalics the out - dead, from all his labors gone; life's, so uncertain none can say, "I'll see the finish Of this day, anct the t'ele'PhGne. Most of us have watch- ed with interest the movements of water for half an hour. This, of course cooled his sidn, but his flesh was jus j look all the more Pleasurable for fu - ture mineral production. The m,,tallic greet another dawn." The citizen, In gorgeous health, goes, forth to gather in some wealth, Shoals. of fish beneath the Surface of the sea or of a lake, but few will have as warm as, when he was In the even. produrtlen which in 1918, when the, pinnacle of warthile a buoyant, cheerful scout; he, strides along the village street, an ass"fated with those movements� the As a final test, his arm was Im_ mersed for a quarter of an hour efforts was at - tained, was valued at $114,549,152, and airship drops a sack of Wheat, and he is flattened out. Oh, all idea of noise. Nevertheless., such in wa-ter as, ]lot as, he could boar ft; but 0 1 to $72,262,793 in 191.9, Ca,llle back varieties of doom are round about us, dumping gloom upon the movements do make a noise, and Nor- still no change in Ills temperature to $77,236,370 In 1920. whllrzt the.. total human race; our lives. we're taking in our hand, wherever we weglan fishermen bave taken advan- could be detected. value of the noli-metallic production may walk or stand or ride or dance or chase. And yet along our tage of that fact to devise, an. arrange- ment to assist them In detecting The warmest part of the surface of which in 1918 was $96,152,745, and in - creased course we speed, as thoughour lives were guaranteed, for eighty- seven and locating fish at considerable. depths, the body Is that beneath th-- armpit, Where the doctor in 1919 to $103,423,607, in - creased again in 1920 to $140,538,710. years; next year we will Insure our lives, and save, some money, that our wives: may eat, if death They lower a microphone by means sometimes takes your 'temperature, instead of putting About $23,000,00j) of this increase to appears, Next year, or maybe five years hence, we'll show we have some good horse Of a wire from their boat into the water, the. other end of the wire being the thermometer under your tongue. The coldest the due to coal alonek Exhibits Substantial sense, and salt some coin away: next year wall tread the thrifty track and lift the mortgage from the shack—we're connected with a telephone receiver on the boat. As the latter slowly parts -are tips of the nosee and cars, which, are sixteen degrees. Increments. lust how Canadian minerals are out for fun to -day. Thus reason multitudes of jays who look to pro- ceeds on her course in search of a colder than the rest of the face. being exploited and thpir production ahead count- le-gs day,% that they may never see; no man who on this pIanet haul, an operator keeps the receiver of the telephone to his Strangely enough, the skin on the Increased is evident on a survey of PrOduction for figureq covering the rides, can safely bet one hour divides- him from eternity. Let us be prudent, -.then, ear, and he can tell Instantly when a alroal of fish is left side of the head Is warmer than that on the right last thirtY-flve yesrs,. ris. isgG the min - And wise, meet obligations a& they rise, and being approached. side, oral production of the whole of Cana - cancel every debt; if there are chores that should be done, oh, let us- do them ere, the sun of this bright day has, set. If you. know -how to spend less The Baltic Sea is only forty-three da was only $10,221,255, or $2.23 per capita, In the n^-xt five year period, than YOU get you have the philosopherls yards in depth. The Adriatic is next in shallowness, with an, overage depth or -at the end of 1891, this production value had stone. of forty-five yard s. Jncreased to $18,976,616 and $3.92 per ennita A � �1 U 1., sub- stantlal Increment had been added by 1896, when the Produeticn for the Year was Valued at $22,474,266, and the Increase In the next half decade was remarkable, bringing the total for the year 1901 UP to $66,797,911, There. after the Progress was commensurate with the giant Strides, the 30orainjon wa.s taking in other lines, of activity, By 1906 the yearly output was Valued at more than �79,000,000: by 1911 at M3,000,000; and in the following five, year period the value nearly doubled, ac0ounting for $177,201,584 in Iola. A war -time, spurt brought it up to $19Sj_ 000,000 In 1017, an4 thlip mffement reached ltg Zenith with t211,000,000 1,A 1919. There was naturally a doprox. Mon In the firist war year, but 4s has been ee6n, a r000very wav n1g4e, jagt. Year In such 4 tashton, as to eireAte a record for Dominion minoral pr*dueA nfvov 'huAts #Uybody if he keeps working Tight behin(I th4 dream to mailee us r4ueh of it connA "ol 45 lie Can.