HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-25, Page 114,
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01LIOUR11111.1 ullyrA
that Mr. F rank
Wroxeter and Vicinity Honor
their Heroes
Orangemen Decorate Deceased
Brethren's Graves
I lit
Mr. Geo. Boyd visited friends irt N
chell last week.
Men Attention
We are sorry to report
ieli is at present seriously ill.
The is a wonderful bird but' it
Severak Wingham citizens were present
A very large number of people gathered
Mr. J W. Hanna made a busiltes5 trip
to Toronto this week.
takes the stork to produce the goods.
at the unveiling of the memorial ill WrOX"
at Wingbarn cemetery on Sunday after -
Miss Selina Towne of Toronto, is visiting
We want eve y man III
The High and Public Schools here will loving
eter cemeter y on Sunday afternoon in
Remembrance of the boys who
noon. the occasion being the Annual
Orange Decoration Service About sixty -
her friend, Mrs. Fred Fuller.
ina nd icinity to
ghain a v
re -open on Tuesday mo riling, Sept. Oth.
fought and fell and now sleep in Flan -
five members,of the Orange Association
Mrs W. J. Sheffiold of Owen Sound is
us - a
if your business ncre-ds medicine, use
Tul-, AD-
ders. Reir. Mr, Wesley who was one of
marched to the cemetery beaded by the
visiting with relatives in town.
valet Auto StroP Sat-
the advertising space for sale in
the boys who served overseas with the
Wingham Citizens Brass Band.
Mr. W. J, Hilliard of the Wingha in
161st Battalion, unveiled the monument,
Upon arrival at the cemetery tne mem-
Bazaar, is on a business trip to Toronto,
eiy Razor I o r Thirty
The newly engaged girl always It as
and the local clergy gave appropriate ad-
hers fornied a circle, the band in the cen-
Mrs. C, D. Shakieton is visiting wit
Days' Free Trial
trouble with her front hair and left hand,
tre, and the old familiar hymn "Onward
her aunt, Mrs. Pollard at Manitowaning.
The monument was put up by Mr.
Christian Soldiers" was played and sung,
Mrs. Bird and children or Toronto, are
No red tape—no catch—just a sim-
of that
We have a ocmPlete range of Mouth
Spotton of Wingham and is a credit to
after which an impressive cerernony was
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jas Haugh.
plG inethod proving
Organs from 10c to $2,00. —Flanigan's
the municipality. The inscription on the
Mr, and Mrs. T. J. McLean and
(9,4 -I.t is the most Economical Raz -
Music Store. 0
face of it reads thus- "Erected by the
The graves of the following deceased
family motored to Kincardine on Sun-
on the Market
The members of Maitland Lodge Inde-
citizens of Wroxeter and vicinity in mem-
brethren were decorated,.—
day.. cand
pendent Order of Oddfellows will hold
ory of those who gave their lives in the
David Watters, J. Musgrove, D. Long-
W. J. Pat-
Mr and Mrs. Herb Walsh chil-
Come in -and get one. Take it home. if it is not perfectly satisfac-
their decoration service on Sunday next,
the Perth and Huron Di3 -
Great War.` On the sides are
the names of John Earls, John Ringler,
heed I H. Hicks, S. Mitchell,
tison, Geo, Hanna, Robt. Bloomfield,
dren o I London, are visiting with relatives
tory, return it.
Let Us Demonstrate The Auto Strop Razor
A meeting of
trict Press Association will be held in God.
Alex Rasmussen, Ralph Smith, Win. E.
Black, McNaughton, Colin Mc-
Allen Galbraith, Robt, Weir, Thos. Net-
Thos, Abram, Jas Deyell,
in town.
Mr. A, Cosens of Wingharn, attended
You will like the self -stropping device which is built right into the frame�
erich on Friday afternooll Aug�Aa 20th,
Schoo. books have been delayed by the
Naughton, Win, Hall, Marshall Mus-
terfield Jr.,
Alfred Hasiam, John Cloakey, Win, Van-
the Scott-Cosens wedding at Pilmerston
Razor, strop and 12 blades in assortment of
printer's strike, Can you hear the groans
grove, Rosco Mahoney, Chris Wright,
William Wright, William Dodds and
Stone, S. Morries, Ben Leary, H. Haw.
F. McCreight. John Campbell,
last week.
Miss Dorothy Douglas of Lucknow, vis
cases, $5.00 the set. Other sets up to $16-50.
from the disappuinted children? No
neither can we,
Thomas Savage. As each name was read
a little girl placed a beautiful bouquet
Robt. Montgomery, Jas. Netterfield,
Thos Netterfield Sr., John Netterfield,
I ited at the home of Mrs. J, Thompson
last week.
J Wa ton McKibbon
The 1921 Wingharn Voters' Lists con -
the mound at the
Cornyn Jr., James
862 voters, compared
of flowers in a circle on
John Cornyn Sr., John
Mrs. Mae Johns ton is spending
tains the name of
with 876 last year. Theream 308 quali-
foot of the monument.
Johnston, Thos. Cornyn, John Brooks,
vacation with friends in Toronto and
Drugs and Stationery
C. P. R Tickets
fled to serve as jurors. PO
Upper Canada Bible Society
Jos. Bullard, J. H. Casemore,
Saddler, Win. C ornyti, Obediah David
Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins of Port Dover
Edison Pbonographs Phone 53
Dr. George Howson has opened up his
Next Sunday morning Mr. E. L.
son, Or, Andrews, Thos McCreight, Wm -
are visiting at Mr. Ed. Hawkins', Lower
dental parlors in the offices until recently
. I
Wasson, representative of the Upper Can'
Baird Jr., Robt. Baird, Win. Baird Sr.,
occupied by -Dr.. Parker, over Christies
ada Bible Society, will preach in the Meth-
Wesley Gray, Alex Young, Jas, Groves.
last week
-'Anniversary Services
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Plourade and child .
grocery His nhone number is 10.
�t, ---- ;no he will
;dCurrie Robt.Camp-
Mrs. Will A, McGill spent
A - from Owen Sound and ' Ami-ersary services will be held at
odist Church, An Rout. Cortlyn, — I with her sister, Miss Thompson St. ren, motor. on
St. Paul's Sunday School wil meet at preach in the Baptist Church. bell, Jos. Kerr, Thos. Price, John Taylor, spent the week -end in *inghara. They Ebenezer Church on the Bluevale circuit,
'to a were accompanied by Mrs. Dinsley, and, on Sunday, September 4th, Rev. E. F.
2 30 in the afternoon commench g on Sun- On Monday evening he� will speak John Perdue, D M. Gordon, Win. Porter. Augustine. hildren
day next, For the summer months they mass meeting of all the churches, assembl" Geo. Porter, Robt, Irwin, Andrew Reid, Mrs, Fred MacLean and two c con, Jack, who have been visiting with, Clyesdale of Fordwich will preach at
held Sunday School in the morning. edin the Baptist Church. Hislecturewili David Rush, Jas. Mulvey, David Bell, are visiting witli friends in London and them for the past few weeks. 10. 45 a. in. and 7 P. in. Special music
To, Auto Owners An American woman sued for divorce be illustrated by lime light views and con- John Black, Alex Bell, Geo. Green Win. Stratford. , Mr. and Mrs, Mort, Smith and son, by the choir. A 'monster Tea Meeting
because her husband didn't kiss her. She tribution. for the work will be taken on Netterfield, Jas. Godkin, Jas. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Irving S. Higgins of New Corney, and daughter, Viola, of Court- wiil be given on Monday, September 5th.
you want your auto ard
needn't have worried; it should not have Monday evening, John McCreight. John Hunter, Rich York, ars spending a few weeks with re- land, N Y., are visiting with Mr. Smith Is Tea served from 6 to 8 P. in., after which
(not -,imply painted) been difficult to get someone to take his Baseball Tournament Labor Day Rankin, Abel Smeltzer, Robt. Saddler, latives here. father, Mr. Hiram Smith and other relat- an excellent program will b- given con7,
6ut place. On Labor Day, Lucknow is putting on John Green, Duncan Groves, John Loug- ' Mr. Wm, Gray of San Franciso, is ives. They motored over from Court- , -CA�clnr, oC addresses by liev. C. '8. Cragg,
visiting with his uncle, Mr. John Gray? land, a distance of 3Q miles. B. D., of Witigham, Rev. E. F. Clysdale
Relinished to 1001( The difference between a single and a a baseball tournament which promises to beed.
married man is that in the one instance drawthe4ansfrom farandnear. At tenj The grave of the late Mrs. John Cornyn, Ist. line of Morris. Mrs. A, Young was up irom Toront& ADS Fordwich, Rev. C. Tate of Bluevale
111ke new he askst 'Where did I leave my hat?" o'clock in the morning, Teeswater will was also decorated in loving remembrance Misses Jennie, Edyth and Isabella for a few days making preparations for 1 and the chairman, Rev R. L. Wilson.
You will do �vell to let Mein the other ha demands "Where play the Lucknow-Locbalsh team. In of her gift ot the property on which the Earls of Wroxeter, are visiting at Mr. J. J. moving her household effects to Toronto. 'Solos and duets by Messrs. Henry and
T you put it?" Orange Hall stands� 'Thorpe of Westfie!d; Whistling selections
us do it for YOU d1d the afternoon there will be three games, Moff att's, B. line. Mr. Goidon Young has purchased a pretty iss Deacon of Bel -rave; Violin sel-
Call and,see either Owing to the fact that Stratford, Wing- the first at half past one o'clock between, Miss Margaret Miller of St. Helens, home on Greenlaw, Ave., where he and by M
ham, Drayton and Paisley fall fairs will Goderich and Wingbam, the second game An Old Picture spent the week -end at the home of Mr. his mother will in future reside. ections by Messrs. Ruttan and Warwick-,
Thos.Garrett, John St. be held on Sept. 27 and 28 the dates for will then be played by the two losing Mr. Gordon Buchanan showed the Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Breen. announce_ Readings by Miss Duff of Bluevale and
ell, Park House. theListowel fair have been changed to teams to decide third and fourth money, editor of this paper a photo yvhich was and Mrs. W. T. Miller. Miss JohnnQn of Grey, Come and en -
Alb B Mrs. J. Turner and her daughter, Mrs. the engagement oi thele second daughtef , -
Thursday and Friday, Septemder 22 and the final game will follow, to be played by taken about forty years ago. It was in ivii1ler of joy an excellent program. Admission 3a
GoQd workmanship and Satisfac- :k o wiming teams to decide first and W. Watt of Chatham visited at the home Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. B. H. and 20 cents.
tion guaranteed. Only very best 23. the tw the building now occupi:d by J. A. Mills of 'Mr. V. R VanNorman. Toronto, youngest son of Mr. Ada in
of Varnishes used. There are still a number who owe us second money. In the evening a good as a flour and feed store, and his father, Miss Hazel Foster of Gorrie, was a Miller, Kincardine. The marriage to take'
.Married In Vancouver
Some concert.will be given followed by a dance. the late Mr. Frank Buchanan conducted
6WM"MW"W"WWM" three years subscription money. ome to Lucknow on Labor Day for a g saddlery and boot and shoe visitor at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. place quietly in Toronto in September. The Van=ver paiiy Province �ub-
of these we meet in every day life and if C a thrivin Moffatt, B. lice, last week. lishe5 the following account of the mar -
we were to owe them they would be sore. feast of fast keen ball All teams are out storethere. The upstairs was GCCUpied Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Mills and son, Tiage of a former lady from Wingham.
Look at your label it may be you that we to win. by THE ADVANCE, Harold, accompanied by Mrs. J. 0. Wil. Band Concert Program ' "A very pretty wedding took place in
mean, Campbell III At Home Worrying The Cattle e Cox art 6ft a motor trip to Essex. The Wingham Citizens Band will play'
ize list of Wingham Fall Fair It was with regret that word was receiv- the following program at the park Aug., Kerrisdale, Vancouver, on Tuesday
Dance To -Night Get a pr* About six o'clock on Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donaghy of Grand 26th, 1921, at 8 p. in. Geo. J. Wright, morning, August Oth., at the residence of
from the Sectetary, A. G. Smith. If you ed here of the illness of "Doc" Campbell Mr. John McEwen, 10th Turnberry, was Valley, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Director. the bride's mother, Mrs. John Agnew,
(Wednesday) know of a friend who might wish to ex- of Grand Valley. Mn Howard Gray sent awakened by the barking of hounds and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton, John St. re 1. March Rhoda Royal ....... C. Storm 6037 Balsam St., when her daughter, Miss�
hibit something at the fair and who has him a telegram expressing the sympathy the bellowing of cattle. He dressed hur- -�, Olive Branch.. Mary Margaret Agnew, was united in
Arthur Irwin and Keith DonaldsA 2. Ovetur ....... Hazel
not received a list, give us his name and of the Wingham ball players. On Tues
Mills Memorial Hall we will �end him one. cray he received the following letter from riedly and taking his gun went over t I o have returned home after spending their 3. Waltzes, Worship the Beautiful i marriage to Rev. Mathew H. Wilson,
A weather-beaten old sea captain was Campbell, where the noise was in Murray Wilson 8 holidays at Lake Joseph, Muskoka. ............... ............. Codina! pastor of the Presbyterian church in
Grand Valley, Aug. 23, 1921 pasture field where he found a couple of Mr and Mrs. John McCool and son, 4. Serenade, In Twilight's Witching Kerrisdale.
asked why a�l sailors referred to their hounds with a calf down and worrying it The ceremony was performed by Dr
Dear Howard— W, B., are away on a motor trip to Hour ......................... Phipps
Dancing f ron'l ship as "she." "Friends," said the cap- Many thanks *for Win gham's kind about the head. Mr. McEwen shot the Niagara, Toronto, Hamilton and other 5. Overture, Scenes from Opera Land G. A Wilson of Eburne. The bride
8.30 to 12-30 tain,_"If you ever tried to steer one of tiononmybehalf. Icanassure hounds. Fillmore looked charming in a travelling suit of
the darned things you wouldn't ask that considera Points. brown broadcloth, with hat to match,
question again.". you that I appreciated your telegram. Lacrosse Team W69 Mrs. W. Green, M rs. C. Shackleton and 6. March, The Graham Grays ... Skeggs ed a beautiful bDuquet of rosm
My games with Wingham during the Oil Wednesday last the Owen Sound W. T. Miller, attended Grand Lodge of 7. Dance, rhe Younger Set ....... Beyer and card
Admission 50 cents. Don t purchas-, Christmas Greeting past �-eason were the ones I liked best of lacrosse team played a schedule game in the Loyal True Blue Association in Mount 8- Overture, The Beautiful Princess i Rev. and Mrs. Wilson . then left by boat
............................ Clarensi to spend a few days in Victoria, before
Cards until you have seen the new all, partly becausa of the added excite, Wingbam and were defeated by a scare Of Fore t last week. ill
samples at THE ADVANCF. Something. ment and mostly because of the good clean 9. Caprice, Two step Frolicsome sailing for California, where they w
16 to 3. The game was played in a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Casemore, Turn- spend some time as the guests of Mr.
originalandnot to be compared to the sportmanship of the players. drizzling rain and the management re- -.41 llf I...f Frolics .................... Meredith : 1171 T -T 11 (V A—
Parents Attention
Special values in boys and girls school
clothes, from now until school opening,
King Bros.
SALIZ-Purebred Bericilhirc
Botcar.16"OnAoriths old, Dam-CronlPton La,99
Sire,Superb Duke. Apply to
Lot 24, (,oil. 10, Ttirtiberry.
general J)onsework, Apply to
MRS, W B. WELT�wool).
FORSALE—HousaHand lots in the tow" of
Willgham, witn and without hand, also
%ood farm properties r,,nging froni2200 acre] LU
acres. Apply to
Auctioneer and Real ENtato Dealer
FORN sALE-0no 11`w Perry Sales Co. Seallug
.TaclllrLo and 15 rolls of Gummed Tape,
neveropenedup. Will -be sold for $10 00. PIRO
inachine,isentin mistake and rather thau re.
turn will qellboow cost. TnE ADVANOP
N TICE--The person who lefb their coat In
O!hew car on Saturday night, August
13th, nlay have same by MpLilryl! n.9T S Elyr
Routo 2, Df,11�1.114ala,
STR&YED—Ayearling roan steer strayed
from Lot 2, ConCOSS1011 18, Howtek,
ou or about Sunday, 1401. Finder will kindly
col,nmunicate with tile owner,
Route 1, Winghaalu
p1lolle I�C,18 Wroxoter.
To REgID-5 rooniall. flat over Store, so arate
entrance, newly decorated, electric lights.
berry, return as w ee in . A, .. God Save The King. and Mrs. a Ler a o a..
ordinary stock cards, The price is even I am tied to bed and will be here for port a serious deficit. Although the motor trip to Guelph, Hamilton, Burling -
lower than the other cheaper qualities. some time yet so will be unable to see the Wingharn boys have not won their dis- ton Beach and Gait.
In getting out the Wingham Fall Prize games with Teeswater. I can't hope for trict, yet they have played excellent,
List one special was overlooked. Mr., J. you to win, but if you do I'll be behind . I Mr. E. W. Linklater, who is a clinician
lacrosse and won from other group win- off
I I at the Ontario Hospital, Mimico, spent
A. Brandon of Belgrave is donating $4.00 you the rest of the year. ners.
for the best four colts from any heavy Rernem� er me to the rest of the team. Will McCoy played a star game in the I the week -end with his parents, Mr. and
draft stallion. Altogether there d ab,)ut Fred's three homers in nd! Mrs. Win. S. Linklater. AM
are 46 1 hear nets on Wedneiday. The Owen Sou I X I
special prizes offered this year. Be sure Kincardine. players are not'the cleanest players, it i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae, Miss Helen
you ask for a prize list. Irwin P. Campbell was at Owen Sound that Stanley Harrison Ra , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Coulthare of St.
Hon. McKenzie King will speak at Sea- had his hand broken and McCoy had his Marys are visiting with Mr. and Mr s. X Findl Clearall C e
forth on Wednesday, August 31st, and i DO YOU KNOW HIM? X
one old libera . I paper edited by a I young ribs fractured. Donald Rae, Francis St,
The Wingham team was composed Of The name of Miss Marjorie Fisher ap- X,
gentleman of Scottish blood says, "A fuli Will McCoy, Henry Aitchison, Alf. Lock- I pears in the list of the successful teachers, An Absolute Clearance atf
crowd is desired". Tne invitation would W. VanWyck, ' the Summer School this
64.�. t 31. eridge, Roy Cruikshanks i who attended INN
be more inviting if we knew 'whetaer or I M. VanWyck, Chas. Smith, Ed. Hawkins, ! -
year. She obtained a Part 1, Kindet
not they will be full before they getithere. Elmo Sanderson, Harry Towne. garten-Primary Certificate. 3umaler Footwear
v Remaining'
Mr. Archibald Weir, K. C. � 1
Mr. Norman M. Murch, B. A. of Tor- )f Sarnia
g.*at the
onto, who with his wife, is visith visited with his sister, Mrs. Win. S Link -
of Mrs. Murch's mottl WINGHAM CHAMPIONS
home ler, Mrs. laLerof Victoria St. recently. Mr. Weir
lermyn, Bluevale road. sang a couple of 1 was among the number who this year X
solos in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Defeated Teeswater on Monday were made King's Counsellors. All small lots and broken lines of popular, Summer
on Sunday. On Sunday, Aug. 28th. he 5 to 0 Pootweav are reduced foi- quick disposal. Most O�
Mr. Chester Longman of Windsor, is
will sing in the Wingbam Methodist
The first game of the home and home renewing acquaintances in town. In 1907
Longman was
11 �'a , a member of the
Church. Mr. March is a member of the play-off between Teeswater and Wingham Mr. these Shoesare in,;tvlcs that can lie Worn-h-tte into
staff of Toronto University, and his sing, I
";'l i�., for, the title of group No, 3 in the N. W. Wingham baseball club, who were chain the Fall. Wherever stvle, are fr,
ing is always appreciated. , ff7.,___
M , . � , er on Mon. pions of their district in that year,
B. A. was played at Teeswat
zditions" the prices are so low that you'll get your
d was one of the best
day afternoon, an Mr. and Mrs. Latham and daughter
om them before chilly daN
Marie. also Dr, Edw wife, kv� motley's worth of use ft
Turner —VanNorman Nuptials exhibitions of ball played this season. in Hubbard and
There was no score until eleven innings motored from Datroit, to spend the week
A quiet but pretty wedding took place come.
on Saturday, Aug 20th, at 10 a. in. at the
had been played, Errors were very few end at the home of Reeve Elston, Morris.
11ston. It's all iLteal tilile to replace
L those Summer Shoes,
home of Mr. and Mrs. V. R. VanNorman, and minor ones, every player on both Dr. Hubbard is a nephew of Mr,
Minnie St., when their eldest daughter, that are beginning to show Nvear.
teams was on the job all the time and ,and Irs. R. M. VanNorman also
Florence Hazel, became the bride of Mr. ..... ... . straining every muscle to win the game. Ider and Misse; Joe. and Celia
I Wilson Turner of Toronto, youngest Booty fanned three in the eleven innings, arc, on a motor trip to Grimsby, Niagara
fanned ten men. When and 'tiler point
The and Morde s. They are in attendance
son of Mrs. J. Turner of Chatham.
Rev. Dr. Perrie conducted the ceremony, Wingham broke the ice in the eleventh I at the Grimsby Old Boys Reunion this
, ek
and the wedding music was played by Mr. innings she made quite a splash and tallied J
Chas. VanNorman Jr., cousin of the bride. Why sure, it is none other than Night- five runs. F'OOTWFA F R
After the cermony a buffet'luncheon was watchman Lewis at work in his Apiary. The return game will be played in Miss Hvclyn Linklater is spending her MR 0 MERIT
,rnoon and holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. PHONE 23
served. Later Mr. and MrS. Turner left He has been an enthusiastic honey mer- Wingbarn this Wednesday af te Will. S.Linklater,in town. Intliefortner T%LJ
for a motor trip to D.-troit, Chatham and chant for over thirty years. This year his the weather is fine the crowd will be 09�;
if Umpire Witsm of Owen part of the summer Nliszi Linklater at' 2�_11 tV1NGHAMs.L_0NT- A
other points. On their return they will bees hale produced an average of 80 lb�., very large. tendzd the sumnier u_--sion for teachers vt
make their home at Apt. 1, 236 Ronaeg - per colony, Picture by courtesy of Low Sound will again handle the indtcator, and
velles Ave., Toronto, Ontario. doli Advertiser. he is a good one. Toronto VnivorsAy. viol