The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-18, Page 8T'11B WINGRAN ADVANCE V X X: V 7:100 V, 74 X 74: V X X X XMI I N! 11 K X 17-00 X 1A IV, X X X X Blyth Lucknow 14 Mr aod'NIrs. J. A. Taylor of Dutton J. Garnet Armstrong lias sol(I his drug lk, r4ft IV spent the wecl;.cr-d with reLtives in this store to Mr. A. A. DIcKitutil, of'rilsotiburg, S vicinity. I AY110 is now in Possession. M Mr. Thos. Crawford of Witirtilleg, J. Arthur Anderson, a brother of I e X Ar. Fall Silk t Man. titten 'iirii, jUlteral (1 hie sister. Get), Anderson, (tied in the Jewish ho,�, In4aw thelatf., Mrs. Robert Stalker, at pitalat $t, 1,041.5 On Irloildur, Ang, r. Mr. Pl�ft Auburn on Saturday. Anderson was 31 yc�ars of age. Ile is Ise Tiffin. nurse In training at Vid- Well remembered in Aslifield. having toila Pospitat, London, spent tier va;, it. Ic ell fuld Dress Uojods . NVK I'% U, been bora near Dungauno I w t lion with her parents at the Methodist to St in 1887 and was eagaged in A-, X parsonage. the laundry business, conducting it busi. C liess of his own oil quite an extensive I yll', - I . I - The Prize Lists for Blyth Fall Fair are scale. According to a 8t. Loui.q paper in 'X ' Silk Silk Tricolldtte, black, belpg distributed, one of the many spec. which an article on his death appeared. Forant;.kw black ial features is the School Fair under the Mr. Anderson was regarded as one of the Dress, buy Hanna's navy, collper, tonlato supervision of the Agr-cultural Society. most progressive and successful business P Heep this date in mind Sept 22nd and I Eli, s p c c ia I guaranteed peach, moth, for skirts 23rd, I inau of the vity. Duchess Satin 3.95 yd. and blouses .... 3.49 yd. X" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr and farmiy of Toronto, tire visiting friends here at 309 present. Mr. Carr has disposed of his business in Toronto. Mrs. Leonard Righnicy (11',lizabo'll Ai. M P Sleeman of Clinton, was in town tridgo) and daughter, Ruth of J$k4rolt, IrieLw days during the week. iting Barollette Sa t i lis Black leather Shopping Lo for a Mich., have rc turned home after vis extra With blis. Kranter anti Mrs. N1. Abram, heavy q u a lit\ bags, lilled with fall also Mrs. NIcEwen of Wingliam. 'rho widtfi, nc%vest thing for cretonne, extraspeclial ladius all being sisters. ; I Fdith b1cHwen and Lillian McEwiin of price ........... ... ..... , X I I Whitecliurch tieparate s-kirts i.iO yd. .00 911 \liss Thursa and Master Jimmie Mc- Wingbam, are visiting (rieuds and rela. Buruey ofTeeswater, spent the last two tive,; in tilis locality. weLks with theiraunt, Mrs. John McGee. Farmers are busy preparing the ground Pure linen old bleach guest towels, Irish fill- Miss vana Carr of flinghaiii, spent for fall wheat, lay with her cousiu,' 'Miss jean Dawt ported ............ ... .... . ........... S1.19 each. VQ Rev. -Mr. Kennedy has returited home after having a' few weeks holidays. -Rev. Honry Martin of Toronto, will Dick Whitfield spends a lot of Ills timil I Pure linen huckleback towelling extrj width 98c d. 7-0 occupy be pulpit !it the Presbyterian on the 10 con, these days and nights. W�! 1� church here next Sunday. J4 X Mrs, Wiglitin . an of Westrield, wondLr what tbeattractiva is? Mr. and . Y visited at the home uf NIr and Mrs, Plain %% hite embroider linen 48 in. Nvide 1 -75 vd, 9`7 ' ' A Andrew Fo\ ':'It Sull-IftV. VOTERS' LIST, 1921 j1 Arthur Mooit-- and Miss 'Nora Irs. Laces and dress trimmings. filet laces, fancy Falconer intend leaving oil Thurs(lay to Municipality Of The Town Of Wing. visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wellw'ood, collars, fancy camisole yokes. harn County Of Huron Orangeville. R�v. Mr. Agnew of T,ondon, will preach Notkol,; berobY given that Ib Iva.transmit. t or doliTered tothe inent,iored in A service.,; in the Methodist se.1.1tion 91of ilia Ontario V.17t,10111.1i List Act the universary church lier� oil Sundaj, August 28th, at copies rermired by said section t o be u-tinquill in 2 30 and 7.30. Ile it� a former White- ted or douverad of the list, Umda PUM, lan t to Nj Special Offering t h i s Week X 1 church bo o4d. act, of all pettions Pei-soiis apperviv by y the last revioed At-somnlent Roll o thel Ulu - NO, Miss jean Dawson visited with Mrs. c-pallty to be entitled to VOL6 In the said Tapestry Rugs Chas. Cook Lucknow, I,kst week, Muniolvailtyat elections for members of the A" Legislative A..�rsembly and at wuniotparj� Rio. Qaite a utiluber front Ivere visit it ctlons; atid thail (,fit- said lidt was flr,4t roited C', &3, 3.0�,:W, I-wices ............ ........... 15.00 to 28.75 6derfeb In the 0111 Hollie Week; the 15th day of ,�,jgaat, 1911, and romainm 4hare UP at "IS offloV M the Town of Winglimer oil, Mr. end Mrs. John er vigited for ItIRPect,ion. 1 11 nereby vaillavon all voters to �aka with Mr. Gen. Fal cotter an d fnanily, Cul- All' ross, on Sunday. lintnedi-te promed.b,,g* tolutyeany orrorr"r omIsAons correct efJdecordlng to law. W. A. GALURArru, 1�1r. and M -z. Fred Paterson ovvid fit mily 91lrk, Town of Wingliaz- of Hamilton, are visiting at the home of Dated this 16th day of August, UP2L. Z__2 I i Mr. Ren Pitter.R.9n. A A N A TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY VOT_ Langside and Whitechurel? baseball teams tied 7 - -, on Friday triglit here, ERS LIST FOR 1921 Whitecliurch plays at Langside oil. Tires - day night Nollice Is hereby given thaL I have tralls"- MUted or delivered to th emonsinentionedin 7, AIr and BIrs. Henry McGee spent, Stvll� section 9 of the ontario Vlopmrs' Lists Aol;, the dhY with St. Heletis 1rierids. e pies requlr�d by sdid,aectioms. to be so traw,- 'Glenannan Aliss Verna Barbour of Wingliantr is. Init,bed or deliv orid, of the flut, madiii pursuant Belgrave i ton -16 Act, of at! i3ersons "Pearing o& the and Mrs. Lockett of Toronto, spent Chcre were a number from these parts visiting with her aunt, krs. Ben Mc� last revised Asoessinent Roll,er the said uni. a, fem days with 'Mr. and Mrs. John 1,. took in the excursion, West, last Wednes, Clevagbati, lopalfty, to be ent,;Jed to -,role in the said day. Among those who went wcre� The duet by Mrs. Geo. A ndersou RII(I blunicipstuy at elections for Members of the Legislative A6sombly, an(t at� bilinicipal lalect, Messrs. Robert Muir, John Smith, Miss Belle Robertson of Lucknow at the- 101w, uAd that, the baid list was- first posted tip -Duncan Anderson, her grand- Wesley Metcalfe and James Campbell. Methodist church oil Sunday evening. &L mY of5ca in Turab -rry, on, th a i6th day of (I C.�ngalter and twu grandsons of Preston, ! was very much appreciated. August. 1921, and remain-, 1.11crolor insp� ction. at a week with Mr. act Mrs. F.4 Mr. Thos, Appleby is busy drauing I I And. I call upon Cho GICZEWS tO eXaM1110 tlid' 'brick from the Bluevale brick yard for i Mr. Fdwin Gaunt left on Wednesday said lists, and it any errors or omissions are their house. for the West, perceived therein, to have the ha4d errors or r. aLd Mrs. 1). McIver of Winni eg, Glad to see Mrs. J. Tiffin able to be ot"'Issions. corrected according.;LO laW, P Viss Hazel Mundell of Blueva!e, is out again, Dated� 0&� 16th day of Augavat., 1921. day with Mr. aud Mrs. J. A. POWELL 9.1 visiting Wer cousin Miss Irene 51undell. Maelon. f Clark of Township. of Tnrnberry. 2ft% and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Joe Mis's Mar�y Eadie is home from Holy- L5='bar and Bert Tasker left on a trip to rood. W.edhAt.77 �Zre &Vest last week. There was no service in Eadies' church Dr. Harding, father of the Ptesident of ni:zs Harper of Vancouver, and Miss j on Sunday as Mr. Tate is still away fol the United States, aged 777 years, was Icalurray of Toronto, are the guests of his holidays. r _Vr, and Mrs. Sam. Jordan. bliss Switzer of the West, is visiting at married liast week to his stMographer, S. Forsyth spent a few days in Mr. Colin Eadie's. Miss Alice Severns, aged 52 years : The -Frassels last week Miss Annie Metcalfe spent Sunday at aged doctor has practised medicine in the urrs. Adamson and little daughter, her home. village of Marion for over fifty years P margaret, is visiting with her m 3ther I and Messrs. William, and Leslie Bolt spent Dates Of Fall Fairs sv.kiter� Ifiss F. McRae. Sunday at Mr. Robt. Muit'�;. wingbaw ............... .... SepL 27-28 _Qr. and Mrs. Fred S-adrett of Tor- bliss Alba Johnston spent last week_i cinito, spent a few days with Nlr and with Miss E-iltbe Mvtcalfe. Bayfield.... x ............... Sept, 27-28 3-�ks. Win. Cole. Mrs. Win Lamb and children have te. Blyth .................... ...apt. 22-23 X. Dr. B. Anderson of Toleda, spent a, turned to their home at Toronto. Mussels, ....................... Sept: 15-16 i-- ,.,* A -a Mr. and Mrs.' Dungannon ....... ............. Oct. 6-7 .ys with his varents, bIr and Mrs. John Mitcbell, and Mrs. V, Amderson, James Wt.ir of Wingliam, attended the . ... .. T&ev. llones' mother and brother' are'funeral of Mr. Feiguwn in Howick oil .:.,. Exeter.. ................ &ph 19-20 2. -8 Goderich ...................... apt. 6 vilihng at the manse. Sunday. Xr, and Mrs.oLiver Anderson motored Gorgle ........................... October I cm rondon oil Monday. i Tannery Building Tor`��_bown Lucknow .................... Septt 39-30, -4ae Belgrave school house It ' s been It One of the thriving, industries of the How Drees It Read? * %�,_,mted to a coat of paint which improves early days in Teeswater has passedt s it The figures after your name on this paper will show to what date your sub:' ;appearance very much, Messers. a and Rnddy'of Wingham, did hasin many other small centrest being crowded d l: j;:: j;;; j;:: ii, 14 miption is paid. If in arrear&4 please 270rk. out by the larger ccrabines an I-raxvesting in this district is all finish- fluctuating prices which was the smaller remit by money order. regis'ered'16tter or aF. and thrashing in fUll swing. man's docm. ... chequt- at par. It will relieve us -of the - Rev. Peters and wife are away om their The tannery business in Teeswater has necesdty and cost of sending outr notites, ondays. ceased and the old building along t he r iver if you it il I aENn this suggestion at, once.. .Ijbss'jean Sht-ddea is spending a few has recently been raised and the better,1 Don't forget that the rate is SZ.00ial year with her grandparents, Mr. and .a pr�s. L. Stewart. portion of the brick in the building sale, ki advance ard $2.50 if not so paid'. -Mrs. Richmond of St. Jacob. 3 is visit- vaged and it will now go into the new Pretty Church Wedding itfg with Mrs. J. A. Brandon. addition of the Sacred Heart Church.-NeWs The following from the Ridgetown Plaindealer, refers to the marriage of a son of Mr. and Mrs. Farry 1 -kyles of ,,,aA*jft&**Wft hov"O&OF" VVN-00%0% +his town: -A ver tt wethfin took 0. . �. .A. ,*0dftg %ran) 410thes HANNA & CO. Clothing b "tore for. Men and Boy Stilts - N e %v fall Samples of the 20th Century and Society Brand Clothes, See these samples f or a new, tailored suit a t popular prices this sea. son. Fit guaranteed. 8Xclusive Clothiers and Furnishers for Men and Boys. Soon to be at the Lvecutil Theatre. Milk Snake In Pantry A Mildmay lady received an unpleasa shock on Tuesday of this week, t; thoughts of which still cause her to sh der, In preparing dinner, she went the pantry for some provisions, and w confronted by a milk snake coiled up the table, with its head alert. She u not long in beating a retreat, and calli her husbanJ, they despatched the rept with the broom. How the snake gain entrance into t he house is a mystery, b it is certain that any further visitt of t nature Will not be visy welcome, -Mi may Gazette, Trurnble's Widow!Wling Mrs. Clarence Beverley Trumble, wid of Beverley "ilabe" Trumble, Sandwi innkeeper, shot and killed last fall Rev. J, 0. L. Spracklit), then Onta License Inspector wag arranged be Police Magistrate Gundy in Sandwich I week, charged with selling liquor. The charges arose but of a brawl Augnst 3rd in the Chappell House. $a wich, Mrs. Trumble's roadhouse, place where her husband was kil Magistrate Gundy, after hearing police story, remanded Mrs. Trunible .a weeic to permit of the obtaining further evidence !it the case. j t- j F, place in the Baptist Church here yester- day when Edna May, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Kennpdy, wa&given in marriage to Mr. William Hayles. of Walk- erville. At the appointed hour of two o'clock, the bride, leaning o i the arm of her father, took her position neath a weddinj arch banked with golden glow ,and ferns, while the wedding march was being played by Mr. Charles Dun- kley. The ceremony was performed by nt the pastor. Rev. J. F. Dingman, Miss he Beatrice Kennedy, sister of the bride, was d bridesmaid. while Mr. Wilfred Jones, to supported the groom. Little miss Irene as Wilson made a charming flower girl. Tne on ushers were Robert Kennedy and Earnest s Lawton. The bride was handsomely atr ng tired in satin chartneuse with white ired- lie escent beads. and veil and orange blossoms ed and carried a bauquet of Ophelia roses and ut baby's breath. The bridesmaid's costume his was of pate green organdy with hat to ld- match, and she carried a corsage bouquet of sweet peas. The flower girl was dress. ed in pale pink georgette. Mrs. Ding. OW man, wife of the pastor, sang, "Roses" in ch a very sweet voice during the signing of by tfie register. The groom's gift to the do bfide was a gold mash bag, to the brides. dre maid. a gold bar Vin, to the groorrismald a ast pearl stick pin, to the flower girl a signet ring and the ushers cuff links. After the on ceremony the wedding party repaired to nd. the home of the bride's parents which the had been beautiful decoraeed for the led. occasion and a buffet luncheon was served. the Mr. and Mrs. Hayles left on the evening for train for a wedding trip to Toronto, of Niagara Falls and other points east, and on their return Will reside, in Walkervillo. Thursday, August 18th, 1,921 AU G E S, E 0 0 � A 41 *0 *ne -big cloosilftg day. 7 t. N e3l kr t A rV F In the Queens Ho'tel Cornew #P IV We are. combing our stock of every pair that h as been bought bef ore 1921 and 'will offer them. at Marivel-10%usly LOW Pig, e%6 I C Ilia: -We Hn- W1 L 4j"Lo' S Worsteds, in neat dksigas and. pod colors, at.,,o namy- sevges. Reduced prices ave - Reg. $25 Suits for, 16,60 - Reg. $35 Suits fair 22.95 Reg. $40 to $45. for 29.50 Reg. $48 to� 1,560 for 34.50. Gents' Furnishiing and Work Clothi�s greatly reduced. Percale shirts, Silk. shirts, hats, caps, necitwear, suspenders, pyjamas, etc. Speeial Of ices 1.98 to 4.95. RAINCOATS Men's Tweed Gaberdine Raincoats, I which may also be worn as a fait coat, all sizes, latest styles. Re- duced...... ............................. 20 to 30% ODD. PANTS Strong Wearin Pants of English Worsteds ant Tweed. Special prices at.... $2.19, 3�.95, 4.39 and 6.95 OVERALLS 171'xtra full sized bib and pant over- alls, smocks etc. Peabody and Leather L a b e 1 mattes. R e 9. ... 1. 1 .... ................. _$3.50 for 2.00 WORK SHIRTS Strong Work Shirts at prices which mean big savings to you. Prices., ...... � $1.19, 1,29 1.69 and 2.49 SOCKS AI�DIJNDERWEAR Light, Medium and Heavy Weight Garments, suitable for all clim. ates, Reduced,.6 ................. 20 to 50% SMATER COATS The season is now on for these garments in Coats and Pullover styles. Pri.ces ............ $2.25 to 7.50 KING BROS. Terms, Cash. Phone 71. Vkllvzxz,�vxxzxxxxxzivzxzxzxxxzxxxzxzxzxzx 5pe(c3cally'. Pri%.-es Aveduce.J' Men's Clothing,�, Work Clathtess, Furnishl"Ags The offer is for this we,& only, and an opportunity.- for the men.. Wh. Q� an-- ticipate going to the Canadian West for the., liarmest wo'rk, you carx. easily Same you travlelling exp�tmes by taking -advanifage. of this offer. SUITS. Cloti-ting of �ood mateviat cut �m the latest styles, suikuble for travelling a nd rou& wear, We, lothes include En,11ishi TAv-tis Worsteds, in neat dksigas and. pod colors, at.,,o namy- sevges. Reduced prices ave - Reg. $25 Suits for, 16,60 - Reg. $35 Suits fair 22.95 Reg. $40 to $45. for 29.50 Reg. $48 to� 1,560 for 34.50. Gents' Furnishiing and Work Clothi�s greatly reduced. Percale shirts, Silk. shirts, hats, caps, necitwear, suspenders, pyjamas, etc. Speeial Of ices 1.98 to 4.95. RAINCOATS Men's Tweed Gaberdine Raincoats, I which may also be worn as a fait coat, all sizes, latest styles. Re- duced...... ............................. 20 to 30% ODD. PANTS Strong Wearin Pants of English Worsteds ant Tweed. Special prices at.... $2.19, 3�.95, 4.39 and 6.95 OVERALLS 171'xtra full sized bib and pant over- alls, smocks etc. Peabody and Leather L a b e 1 mattes. R e 9. ... 1. 1 .... ................. _$3.50 for 2.00 WORK SHIRTS Strong Work Shirts at prices which mean big savings to you. Prices., ...... � $1.19, 1,29 1.69 and 2.49 SOCKS AI�DIJNDERWEAR Light, Medium and Heavy Weight Garments, suitable for all clim. ates, Reduced,.6 ................. 20 to 50% SMATER COATS The season is now on for these garments in Coats and Pullover styles. Pri.ces ............ $2.25 to 7.50 KING BROS. Terms, Cash. Phone 71. Vkllvzxz,�vxxzxxxxxzivzxzxzxxxzxxxzxzxzxzx