The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-18, Page 60
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, �7�-_,' _.—
� 11 I ,,�!� v _-1 --.---- Picking Applea. found in many ziarti of Qtnadu, 0.qve-
- -, d; at some points
1I 111111111" .,.-- �,/ .— I ,�� . � . I cially III the 10,41',st all, 'rhe Sunday School Lesson
I - Ili .�_ .11 ant opera-
1he winghm Advance 1 U ��Z- ._Z�.;;_'. - i . :X. .. I one of the most imporU t farm ial in Britiffli, Columbia. Some exists In I .
— I— 1q.1 ,� �, I - I . tiGns per4ormed on the frul Manitoba In the ,vleinity 0.4 like -3 I
- '7= %I , -, I tho
-,;�; "L Q I Ze% picking ,of tho fruit, buxase in Winuireg and Winnipegosis. ON101-- GUST 21.
Publishea at '), ) � - � I
li 11 _!,� I,.' I I .1 many caseajhe next year's crop of al)- liviso ih�ro is noue available on the I
willigham, Ontario 11 . � .1 ples dopend"I on the way the apples I I
� "'. :.� I 1"�' prairies. Whit is known aD lime kiln p R pr,r qeSt.
� ,P Acts 15: 1-16: 5.
r,very Thursday Morning are picked. By -all racarm do nut al- refuse is Bometimea 's-0111 as OAP'110111-1 4= ,1,ayeo for World C04,qV
�&. G. SmrrH, Publi�-,her " , '"�w I _. ,low the anple I&Ircr to pick two. years, I tural Lime," but the �idvlce is tender-: Galown Tc,;A—Aet
, ,
Stt; ar, - . erop of apples during one season? -.s should, be made only� V,,,a,,t1,,,,,, J.i.T,,,_1h, one grcat Paul and Barnabas had st.1unch
,rJJ)tJon rate$� ()ntN �d, that purchum
. . yc� wilio'll iLJ often doma if the apple Pick- r,,n analysis as to the percentage ,of ,
,,42.00; six moaths, $1,00 in advanco. �,L . lz� er is unt careful in pIcRint,, the fruit. favt which ij1j,,,3 fj!st ,a4vc,atiu:e of the frionds and I 'orter$ in the Antio-h
Advertising rates on application. �1'1, I N�W. IF&E -I � __ quick lime, embonate of lime, etc.,' alI (�f (girl �t into the gi,eat world church, but thueVsi, tronlole-makers from
. , �,, should never be leanedl -
- I on a good la�er, this �1101'0'�l � ' iuL I
Advertisements without tyeellh. di- .. The h ldcr . pres nt. Thethief objectsoof the ap- out�ide of Valei�i - and, Syria proved Jerazalem must also 4avo bad t4 fol -
we bid Piching the Profit PrOncerS. - bone. I into U tree, if it is pol�sflhl,e to avold �
,ctlons will be Inserted until for I lication of limv, orr,arbon-ate -of lime, � was that GentlIcs as well as Jowa lowing. There vms grave danger that
eon4parative�l e it. Fruit spurs often. cover the groun-I p wls�pel, ,aud that the little Christian community would
"Peultry cullinf�' is a ,,, ,110 flexible and in liew to the teach RTO the iif utralizati,on of Sourness, and - were ready for the P,
4ind charzed aewr4laglY. 1 should feel Aill, warn, and life-
Chaugc,% for contract advert!,,e- ly recent addition to the voc,.buln.ry `Wl under, such conditions; and,not Only the improvement of the ni"hanical; wherever they lina gone men of all be reut audtorn by dissension. It was
rm, vlrevdly, li-ke. On heii.9 o,f the bck-fY type, this is the crop for the Succeeding year I races had listened eagerly to tbeir decided, th�ereforo, that Paul ancl,
mionts be, in tho, oface by i1con, ��011- of the poultrynian. This tc � .hUO developed" damaged, but ,opening% for disc,ase are 'Condition of soils, The ehaTActeriz,tic, miossage, liad bellevea and, entered Parnabas should go to Jerusalem unto.
day. means much to the poultry '.i�dusiry-: Part of the 41i,li`10111y, w of the soils that ,,:hould be fteated. .,are,, into tbe hoilsehold of f alth, 'R es a ,a elders about this.
. hard and, lifel:es,s to the t0atch. left in' the tree itself. The act of pick- , his the apostl n
m as poultry calling bas become the beit � is pointed out aiii the influence of lime iii-mirt aurely, df Chrietianity were to question. At first informally, and
' _
M1L______.__.____-_ _,_ and most certain meanact elimina4',ng; To properly determine the capacity ing is a very simple ,one if ,correctly explained. The comparative value'J be triumpliant, that the -world of the then to a formal, ,gathering of the
BUSENESS CARDS from poultry raising the enorwollVand quality of the *gg Sack, tbO bird done. A Amplo twisting movement of the diffeTent kinds are set forth as future would, not be a Jewish world leaders of the church, they told, their
_______� kak,q -wbich have stood in the way of mus)I; be properly handled. Unless she up and down on the fruit removes it well *a the methods of -application. only, and, that the long expected sal- story. Their antagonists were there
We � Hingtoll Mutual Fire ,-ueecss and profit. i is properly balanced in handling, In- from the tepar without loss of stern ' Attention is ,given to the us e, �,aiid mis- vation woaid embiii-ce both Gentile also to -present their ease. In Jeru-
Insurance Co. Poultry culling may be well com-'correct conclusions might be derived'. and this easy removal -is usually a fair use of lime and results from dv,talled and Jew. It meant the' yielding of salem practically everybody kept the
Established 1840' pared with the Babcock test of the. Hold her firmly in the right band,, indication of the maturity of the fruit. experiments. .A table shows the com- these national airop,Es and ambitions Jewish laws, Ste that the feeling must;
III and. support,ing ,her weight The stein may be broken without 'hurt- position of 11rhestone found, in four- which the Jews held, so tenaciously, have been largely against the two
Head office, Guelph . e,.Alryman. By the use'of the Babcock bw brave missi I
I by the fir4gers, while the thumb grasps Ing the sa,l�ability of the fruit but in order to find a larger hope and a ,onaries. Ata critical me-
ftisl�s taken on all ela.9ses of jnSur- t&st and the seales, the dairyman has the left thigh. Held in this Way, the should never puncture the Skin oT be teen places in New Brunswick, nine inare vplendid vinbition in the pro8- ment Peter came to th,-Ir aid by tall -
able -property on the cash or premium been able to eliminate the star boar4- t hen makes no effort to escapeand the pulled out of its socket. in Quebi�e, six in British Columbia, p.ect of , united, world, the old barriers ing the Story of his visit to the Roirian
note system ers from his herd, Before it came in measurements for capacity and qual- The receptacle selected. for pieking I nine in Noy,a Scotia and ten in On� broken down, and peace, brotherhood, Cornelius, and, how Cornelius and,
ABNER COSENS,, uze, it was difficult for the dairyman , ity can easily be made with the left should prevent kill bruising, as for es taTio. Prince Edward Island is also and. goodwill talong the ,place of en- those with .him had been baptized and,
Wingbam to determine w1iial of his cows were i shown to have deposits, mity rtrife and hatred, It is no won- had received the Holy Spirit.
-1 -n4, .; -.,-u — hand. The right leg should be free, possible, and,sbouldgive ease in hand- (I-er �&t iiie telling of their story The decision of the Counzil was
Victory �nd Other Sands Bought znd
Office—MayDr Block, Wingharn
"�' hen that has bright yellow legs
'�-i been low or to say
,Mrnay to Loan at Lowest Rates.
, I
D.D.S., L.D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the
penneylvania. College and Licentiate
of Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Office in Macdonald Block.
. Graduate Royal College of Dental , ,
Surgeons '.
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty cf Dentistry
__ .
W. R. 11901FAva, M.D., C.M.
special atten,tion paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work in Surgery, Bac-
terIology and Scientific Medicine.
Office ii -i the Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P.O. Box 113
Dr. Robt C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
L.R.C.P. (Lond).
<Dr. ChishoWs old stand)
Gradiiate of University of Toronto, I
paoulty of Medicine, Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Surgeons -
Office Entrance,
Second Door North of Zurbrigg's
Photo Studio.
Town and Farm Properties. Call and
Sea my list and get my prices. I have
Some excelleatvalues.
1. .
Phone IPA Office in Town Hall
by the distance hC1w,rcen flw keel bone 1 Tli,o mcdifled. niethed,vaid to be Just
rod4 ng a pro I -,.-- gbook the church both at Jerusalem spoken by James, who. was a brother
auses o -I logses. In the same way the as otherwise a cramped conditio?, of -ling. Theoretically, it would teem —
iractice of poultry culling enables I the abdomen may result and a proper that bags or canvass bottom jails . and. Antioch, and that those who held- of Jesus ancl the acknowledged head
he poultryman to sel,ect the 'hens determina,tion could not be made. Mr- wouad'be the best for picking, but . the old, and. narrow natiorral idea of the. Jeeusalem, church. Ile recalled -
rhich are his best layers, those which Foreman says that "capacity Indicates (practically such is not thoe cas,e. T%ere should, have been stirred to active the fact that the ancient prophets had
iave a fair capacity for laying and the rate of yolk elaboration all, the' Is a bad tendency among pickers to C�ff� apta,glondsm. The opposition wbich foretold not only the restoration of
04awe Paul now encountered was to follow the Jewishikingdoni, the tabernacle of
also those of which it imght be ,Said Cycle of production, but the quality ,Jet the fruit fall into the receptaclet Every year during July, Aar,�-ust him with inexciasing 4itterness for David, but also that the Gentil-ca
that it would be throwing money away Of the egg sack determines the rythm and this is Gne of the maily ways by and .September a lot of sows which years.. should,, with the residue of men, seek
or the number of months the ben will w1neh a great deal. of fruit is in-jured produced spring litters 09 'Pigs are many
to feed except for fattening purposes. Wihen Paul, with his little company after the Lord. The ,council enjoined
The business of poultry raising has be productive." during the ,,,picking operations. Bags sent to market. Some of thern are of missionaries, readhed Pisidian An- only that Gentile Christians should,
often been a haphazard affair. The General observa.tions willbelp much allow the -fruit to be damaged by not well fattened before shipment. t IS tioch., he found bimself on the great for the sake of peace M unity, ab-
ew hens that were kept would be in selecting a productive hen. A busy protecting it against 'bruising when are simply allowed to round out on -Romanroad which rain east and west Stain from cevtain things which were
is usually a pro- coming in contact with the ladder or gTass ,and sent to na,arket only partly through Ams -la, Minor, along which peculiarly offensive to their Jewish
thrown feed of indefinite quality and happy, singing hen neighbors and fellow Christians (vv.
quantity and often provided unsuit- ductive one, and one which moults late tree. When bottomless bags are used, finished, where they are known as came heavily leden, caravnns� and Ro-
at houses both from the standpoint is one which will usually fill the egg the pickers will often let the fruit i,gra3s w1dows." man legionaries, and inany a tratv4�ller 20, 21). Letters were written -and sent,
. and, scholw Seeking to know more of by two trusted men to the ChristiaTIs.
of sanitationand protection from the basket. Early moulters usually take shoot into thebarrel. with a great deal The,mrcasses, of Such hogs are Suit- the world *� their time. With these of Antioch, in, which of Paul
weather. Such Conditions would make a great part of the season to do their of lorce, thuseausing agreat deal of alge for the production of mess POTIE he !must sometimes have conversed' and Ba=abas was Commended. A
t Impossible to produce profit from moulting and- will not be productive damage to the fruit. and lar& rather than for ,sale as fresh ama. we can irniagine his gaze turnea great victory had -been won for Chris -
even the best hens. At first we learned until the next spring. On the other 0 . meat, They sei,t aita big discount be- Westward to the ri,ch cities a , the tian. faith end freedom.
of properhousing and the uie of egg- band, late moulters have undoubtedly low well finished barrows and. Smooth Lycus valley, to Ephesu% the great 15. 36-16: 5. Let us go again.
laying rations and through thelse -we been busy in egg production during Lime in Agriculture. "Butcher bogs" usually seaptat, meeting place of eaa and The victory was won, and the way
use of lime in proper quantity, Y*umg S owe' �e Gen -
would obtain increased egg ydel&-� but the summer, therefore 'have -put their The ,advance in price during the latter Part west, to the Ehips which sailed over was open for the apostles of th
wenever could got down to what may moulting off until fall. They usually in Proper quality, and 'at the' Proper of the summer but grazgy sows ad- the sea to Greece and My and far- tiles to continue their work. They
be caUed, effieiei�py in poultry raising moult quickly and st,a,t kying again ,�Jme will prove beneficial to most vance but little after ea;r-IY July. off Spain, and to Athens and, Corinth could- -go everywhere now, with th&
"prices sons, Used otherwise, its effects are and. Rome. Already he must have full con -sent and accord of the great
until the poultry culling miethod be- when egg am up. , — 0 __ entertained the hope of Some day car- leaders and founders of the Churab,
have.sent th,ar moSt the reverse. That there may be no , that and open the door wide to, their Gen -
came thoroughly established. MAnry farmers the ,subject, Is y farm losing its fertility? , rYtng his vietolious gospa along
Poultry .Selection is based upon the productiveliens -tethe'Mawket at the lack of knowledge on e Depart. OUT What? Let your westward- road, and of -winning the We converts. In Christ there'*wv to
conformation of the been and her time they cull them out 'in, early fall'- there has been issued -by tb Did you do, it? Roman empire forChrist, be no more Jew nor Gentile --all were
ment of Agrdculture at Ottawa a re- son in US a Partner In the f aTm 15: 1-35. Certain men which Caine to be one in faith, whatever -difference
physical Condition. One of the most The usual practice has.been to Save ised- edition of a bulletin entitl�d ,business. down from Judea. These were Jewish of practice or Custom, or luw thOre:
inil3ortant indications of the condition the best booking hens and to market ',,Lime in Agiiculture�" in which the I C_ Converts, who held, that all -%,he believ- might be. The -%way was open, for a
of the hen is the head. A study of its these which may look Somewhat Dominion Cheniist, Dr. , F. T. Sbutt, ed, in Jesus shou3d conXerin. to the triumphant progress of the gospe-1 to
conformation will show many valu- straggly. A hen that has been.'active -has dealt comprehensively with the DO not stop with the spraving Of Jewisch laws. For them faith in all t -he nations.
able points that will be substantiated- inegg production is usually not in the dairy cows, Calves will not make them was not enough for salv,%tion. The thought of Paul turned now top
by other exanidnaCens. For instance, -best phyrAcal condition, -because egg -subject. From this bulleti'a it is the III not -it the Gen- the. young and Struggling Christian
learned that there -are -several ,classea proper growth, beef -animals wi, I The atia, and be pro -
,g were willing to adm
ler fea- [-A�l if the Gentiles would submit
if you find a healthy, refined head,, you production is a great otrain. I a wi nut be a: - e communities, In Gal
��ill be quite certain, to -find a Similar thers may noit be as handsome as of lime, such as quick lime, bumt lime, gain flesh ,and b'Qrs4e '11 �bemselves to, the Jenvish customs, and posed to Barn-abalsi that they -should go
caustic limc,,Steno lime, etc., also that to do their maximum am0untof wo,rk in, particular to carcunicisloa. and visit them. Perhaps his thought
body back of it. A 'head, which indi, those of the hen that has been u star stoneol excellent quality Is to belif they are forced to fight flies. I reached out beyond them, too, to the
' 1 road that ran west-mand to the X-gean
cates feminisni., iritelligenpe and, alert- b�oarder, but; -she gets results. Jm this "Tile - ------ �
ness is one which will be found on all respect we can fitlyrecall the expres- — Sea, to Ephesusand Smyrna, and the
of the heavy producers. The skull Sion, "Fine feathers do not always on the Farm otheir Greek cities, and the islands and,
should be moderately narrow and the make fine birds." Why Wom -en Stay coast beyond,.
face lesn and delicate. A wide skull There is every reason why the I The contention, vrMSch arose about
with hanairo- evob.rows and. an indi- -P ... 1- --i-e—hems and -6he most . John Mark,, could not be.settle-1. He
0_" �
cation of falty wTimkles is common To of .them do, ,should become acquainted
the kind of bird, which will put on with this method ,of poultry tselection.
flesh rather than. to pmduce eggis,- I -n practicing it he has eve"thing to
Ftrefexeiice should- be .given to the hen gain ,and nothing to lose. Whereas, lu
with an Oval eye 'which zh'Ows Pon- by the ,old method he is virtually
siderable of the eye membrane direct- throwing money to the winds when he s
1-y in front of the eye -ball. The jaw is feeding a lot of .hens that produce c
should be refined,, and. not thick and losses instead, of profits. I
heavy �-et. The beak should, be -short It is understood,p of course, that
and, strong and slightly ourve-d, and poultry eallhng will not take the place
the distanoe from the eye to thebeak of proper -housing and good care. It
should be short, a me an
The ,comb Should-, indicate a good oTa"y ehn"nates the w Ste of tI d
healthy red. ,and should, be of good size: money in ,giving proper housing and
for the byeed. When a -hen is laying gbod,mre to hensthat will never pro- d
or is read)r to .lay, her comb ain,d wat- duce a profit, On the other Mnd, It
tles ore Plump and full ,Of blood and stands to -reason that a, hen, which fills
slicul, d have a ,somewhat waxy feeling "'-'I of the' good -laying requirements" c
, unless she is given the food 'with
to the touch.. Whenshe. is not la)KnF, which to produce eggs anda house in
.�b,e has a shrunken comb which is
pale in Color and haTd,, and I, usually which -to live that is sanitary and
Covered -with whitish sc;ales- A very protects 'her from the elements, can- 't
dark comb is. usually an indioatiloil of not do -her full duty. �
� sease. A hen that -has a crew type During the isurnmer when the hens
di . B
of head- will never be a producer and have 'Opportunity to Pi'Ok their living,
she might as well be C=Arned to �'he caTeshould be taken to give them Suf-
market crate right uwaY. fident extra feed, to keep them*In good ,
On the yellow legged bixdl, the 1119- shape' Egg production very frequent- '
mentation test is also of value to ly falls off during the sunimer, be-
dote=iine tile laying qualities of the dauve the hens are -not getting suffi-
hen, especially her past' TeCOrd. It cient feed, to maintain their bodies and
, -
is a rroven fact that the yellow legged' I produce eggs. An ,examination of
bird will "lay out" the yellow C0,110T; many farm flocks would, .show that the
".I � 1k -1.11-A
If you are one of the. many women
,hose work ds made ten -times as ,hard
A need be by an inconvenient ki . t-
-ten and, a misplaced pantry, this
tory of how another farm woman
emapletely .eiianged� her ,home by M07 -
a paTbrbion along five feet, and
Liniinatkng the ,pantry altogetheT,
my give you an ildea. -of how you cm
ven*me some of your difficultes,
lou wouldn't lbelieve unless You Saw
; how much,differenov Just changing
iat Partition and- altering the Posi-
ion of stoves, tables and cupboards
ould make in a day's work. .
Mrs. Baird. owned the kitchen. It
o -as much such a kiUhen as the av-
rage farm. kitchen, too ,Small for all
e things which should be In it. In
act, it was thesummeT kitchen, with
la that implies in the way of moving
toves twice -a year, and, having to, see
- �,
— ___ -, - I- " I . ., - .
, " I
coTner. - A do10T 'led from the 1(itcheai
onto the porch.
The alteration wag inlade by taking
five feet off the large, dining -room.,
thus making the kitchen irregular in
shape, but ghring room to bring Vae
cupboards from the pantry into this
workroom. Not all, the Spate taken
from the dining -room -Was needed, forr
kitchen slace, so this was made inbo
a closet for the inguld outside gax-
ments, the entmaice being just at the
south of the door between ,kitchen
and dining-Toom.
In the ,old. arrangement of rooms
Owe were no cupboa±ds- in the kit,oh-
on. Dish" and supplies were all
kept in the pantry, the oh -Ina, in ,cup-
boards whichranged, &wn the kitchen
side of the pantry to the pass, window.
The flour ibin and broad shelf were on
the opposite side under, a wihdow
which looked out on a screened -In
porch. .
0-;4,_e_V�11 ) . 6 ? 0 00 I
0, 10
00 '10, I r
49A - I 0 0
I'll; _0
---- * " ,PORCN
mzzl n
Iup by t --m. pantry door,the cupboards Nvas, nearly related to BaTnabas, who,
Icom,6ng out of the coat closet in the was naturally ready to forgive him for
kitchen. ' having left ibein on the first journey.
But Paul would; not take -him again.
A ,door which in the old arrange-
ment, iled from the pantry to the cellar
has lieen utilized -to give -an outside
eutrance, to the bathroom ,so that
wowknien may enter that room and
wash up� without, botheiing workers
in, the kitchen.. This do -or opens initoa
Iltt�e vestibule, which opens out up -on
the sexeened4n. porch, The window in
the old Pantry has been, made into, a
half -window in the niew b0hroom.
I The electric light system and, the
pump lorr the water ;supply are in a
, Cellar under the katchen, ,which, being
separated from the vegietable ,cellar
is �sulways dAean and is utilized as a
laundry. Water, pumped from the
well by a. vindmill .is stored in, a
Storage cistern underground outside.
The Pump is autonvaitic, Starting when
J00 a 4r11
Long afterward we.know that -he was
reconciledto Mark,and that Mark -was
Nvith him in, his Rmnan P-Tisoll (Col.
4: 10 end 2 Tim. 4: 11). The frdends
pa-rted, ,and Paul took with him Silas
(or Silvanus),one of the two me�ssen-
gers who had- been sent with the let -
tars of the J"usalem council to An-
tioch (15: 22). This time he w6t,
overland, travelling northward and
wo5tward, from Anlioeb.
Tim,Aheus, or n1imothy, was a na-
tiveof Lystra, a young intan who bad
been led to faith ii� Jesus ObAst upon,
Paul's flist visit to th�,,t city, Of bis,eT and, ,grandmother Paul speaks,
in a letter w,tatten many years later
(2 Tim. 1: 5). The company of three
went on, visitingand encouraging the
'I con enience in the hitchen.
These dingramsp befork) and 44er r c;norleling, show Inconvenience OW"A f0d to V -
._________, _ ,________. . _.—..____-_. - . . ---
your dining-Toom oteanwil up in the The CuPbuardD were torn ,out of thO �.-110 tank, ;w,hich holds only a Pailful,
winter months with oo,okery, The,pantry and talmn to the IcItchan, �- in ompUed,
pantry, as,you can 600 by Studying the soco,ntl window,,hiari cut through alonw,�- An dleettle washing machine, elea-
first illustration, opened oR tho din. oido the other, ,and a work -shelf Nvit)h tL,iq ,V.acuam el,saner, and electric Iron
fng�room, Them waan't 4 dooV into I clip'board;s beneath bul% along this en- are , among the labor -Saving devices
It f rom the Idtahen, Just a llttl,o ,poa.* , tire ncfrbh wall, with tb�a exception ol w,uich makes life on the Baird farm
window through which 616-heii and. i�p�,co emugh for the isink and cistern easy, but In opite of thelso conven-
foo,d might .,be Put, J?Iour b1n, and I punip, The door loading onto tho porch Ien6w Drto, BuIrd doelares that If Eho
moul&lag ,board wer,o, In the pantry, I VA,5 wallea vo and board�5 13)URt in could have but one--olectricity or run -
This -meant that cn bi*lng a,ayfj In t1*3 ntc$4, with flour Ulu and moul,& ning Water--ohe wo,ii,J& take the water.
summer, you stood -in the pantry to Ing i1yowid Toenea-bb, "is brirga the "Nobody knows Unless thoY-havo,
ci y to bakap an4 thingo for bakIng qlLogetilror, The old W. , to go without it, just what run -
while YOU 1111ght put tlWra, tht(MITh pantry wa,a tbeil ,eonvorted, Into a IvIng iWatep means to a housoloceper,"
the ,w4ndow Into the IcItob4n, you lia4 134throw, Tho Tange was ineved Iront A1,10 �Jiya�, "You 0awt imagine lit
to rtravel ar4und,aut; thoTo tb.",ugh ito poejt�ioil by slio �aWng--rooaft 1wall, much Water ,I -t takeg to do the day's
tho dining Toom to get OWM Into the ana, oel; next t,ho bo,t1imom wall, where Work oil 0 farm, especially a dairy
o7ell, It inesAt no 00d a f4t-46 that ,001111ec*lon could, 1b,o emily niade with farm I�lko ou,rij, with all the milk cans
shouldn!t ib4) tAkon, and MrS, Balrd. tho )io,t, w4tov tauk in the lattxx room. md p4116 emd atftin6ra to care for.
being 4 proirrewAw Ww woman took The tanU Wao o�noed In -the bathroom We V%ed. t6 U;aye a Jax w" held
steps 14 ellinjiiate thoal, to 0*WI4jt ifn ih�dng IL, as the house tWenty.jlvo igsliono, and -Was flirled
'rho ,old kitdh6n, i;% pou will ",a, NO i10 ftsillce, from -the windmill, but "i0y -a da3r
was a rectangle, akut 11x12 feet, Vie T,b,q ,ta-W, ,1itbI4 used go the work, wo emptled- thloand hO t6 We morl
ravige ,Ftood 6gainat 0A V411 BePm,at:� she,,, unde,.r *
I wlii,dowo take,3 its Water, Now Just to turn- 4 t4p, 4=1
Ing the Iritchen from tho,alning-roamo vqmo, waa put dn the space to the ld-t h"O '411 the Wut" you "M to ran
Itho s4n-k %"o In tWo farthoob cornkir tby of ,Iho,djn1-h$,To,", With the o4l otoVe out 0eeans to me a owater 1I
the Pantry Well- 7%0 tab'16 'WVG on the O'A the vrCh 4& ,01 thlo vI In 00er tl*u OV611 tho 0INtr10 WI
oppoSite wall uWor one window, aod tho d1rA9g_3t0or4 4 4jW .clo"t VMS ftwAino, though I wouldn't want
and the hot Wat& tmhk tIlled wther I Wgt on the V011 opwo formerly taitoTi give tb4tt up now, olthm.11 .
In. last wesVs lesGon we -,a.w ,how -
Paul ,and Barniabas were horrified,
jvhen men thought they were 9.0ds..
"We also are men of li,ke passi,ons
tesited. To -day's
lesson teaches how true those, word,,4
were. Apostles, livadeo�� though they
were they were veTy,huinaae, and rc�r-
li,n,p�� it is a gacd tht!n,,,,� �or um that
we have this :R,occunt �. I the sbarp
diffCTente Gf Opi1111011 Which t001C Plac'e-
Scme peo.r,�o cre vcry ford of talking
- ae%', an
al)out the "gc.oA Old tin .d the
wondc.ful people who, live,J long ago.
They di:sp,a.r,qgje everythiii- nio,dlern
^ I p -mise ev -
MV irything whicl� happeped
in tile past. If Fuch,pcople would juBt
take tleir Now Tosl5nien's and rP,,_1J
ove-e tha Acts of the Apo,,��io3 or anme
of the e,.ns,tle.-, ,whi�,.h h1d to b3 Writt;n
to corr;�_,�t grave abugen, they wou.'d
n. -,t rave so inueb ab,rat the past. �.
Alexander Maclaron used to ,-ay
il,,at on:2. of the surt--A,pronfs of the
truth of the iBble was it -4 Perfect
camlour. We all know what it is to
rond a hook of fiction, in which the
hero conduct,4 himself ra that there
ic, 11cver a flaw to, be found chhei In
his convers,ition or hb conduct. The
hcroe3 of the pliblo are net FeL f,-rtli
in thot light. If Moves lose�, hin tem-
per an,i s-ti-ilres a rock we --re told
about It. If Elijah bozomca depresReJ
ana cowardly we have an account of it�
If lob loses -big vationte and Divid
heq purity we ,have a -full recital of
the events dawn to. the most Ockonlng
details, And -,o 'here In the New
Testament we re.lxi of the in,00ns.isten.
cles us we'll as, the niagnIfiwnt here -
isms of Peter and Paul and llarnqtbaI:�,
and many Other SeTvantg of Gol
— ,.S --
Imperial . Fruit Exhibition.
Vintries 0 the Impeirl,al Fruat Exhl-
bition close September 80th. All en,
tries and entry fees In the Ovareeas
and Drittsh tinpiro Sections must be
In the -hands of the Fruit Rtanzli, N�
pArtment of Agriculture, Otbawa, oyk
or before September 20th.
Wfll,�h Empire afid Overseas ex�
Libits must ,bo entirolty sep,vato.-
0, W. Baxter, VrvAt Commiiis,loner,
IA dairy gotia sliould, huyo it tilo, W,
III, t4 At Col. afford a %Ile can at,
ford, 14%112r4om� - I . .W .
in, her 1,egS, around the vent, the W&t-
I hens are 1,oc, n o even a
tles, and in the ring around the eyes.
I normal.
J A'-S� F4OX D. C.:, D. 021
"�' hen that has bright yellow legs
'�-i been low or to say
A ben properly selected ,and proper -
I ly caTed for will produce as much for
0 o 7 �
a producer,
the least, has bem resting for a long
the time and trouble involvdd as any-
Chiropractic locates and removes the
tirrie. The legs of a heavy laying b-ird.
thing -on the form,
�aune ct disease; nature heals,
Chiropractic is thin only and original
b,ccome almost whILe, although a short
system of spinal adjustment. Effective ,
re,,A niay cause some of the yellow
pigmentation to -came back or to be
In 95 per cent. of all cases. The only
rustcred, In the mw of this. test, one
Eazy Way to Mix Bordeaux.
fully qualified graduate of both C
practic and Osteopathq in North Huron. '
agai st the freaks In t1lej
must guard , .n
A ,convenient modification of the
Phone 191. Hour,�-2-5 and 7-8 p.m. I
ye-Ilow-legged breeds which are sonl`c-
I mfe way to make Bordeaux mixtures,
born with light-colored Iegs-�-,,
The vF,e of the rigmentati,Gn test as
�z,�Iurjng the most effective spray
isolution, -is now recommended pev-
u-,u,nJly supplew,-;ntal to the ci�her exal e periment stations,
E!x c
niethc,&-� u,4ed in dc,Lernilning th,o lay- The old method, long followul by
ing,co-ndition of the bird, careful and progressive growers, was
The ,condit-Ion of the egg caek is, to Tilake the Standard 5-5-60 Bo-T&aux
one of the mcst irupoilant thinga to� by mixing five Pound* ,of copper sul-
0�.tcopathlc Physician, only qualified
talte into cc-iisid,eration, A -few Years, phate -with twetty-five, gallo'no of
Ozteopatli in NGrth Huron.
AdJuAment the to
ago -wh,cn p6ultry culling fir,st became � water in one Container; by mixing
fl.exibility the
of spine more
knGvii, the of pelvtC five pounds of copper sulphatc, with
quickly cccared and with fewer treat-
benes was twppori�. to be the ,11,81,st'tw4ent�-five gallanS of burned lime
inent.% than by any other racthod,
Micatic'n of lqyln[�, however, Lince"with anothex twenty-five ,gallong of
Blood premure and other examina.
thoi It has been found that the ca-� v;,at,(;,� in another container; and, by
tono made.
pacity of the ben Is beat detormlne& 1.%uring the two dilutions together.
by the distance hC1w,rcen flw keel bone 1 Tli,o mcdifled. niethed,vaid to be Just
ik, t-......".*.."tln-,-*,..*�-;���--l"�.
I the flexibillity I I
and the pelvIc. bon3t,an as s-.,afe and mora corivenient is de-
JuWa Compass.
of the egg MCI(. Hrni3 which zfr,o nf,,A-! sen-ribed. aa follows -
havo the heel bonel 'I h fif
'Centric See the
In sat &g ,,fea ,se
u a a
producus c1ten ,qui ose v ty- -gallon
. p yo, f
Conscience Is to you and me a co�pass
ani the pelvic bone oo elose together tank to fill w:th 5-5-60 Bordeaux.
1)y which ve know tne, best and proper
that it Is khardly rxx�lble to :gc'b More'place 11) thIs 1,a,nk live gallona -of the
course to go, I
than cn-A fin.,�,:. betwou.-I tt,_Im. Good otock coppt-r Sulphate Solution, equiv-
Tbs alming iieeAUO Doffits, to *11if--
la� L..,4 f!,w,j1 ple,lty of room for fuur'nient to five ,poun4a of ,cry"s, end
ayid thougli- we try with all our might,
fingcn% ':"1.Is �,r,aoo between th-1, keel then r4d, tbirty-five gallons ef water,
we rgmy not tarIft this needle ba(iR (,r
! ard the pelvie I, unc,1, Indicates earadtY Next, take five g4lona 41 the otock
for di,guition It helrz in the to fivo
iwaify another track.
gco:d mid- lime, cqniv,alent poun<13 of
II&wever aft we turn e4ldo, nor liced
egg 'Production. Depth from, the ba., , & ,p,f6ne Iiine, dilute it with five gallons
, - �yitll
tile pointing ccmpass guille
to the Ictel bone is alfo desir6d. TM
of wat#r, "ur It Into the copper Sat -
wind and t4de we dritt swe, Ignoring
bird that 4,,4 1�wklng thc-�* anA, Is bigh
pbI 8oDution,v on& stIr tile two to
ec,pn8eltnee for A sPace.
on legs dofs not u%iiaily Show ea-
g4athcr, Remembee 4tways, to d1lut.;
13ut "6ft as wo shift our courae
the copptT %ulphate before mixing,
does doMCIMC6 guide US b4ek by
UA, triality of the egg kvxk is, dc�
Never a& Concentrated copper sul-
fow, o; the ne*&s Iiolnts— and (1co not
terniln,ed J)y exaniining that portion
Oat6 either to week or ttrong lime
fiil to inilleal* tkt better traM.
J*tw,�m tho pelvit boi*3 and W keol
If you are one of the. many women
,hose work ds made ten -times as ,hard
A need be by an inconvenient ki . t-
-ten and, a misplaced pantry, this
tory of how another farm woman
emapletely .eiianged� her ,home by M07 -
a paTbrbion along five feet, and
Liniinatkng the ,pantry altogetheT,
my give you an ildea. -of how you cm
ven*me some of your difficultes,
lou wouldn't lbelieve unless You Saw
; how much,differenov Just changing
iat Partition and- altering the Posi-
ion of stoves, tables and cupboards
ould make in a day's work. .
Mrs. Baird. owned the kitchen. It
o -as much such a kiUhen as the av-
rage farm. kitchen, too ,Small for all
e things which should be In it. In
act, it was thesummeT kitchen, with
la that implies in the way of moving
toves twice -a year, and, having to, see
- �,
— ___ -, - I- " I . ., - .
, " I
coTner. - A do10T 'led from the 1(itcheai
onto the porch.
The alteration wag inlade by taking
five feet off the large, dining -room.,
thus making the kitchen irregular in
shape, but ghring room to bring Vae
cupboards from the pantry into this
workroom. Not all, the Spate taken
from the dining -room -Was needed, forr
kitchen slace, so this was made inbo
a closet for the inguld outside gax-
ments, the entmaice being just at the
south of the door between ,kitchen
and dining-Toom.
In the ,old. arrangement of rooms
Owe were no cupboa±ds- in the kit,oh-
on. Dish" and supplies were all
kept in the pantry, the oh -Ina, in ,cup-
boards whichranged, &wn the kitchen
side of the pantry to the pass, window.
The flour ibin and broad shelf were on
the opposite side under, a wihdow
which looked out on a screened -In
porch. .
0-;4,_e_V�11 ) . 6 ? 0 00 I
0, 10
00 '10, I r
49A - I 0 0
I'll; _0
---- * " ,PORCN
mzzl n
Iup by t --m. pantry door,the cupboards Nvas, nearly related to BaTnabas, who,
Icom,6ng out of the coat closet in the was naturally ready to forgive him for
kitchen. ' having left ibein on the first journey.
But Paul would; not take -him again.
A ,door which in the old arrange-
ment, iled from the pantry to the cellar
has lieen utilized -to give -an outside
eutrance, to the bathroom ,so that
wowknien may enter that room and
wash up� without, botheiing workers
in, the kitchen.. This do -or opens initoa
Iltt�e vestibule, which opens out up -on
the sexeened4n. porch, The window in
the old Pantry has been, made into, a
half -window in the niew b0hroom.
I The electric light system and, the
pump lorr the water ;supply are in a
, Cellar under the katchen, ,which, being
separated from the vegietable ,cellar
is �sulways dAean and is utilized as a
laundry. Water, pumped from the
well by a. vindmill .is stored in, a
Storage cistern underground outside.
The Pump is autonvaitic, Starting when
J00 a 4r11
Long afterward we.know that -he was
reconciledto Mark,and that Mark -was
Nvith him in, his Rmnan P-Tisoll (Col.
4: 10 end 2 Tim. 4: 11). The frdends
pa-rted, ,and Paul took with him Silas
(or Silvanus),one of the two me�ssen-
gers who had- been sent with the let -
tars of the J"usalem council to An-
tioch (15: 22). This time he w6t,
overland, travelling northward and
wo5tward, from Anlioeb.
Tim,Aheus, or n1imothy, was a na-
tiveof Lystra, a young intan who bad
been led to faith ii� Jesus ObAst upon,
Paul's flist visit to th�,,t city, Of bis,eT and, ,grandmother Paul speaks,
in a letter w,tatten many years later
(2 Tim. 1: 5). The company of three
went on, visitingand encouraging the
'I con enience in the hitchen.
These dingramsp befork) and 44er r c;norleling, show Inconvenience OW"A f0d to V -
._________, _ ,________. . _.—..____-_. - . . ---
your dining-Toom oteanwil up in the The CuPbuardD were torn ,out of thO �.-110 tank, ;w,hich holds only a Pailful,
winter months with oo,okery, The,pantry and talmn to the IcItchan, �- in ompUed,
pantry, as,you can 600 by Studying the soco,ntl window,,hiari cut through alonw,�- An dleettle washing machine, elea-
first illustration, opened oR tho din. oido the other, ,and a work -shelf Nvit)h tL,iq ,V.acuam el,saner, and electric Iron
fng�room, Them waan't 4 dooV into I clip'board;s beneath bul% along this en- are , among the labor -Saving devices
It f rom the Idtahen, Just a llttl,o ,poa.* , tire ncfrbh wall, with tb�a exception ol w,uich makes life on the Baird farm
window through which 616-heii and. i�p�,co emugh for the isink and cistern easy, but In opite of thelso conven-
foo,d might .,be Put, J?Iour b1n, and I punip, The door loading onto tho porch Ien6w Drto, BuIrd doelares that If Eho
moul&lag ,board wer,o, In the pantry, I VA,5 wallea vo and board�5 13)URt in could have but one--olectricity or run -
This -meant that cn bi*lng a,ayfj In t1*3 ntc$4, with flour Ulu and moul,& ning Water--ohe wo,ii,J& take the water.
summer, you stood -in the pantry to Ing i1yowid Toenea-bb, "is brirga the "Nobody knows Unless thoY-havo,
ci y to bakap an4 thingo for bakIng qlLogetilror, The old W. , to go without it, just what run -
while YOU 1111ght put tlWra, tht(MITh pantry wa,a tbeil ,eonvorted, Into a IvIng iWatep means to a housoloceper,"
the ,w4ndow Into the IcItob4n, you lia4 134throw, Tho Tange was ineved Iront A1,10 �Jiya�, "You 0awt imagine lit
to rtravel ar4und,aut; thoTo tb.",ugh ito poejt�ioil by slio �aWng--rooaft 1wall, much Water ,I -t takeg to do the day's
tho dining Toom to get OWM Into the ana, oel; next t,ho bo,t1imom wall, where Work oil 0 farm, especially a dairy
o7ell, It inesAt no 00d a f4t-46 that ,001111ec*lon could, 1b,o emily niade with farm I�lko ou,rij, with all the milk cans
shouldn!t ib4) tAkon, and MrS, Balrd. tho )io,t, w4tov tauk in the lattxx room. md p4116 emd atftin6ra to care for.
being 4 proirrewAw Ww woman took The tanU Wao o�noed In -the bathroom We V%ed. t6 U;aye a Jax w" held
steps 14 ellinjiiate thoal, to 0*WI4jt ifn ih�dng IL, as the house tWenty.jlvo igsliono, and -Was flirled
'rho ,old kitdh6n, i;% pou will ",a, NO i10 ftsillce, from -the windmill, but "i0y -a da3r
was a rectangle, akut 11x12 feet, Vie T,b,q ,ta-W, ,1itbI4 used go the work, wo emptled- thloand hO t6 We morl
ravige ,Ftood 6gainat 0A V411 BePm,at:� she,,, unde,.r *
I wlii,dowo take,3 its Water, Now Just to turn- 4 t4p, 4=1
Ing the Iritchen from tho,alning-roamo vqmo, waa put dn the space to the ld-t h"O '411 the Wut" you "M to ran
Itho s4n-k %"o In tWo farthoob cornkir tby of ,Iho,djn1-h$,To,", With the o4l otoVe out 0eeans to me a owater 1I
the Pantry Well- 7%0 tab'16 'WVG on the O'A the vrCh 4& ,01 thlo vI In 00er tl*u OV611 tho 0INtr10 WI
oppoSite wall uWor one window, aod tho d1rA9g_3t0or4 4 4jW .clo"t VMS ftwAino, though I wouldn't want
and the hot Wat& tmhk tIlled wther I Wgt on the V011 opwo formerly taitoTi give tb4tt up now, olthm.11 .
In. last wesVs lesGon we -,a.w ,how -
Paul ,and Barniabas were horrified,
jvhen men thought they were 9.0ds..
"We also are men of li,ke passi,ons
tesited. To -day's
lesson teaches how true those, word,,4
were. Apostles, livadeo�� though they
were they were veTy,huinaae, and rc�r-
li,n,p�� it is a gacd tht!n,,,,� �or um that
we have this :R,occunt �. I the sbarp
diffCTente Gf Opi1111011 Which t001C Plac'e-
Scme peo.r,�o cre vcry ford of talking
- ae%', an
al)out the "gc.oA Old tin .d the
wondc.ful people who, live,J long ago.
They di:sp,a.r,qgje everythiii- nio,dlern
^ I p -mise ev -
MV irything whicl� happeped
in tile past. If Fuch,pcople would juBt
take tleir Now Tosl5nien's and rP,,_1J
ove-e tha Acts of the Apo,,��io3 or anme
of the e,.ns,tle.-, ,whi�,.h h1d to b3 Writt;n
to corr;�_,�t grave abugen, they wou.'d
n. -,t rave so inueb ab,rat the past. �.
Alexander Maclaron used to ,-ay
il,,at on:2. of the surt--A,pronfs of the
truth of the iBble was it -4 Perfect
camlour. We all know what it is to
rond a hook of fiction, in which the
hero conduct,4 himself ra that there
ic, 11cver a flaw to, be found chhei In
his convers,ition or hb conduct. The
hcroe3 of the pliblo are net FeL f,-rtli
in thot light. If Moves lose�, hin tem-
per an,i s-ti-ilres a rock we --re told
about It. If Elijah bozomca depresReJ
ana cowardly we have an account of it�
If lob loses -big vationte and Divid
heq purity we ,have a -full recital of
the events dawn to. the most Ockonlng
details, And -,o 'here In the New
Testament we re.lxi of the in,00ns.isten.
cles us we'll as, the niagnIfiwnt here -
isms of Peter and Paul and llarnqtbaI:�,
and many Other SeTvantg of Gol
— ,.S --
Imperial . Fruit Exhibition.
Vintries 0 the Impeirl,al Fruat Exhl-
bition close September 80th. All en,
tries and entry fees In the Ovareeas
and Drittsh tinpiro Sections must be
In the -hands of the Fruit Rtanzli, N�
pArtment of Agriculture, Otbawa, oyk
or before September 20th.
Wfll,�h Empire afid Overseas ex�
Libits must ,bo entirolty sep,vato.-
0, W. Baxter, VrvAt Commiiis,loner,
IA dairy gotia sliould, huyo it tilo, W,
III, t4 At Col. afford a %Ile can at,
ford, 14%112r4om� - I . .W .