The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-18, Page 5Thursday, August l8th, l"921
go@ 444040 Ali Ali 414111141 ill ill III q,%1111 I
1� a*- in Future, World Famous Comedian MARRIED
a- Will "Drive Tin Lizzie", Because
He Is One man who can the ldsr,37.
Afford To Fordwicb, 01) Wednesd' aY, Au&,42 A�
2921, VictGria, daughter of U-,:,
Mrs. 0 Caudle, Gorrie, to Mr.
capacity Of 31,060,0Q0 a Year and has the
When a man I�as attained an earring
Prominence which gOes with being the Klempt, of Regina.
--------- most famous comedian in the world. it
Now is tile would �,vfm that there is nothing that BORN
time to buy Your boy's
ceptional vales at could excite envy in his breast.
Scllool Suits, Here are a number Yet for 1424 iRuiti-In Boat Wawarlosh, on
of ex- the I)ML 40ght years Charlie Chaplin has N TPA
reduced, low Cut Pvices, These are from 'Our rt-gular SiOdi andspecialty GREE
August 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. WAL.,
been envious and the situation bas been Reid, a daughter.
caused, by the length of the productions has a far finer flavourtha'ft" ihat Of any Jitoan MCM10RAFI-In Turnberry, onszn&
'40= in which he has been starred.
25 Boy's Suits, greys, browns �nd blues in belted and form fittin a- Or China Green Te &nd August 14tb, to Mr, and Aft,, 4V=4
His Productions have been a? Send'for a sal4ple
styles full bloomer pants, all really made to stand tz on the
real bard wear- a- average two reelsin length; a d a e
Don't miss tht, chance to get fo- be convinced. McMichael, a daughter,
the boys a good sch.o n S h Address—!§alada, Zoront -
I suit. Regular Puts it himself: Oo ADAMS -At the Wdisley I-JospItaL,,
$13,50 and 14.50 for $9 75, sizes 26.35.
"I am like the fellow that w onto, on August 14th, 1921, to IV%
ould drive a Mrs. Alex Adairs, (nee Annie V;sUkt,-),
Tin Lizzie in an endurance ra
Salern Blvievale, called on
ce. It I; Mr. and Mrs, VdwIn
more than probably that the Tin Lizzle Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart accomp Palmer last Sunday.
.10 an- a daughter.
would come in ahead yet all th led by the former's mother visited at Mr. Mr. Herbert Neill CA151PB'rT,L-In Wingbanilon Aue, n2 -U1,,_,
-.0 40 Suits, sizes 26 tn 3S in boy's fine worsted and tweeds suite, Nor 0- e admir- John Gowdy s one day last week. I who resides it
folk and belted styles, made of good quality London, eal:ed oil friends and acquaint. to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Campige --I
!it'on would 90 to Zhe heavier and more alices 1�ere a few (lays lately, ear daughter.
materials. Very dressy .1
d impressive cars". Mrs. Corrigan, accCnIP3nied by tier home for the funeral of his f,
durable, navy blues serge% browns, greys and mixtures. Regu a- father and mother Mr. and Mrs, JVln law, Mr. Tli(-.s. Ferguson,
lar $15,00 01 -
to 17,50, special $12.25. a- Almost since the beginning of his screen Shand of Toronto and Mrs. Mulvey and
Mr John Hartley of 1,ankleek Ili,,, is
the comedian s had a Plot in mind her mother Mrs Murray of Lucan visit-, at present
ed at the home of Mr. John Gowdy on, ,;pending his DIED
which carried a role lie wanted to play.
vacatio with;
Despite the strong comedy ele Wednesday of last week. friends it) this locality,
merit in it, IiLYINN- In Howick on Fi !day, Aai�L!Fi
Owing to the unveiling of the Uornt- i 5th, 1921. Sarah Isabel Fraser,
A large number from here attende(l tile luent in Wroxeter, service in the church 1 wife of William j. Lynn in her
5 Only Young men's suits, form fittin gskyles in heather, navy, blue, 9- none of the Producers for whom he was funeral of Thos. Fergtv;ou near LakLlet
and grey, sizes 34, 35 and 36 Regular 25 00 and 27.50 special is.00. 4� here will be at 1.45 P. m. instead of
working would lis;ten,for a moment when last Sunday, Mrs. Ferguson allot friell(Is the Year.
he talked of a film six reels in length. have the syllipathy usual holl
Of the "eighborhoo(i. In
"ChbPfln Your the tabasco that Wir. and --- I -------- Whitby, o n
gives -Nlr9. A. I,- Gallaher visited August 13th, Margaret C.
r. and Airs, Bert Harris of the i5til
a theatre program P P said one of them 13luevale aged 44 Years and it montK 5M, 11
funeral from the
There -�vre a whom he had asked to produce his origin- cO13, Of Howick, ]a-st $ull(jay. family residence-, 11,pa,�
22 Men'8 Suits in single and double breasted styles.
5, Con, 8, Turnberry, on
lot of b-oken lines but all sizes from 36 to 44, Here is You chance to 2� at story. "A little of you makes the -Ifr-an(IBIr,,.(,eorgeFdgarfrozii nearifuneralof Mrs. W. 1, Lynn at Moles- afternoon, August 17tbi ap�, _,),i ".1 J
I M*$- �Vm- McMichael attended the
save dollars on a suit, Reg, 35,00 to 45.00, special $24.75. — whole show better but three times as vorth on Monday of last week. WrOxeter cemetery.
m c might spoil it.
baplin hung on to the story however,
Rain L:oats, 12 men's tweed top
Rain Coats. Reg. U2, $25 for lr,,Oo, and to the determination that some dity
It would be produced, The opportunity
I �r ame until he arrainged his present A 'Al
A Limitiess Guarantee.
E contract with Associated First National
FrIotures Inc. First National is not a guarantee that Operates at any time
P due,
Ing company; it merely guarantees
MILLS. in the
Our Goods are the Best -Our Prices Right. PtO stars and directors who do their own Holdeir
life Of an Ames
roducin "Auto -Shoe" protects you
Terms, Cash." Produce Wanted. that it will buy the finished against any
')production, ifit is uPtostandard, at a and every defect in material or work-
nerou figure, n
Cl ma shi]5-tbat may come to light,
117111*111mill III It'll llyllyT111111111 117111117117111111 ge mplinerected his own studio, hired
01 actors and studio help There is �no,.time or mileage limit 011 thiS,,
DRURY AT GODERICH [Government of Ontario now, with the wn Saff
Mackenzie clean-up complete, will have felt t Government, when they his 0� He made
vote with the and egan work as a Producer. Ames Holden "Auto�,Shob
(Contin�ed _fron�page 1.) hey were in the right,. borl Guarantee, It
practically a monopoly of the Power de. eno'g of,,:ubjecls to Convince First Serves as bedrock for all adjustments, which
good faith and then drop. made upon
been reserves of tiliaber, but he be The s trouble ped everything to begin work on the six tape. 't--Vv'tbOut fuss, quibble or red
out any idea of replacement. There bid lop ent business in the province, "Roads have given us,. aeriou Nat'lta'l" are
lieved linano:Ta world has from two classes, first the men who think reel production the Complexion of which
serve out of the market, are good was the ambition of his life. The finish�
Natural reseed. float large loans on very advantageous who thinks ed work has been hailed not only FS the 2! N LDEN
project, too, because we have been able to enough) and second, the man AMES, 110
there was no. sense in holding forest re confidence In the the roads that grandfather had
ing and Protection from fire were the most I terms, We have recent) that roads grow like mushrooms over I comedy triumph of the decade, but has AUTO.S"4111k
important things in connection with the I appoir�t a man to' the hy night. The roads situation has changed ] Eq 9 1
forests, and on these points the Drury K1qJ_ —
a high rank as a dramatic picturd of ster-
Government was concentrating." nt Years. We have now lingworth. For his ideal was "The Kid".
- nearly 200,000 automobiles in the pro- Cord and ]Fabric Tires in all
wnO will le a tower of strength to it, be _77,77MN
b greatly of rece
"Use he ot
ught to know whether these First National's six reels of joy, which is
In referring to the two years' work schemes are sound or not, and because vince, and the car is often being used in looked to, Play at the Lyceum Theatre in "GreV Sox$ SUndard Sizes
donebyHon. Peter Smith, th� premier be has his feet on the ground." preference to the railways.
mentioned some of the larger financial The premier congratulated Huron on We had the near future. $ TubeS For ale By
either to build roads to meet the need or The overwhelming success Of his ven- "Red Sox"" TubeS
The only solution was to capitalize the a great deal of conjecture as to whether e 84, and Geo. T. Robertson, Phone 1925 Winghaln
ent. Mr. Hicks, u. F. 0. for South revenue from motor licenses and evolve a the famous comed�,an Tire and Vulcanizing Depot, ph
stated that the Chippewa Power devel abandon'the roads that already existed. ture into Ithe feature-length field aroused Es Merikley & SOnSs Phon'
id the selection of her members of parliam.
items which had to be encountered an S
oPment alone, since last February, has Huron, Mr. Govenlock, liberal, M, P. p, Plan of road con'struction tbz t and Win
a week, rva iv would return to short subjects, The answer one 298.
meant an expenditure of a million dollars for Centre Huron and John Joynt, con would ever again
"And that for an enterpriselse t, e, M. P� P. for North Huron. meet the needs of the Province, wasgiven even before "The Kid" had
the conservative and the liberal had both the roads. nce- re
w "I believe, however," the premier "I came Out On Purpose to see some of been generously shown, in the annou
bicli is not returning anything He said he had been Pleased to note that
con- We ran for miles and miles ment that Mr. Chaplin was back in his
tinued, "that the project is safe. The left their party on different occasions to over roads as Smooth as a board, not studio working on shor
t subjects for re.
tained roads that will stand up well under Pictures, Inc.
fancy Pavements, but good, well -main- lease by Associated First National
0""If �i�;
or A 4, -1
Thats all the road A recent visitor to the
sftuation amounts to.- studio" reminded
comedian Of his remark comparing
Concluding, (he Premier asked for a the star of a short subject tG the driver
continuance of Public Support. ..If
To Every rather and RD her the of a Tin Lizzle in an au
tomobile race. RIP
There was a chuckle of
People will continue to give us an un. amuse -
children, to whom one da
courage, 3ff�
ta!:e so liftlL. ccre of your with a reasonable amount of "You know" he remarked smiling,
Slone to- scrape weald, together, and � Isement from Chaplin.
What meah ye fello selfish suPPOrt,` be said, we can go on mL genuine
w citizens of Athens that Lie turn every 'L
rnustrelinquish all- "-Socrates, and I see no reason wily we sh that tbe Only
--------------- Ould not "an who can aff.)i d to be
Thoughtful parent talte in a good many others who happen seen driving a l'in Lizzie is tile
s or today are faced with the to belong to other welks of life. Class doesn't Yiave to
same grave prL)blem that troubled the Athenian phjloso� I like short subjects g x -
; g r�
-ore Christ, hem niAv that 110
pher over 400 Years bef consciousness is , better than s 0 in e and intend to stick to t 1. 61. t c�i of all the
things, but citl
is one can
Zen consciousness say I have to do them it, order to need in oniajio
This is the cva Or progre ed consciousness and we get by".
The call for train better than class
men and women to carry lror\,,v,�rd
tyr—!-Ilt as well take in all
,n Medicine, Science, whose citizen is' tory shni tllrt
3,11flonal decline fol-
lows fron, t'.*e
Engineering and Fine AM is otronger than evcr b consciousness is directed along the Same East Wawanosh ,C
, line as our�, Most of C -c
If You would help Your children Oeorge Kerr lost t v
ma itLy a I 1',,�;i-agricultural, suited
Le the most '0-17 )1c Colv one by N"ature u4.'v f�,r f��
their lives you ShOLNd Other speakers were Hon. F. day recently, "'A' ti lh�s "j. -Id rculains
9 C, Bi tre yours but
call afflord ive them the best education you John Joynt, M. 399s, VIC
- A university education is the first P. P., J, W Born -VO
for our future leaders. essential King, and Mrs. Wilfred C, �i I�WrY suirmer III Ontarto an
arop of 425 000
Coll gra til J�Itio 11 neres of fores
Gordon Young and Mayor Wigle of Reid, oil Friday. August i 2th, a oi�,lllgbter. In n burnt over. o: z. to
1;,0 lnfleq
Goderich 111i1eq wide.
A colhge stands at Your door with open gates ready to give them This yearly is -r dually
Mr. and ijfrS. Porth -n nds (,f her (
4 Win. Robitison, 11,,sr,. th( vi � - , - a
comPlete courses in Medicine, Arts and Public Heal(h. Toasts were given to the King and all Harold and Frtic,,,t ".C. 1'rov
are visiting friej (is i'40 a rocky de�ert. on
I ,
Junior Matriculation except for special or nurses course!;, Admission is by heartily joined in singing t
so and die fees are he National G alt.
t.--Axoyed by fire!
lovv that any one may attend Anthem and a toast (0 Premier Drury Alisses Irene McDowell, Li:,t
Owing was sung: t are to lie cou�
gratulated for having
Western University degrees are universafly rpcognized. after ivilich the foil - slid Mr. McIville Beecrof
Pot information, apply to Passed the En- .. .... . kkJ
Colborne',s Welcome trane to Nornial Exan nation.
u -i-s
Sorry to report th'e illuess of Mrs. Jas.
nan Gee. YO
I)P_ K P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar, London There once was a farmer r Me
An active farmer man, IN
The average yearl.�- 111im-
()no thousand m(Ill
Who worked all day at- MR -HAPPY
Coiling hay, I e'l
bLu Of f0r(_�St fires hi 011tarlo
As at Crown Hill he toiled every day, PARTY �' t"'( ' `_ 100,000,000 avrL-k,,.
He was called by the farmers hold *_4 chance of preventing
0' 1 `4 is ahout 1,275, The vigilance of have
Rang -ors 1c, -p t�vol_tll
fir'es- All tbe,�, can
74 hope to do I,%
40 As CincintlattiR of old, irds
of 011turio's foreSt fireq (70N,.;l to to S, flie 'slilolco in time to chee"i
all avk.,i age sivc, (),� le.,s V-.111 fiv -tnol Put flit'll) out beforc,
To leave his land and take his stand 0
a- --s. But the otl.�(,,- UL.N' Sprfad bcyond control.
As first man of the land. i ig,
010"Igh to 11aire the tota _vcra"r(i
No Chorus: to �150 V_e prol,ipyll of adequate pro-
w"Ithe sun shines bright 'on Ernest (;]]tnr]O's Forests from
Drury, Fol"st 111TS fil Ontarin are de- IS L,11�lo��t (.ntil-ely a n
!11T moral kim-
On.E. C. Drury, on Premier Drury, Stri)Yin'.: Provincha assct,., of thil- thc Whole public ofoll-
boi- and P1111) Wood upor which the tario. The 'vast majority of forest
Irand wide through the world his fame '--'bu PW`VillCe relies to help pay bei lil(-$ M'Q (-Mlsed bN human care -
,share of Canada's War Debt. to la'ek of civic re-,
is spreading, WHAT I ZAID Forest fires, destroy fish and SPOnAbilit�% The tendency is to
The Farmer Premier of Ontario. gaille,
yWHY SUFFER PA AE -'.'S C-07 -ro deCrease tht,� regugilqtY of stream leave all the responsibility to the
OU, can't do justice to Yourself in bu�qjlless, social 01. ho ISQ A L= D ! Government
at Or h 6 life if He Was Called by the U F, 0. 11OW, cause Spring land cro- for Proteeting the
you suffet from head aches backache, neuralgia, month y pains, To be Premier of Ontario, SiOn and the er f0r(-sts from fire. - The Govelm.
41 let" at One time or another, A PONvOrs; turn revenue-producing I14'llt call"mt protect the forests
Or ally Of the thousand and one pains with Which all of us are ippliig Of '%later
n areas into rock deserts, N4011A,ing t(� the Peoplo, of Ontario
Hasince he came legislatian in his name DAN Cupid's got an appetite
Those pains indicate a Very real Physical danger. But there en passed that added to his fame, as big as his heart and that is vnkss the people of Ontario CO -
are Very few pains of any nature that are not Promptly relieved by w Out Of everY 100 fires in On -
Dr. M11081 Anti hd ligi w"C01ne to Colborne, as big as all outdoors, lie /11 tario's forests 0111 FOrPstrY needs Your
caused by ligbtnin are ratriotimil, y(,ur public spirit,
-Pain In t e ood old County of Huron, whispered to us the other day ninety vour rc�otqrd for the
bet them in J We wish him well more than we can tell, after getting s care- fare of Canada,
handy boxos at through with a Or MO]VO are due to man ra
Our drugstore. A In things political. good sized sirloin steak that he
box is insuratica -Rev. R. J, Ross of Auburn. Ontario Forestry Branch,
49AInSt head. -Tune: Red Wing. couldn't live on hugs and Irisses, Par6ment Buildingc. 'Foronto, ont.
aOhe, car sioltness Watch for Mr. Happy Party
Prun of almost Renunions Are Over
ally natute,
Many of our citizens attended theLis.
ioderich Old BOYS' Reunion
Ther(3 Are no disagreeable after effects, towel and r
pikin Pills Dt.. Rites' And- i and report a good time at each. G Jade- EAT r--
I rich was not blessed with as good weather
with A& N i as Listowel had. The latter town went F ONE JZ6
in the head, or danger to more expense in entertainment, music HAM
0'at UP86t digestion, drowsineas, buzziur
101`1111119 a drug habit. Guaranteed Safe and Sure,
Sold in Winaham by i and electr
ieal decorations. The illiumin-
J WALToN McK18130N The
. atiOn was worth troing miles to see.
evening filasquerades a�e becoming U,
Popular for young and old. A