The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-18, Page 40 THE
-7t AO
4V r ly
IOU scrtzm 0- "%1' -
Q U a I i t y maintains economy.
No matter how much yea, pay
"per gallon" for other lubrica.
'ting oils you get more lubrica.
tion 41perdollar" when you buy
Imperial Polarine Motor Oils.
MORE mileage from every gallon of fuel and quart of
oil; uninterrupted service from your car; slower de-
preciation; fewer repair bills and no lubrication
troub,e, just aLout sums up the savings and satisfaction
enjoyed by users of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils.
The uuiform high quality of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils,
wherever you buy them, insures you more miles of correct
motor lubrication for your dollar than you can obtain in any
other way. Quality does maintain economy.
Our Chart of Recommendations shows the grade of
Imperial Polarine Oils required to correctly lubricate your car.
Use th is grade exclusively and you will get the years of service
and satisfaction which you have a right tp expect from your car.
Consult our Chart at your dealer's or write to 56 Church
Street, Toronto, for a copy of "Automotive Lubrication,"
which contains the complete Chart and other useful information.
Branches, in all Cities
Not even Imperial Polarine, Motor Oils will lubricate properly if mixed with
grit and dirt. Your crank -case should be thoroughly cleaned every thousand
miles or less, Dealers displaying the sign to the left will clean your crank -case
in an expert and workman -like manner. Such dealers use Imperial Flushing
Oil, the modern scientific cleansing agent. Employ crank -ease service regu-
larly and you will save hundreds of dollars every year.
T its new low price, the Studebaker
SPECIAL -Six Touring Car is the
greatest dollar -for -dollar value on
the market. It is the ideal five -passenger
automobile -light in weight, speedy and
powerful, economical in operation and
low in maintenance.
0 . "Built-in- Canada"
L. Kennedy, Dealer, Wingham
f. 0. b. Walkerville, Onf., effecfive June Ist, 1921
716uring Care and Roadtfer*
Coupes and Sedans
UGHT-SIX 2 -PASS. ROADSTER .................... $1850
LIGHT -SIX COUPE ROADSTER ....................
UGHT-SIX TOURING CAR ..........................
11GHT-SIX 5 -PASS. SEDAN ................ 11, ......
SPECIAL -SIX 2 -PASS. ROADSTER .................
SPECIAL -SIX 4 -PASS. COUPE ................
SPECIAL -SIX TOURINQ CAR .......................
SPECIAL -SIX 5-PAS.S. SrDAN .......................
SPECIAL-= 4-PAS.S. ROADSTER .................
BIG -81X 4 -PASS. COUPE ............................
BIG -SIX TOUFIING CAR .............................
2 7 8.5
BIG -SIX 7 -PASS. SEDAN ............................
rhis is a Studebaker Year
A niceting was hold in the Methodist
church. Monday eveniog, for the purpose
of purchasing the building for uplon
service, but the Presbyterians dec dud
the=,ather worship in the �Iood
old d way and place.
Rev. Shand who spent thelist week with
his nioce, Mrs, Corrigan. left for big home
on Monday.
A reception was held Friday evening -at
tile home of 'Mrs. Robert Nichol, Howick,
in bonor of Mr. and Mrs, James Nichol.
A number from here attended[ the funer-
al, sahbatb afternoon, of Mr. Ferguson.
near Lakelet, Our sympathy is extended
to his young wife and aged father,
Alps, Harvey of Toronto, (formerly Miss
Elsie perking) of this place spent Sunday
at Mr. George johnston'b.
Mr. James Laurence of Sarnia, is
spending a few days with his mother.
M!" Minnie Jeffray visited Mrs. Lucy
Harris, and other friends in Mildmay last
Mrs. Herd, Sr. will -leave this week for
the west, our best wishes go -with her to"
a safe trip and a pleasant visit among
We are sorry to report the serious ill-
nes3 of Mr. Ed. Renwick of Lucknow, of
typhoid fever. We hope for a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Franks and their
children, Miss Flora and Master Harold.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franks and Miss
Norma Graham all of St. Louis, Michigan,
who are on a motor trip with friends in
and around . Gorrie, -spent Wednesday
last with their cousin, Mrs. Ed. Johnston,
Ist. line.
Miss V. Ferne Eckmier is spending the
week -end with friends at Owen Sound.
Misses Shaw of Bluevale, spent Friday
at the home of their uncle, A. Shaw. 1st.
Master Ewart Whitfield -of'Gorrie, is
holidaying at his uncle's, E. Johnston.
Don't forget the anniversary services
August 21st , at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p� m.
Come and hear a former pastor. Rev. J.
W. Pring of Trowbridge, at Johnston's
Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Back-
ache Sciatic and Ovarian Pains,
One or two DR. MILES' ANTI -PAIN
FILLS -and the pain is gone. Guar-
anteed Safe and Sure. Price 30c.
Sold in *ipgham -by
,4 6,= 8
Just now we the most
attractive ladies' Diam-
ond Ri n g s , though
round, are made to ap-
pear 4 sided, 6 sided
and 8 sides.
This effect is obtained
in the mountings which
are beautifuly pierced
and ornamented.
Prices $25.00 to $200.00
W. R. Hamilton
, Jeweler and Optician
Statistics show that seventy per cent. o
the leaders of the Nation in Commerce
and Politics are college trained men.
Do you wish your boy to be a
A ten or fifteen year Endowment with
Mutual Life o I Canada
To mature when your boy is ready foi
college will aid materially in his training.
A. Cosens, W. T. Booth, Representative�
Wingharn, Out.
Dr. Margaret C. Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate UniV'ersity of Toronto, Faculty
of Medicine.
Office:- Josephine St., two doors south of
Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones - Office 281, Residence 151.
H,a,..v,,- Fever
opoil many a holiday.
Positively stop.s these troubles I
&nee I coughing,
J,,"*v,,e *,, i n 9,
weep 4 'ren't necessary
unleos you ilke biting that way.
$1.00 ktlyr drugglst)s, or wrlte
Templeton . oronto, for a free trial.
Sold by 1. W. McKibboti
Patrick St., Phone 231.
<1,ualified to give Chiropractic and
massage, ajustments. Spinal examination
The following list contains the names,
of the candidates in Huron county wh
have been successful at the middle school
examinations for entrance into normal
schools and the pass junior matriculation
examination, Candidates writing t h e
pass junior scholarship examination for
the University of. Toronto, McMaster
University, Queen's University, or the
Western University have, been considered
in the results,
The candidates whose names are given
in the middle school normal entrance list
have passed in all the subjects of the ex
amination, which are as follows. English
Literature, English Composition, British
and Canadian History, Ancient History,
Algebra, Geometry, Physics and Chem.
istrY. Latin or Art or Agriculture may
be taken as a bonus subject.
The candidates whose names are given
in the pass junior matriculation list have
obtained complete matriculation standing
by passing in the twelve required examma '
tion Papers, which are as follows: Eng_
lish Literature, English Composition,
English and Canadian History, Ancient
History, Algebra, Geometry, Latin
Authors, Latin Composition, 'together
with the four papers in any two of the
following subjects: Experimental Science,
(Physics and Chemistry,) French (Authors
and Composition,) German, (Authors and
Composition,) Greek, (Authors and Com*
position,) Spanish, (Authors and Com-
position.) .
J. A. Armstrong, C. Anderson (Hon.)
M. Armstrong (Hon.). A, M. Armstrong
(Hon.), H, D. Ball, E. Barton, M. Bell,
W. Blackwell (Hon,), E. Bolton, M. Bee -
Croft, 0. L. Cooper (Hon.), E. Campbell
(Hon.), N. Crozier, A. E. Dewar (Hon,),
E. Dewar, M. T. Dalton, H. D. Dancey,
C. E. Driver, A. Dale (Hon.), A, Dodds
(Hon.), J, E. Earls, E. J. Fear, M. M�
Finleon, M. F. Flynn, 1. M. Francis, A.
E. Glenn, A, G Hamilton (Hon.), A. E
HHI, V. 0. Heywood, M. E. Hogarth
(Hon.),A. Haugh, M Hess (Hon.), J.
Hogg (Hon.) L. Hudson (Hon.), M. G.
Johns, V. L Jones, M. Johnston, L.
Jar&s, M. M. Kuntz, G. Kerr (Hon,),
Grace Kerr (Hon.), E. M. Kew, W. L
Lawson, M. Laing, J. W. Lutton, M
Maunders (Hon.), W. A. McMath, C. J:
A. Matheson (Hon.), L M. Merner
(Hon.), A. Mustard, C. M. MacKenzie#
T. J.-Rclfa-rth-i.-(ffo-n57R--McG6ni-gleI
- 'McGrat cLellia_n,_* G. McPhee
(Hon.), -, '-fe-an, . erner ( 5n.)*,
I. C. McDowell, U. McLean, T. H. Mills,
D. Nedigar, A. J. Nairn, M. L Potter, V.
B. Pepper (Hon,), M. A. Pentland, A. M.
Reynolds, M.:LE. Reycraft (Hon.), F,
Stewart, M. Sillery, G. Snowdon, S.
Stanbury (Hon.),_M. Stewart (Hon.), A.
Strang, J. E. Thomson (Hon.), R. Thomp-
son (Hon.), A. Turnbull (Hon.), H. D
Taylor, G. Venner, J. Vanstcn M.
Wilton (Hon.), L. S. Walker, R G.
Wilson (Hon.), A. G. Williamson, j. j.
A.M. Armstrong, J. A. Armstrong, M
Armstrong, C. Anderson, M. Beccioft,
W. Blackwell, H, D. Ball, 0 L. Cobper,
E. Campbell, H. D. Dancey, A. Dodds,
A. Dale, J. E. Earls, M. M Finleon, N1.
F. Flynn, A. Haugh, M. E. Hogarth, J.
Hogg, J. L. Hogg, L. Hudson L. James,
G. Kerr, Grace Kerr, E. M. Kew, J. W.
Lutton, M. Laing, C. M. Mackenzie, U
McLean, T. H. Mills, L C. * McDowell
T. J, McCarthy, W. A. McMatb, C. J'
A. Matheson, 1. M. Merner, A. Mustard
E. Merner, G. McPhee, A. J. Nairn, D:
K. Perric, M. E Reycraft, F. Stew
Stanbury, M. Stewart, R. ThornpE
Turnbull, H. D. Taylor, J. Vanstone, G.
Venner, M Wilton, R. J. G. Wilson, L.
S. Walker, A. G. Williamson, J. J. Weil
Postmaster and Mrs Irwin left oil
Wednesday mornhig on an extended trip
to Manitoba, where they will visit their
daughter, Mrs. H. Woodcock, Winnipeg,
and other friends. It is about forty years
since Mr. Irwiqpaid hi-, last visit to the
West and doubtless he will see niany
changes * andiniprovements. Their many
friends wish Mr. and NNIrs, Irwin a
pleasant journey.
What might have proven to be a ser-
ious accident occurred on Monday after-
noon. Miss I. I�arl of the 3rd con. How -
ick, accompanied by Miss Long of Wing -
ham, drove into town from the north and
stopped in front of T. 0. Johnston's resi.
dence, where Miss I,ong got out. just
then an auto passed, frighteDing the
horse, which jumped, breaking a britch-
ing strap. Seeing that she would have
no chance to control the horse, which by
this time was kicfcing against the dash-
board, Miss Earls jumped from the
buggy fortunately sustaining no injury
beyond a severe shaking -tip. The horse
ran through town as far as the public
shed, where the buggy came in contact
with one of the trees and stopped the
A few from this locality are gone to
the west, Blwell Webster, William Gib-
bons, Thomas Cummings, Miss Pbhlips,
James Altebesont we wish them success
in their trip.
Calvin Ailcheson lost a very valuable
horse one day last week getting its leg
broken so it had to be killed.
Mr. and Mrs. Champion and son,
Harry, also Alexander Havens and Mrs.
10avens and daughter, Christene, visited
at Mr. John Walmaley's near Bluevale
one day recently,
Mr, Daniel Martino who has been iti
London for a few weeks has returned
hotne looking fine,
Augusta Boyle is at present travelling
for Mr, John Martin exhibiting the large
Mr. Alex. Emmerson is at presenfre-
moving his house nnd bricking it. I -le
will Pnd a big change when the winter
Tliur,c-,day, Atigust l8th, 1921
sets in, living in it I G%id to hear that Daniel O'Callaghan,
A few in this locality have not h 1 1) ( if a kiad of grain hurting his
fi li'hed I w 10
harvest yet, the wet we ither keeps il-.em shoulder badly, is irap oving as well as
back. can be expected.
Mr 'and Mrs. Jarnes. St Marie, visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Jamieson visited
relat:ves in Kinloss one day last week. relatives in Kinloss one day recently,
.. .......
"Must Be Operated On Today!"
Dr. Edwards, this is Dr. Watt, Blankville, speaking. I
have a serious case of appendecitils-I want you to operate
on immediately -this afternoon -at 168 Bellevue Avenue.
Got that? 1-6-8.
There is a train leaving at 11.20 that will 'get you I here by
two o'clock. Will you catch that? Can I depend on you?
Fine! I'll meet the train."
Business, too, has Its emergencies, when only action by Long Distance
can turn a threatened loss into a profit. Out of a clear sky, defeat or
loss may suddenly stare you In the face. Or a chance to rAvt money
may unexpectedly reveal itself.
One of the largest firins in Canada recently placed an order for many
thousand dol!ars. The day the order was received at the factory prices
for raw materials began to stiffen. Immediately notified of thIs by
Long Distance, the hrm at 6nco doubled the order and made a good
S,000 highly tr nel telephone am- Bvery RON
ployces enthuslasVealy wJlq1me p o relaphorw
opportunity to prove the r ntelligen A a Lonif
devotion to your Interests, ThlnVk 'oli
a 0
them as willing, helpful members of statim
your organization, ready to serva.
Meii's and Boys'14
Wear at Reduc
ed Prices
Men's Tweed Pants, good pattems, Bar-
gain................................................................. $2.95
Men Work Shirts, strong wearing cloth,
redLiced price ........................................ $1.25
BOY'S SUItS, jLISt received a shipmetlt of Boy's
all wool Shirts, "new style", our special
prices are .................................... $7.00 and 8.00
Overalls, reduced prices in the Best makes
of Men's Overalls, see our specials at
...................... ... ........ I., ............. $2.00, 1.50 and -75c
Men's Socks, bargain in AAen's Socks to clear
............................................ 35 or 3 pairs for $1.00
Men's Suits, clearance of men's all wo 01
tweed Suits, m6dels" well trimmed,
yourPick for ............................................ $20.00
Men's and Boys Boots and Shoes at re-
duced prices many lines to, choose from every
pair a bargain.
Men's Rain Coats, tlew prices or. Rain Coats
good styles in tweed effects. See our
sPecial value at ........................ $15.00 and 18.60
Ho E.' Isard & Co.
sets in, living in it I G%id to hear that Daniel O'Callaghan,
A few in this locality have not h 1 1) ( if a kiad of grain hurting his
fi li'hed I w 10
harvest yet, the wet we ither keeps il-.em shoulder badly, is irap oving as well as
back. can be expected.
Mr 'and Mrs. Jarnes. St Marie, visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Jamieson visited
relat:ves in Kinloss one day last week. relatives in Kinloss one day recently,
.. .......
"Must Be Operated On Today!"
Dr. Edwards, this is Dr. Watt, Blankville, speaking. I
have a serious case of appendecitils-I want you to operate
on immediately -this afternoon -at 168 Bellevue Avenue.
Got that? 1-6-8.
There is a train leaving at 11.20 that will 'get you I here by
two o'clock. Will you catch that? Can I depend on you?
Fine! I'll meet the train."
Business, too, has Its emergencies, when only action by Long Distance
can turn a threatened loss into a profit. Out of a clear sky, defeat or
loss may suddenly stare you In the face. Or a chance to rAvt money
may unexpectedly reveal itself.
One of the largest firins in Canada recently placed an order for many
thousand dol!ars. The day the order was received at the factory prices
for raw materials began to stiffen. Immediately notified of thIs by
Long Distance, the hrm at 6nco doubled the order and made a good
S,000 highly tr nel telephone am- Bvery RON
ployces enthuslasVealy wJlq1me p o relaphorw
opportunity to prove the r ntelligen A a Lonif
devotion to your Interests, ThlnVk 'oli
a 0
them as willing, helpful members of statim
your organization, ready to serva.