The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-18, Page 2� - - "."m ! ,­ ., " , q . RPM I IP ­11-11FI�- : ��:11�:1:: -1:!!:: I I . . � - - I I . .- - - ­­ 11 ��­_ _­­­ -_ .:7. .- --- - � - ­ - -_ - - - � - .- . ­ � - I - � . - - - __ I I - � __ — - __ - __ - - ­­ __ - — - � ­��,w�- __ ____ j __ _ _,�...� -.-- - ;�_�,_ 1 ­ — ­ - I - I — ----- -== === r-11:1--__�-, --I I lower ,and �ewcr, amt �,zo at 1:�­,. f,�11' z -1 .1"leep. Wh-,,n N, aw,-L-e cTain be w.-,-, -n I . I � I I - - - - I � . .11 ­ I � the C.Miness, arl i,,)%v th" s;!en.­,, ,zQzaici th,, bar4q to 1,;nr, w-.1 wz-s hro%wn- I The of I F , at )cng intena*-i b,v trMal eour"Is ,,5'ecret _Nv;�.. �ch &l*,-rZ knew v.-,= ra6i. Old Chateau � Dzul-1.1"oss t1w r7r. its ha,it beell hZ-'a in elw;:% by tac- light Qrl -mere r,(,Nv ,;�Zvcn,8rg oil his .sICA"of J.Iszujt��. He lr_-40, a movi,mc,nt, ri-43 Izeiril tbe3r wl."l.—__�_ gnurrylnX f,o;�t as t:tt.,y r.-amrcra 11 I ,.er;�,;ts the cel'ar 1l -l% T' xm tlwy ' obk- � I 1�t_V�­ �'4 +1 % P_U� .1 � .. .. 1� �. — I'll - . . - ' COMMERCIAL' .�11 1 7 WHERE , __",� , '�� 11 - . � A -r Ift It ----I . � . - At - Wawll"66 ; COLOD11 COME FDA 11 I , I 'A I 1W JNUM - - I � � . lo . I . � . tjrwl"W�6 � -_ , I 1 5: 1 1 1 11 . WE GET LOVELY BLUE I After t e Putlic 0.4hool, What? learn how to tare for yourNself. Then FROM HORSES'HOOFS. I sr-.nd much time thWIting 4about th� probi4lon 1)erlod of two or three I , ,i ycu, little girl, of fwarteen or sixteen, months gives you a glimpze of what You have finishcJ the pu7f)I1c school the work is ,Ilko, During this t1m0' Both Sea and Land Contribute .4 , ., 11 . ­ , "V I I .1 asant part of. I .. � -� DY DAVID WHITTEMAW. preat ft-�1-3,%, as he rcn azrialzs his with. flying 4�alora and your dearest yGa get tile niost unple — __ ____ c 'bir Share of Pigments— =_ - ` "'I fr-i's 'havt .d the local, the whAecourse. Asswnasyouput Th _�� — - vNivylut4ed) I C,t1,.�S. .C.1, ,out a- t1w, !� "n,��'. of ov, � Bits of Cana4ia-n News. i e-, -1 -a 1 lenter on the official uniform, life bwOomes lie C-ev .4 . .1 er ti-te enormous tour-,, 1,10% szhocl. But ywar lmrentsl do not Vegetables, Minerals, Ani. - .�ee ha�v ti, mor . .ex* c:!n sp - u interesting. ' , PaWn, in ?,,�s�w�on oy - �'=.oney -vdth. whiOx to seni you. You 0 � . . Syno, are " 0 or the S ,pig of Lator chapten. t1l"rg, 'In.4 tl.e QzI1,-t,:- toc% 10s c"- allI An Ind!eatj��r f D.rviv'r..V� "And Ne -a art- row. Mr. Di-cn--i�r. sportei with it zmorg tw- ar�,' ,,.�; cl Ist trafhe which annuaUy visits r3ri- I Las:Vq, a busin2ss course is very mals and Fish. , it �, I 4 -to lils t;., -1a Colutabla frem, the Pat'llai, co, q ­e Wn it changed, tt.aCis the roof, ar-.1 P"c,�"ert I!,; "..-- 3st i , n nct urd . Every boy who has a box of paints fl�Tzm-,e. hzi., to p-��v llaw,rNlr SUN, - - r�iAti �,-.s N*,z, I . -11 ,,�ieve me. 't is wN wIFIx of m-ne. lip =-ht�r than tl-.-.It 11c, .Zhx_11 �:ry .?,�tc$. 12, " "erstand .%,by they go c,n , popular mith some -girls. The salary , 4 -at deal, the hourp, are not ;rC-nQV. ( -, St0'4-1*-,;�*­h3a,% ,�%.axcnter fM. 1w the ,inrenneemimt made by,! t,,, Scl�oz 'I ant, 2.tave u.,h ,glari givc�",-.�,r t�o li-.iri��---� :,,"',;*&�t. S%,!1a%, 1h1tt \,)U Z'1,Zt`1 1,0 herv. I am ('ey cut aga!rt to 11-fing tlwze' mc,�-kz' * * ' ' . s , _�)us�variez a grc ' wantfj as many colors In It e5 POSsibie, _i�� crest ft J,ears. ,,,rr\ fer the rkn,c�zs,:y. I own but Qn,4 0.410-vo-zc S ' ng r.',';. Consul General Frederlek M. t1invz," mlri'e you must remain at I too long, and you can always doU bit _,ultra-marluo, Chinese white, ver. ntotiNn re,�kvm',-�,s � inta P!ay. - I Wder that ,wer twa hundred and Fft,v ,Ionic "Ung, the 41AX's" three tmies;for humanity in general, ,outside of ' . rillion, crimson (lahe, and so on. as the iame'aw, that k n a inne hanio-1 . masier in thi�- w;,ed. Ur� Baxenter.' Ard tl-�m Us att,.,nt,�,n was tatien thousand VW!ed the province In 11.02(l. working hours. In this calling i . bv a small, N -ague ratzh ef gy"y big"a - Per 1day, Tears will IIIII your eyes at I your ,%�Anl , I � . I g vans equipped you are taken entirely out of the down frinu ,S-.c!'a!s gr,ml-,,"r. , I �,%,,T,er,, ani that is 1,nwunz,,taw-4�: " Havo you ever wondered where all , t It Q !,Wngo :Qst 81!V�3 Partigmy. �, Robert lear,M '.-,a,,'k w,carily on the up In, the -%va1t---e:1_1s1ve at tiwsl. l -.Lt lat, use of travellin 4tanes in sp!to of your eff,)rt to be, these different colors come from? llawl­,-r. h;s S��.Z trtxiscl. ,ie- ,4'e of ra,i-,,-. He vx-as feelin,;r a go, -a gradually grc,.,dr;r in br: ca,s,j 14n, til o,, render dental s,orvice In rural coni- � t;Tave i'i"!l"liz ,- iel I . Ycu �� a, I know what you are � home surroundingsandmust live your I en uggested by theg le � Both sea and land - animals, fish, 4-at"on t2i Adlerlmry'ieil i -f pQin front lying in his crainp- he ,,:%Nv that it eatte from a Fmall M girl just, life in towns and cities. ,�,­vts Dar"'Ws hlv� '. " tI,.'l1k-;Ug fcr I was a litt!e � vegetables, and minerals --contribute, ov the 1'. .. ' *d r 'r atI4 un to the" ' T11 -111-r a" tib't, re.whr for v1 rc.�itt�n. Irit I-* J, _)t intend that grat, .,- Ict inta tlhe wa'l ani evi&lnz- .Manitoba Dental Assctcl a �, like -* ou n�,t sa maW years ago. As -. th(4r share of Pigments, aa the f,Dun. *h& r;�St. 11-1\euter rm',x�, an erN11141pe his e-Qn-,y s�h,�.-4241 have tkze aatisfae- ly ort a :level w1th tl,,- grcun.l cmts`4z. previncial bzard ef healt:i. The use When It's Wet on Holiday. . , I was sa dre3-Ift'"y unl-,appy atd� dation of the colors Is called. . �. , ,rap,.t.i­ i�f 4t,�`ng his z­�ftrirgs. for the man cou'd mak* out, ns. the E)�, suca. vans, whieb, have proved very 4 in d,ze santt� handunt­-Q as the� s, I su-�,.l,­ " ' �Imadz so many M.Unders bef�re` I fin-� Every holiday season finas =iiiy; The tiny cochlneal insects Provide a pat�et ilt�%0,1 tto �;, �,,�,.rt!mer Ter-'�' " .�. Mr. Mrdll, that 0ere Ugl�.t in��reaq.,�I, Vlade�_ of gr.-iis c,'.,ir- Successful I, Ontario, is urged by . ra Z 0. 111kver.-on.' -­��^%�rvei. was'is not tl-.�, 'Xast use in my Eustvrillg in- r1te'r the- I -ars. 11 a!ly bezame cdjustej to nry proper6 mothers at a log-, to know -how to 0-c-1, varying shades, from deepest crimsoit 1. - viuy through 'th wo , ' rursev; engaged in public h,�a, -wk. ., ' " wut.,Mlig Baxen-.Q.,% cal -i the twal aul swzarm;� vin,n�ane,,--uo alzuNt At the ,--.*gbt r�xv Uft- was 1�arn In R, !)�ace in the Foheme of Nfe, l,hzpe that tupy their children's mindF, when rain to Palest pink, Turkey red is obtained Clat"M * Is made by ,Norman Ross, 11 mikes outdoor excursions impossible. from the madder plant, which grows I . � sZ1VanA'­e1s ,aw� 'n. -.',% " - gu"r,t They. von itavo arranged inatters, to make , Rol%;�-�t &Lxen-c-es ],cart. Th!�.4 po -- I I may help ,you ever so Uttle. i , I ­7urerIntendent of the Dzmiuiin Por- 1. dm.,- Baxenter wid 1.11-i< b.'i, tlziv 141 ihnt, quite useless. Do I've fii&wr of &y'lelit. th,s g1hupse that , After the first cruel di '�polntnient Few are prepared to buy extra toys In India. . -1 'now i . s ap 1 , te, ar. , - ad a gneaki_ for to�d 4 the gr,%--., earth. .i2te3 as p,_ estry Flirm at Indian Read. Sask., that, - -in to; and games fcr the reason that the Yellow gamboge Is another vege. th 41. 1 a'n� - vs It. 41�111' rLe.-ari ., has worn cif a little you be, i , p r,�', , , its C,! tb .-r , - ___ . Pardmlar C,._;ss of szounirel. th'rg else ccull cn the s- to all fruits can be .,uez,asssfully grown In 1, : 'r �riftheve-' not something that'faral'y's holiday fund usually does riot.- table product, being prepared from the CHAPTER XVIII.--%Co­t%1.A Y,,ha're. -o eoinplete.- ;! pr.1.45=T. evolle ,%Y. -s tile f.�ar of dark-_ ' the pr,Mzee of Staskate.ewan. AIr. � we - nd, 2s I � I I -it of the expense. Thefiallowingi sap ,Gf a tree growing in America and Dartin V.-.-.zel a kai- I oTe. the, heart Dart, made a gosture k%f - . a- UZZZ you can do, sinze high szlioal is outoperm, - M - 'irr __ of the s:% ­zee. gcne. too, *e Ress bas grown on the eperimental Of i3ae questiar.. 31cthers usually - ,!hints will be useful to paTents who 0 the Eact Indies, This sap has a bright U ' . � I M -i 1--t Es C,r to t%,� st-1 lips. T1,en.,,U%1=e and l re -se, frcm his �cha!r. The klre.;�& ;f fVz v-1;`n*'�1- M- N -V Sni farm apples, plums and hybrid Cher- wi . .,!�!. * - we and gazed at thz? g-ntin- have aletofs),-mpa*hyfordaughtees�',are faced -with the prospect of keep-, yellow color, and is rathersticky. th, a rea*-sunng rz-41 t,i E,Mte. t"-, * otthe7 sur ed at his annoyar I . .4 _4 r A o � rJes, t i say nc,thing of strawberries, v.!:�� was -=gh-� *'�,e mgm Ina,le his, rr-..q­%VC1't or-' � of hope. Iz r­�,s ivEen3y ra`n!r'z;- raspberries, currents, gooseberries and reall or im aginary grief, sa if Tou an � ins the �chllflren amused indoors. I Discovered by Accident. orier fast watb ,\­_-'sZ !,.e bad ,c;i�t -�rijjj,� ­J)vq't liso Your temper. DarVm; ff outside-, he cnu'd S�e,�' -C.- IE -N -s ef *ng to astsist. her all yau can irorn-', An interesting loompation is the That lovely hue, Prussian blue, 1, 1.l, e,,,,t will, s - other bush fruit- During the pri . shell -boxes, !and. photo- thz Eirls, vif th�- ',,"�:�,.Iri--,-Okn Nvtn-� anV1!zdy ,ought ta 4LJ,� that it's I, sur,- grass shbvzr as tte ,11mr: fel Olt ings _-nd evcrer,gs, ,-bc- will g-!adiy' makIng of I ma o in quite -an extr2ordinary way- - . � K0,000 or more trees have A d dor, tielng ,,zki"ful knzts ;;Inl,�.% 311,��w_ ly.' 7�e g�mels yours-sti far. I al- them. . s�,ssvii 3,L school' frames. Procure a numb,er of empty I by fusing horses' hoof ,3 and cther ant. jut io,f o:av t,. the Nvays fight to t14 last =1 then see'� This, he told hirrsetf, must be T4e� been. distributed to farmers from In- allow yof,,,ito,.itter,4.'��-A,--=itiT . -d a ,c-ert-min am,y , �_ * L I . 1. ,h -s winter. T-,hc- teaelter will loan,match ,boxes, cover them with paper,, lj=,hs,1Nutwb1eh Partin kr.tlwb_ve,x-,wl,atter,iislmnir.-�l-e. Itseenisies�day, arSit passed at length. Rcl-�ert,dlanHead. mal refuse matter with Impure potas. . , . . a ", watched -with -regret while tb- fr':-, . I you her old algebra, En-g-Jish Liter-! and glue on to them shells which have per.,-=,� illewei nl� �14%p!t,o:e of czme to thIs r1w. What is it Vo, 1. .. _!_� According to a directory census re � has, you � been collected on, fine days. I slum carbonate. As'Tnay be imagined, ,:want with me-m.,nneN-V' � .r grat"I _' �cently compiled the Population of ature or lany tckt bo k she e a zaa r #.-. I rg fa-ded, into Fh,- ane,ml-1-1s. o I . Ita discovery was accidental; it would agh from Dar- Ap 11ti, o benefit &M a Photo frames can be cut out of ' Arg"i ,�Zo tbev :eft h'm-%n.1, *in a There was a A,_�rt la, pare _r it fa4v�d the West, for the"' Greater Vancouver Is estimated at will -derive a lot f I not have occurred to anYcne to experl. . '� - raYs of the late sun shor,� almast . careful study of these boLks -with alcardboard, while, if cardboard -boxes h*t',z �bedro"= n 'Xa.da valz. a erlAin -at tM$, as lie r-a-seatea himself. ' a I ment with the sln.4.lel in her z*ezz as she 4. , '. '� ,222,6118. exelmalve- of Orientals, who little assistance from the teacher. I are ava!Wole, glove -boxes, trinket- se substaUC83. .eanjr a en," , MI; a frezh cigarette. horizontally into the cer-ir and cut.', are said to number at least 15.000. The I Blue Black Is made from the char. the nterrzw . ­HarX-,%," be zax)�. 1-1 think, Mr.,,red devices on the ep-aosite wall.,, F. -t -mated increase during the year The review of the grammar school -holders, and other useful articles can red remains of vine-atalks. -r back ta Iter. ",Bmxenter. that I could buy you up'These rose hig-her ,and higher, ani - ' be made. A pleasing way of decorat- love 7. Ake you. No, it's not 'then st is slightly over 20.000. This .Subjects will require only a little of� I Ultramarine Is perhaps the mcst�k . an i a few more hl they were gor*,; ,and the patch, la 'hen the next ing a large box is to paste ,on the lid ('HAPTER X.M. �. meney." � of the grating changed to parple. +0 . ranks the Pacifte city as the fourth of Your time every ,day. W beautiful of all the many shades of Escape. �� He paused .-. moment as though he' darker purple, until at IbLat it ),,�t � the Dominion. te=hers! examination is held -at the a picture postcard of a lotal view, ar- ;blue; it Is obtained by burning the ' . county town you jo up -and try that rangIng the shells round it in thel Robint Ba,xintter's senses rz'urned; expected a question from the man on 11 its Arta -pe w.d etew,-d blac Imess seem- I A new flour mill. costing thirty . I gh you -are too form of a frame. I lapis -lazuli stone, which comes pr.n. to him, slliowly tit f � e4i to fall on, the rciares, -soul. Ithousalid. dollars, with a capacity of amiltatien, even th I cipally from China, Tlbet, and Chili. . hst� then with a! the rugs; then he went on- ix 011 rus5 of memoves, to his tdaroblnng.��' "51y terms since 4au are good. �� Robert hatt ,purposely fought off all I fifty barrels per day, is being erected young to teach or kave never cared 31any a dull hour can be whiled' , Another blue is indigo, t,Fed chiefly bea-S. Arouni I-.= tbe earthy .-,mcIVen0uzh to ;ii;n;*c-u tli6m, are easy.- U ' e.eep -during the lmu-;,�_* ut teaching. It will give you con- I away bY making dvlls' furniture. All I as a dye; It Is made �.Jnc nation to I at Mosissbank, Sask- It is expected .-'bO from a plant , '!e I I wat three,j -1 by faning that the mill will be completed and in fidence, in your ability to do' things I which grows In Central America and of a vault, ,and ,= the floir a cana , t y*u. to remain hexe :for . of light, and was rewarde, , that is needed -is ,a Slapply 01 '11'ell- in an old lantern. -,rag Plexering to I dasm, This is Monhy. I bave made: into a drean0ess sleep shortly after,� soaked dried peas and some match - .1 I � operation by the first of October. "for w.ur,elf." i the West Indies. As soon as the blog. extinc-ti,en, , arrangements for a letter to be post-'�'.night feU, It was sfJJ daA-, howeverll sticks, sharpened at the ends. For- Wft-h = effort h�� sa mo;Vea Inslei from. Maitzhester 4Dn Wedre8day1w Iso, help - I he- be 4,"ke, :and-, iaz- is often t1e. The total area sown to wheat in During this tame you are a . ,,,,I going appear, the plant Is cut to the ' A . the seats of chaim, tops of tab. crar,pe,i Hmbs that he cculd turn andgevening, ,acquainting your firm with'�caze his wits were ]�NEteraatum�Ly� Canada for the harvest of 1921 is -:ng mother in the home. Learninglete , matzhbox woDd can be used. ground and the stema dried.' New raise bimselff Upon his e'_bow. The'YOur whereabouts. That vill be"Sh�ned in those intense honrs�placed at 18,654,000 acres, according to cook a good.-mealand bak-e whale- i hcots spring up quickly, so that two movement s'Ught as it Nras, provedd I el� to preliminary estimates Issued re- I some bread and pastry is no I An ,instructive and en�ertaining 'Q ­ ­ Thursday afterneum, at least before'whiclit, precede the dawn, :for h I.- ' mean ac- I cing,of re7ilef maps"or three harvests are taken in a sea. shr cently by the Dominion Bureau ofFcomp!ishment and one which wi� , tost too muzli for hint- Little � you can be found. That will give us,� &mght he saw a war of eszxne. � ,,, pastime is the mak � son. Points ct fire danze! and -,hot before, -ample time-­Haverton =1 1. to cross,' D�­tin ba,J J,een el;.ver in ' 4 in sand, which the wize mothn will ifel- but � Statistiei;. J,ast Year's final estimate "serve you many times in whatevea. 1 ! * Various kinds of earth and elay give I h ght that' P 111. , , 1:ersuade the children to cDllect en a his e�r,zs. and he felt as though his the Channel to-mighl% You se.a. M.r.-IRobert ain-!ed as, he t-ou was IS,232,000 acres, and the averaga,, c=nng you choose to takm up. Ard - t colors. In the neighbor1l.cod cf Siena, brain were melten metz-A. , Bitt he Baxenter. I have read vour r and of the five years 1915-1919 was 16,343i- remember that most ,d us are . nally in Italy, is found the brown earth call. totes ,: there axe none of us infa','ible. ne'.' f, n ifine day in anticipation of a wet cne. 'rzally you have worked upL your case man bad moved the Lintern out cf - 1! I gritted his teeth and waltel motion_� � Borrow an old tea-tray, spread thle� lesn uatfl. little by ltt . -tDo well for your liealth, in Rebertys reach, thinking, no iWabt" 000 acres. The estimate for farl wheat': destined to be,mme vive;s and moth -1 ed Raw Siena. When burnt it be. 2-ttle, the Pain well � is 7 09,00 acres and the area sown u -n- ers whatever our at' Utude, upon the - ssaml on it, and let the children make, darker in �-'aade, and is termed pass�-J froni, 'him. ifict. I nra sirup'v ninkirg it ,mare that A%--th the i1nin-, ,c;-,' the cand!e tl:e . comes ' ;e,es--- to harm us prisoner tou:d burn li�s cor,is. But der spnrg wheat tzta:s 17,S45XN su%ect may e a eitcteem When, a map. Give them a --pecalfied country,, Burnt Siena. He lz_-ked nt h'z bana'3, and inar-'Al"ZIt You M"-' PM . _ h t - , , ve�:c,,J ut, t'le 1r-,en-.::tv w, to mcdel. With the aid -c-f Ye'?,)w and blue colgrg. are also na. , . . y& allowei � until we aTer cut of the country. I � he had not taken into neclonnt the acres. --r-ring conies gelt, yzur father to let� or tourt!. ." d � .. , rafe . � shells and small pebbles most ch.. ren, him the 1_,-1-11te;1,uqe of his bands and'dOlft ',h'-r,k ICU be WOrth yot ;;id:e ca of water. W -hat Ro%4ert nskei Anneuncentemt has be�n made tliat , ycu have a :irrZe garden cf tural clays or earth. 'hey re , rked , � , your very .� a w3 wll-r,st innkdne ,its Th. saw at alto follow Us", �:hlmseJ. wa­; to pre -hent his brez:kinz ,.he Italian gover.-.ment has withdrawa own he will on.ly lie too g�Z,l t, 'a -d wul � _,, -e V ,. A amuse thernzelves, in this walr­ 1. tL-e English ecunties Pt Dr.­.­nshire - i .'An i y��u cre the murSerer of my Uh- , and. with a ,p�ezv of the e.as--_,:'restrict�oiis against the Importaticm of . so. ' . * fcr Nurs at. a time. . re.'zszz nrr�n_--Wa. Thzre wns� " 'S * :r. ,- at the - C - lihere is a icy in gnawirg 4.1ings. ; and Anglez;,-y. Some ar� fine enough a curafe ,of water: at ::,.a ,ebkow, =1�Poer V.-cas-In", ,bL-meen h-3 teeth. w;zek, .- - " e.. ! in tlm�r natural state to need n3th:ng I t that -Qzztl-.e--, many a heattache. Thatl Fer t*re irst time Dr, I . aued4an motor cars to that eauntry� ' Cas . I . I 0- " be he.d ca'. his lik-,u-1 h =-ds t -:,ward -!t. � rt'n let IMs cords wliich bc-an it '- s wris�. * It of the remzxall of t: -*Ll em- ',I gar, Jen mili tlrobi,Yy 'be ,your "h3lab " 1 tut washing before' use. . . 4 . As a resu' Uuts That Meant h %hen, l-,:�!.re he tc=ked it, h ?s rest cn 1,!s priszner's faze. Impa-.'enfly he ;�ait,el for day'breakc, - y . ' ! -The days of our age are fl � ,- his ,,,e %irew eye bargo Cana&a 'will be placed upon the � fer the sun-mcr and you w1:1 r-*sz a,� � thmn ba,�k nri. *a'om 5 frema, "Alt! There� Mr- Paxean,er y -a raust ani -wben at !ast his fr2er-1 tl!e —_t-, s Cuttle-Fish Camouflage. .. � " Nt eaFtler overy raorr-rg- the canafe. teered '.-nrl mta the g,�ocni l'e 'eve mv wc- � same f,mting as Great Britalu, and -.t to b,�ave a years and tent" said t'.,e Psalmlst,, . �d. I wzIs a, , N t 1'� 131nn�_­-) - .1 aezzd­nt mir gre_--teii hiril, he = 1�_ - .... � . Real Indh. n ink. strangely enuig1j, I.. . , - , - 'rinn'Mal one, "'. , , .1 ' e - w?th the dew, . Ing th�t our forefathers reckoned: is prepared frcm a recipe of which !he. =Zuni lr��' For th,, surfnin cwf tl�e -�M_ ri� afraid., I eff�&iL with ele e�t. will lt�� Lmger !,,? nez!_�svary to iobta2u r ep at -,,_�r. -areer - - ihown Water , agit.r.'e'll .1 L .,.,n for Wme. - . ,ve� , sWcre,. a system of keeping account � ar.1 R,6�- rt knew have dQ1re 111anr things In n'. -V life. but tize N-ot - I . an- &-!:zi��,-� was neteJ, h-? 2,eenses fzr the ihipment. of cznadiam ,4l� wz'q ­ ' I . ,� C_ ­e yeu beji:L "he n=-r_'ng m. znl. by . . , Chineo -a possess the secret; --ts c-:.-, t tlz�-t. tl:z, �Zannfe rrus� lmre beer t:,=.-- ' rever wilftl:ly k -'"'ed a man. Why draIAL off the rem33ring drop of water automeb!:es to tiat C�nntr_v . Take ultat cp��zea:s ze van most, fl-cw, ef flgurei� bazed probably in its orl-m- le " : constituent is supposed to be Mint e& V-1.1:- C�e tazl� few -,%-%1n=-,_,.rt_�,. '! P dzn7t I k3t' v, -u rzw -:1 I am a mum, -- . ,Or- so thAt it s:t:Ze_1 n."t '_* w2S",03. t7rer, The Prince cf Wales is ex1h1b'1tInS�er_- ve-. -�il, - 'al forra upon the practice of c 1, I . , . _es C�, f_U; I _­ � , -, 1Z � .t, ,Ir a aittle aun4lig I c.imphor. Chinese white has nething , - - u I !Zss. :etting h-$ eYes 'S, 'ZU.'eS. veti lcnow!",ralsm- t1e tzar%afe. tn,zped it Ec'nt:Y his 18hrt,r,shire --heep fnim �,fs rattc!' - 0.1 n:_-1 ,--, them- 31IM-e vms a raspberry lay. C1,; -",Q -n-,=n ey . Deaz. M. en pop the fizgers and toes. "I . � i The werd 11score" itself comes from i to do with Chma, being a p-eparat-Wil _-=rn Itmut s"l,.e Ili sl!die, sean!hlng tl-e -I ex-rrect 'Mr. Da-t!r. �n-z Sk=e ex-,cn ;_��_'- st-=-2 floz%r. By tYs me--ho'l tit High F.'_,ver at the Calgary. Ellnnn­: ar i -`,e , r3en. Ordy ,ore . , 'I - .,_ stma� .--r -!�. =e yr'!arg. ,'e�, ��- _e was , ale ta N -k " fnir!y . ga , of --Ire. dark=-zu s i b-wce- t e stc .ert izssan Vhy he _-,-ned no� do'l, n� 4 r- " Lz!o t3n and, cmher western Canaaa fair-- !m7vest,dt I r -,r.3 , the Anglo-Saxon, being nothirg more � "' "Come = - It zu-, -c . fr,m nn ,Oher� -hed I The blaeks comprise Ivory-Wack ar.d .., %%�ever's there!" I S:Zt. .-ts your bc-,5_k, I pr tn-e. 1-1-ar, . U __ e'S Ze pkzes. =1 ta. prevert them " HU v ,"Qle -.-z-z-,2o_4 han,'a and I wcT.'.,3n't !:ave tho,-_,ght that a mur-, f-,,�ni s,-,Ate,r.r: st, m1g; sumitier. Alreldy they have won, L. ,an the word "scoren," which is the ; -. - - -z . of f , -,, �fo , -e- - .. .'boue-blacic, bcth made from ei2irs of t * :arg _a t B 1. anathEr E _as:an,�' tL g� He put paet p, z - ar-teiple of "sceran -meaning st--r,-- t3_tthe yzur,z ,&D'Z`Q-t,�rl an,j zt,der inore or less v -,0d have wornei,bet,,ee,n histzzthnr-�d ej,Nmriien�ed CP- ---.M.v Albcrta ribban�s. - haJ czt,me, -_*e hn-d apenei up --neh new . - - , " . � .'6-4 � � . . a IC. , __ -,, to cut. It lrdwAed a notch or incision Ivory. e&.i*S ,:i�,=a::,� 1-hr-m-fla the arz.,_. you. Af ti�r a2, they ,=n tm"'y hang a' erat'-=_A. ' tz MZ. -13T!Cas vistr_3 lth%at 111- �� made upou a tally-stiel, for Sepia has an interesting derivatt n. re,of "i t'Ke A3,�,��Aray. He waltel sn!ent- ,, man 0--tre.1, �, It - %-- s ;9:ow Week, and 46-iffiCU"t t:1. Thirty-FoOt Thunde,-B.It.. I 2nd' ' the pur- . to . .v�Ls Q-1 '�-ut for.ge,tien. It hezame a 'It Is the fluid ejected oy the cuttle-f1sh ly, Zvut t7-,mE� was ria, ree.r. Dart�n le6kea e. Ms vmteh. :: eb *�- in a -pun4amse emon;r eneugh on 31e*,:anites� may be seen i o financial! [,m W­*.*-V�_ �, , "Yt-" cam be -;eve ire or rot, as you One oddly . shapei ;t n a:rr,"St sourze c,. -Z jz�y ta those left behird. i pos . iwhen it wishea to conceal itse't from "Is . , -1 �Z;�'*'" ��"asz,,- everr museum. 1. I , iG y=. Dartin Z __J lil - .1 . � l transactions. I co=e ',� We -­:sh to esun-22er a few of tlie�,' The "score -mark" was the tw its enemies. As the fluid spre'ads in Yzu nezdet, W fritg�htette,y t", ­ ­�, wi2�, but I h m hese are messes Of store wiech P�_ I entieth'� the water, it serves the same purpose from t"h sky. But zbey I 0t`cn1L'-­'1 . A account �' 'o,it.l, ': yaurrzus�=Is death, and I rather wel-'persevern=ce gained fhe 41ay. In a :,a,, fallet ons �open to women vi-fth a` notch upon these primitive I � Vita =--%'er ,of A1_i*eFb-_ry Towers.intne lit!s Opportunity of exp�ainitrgg 1;tt'e w'hRe. his hards were free --nd - T **I, I-mited educat!-c-1 such as mine Was-�; books" -a cut which was longer and � as the smoke clouds wUh which Z-ep- =--nn s*:,w'.y rxini .'he a-,,r'e of the ntat�m I have Put i&e bi.in-a-,-y-from, he �eould use the glazz upon the cordis have nothing wbatever to do 'wt. nn -1 I assr-nie is Xcurs. .Near;y ail Of � deeper than the others. Hence the I Poling -surrounded themselves during doer ani seated lh-mse-'f en a ehair-Tae as far as I ,can, ,but. I -rvou'd give which'bound h -s '�Iegs. It wa-s quilc' thum -der or lightning. They, am mere. . . - Ker I I the o;en�ngs -for women in a small:: expression, "to PaY off old scores," 'I tile war. a lew f ezt fri-c= his przsorer. He: nM I p --seas to� call hirti banek. That7s': work now. and, by the time it VMS ,v pieee,�Z of some smashed -up plane I was rzttinl- a brave irant ei: -,11jr,-_, GaTs trutb, Baxenter." �Affl %4ay. Reber'. steod free to move cr comet which, wbM!rg thrzugh zown ,are ef f�'B 'blind all -`y s0#, i.e.," means not only the repayment of old ,, Prom minerals we get vermilion and ' t ani rat!:er ,Zverd:�,_4 the ezo-.t to ;i;�,' A step soun2ed lbevamd Uhe iloo-_'!about He :feltl verr wt ---a, and, be space� have been caught in the net of . no ,01)RGrh,2n1tY fcy 22vanZerreut in ` debts, but the revenging of grievances I scarlet. Cinnabar, the ore from which � .. � " y - P--= at his e,_�Se. He V, -,az sm-� C n: v'ay, =.I Haver*,=7s ',�-L�ce c:aKed. an . an, r m=�al *e.-: or in ee-onomiz ,coil- " which have cut deep and'ieft a lasting 1 quicksilver (or mercury) is drawn, al- gal - -d was NeeEng from some nasty cuts; in, the earth'a atrnosr,here. ,4e .'impression. �,. =t -on. But in te=bing, nurt,N, ! so provides vermilion; while a lovely clgnrett�, an i as he Estened to, j§o'- 4 sz. Tvntavat anl&ffier vv,ard, Dartin Ui,','�;'his I=*. tut his sti-ength c =-e lnck to: In $41 =e MUSeUMS you 'r1in End curl- ,, -_ ' .1 ber" he 1,-,-Zt his e--ays fixedd oz.. tae's. frez% -ca-in,ler in the 2antern axa left him. ;a� 4 -T -,e hope t -h -_t ,Aa_s -in hi-%'ous �,bfeets which resemb'e fossinned'! and to szme extent, in a bueness It is for the same reason, that of; shade ct scarlet Is given by iodide of I 'I Course, a brcad field ck- - - I I g1lem-mg * _ erA : tbe ee'Laarl lwykmg the door on ttle hearL , t "" itreeb.-m-ches. Theyscem to be made pens, up. In reckoning, that we speak of the � mercury. I , - -,�­eu­ae. ! Escnzel, ho-wever, was -rzt ---. - Z "S* it is, .N%)U-,YS g�zems a $--at, , Ir , ord'.nary � .. I `e-.� of a g�asls-F substaLte. =d ""Y'ay are , t=3 c -f t�!ese !N�Tte a 9:-- : t� i score' of a game -meaning the Te -1 Beautiful greens can be ebtained %--y to tneat a guest Let n '� - R - ed :fc-1- e 'amr . 1. ne see. 1: BaxPnter �-Y SUM ru-ninatling em'camp';�� - - -_ TE �,-2_31n­ -M-H-tv cam succeed if the is wrHing'cord of the points made --and I t' ha"oyr. They aften are hard erc;��. - . th � from copper. was your guest. vi�.% 1�" whal he isd heard. ' Th�__�dayl­thst ent, �,FtEe ce:* e: lar =s Zocked, a-_2 the - . , to -Scratch glass. ito -morl.- A lot of hnri waek is al-': "secre" or musical record of an opera.! __ _-,.� . , was _-Imul. srn-entv Iraurs of US ter, , gra-ling- as --re:r I- ge er sgh v,D ' , _- . , W Im arg tz�, . ,_,l wa_vs -at t" --e bm-M= e. re -J _-4=.-ers.:; 4. - .� I ., _re. He thou--l"E 011 5.91_4:;,�:a and. T'Int let a ciit th,wnuzh. "He A ­ Uts'an t1te T4,e---eay�L,,ea'.ied*,�lu:garit,es.- �-,I__. . .1 . - t. ­ ,Z - t�_Z I M; ­'l � rzz as it Alirard's Liniment for Burns, I - The CalL tj 1. ? - -Z'he W'.r.-Ld Z-_-er. pe -'a -'-s. mzt Itear- cl,a�r wh!ih Diirl.:n 1-�-d brv_.ga kzaw�, �=r' %s the Latin T'ard for ,.:ght2!M3., . __­ -ke up teazhing fi etc. I hear thc, voice of summer cafling me � I * * 'nmo ­ gk 411�� I I i -*9 fr,= Etim, she, W,VZM CaMl at the fcr h -S Own use and Was �Ye t3 :xftg, nud zz t -ley =a,T he 4 ,�l it*ez, me-_74er tie I - - _-;r.-,-,urS-'-v in' ---------,Z- . 11 � - 'Ustly, ter=e " . Telling the Tim. e at Sea. , To drep iny burdens, bid my cares ,�: - cif',ez z: -e, krevt vz�,Iere �a_- bad ,-�-Cnt h -s eves tz-� tie !eve'�, 0! t'ze t -t -n -s. ­ft=-_�ET-b,z!ts:, whiz,h- yau !-ave a:W_-y_-- '.-Ive,1. Par mts, I � I I t:te week-e--l-n-4--Z ' - . � W!Ien a 22­1�h 1,21 Vgl_=!zg strraes a ---a mm -_"T =,n ---e 'em -01.7 d:sr_Z_­__-, 11Z_ 1, l � I - �Ht t"*T =t !m__st!- ' tT,- rze c,mtunt:c-11i . - be W111, ' m � 1 =t * - - , . and 0�e I ­­ - M�­ ­�� -.�at tl�e gin -he sallor's day is divided Into: And fol!40w her o'er VaNey r �, t I P"^ � ea s_-Z'T _ _ �_�-,. . , - �- vmmri To-_- wn-1-itz'sms 5_1 you A-.-- Carry - I " I f A . i - . :i=_JF sc:!'. the tliat .i- nate, is C,D :,-- :, .. :Z !-.-. an a!ti,=nm tram t. -I I. .-, Z 17ntches of feur hours eacti , . ­* ­- teni� C12t ; - ha�- � - - I]=2M e-t "4at t_0Zt_e.­ In -17Ze - 1-h1,e-:e I.; -gin tit four, �lght. I hill - I I f 1��-- s - , �:�-� - r - - - -t ftaez 1. sani .�=,e:., 11 ,r- �-. . -, nzt,�M-,Zu",% v-�,S'=t C�;t ;�zsr *tMliEn,, I 1.11 j 't %.:,T,.�= tm� _.. -e Q,___"7M,.7. a-; 1*e .11,�hts frzml - ---' . - ' - � jnjE�az - 0c1g: -z':,n - Z- 'In', - Unto the ways 'of gladne!�,.;. Happfly 114 I ., . _ � _ .-- _. , M - ,kol =-.--. �:.r, c..e --": , 1:F , - :,:-, C,f cj:z��­ 1.1--i-flE - ��M d5e 4:-.M_Z a r,--_. T-�r­ -":, ,,, , , erliz_ Z . -t = , 'am :77e'V;? e1c':cQ1z, d2l? and 111g,11t, and -'The dt isfeo -star the. mindews and the , :, Tva� j�".. !l,zz�'Se�_ t�, ,.a,. ,-n �,M_-� Z-'Z�_-n? ,�-'_-- - - - 4� , ,\ 7 - � 'Fr.q - , . " n?zd ,!�-) �s ti- su�s-=.Zza -,!:.2 C;1,-�z_si-S ,..r g'_ --_z, 7 � e sll:!-� ef zti_� f -,:.g 7. "I Ity - , a . 7 4F 1 e; - i ,f-, -:.-_,� T.=:.� , - ;� . , -.2r.Fts ,Z'e�. 2-: ;i - ^ hurlsr2 .� �7:�- 1 T:,­.Z':R =n ,, V?. -F Lnif-hour of tht? watch is Sig. 41 * -244 _'. . - . ,.-Z-_,iN _=�,- ZLnne, ,:;,i,_, . , � .- .i . � � I .. - lo .�', 'I - � �� . . -, 1- 1. _t ,t:% �..S,.- -:*-:� -0;m *1 __ I— t W.=,2h r -w -_-".::Es lt�le :�_M!!5� U-._= =e fe�-Ze Z 'AA :4_T ­_Z,_ 1:zve 1,_:� cn-e_--��Zk. 3R� SS -2 free, I.% �,\ ,�� -,. - I .- _:_­� Z_1 ­Zz. I . -_ .=_­ -M . __-?.V r-.'01.' _,---n by the ,-�trik`Eg o., tilj� .,A,.;1p,s,, , 0 I � . -Z _.. . - - 4 _:t : 'Z. , .1 - I *7Z,_. -Zn li� zsk-�-:! ,o-M.AZL_-,.1 -,7��-ezl,z:? '_V fat-: Pz: �, za:, , :5 , -Z fl- t '�__,.� I 1*1 . � . - _S_- 1._: - , ,Z ,Z ... Z- �',7..;�e an -3 tt-- ,:1,=_'.1-:F cf !�:e S,:2- -27"��? E - -�_ !.-- 3 .wme *iyat 1 .n. =7-i :-_ke -.-t�,, - , _­­` Gay riorr!ng winds, t�,t4 tcn�st na!h. ,4 � \ � � .., 4 .. , _:Sve .E,�,. � - ,­ � I was st�:* v: A-:_i,-�71"iy Tw:�We-�-_. Was `-2 ant! e. M� - - . . t ."s � ­ -_� - ,7.., y --u Z ��:s`:Z.- 1_�=_r �tr -,.' ­ �%, �4 1 -11 � ­ _St � _,7�0 �=: nl e-* t 'ar-'ZZ: erir 2- -_.V�n:j �:.Ive teen Ir_ 1!�_ 91Z7__ .., ­ ,I Nvay ,st fa I I a , �. - Bv tl2l:t or by day. L-ar et,jock. � NN.ith k�"x', e0light: nn", we."I and I ME., IN 4 .. ... �__ 11 . I , h.: IMI , . ,=n fzi;: CS :t;�e"y t�-Z,t t'-.,-- t -., ,� �."n -,--�e ,-,zC-Z-_mZe ,-Z !=:-_=-�-. T_-_ z::-,, L. IMS Z-­�--Ta 21�as-z�-:,, q ---=e _�_r; -rork cf t',_- -,r,,:.i"J. T -4z L-_=.zz-- -,:Lo�- ,,;--*- ' - 1-. and tv*elV%\ 0e,0ek nm. , '� 4'. _^ , , ,,- - -� -*- � .,- , _.� " �_. �. !!vo4, "N� �, ­ __ C'%1"'e ., .- , =-.I!�:-Z �:_,, fl�"!,-ng 2Z_ 4,=. -'n,],_,=e:,6jn Tzu z-!�:�_--n-1 = !"--- S-:!:;:�. �-_-= zrz- = k1_,_r-3 P_� P`ght bell,,:. Then, begi ' .1 , �Z= 2_'n�*Z !,= 5 7-_--Z-.. I—, ---<- .- ,_,rj��S.7s ,__:;g,_-, vr_K: v4�-,.y. c'u--i - - . . ,� -shrill . � � 1. �1 VITAUMUN'tS � , ;nc-ni- ,-:-:-,r t,� s_=? I- T"-. i r L, � -.- n z: aj:: , ,.. - ,� !_ 11, \. thrush *Ungs wido� 1,18 J,�F:V.71 elt:,Jey. - ___ , - � el�. _uZy. :._� __"-�, at !`­- za- � Rnt t:Z-_-_-,:1F ti: �,� f,�) -et 4E-m4-_�r_ 1 J,-, ft S'n I:= !��It t!1-_.-. ,�-,n =is rZZ a :Ct, Of -'--- .L- ,­­.- . . I - r..:a,%," A'" li�_-, ,-: u-" --' ­ .1.__ ­,CT ,__ - - Z1 ;� r -..,- 1' Cle LeXt h4f-hokir. ow, Wil Js "`� -I'_- % VE=;Z4� 2Z_n; - ;- :�_zgtlh - !:­kn�Ez: - -_ ,;.� B , _-414-:1 t1e ,e: ... ,� 4�� _S � -, "_ - r s .7_ ' " __ _ers z . �2 _____�, g-.4;� __ t:, -a ,t - � ­ .1 _ '_ _ - --, nzn;,� �� ere7g. 4� _T . ­ " , _ '" , .n . Z ,�Or �i_ - ___ . , ,Z ,7,; . -k; th,� f­�'1101vlllr halt-bour " UAdt 4 4i�.j� _ .-- 1. _�:_t - _. N CANIAOi -.L-,. - _=:. I V. �%f� � _ "i - - . - - - �- - ,,!r" S�zr �, f� t%vo 'nw treot,trs Nv�nv*� urrm o ,n,i��ze tc�ini , , I _ ­,r� =D �,_,, ,::-:. 1. -_- � -z u.x:e sl_r .�i : -C25? Qt I -r 1e::,7 nre struek. at tilt, lifIxt. thr*k,; Urian iuy-.sUori,-s to ttn�jpt t!te 1--r; _ e. � -Zs , -n _.. - -.- _ nnn,� , I,c - ) ., . Q ­ tt *:� n:,t ;�=-, w-_` 'n� ,S*­-::� :e�re a - "' =11*7 r':' -a= n --L-: :7-P 7 -7Z -'z75 and so� on un to Pight bAl,�, wh,,11 : �� . =,Ss Uniment fcr Dand-z4�� - _.�_ ,,-,� L -:I: -.�,:u - ,The inportr_nca of r�;l -4. !��,!��-,- 72:-=�Z,�,a:z. &L r � rz- I " . . . �_. . ;ta_n C.= -C a �. blrdE, _!'-s �� - - ­ _­ �___ � ­ .--- - -1 ___ ,,, - .�� in, --t , Z z . -��,, , � . Vitan-Anes in facil is tI He. �-,Z:5 "-S1_-=1 -�� 74:�­t` � eZ' i M-.3 :U3=8 PIV- 7 n�vv vMea t,�glus. �) I . . V. - - - I 'rlw gardens breatlie a .?:,iLs!J ,k,f fy,l. e -V ".7 .1 " * ­ - I I J,; - �� � t: n-_ " ;=Z1 fG-- t!:E -Cex-' _�ay- 71* Zn' -=_T ZS" Fcr 4wit,nze- elght a. 1. roe�,rded � �,- %,- * !=-rdi Tr_-�_'S-zz * '. grant words, . heind reco,emizecl at I :tf:�;� 't�`- t�: -1 " '�' - Ra& Beace"n, Defies Fog ,�Fn-F;y gn:3 v.L-en yt:n ,z _-:2z,_'e7 thnt bF ��g f -S. 11-113-Dast ekMit by 0116 0 il. 1. licne A ­ g1j, be* � J 1�e Z:.,�!Z,e t-�, ff.-�;',�r,'�_-n. t2:,-1_ h�-_ i�'f a'ls y - Ur exrpm; s a are r--- ,I Z:e =:7 z ZF gne at L'ZIZ. nt , The We% go bu,ning t.� t -- - ye � tho present time to a I . . :_ - Me 0%4('"' bv two bells, halt.. .1 e- t��s Z,=se z:'-a=��. 12 wzs -,'_n� F,-.- ,=s tz= Kntz t�=E ===­!'�yl te "74::l �!Sn.-._:=o r,-��.'- ts tr- -Z. C1 ,',Ll�e leac-'her in t'NiTms ,'Mi' - t nlrae by throi btilig, ten ote doom; . Vrexter extent fluln ever � .-_:*:�nze t_' -at *b- , __ , - :�, ­�_ �. '. C�-� , ,-. -, tas I(VIC Xnd Love erieg ill Ills p . ,mv-Z Wns 11_� '_* h:s , alis! v:r:1 =0 t�_s =��=.en 'I't i�zrz=,­,ns fnm r.-- ­t,eZm. 7,tvrz� !S C-:*_­J_C:,t n:- *2=t- tOk bY four be!ls, balt-past ten by -,IV ' ' .r,�=!s,2s-,0rC,3 . t t� V71 -t 4��,h t�ae 2,1,�­) .�'g is, ­%nt._--, tr�a*- " t1e :1=rs ,_3 cz=e. 1; " - tj� Qnl.- moro before- It has beenc-an- ,­ .7. I _. - �i _ ,�--nt Cf ­ ln�j!t " __ - � ___ - . .7e s - 3--- _ -9- _7 4YZ,n . t __ etve.�'Ps hIs ,sM:,,. L's �T llli; �1­�a t�s=- = '. niml fz- oesz,L --.' tte Z�-,!Tt-_ ., . - fl;Tn��S- ---. .1. v.---. D:e fell, ?=�,_ � ea._", rmln to ­ _­:' be he"f' eleven eo'o�l' hy a'\ bells, I",Ilt- When summer�be0z�,ns ,1-� 11-,y ,j)pen -- .1usively demonstratod .e�R t*� tT_-="_k ttl !!-=215, "zzl ez��',i P -g- ,� -_ - 'Z -_ tme- Sz=t* vte� :Mu, T,;Zat eeven by s"'Ven bell.4, antl tWL41 " I r .- -4 =3 &,:�_`=�, k:_ -y, ­Al. ,Utat =DF =mt: --C-3 stat2--7-0 wera bC­:Zg ,��:21n� � ... . . ve ; doorl .12 :� _n V, ­:si V,�:en - -=1 W.* " , - �_ V.- ,Z � tat -re, ,��7- ,Lppen ta:;!= - ,!I a _-:-__qr1 -el h!rn _ - - --h f:,.ere WZ3 ,� S211 rttle'o%v,,,�k (nc,m) b,V e�ght bolla, i ' . 2 =11 tiZ-1.-:?t% =, one &,-5 ,_ - W-e I -_� W` V, .,! F C=_,'l e�::_,)�v !M Czze nany, .� M.n Z ,�,-_�k,�, :� =ZT;2 s:�,_- ---,, -,Ye 1-:s.y 1%,,- ta­�� in! C tc - that yeast is rich In this ' , r -s U �arlrq the next watch (from inid.. ______-101__ `1 . I e a r� ,,'-- ,_ f zc Z I. e $,-- - ; t _-' Z, :t.,=e Mrvc n= �!�. --A-- , , I ! '.s;sfgco*_S� I � *C= - ,=- #�"_e� = 1�_­L-�- ,�,3 n�-. ,n=e6 =�t,� � -1 ­�r_ :D 'T, ,;r — . I IS L% ! all ituportant eletnent- bzem :rst G*1 ZZ:i = "=___1 _! !�, "T, . _�.� - �:As r:z- - ­ P --.:,'Kt 3 *'zt !re�-.t­-1-*7 'Z -=G tP' dav to 101ir P.m.) this tprmul, r - TO Some He Wrote. - "t � .V-'-qvO Or" rOattJ, N'91D011r, Ndth one bell at I .� : JL1_'1!- =3:0 's--r-ft stp_- :t:," -s =-,2� t-l'..l,­ - _L .-:,:" _� . t .; 7. =n dss!_�t Vrit!l tv--Lrms, � - tgh =F zt�e-, C"use, �S, - 1� T., - - ��M:it:El t: 3 �`Al 3 'J.7 tl:e , . - Many peopia have re- . =?I_ _' "!!Y *Z -6 . I , ..r The ehureh was in u%.�ent nek,:j cf - " .se,=I�-E-,�,� - - '� bal" zTt tw0vt�, nnd ED on, !1-z,7 An= ;=-!,_,�s cl: csar�, -_g_�t aie C'? a `=,�=_) z-,=;a&�. tL . �� �.. :r --7'-T-- -3 Cf 7.=, us --,QC- - efft *�=.Zzb t:-_2 r Rzt r: -,v,* tits ==.� I's a:; t,� ,��_::.� - 7 __ ��,__ ,� .__ 11 H-":1aQ-.,Z-.. -�T tcn-z�=,! 's =t t3l xz*_114111 - '- t3 (_�f t,! -.Z ran�t­_ �' . -.1 I I l*pair. 111nd i�nd.s� %Minqab. a wmy p_-,1; - t!, ,,'n3. -1n;Zs cd tie 1�c,w-. -"Ze C:E�-- wmay t-AX�. fl`za��g 0-1 a ­ra�l;a t!*_1Z­, =S= C_ ,.: __!� '.--,- i1c -, n T�. � --.,--- _�:�? - , %I*---- - 021--lieftuy Anply bytA- !7_at ;. - =,��__* L��q �!�:'_C.n ,2z " __ "--__T;1_e-"l '-'s =tIzz:y rnsw_ , I Inu I IAP 3110111ber, haa b�en 2nv!toa to) e"11. ­- , � _,�, � * , _:�, "' - - - n -a -- - , -�­ -,- � r`-7,� - sc­' _­n� a iz,=;�Ze !:!a q ;Z:�g'l Len�;tll 44 tS,� Ig ,&��,.�Tub,+.,, '�,, � "Ven It'.0 sul%wriptionz tn the rwr,zse. Onq �i.�.7* = V" Z:, _T nefl t ­ 'm"a'! take ;��7�:Z­a Z-ir I= rt:�14t3 S!21 X .: 7� , ,*­ r, T-.�:rz=*Z! f=,-- .�� .71 , , - � .A -4,p . - t:;-Ze, =._`l P7�7,ve 2noy" QW 1'-4(3Tt%_ �es-vzl,;Iv ar" llr-�,,­ �.',.h. beightl dcly thvlk WnWeIr 111tst sarly W��',Mrq' . _1 �e�" -t, -�� .. _ZX- '-t, -- . - . -"__.___Z i- - _r �: --- ­ - , �� _� _�__ - � ing oni6i, two or three ZZ -1 il- t_1 �� -1 -;!Z_Z�_ cut, =i 111-e �_­% - 5 __ '.'ZM - - T; 14' - n V.-ZI !�'S ,,_= �'.�_r.E:�-L�� �. � ��-� _- C:,�­_I­ I -E t. lez:� Fni =Z Wken C'_�sa_' arad 1&,pth. . *1 ,:a,. ,� �� Cn W!'nt �is S�='� _:� I:Z�:�_- � E,It,��!�l ct .- n � ,Q t, L � t=. _vl, L - Royal Yeast cf&M a day. ,;T­�., T�­, , ­_ 0'­� ,-_-*::E:. - I � I I trt0S0IUt0.V 1XIOng the wia. I la,� gc,za t, nnl. N's :=1_Z* e_,�,-.-.j��Z ,­n�ZL%-Z-. �L � _. I - - __ s ,_4 n!s -n�--_trj� �.',=c'15* c�:it ef *�Ie 1,=, fo�-!� Lhv,l er.i I " ".:,m i , w � 111aft tit on�k gmui,�,,J tbl� C a-0. L- -, --nz-:1 t'_-�? W_ -ter cn.! 'C�__,,�:."ts = S M!, ,=_1 :±:_tte a�, a:.,--o�!y =nv �.!­Z-Z_- ��ean_ Ycn Lave ,�­"Jy St,ncl name and ad&ass . 7�- usl= �1%z - T-,, � -_t _z - 2:_'-� 3 !n ",s-- .. I a w,niz �n r% " t '�' �a IFI" - ... 1:�:_4_ Z h'2!t, !�.'t =.,:.- _Nr� !a,:, -.C= t -C' - - 110 rRQU k%AtrC-St'.V, -1'M EIN"M ., Zn _ 1:�_=,, c;_-=t�Z;Z :2 V,�:_-.�r-_ 4-a r_�.r_-.Ty ";*C.17 ta ih, -at '.,:.)=-_ Ttrur �5 "'Y'" 1, �­, , , � __� ­ I U) rMl N't, In tilt$ stat,%'. - f ar tfre* czpy 1lRb.J*&1 YeIL81 1�T-:Ii j=�'_-7' *=-'-. -,-,- ,._--_�s vz"�_l -.-'- t­_Z-�s !�,--;- *_t __ ,4- - � - ,- ._� :. 00 INI 11 L J8 �, "al Ali. w,�,L 1.,4s � � , ts =5 L�S_-, l�"_�_�_-,Z:,�'_-g,::,-. ­.- ,_ _Z4, � ;, co 0 ­ Z. � .- ­),��.=. t---'�.,�l=u,--�,��v�-T.:Vg�zz,-'L.,4th�,W,-,T*LiI B# ­k, 0 , 7- ­ 2 tl�s fc--: r-_�..,n� J os -:!-.Z' __- __ - - t-- 's C_:),Z, " :1-5�-ti:? !n _- ct7F 's V�zz�..w �=,' cln� t!:e S-.��-._nnZ`11-,,S 1- � for tll%*L, r,%1k,Q e the Aoanz,e: . I -- - 1 -M. = tz��z,3 t-11 :-_�,'­­�� S tz, - �-VL )%,�l t!'ZiN a - = I - � r- - .- V, . -4 -3 --') -,-- -_ . Z�, -4m 30 "0001 It $WW rot I ClAta Ur Doter fi&&1th:* n _-�-,, r_-',--_-% ,",:! ,Z �­�,,, _� n--: ,� _� I '�' iti A& J& E N;r!id,%a1,au,,1% I'Urrit.v- "Tt, -Z,e,�. me�nls* i _2 =__� _tt !:;�.-7,;n] 1,�,­,.� '_,�.­�tl­:_'_- C� 2,�k ;rzn ::,il�p �!�Zn, , f: Z. :.I- �: �, r:�,. - , JLOJ �� I t f ==� � � I �, � i ; C� , - F!, --,k L 2, e�> t , I I .., . - -, - - ­ - - I- -, ­- t-, V -.: ':M-,,�-. B_ ­Z 6-4,' C'n"r-, *�'* ' tk" ll'�3 �,%' t';�ri,%,qIJ JheSe EjU!';Z L�r,C- i, - __ __ .- I - In 0 1:-:T. I ­ ­ - - - , _� _*� a. - - .,� r j � '.'J`�' L_ -e." �,,.. %�_�r"4� " t L ­ -1 . �� - - - � � - - - .. . Z ­ - ­­ - - : ': t,.l_-"L_,�_" ��_�j I r,- - - *V�,_ I & %1Z c--, Lmort =Nt:-1kN1e 1 r��*jZtm� 11 � , -41, :,��%*a Z'.'41' �, - � C. -- '. A:��l-�: ,_ Qn_-_=, -_ , . . G . __ - I , r.a. � I ,,. 7 " � " k w; � 'I �� �� T.4 V , E -:� n�_T,:_Z..,:�_] " --- �_'! 1�7.,:� 'n 1, -,*., ,� - � -Z- ­ . - ­­ ­­ . .. L - _i.;_ ..Z_'-!- ­': (" ftho'Wc) Y'J�% tt'n - - - _­ 0 .- --- - - ..�­� %Z,a - - _�` ... _­ - _ " .. ­ �, �.- �N % T,Un �.�� 1. U klAmn t1lb-N C'xn ��,�*,"t,et* V__1MV1t__ � . - t,-, 4� F �-�­ "Z - -Z. �, " - � - ,�'�,.�A 4­�� tt%JUJUT alww , - Vk% I)Oq Z,-. 3 %:=_,z-,'� Z- �, ,,:� �-)�, - - I.. _!! ­. ..0 - - ttrl� %;:�vv_-Zl � �J ,7,.� !_`�j, ��7_1 !_�­_,-,� =,'�� - �, Z - , ,,_,__�N %::�n�, " mt� � .e---�,71 ­�l u. " � 'Jtc, t�- 0 JJ1:0, ; ltt* fu " I ..I-- _' - L � .�'_' -, - -, _: �_' " �', _�:_. , `_ �- 1. . I .1 :- -, - *: , ,­, � ., ­­'.­. I ,* . ;*q_JU* � `� . . L ,; Ill') ZJ,Jt,* �J IV% 0t %1160T,V lwa�c� Vx,%* Z.-'ade . I , - � - _. � - - I a �f_ _�'J %Jt�jj'* �, '_!. � � ,-% , " ,,,,�;.X� , I -�,-�­ ,� I -:-��".,E-: t-'-_--, T".", ­ n ! � �� - ..- . ,_ . , - . . . - .. - -1.. -'-'-,--I v.,.", zz,T�- �,­ 14-1 ­­,�­.,.;� 1:,.��,, ,�,__ i. _.; .t _ _ . ,� _ " , -- - -� - I " _ZW ­ - J I , 11 I - I I ,X . _ I , 7' , �,P? . _. .11 , , . , -, ­ ��!" ­ . Z_� - �:., , , � ,� - _­ � , ". . � . ... . .... � QED AUTOS �1`1_1�11 ,--_..,-11 �­.;;��t­ I � �, � _1_ Q-1, - � _n- - . ­ I � , ­ U" , .. . ___1 '7� �--�-. I �.. 1, ­ -Z - � :-,.-...- � _­ ­_ �. - 11_._-_,�,,�!�__.T_­.­ - � 4 .Zt?:,__- ;. ,.:. _1-1:1 17�- - . . - - -1. L.. * Put sLnrejy� vl.m,ly. f, - - - I - _.� ­ .---,. - _--T _ � _... ___ ��:?_ ��,%�l � - _ �­z��:.Y�;,� ­­­_�., - _.� - - - W,Z Q,aK, -,' �, -6 - ­�_ 1� " - - - ,� z., - _: ,�_,_,_�- - - - � , - . - _­ � _-_-,ZM==-Jo�!�-� XA!�.�_ -, I I . - *:;_I"-- I - ­ . � __ ­ - .1 - � ­ � � � but , - __1 - , V­*.71� -� ��:- -_­_ r -, __ - , - - - . - l - .! __ t,, ,_ �".: I - - I I - - .!v "I U�,�O,�,�. - -_ _ I : ­ ­.­­ � . . �__n ­_ �_'_ _1� .1 Tl_ - 11 � ') , ­­ I � y"llukN %st Jhk� Z_4iz ­.%�'.­f �'t) I . I _� � I . �, , : _.... � - 11 . - . - . �.. -,. ,-,,, " - _�,%.! V L,J �J, � __ - - . - . ___ , — ..-� Z, _- .? -,-. �" -, . - ­ 11" ­ .. ,-,;, - _.-­� I - _. %. - I. . .4 , , - - , - -1 ' -_' ' ' .,�,_, yo-av_ IM, .. .. ­ - --- ­ � . ��_ .-� ___�., 4:,�. � - -_ _ . _ ,:� _':� - '.. ­ -. L) . ... _ - _ � * I - L, -, . .. . . - '.. -7 - I., I 11. , ­ , ­ 'or " 'J1%101,%t.1leV,1',­ ­.X�,�, tb,-�o ,�.-, '�, t t _0 ,Z.a _, , '? , __.. . . - 1. - � , r "ey, Br.xilwy. Tj �,2_z .,.:. ,'_--,,1% � I-, _.�__:, ` __ _ _ - _ _,_".,. .1 , _­�_ Ml.. - � _:� -_ ,.III Z:�I 'U'�,­ .---- ,­ - - - -,-,-,- -,.C. . - � - �. -Z:1 �,_) Z�-,.-,Z�, -, -:� �"_�,�l ,-. � " � -U , R 0.,4,r,3 ,; a- � __ - # 1�1 I- V �k �,;I' 4"", "". ww.10 tao �,��%'&­ A, . _V Ix