The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-11, Page 8N ADYANCE THP4. -ANINGIJA WX "he Gospel of W W, earing AC0511 MARK J x, N, GOOD OVERALLS -11 what you Y, j Did you ever stop to thit save by wearing high grade overalls. Peabody and Carhartt Ovevalls are the V, best made in America -sell for a little More bUt Nveav more than the extra cost. A-% nod TrNk F a ir Work Shirts, Worl Hose, X Gloves and Mitts*, Etc. ,_3 X v H Cox n n a & Coo X V5.8 Hurt In Auto Accident REMINISCENSES CULLED FROM THE PRESS As the result of an automobile accident' In writing to the Goderich Star recent - ,in Tuesday cvening% Mr I- rnest Yritcf 1 Detroit Free Press - One sign of a re - ,7= d, of Goderich. is laid up zi,, the home of 1 ly Mr, Robert Nobb of Hubbard Lake, 1 turn to normal conditions Js that the - Mr. Thos, Shepperd, near Nil.e with an'Mich:, enclosed a. bit of verse which hifi i hotel clerks no longer seem offended when leg. Mr. Pritchard and his'old friends in the district will no doubt you ask for a room. arother, Thomas, who was driving, were'appreciate to the full, and which we take . Houston Post- In London the increas- n. ' urning from a trip to Wirighara when the liberty of publishing. The reference ing number of divorces is attributed to war. Correct. Peace at home does not aey encountered on the road south of to Charley, our teacher, in the last verse, Nile a car with bripht hal.ts which made, is to Charley Stewart, S. S. No. 2, West breed divorces. lrlving uncertain. They also stopped t'; Wawanosh. Brooklyn Eagle -All the coal operators ask are high prices and low temperatures, allow this car to pan, and the road being 10 never again, in the green shady bowers, narroi at this point, with a deep ditch, I Where with comrades I wandered, shall and they will do the. rest -V,415. L "licir car went over into the ditch and Providence Journal -The frantic effort pass the sweet time; ff as badly smashed. Ernest's leg was ape Nor dodge under the elms to esc . from of coal barons to prev nt the publication of profit statistics indicates,that they are severely injured, while his brother escaped the showers, -,Mith some cuts and bruises They injur- Nor hark from the footsteps of old Bob still making expenses. ad man' was taken to Mr, Shapperd's McBrain. Washington Herald -The long &reen ,':icme,'where he is being cared for, and doesn't stay with the green long. 0 never again sball I hunt the wild Brandon Sun -About now somebody will probably be alright in a few days. pigeon, might oblige with inventing a noiseless With Plunket's o!d shot gun with its celerv. BORN flint and its steel; Kingston Whig -A man reaps what lie Nor trot off to Dungannon to sport with sows unless tie is an amateur gardener. young Vigon, London Free Press -Many a piece of V,,ino-In Wingham, on Thursday Aug. 0 where are the friends I loved so weal. scandal going the rounds might b! term -d Ith, to Mr. and Mrs. R. H King. a: son. i With Tommie and Billie, hov oft have I a "grew some" tale! CkTirER,,­In Howick, on Monday, Juiy wandered, Manitoba Free Press -Sometimes a 29th, 1021, to M- and Mrs. Chas. Down by the old meadow with its man's will leaves everything to his wife, Cathers a son. brookful of trout, and thats just what a lot of them do dur. ISToxRs-ln Township of Howick, on I oft sit and ponder and often to wonder, ing life. But never am able to figure it out. Palmerston Spectator -11. people fell Aug. 6th. to Mr and Mrs. James Stokes, I off the dock into the St. Clair River on a daughter. 0 where are the boys and where are the I Monday. Somebody must have opened M.cDOXALD-In Wingham. General lios- girls, a "crock". p i That used for to play around old No. ital, August Gib. to Mr. and Mrs. D. 2? Indianapolis News -One of the funniest Martin McDonald, Township of Grey, I things is how hard a man will work and a son. When I think of them now, 0 how my how much he will spend to get an office East Wawanosh, August, heart whirls, and then discover that he cannot live on For many of them have bade us adieu, th salary. Sth. to Mr. and Mrs. James Norman, a son. It's well I remember old Charley, our, I)etruic News -D. csri't all his wang. teachm' ;ling over women's dress p-etty nearly God bless his dear s3ul where're lie may 1 come under the heaJ of much ado'155bot MARRIED be' 1 1 noth . ing? 5;_ - Long since he has passed through the Kingston Whig -A sharp nose is a sign ILD -At Cook's hands of the preacher, of inquisitiveness. A flat nose indicate Presbyterian church, Toronto, on July The land of our Saviour he's gone for to that it has been altogether too inquisitive 22nd, J. Clara, daughter of Mr. W. A. see. King ton Whig -It may yet be neces$- d Dr. A. E. ary for the United States to provide nea Rutherford, Wroxeler, an Cavanagh, of Kinburn, Rev. Wm. 30,000 Farm Laborers i little muzzles for all its officials befor sending them abroad. F&tterqon officiated. It is estimated that to harvest this year's Detroit Free press -Not only has Ad FORLER-ELLACOTT-In Goderich on. crops in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and miral Sims been recalled, he also will b Wednesday, Au , 3rd. Miss Lillian Alberta, it will require approximately r.called long after most of his critics hav Ellacott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. 90,000 men. been safely forgotten, Ellacott, Wingham, to Mr. Fred Forler. The Canadian Pacific has arranged and Ann Arbor Times -News -The girl nex 'They will reside in Goderich. is advertising usual special fare of $15.00 door says it's not so much a question o the Methodist par- to Winnipeg and will run special trains what to wear as a question of what t 'A -MA inaham on Saturdav Aucust I from Toronto August 8th, 10th, 17tb, and I leave off, rath. John Lawson Nichol to Miss 22nd, Special accommodations for wo. 11orence, Evelyn"Herd. both of Howick. men and children, See any Canadian Rev. C. 9.- Cragg officiated, Pacific Agent for full details. I I I . - 1 0 11100111"" __ __­ I 6 1 Canadian Hafional Exhibition, 7 oronto AUG. 27 - Inctusive - SEPT. 10 To be opened by "OVER HE -RE" -Super Pageaneof Regal Lord Byng of Vim, Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Canada's new Origin, Growth and Achievements. Governor-General r Color-Syrtibol-Allegbry-Hundreds or Performers-Mu3ic-Fine Arts---WorlXs -Color . of Me Largest Collettion of War Photographs- 0rient Thrillers of Many Kin&A-Virewotks on a larger scale than ever before-5cores of Gaiety of a Features only to be seen at Toronto. Mardi Gras Canada's Greatest Ltse Stock and Farm Display-Uachinery and Equ(pment of Completo exposition of Cana&'s resources, Endless DesignJor increating the E.6ciency of the Form and the Coynfott of the flome. I sE;l of men, wealth of material. Reduced Fares otk All Lines of Travc' JOHN 0. XtNt, K08T. PLEMIN(. Managing Olrootot proail_,­ Dates Of Fall Fairs Wingham .................... Sept. 27-2 Bayfield ..................... Sept. 27-2 Blyth ........... ­*­­­ Sept. 22-2 Brussels ­*­ ...... ** ...... Sept. 15-1 Duniantion ....... * ............. Oct. 6 - Exeter... ...... .......... Sept. 19-2 Goderich., . ................... Sept. 6- Gotrie ....................... October Lucknow .................... Sept. 39 - Industries For Town Orillia Packet: "One might think, t read the Farmers' Sun, that cheap powe would fill every small town and ever hamlet in Ontario with prosperous indu tries. Orillia h a s cheap power -riot cheaper, Are, new industtieA 6mblit over each other in search of sites her Much more than cheap power is neede as thit town has reason to know, steady supply of labor, convenience situation, railwaY facilitiesi and railw competition, if possible, and in ma cages proximity to the United Stat border, are among the other facto whi h enter into the Calculation of dustries,seeking for suitable sites. Thurs,day. August I Itli, 1921 Bluevale Mr. . and Mrs. Chas'. darmett of,13uluth, ' iting relativeB here, are vie 'Mies Mary Stew4rt isat prqsent visit- IM, tAnnouncemen6n egard to our portan ing friends it 8ton y creek w Miss Bessie Nichol of Toronto, is sperding her holidays with her parents. Mrs. F. B. Scott. lau Toledo are visiting with Mr. and V Mrsjh nne and wa gra dchlldren of S ghtcnir Sale of 0 Miss Jessie Robertson of Boissevain, Man., is visiting Miss Duff. Mr. Geo. Haney spent the week -end a% Wroxeter. S Mr. S, Young of Toronto, is spending here. his holidays Miss Bernice Shaw spent a few days Iry "oobs 'and, Shou at Bayfield g, MOs Mary ATowbray and John are 6 at spending a fiAr days with relative Wingham and Wbitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Stewart sF ent a in Queens Hotel Corner store few days last week with their son, Wm,, at Bowling Green. Miss Grace Coultess of LiBtowel, is Our intention is to make an entire "clean up" of mill goods visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. bought before the year 1921. Snell. Mr. Morris Bosman has purchased a car for delivering mail on R. R. No. 2. T.* We are "combing out" our stock of every pair ol r-lodds and Miss Ella Stewart of Bowling Green, is FIV " visiting relatives here. ends" and lines we are discontinuing to stock - A very heavy electrical storm passed over here on Saturday, the Methodist -,Yo church shed was struck but no se rJous 71V We do not claim tohave a variety of all kinds in this sale damage done. -but what lines. we have are offered at " Miss Helen Garniss of Toronto, is home for a few weeks holidays. Mr. W. H. Willis preached in the Nlethpdist churc h Sunday evening and A-% Sol% gave a splendid sermon which was mucli gi# appreciated, ExcevAIM11ally- Low PrI*C"%S Geo. Mowbray spent Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with relatives at St Helens. 4" - *"-*- You are Invited10 come In and look and will not be pressed to buy Mr. and Mrs Hugh Sinnamon and "I'll, family of Wingham junction, spent Sun- W1 our plan of selling is as follows:-119ne shoe of each I(Ind is plac- day at the home of G Hall. ed on tables with a ticket attached stating the size and price - Mrs, D. Errington and daughter of ',TA When you make your selection you are at liberty to try on, etc. It Dungannon. spent a few days with re- 1'f* atives aro und here, -*$ a change is desired be sure to bring them back to the sale store' Miss Beatrice W tson of Gorrie, spent as they cannot be changed at our regular store. a. few days with Mrs. Thos Stew -art. Mr, and Mrs. jo n Wasman and daughter of Clinton, called on old friends %*kl: We are making a change in the days of the sale as follows: in the village on Sunday. *1, r. R Garniss is getting his thresh "Next week instead of being open every day, we be open i1r, for one day only, ONE BIG CLOSING DAY, ing outfit ready to commence. Farmers 4V. claim the oats are very light this year, Mrs, L. H. Eosman abd Robt. Bo5man Mr, Jae, _*11114 A* dL 'URDAY, A U G* 2 0 t h qpent Monday at Goderich Miss Florence. Aitchison and Aitchison returned home on Mond SA I k III - ay, 7,V -after spending their holidays among TA relatives here. ,11 In other words "Our sale store will be open every day this Mr, Herb Powed ol Windsor, spent a week, but next week One Day Only, One Big Closing D few days with Mr. Wm. Thornton. ays Mr. " Manser of St. Thomas, spent a namely, Saturday, Aug. 20th, and kindly bear In mind this few days with his sister, Mrs. R. Aitch- 'III*: refers to 'Shoe Sale Store' in the corner of Queens Hotel". legn. Mr. Rich Johnston shipped a c -r of hogs to Toronto on Monday. 1k Mr. L.' H. Bosman has purchased a 7 stone crusher to use in connection with 14 his tile machirle which will be a very good combination and sa;e labor. k, W WVT I L 420 1 Mr, Parker Smeltzer of Guelph, spenk A A L a few days Mth friends here. _0 Mrs Hockerldge, Sr. and grand- -t t% :4A 1 J daughter left Wednesday morning for the 4,%. I.Ap 4,%: j 4 F,0 -kYl West. 10 4V 'A* 'A'- 1,01 'A" VA 1A'. 11,J'. IAV #'A 'A' VT- "AN '4'- OAV 4* -TV eV- #T, -T- 44", 4'0- 4T- 'A`- -'AV A1.eA-.W#'F1V?A;% V7A17A; 1VA3,fi­AV W. 1. Master has resumed duty after being on sick list the past few weeks. I Wt. XX =011M X01.0 XW1. :4 X .41 X XX XX UP. XXXX X X WK. XV0.1414 X110.1 INIr. W. Griffiths returned home lo Montreal an Saturday. after spending a X couple of weeks with his family here. W with friends at Listowel this week WIS Specially Reduced Prices w bliss Belle Burgess siYent a few days ' Mr. Art Shaw. Jr. underwent a'serlous operation in Toronto last Priday, and is doing nicely. His Marty friends wish X.R1 him a speedy recovery. X Men's Clothing, Work Clothes, Furnishings X Misses Wilma Shaw and Zelma Turvey have returned home after taking a couree at the 0. A. C at Guelph. The offer is for this week only and. an opport-unity.for the men who an - Miss leaftette Robertson of Tavistock, is home for two weeks holidays. ticipaite going to the Canadian West for the ha"est work, you can easily Ar. auto collided with a buggy on Main save you travelling expenses by taking advantage of this offer. . . . . St. on Saturday night, the buggy was somewhat the worse.' We should have a traffice officer on the busy corner. Miss C. Hyles of Atwood is visiting Vjr SUITS. her sister, Mrs. H ammond ail present. The anniversary services of Johnstows Clothing of good m,aterial cut Metholht church, Bluevale, Circuit will in the latest styles, suitable for. be helJ on SunJ iy, Aug 21st., at 11 a. X, travelling a nd roug4 weat-, the m. and 7 30 p. m. Rev. J. W. Pring of clothes include English Tk.veeds Trowbridge _a former pastor will preach 1 01 at both services, a thank offering will be W. Worsteds, in kieat designs an d taken. Special music by church choir good colors, a6o navy serges. and others. Reduced prices are Miss Evelyn Holt is spending a few X days with her aunt in Goderich. Reg. $25 Suits for 18.50 t Miss Zelma Turvey arrived home after Reg, $35 Suits for 22.95 e taking a five weeks Agticulturial course Reg. $40 to, $45 for 29.50 at Guelph, Reg. $48 to $60 for 34.50. Miss Ethel Johnston has returned home e after spending a couple of weeks with X relatives in and around Gorne. Gents' Furnishing and " Norlc Clothes greatly reduced. t Miss Ferne Eckmier is h,)Iidaying at Percale shirts, sill< Shirts, hats, caps, neckwear, Suspenders, f Goderich over the week -end. pylianias, etc, Special prices 1,98 to 4.95. 0 Johnston's Ladies Aid was held on Wednesday at the home of Richard % WORK SHIRTS 0. Johnston A good attendance of mem- X RAINCOATS bers were there. Men's T veed Gaberdine Raincoats, Strong Work Shirts at prices which which may also be -,vorn as a fall inean big savings, to you. Prices 8 Newspaper Costs 8 The reason the pewspaper morgue is so coat, all sizes, latest styles. Re- ...... $1.19, 1.29 1.69 and 2.49 3 full is shown by an editor who has been duced....., .............................. 20 to 30% - 6 investigating the cause of so many news - 7 paper demises. He figures out that in ODD PANTS SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR 0 1907 wages were at 100. In 1011 they 8 had advanced to 178, and in 1921 the *4 Strong Wearing Pants of English Light, Medium and Heavy Weight 1 1 0, 0 ligura was 893. Newsprint from 100, X Worsteds and Tweed. Special 'Gartnents, suitable for all clim- jumped to 177 in 1914, and to 623 in 1921. p ,ices at.... $2.19, 3.95, 4.39 and 6.95 ates, Reduced .................... 20 to 50% Newspaper postage, which cost the nor - o mal of 100 in 1907, Was 147 in 1914, and 74 OVERALLS r 337 in 1921. Ink was 10 * 0 in 1907, 200 in SWEATER COATS y 1914,,and to -day stands at 331, Editor- Extra full sized bib and pa4t over- s. ial expense jumped from 100 in 190t to alls, smocIcs etc. Peabody and The season is now on for these e 120 in 1914 and 241 in 1921. Miscellan. I Leather Label malces. Reg. gaemetits in Coats and -Pullover g eous expenses went from 100 in 1007 to e 125 in 1914, and to 244 in 1921. Taking $3.50 for 2.00 styles. Prices ............ $2.25 to 7.50 d, the average of all newspaper, costs,'it Was I A found that while the averZge in 1007 was of 100, in 1014 it was 159, and in 1021 it I ay reached the high mark of 411. It is not ny surprising with such figures that over I N G B R 0 S es 4,000 newspaper publications haVe got I ie ta out of existence in the ttftited States, and Terros, Cash. Phone 71. jn a corresponding number in Canada.- Vrom the Brantford Ex0osit or.