HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-11, Page 7It
0044-60 NOW" Dag.
1M a, 00
Japan has her rul" of the roW, not
phrased as are our own, but very
Much to '(Ile 011at. ��tM rilles are fill.
According to prelimtn4ry estialatel I tile I.e..t Six -Pen years and rezovering
sued In EnglIsh al�o,,tor the use of
F%pl;� As Well As He Ever
the gold prcilaction fr.om tile mines Cf 111.3 Copper.
BrItl5b tourlsts.
Most Troubles Afflicting Women
T1* rate rewas: 'At the rise
Are Due to Poor Blood.
of the band at tile policeman, iaop
rapidly, do- not pass him by, orother-
I wn�ii half through my OrAt
To every woman belongs the right
wise Airespect lilm."
bnttlk, of i4inlae I began to straighten
to 011JOY a healthy, active life; yet:
The Becond: "Whon -a passenger of
Romantic History of Tower of
nine Out of tell auffor from some form
the toot love In sl�llt, t._
.3tIo the
a UIPY I Hamilton, Out., a valued
0111111-Y(le of tho 1Vc ),I-Aloraader hard-
Of bloodIcssness. That is why
I trumpet to bt molodivusly .it first.
London, the Mecm of Sight-
sees on every bide pale, thin &.eeone
If he still b,t,ra,.l, you. paw;age, tactic
seers in Old Land.
dull eyes and drooping figures -sure
him with vigour and express by word
Tanfan I Nt' ;:,�,int In a badly run-4owa
st9lis of headaches, weak, baLks, sell.
cf mouth the warning, 111, 111!"
Many people visit the Tower, but
tow trouble to equip themselves for a
Ing limbs and uncertain health. All
Weak women should Win the right to
The third is Umte,141tig- I'llowaro of
the wall-derIAE; licrse that he rhall not
tour of London's world-famoua fort-
be well by refreshing their weary
take fright no pan pass him by. Do
bodlei with the new, rich, red ])load
not explode the exhaust box at
Go by
Your Imagination Will respond far
that Promptly transforms them Into
soothingly by or stop tile road�
more readily to the romantic atmos.
healthy attrictive women. This new,
side until Ile pass awayoll
phere of the historic ediflee it you ac,
red blood Is Bapplied by Dr. Williams'
The fourth - also hal+ Its pathog:
quallit Yourself, previous to Your -visit,
Pink I'llis, which reaches every organ
. Give big silace to the feative dog that
with some of the main facts relating
and every nerve III the body. Through
makes sport In the roadway, Avoid
to the Tower,
the use of these pills; thousands of we.
entmiglement at the dog with your
In a. recently-publishod book, "The
mell have found benefit when suffering
vIlleel Spoke$-"
Waiver of London," Mr. Walter Bell tin.
from anaealla, Indigestion, general
Here is, art awful warning against
folds its terrible and romantic his.
weaknOss and those ailments train
Skidding- A'GD Boothingly over the
which WOMOR alone suffer. Among
greg-se-mud; for there furns the sk14-
William the Conqueror built tile
the many Women who tell of the gr)od
ilemon. Press the brake of the toot
Keep, or Tower, which Is the central
Dr. Williams' Pink pill$ have done
Its you roll around the loorriera to save
and Most conspicuous part or the fort.
then' Is Mrs. L. HICks, Round Hill,
tl'O 001IRPOO."
NZ, Who Says: "I became very much
Foot -Prints of History.
run down In health; my blood sebmea
He Ate It Alit
Mr, Bell tells us how the Conqueror
weak and watery, my strength failed,
and I was so easily tired that
"Crop failures?" asked the old -
bad two obJects in view. Ile wanted
to dispute tile passage of an enemy up
my work
was a burden. `1 had often rea* about
-fYos, I've seen a few In my day. In
the Thames and to overawe Loudqn-
Dr, Williams' Pink PIIIs and decided
to'try theom, and I can truly say that
1854 the corn, crop was almost natil.
ersl With studied Insolence he did
away with part of tile Itoman wall
after using three boxes I,tGund my-
We cooked some for dinner, and
my father ate fourteen acres of -corn
round London so that he might erect
self gaining, and my old-time energy
and vitality wits restored. Out at my
at one meal.,,
his Tower, and to this day part of the
Keep is outside the City boundary,
own experience I can strongly recom-
Hope He round It.
The walls of the Keep are fifteen
mend this medicine."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
When the bell rang the Other day
It ttle J16linnie went to the door. Soon
feet thick and eleven feet above the
through say dealer In medicine or by
he returned alone.
It was not until the reign of Henry
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams, medicine
"Who was It?" asked the mother.
"Oh, It was Just a man looking for
Ilf. that the Tower of London assumed
anything approaching Its present ap.
Co., Brockville, Ont,
the wrong place," was the reply,
pearance, and after that several mon-
archs added to the -structure at vari-
Value Of Fqrests.
f--tsr Be t Friend.
ous tlines.
Canada Is One of the greatest forest
A young main may have many
friends, but he will find none so stead-
. The Tower became a State prison
COUntrIC5 of the world. Much of our
fast, so constant, so ready to respond
because It was almost Impregnable. It
was also used as a Royal Palaco-tho
Canadian soil is unsuited to farming,
but Is capable Of growing magnificent
to his wanta, so, capable of pushing
last time by Charles 11,
timber. Our forests, provide work
him ahead as a little leather -covered
book with the name of a bank on Its
British coinage was struck In the
Which maintains halt a million people.
cover. -Sit Thomas Lipton.
Tower until 1812, so that this wonder-
They give work, too, tor cut, sailor3
ful fortress is Closely identified with
and railway men and furnish bu3irc.43
universaL Solvent.
tile whole of British history
for our merchants and bankcils. All
"Now," said the professor of chemis-
It was In the Council Chamber on
citizens can assist In. taking Cate f
try, "under what combination Is gold
the floor of the Keep that Richard
cur forests and, particularly in I)
most quickly released?"
Ir. gave up his crown to Henry at Lau -
tooting them against fire.
The student pondered a moment. "I
Caster. His death has alwaya been a
know sir," lie answered, "Marriage."
mystery, but It is probable that he was
A person enjoys a rub -down after
A test shipment of two carloads of
horses fEk being made to Port of Spain,
starved to death. The.execution of
a hard dity's work- so does a horse.
Oculist:? I -lave founi thait a V�cuijar
Anne Boleyn was also decided upon in
near a high wall and speak a word
I loudly, It will come back to you as It
foam cif its doe to persons
the Tower, and she spent the last i
Wriard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
'�El:�:_I'ng wN'e -1ying down.
seventeen days of her life there.
sta like what you've got?"
I Dld-"Ii,,v on earth d,, I know?
Poses', and are Casting between $4o
and $45 per head In Alberta. if this
Places of Oppression.
There Is an amazing
Surnames and
Thei Origin
collection of
Instruments of torture In the crypt be-
may so ll�
reflect alsound as to cause It to be dis-
neath St. John'�g Chapel. These in.
4ude thumb-nerews, a spiked collar,
and that appalling appliance known as
Variation -Lindsey.
Variations - Chatsworth, 6hetwood,
"The Scavenger's Daughter," Which
Racial Origin -Norman-French.
Chatham, Chadsey,
crashed It..3 victims to death. I
Souroo-A clan n2me.
Racial Orlgln-Anglo-Saxon.
011Y 11'awkes apent some time in the
To classify the family name of Lind-
8ource-A place name.
TOwOr, 1-10 Is SuPPOs0d to havo been
Confined Ili a dungeon slyled VLIttle,
Bay as Norman-Prench orIgh', when It
Is Scottisb,, and to, call It a clan name
This Is a group at family names
*111ch has been derived from
Ease." The space allotted ]III,, was
though thG LIIldSaYS- were neither
names� which, though not the same,
very small. dark, and without ventila-
Gaelic nor Highlanders, demands
are all of the same character.
some excuse and explanation.
The basic element in these names
The Bloody Tower and, opposite it,
It happened during the reign of
Is the ancient Anglo-Saxon word far
Traitor's Gate, are full at memories of
King Malcolm Ceann-mor ("Big
cottage or hut, which was "Cyta" or
ernelty and oppression. Through the
Head") of Scotland, which extended
"-cete" pronunciation of the An -
gate Passed all State prisoners.
from before to many years, after the
glo-Saxon '�C" was always like 11k,"
Prom the tiny square window fac-'Norman,
invasion Of England.
for, as. a matter of fact, there was no
Ing this arch Archblehop Laud gave
In the years immediately following
qt,, in the, Anglo-Saxon alphabet).
alifs last blessing to Strafford aa the lat-
the first victories of William the Can-
This was the usual word donating
ter was or. his way to execution. Laud
queror, many Anglo-Saxon warriors
,hous,, or "dw. . elling," the ancient
himself was beheaded three years
and chieftains, sought their fortunes
equivalent of the modern word
anew in Scotland. Malcolm welcomed
"bousle" being reserved for buildings
Sir Walter Raleigh spent thirteen
them. Later dissatisfied with this re-
of a more pretentious or public na-
yealis In. the Bloody Tower, and Wil-
wards William had granted or with-
liam Penn, the Quaker and foun.derof
held, also sought the service of 9, more
The place name of Chattorton, or
Pennsylvania, was imprisoned in the
getierotia. overlord. And Malcolm wel-
more properly "Chadderton," from
'Tower for writing a harr Pam
nless, I ph_
comed them also.
which tile tarally name iWaa descrip-
The pitiful tragedy of the two little I
The Lindsays, were among the lat-
te'r number. At that time they bore
tively derived, was: -compounded from
the Anglo-Saxon "Cete-doir-dun 11 and
Princes, has served to Make this
Tower notrolously famouB. The
a surname descriptive of the lo-
cality from which they had come In
signified "the fortified 4wolllng'In the
twelve -year-old King Rdward-V, and
]its younger brother were suffocated
Normandy, "De Llmesay." In the
course of time this has become Lind.
Chathiant Is the name of a. town In
by Order of Richard IIL, who had them
for Itself, through
Kent. It Is compounded of "cYWI or
"Catell and "ham," the latter signify -
sent to the Tower for that purpose.
The family won
Ing a village.
The famous priseners who perished I
miserably In the Tower, Or who spent I
grants, of the Scottish court, lands
Which though not in the Highilands
Chatsworth ta a compound of "cete?l
the time previous to their execution
bordered on them. Throughout sub-
and "worth." At the period when
there, are too numerous to mention. i
sequent history they played a large
family names were formed this word
The Royal Regalia is kept in the �
Wakefield Towor, and is� of special fn�;
part In the wars and confederations of
tIIe Highlands. They adopted the cus,
had come to mean anY faxms-tead. Bat
thle. compound of the place name had
terest on account of -the Goldei E agle !
tGMs and manners of the clans, bore
the Gaels,
occurred long before, when the word
still preserved its 110ral moaning
which holds the anointing 611 used at
Coronations, and the spoon Into which
the same weapons as
evolved a dress and a tartan sintilar
of a
"warded" or Inclosed place. Hence
the oil Is poured.
to those of the Highlanders, and so in
the place name meant not a farm cat -
Until 1834 lions were kept In the
the course Of time have come to be re-
tage, but a cottage in art inclosure.
garded, let its say) as sort of honorary
Usually the Inclosure was, a wooded
inghlanders, to- not Highlanders by
Hay In Lumps.
blood. it was a Lindsay, indeed, wblo
Chatwood was a place name signify.
A Londoner paid his, first visit to
was first colonel of the famous Black
Ing 9, Cottage in the wood and Chad -
the country. NVIIIIst viewing the rus-
Watch Regiment of Highlanders.. I
soy a dwelling nowr the sea.
tic Beene lie observed a largo hayrick
near a, farmhouse, and asked his com-
pan -ion what It was.
"Why, thij,V�% hay," was the reply.
'Vot, all 'ay!" exclaimed the be-
nighted Cockney. ',Blow me, 13111,
don't the 'ay grow In big lumps, dahn
wnicn is
Handle With care.
"Jack has. placed his heart In my
"Well, you had better be vory Care.
lul Of It, dear. Ho told me last Week
T had broken it."
Who haVe trouble
with tints will 11tidi that borax iii chno
of the, beat exterminatore. Pantry
Alelftma am Cracks chould, bo W611
optinkled with it,
Fortility is a by-product of good.
fartaitig, Good:farniiiig Isla conflAnam
ti�on of ackinpecl and- art wfth jplonty, ol
ilold lor expartsion.
Ad tallest 'ratest of 1114lik-trid, In.
cludinir the Patagonians em. tho GAI.
loway Scotoo $014om 0fial" 4 holght
@d $ f"t 4 kWh@&
ton contain cafteine,
disturbs vowl healtun-
'0.- . -
MIX44 NO -0144 1=1 "DAVIS SLEIM:Au
One c -f the greatc7t foati; over at-
tompted In v�etal ni!rtlag Is now bV.,j.qg
Q%rrIed orat'lli the United Stateo.. Eff IONG fifflyl
- � I RUM OR
At W-,,bve, tit the State of ArI7,iona, , MON, RRE 6,111JEN
there Is a MR linown aFt Sacra, mento TANLAC STRAIGHTE?"
Hill, W'hl(h 114 ecutpoced of copper are
and contains an imajense amount of HIM RIGHT UP.
valuable nict%l. American mining ex.
young pact IV ...
-"What do you think
the parters racm, she at last found
an Official cf the Has hav;ng a qulat
perts have. pet tr.em�selves the tal5U 0,.,
Progress in Canada. digg!ng away t? E., v,,holc. of tlllg hill In
my latest brain child?"
He-WiP'nin Nall Sayis He Now
According to prelimtn4ry estialatel I tile I.e..t Six -Pen years and rezovering
Editcr-l'I'm afraid our magazine
will be unable to adopt it!"
F%pl;� As Well As He Ever
the gold prcilaction fr.om tile mines Cf 111.3 Copper.
is noticeable Ill. certain caverns.
I and then Inquired excite�l
Northern Outar)vi will amaunt to, it;. I bkrty rafllic-n (able yards of mater.
Prot. W. J. Humphreys, an einlaout
Di,-,! in His 144.
pr&x1mately �1,2aopo during tlt.3!J-A 17111 have to b�� removed, and It Is
tit a June, na ccanpared with $1. 1,,) recover frout it twenty.
Not Nei'v to Him..
I "Here's a firm aavert!;;Ing shirts
I wn�ii half through my OrAt
300J.110 III MaY and $1,084,345 in Aprli I fivo uw:loll ton.", of vnppee (rp, V'rhich
V-11thent buttiwlFo," rald hip, witp.
bnttlk, of i4inlae I began to straighten
Tim Production fr-, the .1
quartcr i v�� I y-',!%1 a Vrar .,,nil Illillion puunds
"Nothing new 't"Imlit fII-kt#,
r1glit nil." Relyert Davis, 22
A10C -M,,
" Puri,
amnuntea t C - Already tho mlnpjl.% are
to-arcunI $3,7804,345, 'in(' 1'41 1
ber bapband. Ilve
a UIPY I Hamilton, Out., a valued
0111111-Y(le of tho 1Vc ),I-Aloraader hard-
the, h!glie,.t quantity In tl,,� ]I AFtcry of at v --o"14 and over live millifin
1 (-able
i year,&"
-old Mhaing in Ontario. - iye bocni dug away. V,(V�11
It 6 expect-
"It doesn't really matter—nothdng
does," Is the motto I saw recently in
niontlis before tating
ad that gold prodaLtIOT1 In the ZIP% 11119v �Jz�aiu ;�Ivjvnls are emp!oyed for
quatter will even exceed thcse figures.: the mtrm-- e, and fiftc�,!n loponjotiv("
Wanted Informption.
"1 can f�Oi� the tIp-+ v(ur
Tanfan I Nt' ;:,�,int In a badly run-4owa
1 .5,
iJ, W. Broach, a fftrmer at Doliarm, I hnul VIC. Material av, ay P.,i it it, dili,
fji vars
vonditlNl- 44t Cr. g I had no appetite
:t all Vls�*l
Basic., has develci, od a strain of fall out.
1 "I"he
Well, what (it it?"
and :-wiletimps I could eat
he'Artily, blil, vaZ;irod tarribly after -
1 (11grging gopi; (.n at
wheat 'Which he claims Will revolu-three dff-
s that an accident or are eara Com-
Nvardii froin iaCi p�zA (I.
tionize 1he growing of fall wheat In ererit levelo-- iiixty, forty-five, and
Irg Nick 11'rudil ally!"
wq.s nerrec, ard restims, never
Western Canada. He lias experlmont-i thirty -fire feet fit he!ght -and ri
earth -echo of his own voice -when he
001)t Well, RIA Li12Y a night I rolled
- nillee of raffivay ourivoet these with
ed with the new Cereal, for three!
A Goout is Thrifty.
and to -ed nParly all night long and
Years. The Mature strain has, a red.
dish appearance, similar to Marquls,1
i ti he waste dunips where the Material
19 stared ready for Crushing and the
Tenderf vot-11Why d(I yc.1, take
long stops?"
In the niorning felt Do stiff In my
Wilts it wal; Remo time before I felt
and gives Proml*e of an exceptionally
extritet1011 of the metal. VI'Bt Cttva Mi� leather
like MovIrg at all. I suffered a great
heavy yield from the 25 acres he bas
When the v.ork is finished there will;
be no bill, but In Its
that way."
deal fror.i ccnst`I)&ra and was oub-
crop this year.
place two pitq,
Ject to �Splildug
hut, cap and fur Industryl
one a quarter of a mile and tile
The Missing Emblem.
"But Taulac, helped me right from
for the year IM accounted for a total
other -less.
At the fishing docks of a large sea-
the Ptart and_uow I 1:,,me &:.gply a
Production. valued at $20,790,000, at
which fur fur
Port toven the rather remarkable Coln-
RPPMItd and every'llIng
and -lined goods amount.
ed to $R,800,00o. Cloth
e'dence was noticed of three steam.
RFreeF with Me perfectl ly. I never
have headacho
cap.3 were pro,
trawlers lying bartbea Bids by side,
a cr a pa,n of any Mad,
duced to the value of $3,700,000, The
total capital Invested in the industry
their names being respectively, Rose,
Shamrock, and Thistle.
slevP Rke a healthy bo7 and fell as
well as I ever did in my life, T4nlrc
amounted to $14,553,814; the number
"What a pity that Wales Is nut ro�
will alwaYs get a good word from me.r,
of establishments 208, and Wages, paid
prck;ented," remarked a visitor. "That
Txrlac Is field by leading druggists
amounted to $4,145,462, A total at.
No season of tile year Is oo danger-:
wculd have completoil tile coluel.
everywhere. Adv.
4,176 People were employed In tile in.
ous to the life of little ane�' as is the, dcnco."
summer. The excessive beat throws 1 "Don't worry abGut that, gav'nor,"
MOU005 =d Bits of Wisdom
Plans are In progress for the torma,
Clan -of a model town for tubercular
the little stomach out of order so' rcplied the old salt, to who-ra the re-
quickly that unless prompt aid is a, wark was addre,-seqd, 'I expect there's
The e-teady drop-beres the Btone,
returned soldiers oil a 7,000 -acre tract
hand the baby may be beyond all a leak in one of them.11
Many times It happeLs that we got
what we want when we are even not
of- land near Kamloops, B.C. inspec-
human help before the mother realizes
aware of It.
tion has already been made of the
he Is 111, Summer is the season When Ob'lalng Salesman.
A gocd example Is worth more than
land and It the report is adopted at
the coming session of
diarrhoea, cholera tufautum, dysentry Th wcm it shopper looked and
and colic are mo7t.
scares ef theoretic doctrines.
work will be commenced In the spring
prevalent, Any one looked, but seemed to be unable to
of these troubler, may prove deadly If find
Love Gf the work that is to be done,
of 1922.
anything, to satisfy her, The
not Propoly treated. During the sum" 'oblit.-Ing clerk pulled down box after
makes it easler.
Practical sense very often is mom
The Triangle Chemical Company
mor the Mothers' best friend Is Baby's box in an Lttempt to make a sale,
needed than a &reat stock of kaaw�
are arranging with the city of New
Own Tablets. They re.-Ulate the Vinally the woman picked up herl
Westminster, B.C,, for a lease Of all
bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep gloves and parasol and observed:
the waterfront comprised in the In.
baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by 1
"1 don't think I'll bay anything to-
Minard's Liniment ior sale every.vher4
dlan reserve on the North Arm. It Im.
the Intention of this firm to erect a
medicing dealers or by mail at 25 -
cents a box from The Dr. Williamst
day. I'm sorry to have troubled you,
but the fact Is I was just IODking for
Not So Down In the Mouth.
plant for manufacturing murlatle &old,
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
a friend."
Joe ..... Did you get much relief when
sulpharic acid, superphosphate and a
"Oh, that's all right. It was no
you went to the dentigt?"
full line -at chemical fertilizers.,
Freaks of Sauh.d.
trouble at all, I assure You," the clerk
Jim -"yes! The dentist wasn't
A test shipment of two carloads of
horses fEk being made to Port of Spain,
If, when the air is still, you stand
answered. "In fact, it you think your
friend might be in any of the few re-
Tritildild, by Alberta livestock com.
near a high wall and speak a word
I loudly, It will come back to you as It
maintng boxes, I'll open them, too!"
Indications of Trouble.
Johnny --"Did Moses have dypeep-
MfEsioner Carlyle. These horses are
to be used for ordinary working par.
repeated by an Invisible person. It Is',
of criAW, an echo,
Allowina Plenty I of Time.
sta like what you've got?"
I Dld-"Ii,,v on earth d,, I know?
Poses', and are Casting between $4o
and $45 per head In Alberta. if this
Paxallel walls separated by a few 1
hu �dred test, as in a Canyon,
Ai old lady, with great bustle and;
hustle, hurried into a wayi3ide railway
Why do you ask such . que Jon?"
Jollnny-"Well, our Sunday sellow
shipment proves, successful, Professor
may so ll�
reflect alsound as to cause It to be dis-
teacher says the Lord gave Moses two
Carlyle anticipates a heavy movement
In. the futrue.*
tinctly heard again and again In a
Trotttng hurriedly front booking -of-
Althou h +I,- I, 4u
long -dying series Of repetitions.
flee to waiting-ruom, and.from there to
- Uyon 0 Importa.
tiOn Of Cana-diaa cattle Into Great Brl-
If the reflecting -walls are irregular,,
the Apetlttonsl'
the parters racm, she at last found
an Official cf the Has hav;ng a qulat
tain has not yet been remay, ed, the ox-
instead of being dis-
tinat to t he ear, will be more Jumbled
partatlen of cattle, from the. port of
and unintelligible reverberations. This
i 9he shook the man Vil he awoke,
to showing* art activity that
is noticeable Ill. certain caverns.
I and then Inquired excite�l
has not been seen for Many years.
Prot. W. J. Humphreys, an einlaout
When Is the next tralayllue?"
ince navigation -opened this year
there have. been carried from the port
physicist, deiscribes a curious pliono-
The porter rubbed his eyes,
I plicd: -,, it d re -
7.,674 cattle and 1,884 sheep.
Mellon which he Palls an "acoustical
mirage," sounds uttored at a distance
"In an hour and forty li�uiutes,
on the surface of the earth, seeming
It Doesn!t Matter.
to come from high in the air. Such tin
"Tt.,anic you!" replied the ol�l lady.!
"I am so glad that I aul not too la. e.
uplifting of sound (corresponding to
Those Having Sick -A-t-u-n. al$,
"It doesn't really matter—nothdng
does," Is the motto I saw recently in
the uplifting of a landscape by a vis -
ual mirage) may occur when a stra.
a housep, and it set me- to thinking.
tum of warm air at the surface is over-
Why should we make much ado about
laid by cooler air. The sound travels,
things that we cannot prevent or
faster at the top, and so appears to
help? Why not receive the blows and
come from aloft.
knocks, passively instead of being so
A balloonist Can often hear the
Wrought up all the time that we get
earth -echo of his own voice -when he
the double effect of these unfortunate
cannot, by shouting, gain the attention
happenings, both physically and men-
of people standing on the ground be -
low him. It is because he—at an alti-
Why are we so chargri,ned and morti,
tude of 1,500 feet, perhaps—is. In a re -
fled when we think we haven't done
ourselves Justice on some occasion—
glon, of silence, whereas they are im-
mersed In a flood of sound.
Good -ior all threat- and chest diseases,
I Distemper, Garget, Sprains, 13rulses,
Presiding at a meeting, or :filling a
Colic, Nlange, Spavins, Running Sores,
place in. an' entertainment program,
Prospects in Alaska,
etc., kc. Shoull always be in the stable
for instance --and public attention, I-
been attracted to us III any way? Why Alaska to -day has fewer people than �
do we make ourselves so miserable It had In 191.0 or In 1900, but since the!
ov6r conviction that weillave not ap- territory has always grown rapidly
peared at our best? It doesn't really when business was dull In the States:
matter, does It? It J& not of vital im. it Is expected that the records of 1921:,
Portance, amd should We allow thie lit- will show unusual progress. The gov-
tie things Of life, the little pin -pricks ernment railway from Seward to Pair.
and annoyances, the little, porplext. banks Is nearly done; coal mining and
a',' mining are ftin - -7
ties which disturb little, minds, to 1 0 el I - are , ___. � - : i64 V 2- 12
the fisheries. A pull) mill has been
throw us off our balance, to spoil our
happiness and peace of mind? No, a built, and a number of new Industries,
thousand times nol Whatever hap- like reindeer raising, have been start. �
pens., It lan!t- of halt so much Import- ed. There Is plentyat room, for 54,8991
people In an area larger than Ontario I
ance as we probably think. The main make only a sprinkling.
thing Is to, keep our poise under the
little, trials, If we are, cheerful and
optimistic, they will soon be forgotten The Wrong Department,
11 _41._ In an Entlish town tho town hall
This Letter TeM How It May
be Overcorne—All Modhem
oronto Ont - "I have suEered since
I was a s1;ol iirl h pain in my left
us anu ro. f 1 81 eandwitheramps,
provides office-rooni for several public
officials, among them the police -sur- ASHRiN grovmg worse ea6
geou, to whom candidates, for the year until I "as all
When Is a Man Less Than rundown, 1wasso
N p
a Man? force go for medical examination, M bad at times that I
When he makes a vow he fails to The other day, a muscular Young fet. OnlY "Bayer" is Genuine was unfit forwork.
keep; low presented himself at the surgeonle, I tried several doo-
MRS tors lmd P4 on
When without sowing he would reap: 1�. �. 4' DW
office. Ile was told to strip to the
of the doatorn
When he would rather beg, borrow, or waist. medicines, but was
only relieved for a
"What's that?" said the man.
short; tilne. SO;=
Than, work toearn tin 1--st - I- "Strip!" repeated the doctor, sharp. Ln, aosem M
When he delights to stir up strife
Or values honor leso than. life -
When he Insults 0, fallen foo,
Or at a woman alzs- a blow.�
A good, laugh 1.9 ottlashine In any
house, but -4 silly, simparing laug1j. is
only ox tallow-eandle Imitation of the
Hitching ymr N�agloa to a star do
all right, but you've got to watch
�he earth t6 seo if there's u Vod read
The drivor of an automobile 9hOul4
keep a sharp lookout ahead, but'V16-
t1lomber thtit there MAr 60 'a man
clojo WhhA
He complied, and was duly mea.
sured, punched, and pounded.
"Skip over that chair," said the sur.
The man did sa, and barked his
alline. He was getting indignant.
"Xitlaos back; touch ther floorl Now
ran rourid and lot me test your heart
and wind," said the surgeon,
The candidate exploited.
"I'm hanged it I V111111 he roared.
"I'd rather stay single."
X4 had strayed Into the wrong mom.'
The reglatral"a 0411CO Was On the other
,91de of tho Corridor,
When 6rdoring goodg by mail send
4 Dominion ExDrloss Money Order,
wanted to perform
0 0
my father a *e6ted. ed
throuell m 0 1-.--
a 0 o " oun a,u-
Via I a that trie it. am
Warningl Take, no ancos with relieved from pain and crilmlls, anit
aubstitutes for getialne ayor Tab- feel 48 if it has saved mr liffi. You
lots, of Aspirin." UnIcsfi you see the may use m$, letter to hetp othtr
name "Bayer"I on package or on tab. women as i am giaa to recommend the
lets you are not getting Aspirin at all. niedicine.11-Alliq. H. A,, GOODin-W, 14
In every Bayer paeltago are directions Itockvile Ave., Toronto.
for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Ithou. Those who are troubled aa Mra.
Goodman was ghould Immediatelyzeek
matism, Earache, Votbaelie, Lumba. restoration to hoalth, by, taking LydN
go and for Pain. 11alidy tin b6iss of V. PlAbam's VegetAble Compoun&
twelve tablets cost few eenttl. Drug. The." who need brocial advice mitl
gists also s1011 large,, packar,,�.n. IvIrLde write to Lydia 9. Pin liam M. ediclue 06,
In Canada. Aspirin Is th46 trado mark (confidential) Lynn MasL Thea6letteft
willboopene 1, roZ arid answered by a
facture of Alonoacetleacideator of woman end hoid in strIct emildttko&