HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-11, Page 611 -
'I"ne Wingham Advance
`� Published at
Wingliara, Ontitrio
F -very Thursday kkivW�o -
A. 4rX. SM�rrjl, PUbl)AbVr
Subscription rate$: - 0110 Tic' Ar,
0.00; six moutbs, $1.00 In a4yance.
Ailvertillug rates On Application -
Advertisements without specific di.
roctiona will be Inserted Until forbid
and charged accordingly.
Changes, for contract advertise-
ments be In tuck office by noon, 11:0a,
_____ - _.__________
Wegw7gtoa Mutual Fire
Imurance Co.
Nstablished 184C
Head Office, Guelph
. Risks taken on all classes at imsur-
able property an the cash or premium
note system.
. Wingham
Victoily and Other Bonds Bought and
Office -Mayor Block, Wingham
I Mci,.oy to Loan at Lowest Rates.
W D.D.S., L.D. S.
`Dcctor at Dental Surgery of the
Penmylvania College and Licentiate
of Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Office- In Macdonald Block.
`;_ DR. G. H. ROSS
Gradvate Royal College of Dental *
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentiztry
I V1. R. H01BLY
� B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
Postgraduate work in Surgery, Bac-
teriology and Scientific Medicine.
Office hi the Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist
All business given careful attention,
Phone 54. . P.O. Box 113
k. Robt. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng). ,
L-R.C.P. (L.ond).
(Dr- Chisholin's old stalld)
Graduatc of T3niversity of Torouto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate a! the
ollta.rlo col:cge of Physicians anid
Office Entrance:
Second Door North of Zurbrigg's
Photo Studio.
Town and Farm Properties. Call and
sce my list and got my prices. I have
Some excellent values.
Plione 124 Office in Town Hall
g P -V%
J1. A. FOX9 D. C, D. 02 I
Chiropractic locates and removes the
came (A direace; nature heals,
O'hiropractic Is the only and original
SYsteM of spinal adjustment. Effective
ju 95 per cent. of all cases. The on,ly
fully qualified graduate of both Chfre-
practic =d Osteopathy in North Huron.
Phone lot. HOUV82-5 and 7-8 p,m.
I ___
0000PIMMC V SiCian, Only qUa,lifietl
ostipapath III North Iluron.
Ad,U'Stmcut of the spine Is more
tfiulckly, �lccared and with fewel- treat -
018)](5 than by any other Mcthod.
131tad prcesuret and Otbor evainina.
tons made.
fs� ---,---- - _.- L - - - - -
'I'liere ig ro way -on earth of get.
ting dirt, out of milk equal to keep.
irj,o� it cut. -
In 1�-P city ico iP, roldby the r,(,.),tn, -
m) *t� furra a libcral auinrARt gal I ), I 1, I
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can to Recured for 1 few houi1 lalx;rl
dur.�%. tke wiUtrur. ,
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1;% i'at fore -ft- provi,10 lit,, frf.!�,-ut
traffie, neither do they rey wmv.4 1,0
the vmrkrdan, profit to the rnoi-ehain
or ri,lvenue to the 0 wvf rnMent. 1,Nro
in 1he srrc-At enemy, tAkirg eight,ti�1'12114
as M Uch tell 43 thO ale. it is to tht,
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.1 �. I _____ . I ""*r, The 'S,unday Scbool Lesson
!�4 - 04fold'a'104 4 "ry P1011am 10itgnie"Ptanylet;
. � .. F01nr
6 V of all kiuda!of eQm- ,IqX, hos�
., I ,,;.� I moalties I coo oin the rule in' Most "Powo� 1*01"AN, J4#,-JL0UJA.4�;1
, . il, , exporting ,countries. Dairy -produce Lawn -rollers, Manure pits', Pave- I
� -1, I � , , .
- 4. I is usually among the first of the ex- Monts, parch floors, parch -steps,, xoad- AUGUST 14. 1
. I Ports of any ,country to come under WAYN, root -cellars. I I
such classification. Butter and cheese Septic tanks, sidewalks,. sto ' - *�
) I .. po, silos, Avts� 14; I-'28. GoW 10,
. omoke-houstes, spraying t-onks, ., g en Text -St, Matt. 4;
^ . � I � - cannot be exported from Now Zea- I alpri,n
t l I I land, Australia, or South Africa tin- improvements, swimming Pool',. Connecting unks-Paul and his tolclin verse -by the Roman poet Ovid,
-& I less it has 'been graded. Denmark, Tanhg, tree Tepairing, vogeta'ble CO- company, leaving Cyprus, had salled that Zeus and Hermes (Greek names
.r FAR G. Sweden, and Holland exercise a strict lars, well covers, what not? linvVIn- A 4. U
___1 . - - 11. 0 v 0 mainland *.L A,sia Tor Jupiter and Morioury) bad once
--' . control ever exports in butter and Root or fruit cellars? Witli a (!on- Mine,., to Perg4, in Famphylia, Thenve visited those regions in human form,
PAck Right for Top Prices, Putting 4 few less pennies into Its choose. It is "the butter ,a ' Crete storage cellar, fruit, 14taton,l he and Barnab ,
, nd Cheese I as had gone up through And the Simple-minded folk might well
When I first started market gardon� but by getting a lot more pennies Out from these coluntries that compete, etc., can be pUt into storage in the the mountain passes into the interior have believed that the
Ing I considered any money spgrit for Of It. You Can often Make A Pmflt Of most strongly with fall, And held, , for higher prices later to the city of Antioch .
Xanadian. Can- . I of Pisidia, again, Barnabas, the ta lor and more,
COnt4inor,% a dead. loea, I sold locally, 100 to $00 per cent on the actual cost 4da, is the only proininqnt exporterl ill the,se"011* . I John Mark, for some unknown reason, I dignified of the two, they supposed to
and ,Wrgiluid with every dealer to of Your -containers. Of dairy produce without g. system of Manure pits? Concrete is just the 44t them �'at Porga and returned to be Jupiter, or Zeus, father of the
� Jerusalem. He ,,withdrew from them I gods, and Paul, more 4endor, shorter
hom 1 'sold, to mlyi '46400, wrrois, grading or Control. thing for'.making them, Manure in a I from Pampbylia and went, not with I in stature, a
cr4tefft,bgaltets, "and bags,,hi �*hich to Top. Prices for Randy 1voights of The Dairy Produce Act passed at concrete pit is all saved; not merely. I nd more ready and elo-
haqdJo,1u_v �Viaducts_ I them to the work" (15: 38), and this quent in speech, to be Mercury, or
Jw'ihose days I Good Finish. the last session of Parliament I* th the straw, but all the real life of the act did, not commend him favor4bly'Herines, the messenger and spokes-
� woul , Outcome of an agitation among the I For it was never Paul's wa
d0t 114ve considered- *buying a . .e Manure, which would otherwise ,be to Paul.
container of any kind, any me There is in the country to�4ay an dairy associat . � nilan of the gods.. Wo also Are men.
re that ions, producers, and Carried -away by rrAin& The loss from to turn back from any enterprise in It was some time before the two mis�
tile 'follows who set out the first unusually large supply of heavy, Older other bodies, supported by a resolu- leaching Amounts to $2.66 a ton. which he had engaged, however diffi- sionaries knew what was being said
orehaxds, which Are now being cut steers. This- is due to the fact that tion introduced into the Wallowing pools for swine -hog cult or dangerous; it inig,lit be, and done, When they did know they
�down for tool handles and fire wood, last spring many feeders, Tather than 'Comnitins during the session before heavert, Ono man calls th. I That Paul went forward -under dif- were horrified, and running in among
would have considered, spraying the! take the loss.. ,occasioned, by a drop last calling upon the Government to 11lut1ly essential lot- ficulties Is certain. He was suffering the People tried to prevent the eacri,
I in every hog . I from some kind of illness, possibly the f1ce which Was about to be made in
trees. in market quotations, decided to hold, estwblish a grading ,system for all not inerely desirable, but essential, alarial fevor which is so, common 1 1 n their honor. They would 'have n
their feeder stock and later turned. I . in , a .
But, as I learned later, the man it butter and cheese to be exported. I 11pgs,"Will, wallow, and if there isn't those rqglons andespecially along the false honors, They sought only that '
oy out to pasture. This resolution received unanimous a c ill be an old sea coast. Writing afterwards to the all men Mi h
I was saving on containero was lost, But the demand :ter these cattle at , g t know and honor the
approval in the House of Commons. mud -bole in less than no time, Mud- Christian people a? these inland cities! Lord Jesus Ch,Tfat whom they preach.
two or three times over, in other present is weakened,' for several rea� The Act is intended to bring Canada boles -mean -filth, disease, lost ,dollars. of Roman, Galatia, he, says, "Ye know I ed. Getting � the attention of the
ways. Now, if I were starting over sons. Under normal conditions the into line with other ebuntries and to Any intin with average intelligence that it was owing to an infirmity of crowd they tried to persuade them of
again, I would figure on Containers outlet for much of the heavy,beof was enable Canadian producers to meet can do his own concrete work. Special, the flesh that I preached the gospel the emptiness and folly of their idol-
as a partof the cost of making a crop- to the United States, but the Young their competitors on even terms, No complex jobs may require a skilled Unto you the first time-, and ,that atry, and that they should turn to the
just as I would figure fertilizer Or Emergency Tariff, which imposes a . which was -a trial to you in my flesh ye living God, thb Maker of heaven,
spraying expense; for I know from duty of two cents per pound on meat new principle Will be introduced in workman, but for most faTpi Jobs, despised not nor abhorred- but ye, re- earth and sea, and the Giver of all
the applicaiibn of the Dairy Produce d4overy"farmer his own concreter,"
experience that Olean, ,new, bright and 31D per cent. ad 'valorem on live Act, All butter and, cheese are graded .14P � I celved me as .an angel oi God, even the good gifts which Nature sup I plies
containers of the right kind for the cattle entering the States, has closed In a More or less crude manner' at is to say he went up through the
I as Christ Jesus" (Gal. 4: 18-14). That for nian!s need.
crop and the market help get more that Market. Shipment to other ex- Efficiency in Judging. Jews from Antioch, commissioned,
money for a crop. . . present. The' Act witl simply provide - - mountains of Antioch, hoping in its no do;1it, to follow up the apoz e
port outlets such, as Great Britain is that the grading There is nothing that.so contributes higher altitude to reco, 0 8
should be done by ver from his and to make trouble for them, now
Of course, the big grower and the seriously handicapped by high freight disint r t e to the success of exhibitions, as such, sickness, and was received with open
one -crop specialist have to 'buy new and'acean -rates. Then in the <Ionic e es ed xperts, and that the - appear upon. the scene. In the riot
packages -for shipping their stut st'o Work shall be -based, on definite stan- apart from the entertaining features, hearted kindness and faith by the peo- which, toll -owed, Paul was stoned,
11c, in judging, It means the Ple to whom he then brought his 90s, dragged� out of e city, and let t for
-rket during the warm. season there dards 'Which everyone will understand. as offic'e y pel message, dead, .In telling, some years after -
T to ma tb
market. But there are thousands ,at is always a reduction in the ,consUmP- 'Further, there are a number of grad- enaouragement of emulation, the sat- There were several Antiochs .
small -growers who, year after year, tion of beef, with a marked preference . ng 6 in isf-4ction of fair-minded exhibitors these in ward, of these Missionary journeys
hat he was
made --the mistake of failing to Yee . The n a rs n
-here is, therefore, I themselves, the exaltation of justice old country of Phrygia. and labors, Paul, says t
keep on Making the same mistaki I for smaller Cuts.' T ervices already in existence i countries. This one was in the
Canada. Creamery butter is graded wild $'I be iore abundantly,, - in pri-
- a demand in the domestic trade for in the three prairie provinces and in and the ,confidence alike of exhibitors. and lawless people of the neighboring sons 11 more abundantly, in stripes
09nize that eveTY d011ax spent on -lighter weight, well finished, carcasses. Ontario, Butter and cheese sold by and the public. It is futtbdr an ex- regions of Pisidia had been subdued above measure, in deaths oft. Of - the
containers will come back with big These cat be Obtained only from the auction at Montreal are also graded, ample of Uprightness, as well as'of by the Romans, who established a I Jews five times received I forty
interest. Even first-class stuff, prop- lighter weight but well finished ani- and, the -grading of cheese is carried aptly display,ed knowledge,'that eon, chain of fortified posts to maintain stripes save.one. Thrice was I beaten
erly graded, will not fetch top prices mails. Par some time past top prices on in the province of New Bru . veys An inestimable lesson to the order, and included in them, on, thelwith rods, once was I stoned, thrice
unless YOU Put it out in Clean, At- have been paidlor handy -weight cat- Undex the Dairy Produce . young and plays a part beyond- value north side, Antioch and Lystra, Hence. I suffered shipwreck, a night and a
I the writer of this histo'ry joins An- day . .
tractive peockages of the right kind. tle carrying good Anish. - in the formation ,qf character. The tioch with
And don't forget that this applies to factory Making the high grada article .have I been, in the deep; in Jour -
For some years before the war our WIll e v Pisidia. neyings often,' in -perils of rivers, in
ull credit. It has-been ers, In perils - from my
n gradually contended for years by those respon-s and provincial governments In send- called Xonich, lay some ninety miles cou
your local market as well as to the market demand had bee ree I e f work therefore pertoTmqd by federal 1-0 �n 1conium. This city, now perils of robb
big distributing centres, changing from the heavyweight class Ing out qualified and impartial men spu I . ntrymen in perils from the Gen-
sible for the work ,of instrue'tion, in theast of Antioch of Pisidia. To it tiles, in perils in the -city, in perils in
But how do you tell what kind of of ,steer to the lighter weight, well this countky that if butter and cheese to, un4etthke the duties involved is. Paul and B4-rnabas. came, when forced the wilderness, in perils in, the sea, In
a Container to use for any crop 9 fiiiished animal. During the war the were always paid for strictly atcord- of tr".scendent importance. , Before by the -hostility of the jews to leave per
�llstraivnaing false brethren; in labor
' Antioch. Herethey met with friends, a I g�SL
r f getting a need for beef, as for bacon, was so Ing to their merits, that It would- have I this wQrk was systematically taken an in watchin often, in
line on this: First, study the market insistent that there waa a levelling of &.gTeateT stimulus in brdnging about .up judges. fre,qixontly I owed t1wir ap. pne of whom, by name. Onesipborous, -hunger andothirst, in fastingr, often,
,. 1. is mentioned in an early ChYlstiani in cold and nakedness." Out of such
reports in your farm papers, in your prices to a great extent, Conditions an improved quality than all other Pointlylent ov'selection.by,fa*or or to story called "The Acts of Paul and hero
small,town daily or weekly, and in are again normal and what is now re- agencies combined. I local populaaity,,and it is,tg be feared Tbecla'," � ie effort the church was born, and
by such patient labor and suffering
the big city dailies. These reports quired may be taken as an indicabiOn The iegulations - which will maklo, results -also were sometimes due to The Jews of Iconium, like those of was the gospel carried abroad.
mention the type of Package, such as, of what will command the bestprices the Dairy Produce Act effective have favor or thi recognition of a quid -pro- Antioch, resented the preaching of
, �
for instance: Pcnches, 11 -qt. baskets. for some years to come. . not yet been drawn up. A draft will' quo ideal. The judgesbeing officially Paul and Barnabas to the Gentiles. 1 21-28. They returned again, revisit-
aturally command the res- The salvation, they looked for was the 1!n,gCtho ,%vbom they had, led to faith
ODiOns, 10041b. stacks. Ntatoes, bulk. Finish has always beenstrongly ad- -be submitted shortly to all interested I 18 '71 1 t, exhorting and encouraging
, appo nt d
While there is not space in this vacated by packers' buyers and it in the -dairy trade. pect that authority centers. The s�,�, revival and restored power and glorylthem to ,continue in the faitb, and
article to describe all the -available WiH' always be a big ,factor in deter- tern that had now been in vo-gao for of their own race and nation, and it
containers, we can tal,,e,a general look mining the price. Finish, how ix 0 . ber lot years Is not only being 'was intor6rable to -them that there helping them to organize themselves
does -not necessarily ever' Fifty -S Uses for Concrete. 'a num should be proclaimed the of a into churches that they might carry -
at a few to illustrate some of the mean extreme followed this year but,is being ex- kingdom which was to Coming Ion the work when the apostles had
include the
things to follow when deciding how to weight. The farmer who markets Barn approaches, barn flobrs, bases tended. There is another point and Gentiles. as well. It is difficult far us I gone. It is intexesting to note that
liput young, well-bred, thick -fleshed ani- for machinery, tbee-cellurs. itbe first ordained leaders in the
UP" your crop for Market. . that -is, while feirs, the Community, to realize how intensely and passion-, churches of Paul were called elders,
The first point to consider is wheth- mals which will dress out a high per- Cellar steps, cellar walls, chimneys, I the interests concerned and the exhi- ately they felt 'about this matter, and, a title which was also borne in those
er the .crop in question is of such a centage of choice beef will command chimney -caps, cisterns, -cistern covers bitors aTe all benofitted,'the judges therefore, .how bitterly they opposed days by village magistrates and -coun-
nature as to be benefited by abundant the top price. I coal houses, cold -frames, cribs, cri�l and thel serv�ceprofutby thoexperience Paul's, gospel with. its universal ap- cillors.
ventilation, � floors, culverts, -cyclone-cellars. and knowledge of the conditions and peal,
Most vegetablesi that eon, Dairy houses, dipPing-vats, &ain- requirements Obtained. The cost is, The unbelieving Jews stirred up Application. -
I trouble, and the multitude of the city A true servant of Sesus. Christ will
sist of fruits or leaves will quickly pe. tile outlets, drinking troughs, duck else -lessened to the associations eon- was divided. However, it was pos- seek no horror, and will accept no
spoil when the free Circulation of the A return to normal Market condi-
air is cat off. I Ponds,' engine houses. ducting'the exhibitions. It is hardly I sible -fair fhem to cmitinue a long titne popularity at the expense of his Lord.
Take tomatoes, for in- tions in Canadian bacon makes it im- Farm buildings, feeding floors, necessary to say that the greatest to speak boldly, preaching and teach- Whiin these people wished to honor
stance: When I first began to grow perative for packers again to diserim- feeding troughs and- mangers, fence- care is taken in making the appoint- ing before they were driven from the Paul and. Barnabas by sacrifice, the
them I Put them in tight boxes that inate in price against heavy and light posts field-roliers, foundations for ments, regard being bad both to prac- city by a combined attack of hostile apostles rent their clothes. and res -
held about a bushel. Although they and short and thick market hogs. The buildings, fruit cellars. tical lcnowl�dge and to character. - Jews and Gentiles. They went south- trained them. The true servant of
were sold in nearby markets, the few reaction in the export market espe- L I ward and eastward to the cities of God wants to see God glorified, and
hours in the boxes spoiled, a good cially against light weight and heavy � . - Lystra and Derbe. is not thinking of himself. It ig said
Inany hundred pounds Of fruit during weight -products is very severe and - 8-20. At Lystra. The he�ring of that Rapael, the great artist, was in
the two seasons before the cause was z,eriously affects the domestic trade. Tin' Wv"xk in Silo-Ffflm'g, ,this ,man, a cripple from his birth, the habit of wearing a candle in his
realized. After that we used,slatted During war the demand for all fats I � was. -certainly very wonderful. There icap so that no shadow of himself
crates; but these were objectionable and most strikingly for pork almost , is no adequate natural explanation of might fall across the canvas while
- -
because the sharp edges Cut and "evened up" the price between select After being with. a silo cutter for come to know what to expect' of an such an event. When, the people saw he was painting, We have to be
. what Paul had. done they were so careful lest our selfish desires ob-
bruised many tomatoes. Then -we hogs andlights and heavies. The dif. some time I find, there are a few unloadler., Thija wIM make quicker startleA and amazed that they trude themselves and -we forget to
tried, a crate with rounded slats, and ference between prices for the pro- things that must be observed by the and easier work for -both. thought he and his companion must be honor our Master. Campbell Morgan
found it a ,big Improvement. dut:t of selects and of light and beavy most of us that will pay you to know There is -no reason why the driver gods: Paul had used the Greek lan� once said, "Many a prophet has been
For the fancy extra -early fruit we hogs is, howeveir, 'now (August, 1921) and look ,out for, and if they can be should not help put on the first part guage which they all understood, but spoiled by going out to , dinner," Paul
made thin partitions, to slip in length- so great that packers are 'being forcel dlicovered- through someone else 'of his load in the field, though I ,an, they in, their excitement broke out in and Barnabas meant to put'God first,
wise through the midcfle Of the crates, to make a difference in pr,ces of .they are the means *f saving much not -get that idea to working yet A exclamations, in their own native, Ly- and would not -accept any popularity
' '
to Prevent the tomatoes on top from selects and light hogs of from $1 to firne. In this case. I am cne, of the driver has a nice rest while g' * caonian speech which the apostles did which. would hide the real purpose of
resting on those hi the bottom rm. to 1_Ad'od; 'M .-A , Z, I four own s of a cutter at we use -r- 4.11 " 4. 4.1L . 01119 not understand. There was a story their preaching.
. ill F. . eav es .- C, - or a e field, and, can
result was that every fruit reached fiem $2 to $8.54 'per hundredweight for our ovm work, and because at surely riot 'be overworked, Thei there
its destination in perfect condition. 11 ow much f urtber this will 00 forced' that we are looking for the very best is less waiting, and the two mefi who
That meant quick sales for the dealer tirne only wili loll. At present th�l waysof doing our silo -filling and also are loading in the field will have al
who lifindled. them; consequently, a grading -is being done on weight alone � g time and labor. . better chance to keep in shape.
�, lavin
Preference for our stuff when the sup. but it must be only a matter of a The first two days that we worked, Handling 'heavy corn bundlex all day
Ply was Plentiful, and better prices short time before quality is given there was one man t* feed and, an- is no fun, -and a loader in the field
when it was scarce. equal consideration. It -will, however, other to out the bands, The third day gets as tired as anyone on the Job
So you see it does pay to watch the takt a little time to create standards we were short a man, and I hurriedly if he bar, to work all the -time.
container end of the business. Of of quality. In the meantime anyone hada. pile of shingles. moved upelose In some cases it May be a. good
course, each grower must -work out wishing to escape the less due to the to the -side of the feed table of the plan to change your man from one
what will best suit his own need& in prices has Only cut -ter, and found that by 'fastening job to.another every few hours, and
Of course, where tornatoes are to market the right weights. But the Cutting knife on my wrist I could yet this ds not -always the best, be-
grorwn in large quantities for shipping grading on quality must soon come. cut bands and. feed as well as two Cause when a man becomes accustom -
or for canning, 'baskets are used. Packers have always realized that men. After that I did both jobs, It ed to a certain kind of work he knows
Baskets are, a nthe whole, for the this condition must return. During takes fast work, and is 'harder than just how to ,'handle it, When he
general run of vegetables and fruits and since the war they repeatedly most any Other place on the job, ex- tackles another job it is new, and he
the most convenient and the most warned breeders not to be led aff.ray cept tramping when one- is short of Must get on to it boSore he can be-
ecOnoniieal containers. by the temporary state',of the market, help; but it saves -a man, and under come really efficient. In the thresh -
Where possible, it is .best to pack which permitted one price to be paid the conditions the band cutter and ing ringg thii Idea of one keoping
one's product in small containers that for nearly all classes of hogs. The feeder are in perfect working unity, the same work for the threshing sea -
will 99 to the consumer as a package. man who maintained the well 'known and so one does not wait on the other, son is followed sometimes, and seems
This may involve tile expense of standards and bred the hog for the After the first experience we made to be very satisfactory. There is no
several times as much money for con- Canadian Wiltshire side will now a temporary platform and staked it to assigning of jobs by the owner of
tainers ,,is would be required for ship- benefit. So, also, the man who be. the' Machine. It was About five feet the farm, as each man knows just
ping the Same Product in bulk, in came lax is going to suffer. long and probably thirty inches wide. where, he is to work.
baskots, or barrels, But the extra It is all-important that farmers It sloped a little toward the carrier A little pulley at the top of the *8111.1
price recc-lved will almost invariably who ,are now breeding types and and the feeder, so that ibe bundles and a long vope, that can be handled
Pay any a6ditional cost several times breeds of hogs that do not make .select, that were thrown on the table were from the ground save time and
over. More important, it gives You a Wiltshire sides should get rid of them apt to slide toward the feeder and muscle, a -ad also risk of injury to man
chance to build up a narno with the and stock with the broods and types just where- they were wanted, and, machine when the blower pipe is
people who use your products. This that de,, in unloading, the wagon the driver raised. We have found that this same
ig U cumulative asbet that will be 4-- Can help the work alongby going slow pulley will allow the distributor ,hood
worth hurdr0s, of dollars as time enough on the unloading so the feed- or funnel to lie lowered to the bottom
goes on. Weeds. er cat take tare of it, When one man of the silo, and the sections of the
I found thut a simPle printed rard, It A'.41mr.ossible to estimate, even feeds and cuts bands he cannot spare distributor hooked On piece by piece
with trade mark. "Ild a word " nul'
quality and lou,tio, . I of farp ,bout. z%r;f;rox atOY the loss caused by Much time for taking one -bundief rori and drawn up to be hookod oil tbc
. .1, pj,_,ced 1 w,�&,js to Can.,dlan agriculture. A,Lul- under another one, The efficient run- blower pipe all at one time.
in the bottom Of PNIch I)L?,ki-t� I h -tin recently published in the United ning of the cutterdopends Upon keep- Sharp knives ,are something else
brolight enougli i,ew tv,de (lirect t", 1 &utciz, ei�t:r!tp * the annual, loss due Ing it busy all the time. Idon't know ,that ought to be looked after caro.
the orchard, the first sense?,, to pay, t',' wipc-i.,; in the ecuntry at more than that it is any harder on it than run- fully. Ono. who works Close to a cut -
the printing r.2,11 tc-n Cmc,<; over. And I $'00,000,000. Not long ago a western ning at the faster Speed it will renh ter for a half-day will notice the 4if.
all tht,1-c 0-`,-' vustowers %vould" 1)'aper stated th,t the annual loss to who , n running empty. ference, in the -way it runs. A half-
, I �
tacitaftf-r w, .� .'
On-tht--t:C '.. .,;� . "C. V.-Riponed. farmers of Sa0tatchman due * to One thing that I liftve been trying day's work is enough for a set of
J ,�.i-�,,:iu-, wherever they weeds -war. not less than $25,000,00o. to get our set to do is to Reep away knives without r4egAnding them. Some
1,1(jught 11"'I'm th(Ar IG -111 dealoys, If there in, this loss in one province, from a loafing mar,. There is no need cutters have a device on the machine
Ill tunelw.icii, I ,.vant to rc,pe,it tb,jt� the total in all Canada must be tre- for a Man to ride tvam the field to -that eon be set in motion at* any time,
i,iy experitnee 'Alovis that the t�y,lalll mendous, There are many districts the cutter And back when a ,boy can and so An extra man can rotind a set
f,'rowtr who thinks. he is going to in the Dominion that stand high in as well drive the totim, for that is of knives while tho MIA"'hi"no, is run -
save money by using only second- weed production. all ther� is to do. They have the un- ning. Use good hard grease for tho
hand ,containers, and who fail.s to put ,%Vceds cause a direct, actual money loading Man. make it his busin4s to grease cups, I like 4 graphite bard
up Such of his products as be can in loss sucli, as those due to drought, unload., -and that only. It'he gets too oil, as. graphite is C4�rtainly an !in
"earrr-home" Packages, is on the hail or frost. There is also a loss in tired, have him thango off for a while; provemant on the ,straight hard oll;l
wrong road. The way to get bigger depreciation of property,badly infest- but one man will soon learn the wants that one buys for automobile grease
Profits from what you grow Is not,by ed with weeds. I of the feeder, and, the feeder will_, cups, and it lasts much longer.
I 1 . . I I
I .
Plant Lice and Their Control. . - - __ -
.11 - !� I
Every gardener is familiar with ) f� I . t ,
plant lice, which present themselves .
in great numbers in ' the form of sat t- . . A
bodied green ffisects,. clustering -about I ;
the tender ends of growing plants.i I
Besides the green lice, or aphids, as
they are more I correctly called, there The Runaways,
are varieties which are reddish, brown I'd like to, see all the shoes in the
or black, and othem again Covered- world -
with a powdery orwoolly substance. I GO hurrying up the street,
Plant lice do not disfigure the: The slippers hurrying too,
plants by eating the leaves as do some! And never a sign of feet:
insects. They are destructive, how- Mother's slippers tap -tap -tapping,;
ever, by their habit of sucking the Sister�s sandals cla,P-clap-clapping;
juioo, from the stems. Because of! F ather's rubber boots thump -thump.
this sucking habit the ordinary poi-- thumping;
son usually sprayed on plants is not! The gardener's bregans clunip-clump.
effective in controlling them. It isl clumping;
necessary to spray -with a salut-i�on� BabYls bootees whish-whish-whishing;
that burns the body -or otherwise in-, Indian moccasins swish -swish -swish.
cn Ing; .
. There awe two preparations of'the Brother's tennis shoes slap -slap -slap.
Commercial produets, Whale Oil and . ping; I
Nicotino Sulphate, either of wliich� Grandpa's gaiters flaii-flap-flapping',
will destroy ,plant lice, I Grandma's Itbedsitles" plunip-plunip.
In the Case of Whale Oil Soap I Plumping;
pound of soap should be dissolved in The postman's arctics stump-stuinp.
boiling water and diluted to 6 gallons.1 stumping;
This is the strongth'for the green. Japanese pattens olick-clicic�elac.king;
aphid, but for the black or brown Little sharp French heels tick�tick-
aphid a solution of 1/4 this strength tacking;
will destroy them. . Soldiers' thick soles trailip-tramp.
The Nicotine Sulphate solution, tramping;
which is -obtainable from nearly all Sailors? wide soles stainp.st.,1nip.
seedsmon, is prepared in the propor-I stamping -
tion of I ounce to 8 gallons, of water. � f ") what a, merry thing 'twould be
A spray should be applied in a fine V 71 (!n spring is -as young as young c,.n
Mist with an ordinary spraying ma- be,
thine, of which there are many styles And *glad and gay the weather,
available at the 6eed, stores. If up the road and down the lane,
I . -.14 Over tl�o mountains and back againt
Hog Taising is a sort of safetv Around the corner and under the stile,
valve in the dairy business. They And over the desert for many a mile,
usitt.11y go well together and sorne. I The shoes (f all the wide, wide worl.1
timos they are. inseparable, I Should run)away together# I
1, . I 44 I -Louise A. Garnett,
Name your farm And placs a well- :�� . -
palut4d, sigh up over the gate. Then The hog seems to 9ct a parsport
use - the name, On every "etiSiOn. (rverseas cftsieT '11111 -Orly other class
That"il. one of the best ways of oreat- of live stock we caii produ", ,,11,,d all
Ing a reputation for your produce. export trade is now wir best hol,e,