HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-11, Page 54
'Tbi;iridAy, August I ith, 1921 THF, WINGUANI ADVANCE
Thorp, are a number from around these
-0 parts talcing in the excursion West on Not withstanding the counter attri ur,
0 THE HOUSE OF, QUACITY119 Wednesday. hut Bdsk, R*ch Raw'
tious at Listowel and the fact that harvest,
Mies Vina Smith of Wingbam, spent was in full swing, the sp I
orts in Gorrie found iftevery cup of the genoiao
Sunday at her home.
were well attended and taken altogether
Miss Mary Eadie Is spending a whije the day was one of the best Gorrip, ever
itb Will, at Holyrood. bad. The weather was ideal and the pro -
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jermyn, of I! gram for the day was carried out splcn
SALE OF" BOYS' SUI 0,,-- Morris, and Mrs, Higgins of Edmonton, didly. The Henderson Juvenile Pipe
TS d`
Alta., spent Sunday at Wm. Marilhall's,
Band of London, arrived on the 12,33 C.
Miss Edna Lincoln spent 4 couple of P, R, train and a few minutes after one
days last week with Gorrie friends.
Now is the thile to buy your boy'.� School Sjuits. Here are,a nuiiiber ofex_ E o'clock the trades and Calithumplan par- SA, DA
a ceptional vales at low cut priee,,;, owl Mrs Cruiksbixnks of Milbank. wbo has
These are from our regular stock atid spedally ade, headed by the Band, marched from i
been visiting in these parts has returned
reduced. the C. P. R. tracks, down thrQugh Vic -
to her home. 1
I ts t e rp flaVoUr the perfectly preserve4,
Miss Gordon of Milbank, is visiting toria street to Victoria Park, where the, ia
0412u ff� $alada
25 BOY's $%)its, greys, browns and blues in belted and form fitting with her friend, Mrs. Oliver Stokes, judging took place. Space will not per- VTur has won for
fi'of the various make tips! r et
�lyles full bloomer pants, all neatly made to stand real hard wear, Mr, Murray of Sarnia. Is renewing old mit de5crlpt6n sit ol ift ea in America.
ances on the 9th and 10tb. and the decorated cars, but the parade
Don't miss this chance to get the boys a good school suit. Regular acquaint
$13,$() and 14.50 for $9 75, sizes 26- 35. Mr and Mrs, Oliver Stokes. and Mies was one of the best in the districtand sur-,
ight by Magistrate flamilton to fiveyears this week for a ten (lays outing on tb-�
Gordon spent Sunday evening at Mr, Passed anything previously prepared here, %ot i he Maitland :it St, Augogl4w,
David Fortunels. in Kiligston penitentiary. for i h( theft of a barllE
The will he undet the super.-i,,.ioo ol tbv�
The first game of baseball between Car- coat belonging to Mr. John E, Allan, who Scout Ilev. G. Tolford.
gill and Tgeswater, played early in the' was home frt;ni the Wem for the Old 13o�
40 Suits, sizes 26 to 35 in boy's fine worsted and tweeds suits, Nor -
afternoon, resulted in a score of 7 to 3, in i cehabration and �iopped at file, Arit"givii. 5Y. I'l,ol MiV� leff !ivrii tl'odnesday, o_r.�,
Morris a visit 1.) Mallil I,,; -id Si,i;.tiehcwao.
folk and belted styles, made of good quality materials. Very dressy and favor of Teeswater. In the second game$ Kaoasid cominitted tile theft Tuesday,, .
. Ii,, K
durable, navy blues serges, browns, greys and mixtures. Regular$15.00 Mr. James Aitclieson, Farl still Flortnee Teeswater defeated Drew by a score 11) " Monies, �C;rax�,,
of Hamilton, spent a few clays with the of 9, and was located tilt! day following at �1 is visiii,4, w; p,i,:W Nil. md Mrs. Georgir
to 17-50, special $12,25. to 3. The tug-of-war was rather a one Arthur by Detectives Kirby and Aitebe
former's davighter, Mrs. Will Abraham,
son: King.
sided affair, Howick winning easily in';
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Coutts and family
of Stratford. who brotight bini back bere
of Wivgbarus are spending their holidays two straights. The football game between for r a
at Mr. Robert Hetlicrington's. Gorrie Sou h and Salem, played
S only Young men's suits, form fitting styles in heather, navy, blue, in tile St. Au,,rustine
; The accused pleaded net guilty and iold
Mr. Jack Gray visited at Alex Camercu
and grey, sizes 34. 35 and 36. Regular,25 00 and 27.50, 4pecial 15.00. is evening, was won by Gorrie South 1-0,
in Turnberry, lal;t Sunday, a story in defen%e to lbv effect ll�llat be hi.d I I�wv. oronto, is vi�,aipg
Too much cannot be said in favour of the,
Mr. A, Harrow of Atwood visited at Henderson Band, which furvished music purchased tilt! coal in question alid otl)k.r Mr. ;tilt] Mr- Oiis. S17t,noor lt,=,
Mr. Will Abraham's. last Suu�ay. articles he was be,ieved tk) have lolell
liberally all afternoon and in the evenin
22 Men's Suits in single and double breasted Eiyles. There are a i from a man who "went broke" at thv celk I turned t,i h, 1' 11, niv ;I, Durham. Wsan,
put on one of the beat entertainment� ever niter 11wil itunt. Lr.JjJV4
brationand required sonic finances, but�'*"hotilp,,)II.
lot ofb-oken lines but all sizes from 36 to 44. Here is you chance to a- Gorrie. The program consisted of
eld in
MRIM ' the Magistrate rcfu,,ed 4 believe
save dollars on a suit. Reg, 35 00 to 45.00, special $24.75. Band selections, national dances, comic 'i's story' Mr. M. StafTord pg.
ATi Stealing, kanaski claimed wasn't in his, Godel-4-1) at' -e visiling- at 1. li)i% Boylai.-
d- songs and readings, Alice Dunbar, famous
PARTV,,' line. He bad all the moijey lie want, d �, Nll4s Anoic Fl�cllo OfToronto, is vi"Wnp,
entertamer, assisted during the evening ierid, in ti;i, vi,�ijjily.
ok in $10100 oil Monday alone, bv play -
and deligbte d many with her comic selec- o
Mrs. 14. "VIC(I'lire (If roromo, and
Rain Qoats, 12 men's tweed top Rain Coat a. Reg. $22, $25 for 10.00. ing and passing the hat, and often lit his
Rose McGuire �i Goderich ar. spendi
... ...... f cigarettes with $5, $10 and $20 WIN. Ile: their holidavN here,
Following are the prize winners in Mon-, didn't know what the next Avo
Z14111.1 U ��ki day's parade. rid was I Mr. and Nlr,. Waliet- Giiadlay ane
going to be like and was out he said, to Messrs. Will arid Walter Grilildlzy 05.
best Decorated Auto -Ist, r. G.Hemp-1 have all the fun he could in this one. Guelph, returricd home, on N.
1011day afle�w
hill (Britain); 2nd -W, E. Brawley (Neil- The accused has been rooming at the
-spending a week at Win. AflisteFs,
a -
Our Goods are the Best—Our Prices Right. terms, Cash. Produce Wanted.
Inc ^LL I mt:
ce re2M); ora -11. V. Holmes, Arlington hotel with at) eighteen year-old r. and Mrs. Robert Allen, Miss P_
(Red Cross). Hantia. Miss J. C. McDonald and Mrs,
girl from Port Elgin, whose father the Todd lVingham
Mr. and Mrs. 1. D, Beecroft and Miss Kinnon Bros,, bal. on gravelling Qtract and her coop, like the boudoir of a count -
I of
Best Decorated Bic5-cic—lst--J a c k; magistrate communicated with following one day last w(�ek. called on friends hem.
Musgrove; 2nd -Ir.- Hamilton. the
Freedom from all ach4s and
trial, at which the giri gave evidence!
to* of Sarnia. and her brother, Mr. Nor. gravelling 126.90; J. Latronico, inspecting I beets resulted in this phenomena, For at
man Kirk of Detroit. They came up on 15,00; A. McPherson, gravel 31.50; The"
I Martin, I a time when 'not
"ISN'T that just like a man?"
Trades Float —Ist—Geo. Dawson; 2nd'irl Alcif llco Of tho Mexican,,
tephens&Asbton;3rd—V, M. Nichols.i Manaski showed a spirit of s Speaking before the Ontario Dry Goods
i reek I s
GTOUPS-Ist-Vera Johnston and Roy bravado and the impression of Magistrate section �f the Retail Merchants' Assod-
Turnberry Council
Rev. Albert Thompson of London'
For Mheumatism, Neuralgia,
Headache, Train Sickness, Etc.
son of Lucknow will sing at the service 1921 at I p m.
Pays Mrs. Happy Party, "Al-
McKersie;2nd-EvelYnDzne and Doris Hamilton was that lie was a dangerous ation recently Mr. T, N. Humble of Tor -
visited with his brother here last week
Council met July 25th. All the mem-
Sugar Beet Wet And Electric Light In
ways thinking of his stomach.
Baker, (Indianand Squaw); 3rd -Nellie type of person to beat large, He accord. i onto said: "Newspaper advertising costs
Also Mr. Thompson's father, M,,
George T. Thompson -and sister, Mrs-
here present. On motion of W. A
Mines and J. J. Moffatt the minutes oi
Coup Accounts For Precocity
Well he's also thinking of your
appetite, Mrs. Party, and the
Dane, Edna Taylor, and Marjory Baker,! ingly imposed a heavy penalty -Listowel less per actual thousand reached than any
Walters of Goderich.
last regular and special meeting were
dopted. W. A Mines and J, J. Moffatt
Gentlemen, here is a chicken tale as true
feed -needs of the little Partyr,
(Jiggs, Maggie and daughter.) Banner. other form of publicity, not counting the
I i
I ndividuals-ist -Vera Rueston; 2ud- I pt�estige of your name appearing in v re -
Miss Maude Conn of Wingharn, spent
Sunday at hor home here.
m8oved that The AgrivmItural *ociety get
agrantof$7500, school to be
Ps an honesty man and utterly amazing,
Watch for Mr. Happy Party
Pearl Bennett; 3rd -Wilfred King.-Gor-pul,ablegnewspaper. The newspaper is the -
Mr. Roy McGee has purchased a new
SaKneon tractor from Mr, Pry. Wingham.
, admltt,�d free. The Treasurer's Tialf
ent showing a deficit Of
It didn't happen at Beech Paik, it hap -
right here in London,
rie Vidette. my td ues
st in the home. It reaches a
A number of our citizens are atten4ing kinds of people. rich and poor, and evew.
I Boys
a few years, unless prompt and effective
Rev. Robert Barbour of Meaford. took
�$,5P--"1r2,Ysta,emcepted on motion of A.
pened good old at
Olver & Beninger
I the reunion at Goderich this reader is a Possible purchaser. There
Five Years For Stealing Coat � week,
the services in the Presbyterian church,
here on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Rintoul
, Wheiler and J. L. MacEwen. Moved by
J. L. MacEwen and W. A Mines that
A. M, Fralick be appointed
385 Hamilton road. For Mrs, E. Dear
states that a chicken hatched on the first
I _ I
never was a time in the history of mer -
Elax Kanask), Mexican, aged 27, of I. aslMr.,joseph Util2y of Alsia. Craig is the
w zgenam for the Blyth Tel�phiinc chandizing when newspaper advertising
Of will occupy the pulpit next.
tax collector
The following By-laws were passed on
day of April of the present year (the date
And go on a long long hike.
paza, Texas who has been singing on the Syste in. Mr George Garniss having re. was more necessary. Newspapers are tbe
streets and playing a guitar during re- signed.
Ed. Thom. i
Miss Clara Woods is in Clinton and Miss
Mrs. Charlie MacXay and children of
Dunnville, the home
motion of A. Wheeler and J. J Moffatt-
No, 10 county rate, 8 6 1 10 mills on the
dosen't mean anything) laid its first egg
safest, surest and cheapest way of reacb.-
union week, was sentenced on Thursday About 20 boyscouts left on Tuesday of Ing the greatest number of
are visiting at of
dollar; No. 11 tp. rate 2 mills on the
on August 5, which has just passed, there -
r. andlurs. Hector MacKay S. dollar; No. 12 grant to $ schools 4 4 110 by commemorating the landing of the
Nurse Greta Fox spent Sunday at her mills on the dollar, No. 13 bridge deb,
home here. 9 110 mills on the dollar; No' 14 appi5lat- British army in France.
Miss Dorothy Rutledge of Brussels, is Ing A. M. Fralick, tax collector; No. 15 Mrs. Dear who formerly resided in
visiting with her grandmother, Mrs,, authorizing the council to borrow -money' Wingbam, states that this precocious
Garton t for ordinary expenditures until taxes are chicken ascribes her efficiency to two
Gordon McGee, Aldin Purclon andicollected, things: Hydro and sugar beet. The
ElwellWeboter expect to leave for the The following accounts were paid
West on Wednesday. Tho., Weir, workin� grader $41,1� " 111c, proud hen is an incubator white le,horn
(Correct up till ednesday noon)
Butter .................. 35 to 40
Eggs ................... 32 to 36
Hogs, liveweight .... . 13 00 to 13 60
Cream ............... to 36
Holiday Titneow
Mr. and Mrs. 1. D, Beecroft and Miss Kinnon Bros,, bal. on gravelling Qtract and her coop, like the boudoir of a count -
Myrtle Beecroft motored to Goderich to 15-00; J. Kelly; rep. to road 5.00; M�- ess, is lit with the power which comes from
Freedom from all ach4s and
meet Mrs. Beecroft'g sister, Mrs. Creigh- Sharpin putting in tile 22.00; J, Elliott. Niagara. Extra light and ration of sugar
pains amsured by
to* of Sarnia. and her brother, Mr. Nor. gravelling 126.90; J. Latronico, inspecting I beets resulted in this phenomena, For at
man Kirk of Detroit. They came up on 15,00; A. McPherson, gravel 31.50; The"
I Martin, I a time when 'not
the Greyhound gravelling 53 65, A. PAcEwen, other chickens, more
Miss Dawson of Toronto isited at inspecting 10, 00; F. F. Wright, gravel I than five month and four days old, would
Rheumatic Capsules I
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrevwl Fox on 12,74 � be dodging the axe (if a broiler -loving citi-
I'vioved by W. A� Mines and J. J I
Keep them in your home-,
Take them on your vacation
Moffatt that the next council meeting be zen this bird achieved a dignity of hen-
Mrs, Anderson and Miss Belle Robe!It- held in Blilev.l. Monday, August 22nd sbip.
For Mheumatism, Neuralgia,
Headache, Train Sickness, Etc.
son of Lucknow will sing at the service 1921 at I p m.
$1,00 at your druggist's.
in the Methodist church here next Sun- P. Powell, Clerk,
day afternoon.
Sold by 1. W. McKibbon
ed man on agricultural questions in the
Dominion to -day and is by far the most
capable of any of the ministers in similar
departments in the nine provinces, The
splendid work that he was doing in
Alberta for the improvement of stock,
the development of scientific farming and
the spread of iigricultutal education was
being emulated. not only in Canada, but
in many 1 the States of the Uuion. Ile
had just returned from England where he
presented convincing testimony on be-
half of Canadian cattle for the removal
of the embargo. As a speaker he is un-
surpassed and had performed herculean
tasks for the Prairie Provinces. He gave
his best and his beat was much and now
he goes down to defeat. Such is the re.
ward often reaped in politics, In view of
this flickleness and indifference to great
s m.ice on the part of the public it is
little wonder that astute and less con.
'sCientiOug politicians 861netitnes took to
mailing their OW0, financial condition
better when the opportunity presents it.
Farm Sales a Spc�cfalty. Orders left at
The Advance, lv�ir�bam, will receive
prompt attention.
T hone Not thl-lurcri 16-020, Frrsfds 15-1
Phones i o6, 224.
Al A L K E R'S
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Motor Hearse or Morse Equipment
Wingham, Ontario
Best D. L. & W.
sepanton Coal
, , All Sizes
Order your coal iiow',
and avoid the high prices
and coal shortagd1of the
past season, also Cantiell,
Soft Smithitig Coat and
Charcoal always on haiid.
Lumber, dressed and undressed.
Lath, Shingles, P r a m e a, Sash,
Doors, Mouldingi; of all kinds.
Beaver Board and Pooling.
-- li- � 40. . --k_ -
Cards Of Thanks
St. Helens
Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Dunkin wish to
thank their friends and acquaintances of
,Mrs. McPherson of Puslilch, is spend-
inga, few weeks visiting her- bruthers, the
"Real towns are not made by men
. the 10th. and the boundary for their very
Messrs. McDonald
:generous gift and best wishes. We only
Mr. Rob. Neely dud his sister Mrs
0stsomebDdy else gets ahead,
� hope that we may prove worthy of your
� great kindness.
Kleinsuielidt, Lit Pigeon, Michigin
But when everyone works and nobody,
motored homL on Tuesday after holiday- I
A Tirnely Warning
ng %Nith their sister. Airs, D, Todd.
You can raise a town from tile dead.
� Mr. Andrew Scbmidt, who was out last
Mrs. W. 1. b4iller and children spent a
week holidaying at Mr. J. W. Salkeld's,
And if while you make �our personal
week judging in the Standing Crop Com-
Goderich. I
petitions, wa- astounded to see what head -
Airs. Cuttling and Margaret tit tile'
manseare spending their boli days their
Your neighbour makes one too,
way the noxious weeds have gai ied in the
Your town will be what you want it to
districts he vi4ted. In Grand Valley dis-
old home, Owen Sound.
trid, the sow thistle predominates, and in
Miss Coletia, Clark is with her sister,
Mrs. M. McDowell at Westfield.
It isn't your town --it's you.
a few years, unless prompt and effective
rhe Bible Society agent will speak in!
If you want o live in the kind of a town
action is taken. the section will be almost
the Anglican church on Thursdayevening, I
Like the kind of a town you like,
Aseless r farming. Carrick farmers are
August 11th, at 8 o'clock.
You needn't slip your clothes in a grip,
: , urged to take warnng and try to eradicate
Miss Helen McDanald of the 4th con-,
the noxious weeds beAlre they get beyond
cession visited for a few daYs with Mrs. ,
And go on a long long hike.
control- Mildmay Gazette
Ed. Thom. i
Miss Clara Woods is in Clinton and Miss
You will only find what you left behind,
For there's nothing that's really new,
Do the Public Forget?
Vera Woods at Bayfield.
Miss Laura Fitzpatrick of -Cincinatti,
It's a knock at yourself when you knock
It seems a paradox that Hon. Duncan
Marshall, Minister of , Agriculture
and Miss, Dells, FitVpatrick of Chatham,
are holidaying at home.
your town-
It isn't your town -it's you.
Alberta. should be defeated in IlLb UWII
constituency at Olds by the Farmers'
Party, r. arshall is the best ffifi.
ed man on agricultural questions in the
Dominion to -day and is by far the most
capable of any of the ministers in similar
departments in the nine provinces, The
splendid work that he was doing in
Alberta for the improvement of stock,
the development of scientific farming and
the spread of iigricultutal education was
being emulated. not only in Canada, but
in many 1 the States of the Uuion. Ile
had just returned from England where he
presented convincing testimony on be-
half of Canadian cattle for the removal
of the embargo. As a speaker he is un-
surpassed and had performed herculean
tasks for the Prairie Provinces. He gave
his best and his beat was much and now
he goes down to defeat. Such is the re.
ward often reaped in politics, In view of
this flickleness and indifference to great
s m.ice on the part of the public it is
little wonder that astute and less con.
'sCientiOug politicians 861netitnes took to
mailing their OW0, financial condition
better when the opportunity presents it.
Farm Sales a Spc�cfalty. Orders left at
The Advance, lv�ir�bam, will receive
prompt attention.
T hone Not thl-lurcri 16-020, Frrsfds 15-1
Phones i o6, 224.
Al A L K E R'S
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Motor Hearse or Morse Equipment
Wingham, Ontario
Best D. L. & W.
sepanton Coal
, , All Sizes
Order your coal iiow',
and avoid the high prices
and coal shortagd1of the
past season, also Cantiell,
Soft Smithitig Coat and
Charcoal always on haiid.
Lumber, dressed and undressed.
Lath, Shingles, P r a m e a, Sash,
Doors, Mouldingi; of all kinds.
Beaver Board and Pooling.
-- li- � 40. . --k_ -