HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-11, Page 314eratloo, we, bog
�AT�VA., TliE ORAV onalderat!,on the
t tubmit tor yqur e Urn
f Ing, ouDotlt�tloli; b*k YOU WA I MOST,
We, Ring Hkatarl and Dh council,
y It You are anxious
)3Y Clara A. Brumbaugh
a Ordain that on 0, da which may Ja a large thinge, If you wAn
I /r- , to will,
I -N - 1- 1 Z.N�l ��, " ,
futurely be set, King Jattva will meet t to leave every. MCKSINTHWORLD'
4 Way, YOU murA got the succola Manner. thing OPOU J50 that YOU too r000i.1614or
in Acedly combat, In the royal arelial
Cultivate t!A0 bearing of Buccesi, flae it, 110 can 40toct It In your w4llr, in the
A love story of a byoo
ne tImO cl Barbastro, Toro. Oronailo., Clio royal
P&- firmuenG or the weakness, thodeclsiOn A
illipearance of the successful man. FOMT OF FUNNELS
In Solithern. Europe, hundreds Of bull, JatIva,. will appoar, mounted vA
years ago, Darbastro, and VOiancla Any horse, of his own choosing, Armed 11 J lli,;s WAlk, talk, and act like a gueewsful I the hesitancy of Year otep. Th"o
11413rM Ivill- tell whether �,ou are a vie -
04, mail; OthQrwJU You are constantly de- tor, a Conqueror, Or a loser, a failure.
fftutarl ruled over Barbastro61lutari TIJ �4,.,;`-!!T feating 7cur own purpose.
If Jativa succeed In Slaying the It you are It J2 a great thing to form a 11"bit
were two peace All And rival cltl4& only wifft a award,
a N14 adverttseme-at at what you are
As I t
M. old wftrrior, stern, hard, lover of bull, aud if Ile mad hI3 lviruk ew Z
war and conquest, Of 901;19 through the World giving the
But Jut'" was ln$ury, .in otoTtial truce vt bmtaor! "IF trYIN,-, to 'Is;, In your apecell, your Imprerjolon 'to everybody that You are Merchandise from Every Cor�
Voleacla',3 ruler, a handsome youth, mannerg, your coam3, dharreeable
and peace between cur citle-3 vlil be: botind to will, bound to Do "meboay—
way, and are constantly called upon to atand forsomething Wortil wAllo in ner of, the Earth PoursCon-
passionately loved by lils, people, signed.
. ...... I t.) deforid yourself, to apologlze,, to set the world. It Ia a great tolp to have. OtOnt ly to these IMMense
Brave as a lion, he still valued peace
and cherished the sweet dollghta of Jadva fail to appear at the Arena
or `A� Yourself right, you can ,3ef� what a tre- fl1JfU,*c1y think of us ,
prosperity. it, having aprmroa, tie lose zilts i AS bound to win
horse, or IS himself JuJured, his city, "I'm glad you've fixod this thing up. boys; but dull't yc!u think ti,:�t Ill mendous handicap you are Under, out. Lot tills Idea etand out In every- Warehouses.
Making more bitter the age-old will be destroyed, and his people slala I fat'll-e, We Might find a better way than fightlzig to rolvo these "trado Ycur be3rlug, YOUr conversation, thlilg you do, In your ccnver8atloll, Holiday visitors to London In seirvh
rivalry between title, cities, there had or taken away Into captivity." age, I pr*blem�i'.,p Your conduct, should all square with your appearance. Lot everything of an Interesting day'B oating might
developed in recent years an Intense, After the rea4lit.- of tile mckis your ambition. All at th
QsO things, are about YOU make tile world say, "lie is do wcrie than make a tour of tile Lou-
porsonal Antipathy between the two there wag silence In the, council room. meat n1cm vul be stxnd erect, sheath- alds to your nuccess, And you cannot a winner; keep Your eyes on blin. He don sice.1m, which are the, most marvel -
rulers, Skularl was resolved to take pave for a few muttered curses. Final- Oil his tmord, rzraivo university� Bulletins, afford to Ignore, any Ono of them.
d the torn and will get there.' lous In the worh(,,.,aya a London nows-
and destroy Valencia, and thus, to ly an old man'R voice quavered Wilted rose front his cloak, lifted It I)ur-4*nr thle academic year the Uril- WO All ar%covored with tags and If You are a victim of weak decision; Paper. The nscQasary permits can be
humble the pride of Attiva. Accord- through the stillness. Again tO Mq lips, UnA bowed and venity of Toronto imue:j from six earmarks by which people welgil, es- It vacillation runs in your blood—If obtained from the Part of London
laxly 'he effected a number of petty "There Is no hope," lie said. Smiled tc. Vorden-2, to eight bulletinj colita!)ing informa� tialat% and judge us, and there IS procrastination is y -our curpo, just try Authority.
anaayAacos which resulted In a'chal- "Thera Is no, other hope!" cried T110 crOT?d birst irto it tremendous t1oll of value And interest to parents, uOthluff else which Indicates our quall. thO 'Qff6ct Of improving your walk, In. Eastward from the Tower Bridge
lengo from Jativa and a declaration of Jativa, Springing up. "By tile love I 1311cut Of aPPlauso. Amid a clapping PrOsricctive students, and the general tY more than our walk, our move- Stead of going about 'With slouched stretches for miles a land of far -
war. Skutarl knew his own strength, bear Vordena, and by the holyliam ant a and deafeiOng crici of "Long, Public. These bulletins are distribat-i mettle and our hearing, Our walk, es- a louldors, a shuffling gait, a weak) Ill. spreading docks, with dense forests
Sat 'Of 11 1
and exulted In the weakness of Jativa. God, I swear that I will ilght, and I live the, Xing I" he was borna from the ed free and anyone may have his or Poeially. Ja4leatog our energy; our docisive step—throw your shoulders of masts and funnels, a kaleidoscope
In a few xeelm the city of Valencia Will Win; I will win for you, my peo.plo, arena. He had won the fte.,vrts of Bar- her name placed on the permanent;, ambition Is reflected In It; our cour. out, draw your chin In. and walk witit. of many -colored flags, aud'gfgautic
was reduced to Its.last regiiurce6 xad and for my beloved." bastro, even the cruel heart of sku. !nailing list on request, This is done! age, our determination, our firmneas, determination, with vigor In your warellovaes Packed -with merchandise
.Tativa, lilmsQlf, under 9 flag, Of truce, On, the day r.P tile combat, the am- tarl, who disregarded the termg of the in YeSponse to a rather general do- Or tho opposite of these qualities, mind. You Will find that your mind wortli, millions Of dollars.
Journeyed to`thrl)A�Mtro�oa-A.aad inls� phitheatre seethed with the populace cllallenge� granted 4 tZeatY of eternal mand on the part of the citizens of A abrowd character can measure us will be reflected In your eleep; Your There are eight at these docks to
Stan concerning surrender. of both cities. On a raised platform brotherhood to tllO elt." of Valencia, the provillee for the means of know. up pretty Accurately by these ear- n
,�eatal attitude will be very quickly serve the Part of London. The Royal
Jativa was courtoauslY w0lcOtaod at One end, commandinga view of the and bestowed upon Jfttiva the hand of Ing more about the important wark marks. it you are a person of weak dotec0d tn your walk--Succeesa Maga. Victoria And Albert Dock Is so large
at the Palace at BarbaArD. Skutarl Whole arena, sat Skutarl, and At his. the Princess Vordena. being done by their � own )provincial decision, it you can't bear to decide One, that every man, woman and child In
received 'Nin In an Arbor of the royal side sat tho princess Vordena, pale --------- University. Besides, there are many England could find standing room In It.
gardens, while his royal daughter, the , and sileat. short courses given from time to '-Ill" OneCalled Him a The Tilbury Docks have an area larger
princess Vordena herself, presided at . The gates at the other end of the F rance at Work. throughout the year- --courses which is Failure. A Child's Prayer. than Hyde Park and the St. James's
a low table 'and ��erved him with. arena opened and Jativa, sprang In -to The figures of unemployment in are open to the public—and He never made a dollar." "Biggest A ba
the pub" kind of a IfNever made any 0 by to a Baby prays, and Green Parks combined.
Scented cakes, end luscious fruits. vi-aw. Cheers and Shouts greeted him. 171 -Mace are very much to the credit lie should know of them. For instance, Infant Jesus, meeir and mild,
Jativa found It hard to keep his mind "Long live the King! Long live our of that country. It is reported that there is a summer session from July mark in the world," From mid the glory and the rays, $100,000,000 Worth of Stock,
wholly art his mission. The beautiful, King JatIva !I, but 47,566 are out of work, and of 5th to August 5th; a course in journ- Folks will tAlk, you know, and that Look on a little chlIa. To provide tile site of St. Xatharine's
gentle' princess captivated him. His He cantered thrice around the arena, these 81,429 reside in the Department alism from September 12th to 17th; is what they said of their neighbor. Docks no fewer than L250 houses,
blood ran riot; hia' pulses, throbbed. and at the third round something soft of the Seine, which includes Paris. a course on "Diet for Health*" during He himself thought, at one time In As One, child to another inay, which accommodated over 11,000
It seemed as it his eara, heard only the Struck his cheek, He turned back, lit the latter number mally foreigners October, Noveraber, and December; a his life, that -he would not be maeh of He talks without a thought of fear, people, were swept away.
exquisite melody of -her voice, as, If and SAW a scarlet rose. lying Ia tile are included. course in town -planning from Tanuar a Success. The farm was old and run Commending to a Child to -day Within eighteen alontIts of the first
his eyes could not leave her perfect sand. At f till gallop he, rods toward It, Those not at work comprise one- 9th to 21st; and a c Y down. stone being laid In May, 1827, a Rus-
ourse for farme'ra All that a child holds dear.
face. Skutarl, old, world and war Stopped, and d tenth of I per cent, of the total I>opu- from Vebruary 6th to 18th. For these Then the little chap came, A new Stan trader was entering tlie doilka
eftly caught it as lie 1, ti on,
weary though he was, saw and coal- Passed. Turning again, he bowed and .1 The statisties clearly show courses no academic qualifleatiors are fire -lighted the father's eyes. A firmer His tatlier, mother, brother, nurse. with forty Greenwich pensioners
prolianded the tumult In -the young smiled to Vardena, lifted the rose to that France is not making the 'havoc necessary; those who attend, them will lo�k came Tound his mouth. And His cat,bk4 dog, his bird, his to;$: Aboard, all of whom had served under
1'1119% 130111. He watched, Jativals his lips, and then fastened it to the wrought by war an excuse for apathy find them both pleasareable and pro- When the -boy slipped a hand into his Things that make up the uavverse Nelson at Trafalgar.
glowing eyes, his flushed abeeks. breast of b4s cloak, and listlessness. While accepting the fitable. To know of all these and of and they walked over the old place Of darling girls and be". The dock3 cost about $10,000,000 for
Vordena, too, Was. Plainly not un- 'Once more the gates swun' assistance of the other members of other innovations it is essential to to-gother, father oaid, "I'll do it for every one at their twelity-three acres.
moved. - Her father Open, the family Of civilized nations, with a have One's name on the University's him." Twenty-three years before the first
Saw hOr Deep Sli- and the champlon� bull, already mail All sheep and horses, lambs and cows, Ve
IY at Jetiva from under her lashes, with the prodd-Ings of the keeper and gratitude to which W. Viviani and, mailing list and this is done by writ. And � he fought the battle, of' his He counts them o'er—a Motley wel entered St. Katharine's Dacus,
color. and turn, quickly away of their with the sense Of the coming fray, gal. others have given graceful expres. Ing the Director of University Ex. life. Rebuiltup the soil bythe Alai of crew— the London Docks, built by John Ren -
glances met. So the, old warrior loped into the contre of the field. sion, France is minded to. carry her teasiOn, University of Toronto, To. fertilizers. , He bought the -best c4lves And 6hildron In the neighbor's house nio, had been opened, with their thirty -
smiled his world-weary smile, laid his There he Paused, Swinging his he Own burden and leave no stone un- Tonto, Canada, be could find and zrlade the dairy- th� And all the people, too. flye acres of water and nearly 13,000
ad turned, no field untilled, no walls, un- choicest in the neighborhc�. He fixed ft. of quay and Jetty fro-litage—water-
plans, and, became ever mere sative from -side to Side, and bellowing an. roofed, in th6 patient effort toward up the barn and the house. H6 taugfit His trienea—veliy all the world's his room for over 300 vessels, warehouses
4,ud courteous, In'the morning, JatfvA grily until he Caught sight of the rehabilitation. There is no acquies- Do You Want to Kill his boy to live for the begt in lift, f riend, . for 220,000 tons of goods, and vaults
Should meet Barbastrola council at horae and rider, motionless by the cence jA a policy of drift and delay, YOUr"Store? and not for gold. He helped, him to This four-year darling, golden- curl- ill which 80,000 Pipes of -spirits And,
war, and immediately - thereafter Ile farther wall. He snorted, pawed the, With the ruin and moral havoc of the I wine could be s0red. One wine -vault
iwd Skutari would arrange the final ground, and then with I-ower6d head I Close It for an, hour at noon. love birds and bees and flowers. Whez oil, covered seven acres.
details of Valencials, surrender. Mean. he bare down the field, upon Jativa. war to plead as an alibi. Wait on. customers in your shirt, his hand let go Of the boy's hand for 'Tls long before It has an end,
Let sister nations take note of the 516eves. the last time, the Young tnaa.wbisper-1 The bead roll at his world. One of the warehouses is five acres
While, Skittaft would be engaged in The rider did.;not move, but when, the ed- in his father's ear, "Father, I love in extent, and holds, when full, 24,000
business of state, but the princess bull Was, within a fSw. feet of him, example and emulate it, It is easy Always have a cigarette or a cigar
to fall into the legarthic habit of let- in your mouth. youl You have helped me to be al A child lifts up his little hands hogsheads, equal to 30,000 tons of mer-
Vordella would act Ia his. stead. Sku. Jativa touched lightly on �be rein, and, ting 'Gne's self -be fed and clad be- Don't taiO any nonsense from cus. man"' Unto P. Child, and it may be chantlize.
tarl hoped the time Wo.Uld not hang guiding his horse to Ono side, trotted yond the point of a sturdy, self -res. tomers. Let them know it's your shop, Something to'build up a farm, but The host of heaven at gazing s The Commercial Doclzs, c.f 380
heavy on the Youug king's hands, carelessly to the other end of the I tands res,
In an, exquisite, dream, Jativa moved arena, while itier bull barely pert lig independence, And a whole Ta. evall it You haven't paid for the goods a thousand times better to give the That tender sight to, see. lie at Rotterbitlie, inciude the be-
80capod ginning of CAnute's tronell, cut nine
with Vordena about the wonderful ol(l crashing Into" the stone wall ahead. tion cannot become a gypsy caravan yOt- World -a Teal man. —Ratharlite Tynan.
gardens whose exotic porfumea ravish- With a roar and take the road f orever. It must Don't be friondli with other traders, centuries ago, and into which the
the beast wheeled and I river was diverted xvhpil tb,�� firzt,-�tz)na
ed him at every breath. Unseen charged again, But again the hoTse. eventually settle down and go to work for fear they'll give YOU some good ad- Success Nuggets. In Love With the Day. bridge was built nercss tile Thames.
musicians played to them. A great man evaded him. for a living, even though the available vice- It there Is anything that delights The Fast India Docks, of sixty-eqght
round mooll- rose and its light bathed The bull changed, his tactics. With means of livelihood may -be uncon- Use your windows for storage, He makes no friend who never made One it is to. iiieet a human being who acres were opened In ISOJ; and Pitt
genial, The most delicate Part of the Don't try to be Popular. Be Inde -
the marble palaces., the gardens, the head still lowered, he began to trot , a foe. is so in love wma the day that he fair. llimself laid the fir,t st.ne of the. West
rivers, and the sea in a - gollen haze, around the arena clegie to the wall, Problem of helping the Old World pendent. MY life is for Itself, and not for a 13, exults 11, mere existence, (lelights India Docks, opened Ili IF02.
lies in knowing when to let gc�. Give credit io anybodyj or people epectacle.—Emerson. to be alive.
But the time for parting came at last. ICesping Just Ahead, and. staying al- Ono In love with Truth ne Of the West India Dock3 we read:
He stood with her In a tiny moonlit, ways, next to the wal.1, the rider spur_ The object -lesson France offers is may think that You need the money. ed neverl It we are In love with the day we
laudable and Tessa Don't advertise, You can' ask about his reputation. "The warehouses will cruta*ll Jso,000
dream-like ' garden spot holding her red on his horse. $,othing t wait on I will get Iiiiinitely more out of it than tons of merchandise, and there have
was bear! Md that liations','llifeto those who more than one cuato I cannot hear what you say for ]is- It we drag ourselves through it, and been at one time, on tile quays anl in
hands In his. Her sweet face was up- except the rhythiniolleatof tile horse' individuals, mer at a time.
his. must earn their own living and pay ".+— living -getting ar a dls- the sheds, vaults. aria warellcus.�s,
heavy thud, thud of th as they go, when the acute emergency 0amadia, -has %Vuter poww equal to I agreeable necessity.
turned, her adoring eye% looked Into hoofa, and the telling to what You areZmerson. Iregard our
bulPs thundering tread. The barriers are not erected Whi ch Colonial produce worth $1,000,000.000.
"Farewell," her low voice, said. Suddenly the horse snorted, wheeled� is past. 20,000,000 horse -power; 90 Per cmt say to aspiring Youth: "Thus far and Many People Seem to find no joy In Ta these docks merchand!se is paur.
is still running to waste. anything. They spend their time fret -
row, my beloved." On -8 POU-04of oil, used dn ahips� fur- if you do not flnd� happintas In your t.. Ing constantly from every corner of
"Farewell. Farewell until to -mor- And sprang Into the centre of the field. no farther."
Now It became an Open fight tol. life, I lv"esz" ha's the 0alivida has 800,000,000 ing, whining, complaining, and are the earth—from grain and timber and
aer,es of -business, you will nover i�aow what Seen with an exp
some heating effect as agricu,1tuTgI lends, Only one-six-th ression of disa
]jut the morrow saw no moonlit JatIvA wais- quicker, surer than I
the ten .13OUndS of coal, happiness Is. PPOlnt- frozen meat to silks and feathers, rare
andler crop. ment always on Maoir faces, looking spices, and marine shells,
waters. and hold no golden dreams. bull; but the herS18 was growing mad Are you a wheelbarrow going I as It life had not produced what they
The king Skutarl's, greeting was With fright. The bull charged Thera
courteous. but cold, The young Jativa
wail a cloud Of dust, a below of rage,
was Presented to the 'counell men who
and the animal retreated With the
bowed, each one, but the eyes, of each,
blood IfOwIng from a sword -gash in
he thought, werer made of steel, .
jils side,
"And now,—to, business," Skutarl
He bore down upon them again. The
said. And to business it was., Indeed;
horse snorted, and rearing and plung.
but the terms advaneed were so gall-
Ing backed Into a corner Of the wall.
Ing that Jativa resentea them with
His forefeet pawed the air; one of
angry protest.
them struck the bull a stinging blow
"These are our terms!"-Skutarl an-
on the nose. With a roar, the bull
swered brusquely. "If they d not
charged again. There We& another
PloaS5 YOU—" he Shrugged, his, Shoal!
cloud of bloody, foam -flecked dust, a
ders. '
bellow of agony, a shout, a scream of
Jativa could not accept the condi-
pain, the tramping of hoots, and the
tions.; the coUncil would not yield. In
sound of heavy bodies failing—then.
bitter haste, Jattva elled back to 'his
silence, save for a low moaning.
PGO-Plo�. .
The dust -cloud lifted to reveal
The sleg�0 Continued. Pbad. was gone
splendid war horse lying motionless
and people were dying of hanger In
on the ground, his satin cOat stained
the city of Valencia. Jativo and his
with blood, all Open wound In his side
001111011 grow desperate. Finally they
from which Protruded partof a broken
Seat a message to Skutaill sa7ing:
horn. A short distance away writhed
us your terms. We may recon-
the body Of tile dying bull. His nes-
trils still breathed out bloody foam,
Skatarl Smiled When the mossage
and a stream of blood Still Spurted
carne. He, would destroy the -city and
from the sword -gash In his neck,
take the life of Jativa. He returned
Leaning against the wall stood
the following answer:
Jativa, I -Ila face was white, his, eyes
King of Barbastro,
burning, his Jaw set. Re breathed. in
rOSPOctfUllY to JatiVa and his council:
hard, quick Saba; his clothing was
thcsso Condition& which
'bloody, torn, #11,st-Sta-lied; in his hand
�Wc?e formerly ofPared t06 jativa were 1
110 ]old his dripping sword, A me.
Around as You fire pushed, or are you
most desired. Such People carry gloom
Mountains of Silk.
a self-propelltr, a self-starter?
with them and cloud the day for all
In one you will see Oriental carpets
You may be whatever you resolve
who come Into their presence.
spread out In riotous luxuriance; an -
to be. Resolution Is Omnipotent.
Give us the man who is lit love with
tiquo rugs; prayer -mats and carpets
There are people who think them-
the day, -Who sees In It a new chance
from Persia; carpets of cotton and
selves big because others point them
to make good, An, opportunity for de.
Jude from Japan; exquisite Silk floor -
out as "Somebodies." They measure
their Importance by the amount
lightful experiences, for glorious, ser-
coverings from India: and gorgeous
of at-
tention. they attract and the flattery
vice! Think Of the possibilities of a
day for doing good, far %cattering sun-
ca6ets from Turkey.
Hardly less fascinating are the
they receive.
shine, for helping othera, for giving
floors where silks are storea. , mcim-
the weaker a lift,
tains of raw silk from India, China,
Britain's Bible Towns.
There Is no greater joy or satisfac-
and Japan; Tussore silks from India,
When a �aan Is told to go to Jericho
tion that that which comes from help-
and Shantung from China; bandanna.
he might ask, "Which?" for there are
ing day by day, as we go
through life, giving a lift to. those who
silk handkerchiefs, In tens cf thous -
ands; and Cashmere Shawls Of mai'.
at least a dozen In the world.
On large ordance Maps of England,
are down, a bit of euccuragement to
vellous beauty and wrrkmanship'-
Paradise occurs five times, And None-
tboso who are, disheartened, cheering
In. another warehousc, tm! stored the
vell, Mount Ararat, Mount Zion, and
on who are lagging behind.' The
possibilities of love and service in a
rich and costly warca or tile East -3,
far -spreading, niany-huea array of
Mount Ephriam three times each.
In the county of Bedford there Is
single day are boyand all computa-
china; manuscripts from Persia;
Calvary Wood, and Ia Dorset a Jordan
carved screens and pictures from Ar.
Hill, not to mention the famous Quaker
lvt=Y G cOUPl* "just suited, ti, eP_izh
menia; inlaid cabinets and wrlting�
desks from Japan; and vases and
burial place in Buckinghamshire
known as JordanE. Hampshire
other'? cet-cn spoil thinga by gettling
bowls at beaten bras.i frow Egypt.
Joices in 0, sleepy hollow called Land
Mountain eEmbing afferats the tom-
Farther on We find scores of large
rooms packed with furs; mounds of
of Nod, Cambridgeshire has a Noah'a
Ark, Worcestershire
Per; frcm 16,000 feat upwarls, 0,1mb-
drugs. and spices; Turkey rhubarb,
and a Moab's
Wash Pot.
L-xs exe apt tO get inipatitnt and IT-
musk in pod,,; anib#rgr_m, worth moro
After that, Bach cominonplaces as
ritab-'-a w1th are another.
In voluntary -gifts to Funpe vAn,-e
than gold; vanilla boons; and ,a on.
And in a neighboring storelionsa Is
Hebron, Joppa, Bethlehem, Gideon,
Herod pass almost unnoticed. All the
August, 1914, Intiabi ' at-,tp, 0, tile, Un-
an entire floor Prowde-1 with horlis and
same, all are to be found in England.
ite.d. Sgztat.cs have con�ributedl ot. least
2,000 million. dallursi.
tusks of animals, the huutsman'4 Spoil
of the earth from Siberia t, Af-
rica: while deep below are ovre.,; of
uene 13yrnes vaulfis!, with nearly tli;rt.N itilleq of
L truck -lines. ir which "VOr, �.Ilfficient
to Int,0XIctite a llatlon. arc �ztured.
v3o,,( mew -riot -A Anchorinff Shifting Sands.
i C KO
1liv- �414%me or- EEE Lksr N"�"Ae! An experiment will box made by the
scme WF_LL Ontario Provincial Foreqtcr to teat
CHICK02 ;At- WM r-_5 -1,C)
whether the Shifting sand dunes at
Prince, Edward county can be anchor-
wrro ed by the planting of belts of trees In
^TOESD thie sand Areas. These sand banIts,
7., under the Influence of winds from lake
Ontario, have been moving intend,
L covering up fertile IandG and roudo-v
4,ng them Useless. Tree Planting has
atopped ighitting Salida In Prance and
other countriev, and on, the prairla
bolta, of treep, keep light volls from
d -19ting.
i It Is expected the. plan will
'Provo e4ually tuccessful In this on -
t0to toullity, Ono of the illoat fortilb
in the vitolo proVlUee�
Blood UA3 wo vow� auggosted ag a
time meazz of finding out
ef�-KKO coo tnM�td dn 'work m9lable to illeb,