HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-11, Page 2I.. 1. __ . ___ - J� . r I ", , , - -I __ ,, ,,, __ .......", "I .. - 1— - ,___ .,._:, � ,�__�., ________==
- __ � I ___ - r . . � . , � � ; , ,�, - _?�6tl � .. ..
� - ., . . , , 1, . . . . , , , . , I I I IF . � �� � I I � IM -4.1 1 0 4 " - Pr' 41 � t . �, ,, -. - - ft'Vj"_ - r r r . _.
1-7 ,,, - - pq 4 1 ,,I , r . . � I � r I 11
- 010. 01 ,, 4URS�e . - , r . ___-__1 . . . . . I'll
- I I.. ,� I . I r r . I _____,__� . 11 .. � t, � � I Tiow 0"t4v i*119b, -
8, lit Mpling"I Jungle Dook 0* I .11 * � I 1,
- I . . V, InQuko;�;�`Veorgo� W11109*09 turo'go -aw � , � � I . I As -moot trAyellers 1xvpw, thoze aro
cur" , ox�
011141411111 W & number of small rov.-ml or aOwp4r&,.
",,�� UA Tor*.t> M6410,1:1,11411 d ,t,ree's A.re oiRj;jayod when, by th;row, .
r ""'he "wecret of the r '*."Tt'". in %Xflli;'�tl , 'S �, " r ;
J Rogttoj., imm IM C"Ity. r i
� ,,,, * r , MOWS JU the V119114 r4UAY Machos,,
.. "."", ourso or Tr#JA_ .11tro *t humvA 1�0 � 1*r 1�� I I
I'M I uts, t vi ge - ;
r " fterp. The So*t crew , r
'nX WOM"Navinw th 4 1DO3 to not4ce � 11 i I : Tito parnousers are isolated, in. thex4p
"InJ144" lViou"QAtIon 4 r1l: i t1FXUM44 , �
. and dealrous of R a , compartments. Sometimes, indeed,
e0vlln4r. nurabs, a" like lb�tt- Their latest manifesto
Thts Ilospita ls,m is f, long, loud ululation because I . - .1
I 01dChateau 44010te(t tile eight-hour 45.vsteni. Th4 � , � theyt .1 . they Are lockeil In. Theli only meOns
va r olve unttorut4 of the Sehool, are Pot invited to that"Internationall W-hht 0 Do In. CA,so of Accident, than necessa:vy, so thA. w �,JJU Of communication, 'W$tb 00 brakernArx
. * XMn � t I lowmeo .Atid travellin . , t, the nf, la an electric bell that must, noyer be
-*_111� 6x1)e;1Se8 to n trova New York, INir r y in Washington where W41ra off in �CIXSO of i4la accident, the first MAy form without, bindratiloo.
further I fern,attomt fkpply to %!A e Far Rest will be discussed. I thing to do Is to keep one's head, do In some cases o:f eboting thf, DI). rung except in An emorgency or crisis.
- 'Rill, , .
I 4 'D*1'N_1D I'VITITETIAW. ---------, ,:N-pMr-bite. OLut. Th� very rame Parll4jaent impliea Thlr, Mlalways otops th?� tra
".AW~_ -P*- - . . oXaCt4"y the mOat helpful t'h'n,% and'r if stritCtion May -be roracyed by 61i . '10,044
14=��—: -!..�;=±��I' ..... 11 1 �� I taNing things over. Bolshevism does � necessary, send for a Jor createa great confusion X,14 alarm,
COD� r ===.:�) � , physician. finger. Otherwise, tbo*,swallowing o
t J*hte.4) I - t1- , 40 �J not speal, the lauguago-of cool One day An 014 lady, very near.,
, ,e or, nnl EdIffie loolwd at it a 'Und i If a blood vessel has .,been cut .or an inicliewed Crust of broad will ,com-
Synopsis of Law Chapto-A. i list e11-Prox&i air. ays that his g*u-s Dartin %yelit en. I Cane and Ordered Oebate. it fills the :rnpturvd, notae the,col9t, of the blood. MOAlY give T0116f. lftht0d, got Into a carriage In Vb1ch
V,Iytia, zr r"�t�..�,n ,ef -Pardgay, was kept replenisho-J. .. i fr1*13es1dosI dou7t intend to kilUl air with Areworks, its aiaund and fury ., � M' a boy aat� Sho And tl.�A ,.joy had tile
f�lrz;'"�- 1�as t11 Pav lI,-1%_0rZM sll!MeO�t Haverton ahme. ez"we�j . , If it is dark red and flows freely fro When a 'child has 111181104 On Qb- compartment to thomse,.1vG,,The train
" to have lead Ro!,ert I am rot the one to �, s,gn4,fy Potbirg. It Is nat invited be- ther 'Wound without spurtinl;, it comes otarteit, the old lady loolged about, and
Mwn.��-. Or Stc',�a*�*%:rth.3,iy Ba\enter4��ehangezi. Thor., was less tx)lor in the .rut 4 ipose round my n"k---our,' stmction, like a bean or a grain of
' I i -Muse it 40QS Mt know how to behave. - coffee UP into its nose, on* should not
f,, vt,s h;or ,ho narzi�nn,. !%W.,�"�Qt. .Rtoaa�. ne&s. It seems to� mc., that tit, otber , from A -vein and the flow is, to the,
uwo!h J�heAv,v eliecks, and his inerrimelIZ.r. air S 000hig the bell, said to the boy,
�.,r rv.ogvn:-,!es the ��res�t it bears 'ti, ,dwsu't cmnt for an-sthing now. 0 We had A Very f, a?nJ)Je of the' heart, If the blood, is a lWight redi be excited and 11sh for it with other "Boy, I Ain't used to railways,
as thcl 11�Vnlxl W that ,,�n a rm- hanjoi �foree,l aml int,�rmittem, was punztu- Tim., paper is the only evi4em-e un -V I Bl$lshev'st ideal Of pOlitic-A convoca- j hard substances, which may only ag- What's the bell for?"
j atez" at irtinva!s by li�,tjt. spel,,s oZ - . .� 4-adcomes in spurts, it come.t; from an,
lnukthcr� * � tiers in their weird gathering of the �Qrtery and the Ilow is from th, heart �,
e,WS gr,-at-gr"n' 'Nno��. V.1 -k na asUN, dcstrox-ed. I r.ever racant , gravate the diffivulty. If a little Cay- The lad smiled maliciously. wphat
down j�rem 81 c. .
Sy%,a D.,irthvity., " s- he would sit t, kill th4t man��ih. you way as W�11'.'clani ut Baku last September. Any. and eo there is great danger. In this � er
ibe "'n'.- ,
., tv'st ��ill� %- tivi,ting& the'stent ef Msi ,
_, : �,�_, - ine pepper 6 merely rubbed on the bell," lie explalued, "Is to ring when
U,1`011Z,M�Ars &;�ei-,t*z.ons arou-�e.i.' .W* -1'0'a. -S ,or nvrvounl ,��rmr'�*in- "" '&-now it all; it was All accident. notl wild lie went at that gathering, if, Case send for child's upper lip, the child will set You want something to cat, and tile
iyPt- Partin', mvi, t -,,n4 t3 .%,t,,�,ur V ' I the urder." # onll.* it was sUffilelently Vitriol; a pty,Ocian and act at
= _ oth DJ i , �c .
ToNvon:. On 4e ka�!' ta'%'4t11 �Zea.'*,V Y bwml on the tal,;elel , - It' good .� , once. The patient should ,be la d down - violently to sneezing and the obstrue- road furnishes Junob."
� Alr, be'�e -m. ..'si,ems. to me It was a pretty -
- � * . 't Property and pliVate right ble the cir- , tion ,will be promptly dislodged,
the J%-�,t, rul'u,n!"Ir jj,,11�,.�te,- 'In envelojje�� As or the pr;wwus Inght, they sat .initatian.11 a$rain'_ L So that -4s much as pess! 7 I Tito old lady nodded. Half an hour
- , te I 'Dd Qst*bliehed orJer. The dominant, ,,I,tl,, should be quieted. Apply a
in the sa--k- lmn�wrlpng as the szrap�� 4a ,over the:o ! c�o'rQe and vign, 1-S- 414 � "Never mird what it seems, F*JJie;"pem.ua1 force, at that congress Nvas' When any foreign matter gets into went by. Then f;be leaned forward
0f PaVer P�mlked ittli at M,-rt,hner T -r ` as 0""", �',�!Kar,!i A,'-',QWei 41nuer. ,1*11 .explain one Of the,se days, if r , ." bandage totween the injury and the the eye, resolutely abstain from .rub� Ana rang the bell. yu,
* Intc Y`111, Enver Pasha, the rar,�mcunt political 11 _ tautly the
rzee. ' Havi,,r,,on, 1-rk�,-,ge_ "-, it W,414 nu, Ibing the eye. Often forcibly blowingi
.vej, was , ght "befere the O'd col- care to ]Wen. Mealnvhile� we've got:, i heart and tighten it'by twisting with
F - 1: eou . k
watehmg Raxet-ter, Lin.i TV, ,,v e: was !,Qtr�d into his coat and de- to ,be oui , cep` was Lenine's ; brakes ground down upon the wheels,
.w� two , - , of here b�r Tuesday. vl�
, a " a $tie - But this should be prolonged
woun,ir' 4 ive-Wd ever'tp the care off Jelin to i i Test, If not, A I the locomotive wbis:tled, and tile,
&!s ;are- o�-i tlwir gazr,i. , dence or no eviience, Baxenter - world eseoud-incy Of ,c9unnunism, as� nay roll a fine paint in a silk train stopped so sudd
; eszqr to Ins honie. i r knows, r I no further than necessary� helper I
: the truth and we woul,J never be safe I Zinovieff enounded it. ,only that several
CHAPTER -XVII_kCk)rt'JJ , �, A�zt, a Rtt�e later, the Rirzheister r in England. although without tbi � it� Xtkturalby, 0erecan be no enthusiJ To stauncla the flow of blood, wariii handkerchief and with it PaiftlUsly persons were thrown. forward .to the
'Men I a is espe- floor. There were sUrfei.s. Windows
ieparture, Dar- who h c it asm to ask to thecourxil at Washing- .
. rz-se ,,a take their iL s b rmOve the substance. Thi I
Tlw- Qs dlay Te10-,A%'i dw. and , of pap�,r Ido-n't quite see t e a water sliv)uld never be used, because
. , t!n. mzde a sign t,) Eddle that he � removal Of were lowered and heads protruded,
w eks gw,w Intz, rvhs arl rx' i cially successful in the
,.do. Again, it's out of the question t e h h knives and4his will' Only -stimulate the trouble. juse,
tion was ma,�k, in t6�. press k) i z.% s)WZ;!d ae.��rlp.-i��v� them to the doar.:. to tWnl,- qf killing him -his frieiids�l rifles bel$tliag i Foreign ard gerni-laden, substances, ,ts. Guards ran froin carriage- to carriage,
,: i mer.- : 4 , on thos w 0 come ,wit
f " He himself wnit;J 'belthil for a MOS,: know lie is visiting here. It means a I 11ke a Cossak- dress When a foreign substance gets Into Finally one approached the old lady's
"' '
. like the bare, undisinfecte,d fingers, the eari be -very careful bc compartment.
, * Dartin rut k, frmri his � ment to light his eigar; ttlzen. Pa ss' Ing parade. This councH is for peace.
; � i�r*;*N,�I_ef;vu , 14,nsi�lf tbat `r th ize - bolt, Bildie-an. undigniflei exit for ii�ud, tobacco, and cobwebs, should
Z�� . a*' the back c! the litt'e table rear us. ___O_�
lh��r'A Ilk, 1;2za spent In the darl;ened I've never shown you the cellars never be allowed to comia in contact ear,is delicate. In case Of an inM't "Who rang MAt bell?" he shouted,
�Ww.zh Rcbert was standing, deft,�y,of the Towers, have I'" SuccessNuggets.
roc'm tht. Mein,ny of whizh was r�yjj, paz a few drops of oil will drown it and as he ran along.
,�e . with the wou�d. The wound, should
11�u-rekl an4 ind'Air.4. he' =us,, hi " his itan' Over the 301101fte4 He took Havertoes' arm and led LUCIE never Comes to the shirker- be covered as soon as possible but cause it to float to the surface where "I did, yo4ug man." said the old
des""'Iyed it Re 'D Twit rer. ve tuMbIM and hurried into 'the hall,r him from the room, re-!ocking tbel� it always doeur to the I it may be r
eM7-*r after Eddie and his guests. emovod. But hard sub- lady,
bavat&I done ,tki. t,.= it -�v.,4s h-_-.,ily R,�.,,,,,� Fidoor behind them From an arch- worker, only ;vith a surgical dressing. This
..t iaxenter, lelt ;aloiie, tossed,tv*y, at the �bacl, of the hall a I g t., The pr seut hour is the decisive consists Of cotton or gauze which ha I
iike'i I stances should not be put into the ear,
- In insect stinga, if the sting is still
� le remainder of his vhiskey-and-,of broad stone steps wouni down to� hour, and every day is doomsday. been surgically treatei to disinfect I s S116 thought amomout,.and then re,
V lw wi,uld li�-Tk' r-a-se�Z 't ov,-r.. off t U It e "My, did You do It?"
Tzr' im US sLIJa an,q. threw his 0--ar-end nway', the kitchens. - At the foot of these, It Is the man who persists In seeing For bruises, fr4t b, t' resent it should R)c removed. Then plied calmly,
- - . md. un -,114 he _-.VZ-i't.-3 it -as -2 preraratom� to bMAng his liost 9ftod . Dartin struck a Inatch and lit the", his Ide' al, 'Who Ignores obstacles, abso- n a little ammonia or baking soda in ,,I think you might bring me some
time pas" . athe tho parts I 1)
VOT:Rmly. ta's -.t ,%Vns a rn&- '1'waKen- 1"Zbt. HZ did not relish speuding caudie in a lantern which be- � I 'who t4 take water will relieve the pairt. ,oblcken sandwiches and a battle '41
irg thd he '11"ad rezelvted th-,4,4 surarrer i , -Autely refuses to see failure, vim -tor as hot as canbe borne i
. ,ger *' e tool,,; Out* the inflam=tlon,
a1tonn,��nm , W',h b'z,' enMii s -the night down from a hook an th-e gTeat dres clings to, his coofidence in Tic Then treat In case of a -broken bone, it will, root beer."
hal pasn"i , ' tory, I i
He t4anzed at tbe, el"k ,.,n the &�& *,U,u_,_4 tlu'&et that ke had ser. . with a ,solution Of equal parts 011 allay anxiety to know that it does not ---.17.—
., :--Uzt z,%mPZ,se h,nSe:f w-1 Pre- ii; �. W"at 0 long tia-e thev were.' They crossed the main litchou,j , Genius has a twin brother by the vater and witch hazel or with tine- U,ve to -be set immediately.. However,
11 I that wins out
I _"L: ' 93 to bed- Why, Wlist was with its shining brass and ne';vter, and:, - I ture of arnica in the proportion - I
��..r� ta rc.,-�ve Mik gues*_%;. He knew .�,___ - -- I , Of i The Glor� of the G,rass. -
1-,y :nt� t�X:7er!4M.��e that 1-s rc-W, bMd. ' -, � passed through the bigg *eiilleries and" name of Perseverance. , do not delay to send for the doctor,
111, raised a tremblirg band to his store-fiag at r 8 A er.1mea-awhile, unless absolutely neces-11n. what far, green Judean field
'a ,ged bakel. a ,, stopping
a'�z it v�,et*e- 9,1tte ,mt of tra!=,ng, ,IT, ,0 se UCCM is not measured by what a'� two teaspoonfuls to a cup of waf
tNt-e wzs nn even* gr 1,efor f,-rehml. The r,-,oni _-�pun wildl,r- last before a door set in at ake-ve � 11111111 acmmPlishes, but by the opposi.1, A uight's treatment should- almost - ,-Ary, the patient should not be moved, Did those uPgrowing grasses'Yleld
� . _ - e I-' ' � make the bruise well. Or, if these I for fear that the sharp edges of the Their promises -of gentle sirc- g h
7., -,n, �n the wzt=,es M"M *the furniture in a in the further wall. There was a key r t1on he has encountered and the cour- I n t
V.13 1.1 .1ps rl?rve 'WO ' 4 1
t*_,;� u-,"O'ni-;-�1 U'1� '1�e tavc" t'z� fan-Wltiz danee--the green elvith aff in the look-, and Dartin turning it�; 296 with which he has maintained the I remecUes are not at band, use one Une way ,lacerate the flesh. With Wben they should CMd;e Him at
- ,X i . � t, , ; � I Part vinegar to three of water. I both hands gentli lift the injured part -
In ha:f an' blur RI'lle-t B3x"n'te, "It, - �iard IMe seeme� ta sway and pushed open the door on 1t,s ,creaklngj struggle against overwheliniag odds. i length
hinges. Then raore steps,, and thel Don7t waste any time belabor - e j P07 a sprain, heat water as soon as while someone puts e pad or ,cushion! What secret grace Cid earM produce
, -try with Ard, spban!ng diz.-_,�y on his Ing th
V, �;'�: '%' W�.!,-mg, in the '"Ilr� glitie N, e"ath his feet.
, :,�`- - st" ar4 h�! must rot , a poss ;
1-Z I h,eel, nien. were standing in the cool damp-! cause of all your troubles-yWzo the sible, as hot as the flesh can bear. under it. Cold, wet Cloths should be I That made those graieses. fcr ilzs use?
_ .wr gm�,, �
- ..:. cl t,l -'susyez", anvthing. Ever" Robert Baxenter feA' heavily and lay* ness of the' cellal-z of Adderbury'ttoubler. I Arranger the I - applied. If the, patient must be re- i What g,lor
,� y- ,,, , v
.t" .,:,4 ,�VJ upen the. rug before the fire- Towers.
- , N 1W. hilurei part over a tub
&�ng nz�zs: tmrzar to _- :as it Was,p!aee. � MaTiF faen. fail because they do not Jor Other vesstl,aud from a cousider-ImOved, telnPoraiY sr7ints must be y_ from the sun Uley drow,
,ro E.14 -e �,!,i l,appe,te:.1 so vppor-. � Dtttlu held the�lankarn up above I And what of pity from the dew?
t.-r"i�_'. -r_ -n R,Avrt, �-. t!le hall. tir The souni of the big frant Aoor"hishead an&the yellow light flicker -L see the Importance of being kind aud,gt able height slowly mad . or this pui ase use any stick;
I.. 1,1. za' I . pour the hot water." 0 F -P s
� - `nz�,zkscd - ' ,e2oslr.- 'te.hind the d,epar+,jk_ :! COUrteOug to the meu under them, sprain. Continue to boat.'of wood., stiff Pasteboard, or anything;'%1hat lad with .��udebn s,lng r-!� teart,
" W- the oP-iszde ef the let-. ' , guests �ed ,on Ae low, grolned too! and. on I over the
t,�.- *.-ns' 5-InSeil Uirzugh the quiet . .I -
twL - hall, ard- the -worn and stained pillars wbjcb� Full on. the ear, and not on your .water and. keep up this Atich will keep its place straight. As'Frcln all the otbor lads apart.
:-,-�,!*, r�, kl? left the rzom. Dae'.. , : Htivert0ii turn I treatment for." I .
$ 1
, _n "' ed and fazed Dartir. � 4SUPPorttd it A great rat came from: friends. an hour or two till the danger oil,padding for this; use anything soft,, Cut them and h. urd them in the sun,
tn:, Zs.�i �, &nwer at tile lha��, of the Ani now," he said, -for the or. beneat.h a phle. ,of ,old �ea '
'deal..* . sks and szoni- ' � Nature does not say, oyou Must Inflammation appears to be gone. A � ULM cotton or -wool, or a sleeve or, And went his way -his work all done?
, . _; he not,� but she sav
&�- : Lt -.. n,,.-AZ11.;n-,- lar in, S-ew m't �pere& away between Eddie's fee I
-- :�4:�, .", ,nzie. I— - -,Pered this arij Dartin !augl-est uTzp:eas '*Xyou do, YOU i sprain is a'nzore serious matter than' -stocking stuffed with mos3, or gr.-.zs,,
.,ant�jv,.. � I .s,
I i's
rt* Lve a little ZUSP of horror as he, felt ,',� a broken bone and this treatment will', or leaves till something better can be'
tztei n sma:11 rb-'al vn- b*U2 "Xot ne,-es�%,nv. I Zh,rk, , must Pas' the Price, for I cannot make 'What tender girl, darlt-halred and
.. - g:a,m, Eddie, nw the gross, heavy body ,of -1 it through, it less:. 'N re d a I - oming'found. � . brown, �
tt-S,, camtz.::V roa,il-mg wilat was mi 'Zav, That 'Mr. ISZEA,ert Baxenter won*t his thin dress slioes; then hurried- Natu oes not rgue. 11 ofterr ,-save the oadent from bee r
t�:e .a!'e% i=zZrke! ft a-.4, M, 1.4 Cause us ans, , The way to behappy I Carried the simaves into the j,ovin,
".111" great irZM-ve1_enze- after his guide, who ,wag mating his; is to take �eaat �� a cripipde. A§� an after treatment ap- i
two tnv zrzx fa'.):0�311-1 V�.I,hl wait "' The' srt-ake ,, TougetanddowZmt you can withit. �ply a- solution O,& v-- Nor fe�t_ther weight CZ ali t1lat load
1. e r UP',-��4 baek way threugh one of the dark azvhe�s. mega= or lemon' The Necessary Vitainines.
�,� nto i�,tz4s W,>�s�,.,,, e.�ng the I- , - I . . , '
.Z. - . ._ )at tl _1,1 -'Zl'i st`00'd Peer1n5_-' For perhaps a hunired paces th 1 ------- 4-� 1 Imee, or salt, ' Along the narrow. li.my rcaj?
er�.T 1, --��-�S**�y i - I
ey, For a knee or ank-lei -Just what part the subtle vitqminW
.V4�1'Z114ZVI - , ; throtrgh the cr-41k of tlze b!l14!ar,4_"ziZj -we4ni, or in si!eiiee, takirg Utlole turns � EM01're Timber &b1ifion. '"', sP=1n a stlaelkmg may be drawn on 4 play in balancing cur daily diet can' And then the *night, wL,eP �.,JLWs f2,ce
3 , -
4 dz�i�r. 1-Canne," he ,144ed. nnS bezkoa- here and there, unt.1,1 they came to,J The value which leaders of annaizs In` and filled 'With hot -sa:t, This is a � easily be ascertained by looking at the " Grew pallid lit t1lat lo 1 pla
'! el. tt ;� - . . ; . _C .
MI APTER XVIII. .1 I i Hav,�rton; 41nerd Rdbeet is What was; -n-ppareii-dy the last 4cellar,` the Brit4b. Empire set on torosts and 4*very Of#tcae!ous reniedy, But the hot* great number of ansemi w y 3
,�dleal :11 nis aitt." for Eddie coaii nie4e our- ito, &ar,yav ic an . um;%�r , Who filled t�a maitger, made the bed,
Dragge& �, Thc tWO men en'er,�; the r,%,xr,, ani except frat by Which they baCl forestry is sliown by the bol__�Inu of a i water remedy is the 1,est of all ,an;! ' nourished children who lack this im-', jrhei.e ,c:tj.�- dumb beasts long bad fed?
I ' '
.t,h ,,,t_,,,l %,,, ' '
_ " forest administrators in � ,should be us'ed 'irst. 'Mzmy dis-*'
,d W. , r
De.'��=rm`r a- C -Ver. .0 ' _ 10',Ig dOw,' at the snent , fig -ire entered. , emferenee,ot 9. :1 portant foot" constituent,
=a. a
iel_, ,�'r,j tb � h -,)ur ,i London hst suninter atd by the or- ease of a persmi faiiiting the pa- 'nutnticn as well as lack$ The hutub!eRt thin-
S1t--a,'M- ,12' �`ff,�rei,.:,- !- his e ezrth-rtm Th-� ,� ,;,Vr 'iian,: There was '.ittl�e neeii for Dartin to � . l 111 , 4 orders of mal . . mar growz on
Dwrtr S -.-o; -- the :-bmr,r tz re.mve,wus marnntir!ng �Ia 1�im�_�,f -I as eclatl6s; in th q ,_+I� y�,,,�,j of sufficiert bo' ng material 1� earth-
, f,- t was"a say why he had brought Eddie here - gan'-'L Of ass e, differ- ; tient is suffering from tea 11, - . Memaki
kee ,I .
his guests, C�".'i 1-3 '.R,_,��-Zrt Baw�-I.er WIUMOL '"a -Z -Las, tbiu� *' r The sPot was an ideal one. Here �",ent Domliiions and colozies to _, 'In the bead. Theref-are, - lelearly te'A their talc- in the early de-: You gave Him comfort at His birth.
tnt�?r,�� 'W- :Z-,�kt-3 Up ,=Z s it, Ke ad a t ,, E1.1ie Hnverton l4nked u I I .1 - lie q-hW.d be,
'. . p sharpby% man would ie h- den until - a really this subject before the people. In Con- : laid flat,or, his b_-& and k-e:,,t so j,h.at IMY ,of U-3 tooth, bone -diseases and I And kept Him Warm, and made a nest
h_'�--- `;,-Z �'�4� FN;%tai_� lh,�� was lnbvilg' "Wilat's that srou're mutteriii�g strict search Wane made. This would aection with the cenfeTeuee there was the b1bcd mav
I i.- , Wherein His tiny limbs might reost!
. flc-�r ba,k 4.0 j Various tuberim'ar troubles.
. and other parts of the ana, 1; sen -tial toed element
Zc�r -..!�_-, ,�,:�:�:n%,�^ ,-! :i,tt=.r_0ra"1%� _aS.16 -,here ta y0u-'1�1. '11tan-what, do,�_% givo the men arn. le time; for, if due.-, an exhibition of W., her from all parts , very es - i
, .. _ his hea.
:.,. n�-W:,Z arr�vQ_4. st:�_-J = an =, t____?, p a This
W%, .r . ci: f -a -z raeat?-he's not-tio p. prez,autions were takeu. I.' Z-9my. cold I 'k, fresh dairy is Still wltll� strange blindnei-s have we
pal.�,n- �,I:-.;Z��2 =, h�s ,�":�w. : Dea%i� Lord, no! It means that likely that Baxei wit wss- not Of the Enwire and it was found that �Wate-z -_�cu%l he s found in eXg�, mil
i� -� - prlak`l�j cii tle face -but- � trod
'L ".-M-�' 'ter's 'rrzea`�Is wo"ald there were OPPOrtunitles for a most to stinitflate cirzu'atioii. L, , ter. whole cereals. in lonfy vegetables I
� P�7r�-:-M-. :-'..:��!?rt B',Lv_�s,= ard 1, baitg in the same boat, think seriously of his non-appearance" notli:ng
40'Z,t�- ----4 �� :'-�' men Z�4�w,2d, "L�t V=Qt Set a ez;Lrsex &mcng the common fields of God,
� * fo-, havAb"Nin. ge.!, for some days, when it would be t,,,, advantageous exchange of product,-.'
.e ' � - . morl? sericus than a f6jz,t; is ttae =g+, ! 1 and in fresh fruits. The toniperature: �ceing but dimly as we pass
M %� _. .Z. , . _ ese, Bas"ent.-i-, Thiz-," ',Ind Dart -in toucheki the figUre late for the Young Soll . For Instance Canada exports struc- Aer, recovery will soon fo!Z�_,W. riez'essaryfor,cooking destro-
, �-�'- '� ,�4! .%� -
� I I -i The ancient glory of the grass!
4 ; tural timbers While Australia, -IN-aw � sen
I - 'Canaza.- ' citor to work y.v or leE -
L-Wrt :�-, '4�n.wk m w*th h1a fixaty *'is better like this,- them any harm. . A spasm is dis,tingii:sh ' 5 the active principles of vitainines I
t -i from a r ' ; _-__
M:v2w- ,wzn; ZZ) t-i-m,� n7 rat tlze. wh,2e. We art th2n"It�ng Out Our Plans.' They made many journeys to an,1 Zealand, India, Trinidad, East and�falut from t1, t:
I I I It
fi.-=, �-i !�.,� =as�er c'! AZ.Zer .e so that is neceszarY to plan the,
zlm, fact eat the pat -
r what wO are -To io with ourselvel�_ fro �between the cellar and the house, �v West Afrlo4, Borneo, and other col-,jev.ks .*on 'daRy bill of Tare with at least
toui��-� ,sk �' 1"��f - . t iiow .1 11 , - spasmadically, in cam. -al's one- What is Gocd Citizenship?
� - :�:F 1�n--N'tz:! the .:�- ,��t-;- vq-�Tll Em. S. n over there,
. ,
azd�;s ap;:--Z��;r. a*thz-,13g.% he 1,%.3 ZZ14ke." , semi -tropical � the ,r.reuiaj, lons foarth of tile food to 'be eaten TaAv, To Act Loyally. -Loyalty is the CO -
4 , is muzh teo rap.
1,i=FQ_� *,"-.-,- lm -s vv�_-,,- ric_,'_�-a-�,*,r t2te Thz, mastler 'd Adier", M and cabinet � there is �tzo ni,4ch W,ozd- on ! 'S anl,j This ,mn be Very casily
; V.,�)='� .7;�z.;_nz-'e- ,!:. _!� - urr Towers � exhibition has 'Therefore, e . , -- . , , accomplished hesive force of society. Uni '
'he ,
iast t=-�- .-,-, ,.bp,ta1,_ wznt renn, the =b�e and julled the ..e vi,z., '-am I ess we are
n=,-r.Z. -'-�� spasm' now that both the fresh fruits andi true to our famiLv, business ass clates
: " ,,,= e
ity �z �',,�="ri�,,us s-.zrr,;:,-,a_ _'-':'nb 'Over Chr,ee w.ri3O __ , a o
ia�,__ - . "d, , green. leafy vegetables are abundant_q and feHow-cit, ens, the State falls to
Ws 7)001_n� r in charge. ,of �'should r.ever Lse Ra, dcwn flat br,", ,Z
`�iit 'C-:, tZ tl�e .,Z4r--'eZ4 He then !;2-1.11- . embcdieii in " shoui
�- ,j 5 � I pieces,
11." 7-4.�_n*-', *.!!�- 1:zd ,6�ve_*�7v�d tz-4 thLZ1ZM-, 3-1-d kz,Re e,ou!d hear hint . try Branch ';��,_,ej e suppoe'�e" Vdth his "ead" Character TraWtig�
.1 . One iz a spasm should be I To Co-aperate�-Teamplay is the
' 'n� :'_,� `:�Z='e Zze-Mant. He turned Between them +5 - r, . f the DOpa:1mett of ee IMM-rIz?.r. - y i 0Z!tk;F 3PIA int'D a hot hath 'i RO.-er W. Babson, the famous sta-, culy w -ay to group efficiene.y. It "
v�e .--..,-- ,:�, " !�I�:,.,'�,s: _--t M -nn. aML- .Mn:,". .
" , % ,�n *-'-a t-�:':', ,Z1 all ,h -:,Z ba-�k en the, forr, ,,�,ky the 11replace': cowedo;as form Of their ,_-�uest to -his Int15--ested t1tizen V�Z'c b -A8 1101 and well 1. uld
ag V ---Z'- :nzn at ey �Cat i 1 o
- � %-:4:� -Zied the Zm- J&Z 1 -
're.1 the room,, new quarters. It seemed to the i ceivet a cap.7 =Sy ser=e ame free by , the a:d'r._Ce 4of a I tisticlan, author of the widely readj'bo �ultiT.�te,d in our games as w,L.11 as
olzrn,__ --.,-,,Z-.:,. hz wza 'E�Ver = reaZ�- -'--i, w4wri Darv*= re-ezte '� Yei re- � � �Ee& Mxzept by
I _r-.!=. `I`7�'e kn'Ve ,- M � the, RP:14 --i-19 tr* Qhe Direemr ef -1N-;r:es-tr-,: ; V113-_Z!a-_ Zo =eTufte zb�u2j "Ze -* I bOOk, - "Foundations of Prosperity" In our work.
_ _.= %Z �1 F -2. th$ . W_.-Istv a_.d ,set wh:temt-.=c,-,ars,-.tl.-�he43!.oL-31're�el�-;ee.;,,�eyes, ,, �ivoll-,baa saidi To Act Honestly�-Renest
rzess ,O -r ,e,T;m*nQ'-.'t-_%,s sz.i ;�Te__ * " - ,,,�- the &k -r beh!ns kin, 'oung
4 � " he fou7nd 3 -er
.,. .Z&
t.,� fz,-;,t�--, ., ",Z, !tj '::4i ,-:Lar b:157 Wit, '.. ; y is the
_ r Ottawa. ' In case *1 a b== 'or sz-11a a "reng "The great need at the pre_ .. ..... �� � foundation of business,
92�_ s Z:-*-Z-nZ.:tT: waik przc,�'e,s -%.��-!��,n- It dii Mzt take a very keM f -he, Rabert InA =64ezily takon on,: =*-, -9zt-ITat--i TA-fth a SeMt!on of bak- 1 1
J .
it c�'21_ _"-_��;�=,�- E.= ,;�:,� statt & N!'s ' -) gVea- res = e to, h's deaEl 0,2, -,_!i -r - I 1= __� eMIJ be appl- - rt � No man Can
C!�:�e'_IW�r *" '-Zee taat' tl�e MerVINZ 4DI �L'�. ,a It - ZZ,-_'�,Il r . - , ,X - .j�j an � is not for more railroads, cr for inure! lie fast enough to keeP an extensive
M��-.%,�rs=.Z,�. If' 1,e =�14,44. �p a �-_C.*,-Te, VdEi? Havert-Nn were a-ia""g,�e. � SIM. ThIme -� the ;san,e Z!1�61'y :t,or,-- � L - __ , -_.t, owet Or beftez� kezp 'd 'J�e, �, � steamships or morefactorie I
�'T -,�Z,='� I g= VQU � I the Wury al- 8 ormore concern Protpercus an dishonesty.
a*- 'z -i,:-: 'Zz -a WKI:ZbF r -V, X,'�,v " be. D -4Z -q, em be 'heap, sllz-v=g as +�I-e _-esi Dont estimate -
* .. t __1 h=lg IU�mp ly z your ft, � � cities, but for more Characte r. To Work HOW-stly'.-Witlicut a dis.
r- I "mub-les :1insf--i a: and Enie -
E take gz= ttme. ba04-*e swn� Sensitive =0tith =i: , _Terea 'with a ra- "'3*2�"-4 ""' "T
=" 1-!� ,r��:��:-Z,l 1�-�-� far ziwav i�eT�,rp li-he iirdlst=.t�-. _--ta Cat bm-a b_V the Uffie t ! "WaNs c'
� .7
-Zit, on� -:!"-7 --vas rn:sys P,�Za�ne, ili-__ ke�:2 be *�-.,ke That :ror iV,r_in_-.v-_F*;1' , vrater, niiswd i 0 develop the tharactor, we must Position to work and earn his wage he
, 0 .� -.C%*_-!-s;. Dart'M -0_-!er-&3 �7nw it VMS tialt eomlront; you nm,-,. The � ,
' - !�_n�rz at tho Zvmst. -` _ �ttart in the 110111e, school and chuiTh 4jecomes a burden On the toininualt�
1Z, ,M,%Z;:& n,,-"-- �_ "-fe:0t. � ' e:r22 V=P=titns, A ba,ffl of ii-
7_:�-Er"ta��.C, !�e u.-�Z, :%�� :-,�'e R,� drzprj�i &vit on en� ;me b1szk- clon& wh-Ech --hut o,11t ' -z . w
A: t`-.�? �' ;, � lZe bai rare.- =Z1.k-,-_3 tl�ese t_!� �, be
*! " -Z t ;,_O;=�d .-Zvmvs be z_e# * ,u �, h q.
.*. i0m. � an � . 'hen the children are young,"
" , - � � . . __ �nr-o, To Act Justly.-Wbic.ii means to'b'e
I --------.%
I . __
-e �-=_# r-nn.r: b. -S -�-.�n,5 ,:..� Zn"f_� !Z'Z'T'�' t*-' -r=. _'t=�e nrj--e 2=1 MM' "t -Xas =Z' eal%zy:Ior� 14=11ke 'AT-�,_,jt, JT03-- SUA, tL0-ft,F, Ng -H be 1 MIA -.i, Z= sizzh = e=i�rg4�zzy. I
4��% *_`i g .., . -1 �. I I . R the Minard's Liniment for Dan z,utf. guided b*.g his reason a4U r6�,t hie Ale-
. -, � '-f rt�-Iart::�, -_7t:�5 never rr-,"Zzz�i ters ,over :-:s ,rl�l.z�, Roa)e�* v,",s a big. nnam_ r Vh= to gone to -mo. -mw. � -,Q ;SG& b2s been re=are! by tl,e 1T_n i d
1��On "^. . ' , _ �?._ t. -_ -, I sirm
. r __ ��. � 4
-.;S.--:� t:, -:-.-�-,�,.!�T Z,5�,;ZT:t�,�, �ani -�� - -1� I �� - . - -- 7,-;,, !rake 11�9 jz=r_-es�, cm--='-'�e_�! as tt� � look 2+1, RUISSe at+t I carehUly ov,�r the 'Live TITIMIY�—.Alone:y Is noces.
.- I -.E__, `a.=_,Z��'Z LM_*=e�i"a"�L',T.
Z��:_,-,-:n _-= ---- i- -�r.,iz.. _`4�i ,:��Wcr n 7n:r,to tt� k-4 p -,o, 7�_ range , .2y sm�"_,_Z leatIM, - �� I To
. ZZ' E!:L-eZ taj:t,r�!Ver4�� rlt3' the 'IaMt4�?-
. __t�, .n'l �it
- b . t :a�t :
C-,:' ::"'. _�'.: : r 4 ' " *,I' .. � � . - " - - - ,,, = � - �. F �: a , J I 032
Ue on r ,�
,R,'-_::. _�'�'�.,T '�_'_:.A;��_ � En an-- :-VM's ien-"ei a --i the ilr_--�ipzd =at Zar 9'td Put the 40ht . Z &*ssl-mg _-ni genti'v ftste-n mto. L�,xlrn to Mi Is bet. � sary to civilization, and eve.7orke
'. � -�, .1.1 - " .
_r� :-,.-I- -:, :_:tz�z- ,-1, -,-,;? As P="..'n*,- ey,� fz*_�' -,;V�ln t'='� s:ZTar% et-4e!,-�:ea 'Z -Z-, -_P�M es il.'q of =g; , znmv�,-� � -Z3X-_ so that the air =ny lz emtlreY ler than, me:Ueine. ! shculd have a little of his own In rc-
t-, : � � . . , I -a �
. ::�� v.7 --;:Z, -, �_ - Sz � . - -,
�* ___ - -� 7 ,_ -
il . __ .:�_,:. - zanz,t -,U-.1'-.. _-� ;'�e k:" -,-v .,!�= he ;, ub`zb :fc.-__eU' t'h��- !%-& - ; eX`:::'re!!% The 46reSS3 'n- of a L:urn or' Learn how to tell a Gto _; ;, serve.
� - - .., .. :.,. , -n .,� r�-4� _�<� - r.N a -Del I
...- .1 ".._ '. :_..�.�. " -, _-S�_ :n.'Q% 2 I!n,? tZ - _ , _al JkA.-_ - - - I MmA Z-�:S,��l L-_ e's I
_ _ _ .!�'? _� ,
c- ., ,�f ! _ 4� - � ,
__ * , - _5 tE:!,�r, C10 ta ,t=_ -.,_-_e!.4 � t'43"Nel r-, often' -r, .5:tcr�v. woll toM Is as WIL,!c1mle �s � " TO Live ReverentlY.-There art, cer.
4 - - - - .---. - - _� . - n� Z,:It 1� " � S -. - =& 1.,!�=. .t�_�- i. -�-,�Z`E==_� *. winiez I -al I - -
. . . T. :I'_ - . - . �, tain objects all deeent men agr�e t(;
- - .�",: , - - :", -�- . - - 7,-,v. �,.-�,-_�" _' - - '4; i -.1%%Z_ sutbftm In a sick-rec2n.
t. .. I � . - 1�n_ z: 71- Z� -_� ,-.:�, .= I:., s, _y _ i __ �
�Z: V..aS :�Z,
Z 7�.,. , " ". , �-� , � . �:y ii I Learn to kteP your owi, treubles to � res,Pect-wcmen, children. the aged�
�. - !'LT� - � -I. , Z _. -�,ai_., �
� - ,.."-�-�,-.-.-, - t _1�!'.:-�,'.. .,,�_ ) �%�'7. � 1%. I ��
. -, : 'Z *--,* 1`7Z4 ,�_ - a . filsect SamsoVA. 11 4%ieb'at .
<n: Z._, ,* ' �,,� :,. " ._ . r . __. - , `� - - _., I � a gion. banest sentlixtent
. _.�_,� . _,�_ 7 7 _ _ '", ,_ - 1-.,_- zz:,_%, -_5�:K i 1. oa busy to care �
:. ."
� - _'. s=._t� ,:= , ycur,t6f; the world is t ! tile law, roll
Ro7,�� ".__ r ) a Mea� , nd sorrews. ,.
_,_,-r. : .1 �- * � 1:Z 4- ,^Z1.:.t5 -. as :!�,_, aS � for your Ills a I and wh,)l,wme tradlilonq
t_c 1* 41� . It a =t OLU:I.fl�=p Z, DropAg With a M4 te
` �� v, - - - - 1�.^. �_N.�.::, __ � ,.1. - , , . E.- - - sa:�!. t�ns 11b, e- e.= .-- ;7*,r_,x_,�_z�m :�:l !11� s�_e. he zza`.J�� . " � Limrn to stop croalaug; it YOU eanO -
14 ... . -�, n -,'.'�,- ,:-%_: t, :,-t - � To
I- � - --st I.Z� V�z,.�, I tl--�'Mj '"'.�.r5'. wj:at ,'It zk'A ReRvnsibly.-The tteling at
''I . Ir , _azhtike LIT g . t-, c4r*_ "s, t _ZZ::, � CA- '_-i� -Zzts��'e C, *I -e ; * i_ . Well
..==:�� .e ,
I --- = --- S=_�Z� we t'-a'V leap vZ;1,:,1 ,P"U�� eFver *,�'as� dz-_-:� ef a. P = ". ��a,� �; tn , nzt ,ttze any ge.xNd In the V, or, I 1, Perzonal reksponsibiljty� ft ttie tt�st of
c�;,: �.: sz , h �,l � V,31 - IM �� V , ' _ ;,4�ra �
.. . . � I
� . , , . =a ,*!=V_e1, r-_al�ft".'Z�J ';:,-.!7 __ ' '_ **I I I
= , ." , � =�2 's ,�I�-Ke as t�e�',�;stntt- ;�!,; .t-, TLJ7 - J=J- -+� bad , trenq
- - .:%= 'n $,=� ItX" " , 'M:,,� _L� 1, �S a_4 MW ship.
rrr � ..'. - __e �:. - - ___ - , sl': .�y C:11��ez 1124� �air. `1 ta yourielf. TO Act Iad(Tetldentl - d I
_ zn� 'f�e --l-f-le'! tz, t,- - ; _ grx�b7,;�nt�� tw�, C,T !t,r"a 'Ircm b3ot,Z=-S fzr Vie =a Learn tu- Mde yeur aebt:s and pain,,, P'
:� . _'!%al 11 sz - _ ten:e--i ct , t�:Pne�- exel!�-- a rZO2 wh!a va-ZkS 5-.0,20 cit
� I - -ct t=-tT. 44as =�, ,=e r��,s ',� .
:��e:-. _,tnk,e� tz=!s WF_Zi'.1 LL;m -M 5= a tr,�_- Xl*,'L-�-b ztt:r'-Ift-�&'�s- T,�=M 1% &S am 1=- fhe W- rara(ft�ta,s CZ,_ 0! M e ra nr_.Zler Pleasant "smillm, Re tine ellres '-01110410 IMPlits Initialive and rwaurc,
r a -Z ' . � '�:L' ��n,' -�'�Stn�:e tjaS t�= !:�s 1L � If " 0L
I ... ". _ CL" Z1r.:ra% ��_ _ �,= - bc-,so. , tZrizMT ra!rx C1 V�a::� 57im-wZ+ -7,k, azd ! on ri�azld�- tl�-? grz=a n 1, . 0. hear whether yon have ht��I.jat.j,es, Jubless. �
.1 ' ... 4, . - __ e &�p U's _!,ze w- � Ze =at TIC- � I
,.�__. - - ._r___ -_;Z� '_"_-=-Z , " S--Z-h -as tem sz-!!�Zu"_' --,:IF de- : IE�n�ss bat--Zi�:t 1--,Z= "fLz r,a!stj�e't b -,M(111�:s. cz rMUMQU-Sm. -' Tv At,t Madly, which i,ee,is 1,
tUst"Ll - -.'4� '_ _'-_f *-�� �' - rl;,�'Ve ;Z,ft. 4.3, ge, A 12-_� 5=-.Pend��l in *, =!t L
'" ... ,�, � , - . e
_ , -3- - .Y:e .t) , X_
r--11-"W1At .. ,:t � t C--.i!,�at a :_,�%�, ft.'s -.-,.*.! gra-2n_ a =ate:'-s*z, veo�_el . *� _� - I
- . 'Pi,
I � aration,
�r _Zk =1 !�Zsg.e, ;1,�a '-21 ,= tbe a!:�z*_,e=,=,�d sma-A" i L'P.�Tll to an��'J VOur fri'Mids With '61
r,,:4-- _,�,..:_,_ I ,
e i 157,.� "W-.tt tt nst-,Z�n3h " vrene a =Im. t--th-1 vi?ften az ctsc"Vatl= bZa,-Wt !8 ,_-1 ; I h�, S�ot:ld i lctw-Ce; a golnd-hnm��rej man t)r Nraulan. I I � To Act Oreatjvol��, Ind not to as-
, f. -:e ,�:�'.Z,�-=,-d':�%Y:tz- ans-z;�. % .. �t cat�_, ,,,, ts t_-,��r-sz_a_
, " '. t*na
,; Z� .":St img� Av'�:,� -a =an *a-;3:*.V V=*:t ; bi� ;:1', -*%'e t -D dz-� tb% b_=Z_,ts* �C.Iher,j,z, Is OhviaYs WetXMe. but me dy_,,p'ptIe � '1�111110 Only M critical and u listruetive
. � �
� , $:4 1�,,��T= :n--,! 4 . gz. !�A _g ta ! cti. fh-e Ly inzet-li:��y bU::C-U-w_X eflen'!
r -'-i rAt ,az , �aw � . I
. 1. I -Z, ,v�'fh tt=-1,.:,-,=, ,t: I e
W_..-_rS n=5 ==ii��' "- �ZZZ`a t_nv ,m-. - a g��. fLne-st trea bzz In -,rar-n-�! et�F 4r�=�e f,V,'i 51 11 Slf,�� b-ZE�"e W --Ot \Wnt - .,
,� r elo L>"
.ZT,"'r "Ittitude.
_g, K�'�s � wd anynN,rt%
I Dan't �'r. * To Live PeUrAgeously.-The tine
I V*
I 1� ZL e,�.C-.Zai� 4 'y t!WZJ,,VrZ1"_t t�� �'�b* . te�,trq �0,0 ,%,e
1,� --I, �=.,_"�4 th�lt t,nm'z:Efp�:��ILY., ve-z _:X. � tb�� =im t= tbe tnsk,A kas =,I- 0, t.,
. I I , . X.� I bLt' 11�--47911 ,over . .t k,s,augh in,x pe
I wHk,t�, 1?aTtn s;Zkf' _� � .e =. *, M _!=9 e, d,ragg-.:�9 � !s to ��=. p. IMC -11. gas bag is I,- -, 'f M 'M
aga" , 1:_-,tks -1 te-t be g-=!=-1 b:., ee garae=% PZ ".
� 'n a ,ezis,we � �Z tZ)Ve,4 but �Ire Cut tst pjrce� it- re ,'-'antl detorminit,g faet(,r in any r,1ce il;
,, . n--,:, tzls cz=e �tl_n LL,# vi�,�, =3 E,I- � -*1 -LZI 1� �` _= - ' � i� , , , . "' Its in"IrIg'-.
� ,- tL �,=-- ntv:ii 1, .ZZ7 ,
L 4 , - 1,
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_ i _a:Jy &_,t ,,�:I& = e== -'e -mm, ,*,3 ia-_:I'� rn ,m�-,�e=emtza t*'Zlits c�- 11 ��e� Will P.Zz's M rough thl",- W,krltl but "
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* g 'Atl t_ue. pa,�, 'atae-v, "Can do. C"T al
, Q Mved ax, ams - My killdnets th,�t Y.N 'kn
ras ,,nn !is tcs # 1 U,�,7� t an , .il e. I will N run by elc4.,tr.�c,lty, its pz)wer
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I wx -mw inx* 8,.-. to.