HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-04, Page 7.,06.
Aove the Fog. 1.1afeguarding the Criailmullity.
The steamer was going down tile SLIPALF AND NERVOUS The e:1c3PQ Of Ct Pitir of untamed
,,L%wrence. The paFoongern knew that lions train A wroclied circus trair Bug, -
the river, though Wide, was dotted SCHOOL CHILDREN gest�j to one's mind the 4orgaulzation of
witll� numerous Islands between which. tile entire columurilty to destroy a
'common menace. The scratch, of tile
tua tawny flood poured pith. almostl llon,s claw is almost alwayB fatal. This
irresistible force, To make matters, Need Rich, Red Blood to-Reralli Is due to tile blood-polsolling 11,01-ift.,
worse a clammy tog wraitpeil river Health and Strength. that accumulate and develop on tli0
4n(I steamer Alike In its ghostly claw ,is It remains w1th!l1i the 11104st
�shroud. The pasisongors, oil dock ob. Many children start school In execl- and warm Sheath.
served with Alarm that MO vessel lout health, but after a short tlmt, yet that familiar iniect brel In un -
nevertheless ploughed steadily on her home wDrk, exanilratfous, hurried speakable Alth and known to 'IF, as the
cours,a with, unabated speed. Finally, meals and crowded school room$ i commort housefly carries a million
they sent one of their number to que3-1 cause their blood to become weak, dangerous and deadly gerni3 on Its
tlo.n the captain. '110i all right," he Weir nervea ovor-wrought and theirl lialry body and is it menace far morb
said, when lie returned. "I met the'. color And spirits lost, It Is a mistake hazardous to tho, community than all
Mato JVSt COMIT19 dOW11 from the to lot Illatters, drift when boys and . the lions and ether Animals that break
brldge� and 110 SAYS that up where the girls show Symptoms of nervousness from circus cages. Notwithstanalug
captain is there isult any fog. It or weak blood, They are Almost 6ure this danger due to tire great number
just seems to be clinging to the our-, to fall victims of St, Vitus dance, or at these insects and to, tlipir pertlaa-
face of the river and the lower part of drift into debility that leads to other tious habit to Insfiect, touch And taste
the, boat," troubles. Regular meals, ont-door
Well Would it be for all of us. it on I � every object within reach of their ac-
, exercise And Dienty of sleep are aeceg� tive wings, talks are not Inclined to
tile voyage. of life we should always sary to combat the nervous wear of got together on a community program
bear in mind that up wllrare,our Ca�. school life. But it is still more 11UPDr* looking for the deiLructlan of the eggs
talu is there Is no tog! in the fog in taut that parents should paY,atteutloll and maggots Of thlis Pestiferous in -
which We live there are many things to the school ch-ild's blood supply. reet.
to perplex and frighten va. U very day Keep th4s rich and red by giving Dr. However, it Winor; than possible
life puts to, us questions that we can- Williams,' Pink Pills axid the boy or that la rural places, Individual effort
not answer. Every day We Must solvc girl will be sturdy and fit for school. with screens, traps, closed vessels for
prQl�lems of conduct and decide oil The value of Dr. Williams' Pink PIIN foods that attract these posts, Bill-
cources of action the ultimate conse- in cases of this kind Is shown by the i phate at iron for the manure piles
quelice.j of Which we cannot foresee. statement at Mrs. Watson, Grand; etc., will bring a sufficiently satisfac
$hall we go in this direction or in Falls, N.D., who says: "In the spring; tory return In the, reduction of the
tilat? Sometimes we, are like men of 1919 my daughter Thistle, then 12 1 number of pestering flies with Which
-without a compass and cannot tell years of age, began to show SymP- i the zhembers of the family will have
Wirether we are speeding toward the toms of nervousness which developed to contend, to well repay for the in
s,qe channel or toward the ro6ks and into St. Vitus antics, She seemed to vestment of time'and cost of the neces
Shoals.. lose control of her limbs and at times sary materials.
And sometimes the fog Is the tog of every muscle lit her body Seemed to
religious doubt. It hangs pernistantly be twitching and jerking, , and the Patience With a Limit.
over that sea of material things on trouble seemed to be growing WOMO. Dora has the common Infantile earn
which, we spend our lives, It blinds We finally decided to give Dr. Wil- plaint of Wanting everything she 0al
our vision and terrifies our Souls, until liams' Pink Pills, and the result was think of before she will condescend t
sometimes we cry In despair that the better even than we had hoped for, go to sleep.
only thing we can be sure of is the and she is now enjoying the'bett of "I want a drink of milk! " she a
bit of plank on which we. stand. As health." nounced loudly one evening whe
we glide on through .11he darkness we You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Marjorie had already made sever
wonder whether After all we can be through any dealer in medicine or by trips upstairs.
Sure of anything except what we can I mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for "I lit tile gas for you, didn't IV d
see And touch and feel. We know we $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medl- manded Marjorie, standing aconsingl
are out In midstream, we can feel clue Co., Brockville, Ont. by the bed.
the relentless grip of the current as .0 No answer.
it hurrips us. on. What If we lose the Flies ana Colors. "And I've brought you your blAc
bit of plank beneath our feet? The Ifyou want to make your room at- doll?"
shoalis and the rocks are never far tractive to, flies, paper It in bright yel- Stiff Dora vouchsafed no reply.
away, low. They like that color boat. "And I gave You a Piece Of whi
Why should we not rise above the They da, not seem to care about blue, paper and a penoil?'
tog-? We can do. it. By enduring green or orange, one way or the other. This time Dora pouted asent,
poverty -or pain, by studying God's Red they markedly dislike. "Well," decreed the big sister, wl
Word, by doing kinduess. to others or Houseflies are our Most Intimater an air at finality, "Just you take tl
by praying with ih-umbleness, of heart companions, and everything that can pencil and paper, and draw a cov
we can rise above it Up where our be learned about them is worth know- tiler. you can milk 1W
Captain is there Is no, tog. The doubts Ing. Th-eir color preferences have F orturia awaits the genittis who c
and the porplexitien that dismay the been ascertained by recent elaborate invent adrum that can be heard. on
unbeliever and the man who loves the experiments. by the vmdll boy voillo, beats it.
world never trouble him who lives ction -is -being e
close to God. His eye, discerns the London's oldest bridge over the C.artorbean produ
channel, knows the Place of every Thames is Waterloo Bridge; Black- couraged in Java, where -the oil
rock, where the currents. run swiftly friars Bridge dates back only to 1869.1 utilized- in, the text6le industry.
and whiere the waters are tranquil and
still. Why nA trust Him to, guide us?
To -day, as. of old, he who. trusts God
may hear His voice saying, "When Surnames and Their Origin
t: 4 �hY His, F incers. I UFE TO
Co'"'i' OWES HE
i'lil N6W4* jury In IcLAgan recently found a jr
T! outoplltC�f zlr�, fj�cln Capadfan 0 5'
mine.9 llwi more Clan (1warni)Iel sille4 of burglary. YQt no wIt-1
i a 10, ace ordin tf I tile DUPP3 D raneb. In"eatin, �l V1111,i%V.nd agaill.-A him. tile OtOlOn -io R. I
The (altlint in 1910 was 2,60 tons, goodu wele not found In bla posseu-,
whilEt by 1019 It had jumped to 11,005 610a; no one saw Ilia), commit tile HAD SUFFERE D TWENTY-
lit'st so.
tara. r1mo, and no ove baw film in tile
A new record In milk production for i itelgil;b erhe o i of t�le tailor i�hop triat
tile entire globu has boori set by Pella he bad mbliv a.
poiltqje, cwuea by T. A. 1,arrau. at Ile lwd entered tile tallc.r shop by!, what Is It tilat kcc�pj tile moon in Mrs. Nelles lie. -Ir' -fares thotiledi-
it pane. of ghnss from the Kjoto CqWpletely Re -
Brantford. According t) C-3 Official realovirig, . placo and preveiW4 It from falling?"
tebt tak. , by the vaporv!�!or of MO I d4wr. ril,Q ijentlification bureau (;f tha' , c. -)red He7il Health.
a"4hed Jill.
Ila...ito!u. rrelgan As.,iociation 01141 Dr,troit police depaltment exaluillOd i ,I' rr!pposo It's Ilia bnams," replied
splend!d Animal producel. for the the gla' ,-; thp next city and found fill-. hiq brother. "I fiml�y I olle-io I owe my life to
Ton! 1, f,jr it ba
twelve mouth porlod ending, Juno 18th, ger-Imuts They cculpared Owin with i - , s completely restored
a total (,f 27,017 pounas of milk, 1.2159 prints on file In tile bure,tu and finally i It PaN Dly'clordo. my b,,�alth vftor suliorlar, twelltY-fiv()
pounds at tat; 1,573.75 pounds of but identified t1lent a" thorre Cf A, man W110 .0ar;_ %%!to thp v.tatcmeat mcille, by
_Avlas youor dan-ht�:rlh raw-A,:l'�11 0�lu-
ter. Tills 1.3 far in excess Of Rll� wore than a year Infore had been no-, c;:�tfcn A pmfitable asked Mrs. S. TMlon, 20B Parliament St.,
worid'a record prevlomey set and e, quitted (A a charge of breaking And, 1 TcirorVi.
titles Della Pontiac to tile title Of t1i enterhig a hou.,.c. They are: - "ted him, flItn'th. Ir.lught �Ill years I hardly
world's record cow. 'jan;I s,12; moutiz-a After tile crime, aur- I 1111W.C.,.er," 1 a, knew ;,t %,,raa to eat it, good meal
The making ct government steel I Ing which Ciao lie ir:t-,mtly maintainel tile llOu4(:-i (,-'I u- itlicut rit"cring dreadful pains In tho
rail ora(�ro has commenved at U, e Do- his Inti"ence, brcught him into cuurt, i half their valuo." of my f;lom tell and aloo palPItatIOA
Ingerprinta wer�) the ;.*.Ole 1 the heart itftPrward3. My liver was,
million Iron and Steel plant at Sydney. There the f Ay. '10"f"t
X.S., and 2,400 met% are enraged in witnws avinit Ilia'. Pr-.fe.-,-1CnrI i1n,.,n adly out of orJor and I wa� troubled
the wc-k. The heavy government or- The p(Xce of nearly all conntric3l L'ttle Boy--l'We've boon pla-�illg a lot with tiau.ioa. I generally wol;o
ders will alone Reep the plant in know that fingerprint identification i.1 achoul, mother." tip, in tllx mornings with a tearful
operaticri for the duration of the sum- in exact sc!ence; bu� tile difficulty Is I linpo you were r!oadacho and had such spells of dlzzl
to convime the jurors. lit order to do! well behaved during kcliooi hours.
mer and fall * I itess that I had to hola on to the furnt.
Evidence of the favorable reception so the Detrc;t police called for ex. 1 Little Boy -"L diiin't neel to be, be- (tire to save myself from faillAir. I
of Canadian cattle In Scotland is con- perts and the opini(,a was that tile,. M,uze I was tile t02LLh(,`r-" was just tired out and weary All the
tained in a cable from Glasgow, Soot. fingerprints of the prilswier and thass! I time and every now and then had Such
land, -which announces that 629 Cann- on the glac-s taken from the tailor shop I Harmless 41ayor. a sinking sensation come over me that
11/2 An Englishman was ParMg It! I* thought my end I-vil come. 11 f C!,
than cattle allave ben sold at 18 to 20 were exactly allho In thirty-nIne chief I is first. I a
centa per pound. -haracteri2t1eq. One of the experts I visit to Scotland. Ile arrived At a I was almost a coutirmel invalid and
Plars are proceeding for the rec. asserted that the chances ct two men , �tmail town, and began to question the usotl t3 lie awalce for bouro, at -tight
tion of a huge wireless receiving st%- having so, naany ch!ef cliaracte4stles I porter. I worrying about my And
tion In Montreal under the ownershlD in common were About one In three "I Suppose you have a. provost here?" never expected to be well
and operation of the Marconi Wire- hundred and two sextriElon. two hurt- "Aye,' said the porter. "But the way Tanlac has bul,� me tip
less Campany of Canada. . dred and thirty-one qui!.tillion, four nd doe.3 he have insignia like our has been really wondwful. Tile firbt
automobile. com. hundred and fifty-four qua -441110 '!
A now Canadian 11 1 mayors?" few doses seemed to do me good, fer
pany has been formed by Canadian In- eight hundred and thirty-eigut tril- I "Have what?" I began to Sleep better and had lr�ss
terests to be known aa the Parker lion, one hundred and twenty -on bil- "InP.lgn1av;kA, for instance, docS distre.4s after my meal3. After taking
Motor Car Company. It has taken over 111 n t It drea and ninety- reo he t -ave a chain?" eight battles of this medicine I can
, - L ull -six '; "A chain?" said the astonished par- hone.,fly say I am as well na I over
0 a large plant in the north end of Mont- nxdIi'i,,,7s hundred and seventy
real, formerly used extensively for thousand, five hundred and forty-four t,�-r. "Na, na. lie gangs lGos,,, but was in my life. All my Stomach
munitions, and will manufacture what (302,231,454,838,121,293,676,544). All d.n-na be feared, lie's quite harmless." trouble has disappeared, I sleep fine
n are known as th-e Parker automobile the experts asserted that a person'sl At night and am so Much stronger that
a and the Parker motor truck. The fingerprints did not change from birth I can do my housework with ease. I
president of the new organization Is until death, i $ticks to Pad. have recommended Tanlac to lots of
i Tommy had been a naughty boy, my friends and am glad of this oppor-
0- Sir Alexander Bertram. In order to emphasize further tho : d w1 .en Its father came honle lie tunity to tell everybody what a grand
Y In tho. examinations at McGill exactness at the method three of the an medicine It IS."
School of Aviculture, Lieut. It. __. I jurors were asked to Qtamp their ftn-j,spoke to him thus: "Tommy, do you
Unwin, formerly of the Royal Field , gerprints an cards. Then one of the know what happens to good boys?" Tanlac, Is sold by leading druggists
it Artillery, an Imperial prospective, sol- three stamped oil a fnurth card the IlYw, dad; they go to Heaven." everywhere, Advt.
dier settler under the Soldier Settle. Impress of one of his fingers. The "Do you know what happens to bad
ment Act of Canadat stood at the top judge placed the cards In a row end boys?' No Fair Play.
to of tile. list. He wrote on twenty-two the experts examined them with mag- "Yes, dad; they go to the other Joan----PWhy won't mummy buy me
subjects, in seventeen obtaining first nifying glasses, In four seconds they place." a new doll?"
and In the remainder I had identified the juror who had "Well, Tommy, wouldn't you rather Nurse- "Because yours are not
class honors, nd go to Heaven?" yet, dear."
illng- 1.�tamped the print on tile fourth card. be a good boy a I broken
th second class Itionors. A native of E Tommy thgught a minute, and then joan-"Well, mummy's had a new
e land, he served in France, Belgium said, "No, father, I'd rather go with l3aby�and I'm not broken!"
and Germany, and after demobiliza-
tion came to Canada under the Soldier GUARD UAR "S HEALTH Yon."
an Settlement Board and secured work The Foolish Girl, Minard's Liniment for sale everyahera
on a Prince Edward Island farm. He 11111� SUMHER
ty intends continuing -practical farm An Irish priest was talking to his Eliminating Trouble.
work this summer and purchasng a gardener, Pat, one day. Pat was an Teacher---PWhich one of the five
11- farm for himself next year under the Tile Eummer months are the most old servant, and it was, the priest's sonses-S.Ight, feeling, hearing, taste
is Board. I dangerotm to children. The cGm- custom to disruss wibli, the man Tari- or smell -could you get along best
Alberta!s population Is put At 620-iplaj'�ts of that seasan, which are ous items of il�ws from the news- with -out?"
000 by the provincial vital statlstlW l-holera infantum, colic diahoea and papers.
Sm,%Il Bay��'Vecling. becauu�e when
dysentry, come on so quickly that of- "Pat," raid the clergyman, "is this
branch. Births in -the province n 1 ton a little One Is beyond aid before not scandalaus9" you get in an accident yon won't get
.tctalled 16,565, or at the rate of 27.72 alizes he is ill, The I "And what 1,*� that, Father?" asked hurt."
per' M-odsand of population. Edition- I the mothkw re
tenand Calgary run practically neck I mother must be on her guard to pre- Pat.
thou passest through, the waters, I
will be -with thee; and through the COLBURN
and neck In the matter of bIrtha, the 1
vent these troubles, or if they do come "it says in the paper is morning
on suddenly to banish them. No other that a large number of English girls
meaning a "hill," and "call,". which
the hazel plant in the an-
rivers., they Shall not overtillrrow thee." -Colborn, Colbern.
Variations -McNamara, Macnarnara.
record be'rig 2,339 and 2,363 re$Dec-
Children born British
medicine is of such aid to mothers are marrying ChInamen."
pulpit, that she must sei him. I
Racial Origin -Welsh.
Racial Origin -Irish.
tively. of stock
predominated in both cities.
during hot weather as Is Baby's Own "Shure, and that's nothing, yer ban -
given the name "Cu-niara," derived threatened the ships, which, proved to our quiet life -
be from Grimsby, the same town We see the wisdom of the toll and of
A VictorY for Pacifism. source -A locality.
Source -A given name
from the combination of the Words i
"pro. w here the German boat was attacked,; the pam and strife,
"cull and I'muir," and signifying I
ato tile stomach or," replied Pat.
Tablets. They regult 111 know a handsome
Welsh and
of place names than
The new commander In chief of These surnames belong to the classi-
Here is a family name With a tang
of the salt sea, and which, if you were
North Sea Fisherificiii Con-
and bowels and are absolutely safe. Irish colleen that's married an Eng -
Sold by medicine dealers or by' Mail lishman."
"Vaulty, rm afraid, vicar," sheK told I
India, LOTd Rawlinson,, -tells an amus- ich have been de"
Ing story at ,in experiment he once fication of those wh
familiar with the speech of the Gael,
at 25 cents EL box from The Dr. Wil -
1 saw it was Impossible to, land his car -
tam, the. use of the word "SIDI" and the. V kno, for instance, that the rain is
designation of divisions of populatlon'� 90 and put out to, sea again. It re- e
to fill a need,
Made to twt the accuracy of oral inee- rived from places, -their first applica-
would call up vislonsof clashdng arms
The combination ofwar-time hatred
i*ams, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. What's In a Name.
virtually a Systern of faniny names. As
this sys-
iage. a distinguish the in-
4. tion having been t
and splintering galleys, with Celt and
Viking looked In deadly combat
off and commercial rivalry is respon3lble.
The Changing VieW. The reason dentists call their offices
thinking how pretty I am."
The clergyman gazed at her fully a
Two hundred men, he says., I strung dvidual by reference to his plac 0
shore. Nor, If you were familiar with
for the feud- which has broken out!
dental parlors is that rooms"
I ed the' tite, �,uu's bright glow.
hereditary connections strongly cher, Parting, -either because she lack
out at Intervals af two paces. Then residence or former place of residence,
the history at the Gael, would the
lo- bet*e6n English and German North
We used to think It rained because we I wottld be too suggestive.
up to a dozen na mes, finally to be dis.
I gave a message to my adjutant, tell-
ing did -in to give Itorally to- tile nian at in addition to lit,% given name.
cality of this visions necessarily be
off Sea fishermen of which the D go
have fallen victim. Several days a
wanted to -have fun
out in the blossoms of the latie be- 0. Mliberson,
the head to be repelted from man to Had the name been an English ill-
it W ould
the Irish coast, for the Irish In
early Middle Ageso united under
a natives of Grititsby; an English fishing
-e glowing sun, nd Undertaker,
neath tb and cross and Furniture Dealer. a Armstrong, D.C.
man down the line until It came to me stead -of a Welsh development,
single "high king," took the offensive
village, attacked a German fishing ves-:
And we were petulant Millard's Liniment Co., Ltd.,
all the day -
at the other end of It. This was the have been ,Hazelhill," and in the
message: "We are going to advance. alone it would be
as often as the defensive, and at
one I set whon it Attempted to discharge a
as cargo theM and, according to the Ger-
Yarmouth, N.S.
But now we view the rain that falls In Dear Sirs -Since the start at the
Can you serild us. relnfarcement3T' sense of meaning
classification with
period their campaigns penetrated
far as northern Italy, as well as along
1 mail version, boarded the ship and
quite a different Way. Baseball season we have been hinder-
Whea It came back to me some Put in the same
Minutes later it had turned to this: such English family names as Hazel-
the shores'�of the Baltic and Scandin.
thr�atened the captain, beat up the
'and broke up the furnitur6.
'We used to think the storms were sent ed with sore musnlo$, sprained ankles,
etc., but just as soon 88 we started us -
"We halt, Hazelhurst and Hazelton.
to spoil our picnic date,
are going to a dance. Can you
The Welsh form of the name, how-
The meaning of the name of
the La ter an English fishing steamer was,
I And keep us penned up in the house troubles ended. Every baseball player
send us three, and fourpence?"
ever IS neither Colburn, Colborn, nor
, I ,r,. 11-rfull or IlColbryn."
ancient. Irish clan, or "Slol Conmara,"
or to use the more usual and. modern
P Ilated. into the harbor of Geeste..
munde, an Important. fishing city"
I or right inside the gate should keep a battle of your liniment
And we were angry all the time that handy.
1% 1V1181aK a amo sin.
Cal rnp out.
is a compound of the word "bryn,"
form, "MacConmara," Is "descend- When the dockworkers and fishermen!
I thingsshould go that way -
One -of the vtDrle.5 told by a clergy-
man concerns a I . ady who sent word
meaning a "hill," and "call,". which
the hazel plant in the an-
ants" or "followers of the oea'pro. learned a British veeael had arrived, But we have learned to view the
tector," and th . e clan derived its name they, according to the report of a sup- , storms quite different to -day.
to him, Just before he war going tD thel
Of the Cymric branch of
at some point in medieval history from posedly reliable, news association to 1
pulpit, that she must sei him. I
atent tongue
a sea chieftain to whom had been 1 which many Berlin papers subscribe, And Is so in all things here that mark
He promised to see her at the close
of the
the Celtic
It is to be noted that a much heavier
given the name "Cu-niara," derived threatened the ships, which, proved to our quiet life -
be from Grimsby, the same town We see the wisdom of the toll and of
When he joined bar, aftm ... M. ,
Proportion of tam fly names from the
Cornish tongues belong lit
from the combination of the Words i
"pro. w here the German boat was attacked,; the pam and strife,
"cull and I'muir," and signifying I
of the people had left the church, s1he il
Welsh and
of place names than
. forced the German pilot to come own a gentler will and
tector of the sea." and And we have gr
confessed that she was worried over
a matter of coliisclence.
the the Gaelic branches of the
With the passage of the Gaelic clan ashore. welcome all H& sends
Then, stater, the report, the English For now we take another view of Na -
"Vaulty, rm afraid, vicar," sheK told I
Colts; that is to say, the Irish an d the
for this lies in
system many generations ago, under
the of English law and cus., captain, smiling in a scornful manner, turels destined ends.
him, "Is my besettft.,sin."
"Tell me. more, my child," he en-
Scott"'i'll. The reason
the higher development of the clan,
the latter and a d evelop-
1 saw it was Impossible to, land his car -
tam, the. use of the word "SIDI" and the. V kno, for instance, that the rain is
designation of divisions of populatlon'� 90 and put out to, sea again. It re- e
to fill a need,
"Every morning, vicar," she contin-
system among
ut of clan nomenclature which was
I b - mains for the Freflialt, the Socialist sent
The Ir s L, to bring to light the complete And "at to spoil our happy, day and
by clans has been dropped. Organ
1 in thelir I
Xed, "I yield to ths, temptation of gaz-.
virtually a Systern of faniny names. As
this sys-
have not succeeded preserving
1 11 as the, Scots, story of what happened to the Eiigl,.s h make our spirits bleed,
clan Organization as, we tllroug:i the larger purpose of His
Ing at my reflection in the mirror, and
early as the tenth century
by royal -edict in
I ess-el. it states she came to Geoste. And
I though the prefixes "0" and "Map" as: v will and wish we know
thinking how pretty I am."
The clergyman gazed at her fully a
was crystalized
tem a Wales patronYmics
Ireland. But I
I denoting descent are still In wide.; I undo, net to sell fish, but because
use wlih family names with she had run out of coal and aft or de., The blersing -of the flying clouds as
minute, and then replied:
hold strictly to use as de�fluttely
individual's parentage,,
I ed the' tite, �,uu's bright glow.
hereditary connections strongly cher, Parting, -either because she lack
"If that is all, my daughter, go in
ake a mlstakc� Is no
peace. For to in,
criptivO Of thO al genealogies
often becoming virtu at
131 di fees of a German pilot or was
I to JSseilrovrt of fuel, ran aground on tile
Th family name is not Scottish, When ordering goods by mail send
up to a dozen na mes, finally to be dis.
I being found but Seldom In Scotland, shoals near Helgoland And sank, All I a Dominion Express Money Order.
Ready With Answer.
Tommy was, boasting,
',My father and 1. knew everything
In the world," he said to his compani-
"All right," said the latter, "where
Is Asia?"
it was a stiff question, but the lit
tle fellow answered coolly:
"That is one of the things, my fathei
Steam issuing froni the opout Of
kettle of boiling -water Was inhale
recently by A baby, yho. was fatall,
The -day cornes, whM a man gets n
thrill as bb foat toucher the sell
startar to get motjan or hA h.%'n
prer,se3 a button to gg beat, light (
food. He longs to arapPle with life I
f1rot hand through tiho P1.1didle, t1
wood fire andi the frying pan, 11
,yoarrie to prove tbatso long as 110h�
Matcilc�� and, fio-UT tand acalloe he Oz
make his way th;rough tile wilderne.
by -his own strength awl, re!murceft
ne,,,s, as the Old brood'of PiOncers M-34
their way.
carded for a price name. officers and crew managed To reach
� f+- .1 74 hours in an onon boat
-31& 1 Ut
r!) pai)ll
jS agr,1,entfflC &ocixontafiii,10 61
the nutriraza'. of w1leat aud malt.
�If #
cabailey, GraPc"-Nults d19CSt,1
,r -urara
QU LuAlds to
easily all(I
health ana s-tz-eixgth - aild i's
C� ispness
,Ji, i1tr -j.-r atid cri
por a tl
At about the same time the natives oi i The Heart of Irriendship.
Grlmsby,.unaware of the fate that had : Here's to the heart of friendship tried
befallen their townsmen, attacked al and true
fleet of Danish fWiing vessels, dis- That laug�hs With us when jays our
charging cargo there, and order was '; pathway strew;
only restored after a severe struggle And kneelis with us when Eorrow like
with the pcillce�, who finally were vic- a Pall
toricus. Further retaliations are ex- Enshrouds our otrli�.ken Soul; when
pected. smiles through all
The midnight gleam vvith more than
U f., fh
Yours truly,
Secretary Armstrong High School
Baseball Teani.
e -ft
Bulls Carlots
=71.Z. D-9 ieniedim
"Bayer" is only Genuine
Cuticura Insures,
Thick Gllass� 'air
Shampoos with Cuticura Soap pre-
ced'ed by light applications of Cuti-
cura Ointment to the scalp skin do
much to cleanse the scalp of dan-
dad and promota the healthy
condition necessary to producing
luxuriant hair.
S.�V25c. Ojn1m,-i25xn�5eL-_ Tidem251c. Sold
throughouttlieDominion. CaindianDepot:
limitea, 344 SL Food5r-, W., Pilmtreil.
@pt-5"Cuticura Soap haveswilhout mus: -
.I., wilffil.
This Womani's LeRteir Tells
you How To Fazo The
Qism Safely.
Laseelles, P. Q. - During the Change
,of Life I felt 80 weak and ran down I
could hardly do MY wayk. The per -
tration would pour over my face so
at I couldn't see what I was doing.
We live on a farm, so there is lots to do -
bat many who felt as I did would have
been in bed. I took LYdia FA. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it did me a
wor-ld of od. -1 tried other remedies
but I putloogetable compouna ahead of
thcm,all,�nd I tollevery one I know
how nu good it has done Me -op
I Mrs. DUNCAN BROWN, L",%collool Prov*,,,
Suchwarmag Symptoms as S01186 Of
suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil,
1 4. 4.
13 Ok On
timidity sounds in the ear, pa pi - I
of the heart sparlts before the eYesp
aud How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
Young Ilerels to t1his love that cocks not self,
Jr. Clay blover co., A* -
113 "Irest slet Street
t*te weakness and dizziness sho - [Nd
'ded b� middlc-am�d women, and
to bee
Nlew Yor1c, MS.&
"Bayer" is only Genuine
Cuticura Insures,
Thick Gllass� 'air
Shampoos with Cuticura Soap pre-
ced'ed by light applications of Cuti-
cura Ointment to the scalp skin do
much to cleanse the scalp of dan-
dad and promota the healthy
condition necessary to producing
luxuriant hair.
S.�V25c. Ojn1m,-i25xn�5eL-_ Tidem251c. Sold
throughouttlieDominion. CaindianDepot:
limitea, 344 SL Food5r-, W., Pilmtreil.
@pt-5"Cuticura Soap haveswilhout mus: -
.I., wilffil.
This Womani's LeRteir Tells
you How To Fazo The
Qism Safely.
Laseelles, P. Q. - During the Change
,of Life I felt 80 weak and ran down I
could hardly do MY wayk. The per -
tration would pour over my face so
at I couldn't see what I was doing.
We live on a farm, so there is lots to do -
bat many who felt as I did would have
been in bed. I took LYdia FA. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it did me a
wor-ld of od. -1 tried other remedies
but I putloogetable compouna ahead of
thcm,all,�nd I tollevery one I know
how nu good it has done Me -op
I Mrs. DUNCAN BROWN, L",%collool Prov*,,,
Suchwarmag Symptoms as S01186 Of
suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil,
1 4. 4.
uman �Vl`kl
His Advice.
aa broken
licliceraAn (who h.
timidity sounds in the ear, pa pi - I
of the heart sparlts before the eYesp
Young Ilerels to t1his love that cocks not self,
pation, variable a
irregularities, constl . .
up fight between two col ored seamen) : '/1
and bath V, - a 1. .: I, F_
"Where do you live?" No censure for our frailty, but doth you.jeo tile name
'a' orou tablets You
t*te weakness and dizziness sho - [Nd
'ded b� middlc-am�d women, and
to bee
Dayerl, plulki-o
woo, re not getting ginuine Aspirin Pt 111,
lot Lydia R lnhham,�T�getable Cout-
thom Zrjely throlugh thia
policeman (to the 01ior dago)-- into
By gentle arts, our spirits bael In every 13aver pachaf4e an, dirpetton3
"Alid do live?"
pound . -
crisis as it aid Mrs. Drown -
where you a pon
The Way at trutt'; thea shod 11' for CohN, 110'1,fteho, Neural!,,Ia, PhOu-
our lives 14,aravhw. Twith-1011P, Lumbago
you are invitea to vmte for kee a4vica
Policeman - "Um-woll, Vic best. A radiance t1i-.1t all tbings eim sur-
for 111,111. Itantly till boxes of
No otlier medicbrN lin-i been Zo Gue-
t1ing you two Can do Is to poll off vives. t-,V(.IV(% "t fow, C ollt�. Drug-
cessful in relievingr wouian"a suffering
home to beJ." f,,j� t, 1�
Every Iran Eqff ers f rom the �*.,!-,, -ion Illdb
-m -l -ill `�, tile 11*�Ubl inark,
, &� lics Lydia 111. r1rildiam's V�,gotnble
I earn iound. 'WOM011 May MCCIVO free
The Work of pyc3e,1,v:!�i!v St. Pjul's Aftit lie I-, ucec_..,:arY to 4, b- �:3 *Calw1a), tit llayk,
regis,tore'l to. .?
I - Avice by wtitillfl the 1,Y43
I and lel -�'fol I Mam.
u. Pink ram W
catlwtl-val hz".4 tit e,.Jy ll;vii pr3cov-111ing: of re,-Illc� woman. r fit!
e,ight Ave 1;ears li�,:iig spent on
tWhard's Liniment 1�0110ves Neuralgia
one job alcuo. i