The Wingham Advance, 1921-08-04, Page 610!!='-_____.________..__- - �. ., ._,________._1___.1- -­ ­__­____­.____-_____ - ,�---.-",,----------,---��---.--,.----.,---.-.-..""—�--.--.--.—.-��—,-- --,---.------.-- ---" _---__-:1 T e Winhom Mum, I Published at Wingharn, Ontario Every Thurgday Morning, A. Q. SMITH, Publisher Subscription rates., — One year, 1104.00; six months, $1.00 in Advance. Advertising rates on application. Advertisements ,without specific dl- reetions will be inserted until torbitl and charged accordingly. Changes for contract advertise- ments be In the office by noon, �:on- day. I ___ __ BUS119ESS CARDS Wellinaton Allutual Fire . Insurance Co. Established 1840 . Head Office, Guelph Ittaks taken on all classea of lusur- able,property on the cash or Premium note system. A13NER COSENS, Agent, WJnghani I - — 11 IRS DUDLEY M I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Victory and Other Bonds Bought and Sold, Office—Mayor Block, Wingham, R. VANSTONE ­ 13ARRISTER AND SOLICITOR . Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. WINGHAM ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D. S. � Dcetor of Dental Si4rgery of the Pernaylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office in Macdonald Block. n0in 51 3 DR. G. 11. RUX . Graduate Royal College of Dental 4 Surgeons. � Graduate University of Toronto Faculty cf Dentistry OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARDIS STORE A I'V. R. fl,'Alwgoilff . B.Sc., M.D., C.M. Speel- , al attention pa,ld to dismses of Womcv and Children, having taken postgraduate work In Surgery, Bac- torlology and Scientific Medlclne� Office it, the Kerr Residence, between the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All busIness given careful attention. " Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 . I --- Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng). L.R.C.P. (Lond). PHYSICIAN AYD SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) OT DR. R. L. MWART Graduate of University of Toronto, F'aculty of Medicine; Liceirtiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office Entrance: Second Door North of Zurbrigg's Photo Studio. JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE29 - I SELL Town and Farm Properties. Can and see my list and get my prices. I have . some excellent va,hics. J. G. STEWART . WINGHAM � Phcnc 184 Office in Town Hall DRUGLESS PHYS11,111AN Z, I Z" I I IMPORTANCE OF ,-- �__ , , 11 I . 1 _Z7/7 11 .,--.-, � I R, . .1 ____ . . . Secret of Scientific Feeding. ­_ -1., -, "I ­ �.' - I ,� )PUBLICITY Thp, aurace no-callod bred-to-tay The Commky That Ran Its Own MoVies �_ I— , , -, I I I '. I hen of the Mediterranoan Weed ICQU- . I -11, " " . � — , y ", . � surAes about four ounces of zolld food The young,peopleof ourco-minunity purebast of the machine, and thco V�_` �20 V. ­. , . I I . I — ­ How the Fruit Trade ja Not. ,each day, or ninety pounds a year, ,_had be,�n - IN , , ' ' I , . I llv**-..� , . I besides the nezessary green feed, for some time Attending the response ,was unanimou I . I , , � I � tionally Serire�1 md ellarcoul, pits and shells, With ordl- moving pictures in our n"irest town, An old- schoolhouse ich was to , I i . , , , . . I Benefited. wiry care she will produce -about ten I when one of the girls said to ,her hav� 'been torn duwn was repaired and . , dozen (fifteen pounds) 4eggs during mother: Put -in, proper order. The women made . . , , Possibly few pvctple ever stop to a curtain and, the machine was placed. ­ .1 - ERV FA - - . - . " consider how far uni how deeply I;tb- her first laying year. Thr, -average "I wish you would go with us to Arrangements were made far SeCU'r- - .-- _­ �welghk of the atoove-nanied broed is tee the pictuves some night," ir�g proper but intereatinx pictures, 111city ,has entered- not only into our; ,about three.aildone-half poundii, each; 44Why do you want me w go?), the young peotAe ,attended to the , ManaginI.- the Tractor. the idea of -painting the silo before eccial Jife but into every day busi- , the,ef ere, the hen consumes about asked My not im-cmiderable experience oxecting it, nelps. Our foiefathers we. -at about the niGtli(-r- tle'kets and the management of the f twerity-six times her weight in solicl I "Because," replird her dRUghtU, 411 machine, wl�ile mothern and daughtera, with tractors 'has tauglat me that the I JI-WAOred th(7 Panels in an erapty their -affairs in their own way) ko'p- foOA. The weight of -tier eggs iq a don't like the pictures as much as I fathers avid sons, all attended the CoQling ,System is of considerable im- I haymow, The Arst r;iiny day I set my Ing note perhaps on the transactions little � portance, requiring more e � smtpen-ypar-old boy And hived man to of their nelghboTs, but liceding little ,we =core than four timeq bOr did and I have been wondering what p�.rformances. are than the I dtht, or ,six pounds of grain for you 'would thilij, . ,11 I , � of them Those who owned talking maichines, average person would F - thoo, About, In a practin, I way of prowcaing,3 out-, each pound of eggs she produces, Being .3 woman of rare judgment, loaned them for the perfor ,�Uppozp .. I �ave I painting the silo, It tool, , ni,ances, at - had my share of troubles due to pool, an hour togot started,, but tbeY s0011, side thOr Imilizd&te circle or district., it has been PvQv'9`d that the 1083 the mother said, "I'll gio with you to. though, I'liter on, ,when the success of circulation, In hat weather I find* made up for lost time once they 0.0t, If Orders came , in from a distancel I prolific layers have weak assimila, n1corrow night," cind kept ber .word,' the movement war, assured, a second - my tralctor is especially apt to over� I their system godng,' They used for a prices were quoted and the goodsi tion; I beat, and if it is not looked, into at I bench on old store box, six lee' long shipped with little regard and less: therefore, the more food con- On her retuin from the perform- hand piano was added and the ,musi- I sumed the weaker the egg -producing The renledy, there- long time, She had n t in . I once there is lleble to be serious and three feetbigh. ,knowledge ,cf the aggregate or 4ve'r-, orgAns became. 't0ce, the mother lay sw4ke a laizg� elans Of the community took turns in' �%u�le -later. Most.tractor overheat- The boy put the panels on the bench age purrept prices. To-dayall this is o ,liked one of Play X I fore, is to feed the hens according to the picturei and wondered what could One evening, after the pictures had Ing is due to carelessness at some and, took them off while the hired man clianged'and facilities are forthecom- their egg production, which can only be been shown, one of the �bcoys sugg, ,t - time or other, the rexalts. of wllleh did th�� paintitg. They soon developed Ing for knowing what is being paid be done by carefully trapnesting the f , . done to combat this undesirable _er ofteD do mot show Immediately. a great deal of "eed, My son would in the world's markets. In other: flack and seg,.egating the prolific, Atut-e. When morning came she had ed that chalra be placed against the I open theerates, put the panels on one words market intelligence has be -come a plan definitely formed, and that wall and. the Actor cleared for dancing. I have used,both types ,0 radiato,rs stronger layers in a pen, away front �fterncon alle- on farm tractors, and I find'that while end of the box, and take them painted of the utmost importance to every; thd others, also cult out the called at everybow5e in. The older peopl; agreod and wisely off the other end, He then stood therd man engaged in thesphereof produc- best second" the community, inviting the mothers reframed Ircm allowing their dimp- the holienomb type Will coal more on end to dry along the side of the tion. Markets intelligence services � .layers and place them in a sep- to meet at her home the ne,xt ,after. proval Of the ,modern dances. Low. r, effectively than the pipe system, so burn, the seeqnd layer being set out at have been established at many centrea. ,�Tate pen, leaving the poorest layers noon, bringing their sewing with them, on., they ,claimed- the floor -and were longas they ,are kept in good working the bottom about two inches, so each and, ' in the thir� pen. Feed, the best lay- it they chose to do.so. � soon engaged in the various. move - order, honeycomb radiators get out so for as Canada I& concernedf era their regular amount of the same ments, of the old-4ashioned "squarti layer cauld, dry uniformly, especially at Ottalva. One of the kind of Curiosity and conjecture followed . of ordeT easier. The reason for this I don!t know how much of a job it mos I feed they -have been accus- dances," =W cothersinging games. It . t useful, 'as well as one of thei tomed to (about four ounces a day and, o next afternoon found, every, . 8 time before the young folks 1 to each hen), reduce the rations of one Of those mothers at the appoint- Wa no is that most water contains limestone is to paint, a silo, but I do know how most necessary, is the service in con ill or other mineralls. which are crystal- long -it would take a first-class painter. nection With the federal Fruit Branch. I the next best lot to 4bout three and ed place. When all the guests had joined them, and, mothers were lized by the heat. The surface thTough to do the job. The hired man and my Sixteen years ,ago the branch com-10ne-half' ounces. The thir(I . d, their hostess told Went of her sought -as partnera by their sons, Which the water passes. in a honey- pen or arrive while fathers claimed their daughters. son painted our 14x30 -foot silo in just menced- issuing monthly reports from, poorest layers should be zed about "Oil" r64tiqn with her daughter and comb radialor being much smaller six hours per coat. They applied two June to October, showing commercial' s t to the moving- The pl4nhas been working for two than in the other type, sediment will three ounces a day. years; the old schoolhouse -has been costs in addition to the wood pTeserva- fruit conditions, crop reports and I Car�fqlly note the increased num- Picture theatre, then deser$be4 in. d -e- 00TOUghly repaired, a new floor and a lodge much sooner,.musing clogging. tives -which I -will ,leay. e out in my cal- market values, These ,consisted 'Of ber'of eggis in the different pens, and tail the picture that had disturbed' her, platform or stage being not the least , As -a Preventive against clogging I culations. Several painters told' n* OnlY "a few mimeographed sheets. As i gradually add to the rations in, Pro- Her audience �'vere both ,surprised of the improvements. The men of find that soft water is much better that it would take. tw . . Q gooa. painters time went by it was found. that these'portion to the number of eggs laid. and Perplexed. They discussed the the community agreed, to -.contribute - _ . than well water for tractor use, Ditch 4 day to put on each -coat after the were neither instantaneous or full! The 200 -egg hen will require nearly subject at length from every point of haIf the cost of the Picture machine or river water should not be used M* was erected. The greatest.time is enough. The reports were .therefore I under any circumstances, as it -always -used in putting up scaff olding. in most increased in size until now -they com- f six ounces of solid food a day. The view, and finally decided that aa mov- if the womon would contribute one- ccontaiii% sedfinent. - i grain fogd, except the mash, should ing pictures had taken such a hold on fourtik and the young fo,&s paid, t1le , ts is desired, and Prise from twelve to sixteen printed be fed in a good, clean litter -%vhiig� the people of this day and .,generation remaining one-fourth. The return� A funnel used. in handling lubricants on extremel y high work, a swinging pages, detailing fruit crop conditions should be at least six inches deep. I the platures. 'had marvelous POSsibil- from suppers and a :fair provided the should never be used- to fill the radi- beaffold would be used. in Canada, the United States, and all Thus, the hens are forced"to exercise. Wes, and could be an influence for fourth paid by the women, While the -&ter. It is certain to earry oil in with Now far the figures to prove that I competing countries. Notes are also This promotes vigor and utility. The either good ,or evil. The Women also young people made up their portion thg water, which Will form a thin ma& money. It would cost tO-daY given on transportation, the -package propOTtiOnS of the min fed in the realized that it would � be almost im- -by giving a few plays and a very en - film alf over the toolingaurfate. This two days, labor for two painters, or situation., insect and fungous diseases litter ,should be Made to ,cGnf orm to I Possible to keep their young people joyable concert. . film will catch -and, hold any sediment $28, not considering the paint. Now, and other relative matters. The data the climatic conctitions; for instance, away from the pictures and finally de- Every member of that little com- that is in the water, and clogging is what did it cost to Paint it before it :for these reports are supplied by during very warm weather, less corn cided upon a moving picture'llouse for niunity attends the meetings held in then well started. was erected? The hired man was.get- federal .and Provincial officials andby should be fed, and vice versa when their own ,community. the old schoolhouse. The moving p4c� I also want to caution against put- ting PO a month, and the boy $40 per the Canadian Fruit Trade Clammls- the weather js ,cold. . However, it is The ,co,oper4tion Of the men was tures shown there are often education - ting -bran, corn meal, or other foreign month. At this rate the labor cost sioner in Great Britain. Apples being safe to feed a. well,balanced scratch next sought and the women found al, and, always enjoyable, The people , substances in to the radiator to zeal for painting the silo before it was put the foremost exporting fruit from this food for the morning meal. I them open to convicition and ready to have become better acquainted with up small leaks. This practice, while uji was just $4, -�r,hich makes a saving country receive particular attention. . The mid-day food sho-uld 'be a mash help"in every possible wa�. Finding One another and there is -a neighbor - it may serve the purpose for a short of $24. You may say that I could A telephanic news letter is also is- neither wet nor dry, but just erioug� that a good moving picture machine line'ss -w-hich is -admirable; i -A fact, the tinie, paves the way for expensive re- have -painted the silo myself, even if sued' every Monday and Thursday noisten the mixture which could be bought for $1,000, fifty men oommunity is happy and prosperous pair bills later, A great niaity of the it was up; but this would be impos- during the fruit shipping season. i liquid to r I In: should .consist of one part wheat bran, were asked to loan $20 each for the(and no, one -wants to leave it. so-called radiator-repeiring fluids and sible for me, ,and I believe for many addition special circulars are dis- one part cornmeal, one part hulled __.__.____.._. -11 =_. .--.- ___.______ �. _.,_____ _,_____ _ "n- - ___ powders are but little better. When other farmers. Very few *farmers tributed bearing on spe7cial matters, oats. Add enough flaxseed -meal to ' - --- I .- anything of this -nature must be used, hav-d ladders lang enough to reach. the such as tariff routings, car Supply, allow' a teaspoonful for each hen, Watch Your Money Grow� I I . . � ' a ., I I shave up fine a bar of coarse laundry .top of 9 tail silo, aild. besides, it is ocean space, and so on, tablespoonful Of salt, aild, a. like a On July, 31, 1833, Horace Smith I'll . sc,-,tp, and put it into the radiator. This yra4ioally impossible to paint a silo . m_ . E k , � — ount of flowers of su'l-Rhur,'Should be -walked into -the bank of his village ' 11 . 0.4 ___ # . I will stop small leaks in a fewhours, from a ladder, A swinging scaffold added for 100 hens. Stir the mixtuTo and deposited, in, $5 bill. It immediate- I o I 1�� � . the honeycomb is not to be found on many farms, and Boorning the Export Bacon thoroughly before the, liquid (prefer- ly began compounding et a very low I ( type I do not recommend this, -method, Very few fariners would- -care to -use . I __..... -11 - __ The best way is to locate the leaks one: The great majority- would Pay Trade. ably meet milk ,heated, to scalding rate of intereat, On November 1Z, . Little Candle By My Bed. .- I temperature) is added. The ilaxgeerd- 1.912, over seventy-nine years ,later, and have them soldered: After the the exUa. $24 rather thali 'risk their Necessity knows no law and while meal and the, sweet milk are valuable the -holder of Mr. Smith's loank-�book Little ,candle by my bed, radiator once becomes thoroughly lives on a -swinging scaffold. the war was on speedy doelivery of the substitutes for meatineal. Do Eat feed I vithdrew the sum of $112.47, -and on . I . You're a lov,�ly thing, clogged there is little to do but to Another advailtage r found was* in articles needed was oftentimes of more of the mash than the hens will June 8 1990, ,closed the account with Sometimes like a Illy tall, . . ke it to an expert cleaner. This is trimming the silo. This advantage ap. more consideration- than the price. clean -up readily. I usually quite expensive, but it is plies only to panel'ailos. I was.able Besides, there were immen-se losses Is, fur&r V'n'thdrawal of $194.46. No Blaomina in the spring; - The -evening meal should consist of I money Had been deposited other than Sometimes like a daffodil . cheaper,than buying a new one. to have the ribs padilted white, ,i dis- through the submarines which in- equal quantities of cracked corn and -1 the orjglna� $5 bill, but in eighty- On a -hilltop far; There are many other things that tinctive style in silo -trimming. The creased both the dentand and the wheat; but where the nights are very I seven years it 'had multiplied about Sometimes I -Ike a beacon bright; will cause coverheating'on most trac- average silo looks very bare and plain urgency. Now that trade is returning warni, the torn should be eliminated. fifty times .and- grown to the total Sometimes like a star; tors besides Itoor circulation. But if if painted, a solid color. It is next to to something like its normal condition When the nights are very cold feed sum of $246.93. "' the cau-se is not removed at once, ,'bad impossible to -bave it any other way price and quality have again become the cracked ,corn exclusively, Bear in Of course, Horace Smith died to Sometimes, when the night is �ark, circulation will result later, owing,t6 unless it is painted before it is built. the all-important consideration. In mind. that inferlor feed of any kind ,before the account was elo ng Steadfast in your place, -or-got -all. about the the fact that,boiling crystallizes arty I believe that I had the most attrae� recognition Of this the Live StoOk is not Profitable at itnY -Price. than likely lie f sed4 More Like a small white angel near, minertils; in the water, For this reason tive silo in our community after it had Branch at Ottawa .1neanjunction with ---.*4! ,existence of this nest -egg. Yet it, is With a shining face. the radiator should, never -be permitted been painted -in this manner. the provincial deopartments of agri- I easily Possible for any poling man to I �11 to boil if it is -possible to -avoid iti The Though I am not an expert painter, culture, are making extra efforts to Bees: HeIpPruit Growers. save enough before he is twenty -,five Hardiness of Young Trees. radiator should- be kept full -at W-1 I can offer a few hints that may prove maintain that quality in Canadian Failure of some -varieties of apples to ma�e 'him free from financial Owing to tendency of young tre,3s times; as there ls� no move cooling helpful in doing outside painting. I ?bacon that years age procured for it to set fruit may be due to lack of pol- worry at sixty-five. And it is better tO -grow lute in the fall there is great surface on the -average tractor than is found that the wood preservative acted a 6telidy outlet in the British market, Ifilation. Some varieties Of LIPPIes than a fifty-fifty proposition that he d'anger 'from winter injury. If the absolutely necessary. Keeping the fan in a double ,capacity. I purchased all The prime importance of thesd efforts are oelf-sterile, and ,cross pallin:atiOn will be alive to ,enjoy the results of trees enter the win -ter with -%".It Tip - belt tight will help, too, the preservative my dealerbad, which is. proven by the fact that in the cal- is absolutely essential if a set of fruit his foresight. Statistics show that enld'. mat, re wood theyean withstand -rgt things to cause was only enough to cover about -one- endar year 1920. our exports of bacon .. Other varieties are out Of every 100 men who -pass the a much greater,degretof ,cold without One of the wo is to be obtained 11 oveibeating is a slipping clutch. This third, of the silo. I iput these Panels reached the re.spectable total of $34,- only Partly self -sterile, and ,again gge of ten years, fifty-eight will be Injury than when the branches are in can be recognized by -a slowing up in on the lower part Of Ahe silo. After ?00,000. As a step in the direction cross-pollination is necessary. livingat -sixty, and, fifty -ane will otill a green, sappy conditiono causedby a the traction, the speed of the motor six seasons I am satisfied' that the indicated- and to stimulate Interest in What is true Of apples also aP. be,minglin., with other folks at sixty. late growth. remaining unchanged. When this oc. preservative was -a profitable invest- the type -and quality of hogs that pro- plies to other tree frulbs—such as five. . By planting cover crops in the, outs, -stop the motor at once ,and ment. My only regret is that I,ccould; duce the kind, ,of bacon acceptable to Peaches$ plums, cherries, etc. A bee- A 'Saving of $60 a year, or $6 a orchard late in -the aummer or early tighten up the clutch. Too much, too not buy enough to cover the entire tb� British consumer, attractive less country must in time surely meart month, if PA�rsistcd in for twenty in the fall, it is possible. to stop ittle, or improper grades Of lubri,cat- .surface. I can easily pick out the Prizes are to be 6ffered for conapeti- a :Fruitless ,Country. . years -and compounded. at five per grawth in the early fall, which will Ing oil often, cause -overheating. You panels that were treated with preser- tiOn between members of the boys, The numerous white, showy, flower. cent, WOU14 amount to the snug little Permit the wood to. become thorough, can detect this by the smell and by vative, as they are less' in need, of slid girls' pig club who enter exhibits clusters -act as a guide to the insects, sum of $2,083. An. additional ten ly ripened and mature. In the Past e unlis7ni amount of smoke. Lubrl- paint than the oeers. at the school fairs. One object iii this and may attract them far away. When yf rs uld. b 1 g such �over crops may -be planted so .,a wo i . r n the amount up to cation trouble must be corrected at The explanation is that in painting undertaking is to encourage the com- a bee alights on a flower, the insect's $4,185, and- if saving at this rate wert� as to live through the winter, and once to avoid damage to the motor, now wood it should first be primed. munity Spirit, Which, is justly regard- balry ,body may ,'he covered with pol- continued, for forty years the ,Om� possibly be turned under in the spring Bad valve settings will cause heating The -pares are orten and absorb so edas the greatest force in promoting ten from another variety of apple. As -r 4­-ki 4 e . I anA U. -TL . d. — - — rpu f — e g ure a ipj,uav woula qje 51� —ure. We CHIROPRACTIC and, loss Of power, and are indilemetit much more of the oil than the ,color uniform and profitable production. the bee works its way down to the realized. If -a man does not want to I crops i.itilize in their growth a large by' a Peculiar open sound of the ex- pigment that the color is left on the Judging contests will be a feature of 'bottom Of th8floweT to get,thO nectar, c1bligate ,himself to, -Mve any specific� amount of soil water up to the first T, no, and by blue smoke being surface without enough oil to hold it. the competitions, An appeal is made it rubs its'dusty body against the amount year by year, he still.h.as, little I frost, !and tend to dry the soil. This 1. A 0 W OX.4 D. C.2 D, 0 Ploslo I not atone to the local farmers but to organs of the flower and cross-pol-I 1 reacts on the trees, checking growth I blown back thrrugh the ,carburetor. Consequently it soon wears off, Some excu-se :for poverty at sixtY-five, be-' and inducing early ripening of the ( - 'him.,pv"tic locates and removes the By taking off the -cylinder head, grind- painters take paint with an equal the people generally to do all that is Iffiation is ,accomplished. cause a tootal of $1,000 placed at ,com- I C11M.,P r.f disease; nature heals. ing the valves thoroughly, and remov- amount of linseed oil, and apply itl Possible to aid in the movement so Weather conditions during ,blossom pound interest before the age of . I , wood. Chiroprnetle is the only and original Ing any carbon deposits, this trouble' to ne* wood and allow it to dry well that Canada may secure and maintain time have much, to do with the setting twenty-five will return no lass than The Ideal cover crops starts rystcrn (.4 spinal adjustment. Effective can be corrected, I before putting on the first coat. With the Premier position in a market that. of the fruit. If the weather is clear I $7,040. at the end of forty years, promptly into -growth -as Soon a,% in 95 per cent, at all cases. The only Faulty ignition eauqass overhea,, ! . ,ing, wood- preservative the same -results imports five hundred million pounds and wardi, ,bees are active and cross- The fractional per cents. of interest I planted, thus insliTing tan even, stand - fully qualTed graduate of both Chiro. at times. This may be due to a nam -t -are obtained as with a primer, and of becon annually. pollination 1 $1 ! . I I ,proceeds rapidly; wetv should not be,overlooked. If the .,OC�' to,cheek out weeds. It will therefore practic and CoAeopathiy In North Iluran. ber of oaus0s.-bro-ken or defective'the -cost is less. Besides, there� is the _----­e.�­ I cloudy and cold, the insects are not above mentioned were ,compounded at' "'sure a 'heavy gTound cover for the Phone 191. Hours -,-2-5 and 7-8 p.m. spark plugs, poor wiring, short cil_� ad'vantage of Preserving the wood - active and usually A poor set ,of fruit, five and one,;bitlf Ter cent. instead of ,winter, acting as a protection to the cults and- improper timing being the from the, destructive action of the International Standards for I,, ,secured. Strong, cold winds may five per cent., the sum at the end of, roots, serving asa protection againsi I V ' t Offenders. Ignition trouble silage �ui,ces, I Eggs. often Prevent the 'bees from cross- tforty yeare, Would- ;b� increased by thawing and freezing, . WIMBLIE"SS PHYSIC,11AN =u'ld be reinedied at once, as it will, Brushes cost so, much new that it Increased consumption was one of pol"n4ting one side of theapple trees. $1,478. 1. to not get any better by neglei;t, and inayi pays to take,care of them. When they the chief topics of discussion at the I and this may account for the set of No Time to Look. !. OSTEOPATHY cause much expense later. � are to be kept overnight I remove as last International Poultry Convention fruit on only one side of the trees, . "P.— 'bl Ing on h Agpiculture is the beckhone'of the fore you leap!" And yet, times come for or motor withl much Paint as Poss' -e by Tubb eld in London, England, in 1919, servatiolls at ­_ Any type of tract I Actual counts and- ob It Is a good -old saying, "Look be. i4l. , DR. F. A. PARKER Old -board, then hang them in water. 33Y blooming time have shown that the whieh I have had experience will &,_1 ali resolution of that ,convention the dif- nation, and, lVeo a backbone made up when there is no time to look; you - T1I*)f4 lmp�rtant, as the bristles are � ferent governments were requested to of at least three vertabrae—a fertile have to jump, and do it right off. Osteopathic Physician, only qualified liver itsmaximum power only so long!, I honey -bee is decidedly the incost im. Ost"path in North Huron. 6hy, to got out of shape if simply portant Insect in the work of pollinat- � as it is kept properly cooled; and while i I name delegates to a committe, to con- I ing soil, ,an active brain, and an active We found- it so one day when we Adjustment of the spolne is more iliia�C4d'in tt0*AtL-r, It is, not a wisel sider the question of internatiorial, the fruit flowers. Many ,counts body. were beeking into abarn, with a team quickly i�,Pcured and With fewer treat- many d these troubles named do -not" plait to keep � thtin in wateer more th have shown that from scventy,�fivo to I Inetits than by any other nictriod. directly affect the tooling system, they -an � standards for egg.% as a basis, for in- -ninety per .. . 11 and wagon with bay -rigging on. our will do,so in time it neglected. With, a ,day or two., If brushes are to, be I creased consumption. This com ,cent. of the insect% pol- Blood pressure and other e,amlila, the pre , mit- linating the 131-o-sacoms were boy, then less than twenty-one, visa tons made. sent east of operating a tl.ac_' kept for U 101-119 Period of time, I clean I tee, representing fifteen diiTerent bees. . honey- How many crops are there that Oat, on the wagon., handling the reins, I ORE ter, I find, it -difficult to do so profit- them with �urpentiha or gasoline, then; countries, ,met some months later, re- I beat 826 tons to the acre? With ice; was down on the ground watching � PFF[Cr= OVER CHRISTIE#S 8 ably, unless the repair costs are kept wash thoroughly with tvarm water an4, i viewed tWe entire situation, discussed . __.0.__ eight inches thick, that would, be the the perfarmanco, � - !t��__ __ _'�""," dowit tn a ridiftirsium. � zoap, .and ban,,-, up to dry, If I aml tentative standards and.took note of For a. Stan Floor. "re yield'of -a well -harvested pond or, It was a performance, 01i right, The Sociability In Church. I Ing to use them again in a week Orf eggs graded in ,accovdante, with exist. In the old borsa� barn 14tther used Oxeek. The commercial v4luo Would stringers, under the bridige had become � go] _, Little Susie wao taken to chUrch by 1 two I dip thera in kevosene, painting!, Ing standards, This committee will blacks, cut from old, posts or rails to 4VOralge 4011t $3 tt, ten. That would demyed and -down welit the teamj htr mother for the, first time, During I Painted My Silo Before It '"'as this'an an 614 board, then hang thern; make its final report at the World"s floor the stalls. When ,buzzing wood make an vxro Of ice worth $2,478. of wagon, boy . � and ,all. Wonder 'what the long sermon the child grow more guilt. I in a pail of kerosene. Before I use . Poultry Congress to be held at the, we cut UP a 'number of ,blocks eight elOurstj farmers would- not expect to I the average boy would have done ? and more fidgety, and kei)t wigg-Iffig I had -an. ido,x th--t silo-paintlng was! them again I alway.s remove tiie coal Hague ' . , Holland, next month, Mr. W.i inches long. The dirt floor was dug,sqll the id,lnr lor that, and wou,14 need But our boy was not ,Of the averago I about, finally she became Yety greatly a difficult tv.sh, rri when I put up my, Oil. A. Brown, Ohief of the Poultry Di- out to allow for a base Q�,gravel top oUlY a SfiMll Part Of an acre. But sort. Ho stuck to the rigging and latereFted In a small teat In ter drezo, I , I -----__,0.'_-�_ 1. , Zilco, six y -w -'s ago, I hit upon the vision at Ottawa, testifies that during" Inches deep with azand , that is 'VIlat the let blight cost went down with the wagon. He called. i . �4;shloo three and, f!"ter looking fit this Aboacorbodly "tlit" I' before It was puLl An efficient, attractive house is ,an the dellb&ations of the t,,mmittee, I iiic�og'J,eop. fArinertj if - y to buy it during to the horses quietly, so tliat they did " ` p'O'n "' 'P2 , up his, way goun like a fairy sto formed A binder o:f gxg-inch timbers wa I .1 this f3ummet. ot 0t, oYcittd; be did not show any for a tttlo, ,While, she jumped to her bui T emnordie asset for the larmer, not CnoAtals standavda for eggs -too oizzlfilg� 40, ') the g:eqt it warko � , I a n feet en theo Seat, awd, 1. 'd � Y. " I mortincation of her mother, criect out: � ut N ery vaceegafull useless extvavaoftce as some seem to I the basis of discussion, based as they nailea to the walls to, Jj#me tboblo,)cs Nving '0ivm weather 'the -use Of its iaxtitem,exit himself. And when they . ,,Has anybody In this Crowd got a I TWO holghbors and I purchas6cl think, I. aye upon quality, edibility, and ap-len. in. T -%o blo'dksr were, tot on end, I ntid,i lil <04i'li; Milk RW Cta M, for Alp. ottuck the bottom, -he got down and pint" panel silos in tfie,summ,er of 1914. The tifte study, the aalitnt elements rin the, trimmed to fit as closely as -*,x.s$J,e. lil'ent It -0te'n the means- of 0avilT9 began to unravel the Jangle. Because three ma& vi, full ftr, and, "& of utt The radius Of 11mman sight, under 91tile of any falMl 1pfodlict. 'The ,display The cracks wero filled With gand anA; theme Products from ,opoilang. Milk he kad 1deft to ,wdl, Vtty little dam. ---O— 6torea out Alo until. we could get 451 of Canadian eggs graded in Atoord- W011 t0l0e4- This gave -4 good eheap I should 'bO cooled to' A temPOMtuve Of 00 04T40 to team, VrAgo'A. or boy. The finest )Otft In thij world &ra I the jound4tiorto t.hufit. I hought wood "" 'It oat ance with these i;tandardi *a# <%rd- serviceable floov And one that was I fiftY 1101016ed (01' Oven lower before .be. I It P01S to fthO61 -01o0* AtIlf to Ineet perfect� conditions' 'a "'""a� v rAlles; from the top ot 3(ou" E " %, , VtftelrVAUVe to Put 61% Ole panols, It t'an t, I and, fsov*&*bly 00m� as OMY 00 bOV3011 60 cowrete, aoccotd. worth mue* **a 46A t1m9r weight Imes We dia�ucct �Ould ,be Aft WW124d- ing Ahippood, to dugure its boing sw,ott I things ,M6 that -whieh ­o6omo up oud. ., ,� � in gold. , I W" I" Applying WX that I ftftalVed ViAbit, i r4ebw 1001. I ing ta,,our ex"tientoe.-40. 1. 11. I wht;� it orrlyft it it# de%tin,at". I &nly. . . � , I I . � �