HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-04, Page 546 Tbursday, August 4til, 1921 T11E, NDVANCE, W1111 Will III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIll Will Will 11101*111fil III III will I aw III I wil Illillillaw BORN Dates Of Fall Fairs Wingbam. .................... Sept, 27-28 W'I MARSHA LL- In Wingbam General Hor, Bayfield ..................... Sept. 27-28, X - - WHITE STAR LINE THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 4� Pita], August 2nd,, to Mr. and Mrs. Blyth ....................... Scpt, 22-23 Vf W. Foster Marshall, Township Culross, Bru5sels ..................... Sept - SPECIAL MIDSUMMER EXCURSION a daughter. Dun-annon .................... Oct. 6-7 W ...................... Sept. 10-20 Goderich ..... (� ................ Sept. DIED Goderich to Detroit Gorrie ........................ October I' Luclmow .............. ... ... Sept. 39-30 EXTRA VALUES and Return DioWAR­ In Harriston on tinday, July 24th, 1021, E. H. Dewar. editor oFthe Mitchell ..................... Sept. 20-21 Ripley .................... 1. Sept, 27-28 Harriston Review, aged 69 years. 2-23 Seaforth ..................... Oct. 2 IN.MEN'S WEAR 0-4 1 0.— Toronto.. (Can, Nat,) Aug. 27 to Sept. 10 X Field Crop Competition za Zurich . ..................... Sept. 21 'I" rl.z .22 W g 64- _Y�, We are showing special values, in Men's C lothing in the Teeswater field The Winners 7Z "012 crop competition of the Teeswater Agri Z Whitechurch in the newest styles ai�d materials. ed in oats is cultural Society, wLo enter Miss Winnifred Farrier is to be coggrat. given as follows: ulated on taking the highest total in the NNT 04 p Oln's junior Public Graduation Exams S. 3. D. Little ................... in the A. & W. McKague ............ 92 pointS County of Huron. Young Men's Models points Miss Edith Peddle and Messrs. Harold' T B. Aitken .................. 901 MacKay returned on Our range of new styles in perfect fitting clothes for young men are Dave McDonald% ........ I .... 88�, pointq Sparling, Angus 00 35 00 -e I ST. GREYHOUND leaves Goderich, on ex"ptional values at very moderate prices . ......... $25. to Duncan Keith ............ ...871 points Wednesday from Lake Couchiching whet X they bad been attending Summer School, Win. McKenzie .............. . 87 points MONDAY, AUGUST 8th, at 11.15 P. M. g Misses 141illie and Flossie MacGregor Suits at $25.00 so— W. G. Keith .................. 84 points left on Thursday for Toronto after spend- arriving Detroit, Tuesday at 7.15 a.m. Returning leave Detroit, Thurs- Number of Competitors 11. Ing their holidays at their home here. 1 day, Aug.'lltb, at 2.30 p.m., on Str. Owana. JAS W, MCKFI?i Mr. and Mrs. Henr McGee and: See our big range of men's suits in browns, greys, greens and blues, y tb.: $3.00 Round Trip. $2,00 One Way. In checks, stripes and plain cloths, form fitting and conservative Gordon, spent Sunday at home of Mr. 1 and M _3 m Thomas Appleby, Turnberr styles, wonderful values at .................................. $2500 Last trip to Detroit, Friday, Aug. 12th, 7 a m. on Str, Owana. Miss Ruth Malcolm of the Soo, and MRS. T. FEL Miss Edith Kew of Wingham. are visit- Don't miss this midsummer oppertunity to visit beautiful Detroit. Raincoats Patrick St., Phone 2 ing at the latter's grand- arents, Mr . and A delightful ride acroeis Lake Huron and down the St. Clair and Detroit Qualified to give Chiropra tic and Mrs. Cottle. rivers. Fine English Waterproof Tweed Raincoats in grey, brown and heath - massage, ajustaients. Spinal examina I ion Rev. Mr. Scoble and Miss Lettie Fox er mixtures at moderate prices $18.00 to 20,00. See our special Tuesday free. leave by motor for Toronto on ' morning. Mr. Scobie will motor to North"' Greyhound Moonlight ..W line at ....................................................... $15,00 Sl f Underwear — MR-HAPP"ve Fine balbriggan underwear in separate garments at .... ............... 75c PARTY ...................... $1.75 One pieee suits in Balbriggan and Nainsook at We can supply your needs of Negligee Shirts, Soft Collars, Summer Hats and Cape, Hose, Work Shirts. 0 As MILLS tic) -0 CWTYOU W4ELITNAT .1.9 Our Goods are the Best— Our Prices Right. Terms, Cash. Prrduce Wanted. MVAT A-5ROILINCr ? SEEMS'TO PAY A MAN FOR701LINCEP East Wawanosh Council i on condition that all children from the to certain i epairs needed on the Toll THIS shop is where a toiler get s township be admitted free to the Wing- cirain so that this matter can be attended mMer ham Fall Fair. The Treasurer's hall'year- seaspp— Carried hist just reward. His lit ' 'u 'h 'is a to ", , 0. 8, 1921, authorizinz the meet H Council met oil July 28th.. with all the ly statement to June 30th sho%Ning , B 3,1-81 a s its Waterloo. His ppe- !nembers present. Minutes of last meet- balance on hand at date of $810.61 re- borrowing of'sufficient money to meet the tite gets bigger, too. We've ing were read and passed on motion of 1 ceived and ordered to de filed. ordinary expenditure was read and pass- lots of choice meats here for you - Rob The collector presented his bond tlie�ed,,Jh,,!Iiol�.o�ving scroll,,,, were paid: ertson and Coultas. Directors from I M I the Turnbenry Agricultural Society were same being accepted as satisfactory. al World supplies $7.03; present asking for a grant in aid ot that Moved by Mr. Coultes, seconded by Mr. Win. Puddy. assistance on the Sturdy Watch for Mr. Happy Party a -hart, assistance on SoLiety. On motion of Coultas nd Gillespie that the clerk notify Roy Patter- drain 3.00; D. Lock Robertson $50.00 was given as a donation i son for to prepare an estimate in regal d I the Sturdy drain 3 00; Jenicins and Brad- nockgart payin ant on Sturdy drain 440.00; T . he .dard ptg. office printingaccount olver & Be 0 i n ger 2; dvatice.Office. advertising 1.00, Milton MeBurney, grading and gra%elling on con. 11. 39,69; W. A ----- I soil, raking stones 6.00; GeQ. Coultes, putting stones in swamp con 10 -and 11, 2.00; Win. Robinson, tile tnd putting in INGRAM MARKEI'S culvert con. 8, 11,00; Abner Cosens, Wingliam. prennum on file hall, Aubuyn (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Police Village 4.50; R. H. Scott, gravell- Butter .................. 35 to A V1 d�, repair. ng oil con 10, 56 70; E. Geddes,g Eggs ................ 30 to ling road grader 4.00, J, Craig, rading 11) 95 to 12 Bay during his holidays. Quite a number of young men from'. Out of Goderich, Mon. Ev'g, Aug. 8th, 8.15 ip.m. beriL intend leaving next week on Ithe, 14 �IarTmsttv'5 excmr&n fQr the v�est. FINZEL'S FAMOUS DEITROIT ORCHESTRA IQr (lancing in the Greyhound Ball Room. Blyth 25 cents. VC Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ashbury of Oak- 50 cents Children under 12 ville, are renewirg old friendabips. Mr. 61, Ashbury is an old Blyth boy, his father X4114 XX XX RX RA Kim the late Thomas Ashbury, conducted the plaining mill business before removing from town. It's twenty one years since be left Blyth hence he finds many changes. Rev. C. A. and Mrs. Tiffin visited friends in Lucknow during the wee Miss P. Gidley is visiting friends at Hespeller. Mrs. Jackson and daught,,r of Lei b. bridge, are visiting the former's latlier, M-. John Emigb. irne Mrs. John Cockaline rett . d to her home in North Bay. Monday, havingi visited in this vicinity (for the past month. Rev. George and Mrs. Telford are WRITE FOR 0 spending a few days camping on the BOOKLET banks of the Maitland near Westfield. AND PRICES Presbyterian and Methodist congreg-1 ations held union services on Sunday, the spirit of real union is very much eviden- ced. ated for their liberality. Mrs'. 1. Anderson and children of Philidelphia, spent a few day..; with Mr. Belgrave Mr. Irwin of Orangeville spent. a few and Mrs F. Anderson. days with her aunt, Mrs. Daley and other annual"statement ofTrinity Ang- friends. Miss Leathia Hopper is visiting witb lican Church has been i&qued showing the Mrs. Parent of Badaxe. Mich., and Mrs. friends in Harriston. total receipts to be $1,372 and expenditure Heart of Detroit, visited with their aunt, The hum of the thrashing is once more $1,364. Congregation is to be congratul- Mrs. Daley and Mrs. Wray. to be heard in our midst. 8900; Geo. Johnston, drawing culvert riogs, livewe ght, - - - - - - ; to 34 2.50; Geo. Johnston, gravelling on con. 14 Cream ............... 53.04; Win Folthergill, repairing plow 1 100; Win, Lt ggatt, work oil grader 100 Time- I J no. Campbell, raking stones and sitkQll- Holiday I � ing gravel 8 00; for gi�avel—F. Deveraux, prompt attention. t 7.50- P kk'. Scott, 28 95; J. Stonchouse, Freedom frqrn al aches and , 00' R, H. lic'ott, 4 95- Sam. McBurney, 3 i in4 sur pa' ii—kabi 10.85); kv. Pottle] -giii, 2.95; A, McDougall, Tavlor, 1.80, Win. Fitzpat- Templeton's 16 50; Thos. rick 3.47); A. Scott 2.70; Chas. Sandburn Rheumatic Capsules I 00, El. Johnston, 4.35 R Redmond, 75:1 to assure you though absent you will not Thos. TaN or Nlimelling 2,00- Gen. `korillg, Keep them in your home, I 1 0(); Lliff Pte vacation! Take them on your 4 shovelling:300; R 11. Scott Sho%'elli�g For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 16.00. Headache, Train Sickness, Etc. -kill kill Coullc,l ii(ijoumecl to ineet ag, 01.00 at your druggist's. Tbursda\ Atigust 26ib A. PORTERVIRLD, Sold by J. W. McKibboin Cletk Mol tor Hearse or Horse I quipinent 6, he will also thoroughly explain why he JAMES TAYLOR Extra Special Prizes Mrs. Howe. Address and Presentation Winghamo Ontario The Lumberry Agricultural SoceLy S U indcbtedto Mr.E. R. Harriston. man - ,x L ager of Gunns' Wingham branch for the Farm Sales a Specialty. 0,,dl,,, left It following excellent special prizes which he The Advance, M irgham, will lecei�` is offering for their Fall Fair to be held at prompt attention. Wingtiam. Sept. 27th and 28th, 1921. Fbo.rx Nottl-.Iiur(r 15- C23, I r f ,'I I ;V 01 F or the best bushel of oats he will give n success attending your splendid efforts 5 00 lbs. of Gunns' Shur Gain Fertilizer P and 250 lbs. as second prize, For the J i0 " Phones io6, 224. best bushel of Mieat,, barley, turnips, 19. to assure you though absent you will not lill I Ui� potatoes or corn, the same excellent priz 8 I WALKER'S fj are offered In all, over two tons of this often have the pleasure of your visits to and choir, excellent Fertilizer will be given away. Funeral Directors NL -i,-1 The only stipulation is that Gunns' Fert- esteem we feel for you we ask your ac. ON, FIN _VT ".4b, ilizer must be used on the soil on which and Embalmei rs 40 L Q: the article is grown. Prof. J. E. Bell has thoughts will run back to the Methodist - 5-F, I" �1-114 been secured to judge these exhibits and JA i - , �, 0�11 Mol tor Hearse or Horse I quipinent 6, he will also thoroughly explain why he Mrs. Stocks. gives his decisions and why he rejecfs. Mrs. Howe. Address and Presentation Winghamo Ontario 411 -Z-1 1_141 Wroxeter, July 1, Oth 1921 Station Orsella Hupfer. Dear Mr. Ruttan:— - 1 17 f — — I � - � �: I We are assembled here to -night to ex - ,x L s our appreciation of your kindness press .. " F and patience during the past year as our choir leader. The Voice That Commands Supplies! By both precept and example you have left your impression on this choir, and the Loltig M,9tanCe Mobilizes the Necessities of Life success attending your splendid efforts as leader. has proven inspiration to us all. T you may not lack food or other necessities, a constantly cts flows to market along of goods -and produ , Regret is ours to -night t h a t these associations are to be severed, but we wish growing stream country roads, many of them ordered by Long Distance. because it not only enables to assure you though absent you will not Progressive dealers rely on Long Distance thern to take advantage of favorable market conditions and order such to secure confirmation of be forgotten, We hope (as we understand that your home will be in Bluevale) to supplies quickly, but because it enables them the order atAhe same time. It eliminates all hazards. s up frOM house ring often have the pleasure of your visits to and choir, On a quiet morning a hog buyer for a packing thirty to sixty farmers by Long Distance, and at the end of the week in the city markets, $14fl;t1lotted by our church As a small tolcen of the respect and come 5,000 lusty porkers arrive esteem we feel for you we ask your ac. telephone. Buying: and Selling byLong Distance is the modem way.of securing results in record titne, at minimum cost- ceptance of this umbrella and hope as it shel,ers you from the pouring rain Your the maximum number of facturers, Merchants, Builders, Contractors, Bankers, Brokers, Manu pers, all are Ne�yva' thoughts will run back to the Methodist Lt Stores, Butchers, Balcers, Grocers, Departmer 'Ise efficiency, Worth using Long Distance more and more to incre choir at Wroxeter. Signed on behalf of the choir easily $50.00 a day"—writes a City Broker. Mrs. Stocks. Could all your salesmen combined we Jk as can be reached in one d Rio Mrs. Howe. many prosp ect8 on Long Distance? i, � .. Distunce, Annie Hupfer. Rhoda Hennings. Station Orsella Hupfer. CAll- Lloyd Hupfer. RZA11, Sn� ir ,d&M arm an%A 0 v--0TTF.D, ove,.� !,^.),000,000 1 1-neii, orgaiiizecl of ; , 1,00,, � A -,Ile employ oO the Gloveriimeiit of cr Pa' Oritario. are. tl,, sumnle? and �'�orth over tl-v (,,.In-ov i-outes and the Nyat�qli.-jt� t�tjt f. r the tell-t"'­ Nylich is th(� suni of firt. blavh ji,, ol, I 1011otclly. e Rr, his romids rr(-ventillr', c- el' i-'. c. -n vrv� in 01A.. .411's forc-:4s. I tying his owi, tmvviiii receiving i1el, (;ay for �is s(TvicEls. All ill ,It, t1-_-_, Ontarit, Fin� 7'� -,-cer cTititled to OW "a"n s I a -d eo-opeiat;on uf everyone. He dt- IT- all tb(' ul" t�' leople of Ontario can ,ivo h.m. llis NVOAc is Of -�ital 11 tance. Heed his warnin-s. Do v;h: it lit, r g Replirre r The -Ontarict Ilry R"',19c"r, 0,urhig the daiwer period of the dry summer, is (-o11.,4t.1nt1y on patrol to catch fires Nvhile th�Ly are siliall. lie vannot prevent flivin starting, as a rule. ile is -it tllt' Int"I'vY ('f 111 tyPis ')f (ar(!- Thanks to his vi­�iaiive, how(,ver, two-thir(IP kif the forest fires in the last -vc,�rs did not spread beyond five acres and of these, half (lid not ext�.ecd unc-quarter acre. Ringeys lye nortbern wondsmon. Most of ontarict's Fire -y to colull, T Contral, 011 o(qlt. of them a e studoits, and these are experi(need Firt, Rangcrs or returned sijldien�. At Raii.%�crs travel chiefly by Carlo(, and in Ptli'T Ov('r (1('fl ite tbe length of Nvlii(-h vark-, aceording to the degree of danger from fires. Others travel up and down the *,,r(sted I-ailway' SectiOus en hand v(,loeipoidZ�s, following trains, to llut OUt fires sot by ad are pat -rolled 'team loieonioflv(�s. In all, 2,100 miles of railro, steadily all summer. Two men devote theirWhOle U1110 to Oxanlini"A' 1"Onlotv"' A to sep that survens an(! al-:11pan, Will not Pe"Mit t1W (",Cape of sparks and live coals. In the elay bolt, a large force of Rangers supervise 2(,ttlers' fires,, in land -cleaving operation,,. Pon't blame the Fire Ranger if he asks YOU to bQ (`Ufful- Don't think be Ile Icnows the risk. Ontario too P �, "at" d millions of dollars tbrough Is poorei�,Ils�eun "'! past. Help the Firo. Ranger ("". " s, in it �ave the inereaAngly valuable forests that runlaill. Ontario Fore�stry Branch Parliati-Aent Buildin, ' s Toronto 6 14 P G