HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-04, Page 4THE
Mileage as it is Measured
The selling price is the yardstick of. tire
Mileage. very often. The striking
exception being, Ames'llolden
"Anto-Shoes", The mileage put into
tlll�em is not measured. They are meant
to give extra miles and they do,
Running on your car Ames 15olden
"Auto -Shoes" will give yon the cheapest
M mileage you can buy—'irrespective of cost,
Cord and Fabric Tires in all
Standard Sizes
Brey SOX" Tubes For Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes
4erkley & Sons, Phowt 94, and Geo. T. Robertson, Phone 192, Wingham,
and Winj)ham tire and Vulcanizing Depot, Phone 298,
N every operation, from the moment
the raw material is purchased until
the car is sold, Studebaker because of its
enormous production and, its standard-
ized methods of manufacture, is able to
make important savings — these savings,
are reflected in the price of the car to you.
"Built- in. Canado "
L. Kennedy, Dealer, Wingham
f. o. b. Walheroille, Ontario, etlective Jane 1, 1921
robts'ne 04" and 110tfd3fors
4coapee and sman't
IJCHT-SIX 2 -PASS. ROADSTgrl . ................... $W11)
MCHT-SIX COUPE ROADSTER .................... $238S
L16HT-SIX S -PASS. SEDAN .........................
SPECtAL-SIX 2-PA$9. ROAD$iE[t,'*..'..,..,.'.*.",.,.,*..*.
SPECtAL-SIX 4:PASS, COUPE ......................
SPECIAL -SIX TOURING CAR .... ..... ....... ..
SPECIAL -SIX 5 PA!!S. SEDAN ......................
*8PECIAL-SIX 4 -PASS. ROADSTER .............. _
BIC. -SIX 4 -PASS. COUPE ....... ..........
BIC. -SIX TOURING CAU .... ........................
BIC -SIX 7 -PASS. SEDAN ................. ..........
rhis is a
Studebaker Year
Used by the Dominion and Provincial Goveen-
metits and many of Canada's largest firins.
VINGUAN ADVAN(;E Tbursday, Atigust 40,, 1,921
P.J.Kelly, gravel JD.011; Will, Skeltkni,
gravel 13.75; Dick Wallace, �sbovelliug, UPPER SCHOOL EXAMS WX=XXXXX?4XX=
1.,150; David jotinstoo, shovelling 4.bl); 11 K
Irwin Wallace, sbovelling 4,50, Cliff The following list contains all tile names Vlii ISARDS... X
YeO. %h0VQIlitlg 7 00; J. PeaCOCk, gravel of Huron County candidates, who passed
14,90; Albert Nabbitt, culvert 15.00; oil one or in W,
Lorne Turvev, _ gravelling 200.00, Fraser ore parts of the Upper School
and Robertson, on Robertson drain 16.00 Exams. R Z__
Robert Wallace, shovelling 4.07; D. The part of the tipper school examin-
Johnston, shovelling 0,00; 11 Kirkby, on ation passed is first indicated after each
Evans, drain 'i.00; W. Satter, gravel 9,00;
N, Nicholson. gravel 7.05; Goo. McDon" name. The entry (honor) shows that the
ald. gravel 0,85; 1). Jewitt, gravel 10,20, candiditte passed the part with honors.
J. H, Sellers, gravel 7.80; 'j, Lawson, Following thereafter is the honor standing
gravel 15 15; Win. Douglas, gravel obtained In each subject of the honor X!
- F. S. Scott, _Z
BertJackson, gravel 9.00,
gravel 10.65; R. Johnston, gravel 5.2�; J. 444"4111.ulaltwn examination. (1) indicates
Peacock, gravel 22,95; J Anderson, first-cla5s honors; (II) second class honorp, Z
!r,,t,v,c1 15 45; H, Bosman. gravel 11.10; (111) third claf s honors, respectively.
,4 t Campbell, gravel 0.00; Jno. Taylor. The answer papers of each candidate o; M x
2'ravel 0.15; Lewis NVh�lfield, gravel 6.00; Mid Z)U-M er
Win, Gray, gravel 9,00, W. H, McCut. for upper school or honor maticulation Im
cheon, shovelling 150; Frank Brewer, standing, or both, as the case may be,
shovelling 0.00; Dan Kelly, shovelling whose marks would appear to justifY all 14,
5.00; Alex Russell, work an road 4,50; J - appeal have been already reread by Z
Grasby. shovelling 2,40; Anson Shaw, the appeal examiners. W h e r e such a Specials
shovelling 7 80; Frank Shaw, shovelling 3C
4 80; Wra, Johnston, shovelling 6,00; canclidate has still failed the statement of
i�m Turvey, gravel 9 46; Chas. New- marks will be stamped as reread and no
mail, shovelling 9,60; Wesley jermyn, further appeal will be allowed. In all Cut Prices In Lines 0 1 Summer Goods #0
shovelling 3.00; Waltr Forest work on
road 5.00; Frank Beirnes, 3 trips for A. other cases of failure appeals will not be Reduce Stock QuIcklY
Russell, 0.00; John Vuill, work. on road refused if submitted before September 1,
0 60; Alex Shaw, work oil road 5.60; Win. and accompanied by The fee of $2, If MEN'S LISLE SOCKS, fine quality in brown., black, na andir $1.00
vy jr fo
Wilkinson, gravel 6.76; Andrew Pollock, made after September I the fee is $5. gray, regular 50c value .................... 35q or 3 pa
gravel 24.901 R. Messer, grave) 3,00, and N. C. Anderson (part 1); W. Aberhart 1M_
shovelling 6.00; F. R, Smith, prescription WOMEN'S HOSE -10 doz. Lisle Hose in black, white or brow
for Bird 2.UO; L. H. Bosman, tile 16.75; (part 2); F. Adams (part 1); V Adams sale .............. ...................... ........ 69C
W. H. Kerr, printing cards 225: Blake (part 2); A,E. Archibald (part i
1) (honor) BLOOM ERS-- Ladies' pink nainsook bloomers, fine quality to
Kelly, gravelling and culvert 199.72; 0011, ... 69C
John Garniss, gravelling 37.80; John (part 2); F. R. Archibald (part 1); M. clear at .................. ............... * ...........
Garniss, cleaning ditch 10.00; Garr), Blanchard (patt 1); J. A. Bosnian (part 2),
Wilson gravel UO; Fin KcCallum, on F. Coates (part 2); H. Coates (part 2); 9�1� VOILES—Fancy flowered and figured voiles, now on sale at ........ 7$c
grader 4,100 cleaning ditch 6,00; Will E. W, H. Edge (part 1); j R. Edmonds BOYS, HOSE—Bargain in boys' ribbed bose, 5 doz. to clear at w"',
SLubbs, cleaning ditch 2.00; John Hopper, i for $1.00
vulvert 5.00; Will. McMurray, ditch 5.00; (part 1); H. E. Edwards, Math 11 Phys' ................. 35c or 3 paiv
Wm. Kelly, inspecting 6,00; Geo. Red. 111, Chem. 1, French III; W. FiJINYSM MEN'S WORK SOCKS, part wool, regular value 50c, sale .. _..,4Qc 31i
man, tile, culvert, gravelling 10,00; Hullet (part 1), W. C. Gardiner, Eng. 111 20,
Boundary, 264,79; Jas. Michie, MEN% BOOTS—A line of men's stong wearing boote, black or
40 hO"rs French 11; J. W. A. Greig (part tan, our cut price .......................................... 4.00
I); K.
with tractor 80,00; John Hopper, 5 days L. Hamilton, Biol 111, Chem. III; A. E, %_I
oil grader 20,00; Win, Shortreed, work on ........ 1.39
road 263,60, of this sum 7,40 oil south Hellyar (part 1); J. A Hume, Math III, Q MEN's SHIRTS—Men's strong wearing shirts to clear at
boundary, Peter Haley, ditch and culyert Chem. 111, French 111; M. A. Hays, CANVASS BOOTS—Women*s white canvass boots, to clear bro-k- -
7.60; Robert Wallace, culvert 3.00; John French I; I, A. Hogg (part 2); Z. A. I. en lines, reg. 3.00 value for .................... .......... �81-0
Craig, work oil road 2,70; jas. Leitch, Jackson, Hist. III, French 11; J. L. Kerr BOYS, STRAW HATS, your pick for ............................ 25C
gravel 7.50; Wm. Henderson, sbovellisig
1.bo; R, B. Mcock, gravel 8 10; Wilson (part 2); R. X. Kilpatrick (part 1); E. M,
Marks, gravel 5 10; ]as. Kearney, gravel Lamb (partt I and 2); W. T. Laing, WOMENIS GOWN S—Fine quality nainsook night gowns, lace
3.00; Thos, Miller, tile and taxi 80.15; French III; S. Lattimer (part 1); W. H. trimmed, reduced to ..................................... 95c
Win. Thuell, cleaning Rabb drain 2.80 Little (part 1); W. Little, Eng. 11, French LADIES' WAIST.SFine quality te voile waists, reg. 2.00 to
Jno. Rintoul, paid Barrs rd. work 1020,; 19i
18,00; Jno Little, . gravelling 88 45, Robt Ilt E. B. McT-aggart, Eng. 111, French 1, 2.50, sale ................... I ........ I ........ ....... .. 1.69
Young, gravel 17.55; C. Beinbridge, in- German M. L. A. Macklin, Eng. 11, SILK HOSE—Ladies' white silk hose to clear at ................... 1.25 3C
specting 63.83; Robt. Biid, plkughing Math. 111, French 11; W. L. McCutcheon Z - W
9.00; Alvin Armstrong, culvert 10.00; jas, "part 1) (honors); B. Mallough (part 1), BARGAIN IN COI�,SSTS—New model summer weight corsets I.A.011 010
Clark, gravel 4.50; R. Prcctor, insf ' ecting I X on sale at ......................................... ......
13.50; Gordon Higgins, lamb killed 12 00; R. Muir, Eng. 11, Hist. 1, French III; E.
J. J. McCaughey, grayel 5,55; Ed. Hen- Musgrove (part 1), French III; A. R. Oke LADIES' SHOE9—Fine quality kid oxfords, to clear at a bargain.. 3.90 IN
derson, pulling willows 50.00; Joe Hogg, (part 2); J. Perdue, French III; G. J. SILK HOSE—Ladieo' silk heather hose, best colors, reg. 2,50, sale 1.90
gravelling 81.00; Jno. Yuill. drawing tile Scarlett (part 1); 1, Souter (part 1) (hon-
2,00- Lyle Hopper, gravel 17,10; A. Ladies'Home journal Book of Pashion, with coupon for pattern
Mackwen, by-)aws and clerk's fees ors); C. Stogdjll (part 1) (hodors) (part regular price 35c, cut price .................................... ZSC
Rintoul drain 60,00, Hopper drain 60,00; 2); E, M. Strang (part 1) (honors); G.
Coultes drain 60.00, Brewer drain 40.00, Skelding, Math. 1; B. Taylor (part 1),
Cardiff drain 31.00, Mason drain 6000;
C. Gardiner, treasurer, Kemorial Hall Eng.'11, Math, 111, Phys. 1; C. L. Tyn-
Fund 200.00; W. Cunningham, culvert dall (part 2); F. J. Wallis, Eng. 111, 3C
Z 00. Math, 111,.Phys. 1, French 11; E. Wallace
Next meeting Aug. 150. (part 2), Latin 111, Biol. 11, Chem. 111, H. E. Isard & CO'D
A, MACEIVIIN, Clerk. French 1, German 111; E. C. Washington K
, xxxx
(part 1) (honors); J. F. Washington, Eng- I
F,V4XXXV4XXXV1XV4X vix =Xxxvw
4 M m 8
Just now we the most
attractive ladies' Diarn-
ond Rings, though
round, are made, to ap-
pear 4 sided, 6 sided
and 8 sides.
This effect is obtained
in the mountinigs which
are beautifuly pierced
and ornamented.
Prices $25.00 to $200.00
W. R. Hamilton
Jeweler and Optician
111, Pbys. 111, Hist. 11, Biol, III, Chem'
III; W. Weir, Elig. 111, French 11; M,
Walker, Eng. 11, Alg. and Geom. III,
Lati n III, French Ill. Ilk T, 111i 11111 11�y$ "1, 11 1 l!"I'$ �Iyl`
i vo i Z 41V
Rob Goderich Store
During Wednesday night thieves obtain Q_o
ed entry to George NieVicar's shoe store Goderich Old Holfl'fl We
1 and helped themselves to at least severall!'�1!1� ek -:L-*
I pairs of boots, including an odd pair of il� _411-111-6
ladies' shoes. They evidently took their AUGU S T 79 8) % 10, 119 1921
time, as they went through the stock prett
well to pick good ones. They also brole FIVE BIG DAYS of REUN10.1N, and FUN
in,o the safe, which was unlocked. and Parades Band Concerts, Carnivals. Q4.
to -)k what little,money wasleft over nigl.t. 44�
Music �y Waterloo Musical Society Baud, 33rd Regiment Band,
Entry was obtained by breaking a pane of Lucknow Pipe Band.
glass and shoving the bolt id the back!!
door. Police are working on the case, but 2 DAYS HOTSE -PACES,
,as yet have no cule. Tuesday, Aug. 9 "'ro' � t P.i,,,-. P.irse $500. illit
East Huron Field Crop 2,18, trotc, mice. I m �o $500.
The Oat Field Crops entered under the 1 2 12 U-1: or pa(,. Purse $500.
Thursoday, Aug.
competition carried on by st Huro- 1 43 2, 13 Irct oi Purse $500.
Agricultura, Society were judged by 11 1 4A
' BA—VEDALL rO T IR jVA J;6jr,; JV 7-
L. Tisdale, Brampton, and the followin
10 Teams: Winghani, Tces-
7 awards made:— Wednesday, Aug.
Ist. R. J. Hoover, Grey. witv% Z rich, Goderich. Qr
2nd, R. L. Taylor, Grey. GRA W2Y A THL F� TIC re,7 E E; T
3rd, W. R. Moses, Morris I Thiirsday, Aug. I I Evenu, ii clude isve-inile and
4th, J, G. Speir, Morris. one -mile open races, relay race i4M
between teams of Pertb, Huron d Bruce, tug-of,var between Huron and
5th, R. H. Hoover, Walton. W: Bruce, Caledonian games, Highlan
i and dancing and piping, etc.
Oth, D. McKinnon, Grey. Many other attractive features.
7th, Herman Whitefield, Grey. -*14
Crop was reported fairly good for this Don't Miss the Big Event of the "Year.
hot season. �*. "A
1 4. _ ff,
Statistics show that seventy per cent. of
the leaders of the Nation in Commerce
and Politics are college trained men.
Do you wish your boy to be a
A ten or fifteen year Endowment with
Mutual Life o I Canada
To mature when your boy is ready for
college will aid materially in his training,
A. Cosens, W. T, Booth, Representatives
Witighain, Ont.
Op, Margaret C. GaIdep
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty
of Medicine.
Office.—Josephine St., two doors south of
Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones — Office 281, Residence 151.
H" ow Fever
tpoil snany a holiday.
Positivety, stop% thete troubles I
Ofteezing, weezing, coughbag,
weeping eyeft aren't necelssary—
unless you likt being that wa3r.
$1.00 at your druggist%, or write
Templetons, Toronto, for a free trial"
Sold by 1. W. bleXibbon � - I
WV �W'Vk; 7AV V t�iV!�AR Iry t;i U!M
Great Prograrn For Old Boys' Reunion
—Preinier Drury :ro Give An
GodeTich is preparing for thq biggest
time in her history—The Old Home Week,
August 7 to 11. The Old Boys and Girls
are coming from all points of the conti-
nent and elaborate preparations have
been made to entertain them.
Sunday, August 7, is Old Boys'day in
the churches, when the pulpits will be oc.
cupied by eminent divines who own Gode-
rich as their home town.
h4onday will be reception day, with
many interesting evente.
Tuesday will be the first day of the
horse races, two events (2.30 and 2,18)
with a $500 purse in each.
Wednesday will be baseball day, Wing -
ham, Teeswater, Zurich and Godericli will
compete for the championship.
Thursday will be marked by a visit
from Premier Drury, who will give an
address ut Agricultural Park at 10 30 a.
In. In addition there will be two more
horse races (2.22 and 2.13� for purses of
$500 each and a grand athletic meet
valuable prizo. ly
Band con�erts, parades, carnival, danc.
ing and other entertainment features
every day. Music by Waterloo Musical
Society Band, 33rd Itegiment Band and
Lucknow Pipe Band. Something Wag
every minute. Everybody within fifty
miles of Goderich should be there to see
the full.
1.,4 ille"Ill evek9 ou choose
't will be the BEST you ever tastc...'.
Flo "'
M I X E 13 T"
Ilich, Satisfying
lavour. From the
Just eno�gh green
tea to make the
A Revelation In Gry
Tea. Pure, translut.,,,
finest gardens.
blend delicious,
and ad Flavory.
1110 om 044
$ 0 0 THE'GEM 4
Does flic Nvorlt as well as maeliines, costing
$300.00 or niore. If this sounds too good to be true,
just give us a chanec to peove it.
Used by the Dominion and Provincial Goveen-
metits and many of Canada's largest firins.
Catalogue Free. - - - Write Now.
A. E. DOHERTY & C0.0 Windsor, On#.