HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-08-04, Page 3JA
Crossing the Sahara by NOW Lorries
Sonio pioneer transport work recent- v0ilclei, and Its purpose was the ea.
ly carried out by the Ifteach govern- tabMilimeat of gasoline and supply
ment, Provided further evidence of the station," . for an experimental air route
f irmarly 2.000 miles that the Preach
capabilities of the modern busitivs-i 10
goverriment. had decided to open. Also
motor vehicle to traverse country that in this ca�,je, ills only change of Im.
bef6re the war would have been de- rortance r4ado In the motor lorrIefs
clared Impassable to motor cars, was that thek, frout wh",Is bad been
In the Instance under 'review the equipped vith dcubl 3 pneumatic tires,
country twice traversed was the Sa- to, gl�re b0ter twetwn tit tlit� sand and
hara Desert, In February, 1919, start- better suar.erislen over the rucky prr-
Ing from Colomb-Bekhar, the, first jour- tions- of 'the Itincrary. The outward
ney into the deiort was a -successful Journey of 1,804 miles, during which
trip, and AkabM was reached, tilts I atrorafi-zlipply stations were esttb-
Oasis being halfway between Algiers, Yahed at inifei, Insala, and Taihanras-
on the Mediterranean Sea, and Tim- set, was completed without incident,
buhtu, on tho Niger. The seven ]or- and the latter point was reached one
ries of this convoy weia of tile tYPD'montli after the start Tile return trip
used by the allies during 0 a war, and of this second motor caravan was
were fitted with open bodies, the only made under sivillar conditions, but
deviation! from the standard -practice wl the vehicles c -r 1" _ — a
Are the Ways
Famine in Russia,
BL�st -ire the ways of thof* who,know of sarrow thOr
Vamina an4 peatilence pre.,is upon
100 lic&i of (Inuglit in tq
juat, olhare,
An4 those who have with othcx be�ytn a -bit of fxf�'.,t to tcar.
sr�f%c 0A tnTtlird country a land vf
For they shall be as hurnan.,4 are and notas gods may Ve,
W,-�euv� 0ghtlimm. Hiaft,3 of djJtrt,-J!J
I Well co"alur Out ot Russ!, for
Rejoicing in Simple glAa of bird, -and flower and tme.
rawlt!,l lgapt, IbUt v') elmiidoal is tile
BL-st are the ways of thos, who walk coutent Of betat and mind
o - �J I)eia,g Fog.
ren Of tho 14!�
si4lo to .3 reiny on
To se3 as much az they 64uld be blind whcre lova is blind;
I there C:at theze hillii, have been ro.
Just happy mediums In the A -rife that pecks at all in time,
- ceived ulth. more, tiv�ui a graia of sus.
And sweet with love for sweits of life that bloom in lau Thters
P41-1011- I'j Ove-als, Ixvio, or asr though
we have come to th'o 1)1,:iit wirere we
must believe. Froin Goy."I'A"111 Elources,
Blest are the ways of, thogewho dream artd those. Nvho, waking feel
cohICS tho nOWS th1t '20,000,(300 .1,,cr.
The beauty of the dreaming world upon their spirits steal;
sono are on the verge of starvatfon,
in the drougsit-;,trielien jj-.C.ct1qns, sub*
Who cannot hate nor b3 unjust, ey bal-apeed taaid� 20 strong
sisting ninin'y on wer's, Irrarn a-,14,
They find behind the hardest heart a bit of tendlerestsoni-
the lmrk of trees, Rvia-ves tire re.
ported as pourillp, into MWrcovi and
them only as a pest to swimmers and
destroyers of marketable gab.
A New University Cornme,
Petrograd by the thousnnd.,�, Tile
I parched earth, it ls'ov-.��Prtea Is apon-
being -the special fitting Of the wheels load, WORLD'S CHAMPIQN BUTTF-11 PROQUORR Motbods of Operation, Town -planning.. or 1, 1 su e y, Ing up great crevices aild otroanis are
in order to overcome the tendency of The two perforruifnees, while pr Bella Pontiac, 40321, holds the world's record, for butter production for one I city rg r " I swallowed up, Further deta-Ils are
Ilia- year and also for two years. On June 28th she completed a year's test with In Seattle, hip -boots, from shark!is, the latest extension course ar.1 relayed out of Moscow by way of Riga,
the vehicles, to bad in the sund and ar0y to tho. credit of the vehicles un- hides are being made, and one Van. 1 ranged by the University of Toronto.
also to provide. better cushioning over dortakitig it, show the 1 1,587.50 lbs. butter and 27,191 lbs, milk to her eradit. In two consecutive t thus affording confirmation for the
mporta:nt role couver boof maker has been using This course is offeretl during the tw*' German
the rocky Portions of the route. which motor lorries may play In open- years she made 2,606.25 lbs. butter, These tests were held under govern- advice$. From them we
shark leather for boots. Fiver grades weeks, JaniiaTy 9th to 21st, 1922, and I learn that a plague of locusts
At the best, ther road ww.9 only a Ing up aerial routes across trackless inent supervision, The cow is owned by Thus. A. Barron, Braptford, Out. of the tanned leather are used for up-! Nvill be both intensive and compreban- descended on the Kuban,
holatering, colored and staml and Black Sea provinces, de�
camel track, but frequently this dis- countries, )ad; It is! olve, It has been initiated by Pro -
appeared entirely, and -the first motor I Nowhere in the world can be found torla, Seattle and other North Pacific GVer-wearing and rich to look upon fescor Adrian Barrington of the De -
caravan succe,'Astully to invade the 1 transportation difIcultieD of the kind otroYin-9 tile crops. In Turkestan re.
Saham had to travel S HARK, INDUST RY OF seaport cities, sat around a table In The outer skin, or "shagrin," i�ust pa;&nt of Architecture who is all I-Ief from the drought Is reported
over trackless I encountered In the Sahara Desert, and Victoria, Vancouyer Island, recently, come off in the first place, and a pro- expert as well as an enthusialst in' through. heavy raing, but I these have
san,ds,,tltei,natln,gwitli,rocicyfiurfaces., so Innumerable and varied are, t1l,3 where a frin froiii Seattlb showed the desii has been successfully developed the subject of municipal improvement.1 only adided another chapter of her.
Th& moral result of this firs -i suc- -obstacles met with, that it has been which takes this away. it has the Profeesors J. A. Dale, R. M. Mac -
BRITISH COLUMBIA various processes through. which ' Irors because they have flooded and
cezisful undertaking was to overcome. thought entIrely '' Impracticable for sharks passed and the results attained exact properties. of sand -pa -per Qf the Iver,,W..-.M. TreadgalM, and prub4bLy T
the iskeptle!sm Prevailing In official whooled transport, In glue, leather, fertilizer and other rough variety. For very fine work on others, will co-operate; and such sub- idestroyied-the Irrigation works., inter.
, ruptille rail cortinlunleation, and the
circles, as to the ab4hty of mechancal- That this! was an epooliLmakIng WILL PAY WHOLE DEBT marketable and needful products. wood polishing, the "shagria" of the jects, as housing and homing th 10 ut riti a n b, g d
ly propelled yebicles to, accomplish achievement cannot be doubted, and It El cal. a he es ha: boe li e
such a Journey, It not beyond the range'61! pii,�slbiilty OF THE PROVINCE. or The head of the shark Is full of glue baby shark cannot be. excelled. Un- satellite'eity, road, raiiand waterways, to appeal to Moscow for aid.
a highly valuable quality. derneath, a section, torn,off reveals civic self-control, vital statistics, t1le As wa'haVe uliderstood it over here,
Tie second convoy, starting from that it marks, the beginning Of a new The bodies make a finer flab meal One of the greatest properties of the I blology and the anatomy of
the, suburbs, of Algiers In July, 1920, transportation. aystern, over trade I towns, the rural regions Of -Russia have been
reactlad Tamaurmset, in tile depth of I routes, that have hitherto Deen travel- - Many Substances and Articles than any other made. As a fertilizer shark hide. This texture Is woven economic aspects of housing and town- able to stand more or less alot' from
it Is superior to dog -fish because In the and Interlaced as If by a machine, and plannin-jr, housing and -health, educa- the Political defficulties that have
the Saliarm Desert. It consisted of 231 ad exclusively by camel caravans.
- Derived From Huge Fish— shark carcasses there I& only two per Its extraordinary durabilltSr has, never tion and recreation, maps and map brset the land. Indeed,, d-le-satisfac-
cent. of o1r, while In the dog -fish, oil before been known in any leather. reading, roaas and pavements, will be tion with the plans of Lenine and
Bits of Canadian News. tions of learning Is one of the most - Absolutely No Waste,, is so plentiful that It takes an expen. It takes fifteen days of specialized dealt with. Trotzky upon. the part of the agri-
A course, I Imparting a general know- striking features. of Canadan life." Catching sharks in, the mud between sive chemical procers. to: separate It process to turn out shark leathers, and In the present stage of Canada!s culturists has seemed to be one of
ledge of IrrigatiGn, and drainage, has The branch -as of the Canadian char- two islands In. the Gulf of Georgia from the body, six months, or more, treatment to pre- development the expert in town and; the largest rocks that has threatened
been added to the cu�ivulum of the I tered banks may reach a total of five about twenty miles distant from the The fins are much prized by the pare sole leather. city plannimg is urgently needed. I the bark of Bolsba-visTa. If the hand
Vitivaisity of Alberta. The ergineor- Ithousand in the present year. The 'City of Vancouver, British Columbia, Chinese as a food delicacy, and Orion. Some of the thinnest hides puzzled Town -planning commissions and Civic'of necessity has now been laid upon
;last figures, available I
Ing aspects of Irrigation will not be are those for is the employment of the A.B,C. Com- tals in Vancouver pay as much as I tile gentlemen at the table, they were guilds are at work in many towne and' this class, which was let alone lie -
so transparent looking, and yet so cities. Here is the Opp r unity for th
I May 1, and these show that the banks party, and a week's, catch recently
toucir,ad upon to any great extent, but . � $3.00 a pound for It. 0 t a cause that part of it that was ac -
the student's studies will be confined had in all 4,912 separate office.1, leav- 0talled 80 sharks, wIth an average The Rver contents run from 60 to 70 strong that nothing like them had acquirement of the necessary tech- cossible to the centres of political in-
to th6 history of Irrigation, kinds or ing a balance of 88 to be opened to weight of one and one quarter tons par cent, of finest Gil, of which about been inspected In -.he experienoe of nical knowledge. Municipal aUt'laGri- finance bad the food which officialdom
make 5,000. experts, These were made from the ties will not be slow to see that siome
irrigation, source of water, measure-: each. ten per cont. Is glycerine. needed for itself and the content of
ment. and distribution of water, and i . —.I— Mr. 3. J. Kerr, of Victoria, the capl- The teeth are in great demand and i stomachs of sharks, and call be work, of'their employes take advantage W the people, we -are likely to bear ot
Filming a Looping Aeroplane. . � ad up Into beautiful cloths, being soft the offer of the Provincial Un' I
chare4ter of water used and its effect, tal of British Columbia, talks Irter- fetch a high price for the making ot: iver- a new adjustinent in internal t4fairs.
and liable: sity. The Course is, it is hoped, thel A starving nation cannct keep its
uPan soil and crom etc. No 40therl The ingenuity of the modern film estingly about the industry, pointing ornaments. P
The few bones go, into the fertilizing Mr. Macdonald looks forward first of a series of such annual courses trouYes to itself. If it I 7� necessary
Canadian educational Institution I crimera-rilau is seldom Put to greater out that the possibilities in the shark Nelson I I
ias to a time, fit the not distant future,11 and, perhaps, of a permanent and re-' for the world to go to tbe a1il of
Previously offered courses -which test than when he lum to. ollirib into products industries are tremendous oil part -of the industry.
covrred the field of Irrigation. the clouds in an acroplane and secure the North Pacific coast. Mr. Nelson The hides ,ire of the greatest In- whou BrIthli Columbia will have asi gular curriculum in this important- RuF,..qia, as it has gone to the aiJ of
many, if not more, shark catching and subject. i
EverYthilig points to, a record apple thrilling pictures of adventures In Macdonald, of Vancouver Island, is of ter"t to tile manufacturer. Several 1 China, it will Jo, so without he.�ita-
croj�46i Britkh Columbia this year, "lid -air. companies have been alflMufacturing plants as Norway. Service to the public is til3 great, ti -on in the n:1.me of humanity, In
i the opinion that If the shark Industry formed, and "Here they are right at our Western principle of the University of Tor-: this ease the ta:sk will carry with it t
Aircraft diving, looping and spin- i were well organized and financed mll(�h research work has been delta in a
aii.4, If nothing happens to hamper I Door, waiting to be made use of, and: onto. It has something of value to� kind
grewth, the prairie illarkets are is- ning at Over a hun0red nifies ,tit hour; there wculd be enough, money In it, connection with thcir possibilities. -of reward, f -3.r no lon-er VvIll the
have to be kept in the focus. of 1
country that has �uffered unuer the
-igh graffe a nar.. within a short time, to p -,,y tile whole At the meeting a Seattle coll'Plluy I one of great iii-agnitude and many 401 -'rural district. Anyone interested will; oppresi-,ion of the Czam and now suf-
sured of a good supply of It I the industry is going to derelop into- offer to every citizen in city, town, or'
apples, according to J. A. Grant, 13r!- row lens, a feat which requires an al-! debt of the Province Of British Colum. showed a large number of shark hides I
be Placed on the University's mail -I fers under the cppress!�cn
fish, Columbia Fruit ColumissIoDer for. most inc.11netive sumse ty make It po�-- I bia. in every stage of tanning, Many f I erf re -
Alberta. Mr. Grant estimates that ""'ble to anticipate the movements of I "There are millions of sharks In the mon assembled were "Ie thoor Ing list, on request, awl will receivel volutionary leaders ba abl'e to chroud.
live thousand cars Of apples will be: the machines. Ithese No-rth Pacific waters," says Mr, men" and thoy fingeried the proZcts S'Vratfing Flies for a Livi the various bulletins and announce -i itself behind a veil is inviolate as the
r -kg* intents outlining new devcl*Pments OlIden voil of the temple. There will
shipped out of British Columbia thlo pathe, a noted film company, em-IMacdonald, "and there will never be carefully, and satisfied theinegelves In the swampy districts of Mexico , front time to time. Write the Director be light in Russia.
year, which Is an Increase of nearly ploy an ex-flyini (;,,ucer for the pur- a shortage of them. The further that the leather burinLss was entering the chief industry of the greater part 1 of University Extension.
100% Over last year'3 output. pose -of obtaining mid-air thrills for north you may go the more sharks you the initial stage of making up goods of the native Population hi hunting
Print Gray the screen. Recently, this camera-trian will find, and from Vancouver to Alag. Of which, heretofore, they had had no! files I
(Vancouver) and Vic- Oil -Hunger.
is the first complete 4 ka are their reading grounds. Taking Conception. An Anglo-American Song.
toria, wireless stations have been in obtained what & swamps are the favorite breed -
loop by an aeroplane in mia-air se- them from the botto-in of the sea. Is I
communication with the High River,! The shark hides, run from an inch in, ing-place of a Species of large black Tile world is oil -hungry. It is Ioolc-
cured by the film camera. Many bull- automatic. Norway has a hundred of thickness In the older IISh to tfie con. fly resembling the English bluebottle It is quite a remarkable fact in thesio � ing toward the tC-l1`jrrGAVS WYea the
Alberta, air station, This. is the first dreds Of feet of film were wasted be. such industries: in fact, the only real sistency of paper in the baby shark. The black mud harbors hordes 0' days., says an English newspaper, when!
.YG, f known and developid flc'.da Nvill be
time Canadian wireless plants ho
been In communication across the fore the perfect result was, registered. hook for catching them works on a Soles of boots, leather for the finest these Insects. we are all hoping for a still cloLier near exhaustion. Oil figm-es in
mountains. On one -occasion the camera -mart swivel and comes from Norway, as suede shoes, a black pigmented pro- The weapons of the hunter are a friendship between the United States; diplomacy and it may figure in wars.
dived In7hi& aeroplane on another ma- does also1he so-called 'Cod Liver oil' duct that would make club bags of 11 large, flne-meshed'itat and a bag to and Britain, that the national anthem Airplanes are to be us,_ -d in scarch-
Following the lead set by Saakatche. chins, 5pinning earthwards at one bull- which invades the markets of the most lasting quality, uncrackplile, carry the "catch." of the States, "My Country, 'Tis of
wan, Manitoba has appointed a repro" dred and fifty miles an hour, and dur- world; It Is really shark liver oil, lengths of leather that outstripped any As -soon as they are disturbed, the Thee," is sung to the same tune as i ing for oil-fle!d pos-s-ibill ties in the
sentative, In London, England, to Ing this dizzy descent had to gauge ac- manufactured In Norway." Patent leather ever made, and which flies rise in dense masses. The Ilunter "God Save Our Gracious. King." Amazon jungles. Tile forehanded
select women and girls from Great curately, the whole time, the exact In the shark plant, when the huge the leather shoemen sai But, although this is a fact, British are back of the move.
d was tile fin- strikes right and left, and as quickly It has Wherever there is hope of oil a
Britain suitable for -household Work. Speed at which to turn the handle of fish is being turned Into so many sub- est they had ever Seen, were among I as he swings the. net the flies are not the sign1ficanee of the origin of BritisilleT is there or just coming up
The first party of women, numbering his camera. stances and articles, there Is absolute. the goods exhibited, and the thought 1 caught and transf,�rred to the bag. that song which, reaches the heart of
35, destined for Manitoba, is sailing ly no waste. over the horizon,
this month. of all this material right at hand was 1 Hundreds of small boxes are ar. every _191liglIsh-seaking man and wo" From Edmonton, two 11scDut planes"
Sydney harbor ranked first In the The Horse's Joke. Various Processes and 131-P ranged in a convenient spot, and a,4 man, "Rome, Sweet Home." bave been sent 1400 miles north
for amount of Have horse& a sense of humor? roducts. a revelation to men who -had known I The miraculous thing Is that it was searching for -oil. They have reached
Dominion of Canada Business men from Vancouver, Vic., there were sharks, but thought of I fast as the fly bags are brought in they
live stock exported to other countries A South American doctor has one are emptied in -to the boxes and the written by an American, John Howard th-eir destination, W�11 within the
by the water route. This- year ship- which is said to be fond of a practical hunt resumed. Each bcx is fitted with Payne, and composed by an English. Arctic Circle. They carried eight pas-
men-ts of live stock will even exceed Joke- a wooden plunger, As the boxes are man, Sir Henry Bishop; yet words sengers, with equipment for^dril',Ing.
Visiting a farmhouse, he tied the filled, the plunger Is squeezed down and music might have grown together
those of past years It the present rate Iff R. hiq meq, 'I which does, not
animal to, a post near which, bung a and then subjected to heavy pressure. in the garden of some beautiful soul to The oil is there, w.
of export keeps up. solidify at 92 degrees below zero, ac -
rope attached to a large, bell used as a ..N Next day a solid, con;ealed cake. of i produce so lovely a flower of song. cordiiig to reliable reports.
Thirty dollars for a bushel of wheatt dinner signal for the workmen. Then wal t M -C-A fo n Pressed flies is removed from the box, There - Is another striking thing
That Is, what W. S. Lowman, of North I about this song -the man who wrote The Britis-hers are not worrying as
Dakota, paid for a bushel of Early he went in to see his patient. exposed for a time to the fierce sun. , yet about getting it back to civilma-
A few minutes later the bell rang shine, and tbe fly -cakes are then ready the words never had a 'home to call
violently. The doctor looked out, but his own In a sense. H was a wan.
Triumph seed wheat purchased from tion after the production is started.
"the Wheat Wizard," Seager Wheeler, Again the THE FICTION SOLACE. for packing and exportation to every' darer Nor are they worrying thus far over
of Rosthern., Saskatchewan. There could see nothing. bell Time never drags along with ma; my days are bright as port in the world as bird -food. Z the earth, a rolling storle. liringing oil out of the Pathless, reek -
were axprese charges a $3.00 in ad- rang, At the third ring the doctor days can be. When I have done my daily, task I get a book and "Home, Sweet Home" is truly the Ing South American jungles,
diti,on. Mr. Wheeler has figured concealed himself behind a tree In the loll and basic in comfort in my easy dhufr, and bid good -by to A Breve Man. nation4l anthem of the English -speak- Their concern just now is to 1ccate,
yard and Icept a watch on the bell- With a wail of distress ste threw, Ing race. Next to it comes another ve and make ready for develop -
I he.art-birlding song carried into every Pro
among the top prize winners In wheat rope. every care. The rain may fall, the, wind may blow, there may be the horrible thing from her. It was ' ment against that dey when known
exhibit% for years, at the International Then, to Ilia 'astonishment, lie saw nineteen kinds of snow, the storm fiend may be on a tc�3t, but too muc�--too much! i Coritinent by the ubiquitous Scot,
agricultural exhibitions. � "Auld Lang Syria." When songs Of fields are abandoned -and the nation
There are now seventy-five rural his horse lift up Its head, seize the Idon't care a single. hoot. To -morrow may have griefs to burn, Her recently acquired husban-1 I which controls ntlw sources of sup -
rope between Its teeth, and give it a some new distress at every turn; but future woe can't make heard her sobs, and rushed Into Vae hate are all buried fit the deepest pit y will be in a dominant position.
kitchen. of oblivion these song,.% of love land P`1
credit societies in Manitoba, seven- violent pull. After that, the doctor me quail, for I've a fine Jim -corking tale, of canips. and courts fricadslif will remain. The. Britisher conres of the long -
since t1ro and of the fiscal year last "What '.; it?- he PPIPl tenderly, as P
teen new one,.; having been organized sprang out 'and faced the animal, and bygone kings, and swords and fiuns and kindred things. headed Nordic stock, and be is prov-
November, according 'to C. Gifford, which put on a look of complete In. And I am living in a day that's dim wit'l, dust and far away. and I he drew ];eir to his ho:;cra. ing it in the world's, oil game.
nocence. I C:111't ea it!" Are cr`ed. 11 canot 011 Lork',ton manstions, as. they pam-
supervisor. Loara granted total $1)- 1 forget while reading thus the work -day -world with all Its fus,%,
Poking hi,3 nose, Into a basket in do"It!" f.:,,zn private use, are frequontly
640,000, which is about $67,000 less which a cat lay curled up, the same and all its problems and Its ills, its, taxes and Its doctor biM!. "What?" I lwvght Ly z!lubs. Homes for Our Orphans.
than last season. I horse got a nasty scratch from pussy I know so many friends who yawn when evening hours are "Get fi-XIt ap.-!rt." Al=t on3th.-unettred tacwand hcu,,l of
Canadians, have, twenty-two, universi- for his pains. The anim6l, taking care- drawing, on, they knew not how they'll kill the Unte, whose drag- She pointed to fowl V,7111(:11 1�ly ori �cc-.111-1 eattle, hor-est, and vlhc,�p, are Tile -proper place for a fr',enffless.
a i baby is in a chilffles.i home and not
ties and forty-three colleges. In addl- ful aim, kicked cat and basket sky ging gait appears a crime. Th2y're tired of everything !it slglit- tile t!d1le. fy; zcd oil Donmion f orc-st reserves in
tion. they have nearly 30,000 elemen- high and then trotted off with low there's not a thing to do at night; they're tired of going tl)"til' , A Y. -ht of stern re.4olv,4 slicne I; in an institution. It has been demon-
inall's e.. -e -A a4 lie rolied tip Ili A tile Cki=&, ard, the number is ted hundreds of times that if a
tary schools, with 22,000 teachers, and chuckle Of glee. shows, and clubdom has its drouthy'woes, they're t1re;1 of cards S incrcras�.r--. Thi,� grazing Te-; stla
have an earchirent of nearly 1,500,000
0 "I'll do It!" lie VOWe-1. ne-,or 1 duces tin danger' f" �l homeless infant is given half a elian".
1)uplla. Lord Burnham, Chairm and crokincle, and there is sorrow in each soul. And to they f ront. grass fires a
an of A good place, to judige a woman's �tacklcd Clle- before, but ,,,eeniA t the it will soon make an assured place for
I ') ine is C'f gicat to i elf in t1% affections of some good
-the Imperial Press Conference, said: beauty atud. a malVa dispossition is at gasp and groan and yawn, *hIlo I read on, and on, and on, that it I call take 00 illoMr-car u b1tq .ni,stock nren in the --urrouridinig dis- Its
"Canada's achievement In its Institu- the breakfast,table. I shouldn't be boaten by tt iner", 11(lu," tricts. woman. The trouble is, our homeless.
babies are in concentrati*n cAmp.% in
I(EGLAR FEU�RSEy Gene Bvrnea i bie cities instead of in the lit0e vil-
1 S#w summti(k,
pl,o Q,
V2 10 1
ew �111.k
lages and cosy country places wbere)
-------- they would likely be appreciated.
I's -r,-16r so? Recently a children's institution wus�
moving front one -building to another
and they bad a five or six months'
old infant that they did not care to
have go through all the excitement of
flitting. A woman in the suburbs
AN -N cow was asked to board the child for a
fortnight and, this ebe, reluctantly
P\N' 0\_rUMCY I consented to do. When the time came
for the baby to go back to the institu.
m A 1mAQr_e_-LWA\J1E tion, the woman let it get as, far as
the door and then. completely broke
down *lid begged to adopt it as her
-k 671,1
own. The -result is that the baby is
now permarlently and satisfactorily
P i'S", -
__ :4 .,. , I=-- - provided for, This Is mpdblo of re-
petition. Social Workem ave well ad.
viscA in seeking out proper foster
If you cnjoy your work, do not ro-
tire, but keel) oil with it. Petirement
Always afrocts your bodily and menttil
health, adversely.