HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-28, Page 8U
1. 1,,arge atsortnient (if -,uninier wear for wonien
'kild children late in coining to hand, now being
a�, -it a discount of 20'�'
crM for Saturd. .
"Saflor-.Nlitid" Nliddies-, Wash Skirts—Silic
aml Cotton, ladies, children',,; and inis-ses'
Voile Dresses, Forsyth Athletic Under-
Nvear, Sailor lad and Sailor inaid children's
2. SpQcial it, HOuSe
!PL�oRn� Hon�se Dresses, 9 -pod, clualitY
mm,qer�aR_q, s h a d e s,
��3.50 :w,,alue, onl-y MO.
Trying to Say It MinizAcrally DR. $LOAN
Sale of
bad preached. After tea he was sitting Hardy old Doctor, away up in Blyth,
$2.50 and $3.00 Shirts,
Tile followirg is taken from the Palm.
Forsyth and Arrow
ecston Spectator and appeared in their
Shirts, double cult,
July 21st. issue:
North Wellington Baseball Association
a low voice, "until God7called him home." Honor to thee, Dr Sloan.
season due to clubs protestjnh� petty
Wiingham vs. Lucicnow I Resting old Doctor - -worthy of rest!
affairs which could readily be overcome
The Wingharn baseball club. champions Few are so high on life's hoary crest.
t were the.ampires agreed to by the com.
of the N, W. B. A., on Friday. won their Welcome awaits in the reddening west,
1�etlng clubs to handle the games sttictlY
Men's 2 piece home
in accordance with rules instead of allow-
spun Summer Suits,
U)g both playersand spectators to dictate.
Saturday only $23.75.
Secretary -Treasurer Reube Horning
Telfer pitched for W43gham and was, doctor in Wawancsh and Morris forty
I rive) ago. He is now bale and
Trying to Say It MinizAcrally DR. $LOAN
Aclergyman was spending the after.
N. W. B. A. Executive May Suspend
noon at a house in the village where he (by B. of B.)
bad preached. After tea he was sitting Hardy old Doctor, away up in Blyth,
in the garden with his hostess. Out rush.! Unlucky settlers in anguish writbe
Tile followirg is taken from the Palm.
edherlttlel4oy,holdlqgarat above his norueback or tramping, tahingsmalltithe,
ecston Spectator and appeared in their
head, ,Don't be alarmed. mother,"he Thanks unto thee Dr. Sloan.
July 21st. issue:
North Wellington Baseball Association
cried, "lie's dead. We beat him and bash- 1 Noble old Doctor, pride of the race!
ed him and thumped him until-" catch'! Pain eased away, at the sight of thy face.
Ing sight of the clergyman, be added i grace,
i Gentleman too, scholarly
is having a great amount of trouble this
a low voice, "until God7called him home." Honor to thee, Dr Sloan.
season due to clubs protestjnh� petty
Wiingham vs. Lucicnow I Resting old Doctor - -worthy of rest!
affairs which could readily be overcome
The Wingharn baseball club. champions Few are so high on life's hoary crest.
t were the.ampires agreed to by the com.
of the N, W. B. A., on Friday. won their Welcome awaits in the reddening west,
1�etlng clubs to handle the games sttictlY
league game from Lucknow. at that town, Peace unto thee, Dr. Sloan!
in accordance with rules instead of allow-
by a'score of 15 to 2. The game was
U)g both playersand spectators to dictate.
14. S - -- Dr. Win. $loan was the family
very one-sided and lacked in interest. I
Secretary -Treasurer Reube Horning
Telfer pitched for W43gham and was, doctor in Wawancsh and Morris forty
I rive) ago. He is now bale and
stated this week that where lie had been
well supported. years
hearty, riving retired in Toronto.
called to send official 'umpire$ to handle
Batteries-, Winghatu,' Teffer and And.
the ganie, with one exception every thing
erson. Luchnow, Irwin and Johnson.
bad been quite satisfactory. The excep,
Umpires Roc her and Savage of Listow- IRRRTATED AND ANNOY90
tion was a game between Wingliam and
Are you irritated and quitoyotl by
Teeswater at the latter place. which is at
The Ritht of Way trifles ?-Just one or two (loses of DR.
i the present time tinder protest, Mr.
MILES' NFIUVINI,�-$1.20 will soothe
$$Why do you turn out for every road the ir;ltated and over -strained nerves.
Horning aku advised the calling of the
hog that comes along?" said the mlssus,! Guaranteed Safe and 6ure.
aqsodatlan sub -committee during the
rather crossly. tlThe right of way is ours,'
cortinig weel, as several important matters
isn't it?" Notice
are to be handled,
Teeswater are a -gain it) the fime,, light.
"Oh, undoubtedly!" answered he, calm-' This is to state that all intimations or
ly. "As for our' turning. out; the reason:
Austin Carroll, of Guelph who is under
statements made to the effect that W. T.
is plainly suggested in this epitaph which Booth was discharged lrom the staff of
suspension through actions in 1020 in the
N. W. 11 A., appeared at a recent sub-
appe�red in a newspaper recently: Elie Prudential Insurance Co., are erron-
Here lies the body of William Jay,
committee meeting and took oath that
eous. Mr. Booth tendered his resigna.
Who died maintaining his right of way; tion in the regular manner,
his actions in 1920 were not'an intentior-
violation of the rules, also that lie bad
He was right, dead right, as he sped Tnanking you Mr. Editor for your
not signed the N. W. B, A, 1920 qLaiii-
But he's just as dead as if he*d been valuable space.
Signed, J, H Gloc, Asst. Supt.
cate which was produced, G. Ii.
later. presidtilt of the Teeswater C!ub
Prudential Ins. Co.
and 8rd vice-president of the association,
Wirigham Lost To Zurich
the crop was being 1hresbed in the Ud.
could not deny his own signature on this
Blyth celebrated their annual big, day
certificate and the Teeswater Club are bc-
of sports on Wednesday and drew a big
ing asked to clear themselves in this
crowd. The Clinton Kiltie Band furnish,
Mr. and Mrs. John Steele and family
motored from Toronto and spent Sunday
matter. Carroll has been recommended
ed the music for the day. There being
w,th Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cornelius.
for re-inEtatement to the 0, B. A. A.
good baseball matchts played and a ioot -
Mr. �nd Mrs. Ruddall - of Woodstock,
This is pending until Teeswater come
ball match between Kinburn and Brussels spent over the week -end with their aunt,
through with credentials. Failing in this,
ended in a tie I -L The scores of the Mrs. Jas. Cornelius,
expulsion will no doubt be handed down
baseball team were: -
zounded as it is. with niouritainst of
-*ild and nf_,tged grandeut whielt at
to the Teeswater Club through the 0. B
- Morning Game
A� A. on recommendation from the N,
Goderich-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-31
W. B A. The latter executive are hoP-
Teeswater-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 CARTH 11 In Wingbam, o n Saturday,
ing Teeswater may be able to clear them-
* . Afternoon Game July 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. George
selves in the matter. Carroll willnodoubt
Carter, a daughter.
have his suspension raised for the mean-
Zurich* -4 0 6 0 - 0 0 0 0 5-5
G&Ts'rVLON-Irl Township of Turnberry,
time. The final iesult of this case will be
Wingham - 2 0 0 b 2 0 0 0 0-4, July 8tb, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
the permanent expulsion of either Player
Evening Game Cantelon, a son
Austin Carroll, of Guelph, or the Tees-
Goderich -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-4 ELL1QTT— In Wingham on July 14th, to
water N. W. B. A. Club, who had thelf
Zurich –6 o o p o o o o 3-3 Mr. and Mrs. Bertram W, Elliott, a
1920 suspension raised at the N. W. B.
A concert party gave, part of the pro -
A. annual meeting.
gramme at night along with the Kiltie
o, Dip h, Brussels and vy roxeLer, and the ge, e an ca 0, C 00 I'l Miles.
I mail and telephone, Immediate pos.
townships of Grey, Howick. Hullett,'sesarlaop. Frlce#�6,300.
Morris and Turnberry. This, added to 100 acres it, East Wawauosh Twp., 3 inil&T
. f roln Auburn, 90 acres workable, 2 acres bu0i,
the town of Goderich and the townships ib acres orobard, Clay loam Sol], level. I
of Ashfield, Colbornt, Godericb, West I'll ard a spring. Frame house 9 rooms,
cellar, cistern. Bank barn 60XIO n No, 2,
WaWanosh and East Wawanosh, gives 35x22, tie-up 7 borsps and 18 --etil.lar Driving
house, hog pan, hen house. School .1 mile.
bjttu judidiction over the greater part of Price rl'ofili.
the county. 160 sores in Turtiberry Twp., on the stono
road I nitin from Bluevale, 125 acres workable,
MosIpistrate Reid is info;nled 2190 tflat 110 anres buoh. I acre orchard. Clay loam
he will receive a salary, and ,hat an� JeesisolhIevel, 2wells. Frame house of 12 room-,
:oeVar. tie -
he receives will be accounted ab- part of up 9 herAo—wi .30 cattlo. sirlying house, hog
" ll� hen hou-0, aheeP 110USe. Qobool and
his salary —Goderich Signal �Urch I nalle. Rural mail and tele one.
[For sme time Wingham bas been Railway depot I mile. Price V,500. er a
'thout a magistrate. W3L1.0UGIl13_-r TARMAGENCY,
A as no peIson hei e Head offift* 43 Victoria St.. Toronto.
appeared to want a job. I I Represcutative.—THos. CASSELS, Whigham.
Thursday, July 28th, 1921
-A great number of persons are unaware v f the
fact that we make a specialty of changing
heels on Shoes and making them look
fully equal to the heels put on
in the factory.
Figure I
For instance heels on shoe, Fig. 1, as
shown abovt. are n o t satisfactory for
many-- We change these and make them
just as the heel shown on boot in Fig. 2.
0 Figure 2
We can put 1.,�ew heelsj ust like
theabove on Blidet; that have
the unsatisfactory 'Spool Heels'.
Our price is moderate and the
finish of our work is equal to
the best factory work. ,
we 0 W I L L I S
Died,At Meaford Fined Heavily
On July 12th Majorie Sewell, beloved With a view of keeping the dancing
wife of E. Leonard Robinson, formerly of pavilion popular at Godetich, Walter
Wingham and Kincardine. The funeral Buchanan revived the old IL ttery idea in
took place from her parents 66me in anew form. A charge of conducting a
Meaford to Meaford cemetery, on, Fri- lottery was made and P61ice Magistrate
day, July 15th. Mr. Gordon Rintoul Reid imposed a fine of $200 and costs.
and Miss Maude Rintoul of Brussels; and Holders of the lucky tickets were to get
Miss Myrtle Beecroft of Whitechurch, choice pieces of silver plate and with each
attended the funeral. Much sympathy is 25c worth of dance tickets one number
felt by Mr. Robinson's many friends in ticket was given and there were three
this vicirtity for his bereavement. drawings during the evening.
MIX my, XT X XIM X, XXX XTME MIXX110 'my, xx x x X14
Duy Summ-er
Ift T
5 Goods N'low. at
Keduced Prices.
X Corsets X
We continue to feature
Vj the original front lacing X
�Gossard Corset for the
:"Single and sufficient reas�-
-on that they continue to X
%,t give unquestioned satis-
factiofi to our Most . ex -
'acting custotners.
Vapta Camp from East End of Lake looking towards Kicking Horse Pass.
way. Saddle horses and guides will
The sub -committee of the N. W. B, A
BALL&ou-In t5elmore, July 21st, to Mr.
Mrs. S. F. Ballagh,
before entering the icki Horse
brooke and Ross Lakes in about an
Chateau Lake Louise will make it
.11 a on the Teeswater vs. Wingbarn
Magistrate Api3ointed
and a son,
utiful s eet water named
of excursionsr offered to those who
P"rotest"spirlb7- to closing down on the Car-
Police Magistrate C. A. Reid has re-
Swis s Guides. These guides are in
roll -Tee -water affair.
ceived notification from the department.
cpta Lake Camp is constructed
on the same lines as the Lake
great demand, and thoir services
illould be requisitioned well in ad-
theAdvanCeaLida few other citizens of Idifferent parts of the field, and in this
way the kept busy, Mr.
On of this take, facing
ix tilagnjificent Alpine panorama, a
Windemere which proved so
popular last'surnmer. It has a Cen-
One of the most thrilling trio io
of the Attorney:Genera), Toronto, that�
100 Acres in Culro98 T% -r.. lb M11e,4 from
Teeswater,.90 aeres workab e. 5 acres bush, 6
tral Community House for dancing
the whole Canadfaft Pacific Rockle
be from Wapta Lad
farm near Whitechurtch on Wednesday ston, warden of Bruce county, and Rev.
*tructed, which opened for visi-
,�,±orx �n July 1st, and will provide
and recreation purposes 30 feet
square with a wide gallery round the
Can made
Carrip. This Is; by Way of Lako
.& comfortable and convenient centre
his jurisdiction has been extended to in.,
clude the town ot Wingham. the villages
acres Pasture, I acire orchard. Clay loam
roil. I well and 2 spring creeks, Brick house
of 10 roonia. good cellar. Bank barn 56x45, tie.
0"1... A 01 �.l 0 � I
o, Dip h, Brussels and vy roxeLer, and the ge, e an ca 0, C 00 I'l Miles.
I mail and telephone, Immediate pos.
townships of Grey, Howick. Hullett,'sesarlaop. Frlce#�6,300.
Morris and Turnberry. This, added to 100 acres it, East Wawauosh Twp., 3 inil&T
. f roln Auburn, 90 acres workable, 2 acres bu0i,
the town of Goderich and the townships ib acres orobard, Clay loam Sol], level. I
of Ashfield, Colbornt, Godericb, West I'll ard a spring. Frame house 9 rooms,
cellar, cistern. Bank barn 60XIO n No, 2,
WaWanosh and East Wawanosh, gives 35x22, tie-up 7 borsps and 18 --etil.lar Driving
house, hog pan, hen house. School .1 mile.
bjttu judidiction over the greater part of Price rl'ofili.
the county. 160 sores in Turtiberry Twp., on the stono
road I nitin from Bluevale, 125 acres workable,
MosIpistrate Reid is info;nled 2190 tflat 110 anres buoh. I acre orchard. Clay loam
he will receive a salary, and ,hat an� JeesisolhIevel, 2wells. Frame house of 12 room-,
:oeVar. tie -
he receives will be accounted ab- part of up 9 herAo—wi .30 cattlo. sirlying house, hog
" ll� hen hou-0, aheeP 110USe. Qobool and
his salary —Goderich Signal �Urch I nalle. Rural mail and tele one.
[For sme time Wingham bas been Railway depot I mile. Price V,500. er a
'thout a magistrate. W3L1.0UGIl13_-r TARMAGENCY,
A as no peIson hei e Head offift* 43 Victoria St.. Toronto.
appeared to want a job. I I Represcutative.—THos. CASSELS, Whigham.
Thursday, July 28th, 1921
-A great number of persons are unaware v f the
fact that we make a specialty of changing
heels on Shoes and making them look
fully equal to the heels put on
in the factory.
Figure I
For instance heels on shoe, Fig. 1, as
shown abovt. are n o t satisfactory for
many-- We change these and make them
just as the heel shown on boot in Fig. 2.
0 Figure 2
We can put 1.,�ew heelsj ust like
theabove on Blidet; that have
the unsatisfactory 'Spool Heels'.
Our price is moderate and the
finish of our work is equal to
the best factory work. ,
we 0 W I L L I S
Died,At Meaford Fined Heavily
On July 12th Majorie Sewell, beloved With a view of keeping the dancing
wife of E. Leonard Robinson, formerly of pavilion popular at Godetich, Walter
Wingham and Kincardine. The funeral Buchanan revived the old IL ttery idea in
took place from her parents 66me in anew form. A charge of conducting a
Meaford to Meaford cemetery, on, Fri- lottery was made and P61ice Magistrate
day, July 15th. Mr. Gordon Rintoul Reid imposed a fine of $200 and costs.
and Miss Maude Rintoul of Brussels; and Holders of the lucky tickets were to get
Miss Myrtle Beecroft of Whitechurch, choice pieces of silver plate and with each
attended the funeral. Much sympathy is 25c worth of dance tickets one number
felt by Mr. Robinson's many friends in ticket was given and there were three
this vicirtity for his bereavement. drawings during the evening.
MIX my, XT X XIM X, XXX XTME MIXX110 'my, xx x x X14
Duy Summ-er
Ift T
5 Goods N'low. at
Keduced Prices.
X Corsets X
We continue to feature
Vj the original front lacing X
�Gossard Corset for the
:"Single and sufficient reas�-
-on that they continue to X
%,t give unquestioned satis-
factiofi to our Most . ex -
'acting custotners.
Vapta Camp from East End of Lake looking towards Kicking Horse Pass.
About eight milea west of Lake the Yoho Valley is ten milest and to
way. Saddle horses and guides will
0 --p g'k,
�-A g
Uuize Station on the main line of
the CmAdian Pacific Railway just
Emerald Lake is fourteen miles. To-
wards the north, one can reach Sher-
be available for those who wish to
ride, and telephone connection with
before entering the icki Horse
brooke and Ross Lakes in about an
Chateau Lake Louise will make it
CAnyot, the traveller notices a very
hour and a half, so that the variety
= to communicate with those whci
utiful s eet water named
of excursionsr offered to those who
engaged any of the Company"o
ta Lake, sheltered froln the
sta. at this Camp Is remarkable.
Swis s Guides. These guides are in
It was the good fortune of tfie editor of [Three other wagons were being loaded in
by � bigh and massive nioun-
Uia a& Cd y eternal silow.
cpta Lake Camp is constructed
on the same lines as the Lake
great demand, and thoir services
illould be requisitioned well in ad-
theAdvanCeaLida few other citizens of Idifferent parts of the field, and in this
way the kept busy, Mr.
On of this take, facing
ix tilagnjificent Alpine panorama, a
Windemere which proved so
popular last'surnmer. It has a Cen-
One of the most thrilling trio io
Wingbam to visit one of Mr. John Joynt's machine was
Joynt and his son4n4aws, Robt. John.
-sustle bungalow Ca;mp has been con-
tral Community House for dancing
the whole Canadfaft Pacific Rockle
be from Wapta Lad
farm near Whitechurtch on Wednesday ston, warden of Bruce county, and Rev.
*tructed, which opened for visi-
,�,±orx �n July 1st, and will provide
and recreation purposes 30 feet
square with a wide gallery round the
Can made
Carrip. This Is; by Way of Lako
afternoon and witness a real wtstern1j. W. Liflacti of Detroit, Minn., were
.& comfortable and convenient centre
sides, The kitchen is a large build�
Louise over the Victoria Glacier to
threshing. We saw this great crop of wheat busy with their forks and were evidently
-1or thw who desire to explore one
,of the rhost romantic and pictures-
ing, 20 x 26 fto while the� cottages
site of varying sizes and design-
batt Pass under the great precl
pices of Lefroy. After the suizatill
1 (105 acres in all) a couple of weeks ago, be. accustomed to their work. Anyone who
that John Joynt. M. P. P. is
luo0cat"' ets. in the Canadian Pacific
double cottages being 24 x 14 It. and
of this P ass one reaches Lake Oess
foreit was cut, and marvelled at the quality says not a
farmer should visit any of his farms irk
The Lake itself is at an
sin e cottages 14 x 12 ft. Each cot-
d heater
from which one, gets an exquiS,
view of Lake 0 Hara down belowJ
and appearance of this vast stretch of
Wawanosh they their
11110SUOIX of 15,190 feet above sea
U761, and faces peaks scaling ii�f to
feet. It is ha a
tage is equi with a small
and stov ille account of the cool
i n r I to this elevation. The
From Lake O'Hara an easy tr4il
down Cataract Creek brings one baq�
fluctuating golden grain, but it was no and would. change
more wonderful a sight than that which mind.
oye,t 11,000 only
,&Vs walk fTom Lake O'Hara, which
n ghts
Camp is wit in the jurisdiction of
to,Wapta Lake, This, of course, I
wowitnessedon Friday afternoon, when
District Representative S. B. Stothers
1As bain selcoted as the site of th .
the Do Inion Parks Authorities, and
a somewhat strenuous trip and
the crop was being 1hresbed in the Ud.
of Clinton, and the writer took several
A,tlaual Camp ol the Alpine Club of
subject to the Dominion Park& regu-
quires Swiss Guides.
Mr. J. G. Gillespie's threshing outfit
snapshots of the threshing and Mr. Joynt
-,Caw& for 1921. Lake O'Hara,
., ihowever, is more than a centre for
lations, which are particular in
guarding against forest fires, pre-
i saddle ponle
An easier trip or 4
through magnificent Alpine scenery
the Yohor Valley to BtnetJ
wasinoperation behind the small franie
house about the centrL, of the form, and
took tithe to gather up a little squad oi
his grandchildren and have them in a
1XI te�alimherz. It was selected by
Joe S. Sargent, the famous artist,
vent the -cutting down of green tini.
ber in the vicinity of the C.amp and
is through
ald Lake or over the Bu?esg Pas 9 t
the straw stack ahead of the machine re.
couple of the pictures.
Ag 6n,6 of the most beautiful places
he cotild find in the Ittoolties, aur-
forbid any dealing in liquor on the
premises. The Camp occupies an
Vield. A four-ln�haiid allY-ho Will
drive down the Kicking Horse Pa
serabled a huge wountaiii. As we drove
up the chaff was failing about us like
Before allowing us to get away, Mrs.
Joynt and the other ladies who had itist
zounded as it is. with niouritainst of
-*ild and nf_,tged grandeut whielt at
area of three acres, and the rustic
bungalow character of the Cabins
on a road which follows the 6113
C. P. It. grade.
snow. A team bad just landed at the I
motored out treated everyone to lordoti.
tho whe tinte composo into pk-
gives It a very attrActiv6 &ppeaTarlce.
The rates for. �ta Like Camp
t�lteing $6.50
engine with a tank of wateranother, testa.
ade and cake,
*arts of utdailing bea,
Lake, is aetiZ
Wapta at li In British
About 50 visitors can be aceommo-
datoad at one time. Two bath houses,
, Pell
are very mode e,
day for those who can make only iii
was starlIng for Whitechurch where al
car was being loaded, with a heavy load
Messrs. Howson and Howson hav(
purchased the wheat from Mr. Joynt an(
11101t1ribia just ov#r the Grestt Divide,
-*h1oh will undoubtedly he A f4v6TR6
)n for nim and one lor ladies, are
supplied with hot and cold running
short stay, and $6.00 for those who
ean stay a week or ntore.
of i6oat, and a load of sheaves were
I expect to havo almost 2,800 bush.
ftip frolh tlie Camp. Ten winuites
�Walk to the wj�-,t of the Camp the
water slid toilot facilities.
Ilector is the Station for Wapta
The 0. P, R. -passenger traind W11
stop at Rector ividle the �Iarip is I
being forked into the hungry machine ast
fast as two men could handle them,
,car arrived at their mill on Monday
We understand that this is about as eatil
tricking Horse Canyon bt.,gitls, down
ean walk, tide or driv6.
Lake Gardp and for tho.convonience
of visitors a motor launch will con-
000ration, with the exception 0
t1aim Nos. 3. 1 and S.
Beside the spout another man was bag.
as they have ever received wheat and i
,Which 0*&
Art6m the west ond '01 WaptA Loke
two-1vt ndles,
neat with A lAnding sta 6 in ftont
tht Camp. Trantifet tllarge ttor4
Tht Cam? will be t6d b
ooloioi Phi . Moore 4ndoterl'! mdot;
the grain, which we learned would
gaverage almost thirty bushels to the acre
week or so earlier than the first grah
usually arelves.
-to lrf',14 Ig it" thitu
AIWW[i tho distSA-44 to Y011,0 FOU fulAtAtiot
to callip is 26 0011to 04ch
Ready-to-Weair Volle.,
Dainty models in fancy voile ar
ed in order to make room for our new
Charmingly styled over-blousei
sleeves In a variety of dainty coloring
T,weed Sweaters and
Pine wobi Tilitedo Sweaters axi,
amd the much wanted black and wliiitt
Women's cool summer vftls
1.15, special 25c, 69c.
Belts to Wear with Q
Chic narrow belts wbielt add a
dresses, black and black and white.
TrIcolette .
just received a new shipment i
all the new ahades including PlAme,
and Marigold.
Terms, Cash.
k ff4 W46