HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-28, Page 7I& .14k I � . I � -, ­ ­.­­.­---- ­-­­ ­­ - -'--- -;7 -­--� ­­.­� ­ - 7� ­-­-­..,;, . ­­-­ " ­ ' (14 *h----"--- - -: before they flh,'411Y cloce down. Be, kxmy-Hued Germany. U TUE 11EA1 The world is still trying to nlaUe up 311T NAi side", recreational work, both camps 'Its mind about -,the actual conditions I are carrying full programmes of call. in C.ernlany,. There have been two HAS THE UK! CILINCE catlonal features, 'circumstantial stories. A training course for Reman Cath - One, Germftu-insplr4, has run to,l,, — 011e men intending to take 111) the Work . the general eirect that German,, are Always V nil Of Life and Of Scoutmasters is be.lngr condueted ,it . Without hope or ambition, that the bur.' " don of reparations is crushing and *�Hnergy-Failures Are -�Ve,jjc tile St- John Industrial bonool, Torun - to. Tlift first class conk;Istod of a dozen that Germany is a mere shell, waiting and bloadleso. young Members of tho CtrisCan for the Red touch to crumble, i Some men scen, to have, Brotherhood. The other, story-, inzpired by her At,, the luck. --e'—_ . late ellemle , It there a,-& any go,ol thingirp gain,, S) holds that 'Germany 13 these, mell. seem to g t them. :21 'prosperous, is hard at work and that 0 It they Tanned Truth. . -,she is inaking ready to conquer world are busille" men they are [inecessful i A tailued complexion' luftkes the InarketS with her Molts and start If they are workme.n. they g�,t tile fore. plain person good-looking, and tile ' I)ack to "a place in the sun" as soon 111all's job. They have tho, power ,of good-looking better looking, IV's 411 as she can Wheedle the Allies or trick I In'luouslag people. like to be sun -burned, but not all of us, them out of the reparations, in whole Tile name I.% true, of women. Some I know how tile tan comes. or in part. ,have the charm that makes ,net, seek I The truth Is that thousands of tile The exact,truth is as hard to deter -1 t110111 Out; others are UoP,Ilcated. But ; tiny blOOdvessels beneath the skin mine as the line that divides light and, I this Ia. not luck. It Is due to- a ponion. . lia,vo to be ruptured before we can tan, shadow, It lies Somewhere about mid, i1111891ft--vititlitY. Men and women Of The heat rays of the sun first inflanto extreme repre- sort are nvver weak, puny In- and then rupture Warn. The skin call. selitiltions, according V41-lds. They may not be big, but they not then resist the heat. Tile cooling a to a careful are full of life nud enorgy. shield beneath the skin has gone, a nalysis by Colonel Edward M. House. thing is a luatt , The whole 'Ind 'Germany is neither all black nor all liervos er Of good blood, good browning takes place, whitc—she is gray, and good health, D, veryone. Those unfortunate folk whose cor,a. would wish to be, like, this and the 'PIOXIOW change to a vivid red Instead Colonel House shows that Germany qualities that Make for vitality and I 'of all attractive brown have, contrary is In about the same situationns otherl energy are Purely a Mitter of Ilealtil. to the pDpul%r notl tan )nations of tile 'World,only more so. I By building lip on, gh, thick the blood and nerve,, skills. The latter resist the rays, and The lylighting aftermath of war is ' sleeplessness, Want of energy weak- there Is surroes Inflammation inate world Wide. It is a, deep blight 1 ' 1119- ad Germany, and deepening it are tl In I cSs Of tile back, headaches .and the of brown troubles that came with losing tile g 'a Ineffectual sort of presenee which rml- Those'whoss, noses Peel have skins I- gantie ,gamble the Germans made on ly comes train Weakness can be got In 'Which the perspiration ducts are 'the war. rid of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have clogged, Thus there is nothing to .many did not escape from war- and many Pale dejected girls and via. I dry and It Peels because it Ger made many weak, tired men, vigorous, "Oil" the skin, 'Ind attractive., by Illiprov- Flitally—this, will be liews to many 'hurts; she was deeply hurt. Her dead 111031, "OBY � I 0 , -are dead and her substance Was was- Ing bhaIr blood - and 'to-ning up their —Only tho' white races tan, scorch, peel ted, The reparations are a burden, nerves, or blister from the action of the sun, and an outraged world intended they Or unhea if yOn are weak, low-spirited should be Ithy, try Dr. Williams, Pink !A black man will get much hotter tban . -I -- ­­ . '- � 10 1.1-11-11W 1. -1 i�I -"W - l''. � - - I., - . --,-­�-,­­ T REPAIII PART1% It 1",Amk,mr^vw,mw4 I , -= for motit 1nt.l;crj and znodap% of 10 - :1, Your Old, brojc'e epra, 111B 5 DID WORUTWIR I rc,pla n or worn-out parts Ctid. NVilm or r,1l,o us donerlb. 0 11EALT16 ONCA"floN I hin 1,01tit VGu nant. AVO carry tho . larr"etit ont, I I ft A I Mumt colnisleto rtoelc lit VO - ValladE& of allrittly ur5ell Or new pal -to I 0 ­"­­�­ ' I FOR PIN,, M alltoloohlLO 01'All)lhellt 0 M 11 6) V..'(d.D. anylithere Ill Quoit Iva tihip ,' I . 4a sail". 0 BY DR. J. J. MIDDUTON -- fav,tOVY or refunii In full ot;r inottQ, Provincial Uoarll pt f,igalth, ptitsplo 0 FiRAVIO A11to 1111161va 01.3-9^.1 nu%r-ini" rl'.P X�It,��V-47, I a I LETRFS ENTHUSIASM IN 1. Ot Middlet A will bo 9!4d 10 aDZWPr que,siton4 oil Vilbilo, llealtb 1pl,10 9 FRA ME OF TANLAC. -- 0 Wrr, tho - . ----��� rovah thf# Colanin. Addrasa blxu At tho Parliament 111dir- 0 -- I I - . - � W 47� 1- , R , ON � ep , 00#3 , 4tJ - � � I .. I 1� 10 L911 Ulk, 11 .1, I-". R ROW UK. MURE Foxy Talk. 1. tiAm I tile only girl you have ev ved F, "Oil, 110. But my taste has been I Proving rIg1ht along." 1�b 1-1 h ? First I)InOr-'That waiter is elth a tool ,or a very -Subtle humorist." SacOnd DInor­---"WhaVs the matter First Dliier-­111 Ordered ,extract beef and he brought me milk." . A Subtle Compliment. H0- -"I am rather in favor of th English than the American mode a spelling." I She­-�'Yeis?" He--j1Ye% indeed. Take 'parlour for instance- Having 'a' In: it make all the difference in tile world." .1 0 Torouto. -Feel& Full : 0 .r,�7 of Emergn� All the 11 3�1 %A VA VZ Im va %;A VA,M,=,5 '!a nawk sayu 111%milton fl A�� I Growing children nearl plenty DT1 Not only does a hot meal at school Man. i 0 151� good nourishing food. To li.tve this i illip'tove the health and physical evil- ­V%T, I tlonit I-vo,i,,r wl,Llf, it 1% but ,. fQcd a3similated prcpprly the ch-ld!ditiOn Of tile children, but a chance there*,; t,oninthin; about Tan)ao tha,t should be taught regular hours for I is thereby given to teach thent, to eat velt,tinly (loos the work." isald A, Let. 1' eating, .-,nfl its Stomach given a rest, Properly, not to -bolt their food down' ris', 1134 quopuf3t. North, I1,111111ton, Ont, 'etwoen malls, 1 but to ehc,v,.r it well and rs, - 'I , A! L pt�t n over-, r. Lpfria Is a well-known Printer and Contin,ious eating of: work on the stom,,t-h in tryirg to pro -t Ila,, lw�,u With the Grimefj PrInting,04, candies, nut$, fruit, eta., , interferel pa -re tile food for dige-3tion. There wlll� for uint, years. er with the digestive prr)cc,i ger, it, th also L-0 all Opportunity for tile toacher "Yei f4r, I citil recommend T ,a . young, and yet the average child, if Art a I to demonstrate to tl-e pupils the -lid-! for I;. hwi 11trais'litoined me out twice in. not trained, will eat almost anything, ' he can get bold of in the v.,ay of I'vant' are of clea0w- -, la tile cooking, I alid I ll�A;,�;,rn it will help anyone else sweetineats. preparing and serviii:r of food, andl wh,V t"10:4 It. Two years ago, I took. When the child is at school there is i general hygienic surraundings. Food � the medici" iAld it fixed me up in fine or less likelihood of it getting Loo, much I should be shown protected from flies, I shape all"I I falt good until a little I and why it sho�,ld b3 so protectej;j while ba,?k when I conimonced to tool to Oat. In fact, t1trough the school I "Id ren hould also be told the mo�,t, rundown. 1 got tr) where I just h94 ?" day the tendency is in the (�ther direc-1 lcn",,'1'),rta4s food pro,'uct3, and wily one ' to drive myself at my work and, &X , . Of Mon- Sometimes brepkftest is rather kind of food L,, more valuable thatil my appeti,o w,,,,, VORO, I Seethed to go a a Instead of - t� 'hastily eaten Ili the mornings, eve' another from a str%ndpoint of cour. dox" hill 11 thiv thn �e a I tilig better. ciallY if the child lives lit the country ishment. Little fact.j c'an be brought ,, and has some distance to !rO to school- I home to chililren muCh more easily Wall, I 90 'Ile F��-me Tonlae and it , a There is not enough time at the noon and readily thnn to adulti-for V�e� wo"n't long until P-17 ,tPP6tI0- had A f recess to lot the child go home for . i now �,trirt. I li,Ave ju,�t fillishej my dinner, so its lunch 'fig Sent with it, young brain is receptive, ana hqn rr)t yet developed any of those prejudicei "'ec0nd battle now and I min eat any. and eaten atthe school building. This that often are unreasonably formed thin- at ally tim,_, Without ", hurting ' I-% not a good plan, for af,vo;-.;l reaqons. late in life. me."That tired ft­,qjpg f:'wiae and 3 In the first place there is seIdGM a At the mid-day school mcal also, a I feel full of onorp suitable Place Provided in a I i ,,y all tb�j t!ma. Tan, oun 'I , A try word or tNvo could be t old il, -1- 1 "Ile It' ,ill ill, t I' clainii-I fr­ u . Colonel House believes that C,, er- anany can pay the indemnity, Pills and note their beneficial effect, You can get th'sSO Pills, through any I a white man, because black skins ab. sorb tile heat and pass It beneath the — When it Pours. P There are, scllOOlS lor the children to eat eir I about . I on vitinlino3, tbOFe e2Eenflal buti lunches, and, the surroundingi are'very .qln,,,Il cicnlciits� in natun�l food-, often - It certainly f-3 tl',' ine.-licine for ine.,- ) Tanlac IS F.01(i by I , . OftC11113 drUggl8t$ but the yoke of debt will be heavy. Ila niedleftio dealeror by mail at 50 cents ,it skin, It has no external effect. Profiteers among other ranks than capitalists,, not hygienic, I have just read that luep people of all ages well. a recommendation i OVOTYwhere. Advt, I be- lieves that she needs, first, courage box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tile - Dr. Williams, Medicine CO,, Brockville, Freckles, are but tan In Patches, due to a varying thickness Of the and during a certain boom a particular grade, of from the Medical I Th -,e v;taildnos are contained in fresh Officer of Realth of a rural dist,-!,.t far,ds —*** — Appearances and then a little -help from the ]oin" Ont. skin. workman was receiving very ,high i ruch as fresh Milk, fruits, el.c. for hand -basins, soap, towels, v,,%, for. I oe�-altfuI. I tente. Her need is for courage as -----e.-- --,� wages Indeed, . It U- e--SY to see what good rezults the use of the pupils during the mii- I SOCU Vter leaving port one pass -on. ,great as, if not greater than, her need for help. Gerniany can Pay, but Here and There With the CHOLERA INFANTUM Bill I -lodges returned from work one . Saturaday night, and drew a big could be exnceted from such a mid- day recess. The M.O.H. states Cilat as 'nearly every one the � day Meal 2r�l little tnlks to the chil- ger apimoacheyY inat%,er on bcanj th-0 liner, saying: 4 she vannot afford the luxury of strikes Boy Scouts. bundle of notes out of his pocket . "HOW of pupils bri Pg;i eaca at the finish. This feature should their lunch to school, these facilities be "We are gettin'9 lip it tug�ol-wax be - and labor ur,heavals while she is about - It. a A Toronto boy, now resident In But, fa 10, N.Y., where lie is a member Cholera Intantum I 5 PRO of the fatal much do you want this. week, Salls?" Ile asked his wife genially. � as much fl� wacessity in rural schools :For washing are badly needed. It is. as the blackboard and chalk, and no not entirely, however, because there is tl"-;t a, te.fmi of married men and a team of single men, Ycuaromazr.led, Germany has been put in bondage of a troop of the BOY Scouts of America, ailments Of childhood, It is a trouble th-at "Good gracious, Bill, give us a School h5v.ever far back in the coun- a lack Of facilities for eating that the . aren1 you? ­ 1; for her sins, but she lies certain items on the credit side that are worth much, There is productiv- ?­ recently wo-n the championship for bugling ina Scout meet in Buff, is Bertram - — - ,Ila. Ile come$ On suddenly, especially during the summer mont , L Its and un- less prompt action, is. taken the little chance," the wife remonstrated,- "I ain't hardly go t started on last W,.ek,s , Y60 ' try shculd be without it. mid-day cold lunch is objectionable, I Too often the question of what to A warni meal freshly cooked is ,,Inch more ri­­­ .3 1 eat, and how to cat is ne-7ected in NTo," the other answa.-.,r,9. ,,I,m I seasuck, that's what Make3 tile 'look . 1, Ike thls." ­ and plenty I r a, aged ,Lz, and a one may soon be beyond aid. Baby's ,of it. 011e. has overcome -bo.)shavism, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S, L. Taube, Own Tablets are an Ideal medicine in but still shudders about it. She has of Parkdale, Meiloslons, well-known warding off thl�8 trouble. They regn- less unemployment to -day than any citizens of Tor -onto. late the bowels and Bwooten the stom. I other considerable nation; food is Oil Do-MInion Day Collawa, Whitby ach and thus prevent all the- dreaded i) plenty and getting cheaper, and labor and Thornton's Corners Troops and a summer complaints. Concerning them ',a Productive and there are few strikes. few bo,Ys- from tile Ist Newcastle Mrs. Fred Ross, of ,South Bay, 0,t,, y On ae other hand, rehabilitation Troop "rallied" at Oshawa, for Inspec- says: "I feel Baby's Own Tablets c has been exaggerated. True, she has tIon and field day sPoAs. They were saved the life of ,our baby When she *no more than 400,000 unemployed,, inspected by Mr, R. S. McLaughlin, had cholera Intantum and I would n t �l who, -,,vIth Col. Grierson, and Major be without them.0 b c where Ell and and America have ten: Jae The Ta lets are g times that number. But -she is carry_ Alfred Hinds, the latter president of 'gold by media dealers, or by mail a Ing tens Of thousands on rail and I tile Oshawa 130Y Scouts Association, at 25 cents a bax from The Dr. Wil. � also arAdres.sed them on their appear- Ijams, Medicine other Government payrolls where they, ance and their wa,rk. CO., Brockville, Ont. a are not needed, lest some worse thing — 4— - happen, B'ieter recently had a real Boy Scout sf I Germany has come a long way ba�k � Church service. The, Members of the Personal Effort. since 1919, but has a longer way to go I 1st Exeter Troop ,occupied the chair "The best thing to give to your cup, in before she reaches her status of 1914.1 10ft of Caven Presbyterian Church- my 10 forgiveness; to an Opponent,' H Her financial colldition - , ,Ind sang too. Patrol Leader Stuart tolerance; to a friend, Your heart; to is desperate, � Stanbury presided at the organ , Well-nigh, as bad as that of Russia, ,Ind Your child, a good example; to a fath- 11 Her great foreign trade has �dwindled,i played all the hymns. and accompanied er, deference; to '10 so to 4 gharter of its 1913 figures. Her - ti "Olsta, Three other Scouts, Bob duct that will make her proud of you; pe Russian trade is gone; that WItb i Gambrill, Tom Kay and Kenneth Stan- to Yourself, respect; to all men, Ge France and Poland and AustrojIull-i bury added the Strains of violins to eliarity."-Balrour. . the -singing, while Bob Gimbrill played We often hear the remark: "This gary is hardly more than a shadow. the offertory SOID. Mr. J. G. Stalibury, Or that person -has a wonderful brain." Germany, 'however, is by no ineansl a total loss. I President of the Troop Committee, had It Is assumed that it Is comparatively It IS Possible, even prob-, able, that she musthave help. It May I charge of the service, Field Secretary easy for them to. do. big things In the V' I DavI be that the day Will W e Sin son of Provincial Headquarters business World, to create marvelous th if giving the address on "Citizen- inventions for the genefit of mankind, tw Entente will see and understand this. sh4p as Built Vp by Scouting." Scout- to make wonderful scientific discover - But Germany must first show that she muster Thomas Pryde was also as- tea,, and to. produce pa has as Much of a will to Work and to an ry works of art that Pr pay as she once had in her will to war I 90clated with Messrs. St bu and endure through many generations. --..-- - Davison on the Platform, I The masses conclude that these ae- ul A garden party recently arranged by comPlishments are eaS7 for these lit Famous Emeralds Recovered members of the troop and its friends poople because they naturally are, so an .:.i� '----- India. . . ­ Dy I netted We 3rd St. Catharines Troop,911ted and talented. Knowledge and f8v the fact IM Gem 9iolliectors are still regretting treasury a nice amount for Its Camp wisdom never come to any man or 04t by all act or the Govern. funds. There wasun excellent attend- woman as a. free gift. Sometime, to Ment of hidla. two famous emeralds ancG in spite of many counter attrac- somewhere, they have given personal rich In history were not Included in tions In the city on the night the party effort, and in accordance with immut- I PeO tile recent Sale by Christie's of.the was put ,on. jewel. Coll' I able. and ever Operative, laws of nature I t(1,1r, ection of the late Herbert An. interesting ceremony took place . they have received their reward In per- '01 Maxwel-jVS'tuart, $SYS a L,ondon des- on tho steps of St. patips Anglican I manent soul acquisition, and, incident- ewe i , , floo Patch, � The emeralds originally were Church, Stratford, -a few evenings ago, � ally, temporary, material benefits for In th(i ri'oyal treasure it Lahore, to.- when the troop charter was presented themselves. I Ma , gethor with thi great Xoh-i-noor dia- to the 1st Stratford Troop. Mayor NO achievement is passible,, no un. sh1O "nond, now in the'Dritfsh Imperial re. Gregory and Lt. -Col, J. L. Youngs, I are , foldment of the -60,11 is Possible with. galla, when the Punjab was annexed M.C., Officiated at the coremony. Prizes out labor, with -out effort, Indeed there Y In 1849, - , � I were also presented. to the Scouts who , would be more Justice alia equity in 'Its These emeralds, each carved from a I made an excellent record in the Do- economics If labor could be establish. the single Stan&, represented a bow ring 1 million rifle competition. The troop I ad as the measure of all values. dut3 and a cup, and were made for tile Bill- Is also very proficient along inany He who ha -9 acquired if -Gen- j other lines. and Wisdom, and power, Is under a Peror Shah Johan. The Governor ; knowledge, or, oral at tile Period Of atinexation was Ontario's two largest BOY Scout Personal obligation rightly to use and Own . permitted to purchase these carious f calims are now in full swing. They are I disseminate them. These acquisitions owe stones, � the Selkirk Camp of "-a T-1m)'Alton As- cannot be used forqhe highest good, som They were carried off by Nadir Shah: sociation down on Likol Brit tiat! the and to attain sould unfoldment, to F after the sack of Delhi in 1739. In 1 Black Rapids Camp of the Ottawa As- Thus we see we cannot deplete our war ed to India by � andation. Approximately 100 boys a stock of knowledge arid wisdom, for self the fugitive Shah, Sujah, surrendering 1 week will be taken care of ill the form- the more, we give tho) More we receiv time i Eel them to Ranjlt Sing at Lahore, They 1 or, while the attendance at the Ot. -The man who is always striving a' - f "fare found thers,'with the Koh-1-noor 1 tawa cam to calin , p Is running about 75 Scauts take advantage. of Ills, neighbor I on the termination of the second Sikh 1 per week, Both camps will continue never a benefactor to the race, hoWS6 you Wa? In 1849 and purchastol by Lord 1 until the end of August and will have Over Much he may advertise his chari- tabu Dalhousie, then Governor-General. The'takon care of many hundreds of boys ties. Cr bow ring was Used by the Great Mo- ­­ ----..--. . -­..­.-­ ­-­—­--­­----- gul to protect the joint and ball of his �-­;;,� 1; - -1, -- - ­ -,� - � se�. ­ , ­­- , left thumb when the drawn bow string ---- - ' was used as a patch box by"one of his 4-0 Th fair ladim . - this The emeralds Were on loan exliibl P 0 t by the 9 soon - l1011 at the Victoria and Albeit Mu- fm rA They Seum when the War broke out and it-aperienc e o f 0 t h e Jr 82, Ing n With Other treasure% were burled as dose 9 Safeguard against UnlDoked for ! all 0 eventualities. After the war the fami- -which has t,,,IUdht thousalids likely ly to which they belonged found It ; fliat Inat-ant Peftum is better they necessary to disose, of these jewela I for health thaii tea or coffice. But iind arrang0loftents Were mrade for their - Bymp� $,%Is at Christie's, but the Indian Gov- t P00T1aJVL has ,ix' ReLver to be OtIlluent heard about It and decided they that the Jdwels rightly belonged to I Gimilar to coffice, bixt Cola- : tion a that country and began to negotiate e-aing nothing that cau distul?o ; of ill for their purchase, . I health and com]Fort -' .' ::,. � ,'. I 11 6, �.:� ,� ,.,. ! F taturs T110 o9or which was luade was ac- I 1. I ,;. ! I � , , " . , ., - . , 4 . � Car ceptable to chrj�qtljys client and be- 66 .0 , . � I '.. 99 Ing --N , I < IV fore long tho historic J(lw(,Iq will be Z � rh ered I hl� ill bii-ck Ill their old home., mueh tit tile . a R�atjon 1. to go I regret o -f Wealthy collectol.8 who, had .M t "" " � work had thoir eyes, all them for soule thlie ��, -t IV? J� ff, I I Rair Pna� � , . I .. ­ ­ . surrel; past C4 I I �.,; , . , , . , �� . . I I ... --1 -4401— i oiom ny- alroceir's ever,ywl ere 4f Line" fabrics havb been found in 11 0) . I 11 I .�, . " �Ij­ 11 I tomb -q thOuRtn" of "ars ol(L I -- ., - - ,-.,. - - �. -- ... ­­ �� -- ng an austainitig to a 2 — little i the home circle. Afany a family there ----------e1- Schoolboy or girl than a cold I is Ili the country where th Millard's Liniment for sale,everywhera I Truly Great. lunch could be. Children need a list a mother At a certain. military acaqpmy a new- neal at nid- ay, because they assimi- not 6nly has to attend to tile children I Y appointed commandant liked young 'Irat, food lqu,24er than grown-ups, and I and the housework but she also cooks London has adopiu,l �rerdllll, as Well an, but not when they were "fresh." I Must be fed of toner. It is tGo long a I food for the live stock, feeds and wi-several villilg3s in the ,Meuse Val. One day he chanced to b time ,between ,breakfast and the af ter- tends the chickens and many of the 10.1". I mself (the ,chool children. have t,a be - . oung officer refer to Ill noon meal when the s I other small but necessary jobs that onimandant) by name without any get home. n m 0 One-quarter of the income tax of The children niust obviously fle. I In some schools in the province hot 1,,ted who, such a state of aff be neg- the United King(I "Hall" the Offender had said to I mid-day Meals are prepared for the ists, and it often airs ex- Land . -out is Collected in exists because the, — "cup of fellow cadets. a dren, 'but to make the scheme a work has to be done and there is no- I I ---- "Hall? He" I chil � Atuorlealsi Pioneer Dog Remedlcz mighty splendid fellow." , decided success the teachers who I body but the Mother to do, it. Every �, - I "Me"'cz ' � RS 0�� � .d , _,�_ - -- 0 J-V��t oar �g R The. commandant joined the group, undertake the e'acking, should have a father of it fainflY in the country' I . Uook an midst profound silence. certificate showing that they have I shoul ld be urged to provide leisure for ��;.. " I P601 DE-32ASRS I �- � I .., " " � 11 �1` t . Turning to the second lieutenant, he taken a course in dietetics. Assis- his wife to attend to the pr�,per cook-: 1. and How to Feed I . .lie . ., lidailed Free to anY A4- ' . �i ,, , � id steraly: tance could be given by Some of the I Ing and choice of mcals for the chil- I ;111 dre,vs b1i tt'-� Author, I f � . 01 C I _ "I think, Sir, when You referred to senior Pupils. This arrapgenient is dren. These meals ,ire often prepared - �' U. 01my GIO*'4�r Co., lao. V X � . . . 0 You Might have said 'General excellent, for it not only provides ad- huirieffly, and with' no th o I I 123 'West alst Stroot , I New York. Ty.s..k. all.' " ditional help in attending to the serv-, their nutriticnal value; it is Purely a 1�^1­1­11--­i , "I'm sorry, Sir," Stammered the do- Ing of the food, but also teaches the ­ -,�­-- ...... t question ef expediency, ,.is much other I ftl��� ",','"'I'll'' nquent, then brightened a little as he bigger girls how tocook and prepare , drudgery has to be done. This con- ). �, - -- dad: "But, Sir, did You ever hear many kinds of dishes. Thus they are! i I - dition of things should not be. Every .., I ".'­ . '. ... \ ", . I , I ople refer to General Achilles or! fortified with actual first-hand exper- attention ,should be given to the ,chil- I . , neral Julius Cmsar?Pl . Ionics in one of the most i'llpOrtant i - I (drellys feeding lip till thoy .ire fiva) - —I,.*— features of housekeeping before they years of r-ge, ani ready to st I - � leave school at all. art school. I � The Will to Work. A mother should regard the feedingi ,C= rZ In many rural sections however, Of her children as It is strange. to find the ballet sur- there are no such "aid-day'meals pro- I'[ I one of, if not the 1 important tasks in her dailv -1/ 11 I , ving anywhere that those who sit in vided by the school staff for the clul-1 Most _Z? J a shade, twiddling their thumbs and dren, and it is to encourage the sch ­ ra nd fwork, 4nd nothing else shou,211 . . I 00I I sh'e allo(O a th it. addling with their tongues, deserve trustees and people ,n overy rural Ill .. . The way a child is fed in the first' ,q; , Y for It, as though they worked and district to urge the necessity for t .;� 1, oduced. . his - five years of life has a large bearing I (� 0 . -, rb�e,rule of labor Is the underpin- much-needed feature in sclioc.1 life, on its physical condition in years to� . , 7 . L9 Of the universe. The Creator that this article is written. I come. * naelf Set the example. He to -fled ==�­---- -- , ­- ----------_— -- * * . f --- d He rested. He Is the "Master of Some Best �i'�919- Abseilce-f`r-i�­c rch was a punish- I )ry trade." Alan, made in His The Best Law— - able Offence in the seventeenth ,can- I . age, can hardly expect divine, favor The Goldon, Rule. tury. I rest Upon sloth. The Beat Education— I I Self -Know -ledge. � Dolls used to� display Styles in dress I ln every 'hand, however, we see I Let Cagemn Heal your SEIR Ple trying to crawl under or over The Best Philosophy— 600 years ap"o'. In the treatment of al ."' — - I I skin around that uncomfortable proscrIp- A coniended mind. -- � � troubles bathe freely with Cuti- about earning one's broad In tlie The Best Medicine— f .-.,.---.Ia-- � I Cura Soap and flOt water dry I Cheerfulness and temperanc 0^ 1 gently, and apply Cutl�ynr at of One's brow. On the dance- a. 0ARSE SALT a r the two-step and tile one,st The Best War— i Ointment to the affected parts. op L 1 Do not fail to ' � come.and go, but In the work- The light against Ono's own weak- i A N D S'A LT ' include Hie p the Sidestep and tile abolesteppor Bass. B01C Carlots I CuticuraTalcum in your to2ilL,t . preparations. always with us, I The Best Music— TORONTO SAL To WORI(a I Sorp oung Men are (hunting toy short The laughter of a child. 1 25c. . to wealth .4 IL OLiF i rg,b2l'tmOtt�"s-�0`153c, Tal -25— Sold I �thel)onmniioion. Car-tidiaziDepot-. ; ", Lo t 0'6 S'. .� st W MOZ,trLd. _C Id ;. - The shortest out is I The Best Art— F - TOl:10 TO ! ., �'. 344 . . .�'..".. straight line Of reSPOEsibility arid Painting a smile upon the brow of a — . ,..l,2. . �;Klaat e2air. V . ­- I . - -- and good falth wIth one's employ- child. ­­ ,Z=- I �­ 11 I - ­ - � ­ - . .. - . G -r-..--- ­ - Mho Best Science— - 1-1 I I � - 1. i -D "Yo I I . � I thin day. I , I I sellf, there are certain : ' LUTER. FROM Your employer happens to be your Extracting sunthlito from a cloudy I . &S you I S though The Best Telegraphy— 'W -- r1w � , 11" yourself just as much a , Z- 'p, ody else hired you, N ­ nywal ,-,o i I- . ,;� P You owe It Flashing a ray of sullshin I 1- i�? 9 . 0 uto a ..... i ,')�ZZ ... - ;�','i� ." , , Ourself to report � L -.;,� 1� -- -��� ­ V ',..." I wh o ;,, 0 vw m% K E L I N I I -1 ­.- , for tile day's � .............. . . . . . . . . , 1 �) glaomy hdart. 11 I :1 '1,4��-AN'-`,e�;;` " , , , � '� - ,,411�,tfJ-A,'!'-` " �. c fit to do it. You OWO it to your. Tho Best Biography— �,�--:7 ': . , ., f, L � `1�,`,' ;' - 'n " .... ­ - . "I " �1. . I , - R ", b"". LL ,�,:, - 41 ., k"G��Offi' li,-.41 5 � , � .�! . F-1 K� - ,�'. T1-:- - The life that wrIte% charity in tile N NQ � ,� �� : I to keep Your appointments at the 2 [ f , ., , , � set for them. You owe It to your- largeat letters. ;:�n.' . � � TeNs Remarlimbk Story of to be steadily Industrious. you The Best Mathematics— -YARMOUTH, Nl,. , � The Original anit Only Genuine ' SiCRI-31eSS And RecOvery. at in self-respect take money that Multiplying the Joys and dividing Baw,nre of Imitations sold on the have not earned nor demand a the sorrows of others. I IOUs income for a fictitious effort. merits of Ont.— 4#1 , cation's cry goes up on high Alit-fl-e-71WI—Isdomo MINARD'S LINIME NT Toronto, surfered reatIV .-----.-. J am weaklic- t,�, s,� .med to be if, ad all From age to cheated age; Anger ages and worry wears, I -1 . the time, and had no d us the men who do the work Fret orvor the Past and you'll fall In ,.. .S. I Ill ambition to do any- . Tor which they draw the waZal the future. ASPIRIN ' �'. �" " , thingor go anyplace. e. '. 19K, , , " � ere are men out of ell, loyment Be Slow enough, and qUICIE enough, ... -- -- v ., ,� My narves were in morning who are the victims of to be sure. it �,,. - , � I -1 ­ bad vhapa, I could Ba ,r'-' only 1S Genuine - I ,;'I �r llut olcop at nighk oullo mal -case and roadju,qtm,ont.- Ile who swells In prosperity will yL 4 " I ­� -� have been caught betwixt shrink in adversity. . " ��, �­ . ��, . I and then came Is . grind- I ; I - �;! �-�` broakolown. I read illstones of circum,-tance. The Strong language is Often. the Drop L "O .1, ­ � of 4ydia H, Pink� Y for a weak cause. � . TG sympathy and a hearing and /A ­- I I I �' .1 � �, . I - I hani'p Venable pportunity. That op The only 'Way tO keel) a secret is to N 7mol , ­ , " I , portunity I r-1 n, \' -- Z -nil, I I 11 ,,­�i"-, � Corap'oun r�`,A V, Lq I , . �­�� I ­ In the � -- I I ae enly, if I ---� nOtlillig, I ­ , ---A, 1. 1. XIOW4V-apers tMd so I 14� 1�1,, - ."A'. ,�, �:f, 40rn�l of my frictill hold on, Don't let the Only sptlr to Your work V there are others who doserve 110 1) . [�:-) � "I �;, , , 1;� I `� -11�1-1 A4V004 Moto usa!tv Oyer a eyes. V. I 1� ,.. I 1111� oul'1-01�111111fllt 11 i 1 31, Vu. Iftiff.0intoine, Now olia, V V . t 'surc )17 thy, They deliberately elected Do putivol up a sellso of I — � I 1) '4111f A J'A tU 01 it,y.QVM Worl;,: idle. They (10' Ycur own worth and CoLsequen I �%-­ .. ­ IV to, fled God's law-- I C e. I - � "' 2 1; rqi)�14� ZZ. ab 4"-M­z,�,� 'r Pit." I Wor..:,-­-,! T.0ca nil chaliec-a wl h der !0 all to Iva " a , I . V P',' ink. condemnod likewise all concilia- - �aiv%­RD-Zi-R-8- ,-u,;V il"-�,**C�0, A,(— "enuffiv. "I.lay"r Tab. 11 . . J. 14 *I � V nd consideration that W,e,,.-O not "', I ,�V I , , I , � 'im S .0 "04ibi ulpoun it la."— A Dciullli� 'LIN, 17 air Own soinch and ,,,,,*Oedy dic fc 1. f on Expro's D.1"m ,� -- I It 11; A.A. .'.L11)1rLi.V Vllllt�ss you "a tile 119 I 1A j, I B �-1 AVIUMIN, 27 V1 Lie _I IV Orde. , - ' �, 111-1� hip. 0 0011',--?.-,� cu'fi tliroj% ccnt2. �Wl;*'W. ',ha�cr" un puel,agt� or oil tab.! St.,' rcnto', bai - � ---' 46- -- -- --- - i Tolo yult n t .3 "., , . I . Vi tainlY the Chance to earn a liv. Blore tit .'o Wit 9.1,,�l I,!,, .A.,pirin at all,! Tho makers o ' . . f L in r IdliA R. P* I h , "'(!h f-� V110 91`03test 911110 ,a ble.-3s. It, '111 11,10 PVI) peunda of vinfY Ll'CA-17 lki-vin- P�clm�,i� are diro,vtions, , VegetableConuktull lillvetholwanadisn'40 suet) letters fis J glt* abovo—ti,hey tdI tj 11 ,it. tre e."U'11 cvo�y day by tit.! rei-.'�1C'nt8'f.,-r CvYli. llvarlil0l�!, N'vnra;i;"1 Riltit [I, fti 'is vonell.nTed mall�illd-­Onr, i (f llarj,4. � fl. -1 ­�­'*Inr, lkt­.10!0, ToAil�,Vllz­ Luir � truth , else they Could not havoItca obv to thore w1m havo tile W11111 to .1 , " I- famed for lokoG,r1no:liy. 11%isI114�dje 6 " -­ " , :1- -go .,,I -.I f.i., 11,�:v. liamly tu bl)-%" : iN 110 strang ,L,; . -lid not tll.� flosire I T11c,re .t.ry .� . pa a ta stir up ill- 1 1!"w!:!;�,,31 .-A I 5 ��,; .Tf -,,,--- : F�11 t-,!­�:Ve t.'I�:f��,,,.4 t.�,!t f.,! , .er--Ith, �3toojfllotj,ot b# . twilary dis(tt"Ittent aill 111.11.0 I "I Ne , ,Vw-1- ;,!: r. �ny .)�; 4 11 thf,: il - � J.", "As � "!. . . . V; v. " "t.4, ; w-ira thall forty years, . ^ , " ., , . . oll 1:1r..'r.., ?" it L.4 ,,��;�- I W flwllo "Ile 011Y Comulloalk I . . 4 � q Y. 0 711.9 ' I ,'�,�,,!, ,�f t­�� un%. I ;%:",oi�'Zin"t, ,1' fk.�;V,, '*..,!,�2 -n (':,.­.��:,. A '.40a li� V- f ­ 't, tp.lf linhw:4 -al.:l WAw to L,it'lia �. Pi ,3 in tile I,ojlreA6vhr:-. laiv-ab!d. - . . ., '. , . . " � ; , ­% v o ; 1 � 1,.:,(, I .. ". ­ , . 4.11", ­­ ­. -1 ,IVA*#, I U.."I t", � O."I n., te'.1; C , , , i D%;,:-;i�'ic,tl.,eikioco.(tontiLl�%litt-aI I " nl:.�J Alf t.:R! L1,11141.1ou."!, ulluk", - .*I t! -,.! - J � %t- . ", -I Civ ,­,t�Ad. . ( f te: I � It ( ..� !a). � I, ,,, " ,� i !%:­. 11.i-,1-(% t1 U(­,4:a­.�.,..w:1­v"C , 10,!sn. �'-,)Xa law i,q 0.,....l." I r."...c..."I't, I...11.1"OnIz ralicvr%', rZa�-ralf)"a 'ILf 6�-­k.%� , 1. el: 1 -----� J ,:: � (,:1 qi -r ............ W I 1�'SUR N% %­", - 14 %1�