The Wingham Advance, 1921-07-28, Page 6, , - Atft.W*M�­A. V'�­��-- I—- - � ­ 11 ­ --- .., �---­�­, -- ­- - , . � I " ' -­­--­,­..:- ­ , ., w� . . I � � . ­ ..--- . .. ­ , ­­ -Z -1 - . 1, - -,7 - -- " ­ -7--, 1 � I I . I � � ­ - �7 -*�� --- .---.--.- ­­ ­­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ . , ­ -.,-. . -.---- .-- - - -1 . -----. - ­ I I --- -1 .,.-- --- ----- --,---* IWILI I --*------, - - - - - - `-I -­-­ 1. -- . � . . ---­ ­- -- ill I ." ,�� �t , .1 - -- � . UUeationn'l Valu- of quarant"Ing of wiiolosoine foca to P e1v �, .,),C,.� ­ -�� -- ­ ,. . I I h z)undavy School Lesson Vile Wiimalq,�ym Rvarawl =0*ml­---"W-- -- `---�IMP­��,��"­­ " I . 0. . "I , �A.i', tile People, but tlr�� studiolls-mindei Ir e I.-, have br,ought before th,-m in a com- .Y ­ ,; 'It- . � .11. � ­ - ' 0� - � , , , .. (- - -,- I."j� IA �i .. � � i � � Exhibitione, .,- 'g- . -;0 " . F �­,.- I .,., '.. %��. . .- , , . 1-4 -4- " " . . � . I I .%k 7 ­ I , - v - ,)n u, ' e way a whole,collog:e course. . � - ,� !�.I,, :, - - - f .M , , . . , �- .. " ­, . . . 0 Alt 'It � � � I , , " The ,exhlhltion sc.n m I, up, s, in prohent­v .w.. ,'_, - �-;,� __ e , i . 1110)1� .11 , I I � .,�11 �% I I I . , , � . ­ . - I., , ; , . . la , � . ­ . � .t I fact has alren.dy rv,ade all. mi,LpiclouB Nor is it alone by th,I, jklijbits. that, , :­ , . � �..11111 - I �50. JULY 31.'�' . wivag"81.3a1a; 02. n, �,.�Iyi 0 1 lu . um I I 1, I -�-glliring , in the wc�,A. . n provincel. advautnge.3 In instruction are cifrcred, I I �$"�7 . � ,7 ,A� 10ax, -1 I I , I Every TF -.,v-, - Mcrning - 142�i I , " . . � 1,',I,wwhvre the, furMshirg pro,eia has but himdre,li,of tLou.,-aud,.%c;.f bulletins, , ,i,,,,, I I—.." I ... � 1 e �, V, - � , . ? I %, - aulphiets, leaflets ,and Other forni,4 of Satal 71 ac�h4T­n", hatiorlil, Acto 11: 1-0,30; 12. 25. Gold= A. (111. Suillr1l. I'JLlj:;,.l,t V ! I ` I bcon in prarre-,.s. for sonw tinia lin;l i P, I Text. -Acts I 1; 20. Silb,,criv.Con imos- - -- 01P A*QAr,. . arraiwcm�--nts are about c.oruplel,e for1publication of .in educational nature U.Co., sin 1.1-olith.i. 0 III) in advallee, i � A i . I � 1. t a, "greater Vann evor" ei'splay. Prcb- I find their ,,vay, T*to ,dreula, * to ;be 1. . I I 1� 11, ' , Lion . ,t,�� I . ; 1, an Conilveting Linlis-Antloch was, In Jew nor Gentile, but just Chrlstjan� -ill,, alk, , V;I ;1:1 VOU. � � abbi in no lnf�ecrn feature of life ll,Xs! takeu home studied at leisure.; tile days of Ilaul, - Y" V. ': - . , � - ­ .1 great city. It was Ile was glad and ozzliortod, them to, Adv,(,TV sellielits Nvitilo�z. S11, (-.tit! O.. t� (1,FK I F&R L " woze naticeable rrogwo�n bovil, m -0e of � In brief, the -exhibition hit,,; become not third of the,cities of Cie Roman, world, Adelity and whole -hearted devotion, Adytirti, ' , - . ­ .1 - "' i ­vrtcl Food Your H. -tis Now. at this time to get the hens In allsIte recent years than In exhIllitions. Much only a place of entvrtainme�nt but a! the "Quee of the Iilast," anti had A very high character is ascribed to rections will III, ins � tirt;l ft -Mit - I : ; I A rovent trip w,"th one of our county for the prof this attention i3 'BILM I-xlitl, as '18 Proper, to, school and college for the people, agri- I been, before thp Romans came, capi- Barnahas. Ile was a good man, and and charged nevordhitIty. lt-inaking months. If ,, Changes for c(i,aract aflyt"ItiW. T ik.!rc-,-,nitativea in poultry culling J.3 iinpo�sible it would be wise to dls-! the lighter .0de, but vIijv-;!tionv1ble culturally and industrially in gc4t!ral. 1 tal Of the Greek kingdom of Syria. full of the Holy -Ghost and of faith, ments he lia dw ollwe by 11voll. 1:Cn- w�,rk wvc,,,.:ed the f let that most of I rose of the flock entirely as it will features that in fp,rmer times cut a Front Ottawa the annuuj,,��em!lnt . Ill inodern times At 14 known as Anta- His mind- and heart were open to the, day. � the Cara liens arc, not bQ,ng fed likely be unproductive until spring and'81relit figure ]love been .elimill-atQJ and comes forth that this year a live stac1c Mob, and is a small town of about generous and broadening and, warm- " "; ca *ductjoxi, therctore -be the cause of future loss mOrO utt(Intion is Paid year by year I ex1libit is to be staged einbraving aq six thousand inhabitants. It was built ing influencv> of the Spirit of Christ, -ough for efficie- 0 . F7��`---� I - - ­ �-,�, , -*��---E I at egg pr lustratio- ar as Possible all the educ-ational CA the banks of the river Orontes, 'ftee, much people were being EU�qjjqy-- tile liens in- instead of profit. to educat-loll by ill Al, demon -i 9. ,C,,::-, CAK,'�.*141.3 � In fa,,t, the thinness of � near where the Lebanon and Taurus brought into the church, and the w&& --.--. tI;eatv-3 that they were not gettilLg The good care and feeding of chicks stration and experimentation. This is; work that is being done in that par- mountains meet, and about sixteen was growing, Barliabas, felt the need I , L pmrticukuly true of the larger fair$, ticular line. I ,!I '.,) 'eat to maintain normal I-, also urged as the cart the chic -a niftes: inland from the Mediterranean of a strong helper, and- went after Wellin,gWn VV,Lval Fire ! ""r the determin- I but the more local enhibitiona have b itifly conditions. get in eaAy life is often Sea. It was still, In Paul's time, a Paul to Tarsus, For ono whole year re. not purposely brought Ing factor as to the profitableness 1 , Greek city, al -air ,.,- The hens a ' -,,.- I lin-su ace (0-.- - i 3f also made remarkable udvanae par- Barium Carbonate Is the rat poison I . ri�d, its prevailing Ian- they worked together and taught much Nstabl'.4v it 1�,,41 � armors un- the bird in later life. Astuntedchicki ticularly in attention that is given to' ( gi�a, 0 was reek, but there was a people, � I to tnis coullit,on. Most f� that It is i min ling in it of eastern and western The I snecialists recommend. date of Paul's coming to An- Hevd Office, Q%elph doubtedl.v think that during the -grow- will never make a profitable hen, It,sensible yet attractive features for the tasteless, odorless, and, can be bought . ltisli,.4 taken oil all ui­.��,?� I � insur- - the hens will scout around would, be far more profitable to sell young. A marked Seature is the In-' "-ideas and customs and of the worst tiocli must have been. about 05 or 46 Ang season . at any -drug store. In preparing baits forms of eastern and western vice. AID., about ten years after his con - able property on the cash cr prrIluftlm, anti pick up enough to maintain them- the Chicks when they get to the broiler creased interest in. exhibition work in it is best to choose a f ODd, from each There was a large Jewish colony, but version. We can imagine him at this . note system. � solves in good condition, The hen is stage, than to expect them to produce governmental quarters. Annually the of three -classes, meat, vegetable arid Christian preachers had attracted and time, a man Of thirty-five or forty ABNEIR. (10,4EXrS. A--�,-nt, . not likeother farm animals, in that it A profit by egg production later on displays, e;peclally of .the farial, im- cereal, and to combine # with barium ,gathered into the church both Jews years, in the prime of life and vigor, I 11 W�119'.Ianl � does not show its conditions uponeas- after they have gone through a semi- prove and extend, ,until now not only ,carbonate in the proportion Of 0 e and, Greeks. . and full of efithusiasin for the great lual observation. Her fea,tbeea Cover starvation period. do the public have an opportunity to Part Poison to four Parts food; then After leaving Jerusalem Paul hadicause which he had espoused, The , i r, g B 1 her body so that it is impossible to tell A good mash is Also a valu rk eat es imony of the work (lone by , . 4 1 , examination. Juliet to free range for chicks. The that is being done, of the advr, two lellow-lablorers, is that, at in �U "10,A2 knee that p,e,, ,of Pa I MET 11' � � put a tablespoonful Of. each kind on a gone to his native city. of b �Ji�al able ad- gain -a fair knowledge of the work . Tar , por or a -bpard, so that the had Continued to preach the g�,Z�ea i'n'Qs,t " , its condition without . j rat, traveling along his 11-unway, finds 'Cilicia and Syria. Barnabas, who Lnew I the end of that year, they were zcpar- I , The-efore .1 farmer�s her � often get in following is a good mash-� Two parts is being made in cultivation of the, MARRisT�:n. COLICITOR, ETC. I - - a three-colirse meal prepared for him. him in Jerusalem, saw how valuable I ated by the Antioch Church and senb Victory c:nd Ot!,,,�.- 13cnds Bought and � Poor shape before he is aware Of it. each of corn meal, middlings, Bran, sail, in the betterment of live stock, I One of the three baits is almost sure such a man would be in the mixed i forth on their first missionary advan- IcId. lrement -of poultry-, in the I to tempt him. church -of Anticich. A highly educated ture into the regions beyond. A Chris- , I The only thing that way be noted, is One part each of oat meal and beef in the impro 'Z ' that egg production has dropped off, scrap -and one-fourth part charcoal. --- ­ ­ .-- ­ - ­ -­ - Offtice-1,1z), r Block, Wingharn I Imult I- I 11 & 7 11 ­ 11 ­: .­­­­.--------- --- ----------- Jew of the Ph-arisees, a thorough tian community which ,call set itself to . Under natural conditions the hen s'TAUSLI, a On e p ace . �1­ 0 jp�, ,iE � lays her quota of eggs in spring, gets per available to the chicks at all times. , P'l-, �V-74A-,-1;10'01. , broody, hatches out a. brood of chick- Sour milk is also one of the most I . � er,% and spends the summer in taking valuable, things that could be given C',AFZ7'-'13="1 AND SOLICITOR- care of them. She ,becomes thin and growing chicks. If it Is available it' r.^:r,-,;, t, Loan at Lowest Rates. in poor condition, ranging around -en- should be kept before them at all W I NQ 1-1 A %I i deavoring to get enough" for herself times. When -sour milk is used the and her flock. In the fall when the amount of beef scraps may be reduced fi- i Ina ripen she gets enough to put one-half. I '11 I ur,,�, m-li _i',ITUMR I IRWIN i berraself in fdirly good, Condition to help A liberal feeding of either hens or Greek scholar, and a .momark. Citizen, its own unnnisned task, and at the -he would appeal; to Jew, Greek, and .same time set apart its ablest leaders I Roman. He had already the purpose for missionary work abroad, is truly and-, the ambition to carry his message growing. to the outside world. Where could he Came prophets.' The Old Testament have found -a better starting point? Prophets were first of all preachers of 11: 19-30. They which were scatter- truth and righteousness. They were ed abroad. See 8: 1, 4. Persecl;tion interpreters ,of the past, teachers of had driven many froui Jerusalem who the people in law and morals, and carried their faith with them, and sometimes predicters of the future. preached -Christ wberever they want. These New Testament prophets, how - If TAe very means which were used to ever, -seem to have given themselves D.D.S., L.D. S. I her through the winter. r,bio1cs at this time of eye is "A Why sholild a young man, say who wanted to see a better world. , destroy the infant church were made chiefly to the forec"ting of future Me"cr of Dental Surgeiv of this I The hens that are now getting thin stitch in -time" vhieh assures Poultry eighteen years of age and a graduate it,were not so, there would be no Col - I in the Providence of Gqcl to increase events. It is significant that they cc- Penraylvan-la College and Licentiate � are either at the end of their laying Profits later oil, of agood high school, spend four more lege to which he could go. and strengthen it. Christianity bag Cupy a very small place in the Now of Dental Surgery of Ontario. for the summer or have stopped- laying I I I years of ,his life and all the money he It,would be- a sorry problem if these always been in greater danger front Testament Church. The gospel of the Office in MacAonald Block. some time ago. Before they start Essentials in Sheep Raising.! might earn and more for the sake of young people seeking an education to,- prosperity and wealth, than from per. Lord Jesus Christ is no.t much aided. in again they -will go through a moult, 1. Willingness to pay proper atten- a college course and a degree? day were obliged, to found and build secutipli or poverty. 1. itsappeal to -humanity by predictions-, probably early in the season. And it tic, to the flock at the critical times This question every year Presents their own colleg", gather the facul- These first missionaries, driven. by AgIabus, however did predict a fain - DR. G. lie ROSS. is a known tact that 'early moulters of the year. . itaelf to thousands of young people, ties together and Pay them and then rk!��e coast ine which varne, to 'pass in the da)m of , . I cities of Phoeni,cia, which lay along Claudius Caeser. This, statement .. Graducte Royal Colleoe of Dental I are not winter layers. For instance, 2. Production of lambs of early ma. and the way in which it is answered buy antd, install the necessary equ P- the ses. to the "north ,of Palestine, and helps ,us, to.dato the events of Paul's:. . a hen that moults early in August t,rity that should preferably be colors the lives -of millions, if not ment in the way of books and. labora- to the island, . . I . of Cyprus, and to the * life, for Claudius reigned from 41 to, Surgeons very likely be a drone until next marketedbefore the middle of July. indeed of the nation as a whole, The torY apparatus. If they had, to do all city of Amtiocb� It waa natural that 54 A.D. We know that there was Graduate University of Toronto spring, whereas the one that has been 3. Control of parasites in the flock reasons for going to college, therefore, that, they would be too old for C01110ge* at first, they -should bear. their message famine in certain parts of the empare, Faculty cf Dentictry . busy laying all summer and delays her al 0, ea OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARM'S STORE I will by the tale of early lambs, rotation of should. stand clearly out before those before they had, the institutions h I t Jews only. Their Jewish prejudic during his reign. In, Judea, Josephus � moult until late fall will soon recover nastures, and flock management. who at this time of the year are mak- ready for courses. were still very strong, and they dis- tells, us, there was faiialne in the year . i from the moult and start pyoducing " a. protection of sheep from, dogs, Ing one of the few great decisions in Now, by any -count, the fact of hay. . liked Indm9ling with the Gentiles, 46 AX). eggs again. by community interest In sheep, by life. . Ing a college at tall creates a debt Moreover these early teachers -had the This prophecy of Agabus. led to a W. Re HA Pi'�IBEIIX The advisable thing to do is to have hich these young people owe and idea that th& gospel, and the Idngdoill, generous resolve on the part of the enforcing dog laws and keepingsheeP The real reasons for going to col- w and the'province of future glory and Christians. of Antioch to send relief B.8c., MD., C I the flock culled so -as to eliminate all in protected quarters at night. lege may be briefly stated a, follows: -%yhich they must pay by service of were for the Jews, and not for to, their famine�strlcken brethren in Speel-al attention Paid to diseases of , hens that ,are naturally poor layers 5. Use of pasture to the gTeatest 1. To gain information which can some kind. Not -only that, but they p tohwe','T p e o p I e. Jerusalem, and that which they con- . W(.,nlcn and Children, having taken 4 and would not pay a good profit even degree. be more systematically and widely ac- enjoy many other privileges because But some of them were men of Cy- tributed out of their Comparative yo."tgraduate work in Surgery, Bat- if well fed, and then gradually feed 6. Feeding of Corn -silage with clov- quired through a well selected college Of the -labor Of -those who have gone prus and Cyrene, Jews who. had lived wealth was carried up to Jerusalem berlologly and Scientific 'Medieins. up the remainder of the flock. A good er or alfalfa hay, supplemented, with course than by any other known 'before- The forests. are Cleared, the so long among Greeks, and in foreign. by Barnabas and 8'aul. ' Office lu the Kerr Residence, between method is to allow the hens free range grain, to the breeding . ewes at defln- method. The world's stock of knowl. stumps.taken out, the stones picked ,Countries that their ,prejudices had 12:25. Returning, when they had ' Cho Gueen'a Hotel and the Baptist sk,� before and then have available to -ite periods. :� edge has now become so great, and Off and the ditchink Is largely done, broken down. The gospel appealed to fulfilled their mission, they brought Church. . Mem in a feed hopper the following The.railroads are laid and many an- them as ,something broadly human, with them John Mark, Barnabas'-sis- I - 7. Selection Of breeding. sheep that the need, along may paftier-alar line so not to be -confined to one sect or na- ter's soil, who was tbeir,e6mpanion oil All business g.ven careful attention. i mash: Equal parts by weight of corn possess merit in' wool, as -iel,l as in Specific and exacting, that self-made other hard pioneer job -has been com- tion. They spoke, to the Greeks also, the first missionary journey, and was Phone 54, P.O. Box 113 1 meal, bran, middlings, ground - Cats. If mutton Character- Constitutional vigor men. have become ahrost an, impos� pleted by those horny -banded son's of and, the hand- of the Lord was with afterward the ,comr,anion and friend , sour milk is available give them plenti and health as a result of breeding and sibility. This means that the time todI who preceded us and who worked them. Many were converted, and of Peter, and writer of -the gospel If it is not, add to the mash care are essentials in a foundation� has come when the new generation to make a. world ready for living. J6iwa and- Greeks came together in the which bears his name. three-qualters of a pound of commer- flock. � I The world is not hnished yet and church and in Christian fellowship. Application. , Dr. R t. C. Riedniond"It' should learn to jive not simply by ' III tak Barnabas, recognized the marks of M.R.C.S. (Eng). . cial meat scraps to every four pounds 8. A pur,-bred ram of .a ,desirable imitating the nelgh;bors, but by pog- he who wdu ,call the advantag,as The gospel, was already breaking clown of the mash. Sour milk is very valu- type and quality should sire the lambs. sesE ing itself as far as. possible of the which .have been provided by those, national barriers. It was beginning the Christian even when the.y- appearred L.R.C.P. (Lond). able as a poultry feed and can be put PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON i 9. Cheap equipment, which offers world's stock Of information and who have gone before, but will add to realize the dream and -hope of in an unexpected place. As Dr. Jowett to as good use for feeding poultry as human brotherhood. ,(See Eph. 2. 11- writes- "Ile kneN� the old fr.uit, even (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) any other way on the farm. protection, plenty of ventilation. and, a experience. nothing himself to the woTWs stock- 22). � when lie found it groiving in a new , - It will dry bed. 2. To know the method of research that man is not fit to go to college. This startling turn of events carhe garden." TV,; is not by -any means , . - ' replace meat scraps, which is the most 10. Marketing of products of wool that maybe depended. i)pon in seeking If he presents bimsevIf, he should not unto the cars of the Church in Jrerl- an easy thing to do. We .associate 070 expensive ingredient of the poultry and mutton with an ulict�rstanding Of ififbrination about a new s -abject re- be admitted. And if he is- admitted, -salem. It Was a difficult and delicate Christianity with Cert-qin outward, ac- DbRI' R L aiEWART 'ration, and also one of the most valu- market values and demafid.' Commun- quiring opinion and conclusion. he should be kicked out the moment situation to handle, requiring unusual companiments, and -,A-en these 8i gns Graduate of TJniveTsity of Toronto,; able. Besides the mash, the hens ity organizations are beneficial in this it is discovered that he intends to tact, patience., and discretion. Barna- are Waniting we are not disposed to 3. To gain instruction and exper- absorb everything possible to himself bag, hiniself a man -of Cyprus, was Ikelieve that the genuine article is Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o! the I should be fed in addition, scratch feed regar& ience in handling conflicting data, in afid to give nothing in return. We axe Chosen to have the direction of this there. When, after the resurrection Ontario College of Physicians and 1, composed of equal parts of cracked) 11. Grow into the business, not go discriminating between facts and ap- -new Christian community. the mem- of Jesus, He appeared to Mary, she Surgeons. corn eand wheat. This scratch feed is into it. A few bred ewes in the fall not training a few thousand young rs of which were now, for the first did not recognize Him at fir t. Hi ,a a idence and b6 a , ,,y Office Ui atrance - espe , desirable if the hens do not pearances, in weighing ev men in ordcT that they may stand, on time called Christians, appearance was differelit, and she wa s is a good. buy: in forming safe judgments as t the \, , a Second Door North of Zurbrigg's nave a good range. If the'range is 12. Realization of the fitness of a 0 the heads and shoulders of the masses H� ,was glad. Ile was bis� enough in not prepared, for the change. All I , principles that axe indicated by the to their exploitation. Photo Studio. good it may be dispensed with in some fla,11 on the farm, their value as weed facts. I I heart and soul to appreciate and to I honor to Bainabns, that �rhen ha JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE291cases and the mash entirely relied destroyers, utilizers of rough feeds, ' 4. To train the ffitelleetual faculties Our colleges are supported by peo- understand what wa,s happening. 110 i found Paul doinir a most unexpected saw the grace of Glod, how th t G d I ,vork he could take up the words of upon to make up the deficiency in the and conservers of soil fertility. - to obedience and precision, as the ple who get no direct advantages from ca O'� I t I SELL amount of feed the hens get. I Q. � , them. There is no, ,, college graduate through the gospel, was, buil Ing , the psalmist. "This I, the Lord' do - It is advisable to make kthlste Or the skilled; -artisan trains a now race, which should -be neither ing, and it is marvellulls in our eyes." Town and rarm Properties. Call and I -.11 changes to -day who does not in sOme measure ­ ----- 9 5 , "', his muscles to the most deli ­ ­ - see my list alia g --t my prices. I have, changes may bring the hen vice and. the most accurate judgment. owe his education to citizens Of all I -- -.... - ­.. .­­­ ­ ­.. ­­­­ . swae excellent values. 1\2 - '� the four Year.% tf life and all the ­ , An feeding gradually, as any sudden . 20fie Cate ser- , , p! ��­ .. V into a " � �i , �:-) -es, even. to the washerwomiall a , I ­ hundred miles away, :for the tre- money really needed to get it. ", I g��ATI�, Zc The short summer feeding , 77f 5. To acquire that knowledge of the class In general, the four years from ly�, C 7 I', -.Vzv' , stringy milk. Bacteria are the usual mendouscost of education is laid upon �� , �01Y through rangingbas come about grad- The Cow is not to be blamed. for sources of information, that familiar- I , ,. J. G - STE W A R T I moult' sses, that re 0,,%\740,�.,Omw er !a,� .1 ually with the drying up of the range cause of milk becoming stringy or ity with intellectual proce all classes of society. 31' ,verybGdy helps oighteen to twenty-two a largely It is annoying to have ne horse WINGHAM ' i due to the hot weather. In many,eases command over one's faculties and that wasted by most yzung men, and al- 0 . ropy after standing, and the water to pay� the bills; a few people only pulling ahead of the other in a team. Fhene 184 Office in Town H , 11 , the farmers have also recently cut out used for washing the utensils or ecol- independence of sound judgment that reap the diftsect advantages, and the In*s't any right-miladed individual call A remedy for thJs is to tak ei an extra I feeding grain to their hens because of Ing the milk may be the source of the distinguish the educated from the un- obligation resting upon them is heavy be farther alolig in every way at the I rein, or a small Strap will answer the shortage Oil supply. If this change infection; or the germs educated man. Indeed to return to the public in one age of thirty if he tal-es four of his I purpose.6nep it'in outside bit ron- of DAt WE, 23 WE PHYSICIAN ' would have been sudden it might have from the dust of the stabl may come 6. To learn the laws of health and way or another in the form of service years for study, than he would be if I fast harse, then paso through inAde'bit e or places to train the body as vi�ll as the mind a very large share of the advantages. he plunged at Once into the moderill ring under chin, then through the in� i Produced- a moult at this timer of the I which the milk is handled. Set a In such ways as shall - prolong life, which they have acquired thr world withriut the beet preparation a I 311 CHRROPRACTIC 1 ycar. In getting the hens b sample of milk from each quarter of mind and health and pr Ough saido hanie-ring, Take the end back dition start the feeding ,gradually, the udder ina sapAvate s-tenl,zP4 con- education. college course can -give. He may even I and tie it to inside end of whiffletree i A. �volxq D. C.9 D, 0 !� otherwise it will produce a very much ' machine with which to do one's work , Th,ere I A tainer, to ,determine if one quarter is are Certain comiderations well afford to earn his own money, of vlow horse. When the fa3t horse I moves the � undesired moult at this time. affected, ,or if idll yield normal inilk. and to enjoy the onelife that has been but if he is to do --this lie Should ex- pulls ahead big bit will be, drawn,by chirt;j;ra� t -*.p locatez an(i re � It is p,ranted that many farmers, are i given. that should not enter into, a young poet to take more than four yeara for fqnl�e (A cl,Eetls"; nature heals., Ad are not in . .If all quarters prove to be sound, set I the receding whiffletree of the slow ' short of grain ar i maWs he -ad as reasons for attending ChiropractI412 N the only and original a posi- 7. To form ,acquaintances with menicolle e. Some of the chief though the work, else he is certain to gsueri- I a nurr.Yer of samples of milk in sep- I 9 horse, thus restraining him, r-3rLAc:w uf rr.Iinal afliustment. Effective' tion to buy food, However, on the I of parts and influence all over the' flee elther his preparation i arate sterilized -vessels and. into each erroneous reasons sometimes given Or. 'Ill Another good method I have tried In C,5 per ccnt. (,f all cases, The Only other hand, there has never been a in turn put a little water 1 world, and so to multiply one's o-ppow- I for going to colle health. ! from differ., ge are the following: is to, shorten, --bout six inche.3 or more fully quallted graduate of both 0411ro- 1 time in recent years since Poultry feed 1 -iy In 'I has been so cheap. ent -sources, dust from 6table, milk- tunitles and advantages. I 1. Beeause one's chuni is going to * Somethilig has beea z&4tl al., -out pay- I both reins or lines to be buckled o ' 8. To prepare for servinV the world: Coll( e. I practie atd OAcapat; Marth Huron. t It is therefore a house, setting place, etc. In this way 9 higone�s way in tile world, and .-ome- It the fast horqWa ,Mt ring, both oil thn Phone 191. Hours ---2-5 and 7-8 ....; matter of good judgment to make the to the very best of one's powers, and! 2. tb*,ng hais been Implied i�,htiut char-� � the exact source of the infection Can To got rid of work and c,:ta,,, off ! ci;a-tside and the inside. This will hol I) � added expenditures to buy extra feed be determilled and removed. Mean, 40 to Pay the debt thatevery genera -'t1 -.t tiny of assuming the n3turaj res- acier. We are 1,egenn.',ill-, to talk; -woliderfully in equalizing the pull. - ; while, carefully cleanse, scald and tion owes to those who have gone' ­ii'iities of life. I ! -----!­-- -, , p, -n!!... . -sornewhat frankly these days about, L; A9 I - we are -,t MNIUUMUS'13 pod TMIC Pra IMA NAL Ta va V& Im Va WL gun -dry the milk utensils. Cleanse before. 3. T'o' have a gciod time. the srul of man, fc, - i -cogniz- udder and tests before milking and The list might be Indefinitely P110 1 4, Bcmu%e it I . a "the"thing to do" to ing that tlic-re is a vast diffcrerice be.! Wasn't He Smart. I - digeront' A wagon loaded with lamp gleboa ­­­ . had Collided with a truck, a;1d nially 10 3 Criticai 0 keep the stables clean. CA drid to "make, a frat- ' -1 OSTEOPATHY 10 longed, but the�-e are Cie chief con- I 1,�, to colleg tvicen what Is. hisido" the - -*.- - . siderations that should stand cleaxlyl�rnitv.*' bundles of live c'my we call )))on. I DR. F. A. PARKER I PeriOdS 0 1 good distance for planting the I out in tM: mind of -a young man, and! 5. To got an tZdvantage over society It I,, the whole man t,,Iat ne, -a werei;masiiea. . , _,fig � (A the g1ribe Ostcor�ath-*i� Physician, Only qualified. 5 for FALLWHEAT 0 late large -growing varieties of cab- it makes 110 difference Nvh 'ther he, ill gel,,,1-al so that one can acquirel educating-bo(by, mind and miul, and: Cons! (I erabla, sympat-Iny was f(3,.t for 0stoopath In '.N*crth Huron. . � i i comes from the farin. or e . sh, A41witment of the spine is m6re � 0 t At Se.di f bage and cauliflower is two end a half the city III: mere thrt his shnro of tba world',! th.1% ij what, the c�,I:e�,,­c is founded to the driver a2 lie gazed at the ", tter. ng Time. . the advanteges which he may realize' - let each mail � ad glass. A bpi, evolem-iooking old quichly ,-ctured and with fewer tr i Delay seeding to esca,pe tile 0 �1 by three and a half Sect. gooliz and bappine. .,a, but V,Iltl " .2o,t ,,,.I wecirvplish. Thcrcf:ivc, I eat- . from the proper preparation for life,. paying in full for evorythin- enj,yed. I exr-Unill'o hin,cm.1f to ,.,cc wh-Aher he � mail eyed him compassion-ately. menta thau byany other method. �115 HeSslan Ply. 'Use fertilizers � ; $I In th-, Ight conzid-1 There are many goo -d rc'w,on,,i for I has the stuff that real men are madej "My poor manill lie P..al,d, III suppose i I ' - 2. In Winter sibi.q, spare the ra%ples; they will do ,You will have -to pay for Cifem. out of Blwd prersure atil other examinek to catch up wheat growth, iming the woodlot, where pos� An analysis of tl�eso cA 10 I I e,mtions will -show that 'all but the not go.'rig to college. Pint among I Of, and if he has he need have no, tons made, I Produce good top to protect 0 1 well in this country and will give you' last are what might ,be called "per.11lic�e are duties to depnifle1its and al doubt that a tollego course will "pay." w . OFFICE OVr--R CHRISTIE'S GTORF-'o wheat, and good rooting to I -yes", was, tll'.* melancholy F' I , I I I I 0 � lumber, firewood, sugar and syrup, sonal advantage'; that is 0 Fa,,Ir, they! decent regard for one?s health. The'rel If, On the other hand, he does not, ,,,V,11, well,,, a OT ,Ply. I ! ! i ! ! overcome spring heaving. ! .%V.ld th, , relate directly to the welfare cf thef are instances in which, the responsi-I PO'3seg3 the dit-position and the ,desire- Id man, -- , I '"here's a shilling for you, f dare say Fly acreens for the- stable windows 1 0 Fertilizers produce top'and M - I I Impure milk is notoriously one 01, individual and tend to make it en gier � bility of Ille, family is thrown upon the' to work "d 4t the P"MO time study; vill -prove a good Investment, IIIA roots, I � acinie of these other peopl-e will give IP 03. At Heading and Filling Tiv-ne �the most forti"o sources of disease,1foT -him to get ahead, to make his I young man in such a way that he ea,li quarltie-,i of moral character, Ile may - ot . 11 I , Ig ' Porce early wheat growth e7-1cmv y among infants and children - mark, to reach disf,inction, to as,sume not honorably avoid it, and in no ,,,,,Ibe equally certain a collega oducation , You a holping hand, too.-, The voil should -be moist and well 11P by fortilizirg at seeding 0 � .-,�'l Fi; well undc-,stood that most ol le.adershiP, -to get to the top, 4r what-' should health be aserificed for -a eol- i will not pay either him or the pulylic � The driver held out his hat, and propared for planting, � I 1 several peoplo, dropped Coins into it, otherwise' time, ard eseaDe drought I tb I c impur I Ities coma from improper 1 ever else the unworthy motive might � lege education. Next to ell.aractor and I which focits most of tbe bill. ZAt last, when the contributions had transpltnntir.,-, from the aeed-be(l into, 0 .,*nd beat Inj;.ly, Oilumillbig. "Certifi�d?' railk-that is, ! be ,called that scelm to got and hold 1i frionifthip, he"alth is the great ----0.1�,-`-� I milk that is drawn from healthy ' estagseti Order rertLizers Now Pow$, Cc le some advantage over our fellow Inall'in life and it a young man is fo-eced 1 Good hay will be searce this win ,r; I ,eased, lbe emptied tho Contents of his the garden -or field may not be sue. 0 $,kept in sanitv.ry stables, and- that is � � cesj-ul mvde�.q plant.q w--(-- carcl'ull,- foP Your Fall Soading tl,--t be Cell; not fdrly meet, , etween hcalth and a college not , hat into his- pocicets. Then, po-Inting watered in. y 10 -- .j, cooled, bottled and transported under and' to choolow. b a pound abould be wasted, � to the retreating figure who had pt,art� . Write fa ),against which lie tan n3t protect him. courze, let him fcreg,13 thp college' There -will be I light mixed hay'ed the collection, he observed. ,,,9 r Free Sulle'.1116, 111111conditioris appr %! sible organization such as a medical self in. the battle of life. courve. This ,choice is fortur0cly but harvest in the Maritime Provinces Iand' ay, White or light �eolortd stalks olf 0 1 ain't lie a ,smart man? That's my Soil and Crop soclety--�-is greatly in demand in the� So, we a-dd the last point, which IA: rarely forced upon an inflividual aml Quebee &q well as in Ontario and Al. celery are soieu-fed -by blanching, which ,d cities. Wh,�re ordinary milk -brings t an i boss!" cousists of growing the plants in 0 Improvement Bureau service. The cducation which this mali'most MOV-1ficeg, of health are wholly berta this year. Hay is alsobelow - PF 115 cents a quart, ,ceftified milkliTings'is to get in college Is mostly given to I nc,q I %*-- of the ( , .less, even foollill. .'rvcrage in the United Rtatca. The, MOTS, of the "Wireless" telepbone 'n him as a Pr,e.^,e'Ilt,- 110 pays ce,rtqilli Ifthemotivebef � nllyworthy,alldif Ontario farm' darkness so that the Coloring, matter $122 or 23 cents, and is, hard to get OvL I . er who has a bartt full I will only know that they are using i� 0 Canadian Foi-tilIzett Association 'at thmt price, The r"at urg"t need'fc-ns, to be aure, and hebuys his books,' the inrlividual. tan F,�Lure CID co'lege t -f $Weet clover hay tvill have reason I of the stein is destroyed. Blanching Room 14, Mannino Aroado if Is for, the fariner to unders-tand what Olstq makcs the Mialks more criz 0 A h Invn by the ftlisence of -p and Toronto . � Ont. food and clothitig; buf th6 eollep"a wfL3'tr4ininr, without too mue.h stra&nhv�l to ,congratulate blinself r,n hig gotid Ithe humming of the wire, malting th6 I %& Ik Vk V& VK ' the ,city dweller wants and to, supply ' � toildve and Improves the quality. I -IL V& V& VLA it. i built, ttfore h,c was, born, ana by morl: rvrltl r-aerifice, it is abund-vaifly vlor6 fortune bolore Winter is ovar, ) voices much ,clearer.