HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-21, Page 8'r'[]E, AN'"INGMAA1 ADVANCE Thursday. July 21st, 1921
To the Lditur av tile Advance A great number of persons are unaware of the
Deer Sur:
,euts ation, a pro- -ing
Rvery so oftea D. W. Griffitti lires a so n,;, fact that we make a specialty of chans.,
I 8uppose ye wad be radin in the papers
kitiction, rich ia atinw;p1wre and thrills, Nvith 'tovy th. how thim Grits are blowin theet horns heels on shoes and rnaking them look
gt,ip,; It the floart string,,; and which has- a lasting some- lat elichishun. We)),
about the Medicine I
fully equal to the heels put on
whatever it wu
thing which neverallows You to f0l'get it. s, it wus no victory fer the
G 11, at all, but it sure wus a mg- in the factory.
rits at a
lar Jack Dempsey hnock out fQr us Tories,
an we must take our Medicine, but whin
the Grits shtart blowin they are only
fa NJ
talkin troo theer Hat. The Globe is troy -
A V WVV A R- K in to make out that this will shpoil
Misthir Meigben's i iMoerice at tile
Grand Camp in England, but don't ye
belaveannysuchzlituff. Arthur isn't the
hoind av a bye to fall down that way.
He'll be afther tillin thim big f?llahs over
tliur where they get aff -it, an just as sure
as guns is iron hira and Hugh Guthrie
play the leading role in "It will be cominback wid a cut an 4roied
Who vrill
Pays Advertise" at Cbautauqua
schame to win the elickshun, just the
this Summer. game as Borden an Rogers did in 1917,
It is allways aisy to fool the Grits, so
aisy that theer is hardly army fun in it
army more, but theer are a lot av shmart
Tories in the U. F. 0 crowd, an thim. is
GVIE.4., FLOWE01"C' -4i---,-,--'
the fellahs we must get votin roigni; agin
an Misther Meighen is the man to do it
EFealueling RRelh�mwr,,R
rwonderfal new star, Carol ji9t moind that. Wait till I tell you a
We can put new heclaju&t like
�`s that kind 0 a Sensation. thrue shtory about him, Whin he wus a
that have
young fellah techin school�he got in wrang the above on shoes
I -, ." "" , fer lickin a trustee's kid arr someting av the unsatisfactory �Spool Heels'.
X�' "�,
For instance heels on shoe, Fig, 1, as
'Pllroe ink:n and a iirl stranded,on a desolate South Se'a
that sort and wus tould that his serviqs
�iq shown abovt are n o t satisfactory for Our price is moderate and the
wud not be naded army longer. Some work is equal to
i.; romance and 11MItUre and tile of
many—We change these and' make them finish of our
5 lads wud hev takin the sack an got out, just ai the heel shown on boot in Fig. 2. the best factory work.
;u1%ll1Q11lo heroism.
but not Arthur, The municipal elick-
shuns wu's soon comin' on so he sint fer a
chum av his an the two byes organized
Threean"Pays 1"417UM Thurs., Fri.
% the hull town an got in trustees who gave
Z'1111� "I
Arthur his jawb back wid apelogies.
and Sat. Wh�m all wus sittlid lie resoigned, an tould
�a A thim to kape theer ould school an get who
they loiked to tach it for he wud be SOLE AGENT
lttr,1cti,)n, a special Christie Conledy
Added ashamed to live in such a town, arr
WUTreds to that effict, NoW Misther
9ft W 0 Editur don't let that Medicine Hat affair
1� Who will speak at Chautauqua on "Seeing
dv Life Whole."
bottler ye. Arthur will be gettin some
Lit f 0% r the Nij;ht pointers from Lloyd Jarge and Mishter
Slimuts an thim other double jinted poli- AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
tishuns as tallow to hould awn to a jawb,
Tvvo reelt., of laughs you've rever latio,hed before,
an wid what he knew himsilf an what
Bob Rodgers can tell him, he Will soon
Guelph. Mr. Johnston the auent at been withdrawn for three Sabbaths, the
hev the farriners an labor min an sojer4 Guelph 'succeeds Mr. Beemcr at Wing- Rectoe, Rev. W. B. Hawkins is spending
-Usual price-,. Two- shows Saturday Night 7.30 and 9,15.
an most av the Grits votin fer the Tories bani, who retires having served the his vacation at Dulton aid Morpeth
an the ould plog av tobacey at a dollar a Company for over. 35 years. IS pupils from this school tried the
'pound. Miss Vera Armstrong pupil of Miss entrance examinatiom 15 passed success -
0 6 f was suce4disful in passing her fully.
Wan marnin'lasht wake I wus cuttin MPtcal
exam iri Music.
'10 ppm y
TV wades along the road solde, waitin fer. the
Coming'Monday, Tuesday ands"Jednesday , � 1'. � ....
ar I Miss Lilhe,Carr, who has been, engaged
Lodge No. 963 went to Bayfield to j in Deaconess work in Montreal is spend -
bay to get droied aff an a fellAh came vacation at her home here.
irst I ing her
celebrate the 12tb. and Qecured the f
.. .......
11 1 alangsellina paytent hurridinger wasbin prize for the best uniform in the parade,, Mrs.Feiiwickisvervillatthe bomeof
masbane. Ishtoodwidmybaelcagintlie 'Services in the Anglican Church have her daughter, Mrs John Mason.
gate so he niver got insoide. "Tis goin to
ix JL
be a foine hay day whin the sun comes
out" hesez, troyintobefrindly "Isup. ;3�: -%,a
pose this is your busy saysop Mishter
V% 9W Hay" sez; h "The fairmer hes the most iY41-
in IV*
His L
indipindintloife" hesez "whin the bar- KING BROS.
i vist is awl safe in the barn he his plinty
rald, Graduate
Wish to announce that Miss. 1. L. Fitzge
le story of a mighty duel—love against friendship. av tointe fer radin an relaxation" sez he.
T1 "Me bye sez I, "ye hev a lot to larn
Nurse, General Hospital, Ottawa, Canada, and Grad-
aboutjfarrmin yit. Talk about the tolme
uate Corset HyOjenist,, Nerno Hygienic Fashion In-
MAJon A. E, Rum
A Goldwyn Eminent Authov's Production. MLLS
whin the busy sayson i� ov& is all rot" I
Who will address Chautauqua Audiences sez, I wish I had you to follie m d stitute, New York, will be in their Corset Depart -
ea Power and World Freedom." e aroun
fer a summer on the farrin and ye wuddint ment on July 20 and. 21. It will be her pleasure
say army more about iver gittin troo wid to help you select the Corset that will do the
the busy sayEc�n," I sez.. most for your health and style. Let her ad -
.,Fsh 41al*
urs it Jawb in the Spring is to s -,e vise you. No charge for her services.
tha The mplimints is all, in ordbur an the
Al M
harness oiled ready fer the sacing, an thin
tapping trees an makin maple sirup,
-arr 4 feet deep an doin
wadin troo snow 3
the chures fer 2 arr 3 hours ivery noight
Your Figure Makes
to an rnamin. Thin comes lin, Wme I
-ft plowin, an cultivatin an sowin, up at 4 Or Mars Your Gowns
X/ o'clock iviry marnin to grace yer boots,
befoor goin out to do thed chures, an wid
the young shtock comin, arr mibby, a So why not have the long, flat, fashionable
sick� harse, arr a cow. some noights nivir lines which are so necessary if you would
in bid at all, at all. NiXL comes plantin + 1"
—Suppnee/ only witl; the carn an roots, an pickin shtones an X look truly chic?
fixid fences an cutt n wades, an road
BUTTERICK Patterns wurruk, an scufflin an hoein, wid the wim-
11 . 2-keducing (Corset
tin milkin the cows aii fadin the calves & A Nemo Self -10
and raisin chickens (an sometimes raisin
The revolution in dressmaking predicted oft the dickens) ivirybody on the ould farrm will gently massage away undesirable abdo-
wurt kin fram four o'clock in the mirrun
the advent of THE DELTOR is no longer.a. till tin at noight, Pritty soon the shwate minal flesh, and re -
prediction, but a fact. clover is ready to cut an hayin stitarts an & store your figure to
thin the rate busy sayson begins- wid no its natural grace and
THE DELTOR is a-'marvelousl simple way let up till the shn,?W comes, 4at wid 1, d` symmetry,
'y hayin an hoein turnips. an,barvist. an +
Of making an expert dressmaker of even an in- trashin, an corn cuttin, an apple pickin, 4.
's an takin up- roots, an fall plowin an a
experienced woman. hundred an won other tings, wid mebby A Nemo
a day aff to go to the Wingharn Fall Fair
THE DELTOR if it shud happen to rain. How wud you 66JUSpUR"
loike that koind av a loife me lad? I sez. t
is understood at a glance. "But ye hev a good toime in the
winther"sez he. 'Not so bad," sez 1, .... .. .
"We hardly iver do more than two hours or a
With it, for the bare cost of material, you can
wurrukbefore breakfast, nor more than
make dresses, rompers, suits or the finest frocks tree hours wurruk afther supper," I sez. (C,rclet
"Tis a noice warrum, jawb in the could
without difficulty, from start to finish.
weather to look afther a hundred head av
shtock, fading thint an claning out the will distribute even -
THE DELTOR alone shows You shtables" sez I "but I nivir lolkeci goin to
the bush fer tin hours in the middle av ly your bust and
t for any size, of aff V pattern, Out or anY suit-
-how to cu the day an doin chures noight an marnin" shoulder
able width of materia4 I sez.
"Well, good mornin D4ishter Hay. don't flesh and
wurruk to hard" he sez, an druv off. He complete
—how to put together, with perfect accuracy.
didInt seem loike a bad sart av a fellah, the good
an mebby I put it io him pretty strang,
—and how to Yinish with those little French touches so lovely but about awl the fun us ould farrmers lines of yOUr
in both the children's clothesandyour own, bev nowadays is takin roises but av thim figure,
town chaps, They are so aisy to fool, I
Ask us to show you this wonderful- invention think moslif av thim, must be Grits, 4
Am glad to say we hev all our fall whate
�THE DELTOR. It is one more evidence cut an I thik it will run frum 26 to 30 per -
Your friend,
of the leadership of t store that we have TixoTuy Hky
Slyth Li
131�th`s baseball and footbalf tourila,
merit July 20th.
Mr. 14. A. Thomas, C. P� R. Agent ...........
C 00 has been notified of his remoVal to