HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-21, Page 7DIUDVOrS a New Forest I' ILYA VA I& V^,w Product. Here and There in Canada. Val Nit 1i Vivo hundred niud diarlts In less ST 0 M A T.R, 0 U B L E AND Are 0imadlons. too. motlFst? & fa, HEALTH EDUCATION than two 11-11l'S IS the c.ItCli announced :inous Cfaadfan thinlin they are, and, by tile A11910-114tish Canadian Com. In -while ho would not like to see the patty, Linifted, w"Mch orroulization is DUE, rf 0 MON B"ILUODi IALK OF FRIODS boasters, he holds, th.ey Should BY DR. J. J. MIDDLE -TON 'low prGsecuting tile shark fl.,illing In. .not deliberately hide their light. Do Provincial Board of Health, Ontario dustry In thf, calf of (Irporir"I't. -Canadians know that one of tile recent 0 It Usually Disappears When tile TAN,'LAC DID ITER WORLD important discoveries In tile redu Or. bliddleton will bo g!ad to answer que6tlona on public llealtb mau Much hui been done in recent years Dangerous. -tio e 0 by the Thanillilon 111rporlimental F."rals Bkod Ls Made Rich and Red, Mrs. 'Arris—"Mm. May, do youlilw OF 'GOOD, SAY& apples?" -a of metal ores was made by Catti: tore throujc4 this c9luMa. Address him At the Parlianigat Bidss. to Increase tile produetion ef eggs laid T11*11 Mccd 1,3 one of tho moqt com- 1170 Fk Has -w`- in hle Is Toronto, by varying brec-In. In the sa, terii' It! Mra. llfay—"Applea? I late,; lem! I ,alalri? When the Oil flOatitlon. pro. "Ch,7- .cesia of ore reduction was Invented an fAmnaelt 4roubie. I * %,A M XL V& V& %a ML V& ft U, VQ IM V& prGvInce.; many lx nz are ::ow laying, Ilion C1111"V." 04 wouldn't cat a napple for the world. Saya unprecedented deruand am -Te for little r-1 "I "Ift, f,ts ilw eNeAlvii vury quieIrly. Th 5:-- ! S I from 160 to 250 01"98 alintlally, whilo o MY 01-11 11101411VT diedof apple-plexyp, I -oil, a product of the turpentine Indus. Whatever the tendencies of MOd- and help 4arward by every mears Ia: at Indian 31vad, Rlf-k., 105 pullets hall P111:A,4 t;. ar furnlob. the digestive flulds 71 U r C P - 0 Wo a-, P. n. try of the southern United States, and; cra business and industrial methods their power, Ono of the most Inter- an avera 1 , -.ry (111dia.Sheil !It their UCtIVItY, the, still, sm; 111 Voice. IVVi cortiinly had a good ge of 11%.7 cgg i, tho 111010st j ar aed and stoll-vach 11111.9cles e lvnaha !the price of this Oil rose to twenty are, one thinn, is certain, the hearts of eating features of the Rotary Club being 29' '1 At Lt-thbridge production there "But, Tommy," Said his mothor, rhat!" ilt MY WW, to Show what It cau 1111103 its Original level in a month, tho peo are right. All the profitner- Meetings is the promotion of cheerful- haii beea lncrea -ed two or thre2 time.3 Is a 1w;; (J n, rve fwrcc. In Oda 'Worse tban that, Canadian reduction ing, 1,a1,PQ1,r i t'10 of hcalt:i liptli!ng disputes and social Mlre9t ne s and friendship, All conventin. , will more;"dIdll't your conscionce, tell you y jll du, P r I vure had ,, long hard otruggla a s over that of )line ar tell yearn, At -lY to, :41on! werL iialng wrong?" vnil hAd just abot,_t tried overything" plants, In Ontario, British Columbia, that we sti ago.1 i qU!c1- ioie it,,- apl, Aite, dire, e to -day are unnatural coll- are set aMdo and members are called the Vancouver Islan d farm one pullet and ncrpial nutri!Icn than. good, rich, i "Yes," relilled Twinny, "blit I don't Mary Richards, III AZdaio ,and other provinces, were at times un. ditions, disliked by everybody: by itteir ChrisEian names. After the laid over three hundred c,;g% iwl blwid, believe everyth!n3 I hear.' AV %, '."*0r'kwn(,o. table to get the Oil ,it any price. Tile Brought into being largely by the dis- soup is served there is a sing-sonU in Several Proni-lient, BrItIsh financiers, Dr. Williams' Pink 111110 act directly "I 1;,!ve been Ia a badly ran-dovm .mining companies, after spending con. location of- the %vhole world during which everybody must join. Good- Interested In oil developmout, are ex- oil V -o blood, mai-mg it rich and red, AlmaA Like New. cond:, *c% cycr ,,lace I iial pneurtionia i5ldarablo. money In searching for a the Y03TS of war, these social ab- fellowship without formality reigns pected In Calgary this summer, to In- six yek r"i pgo. MY Rtomach was near - and this enriched. blood strengthens Caller—Isn't that pi^ture Qme Of the isubstitute, Applied for help to the normalities must pass away. They supreme, promotes digestiono and ve3tigate not only the Northern oil weak nervea, Stimulates tIrPd niusele:1, Old Mastersl 11V altfzYj cut ef QrJer. My appet:W .Minislor (I the Interior, who directed cannot POSsibly endureN, they wP1 not rests the mind for an,hour from the fields but the producing area of South- 1 v., t9 very poor and I had to be very al action the! Mrs. NeuTlch—1 believe so, but my! -the Fcrr: st, Products Laboratories of be toltikawd.-by the - thinking peoples worries and coilcentration of business ern Alberta. and avmkena to norni. careful abatt what I ate, as I suller6 I supply tli u digoAlve fluids. husband had it varnished and fmmed: ed terribly from indigestion, brou- -the Forestry Branch to study the of the earth, Prof1toering and label, glands that or professional life, Above everything W. A, Matheson and Mayor HaYP-0, This Is shown by an Improved appetite ina way that mikes it look almost as :problem. Qn6 of the chemists of these disputes- work towittls destruction, the purpose of the Rotary Club is to Of Fort William, have returned from a and soon the effect or the .e blood en- good is new, clittis and pains in my chest. My sleop Jaboratories, after working on, the -but 'the -world wants service, Every- be I of use and service to others and gold mining location, which they have riching pills Is evIldent througliout the waa never sound And I had a tired. .question for about nine months and 1 lkgx'Q we 9ct this idea of being at ser- to themselves. Their creed is pro- taken up on the north shore of the Sa- whole system, You find that what you Took Pity on Him. worn-out feeling all the time. I had ,collabprating In the final tests with vice t6.6,Ur, felows is gaining ground. gressive and rings true. Here it 1$: Paws Lake, bringing with them a0m0 eat does a'ot distren you, and that you dreadful headaches and iveak spells 'experts In the Mines Branch, titscover. What a splendid example of this is "My businesv standards Shall )iave in very rich samples of visible gold. The are VI "Darling," he cried, in tonos of deep and had fal4m off fit weight until I ed that a waste product of the Wood afforded by the Rotary Clubs gorcus instead of Irritable and emotiou, ,at last you are safely In my was scarcely more than a shadow of , 4, new them a note of sympathy for our com- vein Is a new dipeovery in a district listlees. If your appetite is fickle, if arms and nothing shall part us more." ,distillation Industry, by a little refla- organization which already has jump- roon bumanity, Kybusine" dealings, where gold prospectors twetity,years, you my former self, and I was absolutely Ing, could. be made to take the place ad 1,nto the forefront Of the fight. for ambitions and relations, shall always ago found some rich ore, Lave any of the distressing pains The object lot hia touching words unfit. for work of any kind, and the and Symptoms of Indigestion, YOu'aud passionate embrace made no re. "But. Taillail has done me a worLI -of the expensive ail, The result is human hapiness and 'betterment, cause me to take, into, consideration vein Is %said to be from ien to twenty should at Once take Dr. Nirilliams' Pink 1 that ore reducing plants am now us- These &PIbliclid clubs are'llow formed my highest. duties ays a member of So- feet 1n width, Pills and profit by the better condition sponse, but remained cold and silent of good. My stomach is In fitie con - .Ing this new and comparatively cheap in most Of our large towns and cities, cie T rs welled into his, eyes. dition and I eat all I want and every - 8 ty—tO COn3j4er my vocation The fisheries production of Canada in which they will put ycur blood. %earest," he continued, "how can :product to the bertefft of the wholo in- and as their watchword is "S rvice," warthy and -as afford -Ing me distinct for the year 1920 reached a value of ,flimtrv. ­ A-___ __ " . - - . . ­ ­ ­ These Pills are sold by all dealers In I T 1--9 T thing -agrees with me perfectly. All Woodman Fell That Tree. One of the great leaders In forest -conserv.-Pon says that the most :harmful thing ever written about for. estry was the poem beginning: "'Woodman, woodXnan, spare that tree." This may sedin odd at first sight but 'the point the forester desired to make 'was that the object of forest conserva- *tIon Is not sentimental but practical, 'The forester protecta forests from fire .and other enemies not for the sake of *the trees, but for the sake of men and ,women. When forest trees are ripe 'they should be cut and -put to roule -use, as uIckly as possible. There Is :no moreVvirtue in keeping a forest till 'it is over -ripe than In -keeping a field -of whest uncat when it to fit for the reaper. 'Until a forest Is ready for the ;saw it should be protected, and when -cut down the soil on which it stood, :it net fit for agriculture, should be left 'In shape for the Immediate starting -of another crop of trees. Of course, the commercial forester, while prim- -arily concerned In growing forests for 'the saw, does not ignore the Immense value, both practical and sentimental, -of park and roadside trees. It pains him to see a fine tree butchered be- cause of ignorance or carelessness, -and he realizes that the cause of forest conservation gains much from 'the support of men and women whose Interest is not so much in tile forest .as a whole as fit some Individual tree -or grova, Thus- !ill citizens, whether they think of the commercial side, or -of the condition of the trees around their homes., can Join wit,ol.-hoartealy In the work of forest conservation. Paying With Fish-HoA3. In odd corners of the world many .Queer things are used as money. In Cbtna you may find In circulation lumps of gold or silver bearing marks which show that they were first Issued -hundreds of years ago. In shape they -are square, oval, or oblong, and they weigh anything up to one and a half Pounds. The Chinese use small strips -of breas or copper, some of which are worth less than a hundredth of a pen - my. " Some of the Mongol tribes pay their bills with little cubes of com- pressed tea. In Burma one finds the cowrie shell used as money, while. little porcelain ZoIns take the plate of haRpence. The Inhabitants of solhe of the districts bo,rdering the Persian Gulf do their buying and sellng with fish-hooks of various, SIzes, Africa provides a weird as.-vortment. Beads, elephant tusks, and spear Weads are all used as coins. I'll Oceania flint axeff are the most common means of exchange, but we find considerable use made of parrots' feathers woven Into ropes. The real wild Red Indian hardly exists'now, but in -a few remoto countries, such as Al- aska, he is still to be, found using his shell money, Growing Pine Trees Under Glass. In the last few weeks items have been going the rounds of the Canadian Press doubtless clippod from United States, ' papers advising farmers to stop erosion In the gullies on their farms and render thbse waste places produc- tive by planting longleat and shortleat Pines. The advice' in regard to the gullies Is good but it the farmers want to grow longleaf and shortleat Pines they Will have to put a glass root over the gRlltes and apply artificial heat. 'rho native home of these plues is "way down In Tennessee" and they do not grow Satisfactorily north of Vir- gfnia, But Canadians need not be downhearted, because they can grow better trees than these southern Pines. There IS- a large amount of Information, available in Canada as to what !roes to lgrow .! Pr6vlhclal foresters are glad to 9IV6 i166na;tlo , und th o Dominion Forestry 13ranch 'has p6lIshed two bulletins which may be had (roe upon Rl)Pllctltl 1110 the Director of Forestry, Ottawa. -They are No. 1, "Treo Plant - Ing on the PrAirles,01 for the Prairie Provinces', wid Wo. oo, ,Caro of the W601110t,'l for the other 1)rovincos. Pish are beli= e a kesix affixi ot valwL members -hip. YOU mus__t_­be_s_L___w_`o`,rker or you stay oubside. Even after join- Ing, if You f ail to attend the. regular meetings or take part in the club's activities, out you go. These clubs being non-sectarian, all the most energetic men in the coin- munity are eligible for membership, and rarely is there any worthy cause that the Rotarians will not endorse. improve myself, increase my effi- cieneyand enlarge my service, and by so doing attest my faith in the funda- mental principle of Rotary, that he profits most who serves best." Surely nothing could be more in line with the So:eial Service progiam of Public Health. than this creed of the Robarians. May these clubs grow and prosperl Issued by the Dominion Bureau Of Statistics. British Columbia's fishing Industry accounted for $22,300,000 of the total, and that of Nova Scotia for $12,700,0,00. Salmon Is by far Canada's most important fish, the lobster com- Ing second, and cod, halibut and herr- Ing in the order named. Nearly $2,- 000,000 worth of whitefish were mar- keted. On board the Canadian Pacific Rall- way steamship Victorian which ar- inullicliLeo or you can get, tacm uy mail at So cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 Th Dr. I a ed ne from 0 Ill MS, 1 1 lot Co., Brockville, Ont. With the Boy Scouts. "What the Boy Scout training aces for me" Is the subject of a letter com- petition being conducted for Sarnia Boy Scouts by the local Association. Prizes of Scout books and nubscrip- tions to Canadian Boy, the Boy Scouts'[ fice I can make for your sweet sake; -no suffering I can endure?" This final appeal was irres-Istible. "The best thing you can do, my mail," said a gruff Voice, "is to come along with me," and a bratal Police- man unfastened him from the lamp post and led him silently away, Same Old -Things. A Cambridge undergraduate, con - trary to regulations, was entertaining ­ ­_ P­ ' '" - --a v- —w part and I'm stronger than I've beou In ft long time. In fact, Tanlac. has the same as made a new person of me. for I can do my housework with ease and my friends are talking about the won. dorful Change that has come over me. don t believe anyone who suffers as I did can. do better than take Tanlac " Tanlae Is sold by leading druggists everywhere. AdvL Not for Vulgar Eyes. World's Biggest Saw. 'Will It Be Fine? There has just been fashioned for Do you know how to. tell it It will rived at Quebec recently was a party of twenty-eight English orphan boys 111agazine, will be awarded to the boys writing the best letters, and a number his sister, when they heard someone I on the stairs. Hastily hiding his sis. There must be many Japanese stlill One of the big lumber mills in British Columbia the largest circular ever keep fine, no matter where you hap- to be? an route to Sherbrooke, where they of these letters will be printed later In the Scout Column of the "Canadian ter behind a curtain, he went to the living who can remember when their countrymen would have regarded witk saw mado. pen It Is quite simple. Just watch the will be Instructed in the rudiments of Canadian farming and after a course Obs-eiver," door and confronted an aged man who was revisiting thescones of this youth, horror the manner In which the Crown To be accurate, there are two of birds and the animals. Their actions of one or two months will be sent out It is intemsting to note that the and was desirous of seeing his old Prince allows himself to be gazed up - on by foreign crowda. them, and they have been designed to will give you as good a weather fore- to different farms In the Dominion. team which won the Howlsou trophy rooms. So late as 1867 no Japanose was al - meet the Special requirements of the mill is cast as you need for everyday pur- Approximately $10,500,000 Insurance In the Brockville Junior baseball com- Obtaining permission, he looked lowed to look upon the Emperor, who which called upon to handle giant fir logs, many Of which run from poses. It you are at the seaside, watch the Is held by Canadian war veterans un- der the provisions of the Returned Petition was entirely compcaed of Boy Scouts. round, and remarked, "Ali, yes, the same old room." Goin g to the window lived & life apart 4a the seclusion of fifteen to twenty-five feet in girth. gulls. When they fly Inland you may Soldiers Insurance Act, representing While Brockville Scouts seem to hesald, "The same old view, and Peep' his palace. All that was seen of him by those who waited on his There are millions of acres of fir bo sure there will be rain. As the old about 3,800 Policies. There has been make baseball their athletic specialty, Ing behind the curtain, lie exclaimed, ' com- mands was his back. When the forests Ili British Columbia,, there be- 1119 sufficient timber in this single pro- proverb has It: "Seagull, seagull, sit on the sand, a marked increase In the number of Policies taken out recently Since an Sudbury. Scouts go in for football. Two games with their chief opponents, "The same old gama!" I'm y sister, Sir," Paid the student. rule was first modified to the extent of his Vince of the Dominion to supply the It's never fine weather while you're amendment to the act arranged for the Copper Cliff Cadets, recently re- "Oh, yes," said the visitor, "the leaving the palace all shutters 2iad to be put up alI blinds drawn, and even world with all the lumber it needs for on the land." the payment of total amounts at death. suited in a tie and a 2-1 victory for the same old story." , the crevices covered with paper, and many generations to come. Each saw is nine feet in diameter, Weather changes qlave, curious of- fects upon cows. A coming shower Electricity is being used for the fint time in New Brunswick as power Scouts. "Mother has joined the Scouts!" But Think over the acts of your 14fe no one was permitted In the streU3. and boasts one hundred and ninety tie- will make a cov try to scratch her for rafting purposes, by the Nashwook on investigation we found that she earefulldy before you ask for exact Vast changes have taken place since then, but even to -day it Is not consid- tactable teeth of the inserted spiral type, This cars. If a thunderstorm Is on the Pulp and Paper Company, at th e really hadn't. What she did join was justice. ered quite proper and respectful by Is an important Innova- way, her tail will thump vigorously mouth of the Nas-hwaak River, where the Ladies' Auxiliary of the 51-st Ter- Canadian expenditures an naval and the m9mases of the to look tile tion, and mea -lis that should any of the against her ribs. Black snails on a rafts of timber are made up for ship- onto Troop. The Scout Mothers re- military d-efenee are the lowest of any People at Eaqieipr or his heir when they dr-ve teeth get broken or damaged, new country road at dusk Indicate rain . melit to St. John. A twenty -horse, cently held a garden fete in aid of the country in the world, accoiddrig to through the streets. allps can be inserted without removing The humble rooGter, too, IS a good power motor and a crew of seventy troop camping fund. A good program, the statement of the Minister of Mil - the saw from if- f- ­ M l, MT in will& local arti.f -i+I, . . . Each blade was cast from ingots a usually can scent; a coming shower well in advance. men now do the work formerly requir- ing a creiv of 200 me' 'he raft- n, when t --A,- talented members of the troop, netted itia in the House of Commons, the per capita expenditure for defence, in - weighing 1,140 lb. After reheating, "It the cook goes crowing to bed Ing was done by hand. the treasury over $170. cluding that for militia, naval and rolling, and trimming, the finished He ivill certainly rise with a watery are technically trained foresters lo- cated there are observations being The Catholic Boy Scouts at Es- air forces, being inly $1.89, The per - blades turned the scale at 705 lb. apiece. Great care had to be head," It Is to the RED HAUT JULY DA Y.", panola participated In the ceremony of illuminating the statute surmounting centage of annual revenue to be de - exercised easy read weather signs, less detailed character being carried Albert Co., X. 11--"I hav-3 Wrreia voted to deferice purposes this year fit the final treatment, as they had to be mathematically trite and perfect, of the sky. A balced moon always foretells rain. The stars, too, have a 77 HARIN) ON Tn BABY the soldieral monument Gil the Sacred Heart grounds. They acted as a is 3.5 per -cent. and the ateel of a 141 _-f . ­ 1, 0 1 guard of honor and gave, a full salute proved that carotin is colital d in '-e.- greatest 11nount in Indian coin and The U.S. 'navy has now in its ser- ­ L.. .7. This giant among saws is capable of attaining a speed of one hundred arid thirty miles an hour. It can saw through the greatest forest giant that ever grew as easily as one can cut butter with a knife. J k1k, .. e ore a shower. "When tile stars begin to huddle, The earth will soon become a pud- dle." If, when the rain does come, it ar- rives from the east, it will usually re. main for two days. If rain threatens for a long time, It will remain for a long time. July --the month of oppressive heat; red hot days a -ad sweltering nights; Is extremely hard on little ones. Diar- rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera in- fantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to as the lights were tur tied on. I Scouting grows. Amongst the most ! recent troops, to receive their Charters I from headquarters are Organizations having their headquarters In Blyth Niagara Falls-, Essex, Elk Lake, Witio: na, Eganvllle, Metcalfe, Dutton, Bridge- bu.rg and Preston Eggs W Ith W h1f.- x Qtks. I 1 1 Takin- u- the lack In - 1­fs I -i- __ I The secret of obtaining eggs with white yolks, has been solved, it Is atatail, by two poultry breeders. The yolk derives Its fine, yellow color from a natural dye, carotln, -which also constitutes the pigment of 'carrots. This carotin produces, as well, the intense yellow coloring in Flying Torpedoes. Experiments, throwing a now light on the problems of aerial war, are re- ported as, having been taking place with great secrecy near Paris. Small heavier-than-air machines, really torpedoes Witill wingal are sent up into the air under their own Power. provent, ese troubles or If tiray come on, suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as Is Baby's Own Tablets, They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an occasion. at dose given to the Well child will prevent summer complaint, or if the trouble does come On suddenly will sure time is one of the me st serious problems of the home. The program of activities of the Bay Scouts Associa- tion has stood the test of twelve years as one of the most practical Solutions of the problem ever devised. Some men accept literally the blbll- cal warning: Spare the rod and spoll' We UuttKp ULU tM11MJJMl MILU L11t; lUrb UL and entirely pilotless, and are then U4111ti'll IL. ALLU '141JIUMS RX8 11011Q Dy Leghorns, an Italian breed. controlled by wireless telegraphy. medicine dealers or by mail at 26 Train up a child in the way he should By eliminating all Garotin from the Machines. are flown for considerable cents a box from The Dr. Williams? go and when he Is old he Will not do - feed It wasl possible to produce Per- distances and made to carry out Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. part therefrom. The Boy Scout Move, mant is based on the latter principle fectly white Leghorn liens, and these. manceuvres while under wireless di. lWanted s' Change. and should be encouraged through Ia- hens Ili turn laid eggs with white roction from the ground. yolks; their fertility was not, how- A further development con -tam . plated A somewhat befuddled guest ap- creaved leadership by men able to de. ever, limited In the least. is for a method to be perfected by peared before the desk of a s1ftart vote tintev to this great work. The frequent disappearance of the means of which a pilot in an aero- hotel and demanded in thick but firm 0 yellow pigment from earlaps, legs, I plane can control the movements of tones that his room be changed. Canadian Forest Investi. HAS NO etc., which has been observed in Leg- one of these air tDrpe.dces the laying is . "I'm sarry," theelerk told him, "but the taken." gations. YARMOUTH, N. S. FAIN NVY4 horns during period, This would mean -that after a ter. caused by the fact that during this Pedo had been launched and controlled all rooms are "Mush have Inother room," insisted White in all districts where there The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations the Negroes digging live fish from the ground as ff they were I time carotin is excreted, first of all in up to a certain height by the land sta. the guest. are technically trained foresters lo- cated there are observations being sold on merits of What Lydia E. tho yolk. tion, Its direction would be taken over "WhaVs the matter with the room have made and investigations of a mora or MINARD'S LINIMENT Vegetable compotmd Did In the case of layllng liens which by a pilot In a special areoplane, who you now?" "Well, less detailed character being carried Albert Co., X. 11--"I hav-3 Wrreia ASPIRIN produced eggs vdth wit 'to yolks, the would Send it on ahead until he had of tile different feeds it to its taTget, if you mush know," 6xplain- ed the dissatisfied tenant, "ish on, the organized scientific work in for Mvrs. B akez, avnE carotin cont011ts guided he ibimself re, could be examined very easIly it maining at some distance, '011 firel" these, directions has been mainly calf- Mrs. Kiever. proved that carotin is colital d in '-e.- greatest 11nount in Indian coin and The U.S. 'navy has now in its ser- Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere tred at the forest experimental station at Petawawa, Ont., and at the forest nursery station at Indian Head, Sask. Only "Bayer" is Genuine Vancouver, B. 04—"lam plmqed to say that Lydia E. Pinkhant'sVogetable green food. vice 2,600 carrier p1geons. .'I Digging for Fish. At Indian Head, a large number of plantations of small area, In some r=7) Compound has done me a lot of goad. I can now walk -about without the aid Izaak Walton would scarcely b6leve cases of single species and In other of a supp art and feet real strong again. his eyes If he were to rqulk through Now Smyrna, Florida, and encounter cases of various mixtures, have been A nurse advised me to take tho Vegetable Compound and ibis cerkunly Negroes digging live fish from the ground as ff they were in existence for some years. Careful records have been kept fromyear to hellillig me. It seems tha Heaven fo M1_ Q13 be relieve(I aftor months of pain."— potatoes. A certain fish found year of the growth and development 111M. IT. W. BArq­., 8874 10th Avo. variety of mud of the trees and there is being steadily _CE5 11'est, Vancouver, 11. 0. In nearly all parts of the State is re- accumulated a store of information Albert Co., X. 11--"I hav-3 Wrreia sponsible for this-stato of affairs. This, queer member Of the finny that will be of the greatest value In Mydia IK. Pinlilvani's medicines ancl titey have done mea lot of good. Siaca tribe Inhabits streams or ponds which future planting work oil farms or In the forests..—Annual Report, Director then I have been able to do my horse - vezIr ?.,-, 1 T 1,a-. L lot of r, ork to dn vi have mud banks or bottoms,. It IS black, and weighs up to five, or six of Forestry, Ottawa. wo live on a 141 M. 80eing y-oak-advc-_ Warning! Unless you ste the name I iisament in the was what mpas pounds. When the water In a pond MONEY ORDERS P11pol "Day -or" on package. or oil tablets you me think of writing 10 yon, 1 kop evaporates, aa. it does during certain the' leaving A Dominion Express, Money Order for five dollars- are not getting Aspirin at all. Take illis may 11cip sonle ono Aspirin told In Bayer NOW seasona, of year, on-ly a milas of the Costs three cents,. __V.— only as the pack Jnq. NVM. )3, KrIvr9l Upper for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Horton, Albert Co., X. 13. 1 mud which on surface is it age I The leWra almost &3 , doeanlf worry the fish. At Regular Itates. Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, reason women write such The fish merely burrow Into the Miss Margaret Moore bung on the Lumbago and f or Pain. 'Then yolt will to 60 LYd!n V - PilikhUnI Mad cine Co. ; rienciq 1py­v 9-e mud to wait for rain, and apparently arin of the editor of the Titusville and tell their- Ar be following the directions and dosage he, y y : mul%ege!- 0611tillue to live aS long as the earth Is. wet. Tne Negrow locate the fish by 14&aor to whom oho had been engag- ed for 'three ,zdisthatl worked out by Physicians during, 0 a Corn ound b -a- d Nrough health &d tWenty-ond years and proved safe by Eappine %lto their livIs. Ited from exploring the mud 'with thelir bare feet. years, and onAeavored, to turn his gaze toward. the sky. mllllona Handy tin boxes of twelva their illness they watit toww the gvm The fish Ia edible, but Is not a fa. "Just notice the Moon, 0areneall' Bayer Tablets. of Aspirin cwt few news alonj to othor an M7 Wau*a be vorfte because of Its stringy, and coarse flesh. she Said, in 4 maltffig Voice. "At the usual rates, Margaret, I cents. Druggists, also soil larger Wk- that they a a 6 way ralleve agoa. Made In VAftada. Aspirin is the if there are #,A 60M tea yft d6 dt b1tax be happy to do replica I trade mark (reghsit6red In Canada), of not urid6raf—d a Mk - a, h Modirne Co.. Lyhus. It to muth easier to keep up th*A — - Bayer Wabu&oture of Motkoaobtle"la. I 11, ­ - to cAtch up. MInard's LlnlrnsWA44R4rV;s NeuMlaft aster of gallaylle"Id. No.