HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-21, Page 510 Thur,sday July 21st, 1,921 T E HOUSE OF OUALITY19 H EXTRA VALUES IN MEN'S WEAR We are showing special values in Men's Clothing in the newest styles and materials. Young Men's Models -- Our range of new styles in perfect fitting clothes for young men are exceptional values at very moderate prices ............ $25-00 to 35.00 suits at $25.00 See our big range of men's Suits in browns, greys, greens and blues, L in checks, stripes and plain cloths, form fitting and conservative styles, wonderful values at ........... ........................ $25.00 Raincoats Fine English- Waterproof Tweed Raincoats in grey, brown and heath- er mixtures at moderVe prices $18-00 to 20.00. See our sp;cial line at .......................... ............... ...... ... $15.00 Underwear Fine balbFriggan underwear in seperate garments at ............ 75C Za One piece suite in Balbriggan and NainBook at ...................... $1,75 We can supply your needs of Negligee Shirts, Soft Collars, Summer Hats and Caps, Hose, Work Shirts. IM. J9 9 MILLS -1.0 Our Goods are the Best— Our Prices Rijht. Terms, Cash. Produce Wanted. WHY SUFFER rw"hAIN 7 YOU can'tdo justice to YOUrself in business, social or home life if. you suffer from headache, backache, neuralgia, monthly pains or any of the thousand and one pains with which all of us ar�l afflictedat one time or another. These pains indicate a very real Physical danger. But there are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills. Mr. and Mrs, John Anger, Gorrie, visit. �ed at Mr. Alex Mageess over Sunday. and Mrs. Jas. VanCamp, of Belgrave, visited friends here on Sunday, n THE, 'AINGILNINI .11)VANCH, MARRIED PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Mo1?FAT'r--MCB17RNEY—A t S t. Ar. The following is the report of S. S. No. -r. Turnberry* Promotion examination ' drew's Manse, Wingham. on July 9% June 1922. by RQv. Dr. Perrie, Mr. Lawrence S, ,Moffatt of Wronter, to Mi56 S1. III to Jr. IV—David Haugh, (Honours), Clara McLean (Honours). Mary Wylie McBurney of Turnberry, � Jr. III to Sr, III—Jobn Deans, Sr II to Jr, 111 --Mae McLean BLAC-K11 ALL— CAlstril rm, —In Toronto, (Honours), Joseph ROM, Violet McLean. Jr. 11—Lorene Gilkinson, Leone Deans, on Thursday, July 14th, C. N. Black- Teresa Roth Maude Hamilton, hall. son of Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Black. First Class—Fraser Forgie, Bernice ball of Wingham, to Miss Erma Camp_ bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Breen. Primer—Hartley Smith, Louise Breen, Campbell, formerly of Wingliam. Rev. Harold Roth. ADA L. MCGILL, Teacher. Mr. Ferguson performed the ceremony. Dp. Margapet Ca' Galdep' mrlw-v Justnowwe the most attractive ladiest Diam. ondo R i n g s , though round, are made to ap, pear 4 sided, 6 sided and 8 sides. This effect is obtained in the mountings which are beautifuly pierced and ornamented. Prices $25.00 to $200.00 W. R. Hamilton Jeweler and Optician A 25 YEAR ENDOWMENT Recently matured itself in Mr. and Mrs. Gallabar and Mrs. H. Higgins of Wingliam visited with friends on The 3rd. line last week, Urs. Kearney Sr. is visiting her sister;n Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Masters, and Mr. TiPp Of Toronto, motored to A. Procters last week. Mrs. Charles Hopper who was visiting in Detroit, has returned to her home here, Mr. Lyle Hopper has purchased a Cbev. rolet car. WINUHAM MARKL-IS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Butter .................. 25 to 30 Eggs ................... 1 24 to 30 Hogs, liveweight ... , 10 50 to 11 00 Cream ........... to 32 MRS. T. FELLS Patrick St., Phonje 23 1. Qualified to give Chiropractic and massage, ajustments. Spinal examina I ion free. Holiday Time. Freedom from all aches and pains assured hi Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules I Keer. t:-ierrt in yau.- home, Take them on your v�Lcation For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Train Sickness, Etc. 81.00 at your druggist's. Sold by J. W. McKibbon XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX14=11 10 N WHITE STAR LINE - - SPECIAL MIDSUMMER EXCURSION Goderich -to Detroit and Return ST. GREYHOUND leaves Goder4ch, on M 0 NDAY, A U G U S T 8th, at 11.15 p. m. arriving Detroit, Tuesday at 7.15 a.m Returning leave Dctroit� Thurr- day. Aug llth, at 2.30 p.m., on Str. Owana. $3.00 Round Trip. 99 -nn An- W.- OF& Last trip to Detroit, Friday, Aug. 12th, 7 a.m. on Str. Owana.. Nq 0-_A Don't miss this midsummer opportunity to visit beautiful Detro*it. delightful ride across Lake Huron and down tl�,e St. Clair and Detroit % Xrivers. A A_ &-, Greyhound Moonl A ighL?A X Out of,Goderich, Mon. Ev'g, Aug. 8th, 8.15 p.m. FINZEL'S FAMOUS DEIT R 0 1 T ORCHESTR& 10— for dancing in the Greyhound Ball Room. (Wa, 50 cents Children under 12 25 cents. NX XX XX4VJI JX;rJ4JJVJX Anno''unce-ment.1 rs. co. McDonald spent a few days at'Bruce Beach, last week, 20 Years Mrs. Stalker Called Horne he Select Ladies' Readv-to-Wear Store Morris Council Minutes of Council meeting held in th Township Hall, on Monday, June 13th 11921 Minutes Of last meeting were rea( and approved, The Council decided t transfer lots N. J, 18, Con 2 and S. J 3 and 36, Con. 1, froin S S: No. 8 to S. S No. 10. $300. was thrown off the assess ment on Lot N. ? 10, Con, 4, on accoun of the house being burned. The contract of work on the open part of the Kelly drain was let to R. B. Alcock at $4100 Drain to be completed in 1922. It was decided that tenders for the Mills, and Sellers' Drains be left over until the next meeting. Arthur Shaw was appointed Road overseer for the Present year, The year. The reports on the Rintoul, Car- diff, Brewer, Hopper and Mason drains were read and provisionally adopted. The following accounts were paid:—H. Xirkby, on Kirkby Drain $400; Wm. Smith cover on culvert A Kn T : : 0 . v IS. cli e, tractor on grader 76 hours at 82 per hour IW52 00; Wrn -Alderson, drawing tile 15.00; l3luevale ed friends nere last week. r�. Taylor, gravel 8.70; Win. Turvey, J. kV. Masters is on the sick list and is, gravel 20.10;&Robert Wightman, culvert Quite a number frem here attended ser. being rulieved by Mr. A. Zettler' �f Win ' 12 30; George Machan, shovejling 6.00; vict:s in Wingham an Sunday to hear Rev. ham. g- I E. Geddes, bolts for grader clip 60c; Alex Dr. Chowan, I Shaw, shovelling 29 25; John Riley, team Mr Geo Townsend and children of on roads 13 00; Henry Bone, fixing cul - M r L W. Ruttan has moved into the Gorrie visited at Mr, Will, Thornton's vert 10,00; Robert Turvey, shovelling house he purchased from Nlr Milvert Sell- Sunday. ers we welconia them back. 1 4.80; Finley McCallum, 71 days on grader Mr. Eldon McKinney is at present r(_ 30,00; H. Hetherington, team on grader Miss Nellie McKinney of Toronto vis lieving at Owen Sound. 10-00; Erark Kelly, filling was�out and --- ---- fixing fence 30.00: Win Phil;ips, sharpen - ening grader blade 2,50. Next meeting July Ath 1921, A. MAcEwEN, Clerk. far-pa"hstsiang 4 PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT all dthers. in general excellence... The following is the report of S, S. No 7 Turnberry att(j Fast Wgwanosh. June prumotion exam.q. SR. III to JR. IV .L;aylor, JR- III to 81k. 111—Ethel Currie, hon, - jean Currie, lion. JR III (a) to JR. III (b)—Margaret stapieton, 11011. JR. Il tOSR, Il—W. J. Mowbray, hon; 9R. I to JR. 11—Alex Coulter, Phyllis SAIJADA Jessie Naylor. Ken Weaver, James Wil- son, lion; Ted Mowbray, recommended. is enjoyed by millions of devoted friends Weaver. B829 PR I NIVR to JR. I—Jean Coul ter. 111ack, Green or Mixed Blends. Sealed packets only. PRIMUR I to PT II—Charlie Coulter. MILDRnl) GtuwN, teacher Cleaning Up Adjustments Adi ustments on faultitires rarely satisfy —they are annoying too, and take time. t 1�xcept in the case of Ames �Iolden "Auto -Shoes" Should the necessity for an adjustment arise 6n any Aines Holden "Aueo-Shoell, an obviously lionest effort will be made to meet you—frankly and fairly, without quibble or red, tape. AMES HOJvLdviu'&_E_N_ "AUTO -SHOES" Cord and Fabric Tires in all StandarI Sizes ""Grey SOX" Tubes For Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes 1114Mkley Sons., Phone 84., and Geo. T. Robertson, Phone 02, Win M0 and Wingham Tire and Vulcanizing Depott Phone 298. Veilding a return of $121 for every $100 invested, besides carry the risk and Again death called an old resident from Auburn, in the person of Christian Rid- at Wingham, will be closed for one month X SAVING THU INSURED 5 YEARS dle, relict of the late Francis Stalker' whose sudden and unexpected end came for the purpose of e PREMIUMS on Friday morning, following an illness of Ask for particulars 0 Abner Cosens but one week's duration, At the time of her death she was visiting at her daugh- Remodelling the Buflding — W. T. Booth 5 Mutual Life o I Canada ther's Mrs. R. J. McGee, for a few weeks and was in her usual good health up un - Wingliam, Ont. til Saturday afternoon when she took The management xvish to thank their many t suddenly ill and gradually became weak- er until death came and she passed quiet- friends and customers who have so liber- X Dp. Margapet Ca' Galdep' y and peacefully to "The Land where we never grow old" to join her son Principal ally patronized them d u r i ri g the past General Practitioner Jos. Stalker of Ingersoll. who sang this couple Of months. Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty hymn for her only last Christmas, little thinking that in six months both would X Of Medicine. Office:—Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. be in that land. Mrs. Stalker was born in Beverly Twp. and came with her late X Xf On or Sept. Ist Telephones — Office 281, Residence 161. husband, who predeceased her 26 � ____ ago to Colborne, when this township W& --About was nearly all bush, here the familv altar was set up and continued th-oughout their X We Nvill re -open with an up-to-date fall THOSE SUDDEN NOISES 7 Do you start at sudden noises ? life setting before their family of 9 children stock. lt Will PaY You to Watch for their I Just one or two doses 6f DR, MILES' NERVINE—$1.20 will soothe the irrit. the things that count for time and etern- ity. Aithough I'Ars. Stalker was old in Nt iiext atinouncemetit. ated and over -strained nervee. -Guaran- yeaus. having reached the great age of 86 teed Safe and Sure. years, she was young inspirit and took rk, Sold in Wirigham by J. WALTON McKIBBON a lively interest in all the events of the day and especially in the welfare of her 1 9 The Select Ladies9 Rea Y -to -Wear i beloved family, %vho were always ready 1 JAMESTAYLOR and glad to take mothers advice. Mrc. Stalker was among the hist communicants A%X Xin A74=1 "A6 X119 of the first Presbyterian Church in AUCTIONEER Auburn her late husband being one of This I the first elders of that church. Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at I h rch celebrated their Diamond jubilee The Advance, Ik irigham, will receive;' u 1XII, prompt attention. a vear ago. Mrs Stalker being the only I \Nq\\ 7 -7 Phone Not i h1l urcr, 15 6", ;,7- 1., 4 60 m nb r of t le .23, 1 11 sFeh 1, -1 survivor of the first church, she was present at both ­rvices er e q Ns, I I I and kindly tribute was paid her by the i Pastor of the church, Rev, Mr, Ross, who 4r spoke of the difficulties which had to be V� I overcome to permit her to attend Divine I Service in those early days, when wagom, landoxenwere the mode of conveyance, fZi 1 but many times Mrs. Stalker walked the six miles. i Itz, t, lt had been the wish of Mrs. Stalker for many years that she might be spared 1A., 5 to have her family all together once be- f)re she passed out of this life and her V 1, T -Z 4, wish was realized at Christmas, 3 years !ago when herself and 0 children met at the bome of her daughter, 1\,Irs. D. A .4 Jk, r- AA r I es ondetiboro. with whom she made her home for the Past 19 years, and a real family reunion took place after a seperation of 23 Years, Since that time sad bereavements have come to the amily, 2 Years ago Mrs. W, J. Sturdy S. after an'illness of very short duration Passed away and in January last tile —Use Long Dhstancle Princ* "I . 7' _­ ipa os. Stalker of Ingersoll, very AXI reorganizing business ink-th(Kis — I ,peedij.g Up ific nivehanism. suddenly and unexpectedly passed out of of industry, multiplying the 11umbt:,,r of &al(-_-, reducing the cost of this life. selling, and making it possible to ziccollilpli,,11 more in the business day., The � funeral of the late Mrs. Stalker .I give you the right of way ihto Everyman's office. In the midst of -a' took place on Sunday afternoon from t conference, Hstenilig to voiir rival's s�iesl ian, reading a telegram or he special delivery letter, ll�Will Stop --and h1sten to Long Distance. residence of her son-in-law, Mr. R. J. Mc- �, r Gee to Balls cemetrY, and was largely at - "I am the qVICI-eSt Me& snngrcr on earth, reliable, never sick or on lialiday tended, many old friends coming a lorg never t6o tired to work all night, always ready to serve yoti. 13,(1(16 trained telephone employals make it jossible for me to ren'der such distance to pay their last respect to On e cervice, who was so highly esteemed by all, Rov. "Prom tho offic( I direct the operation. of branches — buy and sell every. Mr. Ross, Auburn and Rev. Mr. Tel- thing _­ nialw neur customers -- stimulate an(l encourage salesalen , — ford, Blyth, conducted the services. forestall ct)lnt (41tion --- verify credits._ pacify customers — coll(,ct There remains to mourn the loss of a bills. I have cen caliccl 'the grwtest bminess-getter in the world.' wise councelor and loving mother 5 sons "For the factory mid warehotme, I ",Peed up and direct incoming rmt2, and 2 daughters, namely, James B. outgoing shipments — take advantage of .1 favorable turn In the nilarlwt, Van- to secure coveted Inaterial or supplivq_ order couver, B. C.; John, Waskada Man ; Wm. new Partq to replace broken equipme.lit. PH M., Woodstock; F. Dixon, Blyth; Robt. R. "I am the wonder -servant of tile a Every Rely ve Auburn-, Mrs. R. J. McGee, Auburn and your cheliust and most faithful enip%ye,,�,, Mrs. D. Geides, Londesboro. Four sist. The Long Distanoe Teleplitlie.,, A i io a Long ers and three brothers also survive all ill Dhq0t2ce. dvanced ars. statiolt 0 mwx�m i --- !!�ii'm I 11