HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-21, Page 4THE WINGRAM ADVANCE
YOU can enjoy more power for starting and light-
ing if vou will let us inst all a Prest-O-Lite Stor-
age BiatteW hi your car.
But first let us prove that Prest-O-Lite Service can prolong the
life of your V�ment battery, whatever its make. Your own best
interests are our first concern. C7
Benefit by the money -saving advice and attention which Prest-
O-Lite Service freely offers, and we will not need to ask you to
install the powerful, worry -saving Prest-O-Lite Battery when
the time comes for replacement. You'll demand it.
Robertson & Hecker
"The Garage for Service"
Whitechurch their daughter, Mrs. 'Wm. Wraith, Lang- Miss Greta Itox: is visiting relatives at
side., St, Catharines.
Rev. John Henderson spent a couple of Mrs. Win. Martin and Bruce, returned Quite a number from this vicinity at -
days at his home here last week, t-.om Goderich last week, where they tended the services in the Methodist
Miss Isabel Fox returned from 8t. had been visiting. Church, Wingham, last Sunday. Rev.
Catharines on Monday night. Miss Nettie Lott is spending her holi. Mr. Chown, the Superintendent of the
Methodist Churches of Canada, being
Mr. and Mrs. Rglestone visited with days with her grandmother in Brussels. present and preaching in the afternoon
and evening,
Miss Levine Carrick of Wingliam, i,,
holidaying at-ber home here.
Miss I�Ziith Peddle, and -Angus MacKay
A and Harold Sperling, left on Monday
A morning to attend the summer schoo:
hold at Lake Couchiching.
St. Helens played baseball 0 againsi
Whitechurch, here last Monday. White,
chureh won 6-5
""Built in Canada�'
WBITFIELID-In Bruessels South, on July
6th, 1921, Ruth Adella. daughter ol
Joseph and Mary Whitfield, aged 21
years, 2 months and 6 days.
ArAm-otor resla"w-tO �, m -9
ii?o rnnree years of
the most gr"w-14 11ino %S� ts
(-)NIX after Studebaker engineers had spent three years irl subjecting the LIGHT -
U SIX motor to the most --ruelling tests, were they ready to approve its being
offered to the public.
The entire LIGHT-SLX car was designed with a definite purpose, which was to
build an automobile of quality construction that would perform all of the functions
of a heavier car, but which could be oplerated at a minimum expense.
In keeping with this aim, LIGHT -SIX engineers conceived and patented the Internal
Hot -Spot -an exclusive feature of the Light -Six motor, which is largely respon-
sible for the unusually low fuel consumption of the Studebaker LIGHT -SIX.
No other automobile offers such EcGnomy and Value as
the LIGHT -SIX -See this car and ride in it before you buy.
Coupe -Roadster $2385 Sedan $2885
All prices A. a. b. Walkervifle, Ont. Exclas�cc of Sates Tax
J P'
L. Kennedy-, De -a -ler, Wing-haim
is a
at Goderich, Ont., this compauy will run
Jar Rings loc. doz., 3 doz. for .................... I
Zinc Jar Rinks, per doz .........................
Parowax, large
the steamer, Greyhound, from Detroit to
Cireyhound To Goderich
For the occasion of the Old Horne Week,
at Goderich, Ont., this compauy will run
Jar Rings loc. doz., 3 doz. for .................... I
Zinc Jar Rinks, per doz .........................
Parowax, large
the steamer, Greyhound, from Detroit to
Goderich, Monday, August 8th, leaving
A Week Of Delightful Entertain -
Detroit at 9 a. in., and reaching Godecich
5.30, stopping at Port Huron on route.
On Monday night at 8 - 30, the Greyhound
will run a moonlight excursion to Lake
Afternoon -
Huron. For dancing on this occasion our - Opening Exercises in Charge of Superin-
patrons will have the privilege of enjoying
the music of one of Finzel's famous or-
High -Class Musical Concert.
chestras, consisting of nine pieces, every
Th e Zedeler Symphonic Quintette.
member of this unit being an artist on
Evening -
his own instrument. The Greyhound will
Prelude Concert-Instru mental a n d
leave Goderich Monday night at 11
o'clock for Detroit', arriving at 7.15 a.
The Zedeler Symphonic Quintette.
in., Tuesday,
Humorous Lecture - "Family Reme-
Dr. Chown at wingharn
dies". Helbert Leon Copq
A grand rally of Methodist people,
I 'The Funn est Man Since Bill Nye,,.
under the auspices of the Belgrave
Methodist church, was held in the �� ing.
ham Methodist churcb on Sunday, July
Afternoon -
17th. Rev. Dr. S. D. Chown of Toronto,
Entertainment for Songs, Stories, Imi-
General Superintendant of the Methodist
tations, Whistling.
church in Candda, delivered able and ap-
Little Alice Louise Shrode
propriate addresses to large congregations
Lecture- Seeing Life Whole".
afternoon and evening. Rev. J. R.
William H. Stout
Peters, B. A.. of Belgrave, who was res-
President Interhational Lyceum and
ponsible for this eminent clergyman's pre.
Chautauqua Ass'n.
sence assisted with the services. In the
Evening -
afternoon the Lucknow Methodist church
Entertainment by the Wonder Child
choir furnished the music and in the even.
ing the Wingham Methodist choir,
Little Alice Louise Shrode
The choir loft and the organ have been
Spectacular Indoor Circus.
lowered and the wiring of the church is
Pamahasika's Pets
not quite completed. The former was a
An Animal Play of Wonderful Skill.
big undertaking but adds greatly to the
appearance of the edifice.
Goderich Surnrner School
Concert Program by High -Class Sing -
Upwards of 100 delegates registered at
the summer school, which opened on
The Gilvan Light Opera Singers
Monday. This number is well repre-
Lecture -"Sea Power and World Free-
sentative of the northern district of the
dom. I
London conference delegates being pre-
Major Arthur E. Runnells of Montreal.
sent from all parts of it They are billet-
Evening -
ed in the homes of hospitable Goderich
Full Evening Concert, followed by the
folk, whn, at co-operating in every way
Presentation in Special Costuming of
to make the School a success. The ladies.
Part of the Great Gilbert and Sul -
of the Victoria street church have agreed
'_ livan Comic Opera, "Rud,dygore".
to provide meals for the week.
The Gilvan Light Opera I Singers.
Rev. J. 0. L. Spracklin was the ad.
vertised speaker for the night, but on ac.
Afternoon -
count of his il.ness his place was taken by
Recital Concert by three Splendid Art -
Rev. Ayearst, pro vincial license inspect.
ists from the Toronto Conservatory
or, who delivered a forceful address on
of Music; Ferdinand Fillion, Violinist;
law enforcement. Other speakers includ-
Fern Goitre Fillion, Soprano; Harvey
ed Ex -Mayor of Brantford-
Robb, Pianist. Lecturette-"China:
Principal Reynolds, of the Ontario Agri'
Ancient and Modern".
cultural College at Guelph; J. H Gundry.
Dr. Frederic Poole
of Toronto, and M. D. Smith.
Oriental Traveller and Raconteur
The opening sessions of the school
Evening -
proved most interesting and its success is
Recital Concert.
now assured.
Ferdinand Fillion and His Assisting
n S
Great Illustrated Lecture, showing
Many Motion Pictures, "With Allan -
by in Palestine and Lawrence in
Dr. Frederic Poole
A denial of the frequently -met
Direct from 10 months' Tour in Eng -
allegation that increased railway
rates are responsible for the present
usiness depression was made by
'"'illiam Sproul, President of the
Southern Pacific Railway Company.
at the convention of the National
Association of Credit Men at San
Francisco last week. Mr. Sproul, a:f-
ter alluding to -the so-called "freight
blockade" that occurred in 1917,
said: -
"Just as it was lightly alleged
then that the railroads bad broken
dowp, so now it is readily alleged
thaf'the increase in railroad rates is
responsible for the stagnation of
business. Because, transportation is
so important a factor in business it
would be a serious charge, if it were
true, that the railroad rates had pro-
duced the present stagnation in busi-
uess. But it is not true.
"On the contrary, the railroad
rates were not raised in time to en-
able the railroads to move the com-
merce of the country in its active
period when the business of the
country at large could easily absorb
the increase. The fact is that the
rates were raised and business de�
clined at about the same time, but
one had nothing to do with the other
as a relate�d,matter.
"In proof (if the -. , :, ion."Iet me
cal*� your attention to the vater rates.
The rates by water have tieen on thi,
&:clnie. Yet private owners are
laying up th6r shipq. The Unite:i
States Shipping Board's ships an
laid up by the s�:ore becarse businest
is stagnant. The cause is found ir
the sheer inability of busin"s to
back on �i peace T' , IS tll(
reason busineFs has halted.
"Yet the val* of tne .;y is that
rai!roads rEd-.c; their rites because
business is bad. This call for re-
duction comes from all sources and
on all important commodities and
from all se,-tiors of the country. I
venture the opinion that if all the
railroads of this country were, by
S91,11e edict, to reduce their rates oue-
half on every kind of traffic every'
where, there would be ro appreciabl,
Increase in the volume of bttsitess
moved, but the railroads would be
prostrate in one common disasta
that would shake the nation and call
tredits into oneAtion."
,T.HoRN'TO,.N-In Mori -is on Monday,
July 18th., toMr. and Mrs.Anson
Thornton a son.
M 2
r. andMrs. R. H. Carson, 'Mrs. Phair
and'Miss Alba Carson returned on Wed-
nesday from their three weeks' trip.
They went by way of Muskoka through
Sudbury to Blind River, where they
spent scone time with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ink-
ster. Leaviug there they went by way, of
the pike road to the Soo down through
Michigan, %isiting, fric;ids at different
points, then back into Cnnada at Wirid.
sor and from iliete home. They made a
complete circle cf Lake Huron and en.
joyed their trip greatly.
Tliursday, July 2tst, 1921
.41 74 X X WA
Pecia s
Z to Ic
Cut Prices In Lines of Summer Goods
Reduce StoCk QuIcklY
MEN'S LISLE SOCKS, fine quality in brown;. black, navy and
gray, regular 50c value .................... 35c or 3 pair for $1.00
;Ki WOMEN'S HOSE -10 doz. Lisle Hose in black, white or brown,.
sale ................................... ......
BLOOM ERS- Ladies' pink nainsook bloomers, fine quality to
clear at ............................................ . .... 1. .
VOILES -Fancy flowered and figured volles, now on sale at ........ 75C
BOYS' HOSE -Bargain in boys' ribbed hose, 5 doz. to clear at V1, 11
..................... ...... 35c or 3 pairs for $1.00
XMEN'S WORK SOCKS, part wool, regular value 50o, sale ........ 40c'
X, MEN'S BOOTS -A line of men's stong wearing boote, black or
Xtan, our cut price ........................................ 4.00
MEN'S !§HIRTS-Men's strong wearing shirts to clear at ........ 1.39
CANVASS BOOTS -Women's white canvass boots, to clear brok- 16,
en linCB, reg. 3.00 value for ................................ SI -69
BOYS' STRAW HATS, your pick for ............................. 25c. I
WOMEN'S GOWNS -Fine quality nainsook night gowns, lace
trimmed. reduced to .................................. 95c I
LADIES' WAISTS- Fine quality white voile waists, reg. 2.00 to
2.50, sale .................................................. 1.69 1
SILK HOSE -Ladies' white silk hose to clear at .................. 1.25
BARGAIN IN CORSETS -New model summer �Yeight corsets, I
on sale at .................................................. 1-00
LADIES' SHOES -Fine quality kid oxfords, to clear at a bargain.. 3.90
SILK HOSE -Ladies' silk heather hose, best colors, reg. 2.50, sale 1.90
Ladies' Home journal Book of Fashion with coupon for pattern,
regular price 35c, cut price ................................... as"
H*. E. Isard &'Co. i.
Glenannan . Wedding Bells are ringing round Glen-
Nliss Edith Metcalfe and Isabel, spen . annan.
Sunday at Newton with their cgiusin Mrs.l Miss Ada McGilt spent a few days -%vith.,
Waddell. her niother in Whitechurcb.
The Sunday Scbool at Eadies are hav- I Rev. Ivir. Mills of Bluevale will occupy7
ifig their piczfl� on Wednesday of this week; the putpit at Eadies' Church next SundRy.
at Nlr. Wm Canipbells, on the river flat, I M,s. Critikslianks ofi M%ilbank, is vishinK
11 T: Q it Al T I D � , ! . I at Oliver Stakes.
ss e a c ean o e ro ea -, viSIL'
Afternoon- in�� xvith Miss Nlabel Stok" and other 1 There are a number of Ind!an& puliinr
This is Rest Afternoon. Get ready for fri'vnd�. oti the loth. flax on the Fipling farm
the best play that has been produced
at Chautauqua. One hundred laughs 24 X MIX X X x0p. X X X, 7.0 XTX X00. ItNAM XX WhIM. XX:
Evening -
Percival Vivan Himself, at the Head of so
his Company of Broadway Players, in
the G G I UAANT1661 01 DAYS, SALE''x
,Teatest Laugh -Producing Come-
dy of the Century -
"It Pays to Advertise" Thursday, Friday and Saturday Next,
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th JUL'T" 21st, 22nd, 23rd.
Afternoon- Vi N.
Unique Concert with Unique Costum-! X, Ic
ing. I b-; Wool for sweaters and etc., 1 oz balls sport floss, all colors, reg, 25
Miss Ruby Gall and Her Old Song'X while they last only ......................................... c'l C.
Singers. 9C.
Lecturette- "Modern Canadian Poet"I Aluminum R
Dr. Robert Norwood, - K
Evening� Preserving r,
Some Songs of Long Ago. X
Miss Ruby Gall and Her Old Song; Ket fles.,
Lecture -"The Dominion and its De,-, at Big- Reductions
6 qt. size ............. $1 49
Dr. Robert Norwood. 8 qt. size ............. 2 �5
One of Canada's Greatest Orators. 10 qt size ............. 2 5W
% 4, 1 %# i 12 t ' .) n 41%
Hay - Fever
spoil many a holiday.
Positively stop% these troubles
Sneezing, weezing, coughing,
weeping eyes aren't necessary -
unless you like being that way.
�1.00 at your druggist's, or write
Templetons, Toronto, for a free trial.
Sold by J. W. McKlbbon
Mr. '.Nliills of Bluevale, preached an
eloquent sermon in the Presbyterian
church, Sabbath afternoon, in the even.
itig the Women's Institute tool, charge
of the meeting.
The social which was to ble held on
Mr Hector MeLean's lawn has been pos-
poned until the 25th., when it will be
held bn Mrs. Corrigan's lawn, gravel
road. The choir of the Presbyterian
Church will furnish music,
Miss 34unice Hackney left for Toronto,
Monday to visit friends there,
Mrs. 'Murray
who has spent a few
weeks with St. Helen's friends has re
turned to'Mrs,john Mulvey's,
Aliss 'Wargaret Ballagh and Bliss
Lizzie 'MeXee, Gorrie, who have been
holidaying in Orillia, came home Friday.
Aliss Jennie McKee of New York, and
her father called on old friends here last
There will be no service in the Pres.
byterian olnuch text Sabbath.
Does the work as well as ina6hines costing
$300.00 or inore. If this sounds too good to be true,
just give us a chaticc to prove it.
Used by the Doniinion and Provincial Govern -
Merits atid many of Canada's lat,gest firins.
Catalogue Free. ; - - Write Now.
A. E. DOHERTY & CO, Windsor, Ont,
11 . .......... I ..
16 qt. size ............
3 69
Jar Rings loc. doz., 3 doz. for .................... I
Zinc Jar Rinks, per doz .........................
Parowax, large
25c -
cake ........... I ............ .......
Overolls for Men .............................
81 .49
Half Soles for men ... .................. :, * *,,,, *, , ...
Leather Half Soles for women
Rubber Heels for men and women, a pair .............
Ladies, vests, with or without sleeves ..... :::*::,:"
, * .............
Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers
........ .
Laundry Soap, all kinds ......................... :.:* ......... * ...
* *: ''::::: .:
Bar Castile Soap only ........................
Nott, these Prices Good
I 9c.
for above 3 days only.
5, 0
Does the work as well as ina6hines costing
$300.00 or inore. If this sounds too good to be true,
just give us a chaticc to prove it.
Used by the Doniinion and Provincial Govern -
Merits atid many of Canada's lat,gest firins.
Catalogue Free. ; - - Write Now.
A. E. DOHERTY & CO, Windsor, Ont,