The Wingham Advance, 1921-07-21, Page 3-AP,
pt IWIT ��
beat,- spring up with- a frankly dolt,
. ght- PaQuyllog wor%olumm
04 oXoIomVLtIOU. Can You Increase Your Frotit?
"You, Jimmy! what a charming Mrs. Kate Clough Rambo, returned
Surprise! I had no idea you were
F ew people realize that nlooman- be IS the surt of person who looks for Arme Relief worker, tells a
coming up to -day." no nIan
ship is an art which concorns, nearly quality rather than quantity, it Is
"No.,111�oro had, 1—until this morn- graphic story of the distribution of 01.
-y one of us, Most people opond use offering him a job line at a low
Ing," Latham answered, as he took her F evez shipment of old clothe3 received at
hand. the greater part of their lives In on- price.
oko, therd, deavorlug to sell their brain-iiower, The most Importqnt thfug of all is Bata= in Transcaucarla. She says;
Ito Interest your customer; Onco you "I did up hundleis of clothing, each
Though he smiled as he sr their physical strength, or their,
was a nasty pain at his heart, Last' can got him to admire what you have
ability, for the be. -A price that can be -�s, a Skirt, a joek0t
time thov had met he had been full at containing a dre�
1,01 tie 811,4 40 W OR
,".V obtained.
of perspiration had Out Palo Cllilnnotlk confid or cont,'intending them for 4istrIbu
once in his future. To�ORY—to,
own lit% grimy cheekaj-his hands bile- the lawyer, and the to have itt the battle IS more Luau half
The doctor,
clay hardly bore t1i'likin" of. He 'Was
tion aznong the women. I took Xap-
sellool-master sell the %nowledge and won.
tered, and his crisp hair singedt f 'st nt) 4,-d went
pidies a native ass, a
skill that are the fruit of year
—botter k "JIMMY"— rained' Ile had Ic;,,.t evc;.�rlb%lg. He s of Interest can often be created by ask.
James nown its
'had not enough to staxt again. in the Ford truch Nvith grt�atbaqs of
Latham 'Stood grimly regarding a ...... study and experience; the typist, the Ing dicereet quectiout; rather than by
smoking, smouldering hoap,ot miscel- "And why did You make 111Y Your Ine'.'a bundles. We drove into the
Mind so oucidenlyl)" aakcd Peggy. f clerk, the Skilled workman, and the Stating facts. Sometimes a cuatoiner's
laneoua wreckage,, in the centre of I yard of Petoma Barracks. We took
. . . . . . . . . . ...... laborer sell the work of their brains Intereit can be aroused by a Striking,
It had been Latham's full Wtentlon out Several bugs and went upstairs.
which stood up, gaunt and forlorn, a and muselts. demonstration.
mass at h%lt-melted laetal� i to tell her everything, and. (it ones. Kapplilies stood by the baV,5 wbile I
The only difference between tho
Now he suddenly changed his Mind. A trivtller who had been trying all - carried the bundles to comers -where
"I suppose I ought to be glad It was people just mentioned and the mor- day to sell a new line of Unbreakable
I saw they were practically without'
ant is that they sell a-ervices whilst'
'baslnOin a certain town had not done
Surely the bad news could Wait, Ile ch.
the wqric-sbop and not. the house," he clothirg� The first thing I knew, 06'
alesmen, a single ceut's� worth Of business half t Of MY.
woulil ej3joy these last few hours with he sells goods. All are s
said aloud. "But I'm nott" Peggy, Time enough to tell when they I woman snatched a bundle ou
who,,,l success In life depends ovitirely art hour before, the last shop clo3ed. Ill L
"Why, surely, sir, the house do be i
had to part. I hand; then came another and another.
worth more, thall tile shed," came 4 01A do., eloping their powers to the full-. despair he walked into the last shop
See You!" he an,
d ..'lust felt 1 must that remained to be vl,4ited. To all his. I called Kappidles to come aw4Y, as
voice at his elbow, and Latham turns est and on finding the best market.
,,is old OweTed lightly. they were turning Into a mob. H
to meet the wondering eYes Of To the seller of goods, whether he blandishments the proprietor turned
"That was, very nice at you," she . .... . at dealing In millions, or
and another assistant grabbed the� '
sorVant, Peter Drughern. be a inerelis, a deaf ear, Then an Inspiration came,
laughed. "Now, sit down and rest that of a tiny village shop with a minute, on tile cou, bags and we went down another stairs
iltor was a pile of ordinary
Latham shook his head.
lame leg at yours. Aunt Emmr. is ly turno-ver, salesmanship In an:basins.. Seizing a heavy weight, he the mob following. We jumped into
"At present, Peter, the house to week
awaytor the day, so we are all by our- the car and had to hold back the mob
worth just nothing at all—not to me, art Of the first importance; Yet Ofteil: dropped It on to them and reduced with Sticks. Where the stiLks came
MOrtgft 90 It IS not properly understood, and
at least. You ses, I had to rwards sometime3 it is neglected. them to fragments. The shopkeeper's
selve4. First, we Will have a chat,
then I will give you tea; afte from I never can tell.
It to raise money for this," He Point- fury 'was appeased wh4ca, he offered to
we will have the car and a run down The first duty of the salesman is to I free of charge. He "The crowd, grabbed, they scream-
ed, as, lie spoke, to the gruesome Mess replace them
to Richmond. How will that Suit ed, they fought. They would have,
Increase his business by creating in brought In his own wares, presented
before them.,
car, but thel
Then he turned and limped back to- "u?" the customer a desire to buy. To do pulled me out of the
"Perfectly!" declared Latham, " he them, and, as they Stood upon the .
auffeur backed
this he must bear always In mind tile
ag red- into the street alid(
War& Abe comfortable-lonki counter, dropped tho weight on them Oil
dropped into a.deep-cushloned chair. without doing any damage, Result: we tore away. Afterwards, we re-'
tiled house.; which, standing among 'three great rules o." salesmanship: 1.
For the moment he was content to Know your goods thoroughly. 2. a good order, and fine business, next. turned and gave, 4he clothes to tbO'
the tree$- farther up the slope, nuu head man to distrilvute to his most'
sit there In this ch arraing rootaf full of Study your customers. 3, Interest day when other Shopkeepers heard
escaped the fire which, had destroyed the s4ent of flowers, and bright with them. If you know all about the the story, needy cases, but t1ey broke the vtrin-'
the work-shoP.
beautiful china and pictures, and =K things that you are selling you can of- dow to his zoom and grabbed the
Latham went into the house, shaved, Don't push your wares too hard. It
Watch the girl, the most beautiful of 1, after all, I have the
ter them In the best way for yon can bundles. Stil
washed, changed; then sat down In a you aie always badgering people to
all its contents. explain their good qualities and the consolation that the man is said to
big chair In his den and strotblied his buy they get sick of your persistence
lame leg, a relic of the'first great fight He was very much In love with her, way in which they are used to the best and go elvewhere. have had- when someone stole his Bible
and, thoughbe had never yet told her advantage. —it would doubtless do good.
at Laos, on a second chair. He filled Remember that each transaction
. and lit his PIP0, and- sat Smoking and So, he had only been waiting for the It you do not know these things; van "Ono bag Was left with me in the
STICCIBS9 he so confidently anticipated ROYAL VISIT TO BF-LFAST are at a loss when a prospective ous- should be carried out with a view to car. The refugees threatened an -
thinking, further business..
The frown deepened on his forehead to do so. Now it was impossible, HOW The Queen talking to the Lord Lieutenant, Viscount FltzAlan, tomer seeks for information; you give other mob, but I averted this by Ord-�
him the Idea that you tire not enthusi- Take trouble. It a fussy person - cring the car to go on slowly,
and there was, a very troubled look in could a ruined man, without even a
his pleasant gray eyes. Smu.11 won- roof to call his own, ask.Peggy Orde, it was I who lelit the Money on this denly businesslike, "I have done very antic about your own wares, and 'he makes you turn the shop Inside Out'men ran after me, crying, 'Look at
der, for this fire had done more than with her three thousand a year, to security." well In my first attempt at a partner- letaes faith. and then buys, a packet Of pins, try to me: I hw7e no clothes. Help mel Help"
wreck a'shed. It had wrecked a man's marry him? Latham's jaw dropped, ship, and you are not going to disap- By studying the customer you are keep smiling—there Is a funny side I melt It was terrible to see. When
life and snatched away in an instant Peggy, ebatting.awc.Y gaily, stopped "Don't look like that, Jimmy. It point me In another venture of the able to find out exactly the kind of even to this! If everyone knew just the chauffour chided a man for acting
suddenly. Is really very simple. You see, I am same kind, I am going to lend you thing that he wants and to offer It to, what he wanted there would be no like a be-ast, he replied, 'You WOUld','
all his. hopes of happiness, and success. "What is the matter, Jimmy? You Alteridge & Co. Geoffrey Atherldge what money you need and afterwards, him in the, most tempting maliner. It need for salesmanship, too, if you had nothing to wear in
Strong language, this., yet justified, are not looking yourself. is the leg was my uncle, and he left me the bust- when the producer Is a success—why
so far as, Latham was concerned, this cold.' Then he opened his thin'
At lot 4erose, sighed, knocked out troubling yon, or Is it the Invention?" noon. I retained the head clerk, Mr. adoption of the Report of the Royal coat and chewed that lie had no
his pipet. and went across to the writ- Latham thrilled. Never bad Peggy Wiad6u, to manage It, and I am Just She stopped and blushed adorably, University Extension. Commission on University Finances, underclothing. pie 'whol
ing-table. He took a sheet of paper see -mod more delightful, more utterly the saeeping partner. As I don't do Latham's. eyes sparkled. 1plans had been made to inaugurate "I only wish that the peo I
desirable, And her money. It would any work, and draw over three thous- "Then you will be a real partner, gave this clothing cuuld See ILICAV DIU&
and qulekly wrote. the following let- - dear?" a -
Smooth something out. Sudden temp- and a year, I have no reason to cam The Workers' Educational Associ 1) evening tutorial classes in various, good it did. I only wish there
ter: has asked the Provin- rural communities throughout th ' i
tation seized him. He caught her plain." I will It you ash me," she answer- tion of Ottawa e , been five hundred boxes in addition
"Messrs. Atherldge, Wisden & Ca,. hand. "Then —'You — have — known all ed softly. cial University for assistance in con- Province and to organize Workers' to what was received. Word came to
"Dear Sirs.—I have to inform you "Peggy," he whispered. "Peggy!" along!" said Latham at last. ducting classes in that city next win- Educational As"iations in several me that thme -(�hildTen were absolute -
that tire has. wrecked my workshop and Her face flushed softly, but she did "Yes, I have known everything ex- C61 Who Love Beauty." ter in economics, history, and English, towns and cities. When the Govern,1 I
desittoy;ed the working model of my cept of course, last night!s dijaster." I who love beauty -the ascending and the request has been cheerfully men-'.- laid the Report over and iu`_�ly without clolirrig in Petoovv Bar-
niow was there. My
new producer. In the circumstances, not Speak. was She paused a moment. grass, granted. The University of Toronto structed the Provincial University racks, and Lho %
and since, unfortunately, I was not In- Then, all In a moment, Latham and "I'm glad you told me first, Jimmy. And the mysterious patience o! the is Most anxious to develop outside that it must spend no more money hands were tied."
sured, it will, I regret, be impossible himself again. Ile got up quickly "First! It's last so far as I am con- mocu; classes of ' his kind so far as its fin- this year than it did last; year these Help given NOW will aid these un -
stood betore her. le toward permanent
for me to meet my liabilities to you, "Peggy," he said quietly, "I was go- cerned!" said Latham bitterly. An auturan sunset over a hashed la" ances and the size of its staff will plans had to be cancelled and the' fortunate peep
i re-establithment.
falling due on the first of next month.. Ing to. ask you to marry me-!" "Why, doift'you thinic the invention 90011; permit. During the past winter W, E, education for which various commun- I Ser -d cont.-ibuti,mir of inane � to the
You will, therefore, I presume, . fare- Peggy's flush deepened, but still she is going to be a succepa?" I The wonder of a lake that gleams like A. classes have flouri.;hed in Toronto ities in the Province are asking, had I Ti-kasurer of the Armenian Relief
closeon tile mortgage which you hold "I did. But now it's too late. The glass, and Hamilton. i to be, for the most part, postponed.,
i Fund AssociW..'
as security for my debt.—Yours faith- did not,speak. on Latham, "I am model - Is scrap, and I can't afford to And the deep brown of mountains, The W. E. A. is a voluntary organ- It is hoped, however, that the Govern- on of Canada, Mr. D -t
"And now," went A Cameroa, tlw,nto Mana.ger, The'
fully, - begin all Over again." mass on mass, and women ergaged. in ment will yet adopt the Commission s, , -
James Latham." go -Ing to tell you why I cannot do so. of a lavish June ization :)f men gely Report and %a enable th . Canadian 13v.i,l, of uommarce, King
That's "But supposing you coul&? Suppos- In the full moment industrial pursuits and is lari e University I
I meant to tell you at once. Street West, T,; 011to.
Thishe put in all envelope, adaress- what I came up for. Then, like the in-. you had the Money?' Slow shadows in the Molting after- compoEed of trades unlanists, These to give the Province the service so Send contelbutions of clothing in
ed andstaraped it, then took a second weak fool I am, I thought I would piit "Then, of course— But what's the noon,--- men and women are eager to secure many people in town and country are f Mr. 1,.wor -.*abayrm, 3.1 King
sheet of nowtepaper. off the evil hour. And the result !s— good Of supposing?" Too well I know how dream like these: the advantages of higher education requesting, care 0
"My dear Peggy,"be began. So far, well, you saw!" "All the good In the world, Jiminy!" shall pass. and cheerfully devote an evening a ro queet East, T(, M0.
so good; but there he stuck. it was. a declared Peggy. "I'm quite ready to ' 1 0.6—
Ile panned a moment before he went � rreek to t1ib -tudy and dl=vBion of The tailor of the future will take
long time before lie went on. put up the money." Ali, soon, too soon, the mincle shall pre ent-day economic prdifte-fils, of
"I am writing to tell -you that the on "Don't dear. I couldn't take it." fstle, 3 ry, psych- hi -a measurements for -a suit of clothes What Napoleon Forget.
gy, this morning the workshop English literature, histo-.
woTksixop took fire this morning. Some 'Feg Peggy laughed. And life be done before the �pple ology, and allied subjects. In Eng- With tbe �caniora, A special tape mea -
of my new fuel exploded, and Peter caught fire. It burnt to the kround, "You are highly unreasonable, Cap- shakes land the W.E.A. has grown to Immense, sure marked with big figures is fitted In the Napoleon Supplement of the
and I couldu!t step it. The broducer and the model went with it. I've tain Latham. You have already bar- Its blossom from the tree; and sad'! proportions, having a membership of I from the neek to the feet, and three. London Times t1liele appears an e3ti�;
has gone up, and I'm tory broke to never told you, but for the past year rowed from me.. Why not again?" men go I over 25,000. others round the back, waist andhips. inate of the greatest soldier of the
build another------" I've been, living and working on bar- "But now I have no security to of- prom this wild pageant and this bright To extend ite activities into the A photogTaph is then taken of the nineteenth century by the greaiezt of!
I meAgagsd My whole
He stopped. rowed money. ter! parade rural districts and among industrial tailor�z client f1vom the front, side) the twenttath, Marshal Ftwh
"Dash it all! That won't do," he place to ralse, funds for my experl- "There I differ from YOU. You have With feet reluctant and a heart that i woAcers is one of the most im tant and back. The tailor thus obtains a The principles of S�ctcgy and tac-
ment. Now I can't pay, and the mort- I
said. much too abrupt." s, will take everything I possess. I the drawing—and your hands, and acheq. ainis of the University of Tpor,,t,. ;l1manent record with all the neces- ties that Poch applied in the direebolx�
of armies of the Allies in the Wurld
He took another sheet and tried gage'e i your brain. NOW, see here, Jimmy,,.' Do greater glories wait us9 0110 In anticipation of the Goverriment'sisaxY measurements.
again, but the result was equally un- So., you see, there Is nothing for me. she went on, In a voice that Was sud. may know. War he deriv-1 in the main froin hial
Satisfactory. once more he started, but to ask, your forgiveness and say unwearying- study of the carnpaiglig ofl
but could make nothing of It. He tore 9O0d-bYe-" Napoleon. 14 calls Napoleon "heyondl
the sheets to fragments and flung Peggy looked up at last. There was Receiving aRA GR'VM*CF is of inod-�
5 compare, the military genit
them Int.a. the waste -paper basket. an expression, on her face which Lath hqmog.
I C i F, em times." Yet with the perspective
"I am caui&-not fathem. at all, It almost
"It's no good!" he groaned. Receiving and giving. I -low easy cumulations with him. that is one mark of Foch' own con -
must go and see her." seemed to him as If it might ba relief. W611t Ma%n How little understood Is Hia real accumulations are experl, summate capacity for leadership, tho
There was. no need to look up the "I thought you would tell me one of <1 this Sounds,
ayla," she said quietly, the fundamental law of Individual life. ences. The physical -body has Its marshal sees the limitation that
trains to town. He knew the times by these d We receive through the faculty of con- limitations of growth but the growth brought Napoleon at last to grief.
heart, Ile glanced at the clock. Latham looked utterly bewildered. . . . . . . . he soul, we believe, has no 11mi- This is his way of putting what he
111-1 don't understand!" he Stain- sCiousness. To give we-kiust exercise of t
"Just time to change and catch the HOT ENOUGH the Will. tations. It continues to accumulate calls "the deep reason for the d44
11,50," he said, and opening the door, mored. Is it pos- knowledge, wisdom and experiences in asterl'-
it's hot enough, for me, my friends, my once blithe Spirits We recelve and we give.
Shouted for Peter. ,Wvit si; minute," said Peggy, and at the ends, my shi . rt is like a rag; tile sible to Say more? For t1iis includes this world and in the next. Man may He forgot that a man cannot
The old man bobbed up as if by Went Out of the room. She was back sag; my'collar's Wilted ad- all the netivities of life. accumu late, land and property. be God; that a -hove the individual
mdglc� "I shall probably be back to- within this specified time, and in her sun, with many an angry curve, is baking 1, i,i, and sea, and I
Men see me totter In -cho material and physical World Growth of population and other cir- there is the riation; that above
night. You carry on." hand held a long, blue envelope. mit, without reserve, it's hot enough for me. nattire does not intend that min cumstances may cause It to Increase men there is the moral law, and
"Vera good, sirl" Peter angwered. prom this she took a crackling sheet as I walk, all dizzy with the heat, and they inquire, on every should got ahead without effort, for in in value. In economics this Is called that war in not the highest goal,
"You'd better take a, bag, sir. I don't Of Parchment and handed It to Lath- block, in every glaring street, it it is hot enough for me --they some way man must always give an the "unearned increment" because he since above -war there is peace.
reckon you'll be home, to-nIght." - am. ask this while I fry; and I'm so faint I cannot see to make a
Latham shrugged his. shoulders. "Do you recognize this?" she asked, equivalent for what he receives. lie takes to himself values which In It is because of this clarity of visiort
calin reply. The mercury is making flights that cause us much must pay the price. reality other people have created. In that Marshal Fach was* fit not merelyi
"Well, It will probably be the last with a Smile. amazi�; the days are torrid and the nights are hotter than tile As an individual entity man comes such instances he is receiving without for a gigantic military responsibility
time, Peter.' You can put In a dress- Latham unfolded It, and started per- days; mail wilt and wither and repeat their prayers for breezes into. the world with a physical body, a giving an equivalent. but for the leadership of in embattled
suit and some.pyjamas." ceptibly as his eyes fell upon the ]lead- ater he -at should have h's head spiritual body, conzelousliesz, will, ap- Knowledge and wisdom cannot be civilization against defiant powers ol
It was just after three that afternoon Ing. cold, and he who yearns for gre I accumulated in this manner. Only by darkness. It was Foch and not the
at" he half -soled. Yet ever In the scorching marts and on the sizzl`ng petites, passions, emotions and
'hen Latham rang the electric bell at "Why—wbY, It's the mortgag
w at absurd a- Sires, and with this stock lie com- 1 personal effort can we acquire these Kaiser who understood the loss�6--
the entranoe to a large first -floor flat exclaimed. plain, bores amble up and break our hearts with th mences the business of living on earth. attributes of the soul. Every soul ae� � the career of Napoleon.
,,yp i
In one of the beat blacks in Knights- s., jes the mortgage on your train. "Well, Is it hot enough?" they ask, as they go sweating
bridge. The trim maid who opened llou,30 and land, Jimmy. But don't by, and all, it Is a. grievIous task to make a calm reply. For In I -Te may accumulate wealth and pro-! quisition must be paid for by physical,
perty, and to all appearances be get- mental and moral endeavor. A Generous Offer.
the door smilingly Informed him that look it me as It you� thought I had the breast of pals�lad age and in the breast of youth, this ques- tirig ahead, but he has been obliged Man carries with him beyond the An English farmer went to 9L dealer.,
Miss Orde was at home, and took him Stolen It, I assure you I haven't. It tion stirs a Beriserk rage, makes us See red, In sooth. And we to pay tile price In some manner, and grave -only hin, soul accumulations, No to purchase a borse. I
straight Into the drswing-room. is my own, property." t would ciush the questioner, expunge him on the spot, and fill his in tile last analysis he is not ahead, for man can receive knowledge emd Wis. "Here's a beauty at thirty-Ilve pund,111
"Captain, Latham, misel" she an- ,yau—you mean you have bough foolish tribe with fear, but we are, too blamed hoL when he PRSSCS out of this state Of dam without giving In return person. iaald the dealer, "and here's another,
Aounced, and a very pretty girl, who it?" asked Latham almost indignantly. existence. Ile cannot take these ac- al effort,
You see, yer can hev for twenty pund. Too
had been sitting in the deep window "I don't mean that, either. Hereto aal
much? Step this way, Sir.
fine a hanlmal as yor ever saw
Strong 1X8 a 8 -11 — - I
Wellington's heaviest cannon all over'
the field of Waterloo, an' he's a barw!
gain at a guinea."
,,ril hov him," said the former; bu�
gil me a, shillin' back ter luck."
"No," answered the dealer, "I'll tel�
yer what I will do though. I'll 91' Yst�
another hoss."
Hie Hard Lot.
otraugol 'remarked the bear t0i
the wolf, "that you should always bw,
so 901unt.))
,vell, YOU ave", r6plied the WOlip,
,it,15 this way; I'm always obliged tol'
keep away from t"hio, door Until th0r&01
nothing left in th4a house to taLlp
Crown Prince Hirohito of JaPali h*K
left pranco for a short Visit to ltab�
and will theft Still for Jagan.
Credit Won 10V lying Is 441ck 14