HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-21, Page 1A -
THURSDAY, JULY 21sto 1921 Subscriptions'. S2,03 per year
Single Copies - Four Cents
TOWN RATE STRUCK I Results f The Junior Hi -h School
Regular full coarse meals served at the 0
turned to his Little Goorge Chettleburgh Loses Burlte. ultranco Exams, 1921.
Date Lower This Year Tha'n Last Mr, Basil Blackball re His Life Queens Cafe,—Billie
Year home in Toronto, After this week ice tickets must be pur" The following are the results of the 11 -
Miss Delia Haugh of Toronto, is visit* I A sad drowning in the Maitland, near chased at our office—J. A. M(!Li,&,N S. Entrance Examinations held the last F.A 0 0
ay after- The papers were comider-
T4, to;n council met in the council ing at her home here. the C. P. R. bi idge, on Tuesd tudebaker week in June, FR El
char,lbev on Mon , day evening, All the three o'cl It k Ile" little nnedy has sold S fi alarger percentage than
Miss Margaret Piper of Toronto, is noon, about oe V Mr. L. Ke
memberswere present viz. Mayor Elliott, s drowned. Three cars to Dr. Ross and Dr: McKay of Sea- ed very air, r obtaining,
Lloyd, visiting at her home here, George Chettieburgli wa ater forth. usual passed, The numbe als a d- A 15c Cake of
Reeve Tipling, Councillors Greer, Miss Florence Deacon of Port' Rowan, or foue boys were paddling in the w holiours was creditable. Appe
Fells, Binnett, Fothergill and Haney. and he apparently went out too far and your are, cordia'3y invited to attend the dressed to the Inspector before August ro
34 mills is home spending her vacation. lads raised the free Corset Demonstration at Ki Na Bnos, 123rd, will be considered without the Pay Klenz Soap
1-, ,e rate for 1921 was set at —General Mrs. W. I Smith of Winnipeg, is visit. i sank. The other little sbort time be- July 20th and 219t. ment of a fee,
an the dollar, made, tip as follows* enry Deacon. alarm and it was only a nd and with every
Itown rate 18 mills, High School rate 4 ing at the home of Mrs. H 1 fore a crowd of people were on ha Have you joined our summer Record Principal A. L. Possliff of the Wingliam
njills, County rate d: mills )and Public Misses Mable Casemore and Irene several men were goon in the water. Club? Ask us to explain it. FY,,ILN- PublieSchool and his studentsareto be 60c Tube of
School rate 8 mills. I Wright were Walkerton visitors last week. However it was not until after an hour's i(;,lLN's Music STORE. congratulated on the excellent' showing
T'Eae assessment of the town last year I Mi ' F rol Higgins of Clinton, is Visit- diligent search that the body was located Messrs. Drummond & Sun of Hensall, made, Mr. Posliff recommended twenty-
wa $i,040,250'and it is increased this Ing her 'Crousins Mr. and Mrs. W. J. by Mr. Frank Angus about half way be- write on the 0am- o Dental Creme
of ingham, lost - their stables nine of his students to PILL
Gallaher. tween the two south piers on the west ormer'y
"0 e h tion an -four wrote
nl yeat to 81,106.220 by fire on 9 t recently, ina, d a class of thirty
fhe treasurer has received a cheque for Mr. Thomas Miller of Lucknow, spent a; side of the bridge. He was a bright little T rty 6 en of 6
His father was so ser- Lunches and Short Orders, all hours at t Ill on were successful and thirteen of TW5 big size Xtenzo Creme holds enough 1,rlenzo to brush your teeth
VQQ0 from the town of Dundas for the few days last week at the home of his son, , chap of nine years. .—BillieBurke. these received honors. This is a splendid twice a day for almost four m3ntho. Get e"Ougli for the whole family at
-town machinery. They purpose putting W. T Miller. iously wounded on Sept. 28th., 1918, that Queens Cafe showing and with Mr. Posliff as Principal
this money in the general account for the Mr. and Mrs, John Davidson spent Sun- he died in France on October 6th' Rev. Canon W. E, V. McMillen B. A hool up in the front this special price.
whole commuMtY of Ingersoll, will conduct the services at St. it brings our Public Sc
preiRent and using it on the bridge thus day with their daughter, Mrs. Chas. ' The sympathy of the r a n k in Western Ontario, Principal
saving the ratepayers about $200 a year Hawkins, Preston. is extended to his mother and the other paull Ch h next Sunday. and students have our best wishes 0 ONE WEEK ONLY
on the 20 year on members of the family. The funeral will 1 8 urc
debentures, The bridge is ingliam junior baseball club defeated Pos"ff
and we understand that Misses Christie and Viola Roberts the residence of his parents, I for continued good work of this kind.'
to cost $16,500 ending their holidays in Toron,o,: be held from I the KinFardine 3unlors in Wingham on I ' 'ther her, whose pupils . tried
th. Work are sp oward, Pleasant Valley The score was 10 to 3. t48,neoexa nisteaa7ingliam,
it should be completed next mon Hamilton and Niagarii; 1, Mr, and Mrs. H gha Tuesday. and who is en -
I Thursday afternoon to Wim J. Walton McKibbon
was commenced on the bridge and dam I ile nailing up Chautauqua arrow
ago by Hunter Bridge & Mrs. J D. judge, Misses Nettie and on I titled to congratulations, is Mr. Norman
0 oo* Mr. Coburn Geddes of Belgrave. Nine of his Pupils
eveT. a year r. of Toronto, are 'visiting with cemetery Zrdh, n Tuesday aftern n Drugs and Stationery
Iipi2er Co. of Kincardine. Rose Weile — ------ -_ 11 lowed a shingle nail. tried and a I passed, four of them taking onographs c. P. R Tick
con- friends in this vicinity. accidenta y.swal Phone 53
Work will be c6mmenced on the q Miss Edith Johnston and Miss Smith'Junior Chautauqua Hunt Bennett has 'been engaged honors. Ph
,crete road north of the G., T. R. track, ticket hunt Miss arl W
to the B. line in the course of a short and i r. Trout of London, were guests of The Junior Chautauqua to teach Turaner's School and Miss Myrtle 1 1
Bennett has . accepted the Glenarman G. Anderson h, D. Armstrong h, R.
excitement among
Mr. and Mrs, F, J. Hill. caused considerable g, F. Bell, V. Bell, C. Boyce,
Lber of the * nion the kiddies. on Tuesday morning but their Sch I Armstron atph Carr, M.
Mr. Fothergill the new merr Mr. G. I-, PQcOc% Of the Dom! iger eyes soon found the tickets. S 00"
eks, bright ez ngsters' seed warehouse at Listowel H. Boyce h, Edna Carr, R
4zouncil was welcomed to his seat by the Bank, Toronto, is spending two we The one hidden in King Bros. window fire last week. The loss Casemore h. Vera Casemote, M. Chandler, jit. Git.km DIPLOMA Scaff old Broke
holidays at his home here. ona Sanderson; the one in J. was destroyed by S. Cole, Ada Corbett, Agnes Corbett h,
and little son, Stan- found by M to Mr. Sangstef, over and above insurance, C. Coultes. C. Dickson h, K. Dinsley h, J. Barr h, E. Bean, W. Cooper, E. While shingling Mr. Fred Fuller's house
Mrs. Walter Johns ome A, mills, window by Agnes Swanson; the Dernmerling h, A. Denny, E, Grahami E. I -
Heavy Rain And Wind ley, of Calgary, are visiting at the h Kew's by Nancy Taylor; the will be S1,500. beautiful B. Dobie h. H . Elliott h, N. Fixter, V. grave, M. McKee, H. Montgonery, j in Pleasant Valley on Saturday, the scaf
one in T. Nlr. R. A, Spotton erected a Har fold broke and Mr. Herb Mitchell and
i 0. Reichard, J. Walker.
A severe A lectrica storm passed over of Misses Ward Minnie St, 0 Hilliard's by Jess e Taylor granite Soldiers' Memorial in Wroxeter Fyfe, E. Green b, M. Gurrity h, E. Hast -
the ne in W. J h, John Haugh, Rena Haugh, 1. Mr. Geo. Irwin fell to the ground. They
Wingham and vicinity on Monday eve- bliss Bertha Blackball attended Green got the one in H. B. ings
while Eva last week, The unveiling of which will be CLINT01,
and streets wedding of her brother, Mr. C. N. Black-, E Iliott's window and Willie Agnew the Hunter b, R. Jenkins, C. Lott, Q Loutitt, d several bruises, and a bad
xiing. The rain fell in torrp held at a later date, S. Anderson, M. Ball, B. Cole, H. Cook, I both receive
soon resembled rushing rivers. We fear hall at Toronto last week. one hidden in the Rexall . Store window, their 1. Maguire, A. McKague h, H. McCor- H. Crich, E. Ford, James Fraser, Janet shaking up, and we understand that Mr-
'grain,were leveled. At Misses Margaret and Mary 'Robertson, Fivegirls and one boy. Anyone wisbing to dispose o mick, R, McKenzie h, E. McLean h, Win. Fraser, D. Glazier h, D. Glen, I Glidden,'I - has a couple of broken ribs
A d,
that manylields of, farm would o well to communicate with Mason h, C. Messer, A. rwin
Belgrave, the window in Mr, Geddes' have eturned to Toronto, after spending Londesboro's New Hall I Mann b, C. M. Hawkins h E. Hill, E. Hogg h, J. I
the E. A. Strout farrn agency,. Mil. W. Montgomery h, L. Perdue, E. Reid, G. At Wingham
hardeware store was blown in with 2 their holidays with their parents here. community ball at T. MILLsa, Box 222, andrett, W. Sellers, M I Holzhaner h, 'M. Hovey, K, Hunt, T. 'New Teachers
trong gust of wind. Miss Lina Barber has returned to The new memorial Thursday Robertson, C. Sc J k H. Johnston h, F. Latter, D. The taching staff of the Wingham Pub-
Londesboro was dedicated on Have Miss 1. L. Fitzgerald, Graduate Shackelton, W. Sturdy, J. Taylor b, C, aviso Lavis E. L Bean, H. Liver- lic School for next trArm. will be.- Principal
Died'In Manitoba Sarnia after visiting for a month with her evening last. Reeve M, Armstrong and Nurse, Graduate Corset Hygienist help VanNorrnan, M. Vansickle, M. Vanstone, I LE nolds, Miss Far -
A former resident of this section passed parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Barber. John Fingland, clerk of HuUett assisted ou sel ct the corset most suifable for A, Walker, E. Wightman b, E. Williams, I more, J. Livermore h, B. McTaggart b- A. L Po,liff, Miss Rey
-away at Killarney, Manitoba on June misses. Wilr))a Shaw, Zelma Turvey in the ceremonies. Rev. Mr. Abery was y -Maguire, C. Mair, B. Marshall h, A. quharson, Miss Ward, of Palmerston,
ive - your style and comfort. Jack Wright. tiatheson, C. Peckitt, R. Peckitt, J- 'Miss Mary Davey of Kincardine; Miss
'30th, in the person of Alexander Burros and Myrtle Walters are taking a f chairman and the township council occu Misses. Maria Bennett, Myrtle Bennett, SP.kFORTH Plumsteel h, 0. Rands, L Snell, D. Dore daughter of Mr. and Mrs W112..
'Finnen, in his 62nd year. The deceased weeks Agricultural Course at Guelph. pied seats on the platform. Thanewhall h h' best
gere,lemen left this section a number of Dr. Irwin and family are holidaying at is a credit to the vicinity and will cost in Mary Haugh, Rebecca Armstrong, Myrtle Robert Willis, obtaining t e ig ! Stevens, M Thompson, E, Trick h. A. Dore, Wingbam; Miss Rathwell of Luck -
the West. He was a The doctor's neighborhood of $8,500. Seaforth Deans, Iva Carr, Gertrude Deans, Dor- marks of the town pupils, and Gibson i Turner h, A. Venner li 0. Watkins. now, and Miss Green of Southampton.
years ago for their cottage in Muskoka. the ic and an othy Roth, Irene Jefferson were success- White of the country pupils, with 626 and Of the town candidates Ethel H099 There rooms are in the order named.
brother of Mr. Theop Finnen of Wingliam. office will be closed until August 22nd. Brass Band supplied mur rmal Exams. 634 marks out of 750 respectively. d received fortY
'The remains were interred in the ceme- rebestra assisted with the pro- fol in their No lexander, Carl stood highest with with 617 marks and Of The secretary of the boar
terir at Killarney. Miss Lizzie McKague of Toronto, is Hawaiian 0 an old resident Neilson's Ice Cream served at Queens Mae Aberhart, Jean A the rural school candidates Annie Turner application to fill the vacancies.
visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. grain. Mr. John Lasham with 610 marks.
ch was to have Cafe and Ice Cream Parlor. —Billie Burke. Ament h, Elmer Beattie, Madeline Bell,
Garden Party and Mrs. Andrew McKague, Turnberry... who now resides in Goderi y morn- Win. Bell h, Marguerite Black h, Win. BLYTH Liberal Leaders To Visit Huron
A garden party under the auspices of Trainmaster Walter White and family assisted in the dedication b'Ut was unable At the Baptist Church onSunda Jean Brodie, Edgar Brownlie, Cora er, Jack Barrett, B e r t At a meeting held at Clinton last Fri -
sent. ing the subject will be "Davids Striking Black,
Belmore Church will be held on the lawn ighteous Man". In the Campbell h, Joe Corbert, Peal Carnocban, Harry Bak
of Palmerston, were in Wingham one day to be pre Picture of the R Beacon, M. Bell, Edna Brown h, Mary daynight, and representing both North
of Mrs. Corrigan, one and a quarter ecently calling on ex-conducter John topic willbe "The Hard, James Colguboun h, Alvin Dale, Harriet D. Bryant h, E. Cartright, A. and South Huron, arrangements were
miles south of Belmore, on Monday, July r 1 Try our Orange Crush, a delightful Ice evening the od Soil of Dalton, Earl Dickson h, Essie Dorrance, Brown, Elliott, N. Floody, F. made for a Liberal rally to be held at
25th. Supper served from 6 to S. A Quirk. Runstedler, mot_'Cold drink at Queens Cafe and Ice Cream Shallow, Pre -occupied and Go Peter Dunlop, Walter Eaton, Louis Flan. Crittenden, A. G. KirkbY, K. Laidlaw, Seaforthin August and tobe addressed
cal and other Mr. and Mr. Arthur the Heart". Bert Goven- Frank, J. Fraser, it
splendid programme of 10 ir large Parlor.—Billie Burke. The Griffin block, in which THe AD- nery, Wrn. Fotheringham, lyn Har. W. Laundy, H. Longman h, A. McElroy, by the Federal leader, Hon. Macken e
talent will be given, A baseball match ored over from Brampton in the cGowan, 1. Me. King. Seaforth was selected as thePlam
willbe played at 7 o'clock. Admission Studebaker, and are renewing acquain- vANcE Office and Habkirk's Barber Shop lock h, Daisy Hamilton h, Eve McElroy h, F. M rd- of meeting, which, if the weather be faV-
oc. Everybody come and see tances. WINGRAM NOMINATIONS are situated and the Vanstone block and burn, Win. Hirt h. Carmon Haugh b, M. n, H. Petts, P. Pollard, W. POIIaJ The
25c and 5 Clarence Harvey. Helen Hay, Helen Gowa d h, Z. Scott. F. Slater, R. Toll. orable, will be held in the open air.
-aveqjbody else. -Mr. and Mrs. R E. Lane of Warman, ill,, in Bell Telephone Co's Office were treated Hefferman h, Leslie Hogg h, Elva Jeffer. Li Rei exact date will be named later by Mr.
Sask,, are visiting at the home of their Third Nomination for Counc to afresh coat of paint. Phippen Bros. son, Dorothy Kerslake, Leslie Knox, M. Wagner. King; it will likely be towards the end of
IRegtaurant Changes Hands neice, Mrs. A. G Smith and with relat- Seven Months did the work. Emerson Kyle h, Jean Lowery, Mary Me- August
Messrs. Brandon and Mitchell have ives in Lucknow and Lanes. I
-,puxchased Billie Burke's restaurant Mr. I The third nomination for members Of Thos Bennett, auctioneer, is "slated as Donald, Marg. McGrath h, Marg. -Me- coming or*QE Demon- Mr. E. Lapointe, M. P., the elequent
tford and Mr. M r. Henry ClarKe of Portage La the council board was held in the council the Conservative candidate in East Huron Intosh h, Fern McLean, Rosa McLean h, Don't forget the free C - leader of Quebec Liberals, may accorn-
lBrandon comes from Stra Prairie, Man., is visiting at the home of her on Thursday afternoon, July for the House of Commons Mr. Ben- Thomas McQuaid, Mae Mason, Greta stration at KING BF -os-, July 20th and
I Mr. King.
.MEtchell from Brussels. We welcome Mrs. Thos. Forbes, Diagonal chain Very little interest nett was one of the speakers at the Orange pany
ithese newcomers to. our town. B6th Mr. and of Mrs. 14th.. at 3 O'clock- Merner, Andrew Montgomery, Jennie 21st.
.gentlemen are married and will move to Road. Mr. Clarke is a brother was taken by the ratepayers and we be- Celebration on July 12th at Walkerton.— klorrison, Viola Morrison h, Lance Norris,
Mr Burke lieve that the reason why the candidates Ripley Express. Frances Peterson, Mabelle Rands Mur-
twum at once. has purchased Forbes. xxxxxxxxxxm=400-
-the Queens Cafe which,he sold a few Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pugh and Mr, an.d 11 qualified was to save having to hold apt. Robt. Pearson's name appears I ray Sanvage h, Walter Scott, Cora Sher-
-=a4hs ago -to Mr. Andrew Taylor. Mrs. Clifford Pugh and fatnily from I another nomination. for Ward 1, Mr. among the successful candidates for wood h, Marg. Sillery, Janet Smith,
Hamilton, are spending their vacation at I For school trustee members of the Alberta Legislature. He Miry Smith, Win. Souter, Ione Stewart,
"Wedded At Kenora I d by Mr. W. J. is a nephew of A. H. Musgrove and well Jean Stewart, James Stewart h, Lloyd
A happy event took place on the 29th the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pugh, I MCCO,1 was nominate t. This He ran Stewart, Tillie Stoney, Anna Sutherland
Fiancis St. lHilliard and Mr. J. G. Stewar known to many of our readers. Sutherland,
June at the residence of Mr. and Mrs rjorie asindependent. h, Wra.
n Mrs. Broad's Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibbs, Miss Ma 1 appointment fills the vacancy caused by Sadie Tomlinson,
Ledie Broad, Kenora, whe vis of Mr. J. Haines. n
marriage to Mr Morgan and Miss Rose Williams are it- the removal from town miss Mamie Rudell of Galt, is visit- Gibson White h Syl. Williams, D a
:sister, was united in ing at the home of the litters' Parents, For council to fill the vacancY caused ing with Mr. and Mrs. W 'Jos. Header. Williams. Robt. Willis b, Florence Young.
James Fuliford of that town. The happy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, Patrick'by the death of Simon Mitchell, Mr. A. on. Bluevale Road. Miss Rudell speaks BaussEr's
,cmple left on the mld nigbt train for Tor- St. E. Forthergill was nominated by Mr. A. very highly of the Chautauqua program, g, S Ball- 0-0
,onto and Wingham, where they spent a is alone Alex Alexander, M. Armstron A. Clark 016 V.
antyne h, F. Bennett, M. Bray,
few days at Mr. and Mrs George Walker's, Mr: and Mrs. Joseph England of Caro, J. Walker and Mayor H B. Elliott Ar and says Mr. Poole's lecture
Michigan, ani Mr. and Mrs. C. England At. the last municipal elections D - worth the entire price of admission. h, L. Clouse h. M. Cook, E. Dane, E.
'Tmrnberry, left on Thursday for Niagara ouple of votes be -
on their return of Leeper, Michigan, visited at Mr. and Fothergill was only a c
amount and at the The Wingharn Lacrosse team:journeyed Davidson, F. Eckmier h, E. E lacott, E.
iFalis and Port Hope where Mr. Fullford Mrs. V R. VanNorman's and spent the low tne required on Thursday last and were Evaleigh, M. Ferguson h, L. Forsyth h. EVERYBODY WANTS'COOL, COMFORTABLE X
,wU( reside in Kenora, 12th. of July in Walkerton. i secord nomination declined in order that to Durham ham team. W. Frain h, M. Hollenbeck. W. Keffer,
s engineer on the C. P. R. eynolds of Galt, Mr. Ar- I Messrs. Fells and Mitchell could have a badly defeated by the Dur S. King h, M. Little h, M. MC-
'Tl6e Late Sebastain Fryfogle Miss Pansy R r. Jas. I clean field. The score was as might be expected for J. Keys h, . MacDonald
a former resident of Wingliam, died thur Reynolds of Duluth, and M h Mr. Fothergill and Mr. McCool sevieral of the Wingham group were only Arter, V. McCutcheon h, D
- Reynolds of Toronto, are visiting at their I Bot on filling in to keep the date with Durham. h, L. McDonald, F. McDonald, N. Mc-
mxddenly at his home in Toronto, on Sun I ater, is the Dowell h, I. McLeod, J. McNabb, A. FOOTITIVEAR
Sebastain Fry- oldhome. May this estimable family en-: will make good men to serve the town
4day last in the person of joy their reunion of all the members. ,these boards. Mr. j. W. Chittick of Teesw McNair, K. McVittie h, E. Pennington, Ps
new cashier in Bank of Commerce at Wing ------------------
to0e, aged seventy years. The deceased E. Pollard h J. Raymond, 1. Ritchie h,
ided -at Belmore and was ham. He will assume NAss Margaret Mc- C. Robertson. V. Sellers, C. Smith, J. E R
at <nze time yesi WASHOUT NEAR EXETER Lean's duties, she having severed her con- I Smith h, V. Smith, R. Speiran, W.
log, some years a resident of Wingham ........ X FOR THE HOT WEATH
Ile here was engaged in the dray- nection with the bank. Mr. Chittick's Thuell h, S. Underwood h, 0. Z
:and wh nor roll recently Speiran '
ppears on the ho i We are showing rilall
leaving here for Toronto Id riy styles of beautiful Whitc
name a Whitfie -
tug business, .41
brother unveiled in the bank here. ords for ladiesand
,9ver thirty years ago. He was a and Oxf
The Wingham, Branch of th essie
Fryfogle and the late Daniel e Women's canvasS, in Strap PUMPS in ,vhite can -
,of Mr. W. A. Mary Eckert, Eliza Godkinh, B we have Oxfords
Fryfogle of ibis town. The remains were Institute whiholdtheir annualpicnic at er h, R. S. McKerch- children. For men
d in the 'family Plot in Toronto on Joseph Kerr, East Waw- Hillen h, Vera Mato Q;.
interre ,V the home of Mrs - er h, P. Maloney, A. Messerschmidt, E vass, also in brown and blacil leather"
3 :. `-i: wanosh, on Thursday, July 28th. All wish Shea, Delia Wieterson h,
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
every meinber of the
Iruesday afternoon.
t the Town Murray h, Joseph Running Shoes f
ing to attend will please be a
Hall not later then two o'clock. Con- family at reducedipriceS.
EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN J. Allen, S. -Ashton, E Bennett h, W.
veyances will be provided.
Brown, S. Dane, H. Doig, E . Earls, W,
SNNV.ING 14A.C11114— attacilmont,
Hematitotilog and p'cOtIn z,avi personal Pralick, E. Higlop, F. Hooper, J. Hooper,
sewing maouln prical GetliYour Fleet Foots Here I
id sales -ag .. Y,
191-111Y. An Enjoyable Picnic E. Moffatt, J. A. Munro,
12.k. 1. 1 V E. McMichael h,
Box 42 St. Cathathlos. ont. The directors of the Turnberry Agri- A. Musgrove, M. Newton, A. Paulin, A.
ACHIM A GID — 111.1 U419. 8-h-91
TE cultural Society with their wives and L Town, E. Vanstone, R.
tit and west, W avnulosn- .01 Stephens, -7. -
peou n No 14, E06 OX- oyable picnic on
ir, L. Wright h. A
Ap a Ing qualtucavion" families held a most enj Vanvelsor, M. We
Roy UCGVE, gocietary. their new grounds in Lower Wingliant on
tball and base -
Route 1, Lacknow. iternoon. . Foo DOTWEAR OF ME
Saturday a
A. Bast, L, Beswitherick h, V. Beswith.
d and a splendid supper
ball was playe liv
CEMENT BUSINES Z C. Bryans h. N. Dickert, J. Foster, I
District erick
served on the bank of the river
;ble h., I,. Gibson, G. Gray, H-
e, S. A
laS&LsD TENDtRS will be recoivedby AA Representativ Stothers and his E, G M WINGI
July, pr(
of the coment P106at of Clin,
tha undergigned up to the 29th daY Of milton, R. Harding, N. Horton
th, wife on, were sent. The Ila
fteAnt for t 0 purchase tho late Simon MR- H bard, A, Huth. F. Huth, L. Irwin:
vAd building owned b By courtesy of London Advertiser. ub
thy 1 W. Mahood, L. N\Vebber h, E. Welsh, E. ZX
on I 8outhout corner of
, Stroota In the said town
cheil situated on, Huron and Bruce branch of the G. directors decided on several minor im,
Owiefl and Josevhtne Washout at old wooden culvert an Lond zxxx
I uding all the stook in trade, up the trains for two days last week. provementA that would b made toi the Witmer, M. Wood, B. Gohn.
ot Wingham, no V in sald building. Tho which held
fLrturea and plant nov )coasarlly accepted- T R. three miles south of Hensall, grounds in the near future,
' eat or u* tobtler not n(
W=.thl. 19th day of July, A. D. 1021- The photo was taken by Mr. Win. Sneatb, of Wingliam.