HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-14, Page 8WINGHAM. ADVANTCE,
Ly C M
n S t Week
Right Out Loud
Get Read 'to Laugh
in the Raugh-crowded comedy romance vvith its
screen embellishments
"Brewster s mllli*ons"
-nillion—if You had it?
r wonder how VOLI'd spend a coot I
Didja eve
"der that much in a year! But his fool bets
Brewster HAD to Squa -iemes came back with hittens He
alway v,,on! His wildcat set it's a
actually glave up hope of ever being poor—when—AVOW!
tints xvith that g'olden comedy that keepS you
bag of laughter burs Z, nd all through.
hs. It's a seream f roil-' first to last a
happy for mont
el by Georg : e Barr McCutcheon
Prom the Nov
And the Play by Winchell S
it in Six Big Reels
ember it's Here for Only 3 Days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
One show Thursday and Friday at 8.20,
Two shows and Matinee on Saturday, Matinee 3.30, Evening 7.30 and 9.15.
Iry To Come Early.
" I
Thursday, July 14th, 1921
Belgrave "VASS
Miss Bella Allison of London, is spend. Mr -John A. Geddes is visiting friends MI Rep
at Chatham. is airing
Ing a few days in tile village- Nirs, Morilson 'Of Carripbellford ;5noe
Mr. and Mrs, Dune McCallum called on ,pending a few weeks with Mrs- W' J'
C ('
friends in the village while on the Way to "Ides.
1 attend the funeral (if III$ aunt, Mrs . J' f Detroit, 15 visiting his
Mr. Carter 0
McCallum Of Wingliana brother, Mr, s. Carter.
One of those pleasing events toott place Mrs, Lines% Geddes spent t has made a big in-
inesday. when Miss Carrie Stone. Mr. and (field. Our "Shoe Repairing" Depavtnien
last We' Sunday at Bal
house was married to Mr. Harry McGuire wmun and Lewis Stone' is se,,tSon, in fact an.increase Of Over
a prosperous YOUng farmer on Gth. con., Messrs. Nc crease th
house of London, arespendinga week
Wawanosb. The best wishesof a hostof a. Robert 1,J0 per cent. for the first six months
friends follow them to their new hOme for with their parents, Mr. and Mr I
d prosperous Voyage through stonehoMe. pared with the
a happy an Mr. Geo, McKenzie of Dundas, is of 1921 coal,
life. 1r, and Mrs. firs
t six ln8nthS
The he,vy, rains on Saturday made visiting with his parents,
the oaL fields but tile Robcr� McKenzie.
quite a havoc It] F rsythe and Andy o f 1920.
showers were greatly needed. Messrs. Simon a
Mr. A. Nethery of Sarnia, is visiting Proctor are leaving for the Wqst thip,
ills mother, Mrs. Win Nethery. week 11
Mr, M. Clarlt of Chicago is spending - —, - _ _ __ - , -n
a week with his sister, Mrs, Win. Geddes.
children of I-)enfield
tvirs, Simpson and arents, Mr. and Mr& Mr, R. Shaw preached at Belmore and
is visiting with her p McIntosh Is church last Sunday. The Reasons are Obvous)
John McGee. Varl- I
Mrs. Ecker and little daughter ot
her Ret Mir
t un
n,y�ills was at Mount Forest
couver, is spending a few days wi las taking, charge.of services Namely:
brother, Mr. Wm. Corbett. visiting th
Miss Edna Cingg of Detroit, Z, Ice ShaNv return, obtainable.
her mother, Mrv, Grigg. Isses Luella and Berni end The very best machinery Outfit
ed home Monday evening after sp 'y ,ingk Best Illaterials used.
Mrs. Sherer and children of London, is � years in the West. Th 0
the guest of Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson. the past two e West agrees with them.
Mr. Henry Clark of Dakota, was call- as though tb miss BowleY Of TOr'
Ing on old friends in and around the Mrs. McLeod and here. A WorlKman who is unbeatable.
village. leav- onto are visiting rAittives omptness of service, in fact out, repair de -
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Watson are.
Sort y to Rev.,Mr. Wilson preached a fine ser- P
Ing this week for Ingersoll. mon to the Orangemen on Sunday even- od as it is at the
,loose Mr. and Mrs. Watson the ig as his text Ex. 12--14. A partment has never been SO go
frO!n Bel- Ing, takit
l village for they were good citize s, number of ladies and gentlemen from the resent time, no wonder therefore that our re -
i graves, loss will be Ingersoll's gain. uffalo, Wingham lodge were present. p
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1,awrence of B Miss Tessie Irving of Wingbam. spent a pair trade is increasing so rapidly.
were calling on old friends this weak. few days with her grandfather, Mr. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs Hall of Gait. and Mr. Irving.
Bride of 1-1*,rriston, Mr. and rvirs. Ears- Mr. John Ross of California, is visiting
pent the let of JulY He came all the
,man of N ewbridge s relatives around here,
with Mr. and Mrs Geo. Daley. ed the trip fine.
There were three carload of cattle and way in a Ford and enjoy oronto, is
Mrs. Thos. McKinney of T W I L L S
two carload of hogt' shipped last Saturday visiting wlth relatives here for a few days. n 0
one more be,,; been added to the . al- Mrs. Wm. Garniss is having a new
ready long list of successful garden parties cement foundation Put under her house SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES'
I held at the home of Mr. Garner Nich.ol- -new
son. 4th con. of tviorris 1,1 miles east of this week and Mr. Andrew Holmes a
Belgrave, This new'trl'UmPh was the verandah to the front of his house
Prefbyterian Church gagden party held miss Whi,ite of Toronto, visited with her
fr iss Olive Scott for a few days
on Thursday, June 30th. in spite of %he lend, M'
a io the east and south Mr. and Mrs. N L, Murch and family
heavy local shower of Toronto, are spending their holidays AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
over,700 people gathered to enjoy the . rs, Jermyn,
After an excellent supper pro- with the Dattets' mother, ' M
evening, - Dr, and Mrs. Stewart of Wingba
vided by the ladies of the church an in Sunday.
teresting and varied programme was ren- visited relatives here on and Mr.
dared by the Brunswick Concert party. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Masters
!The programme was so much above Tipp Qf.Toronto, are at present visifing ford, spent the week -end at Wm- MC -
the average tnat every number was in- with relatives around here. Gill's.
d. Brief addresses were -r .,,pent a few days calling it-
sistently encore i Xing of Bluevale, and Mr. Win. Pat of Wawanosb, is vigi
miss Mary Aitke.rx, of HtLmilton. is. hpl. Mr. ShoebDttom
given by Mr. Johr 0 thcr at -her home Ing with his daughter, Mrs. Sam, Mar -
'Rev. R. J. Peters of Belgvave. The min- n old friends. It is about 45 years since
Win. left here. He is at present living idaying-,with her mD 1 shall,
later, Rev. C. G. Jones occupied the in Arizona. 'here;
chair. The thanks of the congregtion w Holmes has returned Little Allen McCIV fell one day last I Miss Mary Eadie is nome from Holy -
are due Mr. Nicholson.for the use the Ivirs. Andr� ,
hearty ar,d enthusiastic 'home after sptr ding- he past few weeks week and had the misfortune of breaking rood.
lawn, and fo ' r the vried the function with her daught.er in Toronto. bisarm. We hope. be may soorit be better. I Mrs. Oliver Stokes spent a couple of
manner In which he ca -There will be no League service here Peter Muir of Tbronto, is home lor I days with Millbank friends.
'through. Mr day with
i on Sunday, July 3rd last, the members next Sunday evening, on account of Rev. Miss Edith Adair spent Sun
am a few'days, holidays. NEss Ada McGill.
I of Morris District Primary Loyal orange Dr. Chowen going to preach at Wingh Mr. James scott spent a day recently
of Belgrave, assembled that day. s at Erin, Mrs. Joe Maine and children of Tor-
I'Lodge, No. 462, marched in a Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Field and Mr. and visiting friend urchison spent Sunday at onto and; Mrs. Fred Johnson of Wing -
in the C. 0. F- Hall, and ch where Mrs. C. Hetherington and family motored Miss Bell M ham'spent a day recently at Arthur Lin -
body to Kfiox Presbyterian Chur
plendid address deliv- , to Kincardine on Saturday and attended her home.
they listened to a s - t and Mrs. Wight and'son of Thed- c0f-Ybi
ered by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Jones, The he Salem circuit picnic there. Mr.
scripture passage chosen was judges, 7th Farmers are busy at the hay these days
..1r,', 4.]VA.
Chapter and 7th verse. 'The subject of - the heavy generally and -kf.# -JA 4, if�,17 V
ip is pretty ky'. A k*
his remarks was quantity versits, quality. heat are looking
spring crops and fall w 50
After the service was concluded the P
Brethren marched from the church to, well. I
i 'tier summer home here, �1§ A11111 . 4
the hall where a hearty vote Of thanks Miss mcMorris of Toronto,, is spending _1X1_
- weeks at
No Advance In Prices. r. Jones for his inspiring a w
also to Knox congregation for Messrs. F. Timmins, E, Lester and J.
was tendered M (I up and *V*
address, motore brtbl , 111URE] 0
the use of their church for the occasion. Buchanan of Toronto, AL
djoinin f d ys with friends, here. . _X11 -
Several visiting'Brethren from a 9 SPZ, a few a visiting _11S
r g. F I
Lodges were present, Buick of Toronto, is
relatives around here this week.
is visiting friends T. 'Ur A I
Glenn Garniss .94
at I Igrave this week. 0 W
Shiells had some excitement
'cutting. wheat he ran
9 `RE IaXt SratHu'rrdbay when
M into a swarm of bees. He and, the horses
received several stings and It was lucky
EL W no r away with the bin- DY DRESSES
der. I
I theevening, Jag. Masters came
r and placed them in a hive and they gn';O: 20 Per, cent. OFF
it aalroeniganding in the honey. I* organdle and volle dresacs In dark
Wm. Manley of Southampton. Stock clearance of theautitul new cent off.
r -a few days last week with friends and light colors, 9, fual range Of sizes 20- Per
e "P I Mt
/11^ he �re.
t1f Ar mrs, I,. McDonald of Wingham. spent BLOUSES
gh (y days with Mrs. A. Holmes. sea in dainty StYle% and colors,
a few -apel de chene blou -95
ey and Miss Dorene, Georgette and cr ..4.95 and 0
Mrs, Writ. Han, ..... ... ........ . I ....... '9" INV
visited friends livre this week. greatly reduced,. special
lied'only with e Hall and I Nor- Voile blouses Ia- and embroidery trlmmecL all size,
-IP- - � Miss Florenc xettr, ate spending their
man Hall of Wro ts here.
,RICKpatterns holidays with rt:lativ with HOSIERY
BU'I'TF Mr. Jag McHardy spt:nL Sunday VV* ......... 39c
- __: lisle hose greatly re4auced - - - 1
Hanover friends irl Black. brown 0 w brown, white, came a- -,F
in dressmaking predicted on e, h&ringtor; of London, was . hose in black,, 200 41p.
Holeproof andVenus silk ............... I ..... .......... . Wkv
The revolution Mr. ' e Rweek-end.
o, longer a II6�ne kZr'lthe navy. a full range of sizes lisle hose, rag. 65c and 75c, val-
the advent of THE DELTOR is n ar of hogs Uhildren's bIaVkI brown and white 49c and 59c
Mr. R. Johnston shipped a c ... I .......
to Toronto on Monday. ue special ......
ion, but a fact, Farmers are busy cutting their fall
predict wheat. it is an excellent crop, _* WHITE WASIISK'RTS
rvelously simple way Bluevale L. 0. L. No. 766 celebrated at _*1- ish skirts in this season's
THE DELTOR is a ma Palmerston on'ruesday, there was a good Ladies' and mI$5eQ'w)iite gabardine w . ..... 20 per ce.1t. Off ir..
of making an expert dressmaker of even an in turn out and all had a fine day. styles, all sizes, SPe--i"I ...............
experienced woman. Wroxet6r CORSETS and see S
quiet but 14 -0. It overlook Your corset when going on a holiday, come
THE DELTOR pretty wedding was soltinnized at the our new styles in the NeTtio,corect for the woman who prefer, , .
Manse. Brussels, when Ethel Anne. eldest back laced corset also the Gossard the original front lacing corset, eo
a style that best expresses the lq,%
is understood at a glance. daughter ot B. D. and Mrs. Hislop, was which assures ev�ry type Of figure' tiess and aL wearing
Married to George Griffith, of HOwick- personality of the wearer, a comfort that is pric, of styles and sizes
Rev, j. p. McLeod officiated. Bride, who service that alone justifies the cost' Full range . —.3125 up�
With it, for the bare cost of material, you, can was unattended, wore a gown Of white TV. at ...... . -111 ... ...... ................ ......
its or the finest frocks sijlk jersey with eyelet embroidery and ii,
carried a shower bouquet. She wore a
make dresses, rompers, su the gift of the orchid, at
art to finish. Russian fox fut. an and rd. If
from St groom, Bride was the recipient of many Fine Swiss organdy in blue, tea rosep apple gr�
without difficultY, beautiful presents. The happy. couple A*-, . ........................... I ........................ 1.0 per y
farm in How-
�Vill reside on the groom's AX -11 -
THE DELTOR alone shows You Ick. —The Dominion Day _*V COLLARS AND CUFFS d collars
—how to cutfor any size, of any Pattern, Out Of �!n_y su Celebration passed off here very succets- Renew your dresses and coats with dainty new OrgRm Y
fully. The chief events of the moming and cuffs at reasonable prices.
were the aquatic Contests, held above the i(DI
able width Of M dam. Therewere many entries and some CHINTZ AND CRETONNES
—how to put together, w;th perfect accuracy. inte ing f kts performed, An auto- a
o lie para e t it place at 1-30 P, M. Brighten your rooms and give them that cool summary appearanc
ecorated car was awarded cretiknne in dainty
Ist rize for ling bide curtains and cushions of chintz, . 1.10 per yd 0
little French touches so lovely I ill and 2nd_?V_i%s Annie Hup_ by us ........ 79c and 14
—and how to Yinish with those f * . ' his was followed by a baseball color combination$- Prices ........ -
in both the children's clothes andyour Own. atch et en Palmerston and Drew.
Ore 11-2 in favor of Palmerston. Tug WASH SATIN AND JERSEY SILKS
'urnberry wag captained tattti and jersey silk,
ow you this wonderful invention of war in w ic I ighton and Howick by V. Good quality whites pink and Mauv6 wA5h
Ask us to sh by Stew McNai won by Turnberry. A '141 suitable for skirts and underwear. Special Price .... 1.9!s, 2.50
'dence John Fitch, was
is more evi
OR. It One two mile race was won by Alex Sanderson
of the leadership of this store that we have with Geo. Hyslop, jr. second. This was I;",
followed by a football match between
Brussels and Wroxbter wh;n the latter
was succes5ful, the score being 2-1. music
THE DELTOR. r by the SKING B R 0 S
was furnished throughout the da3
Mount Forest Highland Band and. in the Phone 71. _:rg
evening a first-class concert was given by Termat Cash -
Ben Kekoa's Hawaiian Orchestra, who 4,
';ad triusic; for a dance later n
HANNA the, Town Hall.