HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-14, Page 610 - well Tor herself, but ey accepted 3une as they did the, i-aw, green bides A BLARE OF —they forgot About her. And 1!ito this TRUMPETS grayness and bleakrosa one day came ,,ttOr With a WYomlng postmark, my Julle-roso: I'm not (it -,%It sure that you ore my By Flartmea Saylor Thompson JtmQ-rC(z% tllcligh. God knows, I *ant You mid Vol asking you to be, I know YOU Are nobody olse'a, for I saw Jack The only rQmAntI0 thing that had; Murmy from Taunary Town this mOrm- ever lwppc C-24 to June in All her twe. I m. 1 1119, and he tells me You are unmar- I ty-nix yeam was her name, and even ried, 1)(1011 down In my heart I have, *0 value to be a mockery. i always cared for you—there was a Whou Emma-tt Itose brought big terrible ache in my heart tile might I bride from Pennsylvania to Tauuery',qaid goodbya to YOU; I oil, see that frown, not even hor love for her young � Qopp(sr moon Shining down over Tan - husband kept back the little gasp Of, uery Town. this minute, but wbell I dismay Ut first glimpse of her new, got out here I saw that I was up home. it was dreary boyand belJef, aualmt It good and plenty. 'Alaking a and with the Intolearable, odor of grocil fortune out West Isn't villat it is said bides to be breathed for Vhe, rest of to be., btlieve me, I was prouder than her life, I Lucifer. I made up my mind I'd make When the baby canio it was june, good. if It took a lifetime; and I,ve time and the Wife said a bit wistfullY,! done It, too, but somehow the years 9)(1 You mind, Umm ett, how the roses got away before I Ruew It. And this bloomed at this time a, year ago, in terriblo, beauMul fever of getting rich Conshohocken? Let's all the baby I burned In my veins—and Tannery -Tune, It sounds pretty, don't you tbinlr,'Towa and the girl I loved got dimmer —4une Rose?" And Emmett Rctw, re- i and dinimer before my eyes. rinally, membering the wide, tree-haded 11 -said to MY­QQlf, "June-rooe has, for - street and his wife's ville-covered, t gotten me and married somebody licrao, had an inspiration lilmself, 1ho's nilgbty lucky to get her." And It was the one t7ille that they gave: to -day I met y -act Murray; I could tbenus-elves over to ce-itinient, for the hardly talk civilly to him I was so bab:as came so fast a;ter that that eager to bear about you. It all came Plain 11311all and Maggle and Nathan: back with a rush—that life back home, aaul Martin and Kate sufficea very and I know I could never be satisfied =11. And June grew up as fair and again; that I simply must have you— delicate P,-. h -,r lovely n.1111c.. that this restlessness Vve known for' And Ill grtty.?j!Ua eya,3 vrith two Years was my longing for you. tuely Mack �Ilcs 'was a wletful look Maybe you've forgotten me, my white rir-IfArl 4 AWL) tlr�Aum hungering f0r liar own romance Julle-roze; my first im1pulse, was to t -1-A somehow so lang In earn- wire and ask You—but I didn't dare, It had begun to seem to her as If mar- I der voIee---PXy Jullerose, at last,, InC,. Julie d,d not know that in tile I'm coming East In June—once when rlage was merely Incidental to Phi -lip !she felt ineftably contenL What di I c'?.rt Of *very w0mall—the fattest, the you were twenty and I we.1 twanty. —nothing that was of Any corne-. It matter, after all—the blare of tran lc:,r est, the grayest, tile most austere One, I asked YOU if You would come I quence; the vattle 4,80.1 come first. She 'pots, sbo bad longed for? It was. Jus -Cie x,,,Ithered remains of a secret, back to, Wyoming with me, and you i Iva5-,,chIldishly delighted to know that ! the protest of her beart against a e 0.1m may ))a found. ThO d-r(laim, Of: said I'maybo." Will yoil, junc-rose ?'they were to. ride to the church in an; the long, gray days of -liar love-staTve ccrulng, as "warriors, came�'—on I Don't write; telegraph_, ca'm�t wait. I automobile; It will perhaps. better ex- youth. a fcam-flecked charger, to seize bar I PHILIP. Plain June to, say that she waq almost Contentedly she leaned against th artd carry her away, It Is not In the! And so June lived In -,liar romance as excited over the automobile as the Wilie,colored cushions of the big car heart. of any maid to withstand a woo- I again. She dreamedof the hour when N"Odding. its- top thrown back, "JJust think, Meanwhile a's ]over was tre- never roda, In All automobile before, J14Z by muture; but June thought she' she would leave Tannery Town, Jun VAI -3 different from other women, and I meadously exalted himeelf, and It she w1ilspered happily. Ame made her travelling dress her- 1would have comforted June to know As, -they whirled around the corne was accordingly asba—ned. self ii,d fashioned liar owa hat, a big, At twenty she I how he loathed th%�4ecesslty that had hail'thought her rc- 1 black hat covered with fillmy' tulle and i Only a square from her sister's. house mance, such as it was, Was, cLiming, I.,reathed with white . arlsen. Suddenly #udt".t1mox '1 11 r.oses. The rest po�'Ar$-�-Of the bridegroom's. eyes bulged In, amaze Pill 1p Chalmers had strolled down of it—blie service in the church and IPatting througll,'*i,--�d6t� June -��as ment—June was as yet uncoulprehand Tcunery read a few tlmo,� and hung Wedding breakfert afterward, her Ing—fOr 200 Cow punchers., resplem - to In parv:ng' Jure know Parellts magnificently conceded. as Yet'Viiawarejhat; her lov&r was the eve" the ga- shr�Asf cattliman the And, 0`4kiay' dent In chaps and'sombreros. and, wit Was "diRerent" snnio'irw It- Phelps bq. boasted� -and a. peremptory knives and 10m: cli tha vc-ry mo -ruing of the day before teleglarn had brought about a post- platcas Ili their belts tile TanDsry boys; he had Alrly-t!,Gus, !r tile -r, edding q night mez�saga came: swooped down. uport them, Intent upol he talked to her abcut ranking a name! Imr.o-al 10 for me tQ come, to Tam. Pollement of h!a own plans o�t tllejast their benevolent purpose: of showln� moment. But In On unguarded mo- Phil a good time. f,;r himself; he Imt',m!1t6d jarg nnd nary Tu.wn for wed.d!ng. Meet me In ,oly. Vaguely that there was no 1,future7' In Chcago an Wednesday morning. 1jave nient be, bad blurts,! out the maws of Tannery Town, and she was prefouad- wileL a Your sister to make arrange� his coming happiness to Larry Reefe.. Philip slipped his arm pr6tectingl) Philip was blissfully Unconscious Vound .June's waist. "Don't ,at ner 17 lmpresaQ, and presently sale found ments. Arq Putting through tremend- i that Larry on the Instant procee vous," he whispered, som i UlSelf looking expectantly up the ous cattle deal which will keep me. ewhat nery Poid at 7.30 eclock, her heart beating busy to the very liOur of the wedding. I make himself very busy collamunicat- '0118 himself, "It's a little Way the boys � Ing the n6N#,3 to 200 other -cow puncR. 'have Of celebrating our wedding.'* high. But even, In the first flutter of We will leave on the 1.05 train forl! her dawning cousclonsness. Of love Cheyenne. Don�t fail me, June -rose. ers Who, happened to be In the city and In June's, heart as Yet was- room for there was a half-defirled ache, of disap- about the "Y�ardsll that day, Th,Y nothing but astonishment.. Ao the pie POIntment; the PcIpitating romance And June did not fail hi agreed witli, beautiful unarilmity,th4t taresquor eavaleade wheeled Into line s- to end In a if in her heart was: a crashing- Sens - e the proper thing to.do was ta.sj�(),W Ill front �R' tbe:'�utomoblle there was a. -e had dreamed of wa, I wooing Ut'th,4 Zate, In the most com. of disappointment who Shall blame dear old Phil a good time. a nudcten­bu,�st Of.musl U'CaPlace- Way, after all. c—a mounted her? The one and only tlme In herl Juae4 first glimpse of Phi -lip When band wils in the lead and the,111thig, 1 he came swiftly into the house, holdlil., -haunting strains of in, Old but-Populsir And. then .6n6 night when ,, Cupper life when Tannery Town might see her I InGon, was shining down an Tall"Ory as an individual with a romance she J out his arms was Another sbiOck. Was at,, nlade James Pulse lift— Town, Philip came owiftly And excited" mllst 811D out as unobtrusively as she I this tho eager, Arrogant, handsome "Won't -.%*on be MY awoetheart—l!m 1Y as she waited at the gate. Ile was had lived. She had Sot her heart on boy -who, had Impressed her with his —Im—love with you­---�, going 401MY that very night; had a having them say: "Ali, there was a largo, vague talk about -making a-.nAme ' All during the I ride to t1l,,6 church Aanc* t,1 be a tow-pilucher— pretty wedding wifen Jun fori himself—this 'ruan, i0oa-looking, she Was divided between terror and great c urse, eved Philip a llf6 mar. to be sure, but -610 so futic dldxL*t Sound- like a career, of cc Chalmers,, he came, all Me 4 older and delight.: and IV was:� a4 half-frightoned but yoed better believe there was a quieter and Wfth'absolutaly nothing girl who walked aiorifi�'UP the bridal I w4`ly from Wyoming to get her." big 1013.Pcct�uhy In Wyoming, learn I Now should It occur to any one t* dashing about him? Gdft6 With 0. crash path the, aowj�oys made. far liar, thelf something -about cattle first; then 9-7t'speak of her, Tannery Town would was the last forlorn dream Of a foam- 4sombreros, held it �, thoir cheatS. She a hard t0bt!Ler—why, lie'd be a rl(,Il, lift Its surprised eyebrows and say flecked charger, -,and -a gallant lover passed, me& it a iow years. okd-fashloned but' You r sweeping dowri, from It just 10 g lov ly. je, VaOusly, "June -rose — did 'ay n a in in"Rer gray dreaq, Its Plainly the lustof ambition be -at in June? Oh, Yes; she finally married enough to seize her hand and ride, tunle caught up with a long steel his Pulses1i he had forgotten tbo girl. and went away." -away With bjer Into, the night. But I J buckI6;'o1i liar head a black, 4roee- mile played no part In his scheme of Everything had been arranged by With his arms" around her and his tom- I wDoathed hat of lace and carrying the things,- It 1�419, YOuthat high t1de going -wire, It WA", utterly IMPOssible for Out tG 00110er. June SAW, and her June to realize. what PbAlID had meant heart Was like to break. The romance when he said he, had " made good,,, tu'lat 11%d not come up to her oxpe ta- Material consideration never once an- tic;us was now the Sweetest t -She knew she loved hlug in tared her head. the world to bar. Flillilp, and she was going to leave Theyahcak hands, and June, wished Tannery Town—Vae other dreams she Wait Mason him good luck—there, had mover been hao sorrowfully to give !1p, She was .0 & &AY love sioken. between, them—and not Oven to see Philip till the last =apw� I radliP tur4d to go. And maybe be, minute. SuPase he were disappointed TEARS, IDLE TEARS cause 0, SFAdow of the gfrl?a pain look. In liar; she was Panic stricken; was It doesn't help, when trouble's here, to shed Ole, bmeltish, ad out of her blue eye% or because the she not very much older She refiected, briny tear. I well recall tile fateful day when my old hen refused U1000 wOikG Its madness its Impartial- anxiously peering Into Me glass. to lay; I needed eggs to poach and boil, and bra7ce me up for - where. the mag- I They were tO be married at St. ly In Tannery Town as I nellas grow, he turned back again, I John!s Church, ten squares away. honest toll, but when I sought the bidd-y's coo -P, whWd laid no "MaybG it I Strike It rich Out there, 1 Philip had been -sure June would want eggs,, and cared no Whoop, And, I had fed liar costly hay and Said you I M"Mft fallen In love with a quiet wedding, no fuse. or feathers-.- kindred grub, that she might, lay. I m4ght t4vo wept and tOm 90mabodr, maybo you'd go back with the quieter and simpler the better; it my hair, and rent my b . eard in my despair; Instead of thAt I W-0 to Wi"dug, some day, June -rose,, would suit him right down to the seized the fowl, beheadod her, despite her howl, and had i3*r for TrDat W"' Oil. Nobody but ju�a, ground. He would arrive at tile hour ray evening meal, and thon; remarked, "How good I feel I" Alid knew how she came to live on those when. they were to start from the so I make the best Of thIfts 'when grief in my direction awlng#. W00s, and nobody but Julie could houso to the church; no wedding have told Just when the hope died t'b;�eakfast afterward—th-ey Wake for I once P0500sred a balky steed, and when It bafted. Itwas, vain Of her heart. For the gray days pou,,- the Rock faland and have lunch On the to plead, or weep, or lot hot language roll, or soak It With, a cedar ad, and no word ever came out of the diner. pole. When on a Journey I Would start, I took Some volumes In WesL Sho hated her name n,3w,—It The only thing that eased a little the Mtt; when balkiness obe-swed the steed, rd open some good *6or"d a, MOckerY, for she had eelme thateurfous lump In Juno'$ throat was book and read, and spend an hour In comilfort there, Instead of to be twent"Ix. Never ones had she that Philip had sent up an immense pawing at the air. And when the horse des4red to go, Id speak knOwlla, Palpitating Moment, she was bridal bouquet of white roses, -No a loud, commandlmg, "Whou!" And 90 'he quit the balking gamai 90 colorlew 0Z her surrounding$, com. Ono on earth haa so perfect a right to and as a trotter e3r!14-d much fame, became the bast of bald- ing and going her unobtrusive way. wear these as my June-rooe,­ was the faced roang, Arid brought men J31 two hundred bones. I always PeW,O, OPOke of her sister Ellen, who I message that came with -,them. Some, make the best of things, and am as haPPY 4-4 nine kings, had m*vo I d t 1 0 Chicago, as 1havI09 done, bow this reassured the wistful bride, . ,v �, I 'i e� FRO, 2 U- Immonce, bOuquet of bride roses Ili. bar arms. Urgent Need for 1101p f(W NNIMA ;UUO 04YOO Cut of the 0:411 -rob Armenian Orphans . When I WAO Boy. NOW and than every Ire4n turns over - had lieou-As muoh U00on't tivos fron� I)r4,V.,W, xge, tho 14,00A of-ae picturt-bookof mem. latier thing exclusively, What had Callumo stated: 4Half *'V -Y* and Pet on turning until he h3l)Pellod to cause alt,th(�;px to t , r � rent? MUM for, 18,000 orph4m$ at Alex. cOm" to tho earlifwt Inc U 03 0 All?, Tile band was, stlil playin V ,+ that press ukil theye. widrapol to Afmil soth. 1vt him As A bt)y, Aftier that, We!V tbousands Upon thousauts of nothing, unless help farliv"", 1 40 to -day real pit. .Peqple crowded Into the area of two Whon the zteamq 1'Qiq.onquev,'1 ture-books are kept; fond parm.ts are, squares, carrying Ilour nd , milk, the flrr,#� Preserving onop-lsbot plvotogra r pb, Of The surface cars had Stopped and bteamer Since than middle of February, their c1hildron growirrg uprood In tho trafflo Was impeda& , ro come ", re4ebodthe deaerte�(l h4rbor of Batum, days to 04ne they and their cli 14ren 86*e b4c]; on the East Cpast of tho I;1,gck S will have the visible biography to re� the, eager crowds, but ov6r�bcidy, 0' * APAI 2and, there were only t ea, . tuxe �e cap Ai! 141,1004,0 iumi 0. m, bggs IK"y ON � y hours,", ,,came" and all, wore a smile, and of Ilour left in the town, A telegram other would "tber tu;arifice MMA orit 41 God. blew- y0s" reaqhf,�,,her, boolc In the house than 'from 200 miles in'lland Awaited them, 0"Ory 011er over and I MY -1491 "'No food at any P44; V9, part 'W?th that ccq10oi1Q,n. Of pfeturos. at*, bar, Ilien'"tooliOft their ha�o' la her, dhys moro'"id ' a;eP1nisbed.$y'j11 But we Evil may have, pia" in 4Yproach—it wixtp all most respeatful I we M. our heads. Among -those we liko the r. day, 4%e, I ae.t 1,9,X r-4tIon.$ , Ore ex. beat Are thoso'of the, irre4polloibia, ex - And kindly. She clutchad tight (mediate transport reached them the ­ , g 11 .,1 � w husband's arm; she caught i'41i4 t haust(A, -and i4-64 the lives of thuu- ikience wo, had before We Were re. Mile On 111's lips and a deprecating sando of Armenians, and the strioted'by a sense of duty and 40s. "The boys moaa I $aven Ojd,�' ld su!J,dap�y rellef'workers in, charge. tiny and the solemn of ahe understood, It Vap" Wei ii3w6'.bf Send contributions of Arumpets, her crowdet libUr,: Weaiiirler�, .)4r. D. A. Cna"Zne"ryono tha We look noNv at the men And we. 'r4,Al2A VIt l"t, Sha�jiad;Otaj)Pe, , I To - Men 40,01d as we Are, and 44 we 0asp a gay pons ptive—L � - i ronto Rabager, The Canadian ' nd _p 0, No terror and the I oJ­CoMTAarce, iK,1-ng Street.Weet, TO_ ba S and the eyes meet,wo Are say- WondeT w6nt 'out of ber,' face and a! ron'to, ing�to ourselves, if not 44dibly: (,Can childish JOY swg�pt ove.r her, She Send conteibutiow of clothing , this be the child I used.,to )cnow? Can Smiled half tremlilousl�, �Atlt: girlishly, caro'of W, tevOn Babayam, 84 , 'n We be. ray olaymato Of ad - and that smile Went mtrilght (9,j�40 StMot got, Toronto. ventures? LOW,. long 11�iill I . a,ago thgt was! heart of the mob, wlitch, cheered Itself I OU � VIC and be as I hoarse With euthus-lasill, Wu'tbA)n and make a fresh 6tart. X The next twenty minutes, wont with Ulster's Parliament. wish I bad ray life to live over again; a rusil—the, �xulomobjle swung t1irougil I ShOW-d 4-0 so much better with ItIO the lane tile opening crowd made., tile Frilendi of Ireland -on both sides of The regrets am unavailing. Nye can - band leading and tile cowboys, riding the oceana-re glad that the oilvaingof not go back. 'But the thought is nol alongside to Joan over to shako hands the UlUtOr Parliament, attende& by nlouru�ul, If we could liva again the 41 and to lieg a the Xing and Qtieen, WAS qccomplish- years that � Are Past . we might have With thWbrldemor Rower from the bride, June.rose to ad without misball. There was no note done worie--& gTe4t deal worse. Each tile Occualon and the oustom Alld gave, of deflahce in the solemn proceedings, Period of life has its own rewards and roses generously. The address of th.0 IV -ng breathed no Xature mercifully ad. d She had forgotten that it was, the opirit of bitterness or anger, He was Just$ liar comPelisatlons. There is a cowbGys-I privilege to kiks the bride, in 1th1Q rigbt in declaring that the V, ng. ha-PPiness -09 childhood; there is a Yet they 'hadn't, nor had Philip. He ligh-speaking world desires noth. 2ne Ingill'APP' &S of Age. To ie,44o in ma. nodded to tile chauffeur to speed up a. Imbre heaitiiy than a aessa�tian of the turity that we fire serving mankind, little; It W"'Impossible, to, 910 fast a� stfife that'llas rent the Edleiald isle that we are helvdns to bring in the they were. still threading through the and set the hand of brother. agahist better day, may bring to us a plea- trallic—but the machine shot forward. brotheT these manY m ournful years, sure that is far above the thoughtless This was� what the co.w punchers The Ulster Parliament is not ereat. gayety we knew when we were young. warlted. One by one, 200 Of them, they ad to vaunt A slipexicrity of political We c=not reverse the calendar and attempted It—and some thirty of them Vondition or to monopolfu official the 000k, Yet we may keep the spirit aucceeded—riding full speed AlongS.1de favor fair the loyalists. It staalds as a of youth,—.1,tr;,hope, its enthusiasm, its the automobile =d kissing the bride beacon to the day of amity and true OPthnism. It live cannot go back to triumphantly As they swooped down concord .'-among Irishmen of every ebildhood, our childhood may go�,for- and past. 6'rbed and faction. It OtAnds as a sym- word thrOugh#the Years. with us. it Julie%% pulses -were throbbing, pure bol of the hope of unity. Profits nothin-t to talk dejectedly of JOY held Ur speochless; thls,Wa� the "lost illus.1ons') of youth and be - 000 time'so radio Platureaque'tlian the MOO, the forfeited chenceg. , It i's OlIts. coal -black fcam-fleelced chAiKer; but Make Your OWn Violin. to take what is left U-4 and make the -'evidentlY Phillpdld not think so. He Take two 'tin cans, attach them to rilost of it, rejoicing that the: best of gdanced at her flushe(i fate leaned for- What we -bad -when ward and slipped So he the opposite ends of a place of 'wood, we were ehildrery chauffenery I -land. mothing Into t and run A. D or A violin string from Is Ours to the very end of our lives. "Malre. It a get- an to tha other. aWa,Y," he sOd tersely; "the boys have one a hard enoughborse play." Tha * cans will supply the *.resonance A Radical Departure, The,, oar leaped out Into a clear Space that Is furnished usually by the body Of the violin. Of- course, the range will Mmy people will be surprised to ---and June felt herself holding on fat ilear Mo--4nd heard Larry Keefe emit not. be as great as whan four -strings llPal! that the Fr4vincial Univer6ity of Ono long, triumPhunt, Yell, Those be� are used, but It you use eithe- Of the, Ontario is arran1ving to' have an ex - hind him saw -him me-dium-tolied strings, you will be able hibit at the Ganaiiam Nationeal Exhibi- , tuir at his, saddle to play Mnlwt any tun6, horn.;, and the rough riders tr tion in Toronto this year. What the rear, but on a dead run Ailing in In the Southern Statt.-s or Americo, u'uniyersity exhi bit? Certainly ll�t rillie down, whooped uz a -half It Is a common thing, for people to its bei�t produot, for a u varsity de� Larry rose In ni make rOfIgh musical Instruments. At valo.Ps"brains, mOulds character, gives hie stirrups and, swirling his larlat, harvedt festivals' lassoed the bridegroom, in Georgia, one or the country its trained leaders in the "No use!" shouted Philip more days are set apart for contests various wa a' of life, and f4is - �ype driver; be was' tO the at Which People, liany from temoto of work does not lend itself to vulial smiling hAlf grimly. mountain riglomj�, plai these home- manifestation. Nor is it the purpose The.,chaufteur "killed" h"s' madet46ftervdild" 'f(3r' PrIZ68, tIA91Y Ut"the' Universitk'eililbit to attempt Put on tho brakes; it happened like or In groups. lightaing after that. The, bridegroom to display tle Universityis most es� war., hauled out of the car . by the sential a'ad e4during form of seMce, trihmil'4a,at cowboys and Put ODA bron- Wanted Light The' alln is rather to makeel-ear to the pho. Philip kn6w whom, to submit; he , One-gloomY day a, Young country- People of the Province the fact fhat fode'.1noTe Or IaBs. Smilingly besid-o the manwent to a dentist to have, a tooth the University of Toronto exists in car, while IAurY occupied the post of exitracted. Seeing the patlent,ff liar. Order to Serve them In the Sphere of honor b0SIde, the bride. juae was vousness, the dentist Inquired: 1149fier education. Its varied exten- laughing, apont.%meously, and girlishly. . "Would You like gaa?" sion. work will be explained, and those She was, beautiful to behold, with a , Would I like gas? Of course, rd who -are interested will learn how the falut blu-Sh oil her white; cheeks, like gas!" exclaimed the I -rate patient. University can give them direct and Later, from the Rock Island express, "Do You thInk I'm going to have, you immediate service in -their own coml- she lez�ned out of the window, her eyes 11199,1119 out ray teeth In the daXk?" munitioo. A representative will W Misty As Sho, smiled and waved her in attendance to advize parents who handker,ohlef -to, 200 rough riders, as Getting a coffin. may Wish to consult him regardting thav� ewung'thelroombreros, The band A boy who smoked 1,�00 pack-ote- of their ehildrc,&S, education. To Interest was PIaYW9 the, old favorite again: Cigarettes 9-aved the pictures and sent the ge-ne'ral VOUO there will be dr "Let us. 0411 YOU iWeetheart--Ilm In them to the 11rm, asking what monstrations in Physics, displays of love with you�" The Passengers were would give for them, . they the Work done in public health, AS- aralline—the W, Ole VOrld was klud, to The oviiswerwms as fDilows.. tronorny, anatonly, botany -'the culty P f.41 June to -&Y. "Smoke 1,200 more and wem send Of aPpliod icience will, use part of the Philip, whem" the altr Rad. been Lott you a coRim.1, Space allotted; and- Otl1or facilities and behlmd,, held liar hand tightly In his, departments Will participate. inade. .111aw brave quate as, the exhibit must, be in '14611a - I know you nlust'hai� Pl�ined for a EvIdAce enotigh. tion to the immen" Worii, clone , by th, a quiet weddingi no tusw6r, inan't'. the, flashionable moth. University of Toronto, it ��ijll -at leazt oad then to -have 'ill thlo, distasteful er, with a frown, "you've 1>0011 giving be interesiting "d Inistrubtivt and DublicitY—WhY, all. ChIago, will be d1s. the children millaoses candy again.1, will. demonstrate to the proprietors CUS'sing you over the dimier tablea to- I d V, a thisgreat institution that their own beert am ordeal, k"Why' ma'am 0 they look Sick Provincial mdoght, It must uve� as ad ibe nurse, alarmed. UniVersitY is keeping. and I am utterly remorsefulis "No; but every door�knob In the abreast of the timw, that it realizes June put IX& SOrt ;Alm against his house does-," its OW-194tiOn to Spread the lban-elIxte browned dbeeX "An. Ordeal, PbIjjp71F of higher edumtion, beyond its NvW.jo, She closed her eyes. eastAtfeilly I foran and that - tuggestilons jer imarea"A, IDStAAt—"WhY dear, 1-1 . simply loved The friemdShiP Made in A litoment sayvioe ire cordially we., 0 is of nwraoment. C road , OA greMis, the pizesent demaud for adult WalrPvhunterff paint their boats eduo4tion, so marked the gene -rat real. white to rest�lble cake.,i' of. ice. I iption of the Value Of 4 91*4t univer. ln(tftd Trying. L'Ord 117119 of *VImY, Canada's r�aw' bity, that this exhibit is, liko-ly to )>a JfmkS­"yOU look M-ther we3try, old Governor-General, is to land at Qdebac- an OX0004AUgl'y povul,�,t one, on Aligust 11, Binlete-14yet, I've -had a very trying time during the ird_r;t Weak." There Is "ffic"ent Power ifi' one Birds That -Build BUngalowso' "'Reen 4 07A- fellow?" grim Of radium to rAlso, a battleship "No; On a juryl�p of 2$,000 tons, One- hundred feet in Arb6r-like bungalow's are built by the air. Australian bower birds, These bunea. !n­--1-!-,--!=--=�=, low$ are decorated by the birds with lJoWers And otajor bright. obJectr,.' Sometimes One bird will movo a fit-wor A4610d'131'P061tion by a fellow. The T68ult Is A free, fight, far none of the birds will tolerate Interferemcd; or NES, criticism. There are several different kindd or. bungalows, and each It bull -t by 4. - Variety of the bower bird, Thaso structures hAV0 motll,fag whatevo� -to 40 With the blrda� nests.. There , Is a garden In front Of the bungalowi and 91'00 attention 19 Paid to, koaping�thls fresh, Stime of the bfrda prefer Shells AS. % garden decoration, oth6rg. use gaily -colored beetles and other Insects, while 6nobir(T lays Out a lawn. of moss whileb. It decorates with All klmdo of 0449 and ends. A� 11,mli As any part Of the garden b000mos, faded# the, moss 162YOS, Or fio*tN, are carrIM to a rub� bigh h,00.0 b6ind the bungiatow, , Dancing displaya Are give,, GA the lawns, OsDotltally At colirting time, When tll(. raftlea Adopt .011 klnda Of qrlek�r utt'ludoo ftud Slug songs to At, W .0 Won Of a, 00,06#1ta