The Wingham Advance, 1921-07-14, Page 5Fil 1�' )w F ") Thursday July 14th, 1,921 THE WINGUAM ADVANCE Blyth Belmore .0 0overnment Fruit Inspector, Frank Mr. Shaw, Bluevole, occupied the pul� -0 pit in the Presbyterian church, Sabbati, Metcalfe, left here Frid*y to start his THE HOUSE OF"QUALITV afternoon. duties for the season. He begins his X0 Mrs, Herd and family are visiting with work a month earlier this year, this ma Mrs. Herd's father, at Lions' Head, the tenth year for Mr. Met cAlfe in the kes Miss Margaret IIAICIO&h is in Orilli4 capo;ity of Fruit Inspector. This year with her aunt, Mrs. bL CVC he is allotted a larger territory with bea& Miss Aitken, Walkerton, is spending - -.0 A quarters at Saskatoon. her holidays with friends here. .6 MONEY S VING VALUES R.1 &I *F -.0 op.- Rev. A. C, Tiffin the newly appointed Mr. George Savage and sisterg, Rosa 11-0 and Zelma of Canfieldl Passed through the -0 pastor of the Methodist church bad village last week to visit friends in Wrox, -4 charge of the regular services on Sunday, oter, "AFTER EVERY MEAL' 'Quality and Low Prices Make The e a' Barn—In Clinton Hospital, an J141Y let, Mr, Moffatt, mail carrier on the Wrox. 0= to Mr. and Mrs, Herb Thomas, a daugh, eter route can't understand why his car ter. refuses to go any farther than the Bel. Special Lines Big Values more Post Office. "F. Mrs. Chas. Dickinson and family of The gum with the Teemater, visited Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, W Sheetin.9—Fine bleached sheet- NUmode'Brassleres_ln whit Sunday. e lasting flavor—wrap. ing, extra heavy quality; 21 The Presbyterians intend holding their and pink, front and backfast- Garden Party at Hector McLean's on the yds wide, best Wabasso matte Ped haj the hygienic ened, made o f fine quality 19th of July. IF4 6 1 F Spec a . .................................. b5c yd P1110W Cotton -42 in. wide cir- cular cctton, fine even thread heavy quality best Wabasso matte, special ....................... �50c yd. Gingham—Check, S t r i pe and plaids in assorted patterns, a Nainsook, at ................................ 60c Venus Silk Rose — Pure silk hose in black and white mer- cerised eta s t i c ribbed top. This famous make specialty priced at ............................ 2.00 pair Black Cotton Hose 25c — to S I D E S Just now we the most attractive ladies' Diam- ond Rings, though round, are made to ap. :Z lull range to select from .... 35c yd. doz, black cotton hpse, good pear 4 sided, 6 sided quality and fast black dye, and 8 sides. Art Silks—In Russian cord and sizes 81 to 10, special ........ 25c pai r This effect is obtained barred patterns, pink, blue, in the mountings which grey and white, suitable for Ladies' Vests 25c-5 doz. lad - are beautifuly pierced shirts blouses or dresses, 36 ies' cotton ribbed vests short .W and ornamented. in. wide, special ........... sleeves, special ......... ...... 25c each Prices $25.00 to $200.00 Ll� S- W. Re- Hamilton Our Goods are the Best- our Prices Right. Terms, C' ash. Prcduce Wanted. and Optician Jeweler PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT i Ptimer-Glen Eckmier. litts, Willie Woods. Those with an asterisk missed'the final Jr, I --Ruth Corrigan, Edith Weir, Robt. A 25 YEAR ENDOWMENT examinations. Bennett, Tommy Parker. Sr. Primer -George Harriq, Hugh Harris. Recently matured itself in The following are the results of the pro- The following report shows thp standing Jr. Primer -Lyle Fitch Richard Ben- -motion , examMations at S. S No. lo, of U. S. S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry nett, Iva Gallaher, Arthur Lewis, Freddie Morris. Names in order of merrit: based upon the results of the June pro" Lewis, Lida Willitts, Elmer Gallober. 20 Years Jr. IN'to Sr. IV -Ernest Karge a, Clar- motion examinations, names are arranged in order of merit. Of $121 for every $100 ence Johnston. A. M. GRANT (teacher) Yeildirig a return ' Jr. IV to Sr. IV -Mary Fitch, Alice Promotion Report of S. S.No. I,Howick. invested, besides carry the risk and Sr. III to Jr. IV- Ethel Johnston, (Hon. Meahan. I JR. IV to SR. IV -Maggie McElwain-, Wmrs), Elizabeth Robin I Jr. III to Sr. III -Walter Woods Geo Anderson Inglis, Gordon Weir, Harold SAVING THR INSTJRI�D 5 YF�ARS heeler, Irene wheeler, 7JL�'an "Mt:1erser7, Me,kiey, Ferne Bennett, Wilfred Henry,' Barton. I PREMIUms XWillie Peacock. . I Wilfred Meahan, William Weir, Alvin SR. III to JR. IV -James Inglis, Clair Jr. III to Sr. III -George Peacock, (Hrour,sob Carl Johnston, Fletcher Fell.,, Fitch, i Edwards, Leonard Metcalf, Robbie McEl- Ask for particulars I wain. H Jr. III -Velma Eckmier, JohnP -Alex Corrigan- hon-', Jr. II to Sr. II Abner Cosens - W. T, Booth MacDougall, xPearl Carl Fitch, Mary Harris. Tena Fitch, SR 11 to JR. III -John Taylor, Mar- offat. Johnston, StanQ i Kenneth Bennett, Jack' Harris, Johnny erWEdwards, Willie Barton, Edwin Det- M tual Life o f va -1 WIN(MAM MANK1-,'rS (Correct up till W�dnesday noon) Butter .................. �5 to 30 Eggs .............. .... 24 to 2$ Hogs, liveweight .... . 10 25 to 11 00 Cream ................ to 30 East Wawanosh A number of People (if this vicinity at- tended Dominion Day in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, James Scott make a visit to their friends in Harriston last week. Miss Margaret Aitken is re-etigaged as teacher for the coming year in S S. No. 11 East Wawanosh. MRS. T. FELLS Patrick St., Phone 231. Qualified to give Chiropractic and massage, ajustments. Spinal examin,,,Ion free. TEESWATER--WINGHAM CAME sealed Package. A goody thafs goc.-I for You. Al"ds appe- tite tand digestion, Keeps teeth clean and breath sweet. A boon to smokers, with its cooling, Asoothing, effect on I, Mouth and throat. SEALED TIGHT— KEPT RIGHT B19 Jr. 11 to Sr. H—Gertrude Turvey. Willitts I JR. 11 to SR. II—Ethel Taylor, Edythe Wingbam, out. 4M Whether at bat or in the field, Cruik- Sr. I to Jr. II—xRuth Starchan, Doreen Sr. i to Jr. 11—Mildred Catbers, Metcalfe. shankswasbusy every mint4e and the IV XXX XT X X X XX X X X, X XX.%M Eckinier. Blanche Weir, Alma Fitch, Walter Wil- 1 SR. I - Minnie McElwaim Verna Mont- camera caught this one of him as he was ANA Complete Corset & 9R� gomery, Lily Edwards, Clara Detzler, making first oil the bit that allowed Circlet Service Melvin Taylor, Harold Wright, Margaret Dr. Mapga- Howson to reach the home and score a Montgomery. Cald run in favour of Wingham. Special Demon- X i JR. Pr.—Elma Finlay, Elva Dane, Myrtle Montgomery. General Practitioner stration of Graduate University of Toronto, Faculty 100% A.—Evelyn Montgomery. Lloyd Taylor. WEDDING BEI� X F. E. MCP11FR80N (teacher) of Medicine. Office:—Josephine St., two doors south of Ilso IFLAVOUL, Brunswick Hotel, ELLIOTT—CRYSLUR The quaint and simple architecture of NE M Telephones — O-Mce 281. Residence 151. Gorrie Holy Trinity church with its one long One night last week about half past aislelentitself beautifully to the obser- Mr. Ben Goldstein was lying on lRklTATED AND ANNOYED vance of the marriage ceremony between ML I IMIC as Gertrude, second daughter of A. W. Cry- CORSETS �,l the sofa sleeping, a stranger entered the Are you irritated and annoyed by 9 MILES, NERVINE—.$1.20 will s�othe of Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Wingbam, which IR A Tu L_71!1v� n,, A houFe ard asked for the boss. Mrs, Gold- trifles ?—Just one or two doses of DR, sler, Welland, and We;r Elliott, only son tein pointed to the Eofa, when the visitor July 20 and 21. the irritated and over -strained nerves. took place at I o'clock on June 29th. The grabbed the sleeper by the throat and Guaranteed Safe and Sure. b­gan to pound him. Mrs. Goldstein church bad been beautifully decorated rushed to I be assistance of her husband Sold in *inghaiin by with daisies and greenery caught up with and receivtd a blkm that ft-Iled her to the J- WALTON McKIBBON King Bros is all fresh, f lavoury young leaves that y,.� C �':'l fl,.or, Fhe then rushed* to the telephone white ribbons ' and made a picturesque Wingham, Ont. generously in the teapot. Always relia,11�!c. and called for belp The ttranger on setting for the service. The bride who Im l.t Eoir p the telephone ring decamped. JAMES TAYLOR looked winsome in a suit of tan colored -------- gabardine, champagne georgette blouse AUCTIONEER and tan ribbon hat with trimmings of .WHEN WOMAN HITS THE TRAIL IN THE CANADIAfq ROCKIES grapes and foliage, was given in marriage "MMM byherfatherandthe impressive English TWI-1-t �Ic Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at N, el The Advance, N� ingbam, church cc, emony was perfodned by Arch. will receive deacon Perry, Miss Pauline Crysl prompt attention. ;e ZZ& Phone NorthHuron 15- 623. Bi rlQ�65 15 1 1:ister of the bride played the weddi 9 1%4 music, "The Bridal Chorus" and Mendel- �Ni 011 ssohn's wedding inarch and during the 4.4 entire service Played very softly the Phones io6,224. "Melody in F. " While the register was z 9S being signed, George Totty sang with WALKER much effect, "0 Promise Me,,, Douglas N McCaw and Bruce Greer acted as ushers, Funeral Directors Later the bride ar;d groom received the and Embalmers congratulations of their friends at the bride's home, 95 Dorothy St., where a V-_11!1�'�A-M-"T,-""�I�_, 3 -Wo buffett luncheon was served. The health Motor Hearse or Horse Equipment of the bride and groom was proposed and V happy remarks portraying humor and d.1 1171 di JERU IMJESK� 111al-310 sentiment were made in reply. The groom's gift to the bride was a bar pin 0, A: A V T IN CA OT giijWPACAN 1AN CIFICR KIEV The outdoor &01 ---and her np_vke Alps overseas to show the way to cause they are unexcelled in bestuty untr Is legion -knows almost as much the summits of majestic mo 'jins. and ra-destY. The Alpine Club d, When they ride, elinib and canip Canada has many women members, AbOtit the trails, carrips, mountains they weir riding breeches just as the most expert of whom do not mid fishing of the Canadiall padific well ai their brothers, husbanrig or hesitate to attempt the conquest of ROddes as mero man. Evory gum- sweethearts and nobody thinks any- any mk men havit ascondM, lit .1janq stl1d Lake Lovise SLte thing about it - not even Mrs, 1001 ount Assinibolne was stseend. Grundy, because she has been wear. ed for the first timt by Sir Salto thrOilged with rumbers of the f I ram, Three years lator Kfiss air ing the shortost of sheirt skirts her- Out lex who hit tho ttstfl to view the golf to be in tho mode, The war Gertrude Benham, an trigliah girl, b"0665 Of 14kes sin streams changed many things. It gave was the ffilAt of bet sex to reacli Whe" the tMut bide, c1lim-h nioun- woman the vote and made breeches the aummit of this great peak, the "Ins &nd 8IMP for days near to f6r women conventional, Matterhorn of the CArtaftni Roelcies, '"tu"'s hettt 5,06gustirded by Beauty age#ls to the ' td B th were assisted by $wiss guld6a. 4 4 nado " overal mRde, tb* '-'-t durth - the 46rt guides jiloy learn to ford glrl� And 4 a loves ths Ca iim So Aladen ff "t'sAms, fl8b 9kild Xb,00t,.wb1l6 there Rockies which rise a raile or more camP of thO AlPlas 01uh last sua. %** r"I Swisis &Wdiga fram the 4.6ava LATC0 Lmuiita w4d Bar& beflihr- .1 " -0- Z- 4.0 Me organist, a pin with a pear] setting and to the soloist a tie pin with pear] settings. The young couple left at four o'clock -to spent their honeymoon in Muskoka and later will be at home in Welland. The fyuests from nn rl� 1he "aickest W- ay.- fh/ to.Re.lacl'l the bjlyc-hr 16U�qe tile 113eill to & ..111P out-of-town in at,endance at the wedding ON(i DISTIA'NCE Is inaintaimd at a high degrce of' 1-4 were-, Mrs. J. J, Elliott, mother of the groom, Wingham; Miss efticiency, Connectjon�, witIl 6�tant pohv,,�� wcre nover Annie Elliott, more qui,,.kIly establiil)ul. sister of the groom, London; Miss Fern Crysler, sister of the bride, Detroit; Mrs. "Long Distance oiabk�s us to trammct bu�iness it! t�nlnty Margaret Taylor, sister of the bride, Cale. chiCIS ill 011L- (hty" -- say�; a subscriber -­ "we ute 1-L to get donia, the Misses Grey, cousins of the new custuniers, to tnakesalesjo order glOod.", or counterianlid bride, Simcoe-, Miss Montgomery, Lon. them, to speed up shij)m(�nt,,. verif.v acdfts, ty;dts new parts don; Mrs. Richard Quance, Niagara Falls; for machinery, etc. It multiplies our pursonal contact �vith Miss Ruby Duff, Toronto; Dr. F. G our Branches, out mlesmen, and the trade. Henry, Delhi and Dr. Norman Beaver, Woodstock. -Welland Tribune, "Many of our tong'D�stance calls are now Station -to -Station. A lvrgc� ,Sign liang" over our Private Branch exchanree, rvading 'Ijl n;aker it a8tativn-to-Slatiun niU.' Ntpmovcr, we notifivd our cu�,tonwrs that Myth L. 0. L, 963 wdl celebrate the two Of Our Most capable men had been designated to lnoL after Long *3z anniversary of thebattle of the Poyne Distance businesq. As soon as Long Distance calls, our Private B kancla tallayfield, Preparations forthe big day, exchange operator switches the to one of these inet , wbieli gives!, Julysoth,areabout completed,the pro- our cuRtotners th(,� advantage. of Station -to -Station ratm", gram of sports indicate to bt even better than last year. Games of baseball be- "Use the 113ell' to Sell, " The appeal of vottr tween Goderleb, Teestvater, Zurick, and voice will bring results whei, everytljijj� E`v c ryv Do Wirigbal", also a football match between 8eafotth a u d McKillop. teams, T he fails. From your desk you can talk by Long Distance with i3,00o,(100 telephones i n is a Lon ladies of this community will serve Canada and the United States. Diatatict� staliam meals in the hall. Come and bring a friend. CA