HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-14, Page 4J
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Thursday,July,Ntb, 192f
howou. became more in number and motor trip, On which w9 saw the wild and! being taken on to guide us through the bananasevery day in some sli )r form,
TRIP TO BERMUDA higher, and with the begrimmed pillowa excited facteand heard the high pitched rocks and narrow channels, as we neared ape % &WAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X14140-1XXXXXXXXXI,
i An(] paw -paw salad several tittics front
One of Motberwell'a former girls, Mrs. an4 bedding banging out of the windows 1 voices of the notorious Wall Street Curb St. David's Light, At the extreme North I Seawa�4" garden, also nativqi Iresh
for air, o.nd washings hung high across gamblers, who blocked the street from Bast of the island, so that we might env strawberries and ripe tomatoes, Webave
Owth4ni of Toronto, sands the !the streets and on fire escapes, wegot a;sidetosldc, makingan awfulpictu-c he beautiful scinery, stubbed with also had some glorious walks amongst ISARD'S.
following interesting account of bet, trip little insight into the manner fia which our minds, in joy A X
i of the foolishness of .90me'snOw white homes, during the last 2 the rocks through the wilds and over the
t*Ucn N she and her husband to the the multitudes in very lArge -clues have man Broadway, on which every known hours of the Ad'
I p. As we passed along by hills, without fear of snakes—there never
Isi4nd a4ermuda to St. Mary's journal- I Men's and Boys' Suits
Argus.tt, to exist, Soon we entered a long, dark automobile Co. has a place in business;, St. George, through the Narrows, in and has been, one seen,, if there ever N% ere any,
.Dear Sir— tunnel, from whi o h we emerged at some of the big stores and prominent out amongst smaller, islands, similar to it is thought that tbey must have been
'When our reservations bad been made the Grand Central station, in the heart buildings, and lastly, out Riverside Drive those In the North Channel. as we skirted eaten up . by the quantities of wild hogs X
$or return passage to Bermuda, and I of the city, and were at once Impressed by the Grant Monument and Columbia the short all Abe way down to Hamilton. tbat.were-found when it was discovered X at Reduced Prices
-re were University, But the very beet residence'Upon arrival on shore, we hired a car- by Sir George Somers and party, when
wealized we were about to start, I sort of with the case in which paesenge ' I
wondered, after having been favored with Able to alight from the train on the lave). that we saw did not appeal to me, as, riage in which we were driven back in sbip-wrecked on the island in 1009.
The Platforms are situated so that the they nearly all look like great appartmtnt the direction we had come, a distance of X Extraordinary Values in all Lines
The lovely winter that was just about Vegetables seem to be the chief export,
train steps are fully concealed from the house—no beautiful architecture like that about 7 miles, midst oleanders all in and as frost is unknown, the cro
over, and the joyful calls of the robin and public. We just had to walk a little way in Toronto and in Los Angeles. Evi- ps are
blackbirds were again to be heard. why to bloom on either side, over a portion of continuous and of a splendid quality—the- X of Men's and Bnv8' Wear,
we should be leaving home at this glad the taxi cab exit and take our turn in dently the owners did not bother much the splendid roads of dazzling white that latter attained from Mother Nature's
1ime of The year, but satisfied myself with getting into one of the continental stream about outside appearance, as they only were made and sawed through the coral wonderful kindness I in providing these
the thought that a little change of scene of "White and Blacks", in which we live in New 'York a short time in Autumn, hillso some quarters in "Seaward",'on the isolated people with an abundance of sea -
were rushed to the Pennsylvania Hotel, and then to warmer climates for Winter, beach at Bailey's Bay. X
weed for the fertilizing of tbeir',liltle farms,
now and then renews life in the best of dodging in and out what seemed to its a and later to their country estates, On New potatoes, beets, carrots and parsley
men. seathing mass of humanity and motors. I March 19th, we set sail for Bermuda and Bermuda is just a coral mountain in the r Big SaVingS 01I Suit$. SoMe of the Rest
On the evening of the 17th of March � sea, about 15,000 feet in height, and this a a now being shipped into New Yorit X , -
we left Toronto by sleeper and Awoke Everyone seemed to be running, yet to I had a glorious 8 hour trip across the and are bringing high prices. 405P. Brands of Clothing are Here for
Mext morning to find the grass green our surpise we did not see one accident. 1 briny deep. Weather was ideal and -we I beautiful semi -tropical little Paradise in Last week Dr. Durham was called to 4VA
in the banks ol the beautifu Hudsom Mr. Durham's mother and brother, Dr. t did not see one person ill on board. We which we are rusticating is on the top, see a little colored boy who had his knee lblt Your Inspection.
1ver, while winding our way into Now Jas, R. Durham of Warren, met us at the': were roused by the steward about 6.30 Tber�are 865 islands and rocky projoc- cut:to the bone in a bi'cycle accident
fork. As we neared, t h a apartment hotel, After luncheon we had a swell: the last morning, just as the pilot was tions, on which there are onlyabout 10,000 Mm. Durham and I went with him, aiva'
acres of land altogether, and the most im- y
over the hills train the main road to the
portant islands are all joined by bridges Cut prices in Boys' Suits a� $7,50, 8.50,
cabin, and I must say that as we g?Lzed re
and a causeway. It is in shape about on the little dark fevered face on the 10.00, 12.00, 13.50, 15.00.
like unto the bany part of a man s arm
snow-white bed and his kindly looking
Cut prices in Men's Suits are $21.50, 22.50,
_Mj and hand, and St, George is situated at .41
mother looking on. we felt mos 4W11,
_.�J the top, Hamilton on the thumb, and we t grateful 24.00, 25.00, 2&00, 30.00.
a for this, another impression of �he haven
are located somewhere on the wrist. The of rest that these dark-skinned people
distance from end to end is only about 25 Men'sstrong wearing work Shirts, $1.3%
have found in Bern�uda. We stepped out
miles. Old time carriaves, driven mostly
of the bedroom while the doctor was Men's heavy Overalls, will give excellent wear,
by colored peo
,Y-, ple, bicyclesand the stage X
dressing the wound, and were shown into sale $1.98.
that runs frum post to post at intervals
are the only inland manner of conveyance. the little parlor in which the bare floor, awl
Thc houses are all built of cora When the plain wooden chairs and the little Men's good wearing work Socks, 5. doz. 50c
k Tat gg5�
centre table were spotlessly clean—ibe quality sale 40C.
a person wants to =.ke a home, he just
Wtet with a number of good books and a
saws the shiogles for the roeFf and the
dictionary. all of which had evidently been
Boy's Wash Waists, made of light and dark
out of a hole in his lot
blocks for the walls
g r\n very much in use
IRJ a cistern, In the far corner of
that he finds most suitable for t a room was an old Morgenrotb and Print and Galetea, cut price 89c.
A and builds his' house, which is a very
& alzm great advantage in these days of high Loebbler piano, the keys of which were Aien's strong wearing Pants, one doz. to. clear
k L
cost. The cor-il formation of ibis island uneven and yellow with age, and some at 2.75c.
0 music on a little stand, yet these people
is very porous, therefore wherever there such lovers of music that no matter Straw Hats, new styles in Men's Straw Hats
is either a low spot or a grotto, the salt are
how ancient the instrument, they are able
C1 water appears and vises and falls with the X at ba now only $1.00, 1.25, 1.50,
to while away the evening hour- in bring- X 2.00,rgain prices
tide. The constant wearing of the water . X 2.50.
I in certain underground ng out sati,fying accompaniments to WN X
passages has I 40!5�1
C4 formed some very wonderful caves, hung their hymns and ditties. As we took our X 'Men's Boots, Bargain in Men's Strong,"Near-
leave, I said in farewell greeting to the X
with stalacitites so grand and marvellous ing Boots, cut price $4.00.
in form and dainty shapings thai one can mother "I am quite sure that with good X
c re your boy will soon be well." Sb6 V Boys' Boots at cut prices, q
only look , on with admiration beyond a OWM clecial value, at 2.75s' -
words, while going from room to room on answered sweetly in a low voice. 11 am 3.00P 3.50t 4.00.
trusting". Her fervent trust has brought X
pontoon bridges and thinking of the words its reward—the fever has gone from 0.40
epswiors of the Psalmist.- "The firmament sbew- Highest Prices for Produce.,
a eth His handiworhs". After one has seen the little body and the wound that looked
Sm6oih Runnin6 It these caves and taken notice to the seev- s 0 angry.is getting well. About two-thirds
i Ing of the salt water tbrou gb the coral of the population of the Bermudas is of
0 ; rocks, be can readily gee why rain water colored people and seemingly most law
Quality maintains economy. You
abiding, respectful to the white people
may pay Im "per gallon" for other SERS of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils enjoy a singular 'is the only fresh water to be bad for use and respected� Everyone speaks to them X H. E. Isard & Co.
lubricating oils but you get more U freedom from engine trouble, which is at once a source it, the homes. It is contained in splendid at meeting on the highways and are al- X IMP,
lubrication "per dollar" when you of profit and pleasure to them. cement cisterns and because of the ab- ways answered nicely and in a cheerful
sence of smoke it is as clear as spring
buy Imperial Palarine Motor Oils. Every bearing and rubbing surface is cushioned with an XXXXXXXXXX XXXX=XXXXXXR
unbreakable. oil film which relieves friction and minimizes water and is most wholesome. We have voice. "Morning Sir," or "Morning
wear. Go- d compression is also maintained, saving both had man), lovely drives midst natural Ma-aln". There seems to be �ery little on a trip to Scotland.
poverty amongst them and they are all Laura and Mr. and Mrs. J. D., Beec.-olt,
fuel aiid oil and increasing power. beauty in native red cedar and coral well , dressed, especially the children Mr. Gordon brinkwalter has rented Mr. visited with Mr. And Mrs. Andrew Kirk,,
Less( rocks, fields of Easter liliet, and fresh I Seaforth. on Sunday..
med repair bills, lower upkeep costs, better satisfaction Jas. Taylor's place north of town for the
vegetables and beautiful homes, each one therefore the poor -tax being the only tax summer. ILtiate a number were out to sec. lbe�
and longerservice from your car follow the use of Imperial I party. citizens are not over -burden- b b 11 game bete on Thursday evening,
Polarine Motor Oils, of the)atter an individual picture of snow on pro Dr. Will. and Mrs. Hackett and sons
loveliness, set back from- the road ed with taxe3. motored up from Detroit and visited witll� Belmore Whitechurch, T b e SCOM
Consult our Chart of Recommendations for the grade of It, In Conclusion, Can we wonder at People his brother in Ashfield, Ayes 6 to 2vis' Whitachurcb winning.
Imperial Polarine best suited to your motor. See Charts iwn most cases, midst cedar and various
other trees, amongst which ate to beseen. coming from far and near, some for a Mr. Win. Purdon had both house and -
at your dealers or write to 56 Church Street for "Auto- vacation, and others to spend an evening barn struck with lightning during t lie
huge rubber trees, the pride of India, now
motive Lubrication," a booklet which contains the Chart of life, "far from the maddening crowd," Whitechurch I severe storm on Sunday afternoon, foitun--
covered with a lilac -like sweet scented tely no fire started,
and other valuable information. blossom, after which follows the berry where the honk of the automobile, the Misi Jear) Eglestone and Miss Eva; Miis Myrtle Beecroft, who has b, -ca,
i that is so much favored for use in strings gong and rattle of the street car and the Patterson of Lucknow, left last Tuesd
IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED I shriek of the factoiy whistle are never for Alberta. ey: visiting friends in Toronto and Guelpl),,
. of beadq,- royal poinciana, and Christmas I returned home on Tuesday last.
Branches in all Cities litardl, to disturb their morning slumbers, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purdoo, St Helens,,
poinsetta, both looking lovely in the calm to this place of antiquated quiet in which visheduith Mt. and Mrs. Win. Put `�Ir. Bob N?bwbray has the contract for
of their Summer rest—tbe latter still t*P_ the cardiiial in his beautifully hued Plum- Stinday, -don on laying the concrete sidewalks. in While—
.FOR A CZX" XJWC12WY IWO �O4 1 ped with scarlet; calabash; an occaslotal age, amongst his'many bird calls, church These have been much needed.
MAMAGOOD orange tree; monkey - is often Miss Nellie McGregor is spending her! Miss Lottie Davidson of Calgary, Alta
puzzle; sage and heard calling— Don't worry! holidays under the parental roof. is visited at her hom e here.
The crank case of your motor should be drained, cleaned and refilled with date palms and the gracious candelabra Yours truly, Mrs. (Rev) Irwin of Lucknow, gavq Mrs. -Garton and Nliss Ma te, whc.,
vactus. Beautiful hibiscps in red and 99
tile report (if the W. M. S. Convention, have been visiting at ar
fresh Imperial Polarine every 1,000 miles or less. Dealers who display this pink, roses in many shades, honey -suckle ANN A. DURHAM, held in Listowel to the W. id� S, of the again. Brussels, e I hOMa,
' Hotel Frascati, Bermuda, Metbodi4t Cf)urc'h here on Thursday las
sign give expert crank case cleaning service, using ImperiM Flushing 011, a 1, Easter lilies,'begonias, geraniums and all
scientific cleaning agent which removes all dirt, grit and impurities, which !Lre .14 iss Greta Fox of Wingham Ho.spital
i sorts of annuals are in bloom in the beds April 12, 1921. Miss Ida Hill of'Lang,,ide, visited with Staff, is �pendiag her holidays at her
so harmful to your cngine� It will pay you well to employ Imperial Polarme Miss Flossie MacGregor last week,
Crank -Case Service to -day. and border, and most every kitchen Miss Nettie Cottle returned to Toronto, home here.
garden has a p?itkh of banana plants and Lucknow I last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge of Brussels,
i a few Paw -Paw trees. We have had i I visited at Mrs. Ruticdge�q home here on,
An Unsurpassed Entertainm'--ent Feature
The Greatest Troupe of Educated Pets,in the Wofld
Patnahasikals Pets in An Indoor Circus at Chautauqua
11c,Aar,.q the greatest f(aturp cver P"!,elited to any audience Ly trairIed aniniala 17ag is run up, %'his is but ow foaturo of the evening's enteftailizaetit, VItielt low
aud birds iq the miriatupe 1)attle reenP, fron, the World War. During the riction an hone And a balf, with somethibg taking plaeo every minute of the tinte.
of tbe battlo, the bires fire eatnon, anil Wben tile fort bursts into flarne, t1lo fire Prof. Poanabasiks, is 06 genilils and is justly recognized aft Amerjes,Os most
Company rcspondg, raices lad&rs. turlia over a water tatik ana extinguiplleg suce(-88ful �,Mttll snivial and bird eduestor. Ito gives an interestitig talk 4bout
thollre. Then comes tliie vietory. The German Jlag"aulcd dOwn and thP Bfitish his petil 'wWo th' triekA are beitg done.
In winah
.. 1-amo during week of July 21st to 27tho
How titnes have. changed in Lucknow
may well be seen from the fact that Herb
Graham who recently completed his
duties as '66risus-taken found only 63
persons in town who talked the Ga,,I,',.
Not very many years ago unles3 a e,_
sort spoke Gaelic he could not make him.,
self understood here and he could not
possibly be in business. But gradually
others drifted in who could not speak it
and could not learn so the sturdy High.
lander who can adapt himself to any con.
dition, more quickly than any other race
took to speaking English and now that
those hardy old pioneers are nearly all
gone the Gaelic goes with them.
The rai1i Yesterday was very welcome
after the long spell of terrific heat al-
though nearly a)l the crops are flat,
Mr. and Mrs Jno- Hackett attended
the funeral of the late Andrew Young of
Colborne Twp. Mr, Young who was a
cousin of Mrs. Hackett was 85 years of
age, and although having reached this ripe
old age had always lived on the farm on
which he died having been born there,
hi� father settling there in the early days,
Mr. Young was a member of the Sons of
Scotland and A. F. & A. M.
Dr. Make of Winnipeg, sPent a few
days in and around town.
Nr. and Mrs, Lorne McDonald of Pet.
erboro, are spending their vacation in
town and Ashfield.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Seddal and their
daughter, Francis, are on a trip up the
Mr. and Mrs, Sandy McDonal of
Windsor, motored up and spent a few
days With his parents,
Misq Isobel Douglas of Chatham, is
borne for her holidays,
Mr. 8nd Mrs. Chas. Richardeon of
Teeswater, are V16iting Mrs. Goo. Douglas, k
Mrs. H. McClenaghan of Allattdale,
spent a few days With her father, Mr,
Archie Barbour.
Mr, CUllig is home after spending a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs, Brown Mal -
lough at Grimsby.
Mr. Steele mcxeme of Kitchener,
spent a few day4 at hi$ home litre before
entering th6 Military college at London
where lie is taking a cour4e.
Thd Rev. R. McCallum left Wt week
air. and Airs. Will Conn,, Wallace, Sunday.
Does the work as Well as machines costing
$300.00 or more. If this sounds too good to be true,
just give us a chancf- to prove it.
Used by the Dominion and Provincial Govern-
ments, and many of Canatias largest firms.
Catalogue Free. Write Now.
A. E. DOHERTY & CO, Windsor, Ont.
Ohl what a wonderful word that
is I Can you do it? That is, drop
off into a good sound refres1iing
sleeP? If You are unable to, ther,4
113 something wrong with Your nerv-
Ou8 system. It iz a danger signal.
Nervous Prostration, melancholia,
nervous dyspepsia are only a few of
the serious maladies that are liabla
to develop.
will soothe the irritated and over�
strained nerves, Just one or two
doses helps Nature to rdstore them
to their notmal futictions, Guaran.
tetd Safe and Sure,
Sold In wittglif'm hy
Whete thore is a tdndonc�r to
anatipatido, you will fitid t)it�
41i.*S' Liv*R ViLts dtattivo ir,