HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-14, Page 3�J,�
er7_—.7, :1,� "I'l, ,�:!l'!" = 2 "'.= - �-.;" - ___ ___ :::.:.1,1:1.!,., I '1111:111,11: - � M, MR -1 - I _,_--__,;,;w _;,�'.F�,��"vlrl�'___" - - " __! , ! . _==;;�"t��"�MZT��.", � _ � � �. I � �;.;;;��7;;- 7 :Z=="_j
, — , - � wiftut,detention or test. Under the .
. I 17ruits and Veoet;%bles.
The Wingham Advance � dr I . ,�4 lXunlelp,41 Tuberculosis Or,der, possedThe Sunday School Lesson
, � ". i�_ 1 'M#4, MoAt -of the cure of t1.0 growing I at Ottawa voine years Ago, 4nd the
�.. 11 - , I lutye been over before tbls I
Publiahod At ..., , 'R 1. crop wl). � more recently adop,ted Accredited I � . ,1�
A A 'A - 0, I I �� " . Q appears, but sorrietimeoL attan
'.O �-
. ,�,,� , G* 0 P article ,
, , !;� ,,� N -A _40F"*&, 0 1 11 00n. toww4a the enj of the season Will Herd Plan, compensation Ig paid for JULY i7. . .I
, ,
Winghim, Ontario A � A,V�, � I , ,,, 4, S
3R " �, Alilmalli oftcluily slaughtered mW I
9vary Thurfday Morning � save a crop or ino,roase the yield.. the owner's Are (permitted Ander rog.m.
I 11 If the season is favorable for the lat! The Colix*enion of Saul, Acts, 9; 1.19. Goldm Toxt,j
I d,Vf,r,,, 9U to realize whatever they can
R . - 1, :U I z. . . P " I ple o �
A� Q, SMITH, Publ4lbor ... W W. , , , Q -
t_� V) I . I I L .rl
Subscription rates: — one year, �- L, - I . V � 44, 1 :. ment Qf the api, scab in the from theattle of the carcass, Tim. 1; 15, 1
*9.00; six months, �1.00 fix Advance. - CONDUCTED 13Y PROF. HENRY G. J3,E]j- - latter part of the summer, an extra ------- -- *�, I � t I
I , .��-..7� . ;_ I , ill make a rnarked difference I * connecting Lh"—Tql pau'l jbed;� VQ . urt. . But this
Advartislug rates o4application. /�".. � ,1 spray w ,
, The, �object of thlo department It, to place at the scr, .... �.. . 1."j,"... I Canad4i Exports of BoLcon. ,ough , apparoutly, W"
. I , ......!V" in the qtvalfty a the fruit, The opray. ',Was 0eekin
- ... .
Advertisements w4thout specific 41.w vice of our form readers the advice of an gek.n9w1ofted ,.,�;�;� ,:,.::..�.1::..::V."S. _g to And the true -way d Already
, �
"ISO... ..".... '_ I , an open thoroushfore, con*
rootlons will be inserted until forbid `. ..A?.'1*":1:-: i119 of currants with Bor4oux mix. During recent years, and partieular- life as 4P4rIsoe in strict ob,servance nectink difforo t eqcn�
ouftrity on all sublects portaining to soll4a.nd vrops. I,` �,!,..."",.*!��*�:',,'�".,.*r.*' " A Re of fbe olty,
- ,1 , of 010 la -w, 4nd, thwight he was. oerv- rand. Wlth the Open ob, pj$ of the , .
and clmrgod accordingly, I Address all qtwstlqnj to P�oOvaow Henry G. 0911, in : .. .. .-"�;,�tjg,.. ture to prevent dirwases of the leaves I 17 during the war -period, Can&da's ex� Q =a
,; _X .., I '
.4. , " , .:i. - -9 GQO In Persecuting the Chrlotl4ns, chants on elther oide. It
Chuages. for contract a4vortlae- ;6ro of Thq Wilson Publishing Cntnpany, W.111tod, 'TO - �.4. ,;�..,:,; , .,,;,�,",,:i:,., which appear In 14to summer should port bacon trade developed in I
I to, " - , � rorn ��j' : _",'.A-'.."'.: -:�i,!:'�.��:A..: very the wa - - WAS lined
mputa be In the ofilce by iloorn, And d6swero,will appear Ill this r.olumn to the order :.., :,,.! be doDp, before the fo�ljr,g . a, not h4ppy. I e describee the with column4� t,h J,
1 1. . e is injured, This is proven -by, the f44 � experience 101' That Period of his life AZI11'Zo � e ,) 440 ,of w1tich �Ca,A
, 11 I:.; I 't. ��::i.-
.. .
':on' When writinq k(noly I .. ,:t,: ::;., 1, :.:. � -I%e early dre rapidly.
day. In'which tho.yare, rec�.,Ived. -.1. -pping of leaves for cur- - AeVAL. -
. $ Won* :..! ; .�, .-;.... - . that %at year exports of .bacon from. 1 In,
; ::. .
e where I . the seventh clmpter of the E igtle Az; 3-1) 1 have hear4 k' 'Inanx of
. Von, thiq paper. Ao op-ico lo limited It Is advis,pbl ...' �� .1 rants on 4ccouot of dise4ee lazzons the the Dominion -amounted In y4ilue to't ,e , djx� ow , ,
--- ____ (Mmodiate reply Is 0c;essary that ,a atamped and ;d, -.��.'.' : .0 tjjc� ROn=$, an; experl me a m4n. The fame and dread of
I =:z:7— ::,;: . I yield for the following year. $84,000,000 And tha, ,
dressed envolopo'be encloseld wIth the questliort, wi-en - ..'' , t pitr 3dj.l1nffp Of c0uragMent and d*feAt leadiq yv hAd, already r *4W
BUSINESS CARDS the answer will be mailec.1 jlrect� � �.' N _V Ca. name ,m ,
I - : I!! "I Calory sChould be kept well'sprAyed hogs in ,eight years doubled in num- most to desp4ir. The commandment DA .
I � . - 8� � the 015ristian!,,people
" � I Copyright by 'Wilson P qbIlsilitig Co., jAinited . with Bordeaux mixture until it !a dry, ber, while, those of Denmark and, Ire. ' (or law). "Which Woo or&4ned W life " there knew ,9.f We, ,cp,w,�TW apA, _Wj*t
Wellington Mutual Fire C, P,: At what stage should a mix- 1 kill,both the Ivy and, grass,.The patch- to ensure it %against disease, an -J the land decreased considerably. With the this, he &AM h# "found to be u�io he tad,come, for, yet ;q toe Call of
tops Of potatoesali;o must be protect- return to normal con(Utlons, vi rous I death." For the I W. . 4. .
Insurance Co. t , go .4w ,conti tally seti duty, the call of bia Z0, I A.iisiul"
wre of o4ts and peas be cut for hay P3 should then be thoxongWy raked , Wore him ideals, WVoh he er4,qld ,not Went to blnL
. ItIstablislied 1840 1 1 ed with'it to the end of the--growlng efforts will have to be made in order , , He did�not knAi $ut the
to get the bestrestilta for hor4e feed? and the roots of the weed should bel seasoni to prevent late blight. -to MAIII-tain -this position, The Live reach up to,'4nd wao a ocontinual re. going, might cost him bis Wenover-
Head Office, Guelph Answer; Peas and oats should be dag up. After this tharoughly minder of his faults, his errors, and tholosa he went. . I
Risfis la,keil OR 0,11 classes Of in0ur- cut Just as the oats are 'beginning to I r-prinklo the patchee so us towash the Home-grown seed is usually veryl Stock Branchof the Dominion Depart- his shortcomings. Re law was, holy, A chosen vessel. There oam%, by
able property on the cash or premium shoot head, in order to -make the best e=.ess salt out and re -seed t/Q good Bati4factory. As far as vosalble the ment of'Agriculture has entered upon andjusl,and,goad,butitmeanl ,ath thle word of in-SpIrelion, to Ananlis a,
. -ay. In feodiniK tlfli +0 grass. If the ground ivy completely I best of each kind of vege , table rhould I A special campaign to stimulate the I to
note system' I mixture of h I I Junu Promise of what such a man as Saul
ABNER COSENS, Agent, horses you Vill have to be very car -c- covers your lawn it -will be neces�arY be saved for seed, To eninire. having Production of bogs of the ,bacon type, He. found u conflict within hlm,be� mi;lyt became, if converted tK) clifig,_
I In co-operation with the provincial de- 'tween. good and, evi,L For, he says:, tienity. A man of hi �
� I 8 lorninv und
ee& is relatively rich to dig up the lawn and give it one seed that will germinate well the next "that which I do I I -mow not; for not great .
. . partments, an arrangement has been ability And, knowlgdp� of the
VIt in protein. If you overfeed your summer's thorough cultivation In reason, it is important to clean and made to off What I would, thatdo I practice; but __
, Wosen ves-
horses with this constituent of food order to kill cut this troublesome, dry the seed as soon- as possi4le, and er attractive prizen to What I hate that,, I do.,, . . sel to ,bear Chrlstfe -narAs before tVa
uUDLEY HOLMES they will tend to develop kidney weed, Every bit of roots left 1hould'keep it dry until spring.- Beans, peas members of boy,F1 and girls' pigolubsi "For the good v4iich I wouldL I do Gentilev and kinge an,& the children of
' and corn Will soon lose their gormin- who exhibit At local fairs, both for not; but the evil which I would not,
BARRISVER, SoLlcrroll,' ETC, -trouble unless, they are at continuous be reked out of the soil and- destroyed. . Israel. And that Vas, the dAvine -word
ating power if they are 4-,�,,,,p. If cab- quality of product and ability In judg- that I ractiW' From this conflict to Ananias,
I � 'he fouj
Victory and Other Bonds Sought and heavy work. . A. L.: What is the best fertilizer bage begin to burst and It 1% not yet ing. Where suX clubs do Trot exist, I no -Way of escape. Evil eeeiii- He entered. the house and greeted
. 'u, Sold. H. H.: I am . plowing three acres for currant and raspberry ,bushes " attempts at organization will be made, ed to triii�:P�. He wma beingbrought 'his enemY as "Brother Saul.') Who
Office-Mlayor Btocl<, Wingham that'is , , mostly light s4nd. I have asked The soil Is gravelly and needs buiW. tln�e to pull them, it.0 desirable to. into captivity to
. � , , Tho'ldea Is not only to atimulute and . zdn. But when, In could rest%t the rpi-rit of b oth
�� � .1 i- I sevoral farmers � About it 4nd ,some sa'y Jug up. twist the Plants ,so as to loosen -them ' r erbolod.
. hecking the de� sullt--in production., but to circulate d,0-,,,-Pa1tr,at1,,,1 -cries out, 40 wretched mid, goodwill ,which was so manifest
e. thing and i�me another'. One Answer; An exceedingly good fer- vOlopment of the cabbage. once. the knowledge of actual market requim- me?" the aml Who shall deliver among those early Christian$? Paul's
R. VANSTONE ofanrmer told nio. tbat if I would put tilizer for culTant and raspberry answer comes, "Jesus heart was won and Ilia eyes were
. twenty pounds of vet e' busho, is one carrying 3 to 5 per cent, cooler find moister weather of early ments and thus to,create a standard Christ." And! so, he says (8: 3), opened. The great decision was made,
1. . '! ch and on bushel type of bacon -hog for the entire Do,
BA.RRISTF,B, ,A� 404101TOR* of oats to the acre Any time this ammonia -and 10 to 12 pe'r cent. avail- autumn comes there will be little rip- "What the law could not do," Jesus He was baptized, making public can -
Money to L .M. ��*ow'est Rates. month, it would make good bay. Does able phosphoric acid. Apply this at enioir of onions, and they are likely minion', When It is stated that the Christ did. There is no condemnation fession that be now believed in Jesus
.. WINGHAM that make good hay for horses; if not theTate of 400 IN%,. to the Acre, along to go on growing rather than ripen- British market imports annually boa,, to them that are in Christ. ObTist, end would follow Him. it W0,3
I . I ) 'ween the bushes. and Ing, henea they should be pulled and 000,000 pounds of bacon, understan& Paul must have been impremed by not long until he was preaching Christ
,. . what would you Advise me to sow o� the spaces bet ing Is possible of the value of the, the speech of the, .martyr, Stephen in the synagogues.
the three acres to canes, and work it in by cultivation. cured while the days are hot enough. which he had heard andby the heroic "The coming of Jesus to Paul was
, Make hay? Does While squash and pumpkins -will keep trade that is at stake, It Is hardly
ARTHUR I IN IN sand vetch make good cow food? A. J. C.: Can you tell me how to get for a time In the outhouse or col,jur necessary to suggest that the hearty and- i;atlenb courag'e with which he forhim-fronithe veryfirstamira,.19 of
. I ,
" ceivo rid of poison ivy and, quack gra4s? co-operation of farmers and everyone met his death. He must have met and God's favor, orgra,,re; the winning of
. .P�D.S.j L,D. %, Answer: By the time you re ,Answer, The first part of your ques- While the weather is comparatively Interestea is. hoped for. Rules and heard the testimony of many other his heart, an unexampled display of
Dootor'of, Dental Surgery of the the answer to your question it is prob- ton is Answered above. warm, they should, on the approa,ch of Christian men and women. While he power. The experience could'only be
Pennsylvania Co-Ild-ge and Licentiate Able that the best crop for you to winter, be Put in a warin room WIlere regulations governing thecompetitiot carried on his work of fierce persequ- the work of God; for it gave Iiiin what
of Denthl S�rgery of Ontario. gTow for,hay, will be millet. Of course It is very difficult to get irid of the temperature will be 50 degrees F. maY be obtained from the ,Dominion I tion, this leaien must have been, work- he had long been seeking -Test of
P.fflce In Ma6donald Block. . peas and- oats make exceedingly good quack Vass in Any other way than or above, when they will keep much Live Stock Commissioner At Ottawa. Ing in his. mind and heart. The climax soul, peace of conscience, a free for-
, hay, but the mld4le of July will be by sunimer fa,11owinig tb(.� land that is longer than if they are near freezing. I Of the conflict was reached on the, w,�.y given-ess, and a 11ove th-at was 41tso a�
I hertoo late to sow this mixture effacted. The citmek grass land If onechas some cauliflower heads . to Damascus, and Paul's great de" inexhaustible e-ource of moral power."
' �
for hay this year. Mi .1 bave z1hould be full-�plowed so as to turn Precautions Against Bovine cislon was made then and in the days -Strachan.
DR. G. H. ROSS "toget Ilet hay wil I thm ro,ots -and rot)t stalk3 up to the sutl that are only partly developed, it is a Tuberculosis. that folloired. Paul repeats the story of his con�
Graduate Royal Collego,of Dental * to be fed carefully to, horses, sbice if ur:1 frogst. This should be followed in good plan to dig the plants before they ' '_'. Desired of hint letters, The ver,Viu., twice in the Back Of A
. it is fed exclusively period � ".
. axe injured, by frost and heel them in A, low Yeara a -go the United States high priest was -still the chief ma once to the crowd which throng�j'
I . Surgeons c-.4rly,spring bydiscing and harrowing th I bT ed cattle, recogniz- trate of the Jewish people, and g'3 -
Graduate University of Toronto it tends to devellob lameness and gen- eve-ty two ofr t thr,n) Nveeks, so that the e cellar, when one *may have good e6ders of puro-br his about the stairs of the castle' (22: 5-
eral muscular trouhle. It should be cauliflowers for some time. Ing the necessity of more effective authority was- recognized by Jewish 16), and again before Festus, and
Faculty of Dent(stry nct stalks will not get a'c'hance to - I ,
OFFICE OVER H. E. ISAR fed with a, mixture of other material, ' When ,one bas ,grape vines in the measures for the control of tuber. communities even, outside of Palestine. Agrip�r.a (26: 12-20). In both ceses,
. DIS STORE espeicially a judacious uniount of eon- malrE & firm att.tchment. again. Each to a b cu o, a arranged a conference with Though- subject to Rome, these Jewish I he declares that he saw Chrilst, So
I,Tkic, the field is harrowed it will be g,"d*n it is well remember th, t be! I a' , communities were allowed a large I -also in I Car. 15: 8, he says, "He
I , centratos,, such'as oats. In sawing i officials of the Bureau Of Animal In. measure of freedom and self -govern- was seen of me also, as of one born "
X well to go over it with . a hay rake grape is one of the few fruits that d�o.
W. R., HAMBLY millet thirty pounds to the acre Is gathering together the root stalks so not improve after harvesting, if pick- dustry at Washington,, the result of ment, and Jewish magistrates appear I out of Aue time." "Am I - not an
sufficient if the seed is of good qual- that they can be dried, and burned. ed green, hence the Importance ofiwhich Was the adoption of what isito h�ve had, at certain Vinies and apostle?" he asks, "Have I not seen
B.Sc., M.D., C.M. ity. L " Some men �nd it good practice to fol- leaving grdpes on the vine un -til thor- I known as the accredited Herd Plan, Places, the power not only to Imprison, Jesus our Lard? 'I 71,11is test.mony
Special attention pand to diseases of W. G.' B., What is the best way to low this treatment by. growing, a oughly ripe, if possible. If frosts , meaning that the herd had been thor- ,but even to inflict the death penalty, I of Paul in I Corinthians is indeed- th a
. by the Roman,governor only, or those] gospels, of the appearances of the
- over my lawn all the time? � u t, soeding it is desirable, where one has -but a to, 1 from anY symptoms of tuberculosis. I deputed by him. The letters, there- risen Lord.
postgraduate work In Surge�ry, Bac g crop the following year, threaten before the grape% are -ripe, it Oug f I although the latter was usually held earliest record, earlier than any of the
Women and Children, having taken kill ground ivy which is spreading sm-otherin � lily tested- and, found entirely ree
teriology " Scientific Medicine, Answer: To kill ground ivy, if �the v ' heasy in order that the growth vines, to Protect them, as once frost
n cry I The plan proved so successful--overa fore, which Saul received from the Paul could never forget this vision.
OffIQe IN th;,Kerr Residence, between weed is concentrated in certadn parts may completely Is over there in -ay be a long spell of thousand herds being accredited in a
the Qtteen's Hotel and'the Baptist cover the ground. 1high priest would be respected by the�Nor eould he forget that the, Chri.%t
I of your ,lawn, apply salt heavily over This smothp-rs 7 in weather, when the -grapes will brief period -that a decision was ar- Jews of Damascus, and, would author- whom he had pemecuted had forgiven
Church. out any remaining .aT If I rived at to adopt the system in Can- ize the ,arrest ,and punishment ol t e him, and h one him .Is at
I the surface,of these are". This will stalks which may -have been missed. ripen' , the foliage is killed by frost Ii ad d th gTo
,as, ada. Regulations were promulgated Christians. honor, making him His apostle. "I
All Pusili �11'glv�n careful attention. � the grapes 4o not ripen eat�afactorjly.
Phone 54, P,0- Box 113 1 . 'which came into force in September, 3-7. A light from heaven. What thank him that enabled me," ho writes,
. . successful., -a number of herds having I
I cross woxft and tempery speeches, been accredited, while many oth 1R19, and have proved gratifyingly exactly it was that happened- we do "even Christ Jesus our Lord, for that
"f , or% are not 'know. We might conjecture that He counted me faithilpl, appointing'
'�1;1�� and' that bag we should call our for- under teLt. Tlierg is now -an agree- e.- it was a sunstroke, or an epileptic fit, me to Ilia service; though I was be -
*11�4� -
ffi.� Robt. C. Redmond 7W Nall, ( ,getting bag. And, the other bag -is ment between this country and the In building silt-4basins in fjor.o tile but no such explanation can fully ac- fore a blasphemer, and a persezzutor,
I (MA& 17,
I M.RX.S. (Eng). . A I I . our remembering -bag, and into that United 6tates that cattle from ae, drain ,have the bottom of the basin at count for what followed. That a can- and injurious. Howbeit I obh�v.n_-d
L.R.C.P. (Lond). . . ,%ve ,want to pop all the good, pleasant, -credited herds may enter either way, least aloot below the level Of the tile. flict had been going on in the mind of m-erey, because I did it I- orantly in
ti&O"r , . . the g,,,,,,n
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - .- . , jolly thingswe hear and the cheerful Saul seems beyond question. His men- unbelief. And of our Lord
. (Dr. Chisholm's, old stand) . The Peddler Man. . thongilits -and happy songs, because, ----'- ___ I tal agitation may have helped to pro- abounded exceedingly with faith and
, that is the bag that Will puff up like ca a physical crisis. But, however, love wbich is in Chnst Jesus. Faithful
I Oh, if I were the peddler man a fairy balloon and carry us over ell that may be, the one certain fact -is is the etaying, ,and worthy of &11 ac-
. to,'V�7n, ENUOU.-RAGING Tff E " SON, TO SHINE " du
Who eel -Is ,things in our the hard spots ,on our journey. that God spoke to the inmost soul of captation, that Christ Jesus came into
DR. R.* L. STEWART I shouldn't patch my'ragged coat And we want to gi,m'other folks this zealous persecutor, and compel- the world to save sinners; of whom I
led him to see end to acknowledge the am chief." (1 TIT4. 1; 12-15).
Graduate of UniveTs,ity of Toronto, With patches gra.y and brown. on1l,y Pleasant, happy words to store The Spirit of Play Wisely Directed , 1rulh, 11 was God', a -ad yet it was Application.
I'd gather up the autumn leaves, Produces Astonishing Results. Jesus-, too, whom he met that day on It is consistent with the Divine atti-
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o! the All splashed with gold, and red, none at all to drop into their forget- I I the way to Damascus. "I ain Jesus tude -as -revealed at many tirne-s that
Ontario College of physicians and And make my Fetches all so ,gay tery one.' And be sure, sure, SURE Not many years ago -the thought They should rather feel happy that whom thou POrsecutest," the vision Jesus should commence speech with
Surgeons. � I'd be a king insteadl that your reinewbery ba,.- is whole prevailed that the wisdom of the ages the children have learned through said. .9 early Christian ex- the a I Ith a quesUcti.
. Office Entrance: . I Ill all thi of Men rring persecutor w.1
. Second Door North jof Zurbrigg's Oh, ,if I had the peddler's lbell and strong vo none of the eun�hiny education much that the parents perience there is an identification who do wrong are not only sin -
Photo Studio. could, be obtained'only from venerable Jesus with God. Paul, who had fought nersbutfools. Throughtbe,centurles
That makes a Veary sound, words, Will escape, and, be sure, sure, ,gained through ye= of experience. to hard against Hian, now calls Him God has been trydn,g to get 111i cKil-
JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE20 I'd, ring it (loud- with mig1ht and main SURE that your forgettery bag hes sages. In other words, the individual They should, feel pleased that, beeause'Lord, "Lord,, what wilt Thou ,have me dren into a sensible frame of mind.
� Till people's bearts ,would -bound, a ,big hole in so ill- the cross and, dis- would have to go through a process Of this the advancement of -civilization Ito do V "Israel cloth mot 'know, my peop'c doth
. I SELL And everybody in our town , agreea,ble war& can fall out. Will of ripening by age before he was eon- is likel� to -progress faster than it has.1
ties, Call and Came dancing down the street- sidered. a valuable ,asset to the com. It should make men optinaists, for one ficant of the reality and truth of the together, eafth the Lord," was the
Town mud Farm Propai you ? , . 8-12, Behold, he prayeth. It is signi- not conslider. Conie and let us reason
see my list and got my prices. I have And skip and turn and laughaloud Remember the gooj munity. But now, it seems that the cannot v.1ow these things with6ut feel- vision and experience -which bad come message of Isaiah. "TheTe is a way
some excellent values. To hear a song so -sweert. And forget the bud� tendency is toward the fulfillment of in�g assured that the world is growing i t0blm that Soul was driven to prayer. that seemeth right unto man. but the
I ) � Make evewy one happy the prediction that "the child shall better every day. . Ile came to persecute; he remained. to end thereof are the Ways of death,"
Oh, if I had the peddler',s pack , ' And nobod,y sadl lead them." pray. And his prayer was answered. was the word of that writer who so
. As a duty,bo -the children, the world, For there came to him divinely in- earnestly urged the a&effitages Of
,. J. G. STEWART .. Of sagar things and, toys� .— O.. Young men and young women now and to themselves, parents should en- I stwacted, a good man 4an4 true, whose Wisdom. It was the sume spirit which
WINGHAM I shculdhIt take the pennies. from I occupy positions of trust and responal- courage their children to undertake name was Ananias, who was commis- Ezekiel expressed in "Turn ye, turn
Phone 184 Office In Town Hall The little girls -and bays. � Exportation'of Eggs. bility. This makes it seem that the some kind of good work. They should sioned to lead him into the way of ye, why will ye die?" This was the
I ild, A valuvb4e trade has sprung up in young of to -day have skipped years of stand ibehind the bay and girl and en- faith. burden of Christ',-, own complaint over,
, — But I -should give to every chi
, I And let the grown folks buy, . recent years in the exportation of experience which were deemed essen- courage them to greater e1yorts, forl The street which is called Straight, Jerusalem. "How often would I . . .
I Wish I were the peddler man, eg,g8. In order to encourage and eon. tial for developing good judgment in encouragement is the most potent 12, 'Which Saul"hed. his lodginjr, is still but ye,would not." This is a righteous
1DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN And ,he were merely 11 serve this trade under the provisions the v�orld's activities. Young doctors. stimulant to accomplishment. Many to be seen in that ancient city. Most world, governed by a God who loves
'. , CHIROPRACTIC . . of the Live Stock And LiveStock dawyera and other piatessional.men, havd -become famous -.because they had streets of eastern cities in those days goodness. There is no figure of speech
Pro- . 1were simply open places, square or strong enough to desexibe the folly
A The Magic Rags. ducts Act, the Dominion is divided in no longer thinklit necessary to grOwlsomeone to advise and encourage obliong, in -side the gate, where the, of the man who yields himself to
T A. FOX, D. C 06 U This is an old, old, story. Once upon two. sections, east and west, for the I a mus'tache and beard to give them the them. Others vho were naturally marketers bought and sold, and- where wiaxedness 'The whole un'verse is
- "t. P a time there was a man who did a carrying on at a bhoroughgoing In. appearance of age and, ripened e%per. capable iiave remained mediocre be- the elders held council and the judges I co . nfedemt�d against him. '
Chit ' opractic locates and removes the ejeal of traveling in the world, and speetion service. Ontario, east of ience.. In fact, the time - of 8 atetY I cau,se they have bad no words of aP- I �
cans% of , digease; nature heals. on, all Of his jovxneys he carried two Port Arthur, Quebec And the Mari_ razors and barbor thops is here, 11,61; proval from those in whom they had - - ..
Chirapraol:16 Is the only and original magic bags, one over his left shoul- time Provinces, constitute the eastern only because of greater sanitation in confidence. Enierson says, "The chief Agricultural Education at Value of Boys to Agriculture.
systeju at spinal adJustmont. Effective derand one over his right ohotilder. section and all west of the Great the smooth shaven face, but -also be- want in life is sardebiody who shell Universities. On the Principle Of teaching and,
In 05'per cent. of all cases. Th� only In the bag over his left shoulder Lakes the western. For thd ele ause to -day the endeavor is to keep make us do the beat we can." It ining the young idea, Australia is
, iopped ala -the pleasant worda that months of -last your extending fromlyoung instead of trying to appear me- therefore seems that one can do no Agriculture being the basle indlls� tra the emigration of bays
tully.,qualifled graduate of both Chlro- M ,I even c- encouraging
practio and Osteopathy in North Huron. ' try of the country, every
People said to. him, ,All the .cheery, January I to November 30, 381,ill ture and sedate no quickly as possible. greater thing far the future genera- advance from the old land.. The ages of boys
I Phon I a . 191. Hours -Z5 and 7-8 p.m. gentle speeches, a-11 the smilei and cases of eggs were inspected, of which I ' That this is truly an age -of youth tion that, to give co-operation and en- made in the development of agricul- so transplanted are ,between 16 and
, I I � I I hai is shown by the successV'boys' and tural education is 'a' national value' 20. In four years, the state of Victoria,
ppy songs and, good-natured, jolly 1,18 668 cas-es were consigntid. to Great couragement to the laudable ambitions '
T 1111ne I- And he Brit'ain. It has been found that in- girls! work in rural,communities This of the young. Recently, several provincial universi- took 3,000 of these Iads$ Now South
I V , -bug overhis left shouldler, 57> -ban - many - ties have presented extension 'cur-9ca Wales -4-500 and- South Australia 300.
DRUGL,40 JaYS curried this ction is often xequee-ted by ship_ work has , -ged a young life These boys and girls can be en, L
IJ rom n 'courl ry Sor the �eiiafit of farmers -and others. New Zealand ,
� rrtl f,orhe wanted, these good, things hear pers. not only :for the export but also f 0 e Of 't ,drudgery to A couraged in their work by showing the has also adopted tile
.to hils heart. ' I for'the domestic trade. Inspection is, !ife full Of kee To this end, the educationalauthorritles
� ;,D � zA" 1 . - .. n and happy interest I results of their efforts to the public. - x ------ �0 _____ t
. - .. 1. . . . . .. - I .. I � - � � I - . 'L_- -._____-7 __. eys ein. It is interesting to note that
Osteopathic Physician, only qualified
Osteopath In North Huron.
Adjustment of the spine is more
qulckly� secured and with fewer treat-
ments than by any other method.
Blood pressure and other exa,mina-
tons made.
. Getting a coffin,
A boy who smoked 1,200 packeta of
cigarettes saved the pictures and sent
them to the firm, asking what they
would give for them.
The answer was, as follows:
"Smoke 1,200 mote, and WeIll vead
you a coffin."
I I -0.0 , ,
Lord Byng of Vimy, Canada's now
Governor-General, Is to land at Quebec
on Auguat If, -
Thero is sufficient power in one
gram of r4dinni to raise a battleship
of 28,000 tons, one hundred feet In
the 60, I
--- ---- ,---- --- --- ------- --- ---- _j _V.P—, � D'�Ijpjjt= vellig xc� --- - -------- ____ __ __ __ ___- . _,�'. . .. - - vu per venu. oa we pmauge muney
cross -words that people growled at quilred to candle and grade the eggs come with a knowledge of the oppor- places for making ouch exhibitions, izations With hi-ghly encouraging re- Advanced Ras ,been
In the,case of Manitoba a cour. paid back. The
him, all the Xrowns and, scovIg and I accorIng to the Canadian. standaids tunity in rural communities for ac- I since in these -places thespirit of eon- I 8ult'- so, advantages of the Policy are claimed.
scoldinga, all the cruel mockingi marking the cases with the claw Q contplishing things worth while. The. test, one of the, most compelling in- of lectures was given on rural econ- to ,be -that the boys are good adver-
speeches that he heard on -his jou-r- grade of the contents. Inspection is y,*g folks are tapidly learning that -stincts of youth, prevails. The winning omics and sociology, supplemented by tinero by their letters home, that the
neys. This bag he carried On his I then made ,On requisition. If the ship- rewards of happiness as well as of of an awa-id -brings honor to the boy special lectures ,at a variety of sob-, country gets a ltnger life in the set -
right ohoulder and in the 1301ttm) ment Is found proper] � y graded a cer- material thingstoraing to those living I or girl who makes the cmtry, and to ject8 appealing to other ,sections of bler f or the same -cost that boys are
6ears mid ducks, hie cut a great big tifleate of approval is issued arid the In rural communitie-4 give greater,sat- be defeated, will often stimulate the 'cOmmunity. In Ontario also, the more easily trailsplaWt'ei, than adults
bole so that as fast,as the cross words case offlda,Uy marked. Inspectors at isfaction than do the rewards 01 ,city greater determination �or the next University of Toronto was induced to and, that their d6velopmaht is greater
fell in. at the to-p'they fell out the hole seaboard are advised of ,shipments go- life. contest. The spirit of rivalry is al. give a similar course. A noteworthy � and, of more benefit to tho surround-
a0ct Wore l0sti Whi'ch 'IS exactly w -hat ing their WAYAnd- they are required to Primarily the ptLi-ents are supposed ways a -great incentive +a more earn� feature of the ,course was the taking ing& That Carva,dian farmers are
he wanted them to 'be. report tonditionslon arrival, supervise to be the educators ,61, and guides to ost endeavor, especially among the of students to -the stock -yards, the alive to the Unefits derived from the
So this old travelerj, no Matter how methods of handling and a -their children, but with the dovelop-1 younger People, abuttoirs, ,and other plates of a Prue -
towing an . system is (proven by the fact that the
far ,he journeyed, ww all,Wo,ys happy shipboard and keep track of market "'lent Of ci�V'111zat'oft' more und more of I In view of the remarkable success ti-eal illustrative value. It Is felt that Dominion Bureau of AgrIcultuval st4-
and Ughf,hearbed, for the bag thathe ing conditions. Stops are also bejn�_ .the ehil&a education and, prei)iratioti I attending the work among the boy, the allitarice thus otablished between -Viatica retor& the fact that in 1014,
curAod. over his left shoulder puffod taken for the better control of eggs come from outside the �amfly. At � and girls of the country, and the in_ the agricultural industry and those 82,411 applicatious, were ree6ived for
UP like -4 ball0an; 'And carried 'hill' Imported, into Canada, least, in the recent (10v(!10,P)T,ant Of flueneo their work has had upon the engaged- in edu,cational work will tend juvenile immigrants and 2,818 sup�
Along as if he were a feather. And L %*+�, — -� boys' and girls' ,club Work tarentt ol,dor people, it truly stems that the to a better understatial,ng of economic plied and that it 1910, 11,718 similar
as the cross words were latt as zoon � . 'have not fiden coungbllfts of ihl�lt 411- old -adage Which has been repeated to problwns which offeet tho welthre of ,a1�1,1jeations W&e made.
u,s they drqjped into hie obhAr bAg Contrate Aoorg, ok'dny' ' or kind dreii, In fact, it seems that now the thc Tisi town and -country alike.
oth ng generation for centuries, 6 - 0
1 I Flowers �r_e ih; jswoet;est thilig that
he never bud bhom woixhing upoll-his fat that,zattor, -should, always ,be well child quite often kads the parent tol,tn,d whieli rea" "Children -should be --.." I
beutt or nitaking him &Va. ,'bedded �o -is th keep the cow dry und better things. He may 'have 8110W'n� seen And not heard," might well- be God ever made and forot to put a
We are -all ,travc,lers hi this' Mg , hft ud&i Irimi coming in -contact with thrOugh his Work, WOWs to A bettor! thatigiA, to, "Parents, listen to what A good sprayer is almost a teets. soul into.—Heirty WOW, Beecher.
world and we all have two bags, to ,the cold flooT4 It is a wise provigiOn to and ,a niore profitable farming and to! the children have to say," Anyhow it sity in the garden. One of tho, knup "roverly draltied, landt WEI absorb
4%rrlr with vo.;- Did you know thuh? ,Jay on top of the cement A woodon haPplell aud mok6 ,convenient boynes.1 .-onvenien hold for the ,crops a larger Amount.
. would seem lmp,�rtant that every ;�r-j sack type will be fouml i ; I an"d
Only we carry theM in ouv hba& gtating, 0*1briek, or crt6sottd wood Not should the al�er folks feel dis- � ent. do 11,8 or her 11tinost to encourage ,and of sufficient capacity, to do all th4 of flie rainfall on the land than lAnd
Atka into one we sbou;d- 4,rop all, the blocka, I couraged at this condition of agairs. the ,,Son to 8111no.1, I necessary sprayffig In a large gavilta. lacking in drainage �,aciflties.