HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-14, Page 2*1W I .r to 1. 0 .1 - ! ".41- -­ - - ------- - , ------ � � - - .1 - - . - I . ­ �­­­­­ ____.__.__��_4- -==!!�!!!=--"Z=!===.*-"!-":--�=-�L===!!.�z�- zZ=_"__1.t-_,,� , _ I . ­--­�­ --------!! __ _=_�,_!!�_ -, — _____ - __ --.;- - - _ ., __ , ___ � -,---. __.__��_777_777 ',1�*_1,--_-,---,—,�,"__'_,, __ -.-- I -_ =:=:-­ - ­­ - - I �� I . .M"-! � i I - - - ____ _____ ------- � . . ­ I . . 4.. . The Secret of the "."N_ I 'Id Chateau I : ki 0--11--o-111% .. ..... ^ .--- - r. ".." I 11 ,By DAVID WHITELAW. -J ng Ta% re- T.1.1virlout; of bo. la, -l'o"' r ,vpt.Va' TN"�'os loil�11:14 "ItIr"1131111111111).0k New York, ror %Pply to the , — I — ________ I I I -----;; ­ g -lo -9- . I r" : I -� I I , , i .1 .. .. � " '40^ DECENNIAL " il-.1--," Used AU S CENSUS ! .. - , t .. 1;� — .1 na"My " , 1W I ,,, r, o *1 , ., � I OF THE 00MINIOW . . , , 'lox SITIT1111101%14112 Wcx*aw� plu 113 , 110 lea, or t044 .. , I .,t. g , � 1,1 0 4a.140, . -1P - rtal 04 warao oljr,233-ra 3,OTIWISI . �_ W1 1 4,-v 190CA or(loi ax puro!040604 or 9.4=4 4-*qX,1W1VS1r6, , . rice rsfundtol ... RIN no 9 I 11 ;i I to 00 tb 11310 Q, Ir I", = I 1 40" "Jol" 0,01, 4. SIXTJi $1 I I. I . I 0 It to ottr rfspreventattwo Vot , NCZ CONFEDE, Lot Ua Be as Beautiful as, NY* C4n. or the old, but. U % n � it oftenest attAC 9 I 0 0 Oovo,r Urp St.* ONYX 0* I watched her ,drive up to the ston chI14TO-A. When babies tire in acute tZ I iAr04k0.y* V11404 Q.V MKr1c05 RATION IN '1867. i to make some -pavellasea. I could teX pain the do,otor should Observe them as Vc;xav NIX40, . - MWO40 I -by tile frezil wbolesomeno,se of her, '0110$017 until 110 dlSeQVOr* 0 4 t f I I . I I , th 04 0 ; :;I ;P� Fur COWPWes. Im an A..* & .0�­14- 4-U. � �t_ ­ 11. I Z;=__.== I I I I . . �__ I - I lraMy. The three did full justice to the capable -%vk%y ,she handled, the cair� WAs P -Pull J1 0 ear Is A F Admitting Youe IgnorAnce. Chur6h Ml',541' ip I- that she was. one of us: ftn"il so, I l[apt ,baby will Scream or start when any- onst R.Cxp� . Wopy:4411tcd) the dainty Supper that w*s awaiting roachea it; or it May roll its We are all Ignorant, high and low, I Synopsis of Later Chapters.. tried to be friendly, the solicitor had, Steila's return frcm the tilea.tre. It my eye fixect on bar .as she brought Ono 'APP , great and IlItle,"wIse 4nd loollsh, ,ad,,, ,kid in Esii�w6r� 4�� . Dartin, in pos%es$i,sil Of Dartiguy not unduly encouraged- hia . .the ,car to a stop, leaned over and heal, OA the Pillow or lift its hand. to 0 At thati was good, after the sordid Surround- or , cated and uneducated, Some mar Canada's is x ,fortune, has to pa,v I piclood, up a basket from the tonneau t110 e - dxth doceallial census � HavorWa Silence moment there was an invitation on the inggs of the suburbs, to sit bore with know a trifle more than others,; but money. On Stolla'�s birthday Bexc-uter desk at his Obaulbem asking hira down' and, got out, In ,Older children earache often Since her birt for 'a few da lu� therlittle, -shaded table�Latdlesohowlng -an as compared with the vast possibill- It As a UnItOd Dominfou, 0,i3 , the Dartigny locket.-Stella!s. vitatio.n wilix to Dorchester, an , their rose light in the Silver and glass. And what a 41sappointmentl means that the nasoph�arynx is In be" at o0c,oltoolai4ti0xi, In 1867 In at proaart -titer recognizea the ezTeat it boaTs Robert had made UP VS ,Ohi, h,ad come away in a unlicalthy st*te ,or that the teeth, need ties' 'Of k1lowledg's' tJhO difference Ia process of baing Compiled, and At is as -the same as that ,on a ring handed his mind t* deeline, and. oil the scarlet lobster in Its bad Parba , �entioii. it may zneau that the child tw6ea 19"Gra"c's Is too Insignificant expected that the results whon pub. , down from Ste,14u'a great-grandmoitheTi I In the light, however, Of what ho of tender green, and on t1te gilt neck hurry, 'Perhaps tile Imirror in her T ,Om, att 'was not lary enough. for her to see has aderioldi, f4T a child with adenolds to "' of much Account, Say"' Yout" lisbod will give CanaAa, a the long lost Sylvia Datigiry. had just heard, be ,changed, his mind of the bottle of champagne --for was GOTUD&I'lon. SIUCO, that Is so, It might Population I and dooided to accept There might. not this a betrothal ,fetost, one to be -herself ,completely-, but even vo, she catches cold, easily, and thi cold may be supposed that we should all be return well over, the nine million. CHAPTER XIV.­(Cont�a.) be an, opportunity of finding was not justified in. preseliting herself result in infl-amraii,ti,on of the Eualta- mark.. Altogither, the v ' honc�red,and remembered forall tim�e? ready to admit our daflcV�ncJes, to, ,to, . arlous works I P,.ernU,,,PW9 ;the 1,311d lay, and in Stella's thus for friends and tradespeople in chiall tube. contributing to tha oxact and exhalls, "Ma7 I ask, Mrs. Benham, wliere, lnteTett be felt h I was justified', H put The night was warmaod the young knowledge at once how 11'Ule we know tive undertaking will cost about two ( in sPying, at all ' I ,I people Stood on, the ,little halcony town -to see. Parelits used to regard- toothache as and to be only concerned humbly and t1lis Tit Nature had ,been good, to her but— One Of the inOvitabl'a ill's 'It 'hags lbaemee fnionmiy" events in keeping bu of childhood million dollars. For the compilation husband's fam-,,eyes *pen. There was no sha,,�Ow of overhanging the gardens. The man 4 thought they lia.4 done their duty Patiently to Supply the gaps In our In. of the coraus, Ali extrA g,t-ag of about 117 for many years.' I believe it �ras Suspicion in lids mind against the i was leaning Oyer the shoulders of th's she had not dono-one thdng for -herself, an orz1ginally in the!Twos:session, of the girl: W not taken ,care of and completed when they hud applied some ol-d-wives, formation with ouch malcashitto As we four hundred clorks, Are Ongaged (it re 1 claimant to wbral, he had surrendered girl, and Stella was drinking in the whAt nature -had, began. remedly, which did more lign-in than may. On the contrary, it IS amazing Otttvwap., allkd the, soeuring of return,% 'Who married' Stella's 9 at-frAnd­ the chest. He accepted, os� -a fact that; lov(-tal, -k of which hor heart had, so how raost of its toll *and struggle to father, I think a year or two befo,To'Dartin was in truth a d.e,c da t of- Her -hair was blowl, ,and _,vISpy__,a good. It is painful' to reflect on the employs. 247 coinmisslo4ers and About v, an a long been .starved, They had so much conceal our ignorance, No. device Waterl'oo. As far as I can, recollect, the Dartlgnys� more distant than stel- to say to each other, t -hese two foolir 13,000 onU=OTa,t0M the,story, as my husband told, !,&, was IA) certainly, , Ut the soli ito Id. ,h ton -cent h,Ajr net or a veil. would, have &eaidful tortures that younT children seems, too petty, iio pretense too mean, S It ,only we can cover up from others -At he 'bad, fulfilled. to the I , jo,y_SO hung unevenly arouM the bottom And If your -child bas Persistent earache, tile fact that we . thii'credlt for taking the first that the girl had ,been, adopted by the himself th b, -a r to person who had wilfully cat 4rom kept it in place; her ,blue serge skirt then endurodl It tufty not be 90110MI17 known that 11110le of the man whe, married her. letter the condition of the trust, He' their lives nearly a year of do not Itnow any Maus XOSIA10 Benham was a doctor, and, it, felt a bittersass agid nat the maA or, I much time to make up. was Splashed ,svith inud--old mud, for You should call a specialist in ear more than they do. Sometimes life Of modern times belong to canAdu, seems that he was called, in to a cASe it was not 4 nuiday day; -her heels diseages, for the pain cau-sed by in the year being 1666, And the ces,jus. in, which the patient died, loaving to -1 rather- against the luck that bad "I will be away this WeOk-Oudo - appeaw to be spull. over with a web of 4 Sorry, ,,out it;s a client in Were TIon over and we know that, it flaiii-mation of the middle ear is re- artificial cult tl t ir that Of the Colony of New Prance, The tally uli,grovided for A little girl of I given him a fortune to which he baa 11 Stella, I'M � uro. ia as u's so"d1ty resUltsof tWasylstematic enumeration about four �oars of age. joshug-a no moral ght, but that was all, Lincolnshire; We got a, lovely place, 'Is not only unforgivabI7 turbidy but lieved most quickly and yerane,fttly by and no permanence. at U fixed date, Showing age, Box, place oubt a to the estY of the mani artil, Some decent golf And fishing, By- it Ia bW for the feet; and, -thebriefest I Makitug an incision In the ear drum. people seen, tor th-Ink that lt lujures wife, who bud no children of her own, I at Adder9bury, Towers a-, -A X ,,, 11 -al, the-wayl, Vs At Barcheste'r; we,lv.n,t glimpse of her hand's ebowed me that: I That no,t only ,gives relief to tlw suff- their ,%uthority and standing to admit Of rOsIdenco, occupation, And conjugal took the child to her heart and, all crossed. - mI 0 It her T eclAditl0a Of each DeMoil, are to be . MS. ad—thAt was cOn11O you there on thbitour?" -slid bi ingernailo! I erer but often prevents, -his b000ming frankly that they hAVG made A mlo� in [airies failing to establish her Men— later. found In tho gover,ument archives at titj, they brought the girl up ,as their "Yes, the -week ,before last—who, is I had weated to like her and- be deaf in later life. T`^ ear specialist take, that their Information was: in, Own. Beyond this Ting*and the few the ,client?" � - interested in her and now All, I could. is the only person ,dvmpetellt to do- complete and that their calculations Ottawa, tile record Showing 3,125 Fror,�h 'words the child could prattle 011AXITER XV. 4411is namePs Dartin; there's, a bit of think of was, why would she neglect cide whether or nort the incision should were incorrect. Teachers are pos,sess. souls, In Europe, the i1rSt modern they cou'd 1--,3rn nothing concerning The Sceas of Suspicion. ronrance about -the fellsw� he--" herself so? the maiI�D, and he is the ov17 person ad with this delusion. Ministers are eomus, dates only from the elg6teelith her Robert Baxentor wasa happier man 4cwhy at r century, and I It I t I m M . Daxti�, Bobby; we You and I want friends, both nien who is competent 0 make it. led AStraX by It. Stateamen 'suffer calist n t % TJnited States no �i "hare is little doubt that she lbo-. thal he bad teen for months as, at bad a loind of Picnic at his Place. and women friends, but they have to from it. Parents, constantly find til -at i Ia. was taken before 1790, so tha� longed to some French family in hid- - 1101,11!-Prkst tell that evening, he ap- New France,exhlbIted progressiveness Ing, ibut JoEhua, perha,ps, did not Proached the sta,Qe door of the Gar- Fancy you knowing Mr. Dartini'-* judge us at first by externals -and few Butter for the Picnic. . It vitiates their simple and nataral re- I of Ideas ahead of the times when it press Vs inquiries as much as he denia Theatre in Hackney. In hisl $41 expect he -knows theatrical peo- outside of our Own families will. pa- Where it is doslTed to ta)Qs butter lations with their ,phildran, They go InStItUtOd what has become one of might. I Suppose the -child grew dear own mdrid. Ito felt but littleanxiety as! PIO through Haverton, the inan who tiently look below the surface for our on an outirig the followingaimple plan ratios 'round, evade, elude, palter and to them, as adopted children oftendo, to the result of his letter t,b Ste!aa, finances your company. .Dartin -says likeable qualities, after that first will Omura tha it keeps -cool an -d firm, prevaricate, rather than say right out I the Principal instruments Of modern And they had ihe -excuse that the pol- and, as the stronger, he told, himself in his letter that he willbe.there, too impression has repelled- th,era. To atter ho-v� -hot ,the welather may that they were wrong, They do not I goverllmant� itical state of France prevented them tll%t it has been, his part to hold out —just the three of Us." arst impression bn.o ra,'at a sonall, wide-nisuithed, pot or realize tli&t wliat injures our chArac. I fix Canada, the fundamental reason from pursuing their inquiries. on the the ace, . attract ,people at the Stella .Stood Silent for a moment, means just thought and care given to bottle that has a good -fitting cork, ters and our usefulness more than ahy- for ,the taking Of bb'D census Is the Wt. Then there came the war -be- A Mnhotoilepd! ting a lovely half -loop of .dja� . representation of the peder4l Parl' ,a. tween the two countries and the , told himself that he had not t,v,f,,en the our bodies and our clothes Tho'butter is then put into this. Now thing else is to. make a pretense of I 111411t, ThO. BrIVIsill. North America Act, , mOnds, round the third, finger of her Let us see, what are a iew d the soak a large, vl%n dustcT in Water, Oulniscience and have It exposed as h g out the history of StOP ,any too soon. The crowd that left hand. which brought about a united Canada, the lonely little girl passell, I had infested the -stage ,door Of the Silo roinerabored the sud, general principles of this essential ,And -when, it is dr4up wrap, it in as only a pretense. . ! Odeon -%-Ad heen nelther intellectual don il,lne" whi,chhad come over Dar- care? As you read them over I Ave the province, of qu Robert was c.-tanding gazing out . , check many folds -a's possible round the pot The truth Is, that nothing aecureg, 9 over the gardens, It seemed to him jilar desdrable, but it bad at -least been tin when HaverbaWs visit to, Adder- them off and Sells frow you, live up to containing -the butter. T,wke care to tile confidence of all men So much as, number Of Beat's (SfxtY-flve) in the Do - that what Mrs. Bentem was telling'fairly clean, The solicitor, ,Shuddered bury Towers was atireq,mced. $.he was rthem, . ., cover the top. and, lbottom, as well as the humble, frailk, free, straigihtfor. I million House of Commons, those as. him was all ancleit history and that. as he glaneed at his present surroun& '319nod' t1> tile other Provinc�3 befug . certain that he was acquainted- -with First th(k #oquont bath that opens the sides. ward admission of Ignorance. The I ; I'S which ,gave Access -the theatrical manager. the -Pores of the skin, keeps it� fro. ' Finsilly =ke a porcel,,fit. to put into guide we trust Is he who admits that he knew it all before, Truly, fate had lirg - The place pro rata*,of population. Thus the call. markc-d him cut as an p,zto,r in a and exit to the artistes taking Part in "He didn't seent, to know Mr. Hay. grant wid. gives us-theclean look that the ba,sket, ,by enclosing the wet dust- our difficulties are his difficulties and $us is taken Primarily to enable a Re. ronisrice 'that was stranger than any'the Gardenia Productions, *WAS, a nor- arton on that day, 13 bby distribution b,111 tO be Passed by par. Ben 0 , But Mr. must be the foundation of the most er in gremse-proof paper This IS that, if ho can & Just a trifle fartheT, liament. stage -drarna, He turned to Mrs. - ! row, low door set Ina high lbrick wall. Dartin Imew quite a lot about thlea- &I'aboratebeautification process in the 13-tactioally waterpniof, , ft Is 0111-Y becauflese he hng tolled more i ThO 11r,st Census was. talzen lr,.,rn. covered with ragged, posters and w, ' it wil) be rul in 1871, four years utter Conlederation, "D. -es Stella know anything of I shiny near the doorway -by the shoul- tres. He must have seen, everything world.. Cimanese is beauty. ' found that the 'butter keeps in peTieet arduously and bas, not obscured his thl; V, ders oX the aaafers who nightly gath- worth seeing for ever so lo�g. He . Then the hair. It need not b3dome condition, very muell as if it -had been vision by any undue assurance A ey e mpiled at tan G of more year periods Since that time. ered, there. Just within Robert caught . View, There Is nothing that we, 1 I was going to tall her to -day, . said he remembered seeing poor --ie, in extreme ftshion,but it mint be kept iced.. Owing to, the layers Of wet cloth 4alplo , , sight vidual ;behind r-1 than Such humility in �er birth&y, and give her the ring." Of an untidy indi even., in that small part in the clean and smooth and gloa-�y by lots beinj poor conductorS, of heat, the admire ore Census Covers a Wide Flold, A lock of relief -passed over the I a 11ittle wlndvw� reading the evening I Trincels' pantomine; be said- I shaped of brushing; and, since we have the waim air is not a6le to reach the ja-r Othels; nothing that we are more re. As, however, a trelmond' xot-'r e,aliritor's face. PS-POr by the light Of a wire,globed WL -11 then i . izztion haS to -bu ous organ. "Then I Want You to wait a little"Was j6t- . ,, snd—oh—a whole lot of blessing of nets, it can be kept n at all. luctant to Practice ourselves. 'be -Ift uil) to secure -while befo-Te you tell her. I have good The denizens of the place nice things about me!' I , were Place ,and need never be NvIspy or If the majority of us gave half tho this infortriatim on the P�cyple of the I Bobby smiled indulgently. stringy. 'BPS to Housairives. Oftort to remodying our ignorance that Dominion, it is qmt to..overy availah.lo reavons for what I ask. Your story 1 there now, filling the narrow plave. 4;1 can Well beldeve that.,dear. You Thou the, compleoxion. if the face C 9, t 8,u, . . ha.4 interested me very .doeply,,vo .He ment in little shapeless- groups. Their had, a ,little song; how did, it ,,,_?,, Urr n ., is often served with We give to COnOftling It, WO Should u -se as a Machine ,and' Madle to cover "Goo -d -bye, Mrs. BenbaTmv I Ill were 1. 11 think more of ouraielves., Othars, would � much wider field. The schedules usoid , -back from Oily fore' Ile broke off vdtha start. "When was the Pores closed with cold water, it A freshly whitewashed ee. lar will think more of us , and the world would lathe eenOM are five in number deal. to,,,!c uo his hatand -held. out hda hand. thru! st ' is woolied carefully once a day and baked haria. heads� cheap eigarettes, .hung from 94 Rat You will ,stay end take lunch.? thaiT expressionless lips; they seenled the last time youplayed, tl�,,t?ls . will be healthy loolcing, Unless we give 1>utter a taste. be a more practicable place to live in, Ing respectively with.: (1) popu)3tiou, ., Stella Will 6e._�, I walting—and always waiting Per- "Why do you Speak like that, Bob- zt . _*_ (2) agriculture, (3) livestock, fruit "I thirik not, Mrs. Bell -ham; I have !laps the crowd chan-ged, so��times in by___ShAl,p1y?y1 � I . u'r Ourselves With r'Ch' :r*o� And do Wrap heaPs of lettrice in waxed. � not take $OtS a eXorOiSe. Paper to keep theracrisp. Some Temperature. growing, etc-, in towns, e,t,_, (4) iti. a busy ,day before me. The flowers its individuals- it so, it was not ap. "Did I, dear? I was only thinking ,Five minutes each day with an in. Never .serve a wNite pasty gravy An officer in the medical corps of d"trial and tradibg toncern.-s,and, (5) are for SteUla, end there is a letter Parent; the tyj� remaineg, of *Gmething--when was it?" .. . Private who had 11>141414ass land- deaf�niutislrL The popu- ch "The first week in March, last yew dots for; hands that are engaged in IN With them. In the 111ght of w1kat you At the end, of the littjo bu, inwhic -*XPO714'Ve Zilan7icure set will: -,do won- with a roast of any Joilid. the a,raly tells of a have just told me I want you to re- the 5t29O door was, Robert could see, —theres Mother calli a on I if'.0 carries Same thirty- I , bby; or Wil-l1l, getting ready to &ess a Pneumorlda, and had been for some I ti, sel ad. I � M0111"b'sr tb1t tht letter was already the nigirt life ofthe crowded suburb, dear, wetre keeping I ng B* po the roughest wpr1c. chicken, if the water 16 boiling hard in time ln a hospital where he had been fivO� columns recording $or each person written before you showed me the the teeming mass ,of people And tile ter up. � G066- An ,outward tidiness makas for an �.t,ho ,cattle, it is toc, Imt, and is apt to so, well treated that lie wag by no uAme, famUy, kind, of dw.eli%g, age, I ring'st � I dusty a:tMDSPheM lit Up in yellow night, dearestl­dearest and bestl I'm javard tidines& Wkonou,r bodies ,,re means ready to be discharged aa sox, conjugal condition, birftl.a.cc., "Y'e$, RcbOrt; but what's all the Pabates by the -glare Of huge nalytha so happy." . as well cared for as possible, we shan cook the Alesh, so that the sids Will citizenship, racial origin, larigua e, mY.,-t,e-.Y?,t I . lamps flaring over the costers' bar. . Wbeft walked the first parf of the do our w&k better, think come off ,and make the chicken hard, "cured .It . 9 "Because, Mrs. Ben-lialli, the letter rOWs - TJ"& cries Of Vendors irlingled Way I)A�* to ids,',;harnbers, inten&ng havoi more a more 41011,41Y, to -clean, and 4190 epoij, the look of It. Ono day a doctor was taking his religion, education., oeeripatfoll, ete, is MY caPitulation, my unconditional harshly with the rOar.of traffic. At to elf-'rosPect a4d'be Able to I always put -a ha,lf or two-thirds of t, P ratur , a d whil That jekting to agriculture Olie, Pick up a lafe -taxi when he reached ecromalild, more � from others. 4eeping 3111 0 a 11 a the private .its in. Surrender to 'Stella. In W I have 1g, the corner the lights of a , a cup of cold water into the boillOg had- the, thermometer in his mouth the formation, on 'farm acreage$, Jsn4 nOrOd OUT year's 6ontrae great gin- the marbie Arch. The WgIrt wtow ver f,- Which is palkee ebooe out, and Robert wonder_ stiR. and ,he paced the de Y Orlr-100408 0110all'and Wholesome end wateri and then it Wil., be Scalded just doctor moved on to the next bed and Values, buildingu,. implemenZs; crop&, not quite UP, and, have asked fier to ad-, as he gmw.th,y mob of hu7nanity meats thinking a what sortsol W0- our d0thes teat end orderly .is fertilizers, farm labor, orchairds, slindl be had just of character broaaing, 13orf* People chicken, I use 7 rin water, as itele n -a 9 Your story I Could never (low'&,, to which atom of it belonge - heard. m The. Private saw his,chance. He fruits, :fwm gardens, livestock, poul, ra 7 me, H%d'I nbt wAtten it -be. thmuda its aarg!e 04ta-Viass 1140 'a Pawt rTkili. When I am dressing the turned his back to the first patient. , fcZrhear, I 1� have done A � put it tfie other way about anj4 say much ea'slier -than . Pulled, the thermometer out of his try, animal proollmets, forest products, , so without laying myself the tiny fittJO girl who sat halt -asleep It -had been A, day Of strange haD- that untidiness - an4l unclea-Im" in wathr. Scme put to put It. in cold o, a cup of hot irrigation, oltaiiiage, at& The sc4edule open to -a grave misconsrtration. I on the dooTsto _ p . �ninga_ The ring whiell. Mrg, Bft�- the outwaza come from boa, mental on the chicken and- rub that ,over tile coffee, replacing It p, a ragged, do,ll clutch some balcing soda mouth and popped it Int hquve told her that I will meet her at ad- in the crook of heir fra,glle arm. ham bad shown lbi had'quite, put he. 1. ,, however, the rAO_ On Animalsin towlisas,=res statistics the theatre to -,night. Please do as I . .. houseki�elpinlg, .Sur. meat ,he Saw . wigh and tell 'her nothing of the story tr It was a scen:0 sordid in the ex- yond- doubt,, in hig own mairod, the right the other. if - ely one works On' chicken, as it has a tendency toclisan the doctor begin ter orse and tile w1aitifig man felt as of that lady's, daugh to *tji,a boa�-r. 0,A At t1oo #4nd "" not s0ruc`e easier. After dressing the chicken, I back tolits bed. When the ph .turn of diorses, ,cattle, poultry, bees, etc., you have told me!' � ter I I ,, the. body 'AII.Show it- if the examined the therm yalclan anof their Rr'bolacts Within urban lim. . 0 ' - ne iw .. 'i I orrater he looked itz, 'and, those of tho�A he were a stranger in, a tigily olilhorita PU it into cold waterat once, end, add market gardens, And Mrs. Benbarn promL�4,4 . --. But Robert;s 'legal body- is noglocted,. tho..in � will feel 3USt a little Wit, as it helps to draw first at the private and thall back to Orchards, etc., in towns and otheT and strange land—a. land In which it was training told him, that th�k� W'Mss as ft. . . . after RG�>ert bad left sher lockeoi the hard *to breathe. The cWar;ette. y* nothinj upon wihich he o�ould Act . . I . out the blood and makes tho flesh the therinonapter and 94SPed: 10011tres, The schedule on busin",s arX1 trinkiot ,away again. in the dressing- sinoking youths, too, seemed, to . i I A . ... : . . tnfalo drawer. Stella's roses ,she plac . Son re- against ki .1 , Vkto -and clear., . V811, my man� You're not dead, but industrial concerns collects, only tho ja sent his Pre ce in the domain th BaptAste Dartin: The man I In water in the rentre of the tablt, had made th,eir own, and. Robert e,v had done all thit ,he Watt, I I ­ Earache. . .. . *A . You ought to be I" . had . called uporr I . ., _..�_ . . . _�o� . - . - US I r $ And clubs Qf eaeb, A daintily set out for luncheon, and the difficulty in keeping to what. he klipw to (to in oriler'that he Should cl4hu the Eara,-cha is so painful that the per.. World's Longest Aerial Tramway. I r AZIO;2=1 fnqul�y'being conduct. wfr.ecing ;fro letter She put by her daughterls'p,IwW. Was the wiser course of ignoring their I chest; and although ft�lls Was in the son . In''it thinks 'Of-littla the PraMJ$r _. 1� .. No I I .. sy Starter. � ad b,V e0TreS-PDVdoUea by the Bureau Mine, in British C.Olum- � Starter . . I - bla, to tidewater, has be I', a Sure sign of, igtatiiticj, Tqle xecor4- of the blind Robert w"AW most ,of the way audiblle remarks, direct line, whilst Dartin was only— ox0ept the IA,m The physician, how Noise In th I bsck to "Is 'offi4o' "a felt that exer- . The chimes of a nearby clock tolled ' (To -be contl�ad.)- irterested in it as a sy*pt.cm. a Spokane compArly. on awarded to of tro4ible, ThIO'001111100A may be In. and d1va.f. Inute.o. is to ofl�cgitgte the . cise was what be needed if -he were eleven. Already two or' three twwd- — I- . - I I "Or -have various unftrlying arl I The line will be duced by broken or badly worn teeth, work of educational dothLr 1 _ I a drop a bent atalature sbaf-t a loose , these � __ 6 -,—Peacock. causes. Althpugh it�is ,�atieragy Ow. a arma. tiorts, for , cla Dartig Stell U.g.h Johnnie's asay on the to unravel the'voinantit tangla of the rIlY (Iressed girls had come thro I� ;tiV " y twelve miles long, with , an , nsft a of �boiit 120 teat -to Mae mile. The ture bearing or teeth $ ZY mashed. The nucleus ' slges.. ` at wat in the cav�alors. Robert could sea U-4, , 4. 1 rain lit bunken, and Unloading de. . . a the OrgailhMUDA lev:tnmate heiress to wit, door, attended by their The peacock Ia a bird. The peacock Ing to zffie afa% of the ear'itself, it t 6, . �4 trys. A, evidently, was the the s4g . . I . Chest Jolt by nor greab-gTeatagrand- .1 11— a mAlu OL PmY. The Peacock Is nuay be what wo� 'call indifforowy a vice -C�_ s0irto ctasdg they had, no,t qujtr� removed S will cost a quarter of a million which, conditlets the oc�nrus is'a', small I I father, MaTiO Eris= do Dartigily, the make-up from their faces. As they a vain bird. Girls are vain. It is voj7 refibX, 4, ,wyer&pAthetic or a referred daars. . Every 1119X Of urAmproved li�gtway perinanent staft�of the Dominion But - M h_ , mare than a century ago, stood, beneath the gas -laps they Seem- Wicked to be vain. The Peacock Is pa %; t At is, one caused by trouble —.Zl:— , .13 An, 01YPIDT'V�11it7to inoreasa commun. e'att of iStatisti-ea. The countrk is di - But Dartin -had come upon the scene ad- cOnSCIOU917,pleased at the atten 10 not like the ostrich. It wears its owli. �not in the ,Oar but in oome other part - Argefit�na maintains a MOtecro. 'ty wealth, Which in the aggregate Vided into "census dilshlic.ts'l in-chargo in the nick of time, -and, his prosent they received from the -gilded- t feathers Itself. The ostrich does not. of the bo I meanz national weEath. In the auto, of "census tomnyisgioneral-4 Districts possession gave him tire nine pro. of Hackney. Then Stel,la .1 47. - � � I - - I 109104'station at an elevation of 4,000 MPOial 10 --al Points. It would be nr3 She stood. f, %me. Girls (10 not alw,%Ys wear their own E�araolisTiba,yA.ttackeit,h.,.rLboy,owigI feet Above the (sea. I mobile and the motor truck we havO are dividtaiuto.subdistriets, the temi* buy r or a moment, framed in hair themselves. The peacock is -not i,� , � !.1 l � ,, I I , I the — - " natter now to dislodge the owner the doorway, looking out, before, she like the cue"Itoo. It lays, its, own eg, __ . _________ ___ valricia; the 'Output 10!f� factory and Wry allotted to a "cemus enilmar. of Ad-dorbory Towers. That the dn. go I VT I . I -arm gives US the tnA,a y# heritance had, turned out better than call hr sig%z of Robert. Then she ran ItselL The ouloko does not.' . ... need is the roudis. t Ilow 1"V We al,w. L100 .1; menc*us DrOAMM *I V114 to ca an 97aVo his hand a I I;— - �.: , W00198neavier iftan water I V B�At a read buillt Work, ocveriug, as it does, half a coirm ittIO The Peacock Is it bird. The tall of ' � I ��; - . , .. �- solely upon the principle of getting tir DATtin hA4 hinted was, apparent from ! 0 Ueezo and looked up with, a great a peacock is dreadful useful, The tail ... - . ,arit, may be imagined. F or the re- th!l style k6pt up at Barchestet- Ila g?,Idness in her gray eyes that told, 0 , I , D k AS noue" mileage as POS--ible for the MOtO OM O&WM penetrated rogioni Wonewwol why the man had been so gober,t that al, was right with th r f a caecto is made Into fam. There's ' I'V41 floats. That Is a fact so to, calls Are filled with resln,, which Act$ men, reticent as to what tie chest W� con- I Oi eY does not suit the Spirit Of na- of 191091ava, Xbvbhe�rn OrrbaTior and the tailled. 'wca%ld And heedle�qs of the re a dreadful lot of different kinds of miliaras to need W comment Never- as a lubricant and enables it to resfet tional growth. We do not want Poor. Xortil West Territories, the ortanim� the interested spectators, he bent and fans" Thiyro!s baseball tans, movie thelc,Z4, there are cort�ln woods so saturation by water. Propeller bear- 17 built reads that will ,have to' be VIODS of the fur -trading companies aild R,Omrt had seen little of Dartin dur- kissad., her as he hurrW her away. tans fan talm,, fan dangoos, fan clers 4onte of atractirre, .and therefore so Inv inado Of it are almost wearproof. Ing the last year. He was not one I P tOrn UP and robuilt ag-%in in a few VA14ous churoh misgions have beely to %hom 'lit was, Attracted, tmd 41- As they Passed the corner Robert tan talls, And fans to tan with, but as heavy, 4-0 -to Milk In water. LIgrium. vitto weighs OIgthY pounds Years; we need highways that will engageoll, though the owner of the Towccrs had saw that tha child, was still on the to,' mb give mo an automobliel 011130f them Ia. the "ManearicP wood to the oullic foot, and Is therefore take care oI the evar.4new ­-_ Ste -- ealshig load In other similar di'Striets the Nyal ­ - — ,P of the publie-house. she was of the Philippilles-UnIc wn, to US Un. much heavier than water. It will not that they must bear. We - � , cic�utl must build Oacadiau Xouilt6d Police are-taing asleep now and bad covered over the Trickedi " . I tfl ro y, bit which., it is hoped, will float. Good lega sell at fIftY­tW0 cents for permall,pli,ce. . � . - . __ little do -11, with a corner of her thread- A oonjut*r WAS Derformlng� in a, 'servo Aki i� stibstitute for the costly a Pound. . �lie temus, -w ".t the ag4ilts, 'of tba ­ — Indian Departmeat gre r.-.rtorminv, a I - - .. - - 11 bare jacket. He triiod, to hide the gight Durham village. Addressing a group Ilghulli Vitae. Another non -floating wood is, ,,quo. MINIM'S Llnlmbn; for Dandruff. liko so M-vo lot xb&ADS on r6servo! ­ �� -1 from the girl, by his Sido, but Stalig of Pitman, he asked for the. loan of it Lignum VItA0 to the, Wood of a tra's bracho,", WhIch, Is, only alightly less . --1 saw the Path6tic little figure and. &O hallpgriny. 4 native to the American . `U,�`W-ELOUZ ONO� 10goor clutche&at the man�s arm. 411d elvvvhor*� In m* .0%. X6o,v!,N(;-,ftu VASCT)" troPles, -Same heavy th4ri lignum VItA0- It comes ac, has fs� "ek tral" nit,st be *rgW , kvalif, ' - "-ties from Cuba- Its from A tTeG that grows over vast Areas, I Skied opeclal C .-A*d, stealftla "Can't wa do isomething? Oh, Rob, The Own WAS producod, whareupoft a1he boat Of It I The 'Ch4mbOr Of COMMor , Ort. What was,that you said once,aboqt At 1119 "Wood of litoo"'W W., be- veatterea through the fer Otm in aluminum and orA;fA%rtorOd, tinAi , O3tS In Brazil 1 Z1110 of twouty.flye, ton, �lljol_ gye cen, I 10bg jouneya W16 I I little children -And, that a vroman"t life turned, the modest coin bad takan the sto,wed upoa� It by the early Spairlards., and othor parts of SOUth, America, 11 % thit llo section Of the 'Mf the conjuror throw I up. When P ro. name, mean ll `1 . ellOaldbefound'in their eyes? I,havot color of a sovelloIgn, I amelig whom a bellofaroso fhatlt &t. We times, SOMOUMOD they are squarq or I , �11.. thought of It go often oince IV004 13 $0 hard that hishly I ion m�.-Apw� enumon. tioil at the Of hOxagOn shaDo, And made b% n1okol, cenlim )I ' yo? said UP Stepped tho pitinart who owned Js0s6d almoat luirctoilloug pro ties I tempered 0013 U6 Deollod to work it fr0h, tla-Plate, or stAml),od cardboard. , . I -",%J I s that, and I hava'00*11 to nM MY � the halfDOW17 Alid askol to Sao tho as 4 0-4re forvarlolis disease'.. Der I OyOn when, It Is Young and green, it I Those 419cs eorr lene'A't �� on "Poitil to- tho g - ­�".,-C�__ ._­� , Aud' Oes-thO P60010 Who PRY to See coin. The Conjuror placed the Tho boat T)o,Wljn,T balls are ma4o ot: WIll soon blunt the keo;jest nl,% wri. I Ugh +.1"A. a � . Ulng. ,,, I V-1, 1 a mo." i PAr1n6Mhr" � ....... nku r .1 ,�_, , , $ - - I 00yerelg4 She brOloo ,away from him, and lie watoll'bot her As Bile Went to Me Ila RIO Alancl, ,qu,d this Is 1761117 MY M'Penny?ll liolluniVita,q; alao'lleads for goig elults , 6nd other tbla os voquir1rig an oxtremo. I I V railway t104 rdadq lot It 110111 weigh A toll, It J!i 0 Utled the 0!$htOOaj1 I Ant lifilototilt h 46ALUVIO9. byl Wiliam t,'�.. , . . I �,, . , " ­ .11 . 11; .. 1, , - C _1* i ISIO sap. dlim. and t4cca, something loto, 111!6 littla lop; i a reeo'niza It as A t, , f*x of 81, " Certainly," was tile reply, �'W,011, Mon," Said the owtior, as lie the IY hard 0,114 heavy Wood, But the most IMPOTtant, 1196 Of this materlal is for .fine_,a!,4InOd a,lid takat a boAnt1ful *-611811, 11 ,v tile MPWObd being xlearly wh.4to UZI cherry - d ti"d 11OMrtW0Od A 114 tral�4A-�"*'O"J whtll ollrkuso� WAS taro, ! - —n.'', ­­­ .. . F_ ­. 1, , ` Y; I . ,�-, 1%, ehoolateg he it , senti*r that MW119 to thO theatre. When she And Joined hint Again Robart Ppod sovereign into, his bocket walked olf I "I'll 410t trouble YO to the StOering 6AV Of ships. The pro- Veller 6114ita, ,6f OVOTY warship And red, In South America it IS much Used for fur niture ' Mid Interior ; , AUTO 112PAIR ftttTta , f%lr "Ost It"11018 anot modois Or Your ? C, -, , t�ALE �0 .. xT Com NY MIT � � SAW th&t change there Ward team In hor eyes, 1113r agaln", __.%_� 001nmellefal steatwhip revolve in bear. flitish, But the greatestvaluo otobbracho 0krs, Oldr broicen or wovu.0 rt�Dlgwool- Ivrits or Wire, .,� - "4�1,-M 70 ,, . - 0 OA lto,�� � Zt%T�1,CIAP ? � I , 1. * . Mrs . Ben);Uln Wa% still up VA16n ih6Y reftbod tile IlAt, I WO tW6 OdMill,- dOW), Via Inflat.*oii Inga of lignuill vitacy. The &reu st?,011901 of thIs reMaTle- Iles In the extract ebtilned frz* it, it fa.r � tallulnJ 10911-grado leathorn. ,ha wilat us"40411,121! ou 'JVo cArty t 6 1,11.gegt all Want, X 111614 coo �, Cannot& a I , . . . . . . . . ;P,* . . . . . . . . . . - "I'll , " , , — ""-"-"""*,-,",-,---,"--"," , 411A ,6JI& g1ttlito Stairs, at Stollfvd rtalant fat,6 w" all that. Vhe Wed0i to stop by etop. _ nbla -wooa Is dr�o to tile fat,,t that its fibrea ape w4ven back and forth In I . Wore than ouc-thl,.d (,j 41, tLe tantill,40 11, a., terial used In North " I or slierlitly ur;e13X1,06rdb6V,Wt00y)k, .%tt# And M00.110bith pqi:JpIn6nt IV.# ; 0.0.t). alls'Whi It# -r,o in 04hall(t. sat faetnry , - I 01, i. I !�� 146. 25 J21. mAkia hor 46,111,pl*tely, Miflard'a Liniment for Burns, eta, layon; that cvozi and wis cross. Its J Ampricit (I rivel from tll!a lattra--tirg to a. tto)3, , a. At, refurl(j In full our ynoti;6, V11:1-NI'M Auto t%lVe,,W, L 090-D-11 DW21ri't #R zj!��b_'_JUYPPIV,01 . I "Wor� Y�611 Arid daddyl good boys when I Was koliat" AA�A the mother. ., , 7w, Mother," rqlrN Me OhIld. I 41111A did mx-tmat riurso r6gwei1P.,,t' I JYV "I ishood say *4 Ald) " Ana 6S , YOU WISS hOr 9664 U14M evorY ,day?" "I Ahould sky W.4-dJ4110 . - I . -0-- A nowe bmka�, Awt gives ths gard- Onor tl% lro,6661% of both Mind# wholt I94theking" fiowors Is perched oil A 19Wke wwch to plunvol 111to th# I I 9"arl ,%Ad stadis akto, .