HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-07, Page 87W WINGIJAM
t Tbo followirg is the report of S. S No
7, Morris,
ST. IV—Total 77$. Vase 465. Vord
Proctor 500, Edna Campbell 465.
Wu IN NOV011,R1034 11'1 --Total 07S. Pass 405. Bel
Campbell SOO, hckn, Lizzic Coulter 460
Bob Hopper 450, JeWa Campbell absent
III—Total 675 Pass 405 Mary
Sewonahle wearing Hunter 475.
Sr II. -Total S -M Pass 345. Fraul
qpparcl ill wash niater- MR _7 q o er 375 Edith Salter, absent.
mer Sr.-Total240. Norman Coulte
i-118, Cte., are now in 190. holl.
V. 11
ifighest In sellout -Norman Coulter
ard Bell Campbell.
H. V. Armstrong, Teacher
The following is the report of the pro.
motion examinations of S� S. No. 11,
East Wiawanosh. The names are in
order of merit.
Jr. IV -Gordon Mc8urney, hon; Hazel
�,-AA t, _4� Irwin. hon; 'Verna Irwin.
Jr. III so Sr. III-Robena You
Alex Robertson, Jim Deacon irg, hon;
Sr. 11 to Jr. 111 -Hazel McBurney,
&'4 Middies, Von; Willie Irwin, Margaret Deacon,
XI Agnes Robertson.
Wasl i 1,;kirt�,. 51 41% Jr. Pr. to Sr. primer -Margaret Irwin,
Mary Robertson.
1. Aitken, Teacher.
The following is the report of S. S. No.
14, H and West Wawanosb for the pro -
64 and motion examinations.
Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Robena Martin bon;
811 Mary Martir, hon-,' Garnet Farrier.
PRICES Ir. III to Sr. 111 ---Alex Inglis.
Jr. It to 9-.-. 11 -Chrissie Inglis, Olive
A�_ Sr, Pr. to Jr. I -Carman Farrier, bon;
Tommy lnglis.
Primer -Laura Martin.
A. 0. Clow. Teacher.
v 'y X:J The iollowing report shows the stand.
A ing of thr pupils of S. S. No. 8, East
wawanosh, based upon the results of the
June Promotion Examinations. The
names are pi -ranged in order of merit,
Sr IV- Gwendolene McDowell, hon;
xAlex McBurney.
;",I Pik X Jr. IV-Lauretta McBurney, Ange'a
0or GibbonF, Blanche unningham, Myrtle
Jr, 111 -Annie McDowell, hon; Arnold
X Vint.
Sr. II-Zora Bolt, Bruce Chamney.
Jr. It -Beryl Cunningham. bon; Dor-
ot lincent, hon; Blair Gibbons, Cle-
> land Boiii and Harvey Stapleton recorn-
Sr. I-xClarkejohnst6n.
y- J1. I-Eile-n. McCallum, Harold Vin-
cent, Dorotby Stapleton.
An asterik indicates time missed.
Nlay IVr.cBurney. Teacher
The folio% I: g is t b e I eport of S . S�ro.
1.0 91 East Waw.mosb.
Jr. IV to S?'- IV -Pass 495, Honoure
$78, Irene Taylor 539, Albert Coultes
7k 9 111 to Jr. I V-t)an At -buckle 676. Alba
X86 Carter 61�5 Lawrence Taylov 623; Harold
rvIr A 1P N'TIN A
Ke,r 607.
X Jr, III to Sr. III-Patis 480. Honours
;K�X4YJA;ri 161. Agatha Coultes 542, Joe Kerr 490;
John Currie on trial.
Sr. II to Jr. III -Pass 405. Honours
472' Agnes Coultes 494, Viola James
to �r. 11 -Pass 35-7. Honours
415. Mary Scott 453, Dorothy Kerr 417.
Norman Coultes 373.
Jr. II -Edward Marsh,
Sr. I -Alberta Shiell, Leonard James
and Elmer Arbuckle.
Jr. I -Bob Arbuckle and Gordon Kerr.
Printer -Ani. Scott.
Freda N1 Colling. Teacher
The followed are *the results of the
ddA Promotion Examinations at S. S. No. I,,.
s the Feal G9, 0 tw U Honctum 75. , Pass 60
Promoted to SR. IV—Janisa Homuth,
The rich yet delicate flavour oF th e- :P% z11-- 83.
T - Promoted to JR. IV. -Myrtle Hol-
_k,ectly prepared 'green'leaf will aln, loway. 67; Neil Potter, 64.
Promoted� to Sa. II.-k1arry Newell,
be found in the sealed SaAada pac5
76; Henry Finlay, 71;* Lily Grove$ 01 -
Ivy Cruikshanks, 64; lean Orvis, 62;'vera
..... I Finlay, 00.
Promoted to JR. II -Mary Pullen 79-
ff THE GEM Hazel Wilson,, 78; Doris Holloway, 710
t, Jim Cruiksbanks, 6.j; Harry Groves, 67,'
Bernice Wright, do, G.adyfi Welsh, -
ADDS, MULTIPLIES, SUBTRACTS *.r 1 Promoted tu 1- Ada tinippen, Eva
Dickson, Bil Ilie Cru;ksbat�ks, V,,jaaOrvis,
Does the work as well as machines COSting Georgina Pullen, Tbelmallh ppen, How -
$300.00 or more. If this SoUn& too good to b_- true, - ard Baker. Roland Fitlay (Rt -c
just give us a chanc(. ti� prove it.
Promoted to SR. Multiot-Gertit
Used by the Dominion and Provincial Govern- A Deyell, Viola Phippen, Gladys' Newell,
ff. Lillian Groves, Beth Holloway, Arline
ments and many of Canada's largest firms. 'Baker, Fred Finlay.
Catalogue Free. - - - Write Nolv.
Y Promoted to (a) Jlk- PRIbrFR-Lattra
*.f. Grove$, Maclyn Gruve$, Arthur Pryce.
A. E. 1)OHERTY &CO., Windsor, Ont. Agnes Newell, Reginal Wilson, Annie
Dennis, Alvin Hart.
U, G. MAu-=t;, Teacher.
The following is the report of S. . S. No.
3, Turnberry.
Jr. IV to Sr. IV. -Irene Mundell &I,
George McGlynn 68. Robert Breen 64.
Sr. III to Jr, IV -Clark Elliott 75,
Jennie Campbell 70, Addie Breckenridge
66, Isaac Metcalfe 66, Boyd Marshall 63,
Isabel Metcalfe 01.
III to Sr. Ill -Annie Campbell 79,
Jean McLean 68. Myrtle Stokes 67� Ed-
ward Errington 65, James Marshall 62,
Annie Stokes 61.
Sr. 11- Alex Marshall, George Mundell,
Margaret BMW, Stuart Campbell, Herb-
ert Campbell.
Ito r -Elva Metcalfe 92, Mervin
Ma 85, 'Violet Erringtoa $4, Noreen
Baird 82.
e Lincoln,
Irr.. Stoke§, Adeline Er.
N. Dom, Teacher
The following is the report of S. S. NO.
6, Turnberry.
AI'V to Sr. IV -Grace Homuth 85,
vinr� Kelly 76, Milford Foxton 65,
Sr. III to Jr. IV -Edith McEwen 76,
Maitland Porter 70, George Skino P,2,
Harold Casewore 60.
Jr. III to Sr. III -Clifford Showers 72,
Cheater Showers 68, Lillian McEwen 65.
Sr. It to Jr. III -Cart Ho,muth 63)
Chester Casemore 60.
Jr. Il to Sr. II -Rennie Guy �0, Ruth
Finley 68, Nettie Casernore 65, Gertrude
Kelly 63, Janet Lewis 61.
Jr. Ito Sr. I -Mary Skinn 61�, Victor
Showers 60.
Sr. Primer to Jr. I -Mack Homuth and
Borden Jenkins 82, Laura McCoy 80,
Volma, Finley 79, Kathleen McCormick
76, Alex Skina 75,
Those obtaininE75 passed with hononq.
MAUTUA J. . McDowoLt,, Teacher I
The Zedeler Symphonic Quintette
ffigh-Class Musical Artists who will give two
Progratutnes at ChautAuqua
10 Wingham durlog Week of July 21St to 21th.
AD V A.'�\TCE ,
free. n
events. At the conclusion of the games
Pretty June Wedding
the picnickers were assembled and brief
a "What is so rare as a day in June?
the scene of 41quiet wedding on Wednes-
the present Warden two of the ex.coun-
Then, if ever, come perfect days�'
cillorsk, (Mr. John Laporte and Mr. W.
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
said the poet years a and the
0 go,
11 Fraser) and 'County Treasurer Lane.
H. Beemer, Wingbam, became the bride
Iiuron ColInty Council bad a. perfect
of Mr. J. W. -K, VanNorman of Winni.
the. attractions of the day and showed
realization of thetrutbfulliess of the poet's
that if some of the ex -Wardens considered
bride who was given away by 'her father,
couplet on Friday last, when over two-
themselves too old for the mori Arenuous
thirds of the present Council, many ex -
with bat to match and carried a bouquet
vigor of youtn in mental capacity. .
r members, the Warden and seven ex -War-
Below is -given a list of most of the
mediately after the, ceremony Mr. and
dens a5d many friends spent a jolly day
chief events, with the'results:
Mrs. VanNorman left for the West
of recreation at Jewitts picnic grounds at
via the Great, ja_kea.
Spotton and N, W. Trewarlha,
Bayfield. It was in every sense a re-urlion
day of the old boys of the present and
past councils of the historic county of
W. J. Spot ton ..... I N IV. Trewartba I
A E. Hrw n ...... I Roy Patterson. .. I
The Old county stands in the fore -front
H. Irwm (Tor.) 0 J. Douglas ....... I
of the counties of Ontario in nearly
every respect,and in no sense more so
than in the splendid men who have
lin the past graced the council board,
Who Will sPeaVat Chautauqua on 11$eeina.
land the present occupants are worthy
Life NNrhole.11
sons of a long line, of w9rothy Are�, The
Old county occupies a uniqueApmition in
the production of Prominent men in all
walks of life, for no matter in what part
R. M, Elllott� ..... 0 J. Porter ........ 0
of the 'world You cast your lot yqu will
COATID-8-In Wingham, on Thursday
find the men of Huron occupying foremost
June 30th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wnt. A' i
positions of trust and honor.
Coates, a diughlier6,
Last Friday at Bayfield.. was gathered
AIATHRUS-In Morris, on Saturday, I
to-getbered a splendid Irray of the past
July 2nd., 1921, to Air, and Airs. Earl
and present directors of, municipal affa.
Mathers, a daughter,
of the county. The w�ather was ideal,
the picnicers all good-humored, and the
eatables more than ample. Tiie good
g m
ladies have been asked to bring full
basket% and they were brought more
Elston Coates
R. M. Elliott
than full of the choicest eatables that skill
and good taste could produce
H. Sturgeon
A long list Of SPOrES was carried out
with the best of gd6d hum-)', all entering
into them with that spirit mradeship
characteristic a. , !�,4? I
Im coundiq of Huron,
Toms Reynolds
In ibe baseball and football matches
there were many examples of go)d team.
Erwin Sp6tton
play and indvidual work Ahat showed
that the majority of the boys had with-
out doubt figured prominently in a home
club riot many years back. The, same
Said to be "the funniest mant since
may be said of the tug-of-war, where good
Bill Nye.10 Mr. Cope will convulse his
A* -
generalship and staying powers were in evi-
Chautauqua audiences with his humorous
depte. Much of the credit of the success
address, Remedies."
I Cope spoke
of these three events was no doubt due to
more soldiers than any, other speaker
the many excellent decisions and good
judgemp.nt displayed in handling these
Who w91 play -the leading role in itIt
games lay the umpire, County Treasurer
PaYs to Advertise at Chautauqua
Lane, whose fair play appealed to all and;
this Summer.
kept the spectators in good humor, One )
football kickers took the umpire for the
goal and knocked his Pipe galley -west.
McNabb Coates
The most amusing feature of the pro-
(Correct up till Wedflesday noon)
gram was a -needle race, in which severr
Butter ........ ... 120 to ' 28
of the ladies with partners took part-
Eggs ... .... I ...... 28 to 32
This was won by Mrs. and Mr. R. M.
Hogs, liveweight 11 00. to 11 25
Elliott of Stanley, Mrs. J. M. Govenlock
Cream to 20
Of McKillop, and Mr. Klopp of Hay, and
Mrs. McGregor and Mr. McCully .,of
Tuckersmith, the ladies receiving the
first, second and third prizes in the order
Patrick St., Phone 231.
Qualified to give Chiropractic and
massave niustments qn-1 e- ', 4
C6unty Cler� Holman acted as clerk ., of
the sports and introduced the different
free. n
events. At the conclusion of the games
Pretty June Wedding
the picnickers were assembled and brief
Eaton Memorial Methodist church was
addresses were given by,the ex.Wardens,
the scene of 41quiet wedding on Wednes-
the present Warden two of the ex.coun-
. day at noon .-, when Frances Ridley H.,
cillorsk, (Mr. John Laporte and Mr. W.
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
11 Fraser) and 'County Treasurer Lane.
H. Beemer, Wingbam, became the bride
These addresses proved not the least of
of Mr. J. W. -K, VanNorman of Winni.
the. attractions of the day and showed
peg, Rev.. f)r. Odery Officiating. The
that if some of the ex -Wardens considered
bride who was given away by 'her father,
themselves too old for the mori Arenuous
wore a navy tailored suit. of french serge
games thoy had not lost much of the
with bat to match and carried a bouquet
vigor of youtn in mental capacity. .
of Orcnids and Lilies of the Valley, Im.
Below is -given a list of most of the
mediately after the, ceremony Mr. and
chief events, with the'results:
Mrs. VanNorman left for the West
Baseball match -sides chosen by W. J.
via the Great, ja_kea.
Spotton and N, W. Trewarlha,
Runs S1
W. J. Spot ton ..... I N IV. Trewartba I
A E. Hrw n ...... I Roy Patterson. .. I
H. Irwm (Tor.) 0 J. Douglas ....... I
E. Merner ........ I W. Cktates ...... t I
W. Elston ......... 0 E. Klqpp. � ...... I
1, McNabb ........ I J. Moffatt O.o
R. M, Elllott� ..... 0 J. Porter ........ 0
Batteries for both aides -Sturgeon and
Weston. Unipire-W. Lane.
Football match -sides chosen by W.
Elston and W. Coates.
Elston Coates
R. M. Elliott
H. Sturgeon
Buchanan B. Sturgeon
Toms Reynolds
Erwin Sp6tton
McNabb. Miteftelt
Currie, Fraser
Davidson Geminhardt
Said to be "the funniest mant since
Purdon W. R. 911iOtt
Bill Nye.10 Mr. Cope will convulse his
A* -
x1opp Neeb.'
Chautauqua audiences with his humorous
Result-Etston 2. Coates 1.
address, Remedies."
I Cope spoke
Referee, W. Lane. Timekeeper, R.
more soldiers than any, other speaker
ont the continent The boys nicknamed
"Xill Blues
Tug -of -war -sides chosen by A. Tipling
Win. the Cope,"
and A. H. Neeb.
I I �'
Tipling Neeb
noldg, Coates, McNabb, Laporte, in order
McNabb Coates
Piston Moffatt
Currie R. M. Elliott
Warden's race -W. R. Elliott, 1. M,
Govenlock, 0. C. Petty, In order named.
Spotton Xtopo
Hay% Canteloft, Currie and Campbell
Merner Trewactlia
left at the post,
Laporte Wallis
Needle rate as given before
Erwin Doig
Following are the namm of the ex.war�
]Reynolds Praser
dens present, the municipality bach repre.
Dr. Clark, Govenlock
sented and th6vear of office.,
Purdon Douglas
Thos. E. Haya, MeXillop-is7g,
Won by Nteb in two straights,
I. T. Cutrie, E. Wawanosh_I9o7.
Refeteet-Petty and Une.
David Cantelon, Clintoft-1014.
Standing broad jutng - H. Sturgeon
J. M. Gio*eftlo4k, M. P. P.. McKillop-
Nels011 Govenlock, R. M, Elliott. and A.'
W. R.
R, Erwin in order named.
Hop, stop and jump-Stutgeon, Goven.
Elliott, Stephen -1018,
1. N. Campbe%,13. Wawanosh-1919,
lock, Elliott and Purdon, in order named.
Gdo. C. Petty, Hensall-1020,
Pat man's race �over 200 Itig.)-key.
Peter F. Doig, Howick-prejetit Warden,
Thursday July 7th, 1921
Our "Shoe Repairing" Dep�irtnient h,-ts made a big iti-
crease this season, in fnct tin increase. of over
30 per cent. for the first six'rnonths
of 1921 compared with the
first six nionths
o f 1920%�
The Reasons are 0`bvious,
The very best machinery outflt obtainable.
Best ill,"Iteri,,ils used.
A worki-nar. who is unbeatable.
Promptness of service, in fact our repair de-
partment fias never been so good as it is at the
present t1me, no wonder therefore,that our re-
pair trade is increasing so rapidly.
S pe ci a V
For the Month of Jub-
Wash Skirts . . .
Stylish and practical wash skirts of evenly woven gabordine in. sev-
eral different styles, all sizes including Inlases and 0, S.
Prices from .... ............. I .................... $&39 to 4.75
House Dresses
Comfortable and becoming house dresses of gingham and percale,
pique and organdy trinymed, in pretty new stylest all sizes
and cglors. Prices ............ ............ 42.39 -to 7.50
Your Cftset . . .
Study the lines of your figurd ana choeitkb tht model that 94its you
best. - The Goasard corset hi debign6d to fit you VA�tt&jtly
and stive you greatest service Arid domfortat lowtat ;trices $3.25 up
Stnart and practical bloueft of white volle In good quality, all sjt�
as, special 198. -Also cleverly designed bloUsto of g6orgette
And crepe-de-cherle in all sifts and colors. PrItes....4,05to 15.00
Organdie and voilt for tlic wartnest days, dainty in stylt abd with
excellent wearing qualities, sizes and styles for wisseg and
wotnen' moder.te prices .... .............. 8.75
Pure thread silk stocking in white only, all sizes while they, last
Bathing SUHS
Women'6 bathing suits In p1tasing color combinations of all wool
or Balbriggan cotton. Prices ............. ......... 2.00 to 7.50
WomeWs Vests
White cotton vests in all sizits and stylea. regular 50e to 1.25. re-
duced ......................... ............... ... . 25c to 60c
* a 4 Middles . . .
Most practical gartnenta for sumnier Are these middles of twill and
flannel in neW B alcan. and regulation styles, plain or trim- -
toed collar. Peftes . ............ ... ........ 11.08 to 11150
4 .6 a TrIcollette -, 0 4.
Fine quality tricollette suitable for st�ocko and sklrtd, colora navy,
blacki- white, honeydew, jade. SPecIaIPrlCtPefYdfd .-,3.40
Heinined Pillow Ctitses
16 do. only good quality pare white cotton pillow CUM 42 in, wide
reg. value 7se each, Sato . ..................... ...... 306
* a * WUSh Satilk * a *
Good quality wash satin, suitable for skirts, blonaetor underwear,
colors orchid, white, pink. Price 11.90 pet yd.
. ................. 411�__�_
Torms, Cash.
B R 0 S 0
Phone 71.