HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-07-07, Page 5W
Thuriday July 7th, 1921
00904 CROP *Of GO# §$f pIrnore
It is our painful du y thin week to
Mrs. N. Thornton, Mr. find Mrs. IVA.
THE HOUSE 0 record the death of Mrs. Thomas Car, Thornton and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Thorn.
F ALITV 4-- michael of North Bay, formerly Miss
Florehce Bremner of this ton motorred to Ingereol on Saturda to
ceased bad been a great silfferer for some
place. De- attend the funeral of the late Mrs. eo.
"To -night
Miss L. sure
-41 was taken to North Bay Hospital, wber Quint).
-01 time. She had to give up teaching, and
present visiting with Mrs. G, Gallaher,
an operation was deemed necessiry from Monkman of Toronto, is at
which she scarcely regained conscious"
ness, and died two days later, June 25th. Mrs. Win. Hall and children of Wroxeter, —On the 4.40!"
MONEY SAVING VALUES spent SUnday with relatives here.
She was in her 43rd year, Mrs, Car-
Im 4'
micbael wats born at Belmore and early
% Johnston shipped a car of hogs on
in life was a member and earnest worker Monday,
n the Methodist Sabbath School and Rev. Mr. YMIs had, char
Quality a n d L o w Prices Make These - Epwortb League, and later taught school ge of service
at Moncrieff and also at Hutton's school at Mt. Forest last Sunday. 1), 711
swa er, t an n ort ern Ont-
o years near North Bay, where Visited with Miss Belle Burgess last wee
arlo for'tw M- MOffat Of Sault Ste Marie
Special Lines Big Values mard
she ed Thomas Carmichael and Mr, and Mrs, Chas COURCSS of Lis- 'I
settled on his farm and after 15 years
towel$ spent Sunday wlib Mrs, Snell,
began teaching again in their be to e
Sheeting—Fine bleached sheet- Numode Bras sleres --'In white school in Wdd,fted , but owing to 1)1 Mrs. Durnin of St. Helens sp�nt a few
ing, extra heavy quality; 2-4 and pin1j, f ront and bach fast- health had to give it up, She leaveB to aYs with her Mother Mrs.' Geo. Mow -
yds wide, best Wabasso make ened, made 0 f fine quality mourn herlos5 her husband and one bray.
daughter, jean at home. Four brothers Rev, Mr. Wilson gave a hne serin n
and one sister namely, Mrs. Rev, Me. bunday evening at the unvellin c
9 of the
special ................................. _65c d. NainSook, at., ... .......................... 60c Connell, David of Victoria, B. C.. Albert Z�,- 'S. tablet.
Master Norman Hall and
nd John of Hinckley, Illinois, Rev, and Miss Flc�rence Hall of Wroxeter, whose
Mrs. McConnell, atterded the fune father paid the supreme sacrifice Unveil
P1110W Cotton '42 in. wide cir- Venus Silk Rose Pure silk
which was held from her born S�� t be ed the tablet. which bears the names of
le even thread
cular cCttOn, fli
-40 hose in bhlcl� and white mer- remains laid to rest in North Bay reme- three S. S, boys who gave their
heavy quality best Wabasso tery. Our sympathy i s extended t o their country.
cerised elastic ribbed to lives for
make, special.. p. sister and brothers, and especially to her
a— aged mother. 11
...................... 50C yd. This famous make special Mr. and Mrs. S. l'oung and famil f
-40 ly ICY 0
-.00 1� 0— Toronto, are UP to spend a few wee S at
priced at ............................ 2.00 pair Those who failed to attend the straw their Summer home here. For the Quick Service
---a Gingham—Check, s t r i pe and ON— berry social held on Mr John Duffy's Mr, and Mrs, Hutchison of Toronto,
plaids, in assorted lawn last Wednesday evening, under I . he
a— and Mr, and Mrs, Donaldson of Toronto,
patterns, a 10~
-01 Black Cotton Iffose 25C — 10 auspice$ of McIntosh W. T. S. missed a that brin�s repeat orders
0- rare treat. The weather was also Henry Donaldson from South Africa, to
-0 a— all that
-.0 full range to select from .... 35c yd. doz. blacli Cotton hose, good db- spent a few days with Mrs. Sanderson. ET me get him on Long Distance, and I'll soon settle
could be desired. A splend;d program
qualit and fast blacl� dye, SW- was prepared for the occasion. Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs, Boyes of St this"— says the shrewd business man, as an emergency
Art Silks—I' . y Marys, L
ii Russian cord and 0— Mildmay, Belmore, Lakelet all taking spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs. arises. His Personality, with the persuasive tones that
sizes 81 to 10, special.... a s.- part with the small fee of 20c and 35c.
barred patterns, 0111c, blue, " ir
.... 25C p a'— $159.00 was raised, Geo. Mqthers. helped him build up his business in the old days, is Still th(-
Aft Mr. and Mrs. jo& Robb of Stratford, greateRt fQrCe at his Command, afid it never fails to brinQ7
a— Mr. and Mrs, Sincloir of Toronto and sited friends around here laA week.
—5 doz. lad� Mist; Bradley are viAtors at tbq manse. Mr the needed ��s
grey and white, suitable for Ladies' Vests 25C V!
Thos. Stewart made a business
skirts blouses or dresses, 36 ies' cotton ribbed vests short 40—
Mr. Charles McHardy an ol� Belmore trip to Gcderich one day this week.
in. wide, special ........ ............... 1.50 .10— Long Distance permits him to retain that personal contact and influence -
P.— boy, but now of British Columbia, called Mr
sleeves, Special ............ ... 25c each — with men in distant places, on which his success was built. "If one of
Russel McKinney of Toronto is at our travellers fails to secure an important order, he getq me o7i Long
on old friends here Saturday, Mr. Me- present visiting with relati es here. ' Distance before the interview is over, and I nearly always lanC it,"
Hardy's tather atone time kepr a store Mr, Harvey Haney of Brantford, was
k ere. Q
home for a few days this week. The power of Long Distance as a business -getter is only beginninr
41._ Mr. Frank Perkins a n 4 family. of to be zppreciated, "Use the 'Bell' to Sell"
4b- Miss" Wilma Shaw and Zelma Tur
Toronto, was rengWing acquaintances in left I' and see now economically it �roduces iesults'
4� the village last week. for Guelph Monday morning to take Many of your Long Distance calls can take PRA.
A* MILLS i�:; Mrs, Doig and Miss Nellie, also Mi!8 an agricultural course at the 0. A, C.� advantage of the Station -to -Station rate. Ask 1%. Every BeI2
Quite a number from here spent Do.
Our Goods are the 15�t— Our Prices Right, Terms, Cash, argarct B4�11 Aitken have taken a tr our Local Manager to ex ain how, or ask for relqphoni��?
IP minion Day at Wingbarn and some went our Booklet, Few
Produce Wanted. = to the weat,
tq wr�xetcrt 0ays to Speed Up 01 i'q a Lang,
vw� Mists Nellie galtagh left Monday to Business."
visit her parents at Whitby, before re- Rev. Mr. Wilson WW preach an Orange Distance -
n Stati.2=
sumi g her work atCottage Hospital Sermon in the Methodi,t church next Sun -
Toronto. Miss Annie Douglas accom' day, July 10th., at 7.30 p. in. Visiting _M 'AIA
partied her, brethren will be made welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas of Toronto, are On Dominion day a touring Car with
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy, six Occupants turned turtle on the B. Hill
Salem. corner, All received a bad shaking up
Miss Emma Roland of Newcastle, will but none seriously hurt. The car was
A M He s That C spend the summer months with Miss badly damaged.
ost L c s s Margaret Ballagh. 'X?
Mr. Robt. Musgrove is
Belmore School Report —Passed from Jr. treating his
"AlItO-Shoe" house to a new coat of Paint this week
miles cost you less thau IV to Sr. IV: Norman Newans (honors); which gives it a neat appearance,
Olive Stokes (honors); Venetia Weishar; There was a good turn out to
ordinary tire miles' because you get so ) the S Ijays
Wilfred Lynett, rMen Willie, Harold S, picnic in Mr. H. Bosnian's bu X, "he Last Ten
many extra miles fr6m each 'and eve Boyd. h � X
fill ry Tuesday All enjoyed themselves and
Passed from 8r, III to Jr. IV.—DorotbY and had a merry good time.
one. The name Ames Holden Siuclair, Harry A X, * 4 4 Of this
Mulvey, Alice Schiestal,
"Auto -Shoes" is to help you to remem- Hilda Willie, Patricia Lynett. Messrs. Jas McHardy and Harold
Holmes of Bru els, were home over Sun.
ber the cheapest Mileage you can buy. Passedfronijr. III to Sr IV —job u is X
Stokes, John Sinclair, Theresa Willie, uay. -F A L -E 1
f LillieBkker, F=ice Hakney, Florence Mr, and Mrs, L, H. Bosman Mr
Douglas and Loretta Willie recommended and Mrs, Jas. McGuire are on a mot��
Run one Ames Holden "Auto -Shoe" against and G i"Ll E A
0 . �, Passed from Sr. II to Jr. 111—Dorothy trip to Hamilton, Leamington, p . I'M_ -
the tires you ar6 USing—and find the miles that t Col- -4
N cost less. Baird, John Abram, Fred Schiestal, James borne and other points. V4 4.111"Cl
McNeil and Sheldon Baker recommended, Mrs. Wilson returned to Toronto on All our entire Stock Must be sold by,
rvi. H. Gibson
Monday after spending the holidays with
Teacher. her father here,
AMES nVIAPEN Miss Hammel of Toronto, spent
tbex Saturday. J u I v 1 Afh
-JA ti I -Z!) U %.Z77 - I
Cord and Fabric Tiire� in a
Standard Sizes
" . G rey Sox" nbes For' Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes
1E. rderkley & Sons, Phone 84, and Ge6. T. Robertsofi, Phone 192, Wingham,
and Wingham Tire and Vulcanizing Depot,. Phone 298.
Fordyce on Sunday, visiting at rs. Fred Chatti. elatives on Sunday last.
I pion's and Mrs. C. Rintoul's on Sunday Mrs. Lavina Atilner, who has been
Mr. Gibson Gillesp;e, has aL-out rinish_ last. visiting around Fordyce, has'returned
ed the grading near Fordyce, which is Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shoebottorn also home again.
certainly a credit to him and his gang of IV�r. Abe Bridges visited at W. m. Cham- Mrs. Fredericic Champion of Brussels,
men. pion's on Sunday last. is at present visiting relatives around
Mn Thomas Robinson and son, vlEo Mr. Francis Doyle visited at Mr. John Fordyce.
Mrs. Champion, Mrs. John Nixon and 1 Martin's on Sunday last.
Miss Lavina Alilner, motored to Brug2els � Mr. and Mrs Thomas TvicGuffin visited I A A/TVQ& rr A"V
- i LO Blyth this week where he haj sectl,�ed
MASOR A. 1:, RUNNELTg employment.
T.;7 For N �mr "'dke don't nlis,� t1lis- ()-flilk) I't UII 10".
AUCTIONEER Who will address Chautauqua Audiences Forest last
Rev Mr, Mills was at 11t.
1�7 1 Swiday taking charge of service there
on Sea Power and World Freedom."
P, S� Union Garden N
arty of jiltiel-ale, 1(
Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at
ston's and Eben(zer -Sunday Scllo()l SLIC11 11S lln� fl- 1, e llae�
)hn- Her
The Adv,
ince, Nkingliam, will receive, Tuesday.,of tilis week.
5�Ek_ 7,V,7e;pd�'i prompt attention, all tIll-OU'vil tile store:
rissels 15-1 To6, _�24. The Willing Workers will meet af
Ph6ne NortbIluron 15-623, Br he
Phone., hOme Of Mrs. Arthur M,;G L, on Fi ida
y MAI SaRe on s. uf �s grom, simo awl up. !�X
f this week,
Ladies Aid of Johnstoll,s church met at
WALKER'S the home of Mm Geo. Thornton on Wed-
Ifeadacho, Neuralgia, Rhouniatic, Back-
acho Sciatic and Ovarian Faiiis. Funeral Directors nesday of this week. 174 Lot No. 1 ----Sport Coats, �,111 wool and niLCIV.
Mrs, Hetherington entertains trimmed. "acri8eing at ..................
WRITE One or tNvo DR. MILES' ANTI -PAIN the I ........
PILLS—and the pain is gone. ouar- and Embalmers dwa0yto`enthis1wnSte'ktute` of Salem On Thurs- 1 IM
BOOKL anteed Safe and Sure. Price 30c.
AND P01 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheefe
9 Sold in W ingliarn by r spent 1 10t No. 2 --All wool 17.11f lilled, Ili C bro�_,Idx
J. WALTON McKIBBON Motor Hearse or Hone Loiiiipment Sunday at Jos. Breckenridge's, flare back, three quart C
Mr, and Mrs. John Ross and daughter �1 el, length .... su.qzl�
of Los Angeles, Col., also Xlr. Ken Patter.
son and sister of Whitechurch, called on
X N!Ce Range VoRle Di?esses, Uranging ag
Wingban], Ontario boundary friends on Sunday,
IThe W. rvi. S. met at the home of Mrs.
Wiil Thornton on Tuesday tile 21st.
There was abouttwenty ladies present,
Grea saer9fice of sflk Byesses. pr9ces
Mrs Snell of Bluevale, gave -,, very inter -
Best D. L. & W. esting and profitable report of tile annual
.............. meeting at Listolvell. Next meeting at fro"' . . . . . . �195 UP �0 37.50 1
the home of Mrs Lewis Jewitt the 3rd,
Tuesday of July. Tricolette Smocks.. h,%nd e1nibrofidel?ed
Mrs. T. MCKinne of Toronto, is visit,
Scranton coal y I ciearing aa . . . . . and 5.56
the boundary.
Ur, and Mrs. IV, Davidson arid son of �N
All Sizes Newtorl, nigo Miss Nellie McKinney of ailkiiiied. MonkeY Waists, sake ppice 0)2.2.5 � rk
I Toirorito,autoied to Till King's on Sunday,
calling at tile home of JVICKinnoy, 106 tieorgetle WaiStS, 3
boundary, shades,, clearing $3.M 4-f,,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKinney, Irene
Order your C()al low 11abitau Silk ;'V:Z.10-,�- sue1jinct at
and Nellie, autoed to Goderich on
d avoid the high pri dar
M�. .
ces Will McKinney as chaffeur, Also
Mid coal shortage of the Archie Mes�er and
Mrs, M 1118 Mothel and
in - Moffatt All report a good out. A 1C9
Middy Waists f il
11: .... . . . . . . . . . past SCaSon, also Can nel 1, 9. wo 1016, at 99C and $1.40 il"t
'Ind 'xeter,
SOft Sillithilig Coal . Mr. and Mrs. Alf, McFalls of L
Charcoal always on hand. called on boundary friends,
Thel-e are a few "lore 59p v%llftno
I.-iL, ITI-t4
14, The Gilvan Light Opera Singers in Oper a and Concert
This superb organhation will prescilt two Programmes at Chao tauqua this summer, made up of concert flumbers and
,cones fr()M several light operas, the latter done in speCial costutt,ng and with all the action of the Operatic stage. One of
theirsong,111d comedy hits is the comic Gilbert & Sullivan Opera, "Ruddygore," which was revived to successftlly
'at the Park Theatre, &w YorIc City. last winfer
In Winghamo during week of July 21st to 27th,
Lumber, dressedand undressed -
Lath, Shingles, Frames, Sash,
Doors, Mouldings of all kinds,
Beaver Board and Roofing.
410 0
OP, MRPdaPet 0. Ualder
t Gellieral Practitioner I
Graduate tniver"ity of Toronto, Paculty
Of Medicine.
olp":—J08ePhine St., two doors south of
DrUnswick Hotel.
UePhOncs — 06�ce 281, ReAdence 151.
so act quick It YOU need one.
Select Ladies' Ready -to -W
Next Door to J. A. Mills rq0tir 311(1 �*C_ed Stc,.e.
lleadcluaftcr,q 448 Queen St,, W., Toronto. DmIncli, iL;oderjj"r�_
... WILIJ iss L. Gray.
Mrs. John Diment and Mrs. McKnight
of Toronto, are at present visiting re-
latives here.
Every garment in store is reduced absolutely be-
Ed. Lester and Mr. Geo. Donald,
son of Toronto, are at Present spending
their holidays here,
low manufacturers' cost. We will Close our sale of
tile best quality Of vvomen's ready-to-wear
Mr. R. Johnston shipped a C,
ar of hogs
on Friday
on Sat.*
July 16th at 12 p. ni. We have marked our good,,;
and another on Monolay.
at such a price that should clear Our
Mr. Robt. Shaw took charge of servic.
entire stock.
es in the Baptist church at Wingham last
Pigures are so lOxv they are pilacticall y at voul,
Mrs. John King visited friends at Brus
.Sels on Monday.
0" 11 111,1ce. We Strongly advise you to call its -you
MIss C. Wilson of Toronto, is spend-
ing her holidays
sce otil, goods to appreciate, the values.
with her pare,
nts at the
Mr. Chas. Fowler left for Toront,
Monday to attend Summer School. I
Mr. Earl Mathers
We make this extra special offer just as an
wears the bm,:d
smile. A young daughter arrived Satur-
indueement for you, With every $ao.00
Mr. John Seiling SbiPped his furniture
jlwchase or more. We g1ve a.
POreh dreS_Sabsolugel tree
- i LO Blyth this week where he haj sectl,�ed
MASOR A. 1:, RUNNELTg employment.
T.;7 For N �mr "'dke don't nlis,� t1lis- ()-flilk) I't UII 10".
AUCTIONEER Who will address Chautauqua Audiences Forest last
Rev Mr, Mills was at 11t.
1�7 1 Swiday taking charge of service there
on Sea Power and World Freedom."
P, S� Union Garden N
arty of jiltiel-ale, 1(
Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at
ston's and Eben(zer -Sunday Scllo()l SLIC11 11S lln� fl- 1, e llae�
)hn- Her
The Adv,
ince, Nkingliam, will receive, Tuesday.,of tilis week.
5�Ek_ 7,V,7e;pd�'i prompt attention, all tIll-OU'vil tile store:
rissels 15-1 To6, _�24. The Willing Workers will meet af
Ph6ne NortbIluron 15-623, Br he
Phone., hOme Of Mrs. Arthur M,;G L, on Fi ida
y MAI SaRe on s. uf �s grom, simo awl up. !�X
f this week,
Ladies Aid of Johnstoll,s church met at
WALKER'S the home of Mm Geo. Thornton on Wed-
Ifeadacho, Neuralgia, Rhouniatic, Back-
acho Sciatic and Ovarian Faiiis. Funeral Directors nesday of this week. 174 Lot No. 1 ----Sport Coats, �,111 wool and niLCIV.
Mrs, Hetherington entertains trimmed. "acri8eing at ..................
WRITE One or tNvo DR. MILES' ANTI -PAIN the I ........
PILLS—and the pain is gone. ouar- and Embalmers dwa0yto`enthis1wnSte'ktute` of Salem On Thurs- 1 IM
BOOKL anteed Safe and Sure. Price 30c.
AND P01 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheefe
9 Sold in W ingliarn by r spent 1 10t No. 2 --All wool 17.11f lilled, Ili C bro�_,Idx
J. WALTON McKIBBON Motor Hearse or Hone Loiiiipment Sunday at Jos. Breckenridge's, flare back, three quart C
Mr, and Mrs. John Ross and daughter �1 el, length .... su.qzl�
of Los Angeles, Col., also Xlr. Ken Patter.
son and sister of Whitechurch, called on
X N!Ce Range VoRle Di?esses, Uranging ag
Wingban], Ontario boundary friends on Sunday,
IThe W. rvi. S. met at the home of Mrs.
Wiil Thornton on Tuesday tile 21st.
There was abouttwenty ladies present,
Grea saer9fice of sflk Byesses. pr9ces
Mrs Snell of Bluevale, gave -,, very inter -
Best D. L. & W. esting and profitable report of tile annual
.............. meeting at Listolvell. Next meeting at fro"' . . . . . . �195 UP �0 37.50 1
the home of Mrs Lewis Jewitt the 3rd,
Tuesday of July. Tricolette Smocks.. h,%nd e1nibrofidel?ed
Mrs. T. MCKinne of Toronto, is visit,
Scranton coal y I ciearing aa . . . . . and 5.56
the boundary.
Ur, and Mrs. IV, Davidson arid son of �N
All Sizes Newtorl, nigo Miss Nellie McKinney of ailkiiiied. MonkeY Waists, sake ppice 0)2.2.5 � rk
I Toirorito,autoied to Till King's on Sunday,
calling at tile home of JVICKinnoy, 106 tieorgetle WaiStS, 3
boundary, shades,, clearing $3.M 4-f,,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKinney, Irene
Order your C()al low 11abitau Silk ;'V:Z.10-,�- sue1jinct at
and Nellie, autoed to Goderich on
d avoid the high pri dar
M�. .
ces Will McKinney as chaffeur, Also
Mid coal shortage of the Archie Mes�er and
Mrs, M 1118 Mothel and
in - Moffatt All report a good out. A 1C9
Middy Waists f il
11: .... . . . . . . . . . past SCaSon, also Can nel 1, 9. wo 1016, at 99C and $1.40 il"t
'Ind 'xeter,
SOft Sillithilig Coal . Mr. and Mrs. Alf, McFalls of L
Charcoal always on hand. called on boundary friends,
Thel-e are a few "lore 59p v%llftno
I.-iL, ITI-t4
14, The Gilvan Light Opera Singers in Oper a and Concert
This superb organhation will prescilt two Programmes at Chao tauqua this summer, made up of concert flumbers and
,cones fr()M several light operas, the latter done in speCial costutt,ng and with all the action of the Operatic stage. One of
theirsong,111d comedy hits is the comic Gilbert & Sullivan Opera, "Ruddygore," which was revived to successftlly
'at the Park Theatre, &w YorIc City. last winfer
In Winghamo during week of July 21st to 27th,
Lumber, dressedand undressed -
Lath, Shingles, Frames, Sash,
Doors, Mouldings of all kinds,
Beaver Board and Roofing.
410 0
OP, MRPdaPet 0. Ualder
t Gellieral Practitioner I
Graduate tniver"ity of Toronto, Paculty
Of Medicine.
olp":—J08ePhine St., two doors south of
DrUnswick Hotel.
UePhOncs — 06�ce 281, ReAdence 151.
so act quick It YOU need one.
Select Ladies' Ready -to -W
Next Door to J. A. Mills rq0tir 311(1 �*C_ed Stc,.e.
lleadcluaftcr,q 448 Queen St,, W., Toronto. DmIncli, iL;oderjj"r�_